My Pillow was founded in 2004 by Michael J. Lindell, who is the inventor of the patented My Pillow product. Lindelll states that he invested 10 years of time researching sleep problems and more than 94 pillow designs before he invented his currently patented open cell, poly-foam pillow design.
To fund this company, Lindell sold 4 bars that he previously owned in Minnesota. In the beginning, Lindell sewed each pillow by hand and had family members working for the company. Today, the company has more than 650 employees.
My Pillow began running 30 minute infomercials in October of 2011 and sales began to increase dramatically. Lindell says that his company has sold more than 1 million pillows to date. His infomerical is still being shown at least 181 times each day throughout America.
The company also offers sheet sets, as well as pillow cases for its product.
He subsequently put out a film that supposedly backs up these claims. The film has been denounced as having no merit due to a lack of evidence.
The company started off doing telephone sales only and in 2012, Lindell opened his first retail store in Burnsville, Minnesota. My Pillow now has 7 stores in 5 states.
Bed Bath & Beyond, Kohls, and Wayfair have all dropped My Pillow from stores in January 2021, due to Lindell’s conspiracy claims.
In June 2022, Walmart also pulled My Pillow from all locations.
My PillowMy Pillow was founded in 2004 by Michael J. Lindell, who is the inventor of the patented My Pillow product. Lindelll states that he invested 10 years of time researching sleep problems and more than 94 pillow designs before he invented his currently patented open cell, poly-foam pillow design.
To fund this company, Lindell sold 4 bars that he previously owned in Minnesota. In the beginning, Lindell sewed each pillow by hand and had family members working for the company. Today, the company has more than 650 employees.
My Pillow began running 30 minute infomercials in October of 2011 and sales began to increase dramatically. Lindell says that his company has sold more than 1 million pillows to date. His infomerical is still being shown at least 181 times each day throughout America.
The company also offers sheet sets, as well as pillow cases for its product.
He subsequently put out a film that supposedly backs up these claims. The film has been denounced as having no merit due to a lack of evidence.
The company started off doing telephone sales only and in 2012, Lindell opened his first retail store in Burnsville, Minnesota. My Pillow now has 7 stores in 5 states.
Bed Bath & Beyond, Kohls, and Wayfair have all dropped My Pillow from stores in January 2021, due to Lindell’s conspiracy claims.
In June 2022, Walmart also pulled My Pillow from all locations.
If the data you show is true why is trump not in the White House?
I voted for Trump! I know Trump WON the Election was stolen. But his ‘Cyber Symposium’ turned into a Christian Anti Media Crusade Symposium fast. 72 hours live with no breaks. But that was not true because they would stop and play the same documentary almost 20 times since this started. Its a good documentary but why do we have to suffer it 20 more times like your trying to brain wash.
This Cyber Symposium was supposed to be the undoing of the big lie, and prove Trump won. Instead we got a low budget delusional christian infomercial .This failed miserably. Mike Lindell will be sued for 1.3billion. crack causes brain damage and neurological issues. this is why he is always shaking and speaking incoherently tripping on his own words.
You should be sued for false advertisement and ALL commercials took off the air.
Your pillow is horrible
OK his pillows are alot like the pillows I grew up with in the 70s with the exception that the foam doesn’t break down washing and turn into the disgusting orange dust. I don’t support any choice any one makes for thier pillows.Me personally drool, and always use down. Washing is a consideration. Mike’s efforts to maintain our American freedoms, even though his pillows only are perfect for some, I bought 2 more because my email was blocked because of Frank.Great Job Mike!!We are out there to support our country, one pillow at a time.
You are mindless! Go climb back underneath the rock you live under!!
Please seriously consider this unusual solution to restoring America!
Has SCOTUS (all but Justices Thomas & Alito) gone Rogue and lost “Standing” under the LAW?
The U.S. Supreme Court’s “No Standing Order” To Texas, et al.
The first paragraph of the order states: “The State of Texas’s motion for leave to file a bill of complaint is denied for lack of standing under Article III of the Constitution. Texas has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another State conducts its elections.” (This Ruling is so Outragesly Unlawful)
U.S. Constitution: Article III, Sec.2 The judicial power shall extend to all cases, in law and equity, arising under this Constitution, (and) the laws of the United States, …; –to controversies to which the United States shall be a party; –to controversies between two or more states;–between a state and citizens of another state;–between citizens of different states;…
In all cases … in which a state shall be party, the Supreme Court shall have original jurisdiction. In all the other cases before mentioned, the Supreme Court shall have appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact, with such exceptions, and under such regulations as the Congress shall make.
Like this “EXCEPTION” for example: (28 U.S. Code sub-section 1251) a) The Supreme Court shall have original and exclusive jurisdiction of all controversies between two or more States.
But this Court proclaims the States don’t have “Standing” meaning no legitimacy to appear before them. Outrageous!
Federal Prosecution of Election Offenses
FEDERAL JURISDICTION: The federal government asserts jurisdiction over an election offense to ensure that basic rights of United States citizenship, and a fundamental process of representative democracy, remain uncorrupted. … The ultimate goal is to move up the ladder of culpability to candidates, political operatives, public officials, and others who attempted to corrupt, or did corrupt, the public office involved.
