Trader Joe’s was founded by Joe Coulombe in 1958 as a convenience store chain called Pronto Market. The stores were similar to 7-Eleven stores. Coulombe felt that direct competition with 7-Eleven would be ruinous, so he changed the concept of his stores.
After a vacation in the Carribean, Coulombe decided that a “Tiki” theme would be pleasing. He noticed that more and more people were returning from their vacations with food items they enjoyed. Coulombe decided that he would experiment by ordering food and wines that were not easily found in regular supermarkets. This is still true today and one of the reasons why Trader Joe’s is such as success.
The first “Trader Joe’s” opened in 1967 on Arroyo Parkway in Pasadena, California. The first stores featured fresh meat from butchers who leased space in the stores, freshly squeezed orange juice, fresh cut cheese, and sandwich shops.
Theo Albrecht of Aldi Nord bought Trader Joe’s in 1979 and began to expand the company beyond California.
Between 1990 and 2001 the chain quintupled store numbers and multiplied its profit by ten. Trader Joe’s sales for 2015 were estimated to be as much as $13 billion.
Trader Joe’s supermarkets have about 4,000 products, compared to about 50,000 in an average supermarket. 80% of these products are private label brands. Trader Joe’s stocks gourmet foods, organic foods, vegetarian foods, unusual frozen foods, imported foods, domestic and imported wine and beer, and staples like bread, eggs, cereal, and produce.
Trader Joe’s has an excellent reputation as a fair employer, paying above union wages. It was also part of MSN Money’s Customer Service Hall of Fame in 2009 and 2010.
The company is the exclusive retailer of Charles Shaw Wines, often referred to as Two Buck Chuck because of its original $1.99 price tag.
Beginning in 2008, the company began phasing out products from China due to customer concerns about purity and quality. Trader Joe’s sells many items under its own private labels, at a significant discount to brand-name equivalents, and requires its brand-name suppliers not to publicize this business relationship.
Post pandemic shopping habits have changed and Trader Joe’s might suffer because of it.
In September 2020, Whole Foods took the #1 spot over Trader Joe’s as the best workplace for graduates according to Forbes.
Today Trader Joe’s has 474 stores in 43 states, with the heaviest concentration in California. The company is constantly expanding, with many stores carrying as much as 50,000 items. Headquarters remain in Monrovia, California.
Trader Joe'sTrader Joe’s was founded by Joe Coulombe in 1958 as a convenience store chain called Pronto Market. The stores were similar to 7-Eleven stores. Coulombe felt that direct competition with 7-Eleven would be ruinous, so he changed the concept of his stores.
After a vacation in the Carribean, Coulombe decided that a “Tiki” theme would be pleasing. He noticed that more and more people were returning from their vacations with food items they enjoyed. Coulombe decided that he would experiment by ordering food and wines that were not easily found in regular supermarkets. This is still true today and one of the reasons why Trader Joe’s is such as success.
The first “Trader Joe’s” opened in 1967 on Arroyo Parkway in Pasadena, California. The first stores featured fresh meat from butchers who leased space in the stores, freshly squeezed orange juice, fresh cut cheese, and sandwich shops.
Theo Albrecht of Aldi Nord bought Trader Joe’s in 1979 and began to expand the company beyond California.
Between 1990 and 2001 the chain quintupled store numbers and multiplied its profit by ten. Trader Joe’s sales for 2015 were estimated to be as much as $13 billion.
Trader Joe’s supermarkets have about 4,000 products, compared to about 50,000 in an average supermarket. 80% of these products are private label brands. Trader Joe’s stocks gourmet foods, organic foods, vegetarian foods, unusual frozen foods, imported foods, domestic and imported wine and beer, and staples like bread, eggs, cereal, and produce.
Trader Joe’s has an excellent reputation as a fair employer, paying above union wages. It was also part of MSN Money’s Customer Service Hall of Fame in 2009 and 2010.
The company is the exclusive retailer of Charles Shaw Wines, often referred to as Two Buck Chuck because of its original $1.99 price tag.
Beginning in 2008, the company began phasing out products from China due to customer concerns about purity and quality. Trader Joe’s sells many items under its own private labels, at a significant discount to brand-name equivalents, and requires its brand-name suppliers not to publicize this business relationship.
Post pandemic shopping habits have changed and Trader Joe’s might suffer because of it.
In September 2020, Whole Foods took the #1 spot over Trader Joe’s as the best workplace for graduates according to Forbes.
Today Trader Joe’s has 474 stores in 43 states, with the heaviest concentration in California. The company is constantly expanding, with many stores carrying as much as 50,000 items. Headquarters remain in Monrovia, California.
The Trader Joe’s store in South Pasadena of California was my favorite grocery store in the past 3 years, the people work here are very nice and friendly. I usually go shopping this store in every 2-3 weeks.
However, today around 5PM, the store manager Kurt gave me a hard time, he said I am an online seller to try to resale with nothing proof, even though he saw the shopping cart only has total value about 100 bucks (I still remembered what I want to purchase today: 4 Boxes of Truffles, Ice Creams, 2 containers of Peanut Butter Cups, 1 Coconut Oil, 2 Dark Chocolate Cherry, and 6 of B-12 vitamins). I told him several times I am NOT and left the shopping cart in the store because he still wanted to limit these 100 buck products. I think I will not shop here and go to Vons or Costco in future because of being discriminated against.
I am very disconcerted by the behavior of your employees. Today September 17, 2020, my request to a manager was discounted and I do not appreciate it. I hope you fire Daniel (supposed Manager) for his passive behavior in order to teach your Caucasian employees a lesson. I shop at your store almost every day. I have been a loyal customer of the Santa Rosa Avenue Santa Rosa, CA store since 2010 – 2020, any Trade Joe’s store during my travels throughout my lifetime and your opening in other states, also East Bay Contra Costa since your stores opened in Concord, Walnut Creek, etc. So basically since your opening in our state of California! I was shopping and put my purchases on the pull out where normal shopping customer that do not have a cart do (while the cashier was still checking out the customer in front of me). I went to step back on the appropriate designated area where I am supposed to stand due to COVID-19 procedures and a rude woman had already place her cart right were I was supposed to stand. I looked at her twice (if you have cameras in your store, you will be able to see this incident in its entirety!) and then I proceeded to stay excuse me please. She had the audacity to say to me rudely “your excused”. Then turned it around on me that I bummed into her cart. How could I have done that when I was in front of her!!!!! She was the one who proceeded to push her cart. So your passive Manager Daniel too her side which upset me even more. In addition to your cashier saying how heightened emotional behavior is at this time again discounting this Caucasian woman’s behavior towards me. So Daniel asked me to leave because was telling the Caucasian woman that she did not tell Daniel the truth about what she said to me. So I waited as the Caucasian women shopper stated to me. I asked her for her first name so I can email the CEO – Dane Bane (which I am going to email the CEO about this) and she refused. So if she was really honest, she would have no problems provided me her first name. I did not ask her for her last name. Your customer rating prior to the pandemic is 2.7 out of 5 that is not good! I really like Trader Joe’s foods and really do not want to boycott, but I have no choice in order to make my point. Not only am I going to boycott, but I am going to encourage everyone I know and including all Hispanic and African Americans that I can reach via social media. It is a shame I wasn’t fast enough to take a picture of this woman and post it on social media. I am disgusted with your company employee’s behavior. If you truly want to make this right, you will fire Daniel! I call for Daniel’s resignation or firing! Then people will think twice before treating people this way! Just to educate you – Puerto Ricans are half African and Spanish so your company has really pushed the envelope on disrespecting certain ethnic groups. I know your employees behave like this with their own co-workers. Look at the numbers of Hispanic employees that you do not promote and you may have only 1 African employee at the Santa Rosa Avenue, Santa Rosa, CA store. That clearly shows the behaviors that is learned from the top executives! I will not shop at any Trader Joe’s store ever until Daniel is fired! Like I said earlier, I will encourage and boycott via social media and other methods until that happens! I should not have to explain myself, but I will. I am a 55 year-old customer being treated disrespectfully! Look at the cameras. They always tell the truth!
You’re retarded and a major racist.
You’re an actual moron and scum bag trying to get someone to lose their livlihood because they didn’t take your side. Judging by your racist, insane coment here you’re probobly a freak in real life and almost everyone would have taken her side. Grow up and stop whining.
I fully agree with the below comment from Mr/Ms? Clay. As a once full time Trader Joe’s family with some high risk individuals, we have moved to shopping whole foods delivery or insta cart. We have a large family and spend at least 200-300 a week on groceries but Thanks to the amazon partnership lowering prices we can now get great similar and organic items at almost the same prices as Trader Joe’s and have them delivered without risking illness. I don’t love Amazon, but I love my family more. SHAME ON YOU TRADER JOES for putting profit over loyal customers. We won’t be shopping with you again unless delivery is offered.
I employ you to reconsider having a delivery services (third party or otherwise) for your high risk customers. My family and I used to shop exclusively at trader joe’s. Since the CV we at not leaving the house and are only shopping via instacart. Older and High risk individuals should not be forced to risk their health to get products where they have been loyal shoppers for more than 20 years at various locations across the country. It’s clear with your current policy you do not value us, your are more concerned with profits then the people who have been steadfast customers. I am sorry to say, if TJs doesn’t change it’s tune imminently and begin allowing instacart or a similar contactless delivery option, Once this is over we will not be returning to the store. We can not in good consciousness support a business who puts profits over people.
In the opening sentence, the word “employ” should be “implore.” I seems that everyone has an agenda these days, so mine will be proper grammar and word usage.
To the management of Trader Joe’s
I have been a loyal customer for many years. However, in light of the corona virus and required changes, I am now shopping at Safeway. I do not like Safeway, but they have designated hours for seniors where I can shop in a less crowded, less rushed and rowdy environment, and get what I need in the safest and most expedient way possible.
I do not have the stamina to wait in line for an hour at Trader Joes. I do not have the speed to reach for that last package of toilet paper or milk before a young long arm snatches it away from me; I do not have the agility to avoid careening carts pushed by those in a frantic hurry. In your stores and crowds, I am more at risk of being knocked over and falling than of catching the corona virus. I am sensible, strong, and healthy, I can wear gloves and wash and sanitize my hands frequently, I can wear a mask to reduce the fear of others.
