Olin Corporation was founded in 1892 by Franklin Walter Odin. The company manufactures ammunition, chlorine, and sodium hydroxide.
The company has a long history of mishaps and malfunctions, which endangers the lives of those who live near or work at company plants.
Olin Corporation has expanded via the acquisition of other companies.
In May 2007, Olin agreed to buy Pioneer Co. Inc., a chlor-alkali products maker, for $414 million.
In 2010, an equipment failure at the asbestos-producing McIntosh plant released caustic soda into the atmosphere. Residents claim that the plant frequently releases chlorine into the atmosphere while also complaining that they are not adequately informed of the leaks and possible dangers.
In December 2022, workers in Alabama claimed that they were regularly exposed to asbestos for long periods of time without the company informing them of the dangers or the exposure.
Olin Corporation is listed on the NYSE under the ticker symbol OLN.
Olin maintains a corporate office in Clayton, Missouri.
Olin Corporation was founded in 1892 by Franklin Walter Odin. The company manufactures ammunition, chlorine, and sodium hydroxide. The company has a long history of mishaps and malfunctions, which endangers the lives of those who live near or … [Continue reading] about Olin Corporate Office