Federal jurisdiction over election fraud is easily established in elections when a federal candidate is on the ballot. The mere listing of a federal candidate’s name on a ballot is sufficient under most of the federal statutes used to prosecute voter fraud to satisfy federal jurisdiction. … In such cases, the federal interest is based on the presence of a federal candidate, whose election may be tainted, or appear tainted, by the fraud, a potential effect that Congress has the constitutional authority to regulate under Article I, Section 2, clause 1; Article I, Section 4, clause 1; Article II, Section 1, clause 2; and the Seventeenth Amendment.
2. Statutes Applicable to Federal Elections The following additional statutes apply to federal (including “mixed”) elections, …: • 15 • 18 U.S.C. § 594 – intimidation of voters; • 18 U.S.C. § 597 – payments to vote, or to refrain from voting, for a federal candidate; • 18 U.S.C. § 608(b) – vote buying and false registration under the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act; • 18 U.S.C. § 611 – voting by aliens; • 42 U.S.C. § 1973i(c) – payments for registering to vote or voting, fraudulent registrations, and conspiracies to encourage illegal voting; • 42 U.S.C. § 1973i(e) – multiple voting; • 42 U.S.C. § 1973gg-10(1) – voter intimidation; • 42 U.S.C. § 1973gg-10(2) – fraudulent voting or registering Clearly Justices Thomas and Alito are aware of these laws as they publicly declared in their dissent that the Court has “an obligation to hear the petition”.
• Is it conceivable that the other 7 Judges are not aware of their “legal obligation”?
• What is their motivation then, knowing what their “legal obligation” is?
• Isn’t it “allegedly” crystal clear that this action by the other 7 Judges was an act of Seditious Conspiracy?
18 U.S.C. § 2384 – U.S. Code
Seditious conspiracy
1. If two or more persons … in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to … prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, …, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.
Does Thomas Jefferson’s prediction continue to be fulfilled? “It has long, …been my opinion, and I have never shrunk from its expression …that the germ of dissolution of our federal government is in the constitution of the federal judiciary; …working like gravity by night and by day, gaining a little today and a little tomorrow, and advancing its noiseless step like a thief, over the field of jurisdiction, until all shall be usurped.” The law applies to everyone Perhaps one of the defining features of the rule of law is that, under such a system, the law is applied equally to all citizens, including the lawmakers themselves. Rule of law simply means that the law itself, rather than individuals or organizations, reigns supreme. Therefore, even people who enforce and administer the law, such as police officers, judges, and lawyers, are still subject to the same laws as everybody else is.
The Federalist Papers #46: Madison “… should an unwarrantable measure of the federal government be unpopular in particular States … the means of opposition to it are powerful and at hand
• The disquietude of the people; their repugnance and, perhaps, refusal to co-operate with the officers of the Union;
• the frowns of the executive magistracy of the State;
• the embarrassments created by legislative devices, …;(Resolution of Opposition)
• would form … very serious impediments;
• and where the sentiments of several adjoining States happened to be in unison, would present obstructions which the federal government would hardly be willing to encounter.”
Proposed Action Plan
1. Appeal to Conservative State’s Attorney’s General and State Legislatures to embrace these Constitutional principles to help save America.
2. Persuade them to invite Texas AG Ken Paxton and the other State AG’s that were rebuffed by SCOTUS, to present the fraudulent election proofs to their State’s Legislature and Supreme Court. Thereby, seeking confirmation of validity and a Legislative Resolution articulating the unlawful nullification of the votes of their Citizens to present to the U.S. Supreme Court.
3. Grow the list of supportive AGs and State Legislatures through similar processes.
4. Then with the support of a majority of all the States represented file again with SCOTUS to, under the rule of law, review the proofs, in an open to the public virtual forum and render their “rule of law” judgment as to the validity thereof, and to overturn the election results.
“No one is above the law”
We The People WILL NOT STAND BY SILENTLY and allow our LAWFUL VOTES to be UNLAWFULLY NEGATED by “Our Enemies both foreign and DOMESTIC”! You know, “Government Of the People, By the People, and For the People”! If you agree, pass it on!
Publius II
ADDENDUM: I took down the review which follows when a MY PILLOW representative refunded the amount I paid for the bed bug infested mattress topper. (The payback did not include all of the time spent trying to eradicate the pests, the money spent in this operation, or an amount to compensate for the aggravation and for the awful bed bug bites I suffered and still suffer.) I am reposting this review for two reasons: 1) to do what I can to ensure no one buys MY PILLOW’S products, thus hopefully preventing others from suffering from the blight I am suffering and 2) to pay Mike Lindell, owner of MY PILLOW, back for the crime he perpetrated against me. Though I placed the bed bug situation in check with the amazing Vapamore steaming machine (described below), I still suffer bed bug bites sporadically, including while using the new $600 mattress my aching back forced me to purchase. Of course, this problem might originate from the new mattress. But the odds favor that the new factory sealed mattress is not the origin of the current bed bugs, but that they are MY PILLOW holdovers.