And what about me? I may be a senior citizen, but I still need to eat. I may be older but I still need home essentials. I may be older and I still deserve consideration. I am alive and not just someone sheltering at home and going hungry.
I called the corporate offices and was told “Trader Joes is following the CDC guidelines for seniors to shelter in place.” That is a mandate for everyone, and shopping for food is considered to be ESSENTIAL for EVERYONE. Trader Joes is making a decision for seniors that is not theirs to make. I urge you to create a safe time and environment for seniors and the disabled to shop.
I hate shopping at Safeway, but I appreciate their accommodation for seniors. I appreciate their respect for my needs, and their helping to create a safe environment for me to shop.
Trader Joe’s is a true disappointment to me and may be a store I choose not to patronize in the future – I will follow my gratitude for accommodation with my loyalty in shopping. I hope you will reconsider your policies and provide a designated shopping hour for seniors and people with disabilities.
The favor of a response is requested.
Elena Bunnell, Oakland resident, shopper in Emeryville, Rockridge, Castro Valley, El Cerrito, and Lakeshore.
I agree. I usually shop in TJ’s in McKinney, TX but I am a senior , I have a bad lung from severe scoliosis and am handicapped multiple times. I have a lung that is not fully operational so I am afraid of shopping in a crowded store since I stand no chance of survival with such odds against me. I cannot stand in long lines and I have to also do shopping for my parents in their late 80’s (almost 90) and for my granddaughter who lives with me. Two households and I am now shopping at Kroger using their pick up service and I have found a wealth of products at Thrive Market on line. Thrive offers great deals in their e-mails…too good to pass up. I have plenty of eggs, milk and other dairy since I live around many farmers who are more willing to work with people than TJ’s. They set it up in their driveways with no-touch service: Wow, I now have Organic free range eggs and dairy just down the road from me. Since I have to tend to nutritional needs for two households. Thrive Market can fill that void. It was quite cumbersome and frustrating at how the stores with healthier options have not all followed suit as Walmart and Kroger have; since “HEALTH” should be the number 1 priority for Trader Joe’s and Green Market. TJ’s staying with their old standard of in-store shopping only is only showing their customers that tradition is more important than they are. They really need to conform due to the necessities of their customers…the very people who keep them in business. The stores are small enough that they could actually put an employee on each isle and literally call out products from each car…They would not even need to go inside. Although I know that people do like to peruse; I’m just making a point here. There are a lot of items that I will now replace with Thrive Market items which will be easier to shop from my Lazyboy and they will ship directly to my door. So, I have written them off since they have pretty much written us off. I now know what is more important to TJ’s . With Thrive and Kroger’s free pick up service; I won’t need to shop at Trader Joe’s again. #SayonaraTraderJoes
Please offer your wonderful Hoya plants at Minneapolis, MN, stores and specifically at the Maple Grove , MN, Trader Joe’s. I have heard that your Hoya plants are found as far east as Colorado, but that is still very far from me. Many west coast TJ locations stock the Hoya plants. Please ship them to Minnesota.
I’ve been shopping at Trader Joe’s for over 36 years numerous stores and totally Love all the choices & prices ? including their ? daily Coffee, Samples ??
The staff have always been helpful, always showing courtesy ???
My problem is the past 2 long years ? I moved to a town 50-60 miles away from the closest Store?…have no transportation to TraderJoes in Bakersfield CA… My hope and prayer ? is Trader Joe’s will Implement Delivery.?
A COST Effective plan for Everyone. Customers and Trader Joes
Thank You for this List ????
Extremely Imperative for more people, than few.
What happen with the dark eggs yolks cage free at trader Joe’s?
It supposed to be dark not light like the normal eggs.
I am a relatively new customer to the Chelsea NY trader joe’s on 6th avenue. However, I had a terrible experience with a young lady who works there on 2 occasions and as of this date (now 3 weeks past) I have not received a response from Trader Joe’s. While 99% of the persons who work there are beyond awesome, the young lady was conversing with another cashier as she was checking my items and overcharged me not once but twice then she displayed a less than kind attitude when I asked her to please pay attention to my order. Later on she was pushing a cart with fruits and nearly ran me over, no excuse me nothing. I suspect it was on purpose. Otherwise this store is great people like Joe (African American gentleman with superb manners), Roy (older Caucasian gentleman who epitomizes great customer service) and Nancy my favorite flower go to person. However, the other employee of which I have complained twice still works there and there was not indication she was spoken to. Very disappointed in her actions, attitude and the lack of communications from Trader Joe’s.
I was at store #135 at 1916 Queen Ave N, at 4:42 today and my experience with a cashier and two others including a manager was sickening, way below standards for any Trader Joe’s I have shopped at in more than 30 years. You should hold your heads in shame for the lack of concern and unwillingness to give a damn about the customer.
Many of the comments posted here sound like the people who wrote them have mental problems. Thankfully I have never had a bad experience in any of your stores so It sounds like they are loud but unseen. Keep up the good work!
Are you a psychiatrist? Were you at these locations and witnessing their experience?
We love your stores, the products you offer, and your splendid staff. But you’re not telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about an excitotoxin found in your products.
When we come in and ask about foods without MSG, we’re looking for products that do not contain manufactured free glutamate. That’s the name of the toxin in monosodium glutamate that causes our adverse reactions. Maybe you knew that and maybe you didn’t. But now you do. So please help us avoid these additives that make us ill.
Here’s a list of the ingredient names in which MSG is hidden.
Names of ingredients that always contain processed free glutamic acid:
Glutamic acid (E 620)
Glutamate (E 620)
Monosodium glutamate (E 621)
Monopotassium glutamate (E 622)
Calcium glutamate (E 623)
Monoammonium glutamate (E 624)
Magnesium glutamate (E 625)
Natrium glutamate
Anything “hydrolyzed”
Any “hydrolyzed protein”
Calcium caseinate, Sodium caseinate
Yeast extract, Torula yeast
Yeast food, Yeast nutrient
Autolyzed yeast
Textured protein
Whey protein
Whey protein concentrate
Whey protein isolate
Soy protein
Soy protein concentrate
Soy protein isolate
Anything “protein”
Anything “protein fortified”
Soy sauce
Soy sauce extract
Anything “enzyme modified”
Anything containing “enzymes”
Anything “fermented”
Names of ingredients that often contain or produce processed free glutamic acid during processing:
Carrageenan (E 407)
Bouillon and broth
Any “flavors” or “flavoring”
Natural flavor
Citric acid, Citrate (E 330)
Anything “ultra-pasteurized”
Barley malt
Malted barley
Brewer’s yeast
Pectin (E 440)
Malt extract
The following work synergistically with MSG to enhance flavor. If they are present for flavoring, so is MSG:
Disodium 5’-guanylate (E 627) / Disodium 5’-inosinate (E-631) / Disodium 5′-ribonucleotides (E 635)
If you lose this list, you can replace it at our website here. And take a look around while you’re there. You just might be able to help a friend avoid asthma, a-fib, seizures or migraine headache.
Thanks for the help. Thanks for caring.
Thank You for this List ????
Extremely Imperative for more people, than few.
I love the Trader Joe’s Cranberry Rustico Bread and was told it is a seasonal item. I do not know why since bread is eaten every day and cranberry is not only for Thanksgiving. When I want something in the evening instead of a whole meal I can eat one piece of this bread and it is filling. Please bring it back permanently. Also, I was told the chocolate peanut butter cupcakes have been discontinued. Why, Reese’s peanut butter candy is sold all year and does quite well. Please bring that back also. Thank you.
A satisfied customer is the best business strategy of all. Impeccable courtesy and treating every customer with the excepted dignity and respect. In truth; however, today February 1, 2019 at 12:54pm, I visited Trader Joe’s store #122 on 11976 Ventura Blvd. in Studio City, CA. The shopping experience was flawed, unsatisfactory.
I had a question about a particular brand of tequila and approached the manager behind the desk and I asked, “Please tell me what you know about this kind of tequila.” Response, “What’s your question” in a rather cocky and almost cavalier demeanor. I repeated the question again maintaining my poise.
The overall atmosphere appears sometimes playful and loud. But I response to a question from a customer should be more appropriate such as “How can I help you” or “Is there a question I can answer.” I shop for my mom at this store, but I live in Santa Monica and shop daily at the beautiful Bristol Farms store, the number one shopping destination. I wholly understand great customer service: Today I didn’t experience it. The manager is a white male, tall and slender. I only have the cashier’s name, G. Delaney #4242. She did a great job.
I would appreciate a response, including how the executives at Trader Joe’s will approach this issue and how could you improve customer service at the local level. /George
You sound like a racist George.
Hi: We have shopped at your store for as long as you have been open. I need a few questions answered. Is your Brand of Organic Raw Honey, Unheated & untreated, l noticed its very high in sugars 17 grams, 17 grams of carbs? 34% added sugars. Thats not normal for raw organic, unheated & untreated honey, it must have been heated etc.etc. Are your grass fed angus beef burgers, have grass fed before & finished!!!!! grass fed, or is it fed grains towards the end? I ask because l have a lot of grain allergies. Same question for the buffalo burgers, are they grass fed & grass finished? Why don’t you sell Organic Chicken? even the sliced would help!
I had a bad experience at your trader Joe’s in scottsdale, on frank lloyd Wright blvd. I made a special trip to purchase your pumpkin muffins. I am 68 years old. They were on the lowest shelf in your bakery section. I bent over to get a pkg. And got a sudden loud buzzing in my head, and started falling backwards. I grabbed the middle shelf only to learn they are sliding shelves and went flying backwards almost hitting my head on the floor. My right hip hurts. It might be a good idea to have locks on the shelves so after the staff replenished them, they can be locked. I was visually upset and the staff that noticed found it comical. When I asked for a manager, I only got the name Tim.
