Univision Communications has its roots in the 1955 founding of KNOR-TV by Raul Cortez in San Antonio, Texas, which he sold to his son-in-law Emilio Nicolas and Emilio Azcarraga Vidaurreta, owner of Telesistema Mexicano, the forerunner of Televisa.
In 1962 the new owners use this station to form the Spanish International Network, the first television station in the U.S. that broadcast in a language other than English.
In 1987 the company was renamed and rebranded as Univision with new programming, including variety show Sabado Gigante and morning show Mundo Latino.
Today Univision Communications is the largest Spanish-language broadcaster in the United States, and its Univision network is carried by 1,400 broadcast and cable affiliates. The company also has 60 local broadcast stations and 70 radio stations.
Univision Communications is #801 in the Fortune 1000, is #179 in the list of Forbes Largest Private Companies, has 4,200 employees, and had $2.63 billion in revenue in 2014.
Univision CommunicationsUnivision Communications has its roots in the 1955 founding of KNOR-TV by Raul Cortez in San Antonio, Texas, which he sold to his son-in-law Emilio Nicolas and Emilio Azcarraga Vidaurreta, owner of Telesistema Mexicano, the forerunner of Televisa.
In 1962 the new owners use this station to form the Spanish International Network, the first television station in the U.S. that broadcast in a language other than English.
In 1987 the company was renamed and rebranded as Univision with new programming, including variety show Sabado Gigante and morning show Mundo Latino.
Today Univision Communications is the largest Spanish-language broadcaster in the United States, and its Univision network is carried by 1,400 broadcast and cable affiliates. The company also has 60 local broadcast stations and 70 radio stations.
Univision Communications is #801 in the Fortune 1000, is #179 in the list of Forbes Largest Private Companies, has 4,200 employees, and had $2.63 billion in revenue in 2014.
Hola tengo una queja porfavor corral a Pablo ramirez y Jesus bracamontes su narrasom es Pura comida nada de futbol son un fastidio mandelos para cocineros
Completely disappointing and will be boycotting Enamorandos for hosts taking so much air time to play the role of the Spanish Inquisition when relating to a social media photo with Mark and Laura in PR. Such power given to hosts to humiliate participants. So shameful.
Es una vergüenza la porquería de adoración que ustedes le tienen a sus comerciales. En Galavisión en las mañanas, los noticieros mexicanos de Carlos Loret de Mola y Paola Rojas son interrumpidos una y otra vez para tener más tiempo para los cortes comerciales (que pueden durar hasta diez minutos). A veces uno termina viendo más comerciales de mierda que programación. En serio, ¿cuántas veces tienen que promover la misma basura? Les haría bien arreglar este “problemita”.
¡Y pensar que en el Reino Unido los cortes comerciales no están permitidos!
For the past three days I have not been able to see my programs . My payments are obtain directly from my bank account, I live in Pennsylvania. It seems that my password is not working I tried changing it but to no avail. Please help me or I will have to report this problem. Since the money is being taken out of my bank account.
Thank you for your attention.
No lo puedo creer que haygan despedido a Barbara Bermudo. Una periodista con tanta experiencia y un enorme respecto al público. Esa no es manera de ganarle a la competencia. Eliminando a una mujer que a dejado 15 años bien dedicado a una cadena que no se lo merece!!
I live in Honolulu and haven’t had Univisión for about a week now. I have called the local affiliate KHLU and just gotten a recording. No response. Went to the local cable provider and they had no idea when service would be restored. Grrr. I am paying for an extra package because I wanted Univisión.
In Honolulu we have very little access to transmissions in Spanish. Our Latino community is small. After we finally got Univisión, service has been irregular, but this is the longest they have been out of commission. I guess I am even angrier because I have missed the last few episodes of POR SIEMPRE JOAN SEBASTIAN.
Please HELP!!!!!!! I think your Univisión representative here is so rude for not responding. What can we do to get more consistent transmission?
Mahalo and aloha.
Mi queja es que en el partido de hoy junio 5 2016 entre mexico y uruguay yo mirando el partido por univision normal en seattle wa la narracion del partido a manos de unos estupidos urugayos sin nocion de profecionalismo como lo demostraron ala hora de que mexico despues que urugauy lo empato y cuando mexico gano nunca gritaron gol en los siguientes 2 goles mas y todos sus comentarios solo hablaban de que urugauy era sumamente superior a mexico y que con todo y eso estaba bien pero yo por años siempre que escuchados a los narradores mexicanos cuando mexico juega ante cualquier selección siempre cantan los goles de los equipos en contra de mexico y nunca hacen burla no hablan de superioridad fue una mala decision o falta de preparacion por medio de las personas que decidieron darle opotunidad a narradores de los otros paises y esta bien hasta ahi lo beo justo pero aunque odien a los mexicanos por que somos mas y asi como hay malas personas muchas mas son buenas y espero univision tome cartas en el asunto para que esos narradores no vuelvan a participar ya que el coraje o la molestia que causan esos estupidos no creo que solo sea yo asi que creo que por lo menos seran mas de 100000 personas que escucharon lo mismo estarian igual de enojados que yo por esa basura de personas narrando y hablando mal de la aficion mexicana como si ellos en uruguay fueran unos santos y nunca han roto un plato si no veo que hagan nada buscare en todas las redes sociales hare algun video y todo lo que pueda para exibir esos cerdos se creen mucho mexico les demostro como gano el partido al igual 10 contra diez y ahi no dijeron nada perros y sin ser profecionales no se como univision se atrevio a darles a ellos la narracion solos por lo menos hubieran tenido mitad de marradores mexicanos tambien para que fuera mas pareja la querra contra mexico y asi no les doliera el c*lo gritar gol por mexico y eso fue en seattle television abierta canal 51-1 por si quieren pueden mandarme un email ramveriii at hotmail.com
Good day,
I’m writing to express my discontent with the radio show “El Bueno La Mala y el Feo” a Spanish radio show that airs live from 6am-10am Monday – Saturday. Here in Los Angeles California. As we gear up for the Copa Centanario they currently have “La Lana Del Golazo” which is promotion to win up to $2500.00 dollars for radio listeners who call between 7am and 8am pacific time and answer 2 simple soccer questions. Today 6/3/16 after calling religiously every day since the ” la Lana Del golazo” started I finally was able to get thru the radio and be able to win. The person who answer from the show asked my name and I told him that my name was Hipolito Mexicano and I also told him that I was exited to finally be live on the radio with the potential of winning money. (To celebrate my bday since its tomorrow June 4th) after that he said for me to scream to show exicetement. Which I complied. Then he said that my scream was kind of wango meaning it was soft. Then i said to him again that I was very exited to be on the radio but this time I said it in English and responded that I was pocho. Next he asked me if In the past I’ve won anything on the radio. I said yes about 3 years ago with Piolon. Back when he was 101.9. He said okay and then he told me to wait on the line to be ready and that he will be right back. After 10 minutes of waiting they disconnected my call and got a different call from another radio lister. I am really disappointed because i feel cheated. I really really enjoy the show every morning it makes my commute trip short with their awesome sense of humor, their jokes and being super humble.
Please advise Jorge Ramos courtesy is a two way street. His behavior towards Trump was rude. Furthermore, an activist like Ramos who supports La Raza and it’s intent to re-claim Mexican territories it lost is not welcome in the United States.