Mike Lindell has to do one thing that will enable me to take this review down: add to his current commercials the following message: “All MY PILLOW products are guaranteed brand new, factory sealed, and pest free.” Every time a MY PILLOW commercial airs, I turn it off in disgust. From now on I will listen to them intently for the new message of “brand new, factory sealed, and pest free.” MIKE LINDELL: STOP EXPORTING BED BUGS ACROSS THE COUNTRY! My original review of MY PILLOW’S mattress topper follows.
Anyone purchasing this product does so at their own risk. Subsequent to completing this review I will report Mike Lindell’s MY PILLOW company to the FTC.
My first purchase of this product occurred on AMAZON via the seller SELLING FOR LESS, on August 11, 2019. It was delivered August 19, 2019. I was amazed and upset to see that the product was not factory sealed. It was stuffed rolled up into a large open plastic bag. I immediately taped up the box and called AMAZON requesting to return the product. I told the AMAZON representative that the last time an unsealed bedding product was delivered to me I wound up with bed bugs. The AMAZON representative emailed SELLING FOR LESS on two separate occasions requesting the product be picked up by them. After a period of time I emailed SELLING FOR LESS through the AMAZON site and this company responded negatively with a brief note stating that neither Amazon nor I had contacted them and that “All our products are vacuume [sic] sealed and triple checked before leaving our warehouse.” AMAZON refunded my money and banished SELLING FOR LESS from the AMAZON site.
Desiring to get some relief for a back problem, I searched for the MY PILLOW company on Amazon figuring that the company from which the product originates would deliver it factory sealed. So I ordered the MY PILLOW Mattress Topper from the MY PILLOW company via Amazon on September 26, 2019. It arrived September 30. I opened the box several days later. When I saw the large plastic bag inside I immediately thought how unsealed this packaging appeared. I lifted the large plastic bag up unfurling the lengthy plastic mass and was amazed to see that it was an open plastic bag, the mattress topper rolled up within, totally vulnerable to unsealed exposure. I immediately called MY PILLOW customer service and told the representative who answered that I just received their Mattress Topper in an unsealed plastic bag. She responded by saying that’s how MY PILLOW sends them out. “You send them this way to everyone?” I asked. She answered affirmatively. I asked if she thought it a good idea given the fact that it was an invitation to bed bugs. She answered that that is the way the company does it. I then asked if they’ve experienced problems with customers because of this and she responded negatively.
I was far from relieved, but at this point I was feeling desperation concerning getting help for my aching back. So thinking (incorrectly) that perhaps it was ok given that they send it out like that to so many people and they are not getting negative feedback (according to the rep) and the company is doing so well, I extracted the topper from the plastic bag, unrolled it, and placed it on my mattress. I was annoyed at it’s marshmallow softness, needing as I do something firm. But my back was crying to me to give it a try. In the meantime I was having a waking nightmare about getting bed bugs. After about ten minutes the bed-bug nightmare won over the back complaints and I knew I had to get the damn thing off of my bed as soon as possible. I took it off, rolled it up as best I could, stuck it in the plastic, and tried to stuff it into the box. After a short time I decided that fitting the mattress topper back into the box was an impossible task, but knew I had to get it out of my apartment pronto. (I subsequently wondered if companies purposely package such products in this fashion to discourage returns.) So I stuffed it into the box as best and as quickly as I could and dragged it down to my building’s basement and left it there for disposal, taking the total of $190.52 as a loss that I could ill afford. It was my responsibility at that point: certainly not Amazon’s, and with no ability to return it to MY PILLOW I could expect no remuneration from them. However, the origin of the problem certainly rests at the feet of Mike Lindell and MY PILLOW for shipping out disasters-waiting-to-happen with total disregard to others. But of the utmost importance to me at that point was to prevent a bed bug infestation.
Several weeks ago (the beginning or middle of January…I don’t remember the exact date) I noticed what appeared to be a large insect bite on my upper right thigh. A day or two later I noted a string of smaller bites on my left arm. Several days later there were one or two more large bites on my right thigh. I didn’t want to admit it to myself, but reality forced me to recognize them as bed bug bites. (I remembered them from my past bed bug experience about fifteen years ago.) From the moment of recognition that I had bed bugs until now I interrupted all of my work and devoted my time to researching bed bug bites and, soon thereafter, searching on Amazon for a machine that would kill them either with heat or frost. (My building’s exterminator utilizes chemicals, which I wanted to avoid.) I finally discovered a machine with a Google search that looked superior to all of those I had so far seen: Vapamore MR-75 Amico Hand Held Steam Cleaner. I saw it on the company’s site, viewed it in action on a YouTube video, and experienced an ecstasy knowing I could wipe out the bloodsuckers Mike Lindell’s MY PILLOW company exported to me. So I searched for it on Amazon and ordered it with a two day delivery fee, because I needed it as soon as possible. One note about the wonderful Vapamore MR-75: it is small, so the amount of water (for steam production) it holds is small, requiring constant interruptions for the purposes of allowing the machine to cool, of refilling it with distilled water only, and allowing it to reheat. If you can afford the larger more expensive Vapamore MRs, it is worth it. I couldn’t, so I spent an entire day and night getting the job done going over my mattress and box spring with steam heat of 180 to 200 degrees.