I have a good location for you:
5566 Ft. Caroline Rd
Jacksonville, Fl 32277
Publix Supermarkets was there for many years did well but they wanted to build a bigger store. The owner would not sell to them so they bought another store 2 miles away. It is next to a very expensive Private University (Jacksonville University). They are building a bunch of Housing Units across the street. Your other 2 stores in the area are both about 23 miles away. SMD Management 1-800-570-3261 ext. 108 34,400 Sq. Ft. They will subdivide. A very good neighborhood mix. Starter family homes, Upper Middle class and Rich living on the river.
Hi, I am the “designated writer” for many, many of my friends who enjoye your store as loyal customers. I would like to ask why you no longer carry in the Houston, TX stores the (inexpensive) good tasting wine TERRENAL,Cabernet Sauvignon, Estate Bottled, YECLA-SPAIN, orange label. We would all like to see it back on the store shelves. We thank you much for your consideration, hoping it will come back to Houston soon!
Best wishes, DRS
Long time TJs fan and customer.
I know you have to limit the number of products in the store. I know you discontinue items. I have 2 requests:
Provide a place (your web site or Facebook?) where you can alert customers that you plan to discontinue a product. This would allow us to stock up on those loved items that have a shelf life. It is always a major disappointment when you discontinue sometime. I understand why based on your business model, but to be fair to your loyal customers, give us a heads up, will ya?
2nd request, related, but specific: please do not discontinue the frozen mini-croissants. They are savory and excellent. And, I am sure that if the sample kitchen had offered tastes of the croissants, they would have sold like crazy. Yes, they are not immediate, impulse items. Your have to let them proof overnight. Remember, your based customers are not all impulse and convenience buyers. Please reconsider this product. (or at least let me know where I can get the last few in stock?)
Greetings. As we start to find better solutions to gun control, a lot of us want to know corporate policy at our favorite stores. I found this list online (see link below) published by the crazy NRA as they encouraged their supporters to boycott the stores due to their anti-gun policies. As I want to encourage these same corporations to stand firm in their anti-gun stance, I also want to know what your particular policy is moving forward. I want to be able to confidently shop at Trader Joes knowing they are advocates for better gun control in America and stand up to NRA .
Thank YouGreetings. As we start to find better solutions to gun control, a lot of us want to know corporate policy at our favorite stores. I found this list online published by NRA as they encouraged their supporters to boycott the stores due to their anti-gun policies. As I want to encourage these same corporations to stand firm in their anti-gun stance, I also want to know what your particular policy is moving forward. I want to be able to confidently shop at Trader Joes knowing they are advocates for better gun control in America and stand up to NRA .
Thank You.
Jeez Bryan, get over yourself. If Trader Joe’s sells what you want at a reasonable price then shop there.
Not everything has to be political. Believe it or not, You are part of the problem, not the solution.
I have also been a fan of Trader Joe’s products and customer service for over a decade. The cashiers are always so friendly. I would especially like to recognize Karen Ferlazo in the wine section at your Trader Joes store in Denver on Colorado Boulevard. She went above and beyond with helping me in selecting wines and other alcoholic beverages for my Thanksgiving party. The drive to Denver and going out of my way to the Trader Joe’s store was definitely worth the extra effort since Karen helped me with selecting a few cases of wine.
Dear CEO,
Following a Bible lesson yesterday,
RE BOAZ, and Naomi, who was David’s grandmother,
Here is an access number for the President, who is concentrating on Asian Pacific Trade deals, if you were not aware.
I suggest Basmati Rice Medely,
Which if pre cooked and packeged, with variations on recipies,
for example try adding butter, cashews, and white raisins,
i think it could be packaged for NASA.
Stay Positive, Have a nice day! Go easy on Danny at the Chico Branch.
There has been needless slander, because he is one of the exceptionally kind, and friendly people. He looks out for the under dogs.
I believe I was sitting next to B. Gates in bible Study yesterday.
I would not excpect slander about him,
with the charitable works he has done with his wife Melinda.
i would give Mr. Danny Trader Joe’s Chico,
credit for inspiring charitable work in the local community.
Have a nice day!
Mrs. David walter Triplett
Today on 10/30/2017 I visited your Castleton store. The clerk John greeted my daughter and attempted to give her a high five. She’s shy especially with strangers so she didn’t reciprocate with a high five back this angered John. So, when another clerk said oh look at the little girl she has on hello kitty she is pretty cool; John replied who dready spice referencing her hair to dreads and a spice girl. My daughter is 6 years of age. She’s just a child. I was lost for words. His behavior was completely unprofessional and extremely insulting. He made fun of my child because she had after school hair from playing. I’m just deeply appalled at the overall lack of professionalism. When I informed the manager he let out a chuckle because he couldn’t hold back the humor he found in the scenario. The cashier then apologized because she was equally appalled. She was also African American but should you have to be to find this insulting? The manager didn’t offer an apology he just left stating I’ll talk to him. I’ve been a customer for almost nine years and today made me question if I should ever step foot in your establishment again.
Howdy Y’all!
I’ve no complaints about TJ! My one negative experience occurred in the parking lot of the Santa Monica, CA store. I backed into another vehicle. While I won’t admit fault…
Anyway, the reason I’m writing is to share my really great idea. I’m rather fond of red wines. From the get-go, I must inform you that I am no connoisseur or gourmet of anything. And I’m not particularly modest. However, it has come to my attention, over the years, that there are numerous studies (probably of a dubious nature) that suggest that red wine has health benefits. Particularly red wines that have been aged in French Oak.
One of your very helpful employees, Ely, at the Santa Monica store, was even nice enough to request and obtain from your wine mayvins the names of two labels that you carry that use French Oak in their aging process: “Decoy” and “Hypothesis”.
Some of the health claims I’ve seen include: heart, liver, and fatigue improvement! This is huge! Not only can you push the flavor of your fine wines, but you can also push their “medicinal value”! Such claims (supported by all kinds of studies available on the internet) could get frugal (cheap) guys like me to break the “$10.00 glass ceiling”! We’re not just talking about wine here, we’re talking about an elixir ; )
Anyway, most California wines blab on about hints of this and that and/or the terroir, etc which mean nothing to me and probably a lot of your non-snob customers. However, winemakers should be “loud and proud” about using French oak (new or otherwise).
In conclusion, I propose that your wine people look up all the relevant studies and prepare a definitive list of the reds that are aged in French Oak and run a little article in your “Fearless Flyer” accompanied by a display of “The Chosen Few” in the wine section of some (all?) of your stores.
PS: If this idea flies, a case or two (annually?) of your most medicinal elixirs would be appreciated. But don’t worry. I’m 71 and have already had one heart attack, which is probably why I got interested in the medicinal values of reds in the first place.
PSS: I’ve done some research on kosher wines that are aged in French Oak. Israeli and European winemakers seem to be more forthcoming about their “processing” than the rest of the world (USA, South America, Australia). There is one in particular that has enormous snob appeal (name recognition up the wazoo) and is quite reasonable even without the purchasing power of TJ. Let’s talk. RSVP
I was fired from Trader Joe’s and was banned from the store. I was banned not my roommate or husband. The store manager is a p**ck. My husband and roommate went in to buy eggs and had the cops called on them. Husband flipped out manager almost went to the hospital cause of it. They never gave a written ban order so it’s not legal. Also a new one opened up on another side of town and we wanna shop there but I have to wait till the store manager calls HR TO see if I am allowed to. Are you freaking kidding me??? I was told I was banned from ONE STORE. Put it in writing, Horrible company
I’ve been a regular in Trader Joe’s for about 5 years now from New York to California. The diversity I see in Trader Joes on Staten island is great but I question it in California. I asked one of the Mates that I’m familiar with and she’s comfortable with me, “why is it they you only have one minority of color in your location for the last 2 years?” She told me because the minority is now gay people and that is whom we employ in our store now, not black people. This bothered me greatly send I’m not a minority myself. I’d like some answers as to why this is the case
My name is Lisa Castle I am with Republic Services in Kalamazoo. We are the leading waste and recycle provider in the area. I am trying to get a hold of someone in corporate
(Bryan Palbaum) so I may set up a appointment for the new store opening 5099 Century Avenue,Kalamazoo, MI 49006.
Please respond with contact information to my email Lcastle at
or call me Directly 269-910-XXXXX
I have been to the site unfortunately no one there knows who I need to speak with
thank you for your time I look forward to your call and you new location.
Lisa Roi Castle
To trader joe director: your employees in receiving department not productively work there job they all either talk on the phone or texting and talk to each other ignore people come to check in. They’re make us wait until they’re finish talking it only take 2 minutes to finish the paper work. I hope you fix this problem
Please fix your stockton warehouse operations.
I have been waiting for more than three hours for my semi truck to get unloaded and I am still here. Theres a lot of movement but barely any productivity with unloading a semi trailer.
Thank you!
Trader Joe’s is the Best I just have to stop liking specialty foods as they sometimes go away lol. But today I had a technology problem at the checkout. I put in my bank card as usual chip side in after I put in my code it just started over. The checkout guy said put card in again. I did receipt was correct. I needed money for somthing tonight and found I was short almost 100 dollars I called my bank went over recent transactions and they had Trader Joe’s in twice. I went back to Trader Joe’s to correct this but guy on computer says they only see the 1 entry they did see one that didn’t go thru. Now I was told they will have to check with main office tomorrow I needed this money tonight. So now I’m in this limbo and I’m out missing what I was going to do tonight. Bank says it would take them about 10 days to do investigation. Either way I’m screwed. And that really stinks.
I know is some stores, especially Southern California’s Trader Joe store have gotten their card reader technology updated and with some of these updates there have been some changes like the amount of beeps after a transaction is finished if the customer doesn’t take their card out. Before the update it kept beeping until the card was taken out and after it beeps a couple times so just aware of that as well
In addition, you would be surprised how many leave their cards being at the check stand. I have witnessed a couple occasions where a customer has accidendetky left their card in and get charged for the next customers transaction because now one has noticed
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE PUT a Trader Joe’s somewhere else in Delaware besides Wilmington! I live in Dover. Having a TJ’s in the mid or southern part of the state would be awesome! “If you build it, [we] will come.” There is a customer base here of people who have moved here from surrounding states. There is money in the beach area, as well in New Castle county. Those of us from other states with Trader Joe’s miss having an accessible store….Wilmimgton doesn’t count as accessible to those of us “south of the canal. ” Thank you.