Message to Mike Lindell:
Mike, I hear you on the radio talk shows and you sound like a real nice guy. Why in heaven’s name are you exporting bed bugs across the country? Why are you shipping out UNSEALED bedding products? How many of those products are used? How do you know who used them and under what conditions?
Here is a list of what you owe me Mike:
• $190.52 (which includes taxes) for the MY PILLOW mattress topper I was forced to discard.
• $118.23 (which includes taxes and a two day shipping fee) for the Vapamore MR-75 I had to purchase in order to eliminate your damned bloodsuckers.
• $11.97 for the 14 gauge, 12 foot long air-conditioner extension cord for use with the Vapamore MR-75. (This machine uses lots of power, so do not use a weaker extension cord than a 14 gauge. The room light I had on dimmed repeatedly while using Vapamore MR-75.)
• $11.27 (which includes a delivery charge) for 4 gallons of distilled water. (I didn’t know how much water Vapamore MR-75 used, so I wanted to be prepared. After approximately17 hours of usage (which included refillings, cooling down time, reheating time) I used about three quarters of a gallon. I subsequently went over a few areas of the mattress, so more water was needed after the initial extermination.)
• $12.45 for laundry: I had to wash and dry the linens and blankets and a quilt that had contact with the bed.
(I have receipts for all of the above with the exception of the laundry which was done with building washers and dryers. You’ll have to trust me that I am not lying about the $12.45.)
• You owe me for the time and aggravation you caused me, and for the threat to which you subjected me of a bed bug infestation in my apartment due to your irresponsible business practice of shipping out an unsealed bedding product. I hear you complain about the Better Business Bureau bringing down MY PILLOW’S rating to a low number and hear you attribute this BBB action to your support of and friendship with President Trump. That is your fantasy. The real reason must be your anti-consumer business practices.
I am in the middle of serious writing: a novel I have been working on for about thirteen years, and a self-published novel’s blog post concerning a major cause of suicide. I am also in the middle of serious research: the Big Bang and physics for the above mentioned thirteen year old novel. It is URGENT that I make progress in these endeavors so that I live long enough to finish the current novel writing, and so that I can market my self-published novel and earn a decent living. These endeavors had to be IMMEDIATELY halted so I could spend all of my time (outside of sleep and meals) on eradicating the bloodsuckers your harmful business practices exported to my residence. Part of my anti-bed-bug efforts include this time consuming review which I write due to the incumbency I feel to warn others about the disaster I suffered from ordering your infested mattress topper. Though there really isn’t a money value for such enterprises as the above described endeavors, I estimate the money value I would receive from a law suit against you would easily be in the thousands of dollars. And I would have sued you but, unfortunately, my food-stamp cell phone doesn’t possess a camera, so I was unable to photograph the bed bug bites before they faded, and I eliminated further bites with the Vapamore MR-75. So you’re getting off easy. (I’d rather there be no law suit due to absence of bed bugs than a hefty law suit victory because of flourishing bloodsucking pests.)
To my fellow consumers: do not buy my MY PILLOW’S mattress topper unless you want to risk bed-bug infestation. Question? Are Mike Lindell’s other products so shoddily packaged and shipped? I have ZERO desire to order any of his other stuff to find out!
Your must be a crazy person! How can u be certain the bedbugs in your APARTMENT BUILDING are from my pillow !
Hey there, pillow guy!
I hear that you’re planning on braving the Amazon. Is that where those millions of Trump ballots ended up? Or maybe you’re checking out a new site for Mar-A-Lago? My neighbor thinks it’s a New Age “swim with the dolphins” thing, exception you’ll be with piranhas. In any case, be careful, and remember that you can get almost anything you need for your trip delivered to you courtesy of!
Hi Mike,
Thank you for an amazing 2 hour presentation of the election fraud. The rage that I have can not be described. My question to you is what is the court date of your case and will you be going in with Sidney Powell and Rudi Gulliani or are all the cases seperate? I am so looking foward to the end of this fake presidency. Where can I find the most updated information to this case and the term “discovery”. I dont want to miss any of it. How much longer are we going to take this bs? I cant take much more of this. I hardly sleep at night and I am not fun to be around. If the courts fail you, which I believe Judge Roberts is corrupt phedo and needs to be dealt with. Which I would gladly do for free. Is the a plan B?
Thank you again for all your doing.
I have shopped with QVC since day one. I ordered my 1st My Pillow from them. Just for the heck of it, I checked to see if QVC was still selling your pillows. NO, they stopped selling them. I reached out to QVC headquarters to ask why. Never gave me a straight answer. I told them, if it was for political reasons, I will NEVER purchase anything ever again from QVC or HSN. I also mentioned, I would be contacting My Pillow to get an answer. I told them, other customers will come to the same conclusion and will not do business with them in the future either.
Mike, I ordered more of your pillows, accessories, and book last week. Best pillow ever! Can’t wait to read your book when it arrives. Huge fan here!!! You are a true inspiration. Praying for you sir! Praise Jesus! God bless !
His book is truly amazing! I’m on Chapter 38. It will be bittersweet as I get to the last chapter. His book has 44 chapters total. You will love it!!!!! It’s my favorite book!!!! What are the odds?
I watched an interviewer refuse to let you talk, claiming you were saying things he’d been “unable to verify”. I wish you had then offered to meet with him in person to help him verify each item he needed more proof of.
I am trying to contact you regarding your post on Telegram today regarding the Real vs Fake Joe Biden. The one from 60 min. is Tom Hanks.
You just posted on Telegram Real vs Fake Joe Biden. Look at the face from 60 min. That is Tom Hanks in makeup.
Good work with “absolute truth”. What will happen with this information? Biden is not a legal President. How can I help Donald Trump return to the White House?
That is the 64 million dollar question! Common sense tells us that most likely the Chinese Communist Party, has paid, and threatened with war,Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Pelosi, Charles Ellis Schumer, Nadler, Schiff, The American Bar Association, the FBI and Justice Department, and a host of other politicians, to destroy America. These individuals, and agencies; if they fail, the CCP will end them, as we see these individuals, are trying with due diligence to make the will of the CCP come to fruition. This is the largest crime ever perpetrated upon the American public. ALL involved should receive CAPITOL PUNISHMENT!!!!!
The Democrats know all of the corruption, however they are not as smart as their propagandist pro-port, and have bumbled, and exposed themselves. You know if we all make thousands and millions of arrest warrants for these individuals, then maybe the Justice department, will have to try to make an actual real hearing come to fruition. Lets see a few basic laws that have been broken by the current administration. So what is obstruction of Justice, which the whole Department of Justice, can be tried on. Definition
18 U.S.C. § 1503 defines “obstruction of justice” as an act that “corruptly or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication, influences, obstructs, or impedes, or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede, the due administration of justice.”
Someone obstructs justice when that person has a specific intent to obstruct or interfere with a judicial proceeding. For a person to be convicted of obstructing justice, that person must not only have the specific intent to obstruct the proceeding, but that person must know (1) that a proceeding was actually pending at the time; and (2) there must be a connection between the endeavor to obstruct justice and the proceeding, and the person must have knowledge of this connection.
§ 1503 applies only to federal judicial proceedings. Under 18 U.S.C. § 1505, however, a defendant can be convicted of obstruction of justice by obstructing a pending proceeding before Congress or a federal administrative agency. A pending proceeding could include an informal investigation by an executive agency. Another law the Democrats and RHINOS have broken, One which all lawyers, and the Justice Department, for years have avoided enforcing is And many other laws.
Shawn Borri
President of The North American Phonograph Company
Mr. Lindell,
My family, friends, and American Patriots are praying for you. Words can’t express the gratitude we feel for you! The world would be a better place if there were more people like you, Dr. Ben Carson, Sidney Powell, Lin Wood, and our GREAT President Trump! I just purchased 3 sets of sheets, your book and I have your pillows in every bedroom. Please consider doing a Christian book for kids. Or a cartoon series of Bible stories. I know YOU can make that happen. As Christians we do not have movies for our kids. No one has accomplished to make Biblical cartoons that kids will watch. The only 2 that were made were The Prince of Egypt and Joseph King of Dreams. Please see what you can do. God bless you!!!
We received a Queen mattress topper for a Christmas gift from our children. It was and is perfect. We then asked them to order us a full size one for our second bedroom. When we received it we discovered it was defected. The top layer of foam was not glued down in at least six different places and the cover had a yellow hue from the glue they used all along the edge of the mattress cover. Our daughter who had purchased both the queen and full size contacted customer service and did as they told her to do and donated the defective full size one to a church who was willing to take it. My Pillow on Jan 6, 2021 sent what was to be a NEW full size mattress toppers as a replacement.. The mattress finally came and much to our surprise it came in a plain unmarked box in a NON pressure wrapped film like the queen and original full came in. It was in an open ended plastic bag unsealed and just rolled up very loosely. The second thing, we immediately saw, was the cover had a dead bug on it, and the cover had black and red marks on it along the edge. The straps that hold the topper to the bed were so stretched out and the under side of the cover was so wrinkled it looked like it had been used on a bed that had stretched them out to the point that the could not have kept it on the bed. It most certainly appeared this was a topper had been used or that the quality control in the company is so very poor that it was a return and should have been disposed of. Both our daughter and I have spent endless hours on hold trying to reach customer care. Needless to say our disappointment is an understatement of how we feel with receiving a second full size mattress topper that is not only defective but something as gross as a mattress topper that has a dead bug on the cover and is in such a terrible condition. I have now been on hold for the second time for over an hour today. To say we are very concerned regarding what is an excellent product but obviously is having a problem with QUALITY CONTROL is an understatement! I can not believe that Mr. Lindell would ever approve of such a failure in quality control with what is and can be a quality product and possibly a health problem with dead a dead bug on it. I will once again try to contact customer service but it will now be over four hours in several different phone calls to reach a resolution to this serious problem. I have NO TOLERANCE for a used or possibly a bed bug infested mattress topper THAT SHOULD BE A QUALITY PRODUCT LIKE THE QUEEN SIZE WE FIRST RECEIVED and loved. I pray that Mr. Lindell will see this post and look into what has happened to the quality control of his company. I will update this post if and when this matter has been appropriately rectified.