I am writing from Rehoboth Beach DE, and a former NY’er. Rehoboth is also known as the Nations Summer Capital. The residents of this area are largely from the NY, NJ, Pa, MD and D.C area. Talk about a captive audience. We often talk about how much we all miss TJ’s and if for any reason someone is going to Wilmington, they never leave without a list. We get vacationers every summer from these same areas. Won’t you please do dome market research and bring a TJ’s into the Rehoboth Area.
I wanted to take the time to write about something that happened around 10.30 am this morning. I have been shopping in this store for 12 + years and have never ever had this kind of experience. Erica M was my cashier and when I asked her if there were empty wine cartons to put my stuff in she said they gave this only to customers who bought wine. Then she said I had to go to the back of the store and take them myself (the store was practically empty and several check stands were empty…). when I brought some cartons she made me move to another line and stand behind and wait for my turn when she was not doing a thing. Has trader joe become a Pack N Save store over night? I went and spoke to the store manager and she told me to write in. I do hope you guys give better training to your employees as you did in the past.
The crew member should have instead walked to get you one so you wouldn’t have to wait in line for a box or if is was a particularly business like those crazy Sundays they should have bell signaled for help to get some co worker assistance
TO: Dan Bane, CEO of Trader Joe’s
The community of east Gaithersburg, Maryland is up in arms that your team has decided to close our store after 18 years, only to build a new, larger store 8 miles away on the other side of Gaithersburg as a replacement. Please, please rethink your decision and reconsider keeping the location open on Lost Knife Road in east Gaithersburg. Our community has come to rely on your great products and prices and it would be a shame to pull out of our established community. We are launching a community-wide effort to bring to your attention how many thousands of customers will be affected by this store closing — more details to come. In the meantime, I have confidence you will do the right thing.
Suzanne Chalpin (301) 412-XXXXX
Greetings from Kuwait!
Hope you are well.
We are writing to express our organization’s interest in becoming the official distributor of Trader Joe’s Biscuits and Spreads in Kuwait. Our website is; we are keen on marketing your product in the region and are looking forward to hearing from you.
We were the official distributor of Lotus biscuits speculoos (until very recently) and know the best marketing techniques that can boost your sales in Kuwait. We are looking to increase our brand portfolio and would be great to be representing your esteemed brand in this country.
Hoping to hear from you at the soonest.
Best regards,
Brand Manager
Food Division
Mob:(+965) 67665431
Tel :(+965) 2246 1564 / (156)
Mail: luke at
Help! I live In Modesto and there have been rumors Trader Joe’s might be opening a second store on the east side in Century Center.
Would love rumors to be true and was wondering if anyone could shed some light on this.
We desperately need a store on this side of town and will keep my fingers crossed.
Please let me know.
Thank You.
Annette N.
I love TJ’s and am a regular shopper at a bunch of stores in my area (West Hollywood, Beverly Hills). Yesterday I visited family in Encinatas and was told this story, which makes me love Trader Joe’s even more: My cousin, 60, blind since birth with a host of other debilitating illnesses is in walking distance to her TJ’s (near Turner). Her husband has severe Cerebral Palsy and cannot help. She and guide dog make regular trips to TJs where a team member walks with her through the store helping her shop, another checks her out and another WALKS HER HOME WITH HER GROCERIES. My heart is filled with love and gratitude for your compassionate staff and compassionate corporate culture. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I’m an original fan for over 30 years . Traveled coast to coast and hit most Trader joes stores . Even have a trip booked to see the father store aldi in Essen . My only lament is please open a store in Canada . Thanks for considering !
I am so disappointed you discontinued your Trader Joe’s organic non-fat yogurt in the light blue container with the polka dots. You still have the way too sour one and a bunch of new greek style which I don’t care for. The one you discontinued was like homemade. Not too thick like greek and not too thin and runny like a lot of it. Even though it was non-fat it was creamy tasting. I wouldn’t care if it were whole milk or non-fat that was not why I bought it. It was the real deal. The liquid would separate after sitting for a while once opened and a serving was taken out. I liked that. I would buy 2 a week every week if I could find it as sometimes you were out of it. I am told it was a “slow mover”. I do not think so and have a hard time believing it moved slower than that horrible TJ organic one that is so sour I could not eat it and you still have that one. If you can’t bring it back in lieu of all the greek style and non-organic you have now, please let me know who really makes it so I can find it else where. Thank you!
Trader Joe’s valencia, ca
Why are there no cameras at this location. The incidence of purses being stolen, or wallets being taken out of the purse is increasing every day. Customers are starting to panic and are going to Sprouts.
Today I bought a package of Chicken Chow Mein in the Edgewater Nj store…prepared it according to instructions. The chicken content was miniscule…but, the salt content was out of range…Had to dump the package because of the salt…
I buy at Traders every week…but, this was the worst…Not sure if it was 495 or 596….whatever it was…was too much . I am on a senior budget and cannot afford this throwaway item. I would like to be reimbursed for this item..22061811 cpf and 00340434 are the number on the bottom of package.
The crew member should have instead walked to get you one so you wouldn’t have to wait in line for a box or if is was a particularly business like those crazy Sundays they should have bell signaled for help to get some co worker assistance
From my experience Trader Joe’s has an amazing customer service and if you aren’t happy with what you bought just bring the item back or the reciet and they will give you a full return
Many ex-Californians (retirees included) have moved to the Coeur d’Alene, Idaho area (Hayden, CDA, Post Falls).The nearest store is 30+-miles away, which over 60-miles roundtrip. It is too far a distance to drive to reach you. Consider placing a store nearer to CDA area. Hayden, Idaho is a good spot, for it is bisected by Hwy 95 that runs through to Canada. So, the Northern cities like Sandpoint and Canadian cities can reach you as well. Frequently, I see Canadian license plates when I am in the parking lot of our local Safeway store. So, you would get that traffic too.
I wrote this poem for my marketing class, as I chose Trader Joe’s as my favorite brand to report on, and so I wanted to share it with you:
Where to Go?
When you’re tired and spent after working all day
And desire some grub as you relax, rest or play
But you want to eat healthy instead of fast food
Yet your lottery picks have been tried but not true
Where do you shop where there are smiles and fun
And the journey feels more like a food vacation?
Where the samples are plenty, so decisions aren’t rash
And biggest surprise is the savings of cash
This place, it exists, so look not to and fro
For the best place to shop is at your Trader Joe’s!
What happen to your frozen SPINAKOPITA, frozen spinach pie made with FILO DOUGH
Please inform.
I shop at your Azusa Costco
Thank you.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Fred Madjar
What happened to my FAVORITE puttanesca pasta sauce?!?!
I have bought it in multiples ever since it was wildly recommended to me by my Aunt in Michigan. I was shopping last night
and told that it has been discontinued:O
I immediately called my aunt and we are
HUGELY dissapointed!!! Is it TRUE?!
Why was it Discontinued? When can it be brought back? We used it for everything!
We look forward to your update…
Dear TJ,
I have been a faithful customer and enthusiast of Trader Joe’s for over 30 years. In fact, when I moved from SF to Sacramento, I had to make sure there was a TJ near us.
Fast forward to 2015. I relocated to scottsdale Arizona and fulfilled my dream of becoming an employee! I was in Demo, Customer Service and cashiering.
12.21.15: after lunch, I got up from my locker and slipped and fell on the concrete. I was injured badly. I’ve been receiving physical therapy and seen multiple doctors because my injuries were so extensive. At the time, my mini schnauzer was recently diagnosed with cancer and I was unable to lift her up my stairs because of my knee and hip injury.
I had to euthanize my dog. Thank you Trader Joe’s for ruining my life.
My sympathies for your decision to euthanize your pet, but how did Trader Joe’s ruin your life? You fell? You could have slipped anywhere, I would be grateful that it happened at work where I could get compensation rather than somewhere like in my kitchen…
The Griffith Park Zoo has fewer animals than this TJ’s has dogs! I was in the store on Monday, and I saw at least 6 dogs in the short time I was there. These little fashion accessory dogs are NOT service dogs, and they demean the real service dogs that provide vital services to people with disabilities.
Their owners know they are fakes, and the store employees and managers know it as well, yet they allow these blatant health code violations to go on. The owners are saying they are “emotional support dogs”, however the ADA states those are NOT service dogs. And in addition, the fake service dogs create not only a health hazard, (including defecating in the store),but also a safety hazard as well.
The store managers even had a couple of thugs bullying a guy taking pictures of the pet owners. Calls to the company HQ have gone unanswered, so as a result, TJ’s has lost a long time, (over 20 years) customer.
Dear Sir,
I represent a product by the name of “Kekereke” and of which we would very much like to put in your stores. The product is all natural, organic and customers love it. Please peruse our web site and reply with the necessary doXXXXentation that you may require for national distribution.
Respectfully yours,
Muhammad Bey
It’s incredibly disappointing that after dealing with Kelly Rave in the HQ regarding cherry pits that were in the mixed fruit spread that caused $3,001.00 of dental bills, that she not only didn’t call as promised but ended up telling me Trader Joe’s will not pay a dime of it! She hid behind the lame excuse that (in tiny print on the back and near bottom of the jar) the jar reads “may contain pits”. That’s like telling someone who is waiting at the stop light, when it turns green, he crosses the street when it’s all clear and gets hit by someone running the red light. Then tells him, “you should not have crossed the street!” If Trader Joe’s was using a moral compass then they’d put in huge, bold and vibrant letters on the top and front of the jar, “Contains cherry pits that damage your teeth!!!” If they did, then people would not buy their product. So, instead they dump the financial responsibility, pain and suffering, onto the consumer. Shame on Trader Joe’s. After I insisted that Trader Joe’s pay for the damage, Kelly fabricated a story that the manufacturer would call me. Did they? No. I was just blown off. I used to respect Trader Joe’s but that’s gone by the wayside.
I have left two messages with the corporate office this week trying to work out an issue I had at the Los Gatos Store. I am disappointed that no one has taken the time to call me back from the corporate office.