Dear Mr. Lindell,
I admire you for all you have achieved, however, your company does not have good customer service. I ordered 2 pillows on 12/23 and still have not received them. It is really unacceptable. Since then I have ordered merchandise from other vendors and have received them very promptly. I understand the holidays, but it looks like the order didn’t leave your warehouse until 12/28. To my knowledge, 12/24 is not a holiday and 12/26 isn’t either.
When I e-mailed the person who replied to me told me that you require 14 days for delivery. This is a joke. I will not order anything else from you again.
Best regards,
Agree. They are horrible and lie jist like a regular infomercials reason why I never call infomercials. Don’t know why I thought Mike Lindell would be different
. He better look into. Also, the run around I have received and going around in circles!!!!!
Dear Sir, (Mr. Mike Lindell)
I am Loren O’Connor, the CEO of FanBrella.Inc Like you I invented a product called FanBrella. It is the only fan of its kind (No competition) I sold $50,000 worth in one week using a FaceBook ad. This was just to show public demand, which it did. It will be 100% American made. I’m at the turn key stage. It’s completely designed and ready for fabrication. I need $50,000 to get started. Time to start is now so I can start delivery before Summer.
Please respond to my email and I’ll will share Business Plan, Commercial showing my product, My product design and my Patent. (Full Patent). FanBrella can be viewed on YouTube.
Thank you
Loren O’Connor
Inventor CEO
Dear Mr. Lindell,
My name is Sister Lourdes Miranda, a Little Sister of the Poor, serving the Elderly poor in our Home for the Aged there are 70+ Residents, in Baltimore, Maryland, we have been in the US since 1868 and at present we have 27 Homes in the USA. As you might know about us, from the generous donation you gave of pillows to our Home in Indianapolis, we Serve the aged Resident, as our family with compassion, respect and much love. At this time of the coronavirus epidemic we are desperate in the search of face mask. I saw that you have converted your factory of making pillows, in order to help the country with the face mask. I beg your help and ask you if you can donate some masks to us. We will will be so grateful to you. You can count on our Prayers and those of our dear Residents. God Bless you always. 601 Maiden Choice Lane, Baltimore, Maryland, 21228 443-857-0887 vocbaltimore@ website
Customer service is beyond horrible! It is as bad as dealing with customer service in China!!! I have called numerous times and wanted a manager to call me back! Still waiting almost 2 weeks and 3 calls! Not acceptable!
They do not call back. They screw up shipping address and Fedex only allow shipper to change address. What a sorry company
Ret nypd det for me Lindell please call 917749XXXX
Dear Mr. Lindell,
I just watched you on Levin’s show. I was so interested I don’t think I blinked once. I am also a born again Christian. Right now I am having problems getting my teeth finished. I an sitting here with no teeth,dentures that are tearing up my gums and I need $880.00 for my last liner to be applied. After that I am done after they screw my uppers ($5,000) and my lowers into my gum bones ($5,000). I had insurance at the start of the procedure, then became disabled. Medicare does not offer insurance, so it was cx. I do not have the money to finish the job, but I can’t go around with no teeth in my mouth. I am only 59 and do have some life to live yet.. I am desperate. ..I will tell you more about my situation.
I am writing you to let you know of my recent hardship and my need for financial assistance. Let me start by saying that I have worked regularly since I was 15 yo. I am now 59. My father passed almost 30 years ago and I have helped my mother with her needs (she never drove a car) ever since. 16 years ago I moved in with her since she was getting up there in years and I did not want her to be alone. I always vowed I would take care of her every need and I have, until I had an injury at work and am now disabled. I am limited physically and need at least 3 naps a day after doing chores. We became more financially challenged each year after my injury, until this year, my mother at 88, had to file bankruptcy for the first time in her life. She is mortified it had to come to this. You can imagine how I feel I let her down. She is an angel and I could no longer help her financially.
I try to mow the lawn, shovel and go to the store for her, but the pain is increasing. I refuse to take pain meds because I don’t want to become hooked. I see a pain management Doctor with some relief. After mom and I pay bills and buy groceries, we both have about $12.00 left for the month.. There is no one around to help us and you have to pay, which we don’t have. Getting someone to care for the yard (which I did for years) and someone to help clean the house would be huge. Our carpet is stained with dog spots and I cannot do the scrubbing due to bilateral carpal tunnel, arthritis/bursitis/tennis elbow . If there is anyway possible you could financially assist us it would be greatly appreciated. God Bless You and Thank you for listening.