I hesitate to write this but I enjoy shopping at the Sherman Oaks store on Riverside and admire the help so much that I find it compelling.
I am a 90 -year -old woman with rheumatoid arthritis who has had joint replacement in two fingers of my right hand. This is pertinent only because on occasion I need help to open a bottle before leaving the store, as I live alone.
It’s been recommended, medically, that a little alcohol in the evening might be beneficial.
For about the past ten months, on a weekly basis, I’ve been buying Amoretta and the people at the register have been kind enough to accomodate me by giving the cap a little start until yesterday when the manager of the store came to the register and in a polite but unkind manner refused me any help. I was compelled to not buy it. Upon reflection when I got home it occurred to me, OMG, that he may have thought I was an alcoholic
and the people within earshot may have thought so too. I would like your attention to this matter. Many thanks for your service, otherwise.
Dear arthritic sufferer,
I hear your plea. I have found a very cheap
( free ) adsptive device to help me with jar and bottle lids. My thumb joints and first second and third fingers are very arthritic, Ive had one thumb joint repaired so far. The adaptive device is a ” wide rubber band!” I keep the ones I get from the store produce isle like broccoli is banded with. I put the rubber band aroung the edge of said jar or bottle then twist. It has taken me from helpless with jars to needung very little help. Hop this helps. Sandy
Dear People …. I’ve been waiting all year hoping to again purchase, and stock up on, your seasonal delicious French pastries – KOUIGNS AMANN. After searching again and again, I was told you have stopped carrying. PLEASE, PLEASE BRING THESE BACK.
I would greatly appreciate your reply. Thank You.
Please bring back the same James Raspberry wine. It is delicious over your vanilla ice cream served in a goblet with fresh raspberries and a spiral cookie. Very elegant desserts. I tried to find it today and was told you stop caring it. Why please bring it back. Thanks for listening
Trader Joe’s is one of my favorite places to shop; I’ve been shopping there for years, and there are particular items I purchase regularly. One of them was the “southern blend” greens. However, you’ve completely pulled them off the shelf. The day I was in the store to purchase, there were two other people also looking for the same thing. What was the reason for removing this product? I shop in the Oakland, Emeryville and Berkeley stores, and I think you need to be culturally sensitive to the customers in the regions your stores are located in. Kale is great but it’s not the same. Would like to see the “southern blend” back on the shelf.
Is anyone going to respond to this before we contact legal?
Dangerous! Recall!
Be Wary When Shopping at Trader Joe’s!
I lost my prescription glasses on 4/26/2016 in Winter Park store. I believe they were deliberated lifted off my purse in that store. It is bad enough I lost my one pair that I paid a lot of monies for but then to be mocked by the staff (something about look out for someone walking funny) and to be told there is no video camera and so therefore cannot help me; was the added stress to the loss.
I filed a formal report with the local police when I realize the store was not going to help me. Now I am cautious about shopping there not wanting to shop and worry too.
To have no in-store cameras these days is not only a disservice to customers but in my opinion, just a lawsuit waiting to happen.
I was a crew member since December 2015. Due to some miscommunications with my Fort Worth, TX store my W2 has been sent back or destroyed. I am not sure. Either way, I desperately need my copy and don’t know who to contact directly. I have filed for an extension on my taxes.
Thank you for listening and hoping to hear back very soon –
Sarah R.
Fort Worth, TX
As a crew member i am trying to bring up my “crew review” on the internet.
The directions received in the mail say to visit and then find the link for CREW REVIEW.
So far, after exhausting every link, I can not find such a site as CREW REVIEW.
I know Trader Joes is looking to open a store in SOHO in Manhattan NY.
I have the perfect retail store for you.
Please contact me.
Wanted to give a big thank you to Michele at the Westlake store just outside of Cleveland. We just dropped off our son at Oberlin College and wanted to leave him with his favorite cereal, TJ’s low fat granola with almonds. She unpacked a pallet so that we could be on our way. What service! Thank you!!!!!
I try to get address and phone local office in WA. I would like to contact manager in WA to present our grocery product ( we wish to became a new vendor )
Good Morning,
I live in Briarcliff Manor, NY, and there is an A&P that just closed in Millwood, NY. We really need a Trader Joe’s in that space. The closest one to us is in Hartsdale in the Marshalls’s shopping plaza. I’m tired of driving 20 minutes south to shop at your store. Because it is so far I don’t frequent it as often.
The Millwood shopping center has ample parking situated next to Briarcliff, Chappaqua, Yorktown and Ossining. These are all affluent areas in Westchester County and are in great need of a Trader Joe’s in the area.
About 10 years ago I reached out to you when another A&P closed on route 9A in Briarcliff Manor, NY. You didn’t build then and a Mrs. Greens moved in. Please consider the Millwood location for your new destination in Westchester County.
Thank you
A concerned Citizen
Fran Schwartz
I am a former Trader Joe’s employee at your Arlington, Virginia store at 1109 Highland Street. I recently move to Arlington, VA 22201 and wanted to notify Trader Joe’s in order to get my W-2. I could not find the appropriate office to contact. Please let me know if this e-mail is seen and the information sent to those who need to know. Thank you.
Please do not allow open-carry of guns in any of your stores. It makes me feel uncomfortable knowing they are walking around with a deadly weapon that could easily fire. These people usually have a chip on their shoulder and are looking for a fight. Thanks for listening.
The manager at the Hillsboro location isn’t friendly whatsoever. I witnessed him talking to his employees in such a rude and demeaning way I’d consider it yelling , it was just so unapplealing to see and it left a bad taste in my mouth. Not what Id like to see at a grocery store that’s supposed to be super friendly. I just feel an uneasy and intense vibe from this person and it make me want to just go to the other location even though it’s farther. Pretty sure he was the store manager too
Why does Trader Joes decorate for St. Patrick’s day and not for MLK day. This will go viral on social media
Because trader joes is racist!! Everyone should know that..
Suzy , Du bist ein esel! How is that for racism?
Customers and employees agree that this person should no longer be rewarded for agressive, manipulative and unprofessional workplace ethics. This person has and continues to abuse his power in a way that negatively effects the workplace environment for employees and customers. Being aggressive, purposely misleading to put another employee at risk, corruption within reviews, passive agressiveness to piers, bullying employees let alone around employees are some of the many things multiple have witnessed at this location. Many know it is not his first or last time bringing his emotions to the workplace. It’s not a good look for the company and it takes away from a comfortable vibe you need in a workplace. For once take a step in the right direction and get this manipulative, aggresive, corrupted, morally empty person out of our store. Listen the the employee reviews for once. Listen to the customer and employee complaints and his previous/current investigations of his actions
Love the unique items, fresh food selection, healthy food and most of all the friendly, helpful staff — oh, and the easy, uncomplicated, checkout at Trader Joe’s! Love it!
What I don’t love is how I will find one of those unique food items, find that I LOVE it, and go back for more, only to find that it’s no longer available. Case in point: I loved, I mean really loved “JALAPENO CRANBERRY Sauce.” (I’d even bought bottles of it to give as seasonal gifts.) This year, however, frustrating visits and searches at my local, (Alexandria, VA), Trader Joe’s yielded only this response from one of the staff: “Oh, yeah. I haven’t seen that come in this year.”
So disappointed.
Will you (1) please respond to this note and (2) please get JALAPENO CRANBERRY Sauce
Thank you.
PS — Why isn’t there a Trader Joe’s nearer to National Harbor in Oxon Hill, MD?
Hello, i am writing you with concern about the job practices of your Pennsylvania warehouse located in Bath, pa. Your corporate office really needs to investigate employees & management there, as well as the Temp – agencies that are used to supply the labor force which is running your business… i hold Trader Joe’s to a higher regard but am now conflicted being that it has come to my attention that Trader Joe’s highers exconvicts. I am pretty sure that there is an equal opportunity act in place and that this is why you allow such individuals to work there, i understand. BUT to allow “violent” offenders with felony convictions, child neglect / abuse, and sex offenses to not only work but hold high positions in management and supervision is merely an outrage and you should be ashamed!!! This is not the images nor vision that Trader Joe’s set forth! I could not and will not (in good conscious) continue to endorse your company, knowing that my funds are fueling the engine of corruption and criminals! I am sure that there are people out there with “clean” past history willing to work to earn their keep but the chances that they should be given are loosely handed over to criminals. I have proof of these allegations. These crooked Temp-agencies that you choose to do business with are just as corrupt, knowing that background checks are vital, they abuse every loophole at their disposal in order to supply the workers at all cost, just to get their cut!.. if i do not see or hear about a change to these practices, i will begin taking this issue to the media, social media ans any other Outlet i can to spread the word! So clean house. No one wants to do business with a place that supports individuals who brought harm to others, while there are so many good people willing to work.. i am including a link to a site showing what one of your employees has done. It is public record and should be shared!
First, no employee of Trader Joe’s management team has been or is a convicted felon. As for crew members, they are not violent offenders. We do not hire them.
I’d like Trader Joes tto consider sponsoring the sleeper hit, uber cool podcast callded Sleep With Me. You’d be aligning yourself with a creative, entertaining & ultimately very important health enhancing insomnia buster. Please contact Scooter at Sleep With Me the podcast for a winning opportunity! G’night & thanks for considering this.
My company owns a 3.42 acre site on 475 Stelton Rd Piscataway NJ. I think it would be a great location for your store due to proximity of business and transportation routes as well as the population density. It is a flat commercial zoned piece with 3 free standing building and has been declared a redevelopment zone, which makes approvals easier. Please contact me to discuss if interested.
With the demise of the A&P chain, there will be an empty store in Millwood, NY. A Trader’s Joe would be in high demand because:
1. Quality
2. Brand name
3. Limited or no competition (Chappaqua, Millwood, Ossining). The closest significant food store is/was in Mt. Kisco, but it’s an A&P, so it will be shut down
4. It would shift a lot of demand from a (still proposed) Whole Food’s in an odd location in Chappaqua, NY.
5. Low entry point
The closest TJ’s is in White Plains, NY – quite far.
Please consider seriously this location.