Peggy Parker
XXXXX Nadine Street
South Bend, IN 46637
Your customer service SUCKS! Have been on the phone trying to return 2 set of sheets but getting someone to answer the phone is impossible. I called the “order” number and they answer right away, maybe you need to put more attention and people in customer service
I’m not the one who likes to ask for help from anyone. I was involved in a truck accident where I was thrown from the windshield and stayed in ICU for 11 days I’m not able to drive anymore. My driver’s license was taken due to sezures caused by accident. Need a bed that comforts my body please help me get a bed please sir contact me at this email or by phone 325-207-XXXX I can provide proof of all that happened on March 6th 2019
Don’t expect a full money-back guarantee. Unlike trusted companies, i.e. LL Bean, anything you are not satisfied with, you still have to pay shipping and handling. Therefore, you pay for the experience of trying out the already expensive pillow. No Thank you….many Christian-like promises that in reality are dealings and only there to make a profit. I was greatly disappointed. It is another reason to believe the old adage “If it sounds too good to be true; it probably is.”
You pillows & other products may be the best ever made. All are too costly for those of us on the East Coast (other then big cities like NY. Chicago, etc.) Personally, i will not buy any of your products. Why? you drive me nuts with the constant commerciials, particuarly each day on Fov, about 10x a day.. There is something called over saturation and that is what U R clearly guilty of. Right now, everyone buying cable are inundated with about 12-15 min of commercials each hour. We pay the cable companies fo watch programs, but we have no say in how many minutes they take away from a show of interest for commercials. But we pay for the whole hour. Then there is forcing us to take channels we don’t watch/want. U can help stop this robbery. Since U drown us in UR commercials, I wil not ever take even if free any of your product until both cable & U are fair to all Customers.As one w/Crippling osteoarthritis of knees & worse both shoulders, I may be abled to sleep better, but the commericials & prices have to go before I wld try any.
My company MK Sons is a supplier of bed sheet and pillows of great qualities and right prices. Can you please help to let me know the contact person with email address so that i can discuss with him to supply a great product range.
I am writing, as a previous customer and supporter of My Pillow. I am very disappointed by Mike Lindell’s comments today on social media, saying he fully supports Donald Trump and believes Trump was ‘appointed by God’. As a Christian myself, I would never speak for God in this way. It doesn’t speak well for your company and for one, I will no longer support My Pillow. I called customer service and the corporate office only to be told I could not speak to anyone; that ‘they’ don’t take calls. So be it. I will waste no more of my time. I trust someone will let this comment thru to someone who cares. If not, I will rely on prayers.
Steven, it is everyone’s right as well as any business owner to support any figure that they wish, especially The President of the United States. You are bad mouthing someone because you don’t share their opinion about our president? I as well as millions of others support president Trump. You on the other hand would be considered a traitor in most other countries, but not here in the US. How do you sleep at night? Oh wait, it must be difficult, after all you don’t have a pillow anymore, Ha!
Really, I am amazed at all of the people that call themselves Christians and then act or speak thing contrary to Christianity. I met Mike Liddell over ten years ago simply by being in the same place and before he was famous. I can tell you from my own personal experience that Mike’s Christianity was on display through his own actions. It stuns me how Never-Trumpers act like toddlers. I’ll tell you what Mr. Stout. Why don’t you reply to this message with the amount of money you failed to spend with My Pillow. Even though Mike explained to me his pillow business and the reasons he is in the pillow business I never bought one. Once I know how much you failed to support My Pillow I will double that amount. I support Christian based businesses.
I will never do business with this company again. I purchased two mattress toppers. One was ripped, with dirt, human hair, and a dead insect embedded in the foam. It was defective as well. The top layer of foam overhung the second layer. The second topper should have been in a sealed bag, but it was open. Customer service was neither helpful or cooperative, and told me that I had to pay the return shipping. these products, in my opinion have very poor quality control.
ZC, it is everyone’s right as well as any business owner to support any figure that they wish, especially The President of the United States. You are bad mouthing someone because you don’t share their opinion about our president? I as well as millions of others support president Trump. You on the other hand would be considered a traitor in most other countries, but not here in the US. How do you sleep at night? Oh wait, it must be difficult, after all you don’t have a pillow anymore, Ha!
I agree with ZC. I also purchased the mattress topper and after it had lost its shape and could no longer be rotated anymore I initiated the warranty exchange as well. Customer Service requested that I donate it and send them a copy of the donation receipt before they would initiate the exchange. NOTE to consumers: Know the donation rules in your area. I didn’t know until I started driving around town with this big thing in the back of my car that my area doesn’t accept “bedding” due to bed bug concerns. When I expressed this to customer service, I was also advised that I could send it back and pay the return shipping. I finally found a family in my neighborhood who could use it and donated it to them, and provided all of that correspondence back to customer service to show that it had been donated and I made no money off of it. The response back this time was that I should have that family write me a note confirming their receipt. I have spent more than enough time on this issue in attempt for a “warranty exchange”. So I’m just going to cut my losses here and take it as a learning experience. But now I know not to do business with them anymore either.