There is an empty store in Scottsdale, AZ at East Via Linda and East Mountain View Roads. It was formerly occupied by A J Super Market. This is a perfect location for a Trader Joe’s Market. It is the perfect neighborhood to support and shop at Trader Joe’s. Please consider this location. Thank you.
Please consider a store in the Elmira, NY Market. Thanks.
I have a client interested in developing a shopping center in Daytona Beach Fl. on International Blvd,Would you have an interest in becoming the main anchor?…Guy Pirillo 386-503-****…Thank you
To Dan Bane:
My family and I have been loyal customers for years in California. After moving to Denver
in 2004 I waited patiently for the opening of Trader Joes here. A new store opportunity
is now going to be available in Castle Pines at I 25 when a Safeway store is closing.
Several miles south of the University St. location, it is ideal with freeway visibility, plenty’
of parking and a lucrative large population to support it. Thank you for you consideration
of this opportunity. Castle Rock is growing at a phenomenal rate and is the post office
location for the huge Castle Pines area which has hosted PGA Golf Events for many
years in their huge facilities. Thank you once again and we look forward to more
Trader Joe’s locations in the Denver area. Mary Hewitt 303 335-****
The area of Wylie/Sachse Texas (near and including 75098) has several large developments with homes ranging from $200K to over $500K. There is also considerable space for more residential development. Highway 78 is the major entry into this area and the region around 78 and Woodbridge Parkway is under commercial development now.
As residents of the area, we have heard of a new 24 Hour Fitness going in near one of the entrances to the Woodbridge residential development. There is a lot of land around this area for commercial development. The residents of Woodbridge have been discussing this on their community Facebook page and it is clear that many of us would like to have a healthy grocery store chain come in such as Trader Joe’s. We sit between two Trader Joe’s (Rockwall, TX and Plano, TX). Both of these locations are only likely to get traffic from this region if we work in those areas.
Our current shopping choices are the new Walmart that just came in to this development area, a very old Brookshires and two Kroger stores (One on 78 about 5 miles down the road and a new one on FM 544 about 3 miles away. The nearest Trader Joe’s or other grocery store that deals heavily in organics is at least a 20 to 30 minute drive from this area. Please consider this area for future development.
There is talk of a 24 Hour Fitness going in this area with construction starting very soon. There is also a large Lifetime Fitness in Garland which is also very close to this area. As a memeber of Lifetime Fitness Garland, I know that many of the members live in this area. Peo[le who are members of these large fitness facilities are also more likely to shop in places that sell health food options. Again, please consider this location for future store development. #traderjoes
No customer can continue to shop at a store where they get up to the line and they have to worry are the clerk going to let me buy the groceries – is this clerk going to ring me up all the way through or is she going to stop the transaction to ring up someone else. Just like your store did on 4/19/15 at 3pm. If you don’t want to sell groceries – if you really don’t want to let people buy groceries – why do you have a grocery store or a manger like the one described below
At approximate 3:00 on Sunday 4/19/15 at the Store on Voss at San Felipe in Houston Texas, I stood in line and when it was my turn the clerk began ringing up my groceries. Then a woman rolled up her basket and started putting her groceries down on the counter I was at – without staying one minute in any line. The woman had asked me where the line was and I had told her, in fact I pointed out to her that the clerk next to me had no one waiting and was almost finished with that person, but she didn’t want to wait in line she just moved ahead of me as the clerk was ringing me up. What angered me is the clerk stopped my transaction to ring up hers. She stopped my transaction! To ring up a customer that came after me. And she called a manager not to help me, not to apologize to me, not to ring me up but only to clear out my transaction for the benefit of the other customer. I wear orthopedic shoes and have a permanent leg injury from a car wreck and I can’t stand for long periods. I told the manger I was not only in front of this woman, my groceries were being rung up till the cancellation was put through to benefit the other customer. She didn’t apologize at all. She didn’t care and no one was trying to ring me up – still. So I told her you know you don’t want my business, you don’t need my business. I walked away from my grocery basket and toward the door. Only at that time did the manager offer to ring up my groceries. I have never heard of this happening in any grocery store. I pointed out she never apologized or offered any explanation and she said I could have the groceries free – they were under $20.00. But when she said it she was he was very sarcastic and ugly in her tone and she told me I hope you feel better. I felt fine. like all customers I can’t go to a grocery store where after standing in line and having a clerk began a transaction they can just decide to stop a transaction to ring up someone that hasn’t even stood in line.
You are lying. Please stop.
I was a fan of TJ’S until not too long ago. I’m always conscious about health and what I put in my mouth and use for my body. I trusted TJ’S. Now, after the the growing use of preservatives/chemicals, GMO’s that I find in present in foods in most supermarkets, I thought TJ’s would be a safe haven. It’s not! I’m no longer a fan and if ever I shop there, I spend hours reading ingredients. Many times, specially when I’m in a hurry, I am unable to read ingredients in it’s full detail. It’s always too late when at home, I am able to read full ingredients that I realize I wasted my money. Most of your boxed/processed foods are loaded with poisons. I always consult all those unreadable ingredients on the web. I’m always disappointed. There goes my trust for TJ’s. Was there a change of management/owners? Why do you support All those poisons as additives in food? Use your better judgement than just selling for profit. I thought it was a friendly store. Goodbye.
Many of the products have been with TJ’s for many years and probably your whole lifetime. I worked the company for a third of mine, and still feel a bond with it, because I was treated like a family member even while I was becoming visibly ill and almost unable to work. The stores I worked in payed me while I attempted to find small labour I could do up until it was no longer possible. The company does not promote themselves as an organic or health store and it never has. Trader Joe’s is not franchised, and nor has the CEO changed. Most have of the employees have worked at the store for years because they work for one another and the customer’s happiness. It is not about profit, and it is not about supporting ideals. It is a company, whether you personally like it or not, based upon supporting its family–themselves. That is why the crew is so happy consistently and why the customers return. It is up to the customer to judge, as you have, whether or not it is worth returning. =)
Please consider the Shenandoah valley as a excellent location for a trader joe’s. We have 7 to 8 surrounding towns and communities that are underserved and would benefit greatly from Trader Joe’s coming into the area. There is a Aldi store in our area. A trader’s would be a welcome addition.
We have Frederick, Maryland, Winchester, Virginia, Charles Town, West Virginia, Berryville, Virginia, Shepardstown, West Virginia, and Purcerville, Virginia as well as Leesburg, Virginia that would make excellent locations for a TJ’s.
We love TJ’s. Go to the Tustin store twice weekly. Is there a corporate-wide culture with respect to employees blocking access to product? Perhaps it’s just at this location. Almost every visit has us steering around an employee or waiting till they get out of the way to get to items. Today, while I waited about five feet away for another customer to leave the chicken tender area, two employees moved right in front of me when she left. They knew I was there and they conversed about something while I reached over their abutted shoulders to try to grasp a package. This is a very frequent occurrence that my wife and I have experienced. Not all employees. A fair guess would be close to 80%. We wish they were more aware of what they are doing. Doesn’t this go to courtesy?
I went to the store in Livermore this weekend and couldn’t get to a product twice because these two workerbees stood there talking the whole time. They saw me hovering and didn’t bother to move or ask me if I needed to get to the products they were blocking.
You walk up, use your ability to speak and say ‘excuse me, I’d like to reach for that product behind you’. Passive aggressive moron.
an avid supporter of Millbrae TJ’s and now SSF TJ’s, somewhat disappointed at the quality of a salad bought today, 3/8/15, use by 3/10/15. Horrible salad, picture available, it’s not the first time, never do I buy vegetables anymore, I do buy a great deal but reading the complaints it comes into being why I don’t shop TJ’s as much as I did several years ago.
What is wrong with you? well you must work on numbers, not good.So many yhez, not many neys. All in the numbers but if you notice, many clients are out of reach with you now due to the quality of the fresh produce, never buy it anymore, I’m concerned about the frozen pasta’s have just started buying them but now,hmmm they may be tossed. Cheese, wine, I love the prices but I want to do all my shopping at TJ’s so TJ, sharpen up, go back to where you were when you first opened up stores all over California. We are not happy. Now the employees, couldn’t wish for more, but it is funny if I have a certain item, oh I love that, my favorite, I think this comes with the training, it’s cute. I often say, “oh you have to say this right?” blank stare for a second. I must comment on the size of the Apples, Honey Crisp, my favorite but the size makes me think they have been altered in the growing, please reply to this. I never see any Honey Crisp Apples this size. It will only be a short time before TJ’s will be under great scrutinizing with all the problems they have been having with product, so what do I do with my crappy salad, take it back. “oh madam it is opened we can’t accept anything that has been opened.” It happened so many years when I had bought a champagne, it was recalled after I returned so much plus an opened bottle, I complained to your site and was told, always ask for the Captain. I will do this tomorrow. It’s like the story of the woman with the flowers, they are dead before they get home. It’s like the salad I bought, it was dead before I bought it home for dinner.
Dear Trader Joe’s,
I’ve been a happy customer for many years SF & SB, ……now in Santa Barbara where I shop in your stores regularly when here.
Problem: We have purchased many bottles of signature California Estate Olive Oil
but what is presently on the shelves at both TJ’s stores/SB area is very cloudy.
I asked the manager at De La Vina store but was told it was due to cooler
temperature. I checked the various oils, none were cloudy except Ca. Estate
Olive Oil – frankly the manager was not at all interested or helpful, believe he
simply wanted me to ‘go away’ – most unusual for your Staff!
You may wish to check on both the oil & the management. Thank you.
Greetings, Please direct me to your bakery goods buyer to tray and sell Trader Joes a wonderful original bread made popular in East Los Angeles since 1949. The bread style originated in Portugal and has been adopted by most LAtin American countries. We bake fresh daily. We have capacity to service your southern California locations with our unique formulation of “Telera bread” used in making the newly popular “Tortas”. We do not make Italian bread and try to sell it as a Telera. This is core bread made for specific meals (from Mexico to Brazil). Thank you in advance for any direction and assitance on this matter.