About three years ago I bought a standard “My Pillow” and I love it. So when I got an email saying I could buy a standard “My Pillow” for $19.99, I bought four of them as Christmas gifts. The email said it was the standard world record pillow and gave a promo code “record” It did say all sales were final and that was fine with me because I thought they were like the standard pillow I originally bought. Since my original pillow is 3 years old, I thought they were probably trying to clear out pillows from that time frame. Well they are not the same pillow. They are thin with about one quarter of the filling. They don’t hold their shape and flatten out when you sleep on them. They are not up to the standards of what you expect a “My Pillow” to be. I am so embarrassed that I gave them as Christmas gifts. I believe they were deceptive in the way they promoted these inferior pillows. I would like to add, the people that received these as gifts from me do not think very highly of the “MY Pillow” and tell people they know not to buy from this company, as will I from now on.
Bought a pillow some months ago and loved it. So, recently I bought one for my wife. However, I am on blood thinners and cut myself shaving and bled on my pillow during the night. My wife washed and dried the pillow. The pillow changed and felt like hard balls. No matter how much I fluff the pillow it is uncomfortable. I’m now waking up several times during the night with a sore neck and back pain. We have talked about buying another pillow, but my wife wisely says that we may have the same problem when she washes her pillow. I was recommending the pillow to my friends, but can’t at this time. Your ad says ten year warranty. Can I get another pillow in exchange?
i am sending back pillows did not work out. the lady was a rude B—–h to deal with. why are you put address to ship back products also you make it so tuff to return your product I had to go buy 2 membry fome pillows your product Sorry it did not work out I have a company that is hassle free and we provide easy way to return Items
Misunderstanding about costs etc. Treated like garbage at the customer service level. They were curt, rude, a customer did not mean anything to them. They were “right” I was “wrong” Did get some written things later but the company did not care. Can only imagine if I hd spent my money and something went wrong if this is the way they operate.
No wonder their Better Business rating went from A to F. Would suggest you stay away from this company. I am sure there are others out there that will treat you like person.
He does not pay them for their time. This is the lowest form of man. sexually exploiting young women and girls. call the ploice
Can’t send money to Minnesota. Reign in the mouthy muslims.
You are in ignorant racist moron Paul!
Shame on yiu
This month is national awareness of sexual harassment and abuse of women.
The,O’Reilly Factor is not a place to advertise as he has been shown to be a harassr of women at work. Fox news is toxic to women. Any network that dresses it’s women in skirts and dresses only has issues.
Stop advertising here
Thank you
Jane kelly
I write today to as you to not advertise on the O’Reilly Factor. This is a toxic organization and Mt O’Reilly has a history of sexual harassment of women in the workplace. Support women and show that there are consequences to unacceptable behavior
John Bury
I would like to hear from Thom ( quality/shipping ) a few months ago he accommodated the ” Medal of Honor ” Convention. I am with the Military Order of the Purple Heart.
Thom, you can reach me at 763-607-XXXXX or by e-mail. cjmoph1 at
We purchased two My Pillows at Bed, Bath and Beyond in Bartlett TN. We are very happy with sleeping much better on our pillows. The comfort is much more improved than previous pillows we have purchased. Great product and we would recommend to anyone who is in need of a good night’s sleep. Thank you, Mr. Lindell.
Dear Mr Lindell, We purchased our “My Pillows” at the Spokane, Washington County Fair in the fall of 2016. We are very satisfied with them. I personally have not had a head ache or a back ache since beginning use of my pillow. Our rest is much better.
During the first wash of our pillows about 1 one inch of seam on one of the pillows became frayed and allowed approximately 1/2 to 3/4 cup of foam to escape. My wife had the wash machine on “bulky bedding” setting. Please advise as to what action we are to take at this time.
Thank you,
Ed and Carol Wollweber
Cheney, Washington, 99004
e-mail: edwalled at
I recently purchased a pillow from My Pillow. I loved it. Last week, I ordered a travel pillow, bolster, king size and body pillow. I love this product. I would recommend to everyone to buy the products. The customer service was excellent. The employees were fantastic. The whole experience and products are an A plus.
Same experience as K. Hadsell. New pillows are junk. They changed from the original construction according to person to a generic pillow. Would not and do not recommend anymore!
Dear Mike: I love MyPillow! Loved it so much, I gifted it to my family and extended family! Even my 6 year old granddaughter wouldn’t sleep on any other pillow! Just got the towels…best this 70+ senior has ever used! Read your book…laughed and cried! Your story and words were a source of great inspiration! As for the ridiculous BBB rating…just goes to show you how political bias can warp the mind! They’ve proven they are a useless organization! Glad America pays them no mind! God bless you Mike! Keep on keeping on for this great USA!
Purchased two “My Pillows” back in 2008 at a FMCA Rally in Minneapolis. Absolutely loved them, and suggested them to friends as we really liked them. After 8 years we decided it may be time for new ones, which we ordered a couple months ago.
We want you to know that we were totally disappointed, and very sorry we disposed of the originals. Apparently, somewhere along the line, you decided to make a business decision to change the process – the type of fill and the amount of fill. These new pillows can’t begin to compare to our original purchase. Would like to return for reimbursement. Please let me know the procedure.