Please consider East Windsor, NJ (zipcode 08520)
for a new store. Bottom Dollar was just closed by
your umbrella corporation and if they still have the
lease for the space it would be a perfect location for a
Trader Joe’s. The community would assure its
Good morning,
I am looking to compliment a memeber of your gift card team. Ross Willey! He was amazing, efficeint, kind and had well rounded customer service. I am very happy and content that I was able to work with him for my issue. He resolved it in a timley manor! Thank again.
Francesca Vercellone
Dear Joe! Truly, you are the very best!
And, Dan R., one of your Crew Members in Seattle at your Capitol Hill Trading Store, is a great reflection of that! He is kind, sensitive, warm, wise, balanced, helpful…! He such fun and so engaging… He is just the greatest guy!
Whether on land or sea, Joe, you are the very best!
To whom it may concern, good morning,
I am a celebrity fitness trainer in Los Angeles, I came up with an idea for a product (food) after seeing my clients struggling with something. I have never seen it on the market.
I think it would be perfect in your store 🙂 I am very serious and would like to talk further to your marketing team about this revolutionary idea.
Thank you for giving me 2 minutes of your time
Best regards,
Imprint of monoculture: Oil palm plantations in Sarawak have decimated rain forests and the native plants and animals within them. Oil palm, Straumann says, is the biggest threat to rain forests, not only in Southeast Asia but also around the world.
IT ISN’T NECESSARY FOR ANYTHING… EXCEPT THE ANIMALS WHO EAT THE FRUIT. GET EDUCATED, OR IS IT ONLY THE ALMIGHTY BUCK FOR YOU? I GUESS IT MUST BE. YOU MISLABEL ALL KINDS OF THINGS. Wild arugala isn’t wild, it’s commercially grown with pesticides. Are you trying to fool everyone? Yep, you are. There’s more, but why bother… you don’t give a crap.
I am disgusted by the attitudes of some of your employees in the Oro Valley Store here in Arizona.They do not follow the law,such as giving the correct amount of breaks and safety regulations,New employees are made fun of by employees that have been there for a long period of time when ask how to use any machine on company policies .Gossip among them selves by two in particular Marilyn and Heather about other customers.This should be grounds for termination.Making fun of the customers and talking rude to them.Also to new employees.What is wrong with the young men bringing in the shopping carts?why do they have women doing that god awful job?One girl looks like she is from another planet,her hair of dread luxs so nasty looking.They pretend to be nice to people but they stab you in the back,employees over worked and not getting there breaks only one half hour lunch,it is time to call the district office and also the labor board.Yes I am speaking about the store on Oracle and Magee,manager Chad.Where the women all XXXXXX a lot and not work,some not all.they lie on other employees.Please do not go to this store,management and CEO do something about fair treatment and stop all of the above from happening,enforce the law,give your employees there breaks.Stop the gossip,get Marilyn to cut her hair.Train your people right.Don’t insult them or act as if you are a Hero because you can run a register and some one new can’t.Clean up this store.Get rid of the bad apples that have been there for ages,what kind of ambition is that anyway?I will never go back there,until they follow the law and get rid of the losers.Angry Customer.Slavery Ended!Rich people can wait just like all of the others,Oh why should employees be forced to work 8 long hours when you say you hire them for PT. To me 4 to 6 hours is a PT shift.Getting an education is so much more important than Trader Joe’s!Ha Ha!This is the most fake place that anyone can work or shop at.Please look into all the problems and clean them up!Thank you!
Went to trader joes for the first time!! I love everything about it!! I have one request please put one in my town!! Palm Coast florida!! So I can shop and enjoy this fabulous store…
There is a terrific site for a TJ on the border of Phoenix and Scottsdale Arizona. The lot has recently been cleared and would offer more than adequate store space and parking. The residents of this area are hungry for a TJ that is closer to their homes. You would draw from a great population, i.e. apartments, country club members, Arcadia area homes, and local upscale and medium income folks. I am speaking of the corner of 56th Street and Thomas Road 85257. I would highly encourage your company to consider this location for a very successful outcome. Please let me know your reaction to this request. I have no real estate business interest in this request, simply a need for your excellent store in my neighborhood. Suzanne Armstrong
Can you tell me if your software support is handled in-house or if it is handled by a third party?
I am seeking employment in the area of IT services, and I would like to know where to look for such job opportunities for your business.
Thank you,
John Kruse
May I take the time to suggest a great location in our Greater New Milford, CT shopping
center “Litchfield Crossings”. Our area would benefit TJ’s since we serve both CT & NY
State shoppers. New Milford is rapidly growing being the hub for many communities with
above average incomes in Litchfield County. We do have a TJ in Danbury CT, Fairfield
County but too far for Litchfield County. I would appreciate if you would take the time to
consider our newest plaza and contact Litchfield Crossing’s at their website. I as well as
several would consider your food & beverage items far superior to “regular outlets”. Years
ago my wife & I were customers in your first location in So. Pasadena when we lived in CA.
used to love trader joes ,,,,not any more….you carry more UNHEALTHY food than organic healthy food….you are no better than Safeway ( the unsafe way to shop… food for death) and Luckys( the unlucky place to shop). Greed kills ,,,,it looks like your family cares more about money, profit, than keeping our kids healthy and supporting a healthy planet!!! 🙁
I got kicked out of your store today because of my dog in Simi valley, CA. I’ve been shopping at trader joes for years now .No problems. Everything is great when I Go. I never went with my dog until today. I walk to your store because it’s convienient for me. it’s a short walk from where I live. I usually go to your store in the evening. Since it gets dark out earlier I decided to go with my dog. She’s a pug. Going to your store I’ve seen a couple people take their small dog. Usually in the carts. I had mine on her leash. So I thought dogs were allowed. I go in and started shopping with my dog. I got a couple things at first. Taking my time cause I was thing what I needed to get. Then one of your managers I think came up to me and asked me if my dog was a service dog and I said no. Then he tells me that my dog can’t be in here . He explained to me why. Health code violation. He asks me if there was anything else I needed. I couldn’t tell him cause I wasn’t sure what else I needed. He doesn’t pull me aside and tells me. He tells me while there’s customers around. I felt embarased. I didn’t finish my grocery shopping. I left home with a few bananas, Apple’s and tortillas. What can I make with that…nothing. This wouldnt of happened if there was a “no dogs allowed” sign On your doors. I took pictures to prove it. Please get one up so this won’t happen again to another person.
stop bringing your filthy, butt-licking dogs in the store!!! that is one thing that erks the f@ck out of me, esp. in los angeles, you play with these dogs after they’ve been rolling around in dirt and touch and fondle all the products and produce and wonder why people are looking at you crazy. i even hate seeing service dogs in grocery stores, but what can you do about that. leave mitzy in the car or chain it to a pole outside and store spreading your disgusting dog germs all over our food! jesus! stop feeling so entitled.
What a load of nonsense. People are obsessed with germs and bacteria. Show me one incident of anyone getting sick from being around a dog. The number of germs carried by people all day – keep them out of the store. These crazy cloths to wipe down the handles of the shopping carts, cloths to clean the gym equipment – all such rubbish. Just wash your hands before you eat and you’ll be OK. Paranoid, obsessive bunch of freaks. People like this are probably all screwed up anyway. Can’t take the dog to the store? Shop elsewhere.
My wife put in an application at the Winter park Florida store and they told her they would call next week for an interview. A week later they sent a form letter telling her they would not be setting up an interview but thanks for being a valued customer. I sent them a letter asking for an explanation about not setting up the interview and asking if it had anything to do with her age (61) since the store only had 20 some things working. No Response… I sent a registered letter return receipt last week but still no response. I guess we are not valued customers
Aloha Trader Joe’s! Been visiting again from the Big Island of Hawaii and feeling so much Aloha from your employees at the Trader Joe’s in Chatsworth. ALL of your employees there have a positive, enthusiastic and professional demeanor. However, I believe that it’s a “trickle down” from management – especially Capt. Don who sets the bar for all. Jose’s was very approachable and helpful to me [and my family] during a time of family illness. Joan the demo queen is absolutely the best. While expressing my gratitude to them personally makes me feel better, I feel management should know that there is A LOT going right at that particular store.
Of course, I truly wish you would come to the Big Island but will keep my happy memories in my heart.
Mahalo nui loa!
Heres a link to our page in Boone Nc, We are growing every day & REEEEALLLY want a store in our town.
Please look into opening a store in Rockland County. There is a high demand and I have a perfect spot for you to look at.
OhMyGosh you’ve gone and done it again! Removed products that I love 🙁
Hopefully I’m not your only customer who enjoyed your:
• South African SMOKE Seasoning Blend
• Electrolyte Enhanced Water
I understand that if you get enough requests … you’ve been known to bring items back.
Add a second vote from my boyfriend too!
Please , please , please open a store closer to my house. There is one in the woodlands and Houston .And with the up and coming theme park that is coming to new caney I think it would do great closer to us county folk and kingwood tx. There is a nice lot right off 59 and Fostoria exit with freeway access for sale here in Splendora Tx .it would be great access for folks in Livingston Kingwood Humble and of course Me:) please I’m begging lol.
I have a friend who is one of your employees. She a good and honest person who found a bank envelope containing $200.00 on the floor in her store. Being conscientious, she turned it in to the person in charge. Long story short, that person KEPT the money. I need to know what your store policy is on money lost and found and who it goes to if not claimed. I believe it should have been held for a minimum of a week and given to the employee who found it if no one claims the money. I find the manager in this instance to be a thief and they should be either reprimanded or outright let go.
You’ve changed your “trader Joe Java” $4.99– new blend is bitter and hard to drink. This kind of cost cutting is damaging to TJ brand. Word of mouth made you and it can hurt you. If something sells./////////////////leave it the hell alone.
Wish your corporate geniuses would leave well enough alone: someone wishing to prove his usefulness to TJ changed the safety cap on the TJ’s unsweetened organic soy milk carton from a reliable safety tabbed spout to one that does not give evidence of tampering: the cap feels the same upon first opening as it does upon every twist after, the seal has been removed , so you are at the mercy of anyone who is moved to open the cap, spit into the unsealed carton and put the cap back on, without leaving the slightest evidence of tampering. Why would anyone come up with this idea? He should be fired and made to drink from all the cartons that I am now leaving unpurchased on the shelves.
Kathy Urbano,
Thanks for your response to my not being able to find horseradish.
I however have to disagree with you about your claim of the Laziness and not caring you have experienced. Store employees at the Petaluma, CA store are ALWAYS POLITE AND GO OUT OF THEIR WAY TO HELP THE CUSTOMER. A1 service!!! and that’s EVERY TIME. NEVER rude, I also shop in Novato, CA and find the same with their wonderful employees too.
Before I go on Yelp I wanted to post here. I am posting about the Temecula, CA store. Also, I have been shopping since 1970 at TJ’S. Firstly, I’d like to say that I have experienced similar infuriating conversations with TJ’S employees! Always the same excuse, it is “seasonal” or it didn’t sell well or corporate discontinued the item or worse yet that the store doesn’t have it & I find it 3 minutes later on the shelf! My experience with uninformed, uncaring employees at TJ’S has hit an all time high. Without going into every little nuance let me just get straight to the disgusting experience with a manager named Jim Fletcher. Said he had been with the company 30 years! Then why SO SO RUDE! I told him that I am sick of the cashiers leaving stuff out of the bag. I drive from Sun City to Temecula(15 miles one way) and don’t appreciate getting home to find smoked salmon I paid $14 for NOT in the bag. The last 3 times they have left stuff out! Never once did he ask what did they leave out or act sympathetic AT ALL! The answer was “sorry you feel that way!” Really! I didn’t know I had feelings for Trader Joes! So I guess he could care less! Think Mr. Fletcher needs to retire! Or better yet lose his job! I told him it had nothing to do with feelings but facts that have actually happened to me. In the last 3 weeks I have had over $30 worth of merchandise I paid for left out of the bags! Never once has one person there offer to replace, reimburse ot make it right! He says “well looks like I’m not going to win this conversation no matter what!” I didn’t know it was about winning! I thought I was valued as a customer for OVER 40 years! Guess not! Jim Fletcher shame on you, YOU NEED to retire. YOU also owe me a huge apology. I LOATHE going here but have to because the next TJ’S is in Oceanside, another 25 miles away. It is shameful to be treated this way. Rude cashier that FYI almost forgot my water and caught it as I was leaving! The employees all have each others’ backs but could care less about the customers. Shame on corporate for not making sure these things don’t happen. I WANT TO BE REIMBURSED!!
Just a quick question. When I asked if my local TJ’s in Sonoma County, CA if they have horse radish, they told me it was a seasonal item. What season? Why is it not stocked year ’round? I know many people that also wonder why it is not available. Mustard isn’t a seasonal item. Neither is ketsup! I’ll keep asking when I shop and see if shoppers concerns are heard.
Thank You
No horseradish is NOT seasonal!! Lol….the staff at these stores are absolutely clueless.
Of course it is stocked everywhere year round. Double check Dee because I can’t tell you how many times I couldn’t find something & was told a complete lie by the staff because they are TOO LAZY and UNCARING to check. So I ended up finding it myself! When I go up to them and tell them they were incorrect and they indeed have it they shrug their shoulders. They could care less. Uninformed and clueless at many of the stores & I have lived all over the country and shopped @ many of the Trader Joe’s and it is the same nonsense. You would think that they would want to know about what they carry. I asked a staff member at my TJ’s about some cookies and he said how do I know I hate chocolate! Nice huh! Hope you get an answer but I wouldn’t hold my breath!
Seasonal as in, when the supplier can give it to them. Trader Joe’s operates by buying in small amounts from suppliers, to maintain freshness. With a new product like horseradish, they began testing how popular it would be by buying very small amounts to test the market. If the supplier could not get more immediately and it was not officially a TJ’s product, it would be labelled a seasonal product. Furthermore, if the employee received incorrect information from his or her superior or the computer, then it is no way their fault.
For the most part, I appreciate the quality and selection at Trader Joes. On Friday night, September 5th while I was eating the Trader Joes Mediterranean Hummus there was a hard object in your hummus that chipped my front permanent tooth, and I had to wait until the following Tuesday to get my tooth repaired. Today is 9/15/14 and I don’t even want to stress about one bit of this incident more than I already have, however, a representative called me and added insult to injury by challenging my truth this morning. Believe me, I don’t need anymore stress or worry. Trader Joes, please, make this right.
Lately there are an increasing number of dogs in the store. These are NOT all service animals as some of them are poorly behaved and SMELL bad. It is a violation of LA County Heath Dept regulations to have pets in a grocery store. Where will it end??
On another note, why are there always expired products on your shelves?
Long time shopper with TJ’s seeing a long time problem: Many good food staple products over the years become discontinued, usually for the simplest of reason’s – failure by local staff to reorder. Another reason is: due to poor display location – being bumped from eye-catching location by another supplier/vendor’s product. Your Marketing ‘Button Pushers’ don’t know why a product’s sales fall off. They just know it has, and line up something something to replace it… usually not as good! This causes customer’s frustration after they have relied on a particular set of staples for some years. Its also been the reason they continue to return, then you take their favorites away.
How do I know this? Talking to your floor and supervisory staff over the years. They see the same thing! But different for them…. they have to listen to the customers.
I heard your Marketing department has little or no contact with store operations. So how do they make Intelligent decisions?
Trader Joe’s has given me confidence in shopping for my family. The prices are fair and the quality is outstanding! I’ve asked your employees about the use of GMO’s in any Trader Joe’s products. They have all reassured me that Trader Joe’s takes a three tiered process in ensuring no GMO’s are in any products with the Trader Joe’s logo on them. Thank you for that.
I have three requests:
1) Understanding the costs associated with labeling all of your food products with a non-GMO label I won’t ask you to do that but I am requesting that you stand behind your word and at least post a sign in each of your stores that “No GMO’s are used in ANY Trader Joe’s product”.
2) Please consider having prepackaged foods in the family size packaging. Trader Joe’s is not just for the busy single working person any more. Many of us have grown up and started families. I’d like to buy in bulk but you packaging requires that I purchase three bags in order to feed my family one meal. Can you consider offering family sized packaging?
3) Open a store in Inglewood, CA. Please! Open a store in Inglewood. Our city is changing and developing leaps and bounds. We have new metro train expansion happening opening up to new businesses. They have refurbished and reopened the “Fabulous Forum” formerly known as the Great Western Forum, home of the LA Lakers!
I’m confident your store would see great profits in Inglewood.
Thanks for your consideration.
I was a faithful shopper of your store when I lived in CA…now that I live in Kalispell,MT I wish there was a store here for me to go to. Can you consider opening a store in our area which is growing leaps and bounds….we have many new businesses on the docket to be built and are in construction now. The health food stores that are here now are overly priced and don’t offer enough of a variety on products. I really feel your store would prosper successfully in our location. We are close to Bigfork, Whitefish, Columbia Falls and only 1 hour from the Canadian border(Alberta) where we get A LOT of shoppers crossing the border to shop at our local stores and attend our local events….if you are looking for a new location please give us some consideration…you won’t be sorry.
Just went to your store for the first time and fell in love. Only problem, it is clear across town from where I live. I ran into friend at you store on 8th and Colorado Blvd in Denver and she informed me you are opening another store on 7th and Logan IN DENVER????? I did some research and noticed you have opened store in every part of greater Denver EXCEPT the west side where I live (Golden, Wheat Ridge, Lakewood, Arvada). Could you please consider this area when you thin about opening another store! We have plenty of granola crunches in this part of town too 🙂
We live in a small town just north of the California border on the coast of Oregon. The large grocery store in Smith River recently closed leaving those folks without any grocery store. The seniors of Smith River must get themselves to either Crescent City, CA (13 Miles) or to Brookings, Oregon (13 Miles). The closest Trader Joe’s is in Medford or 120 miles of windy twisty mountain road each direction.
C&K Grocers (Main office Brookings, Oregon) has offered to aid in the set up another grocery in Smith River – in their old building. C&K has also just closed a grocery store in Brookings/Harbor, Oregon. An anchor store in a rather good size mall. (C & K is just coming out of Chapter 11 bankruptcy and have closed and are attempting to rid themselves of Real Estate to allow them to continue in business.
A personal survey of friends and other grocery shoppers in Brookings have led me to believe that a Trader Joe’s store in either Smith River, CA or Brookings/Harbor, Oregon would be well received and a profit point for Trader Joe’s.
The buyers are here and would be willing to travel a shorter distance to shop at Trader Joe’s.
Please think on the possibility
Barbara Lillis
xx Ransom Ave
Brookings, OR 97415
Your frozen shrimp appear to be from Thailand. I have read (The Guardian Weekly, that much of the shrimp harvesting in Thailand is done with slave labor. I will not knowingly purchase a produce that is the product of human slavery. Please confirm that your seafood products from Thailand are slavery free. I will not purchase them until that can be verified. Otherwise, I am very pleased with Trader Joes.
Thank you.
I have an concern over an incident at a Trader Joe’s store here in Atlanta and I need to talk with someone about it. Are people getting their needs and concerns taken care of? Please email me back.
This is my last stop before “YELP”. I have been grocery shopping at my local Trader Joe’s in Simi Valley almost exclusively for nine years, since the long employee strike at the big chain stores. In the last six to nine months I have noticed a definite change in the quality of employees. It has now been many occasions that employees at that store have acted like customers are “in their way” as they stock the shelves and move around the store. There is definitely an attitude of “you’re being a pain in the ass with all your shopping, we have a job to do”. Also the new checkers are SOOO slow. Every little thing baffles them and lines always block the iles.
Last night I was in a line behind one person having a full cart of groceries checked. There were two behind me and four in line at the next check stand. My checker was incredibly slow on the uptake and every little thing threw her. Three other checkers opened up and drew the next in line from checkstand beside mine BECAUSE THEY HAD BASKETS WITH LESS IN THEM THAN MY CART. The checker at the stand next to mine got hung up on a customer with one bottle of wine and was calling a manager over and the three people behind me were in a better position to leave for one of the newly opened stands whose checkers were faster. Within four minutes I was the only second person in five lines. My checker was still hopelessly slogging through the cart ahead of me and the checker next to mine that was calling for a manager sat down on the water bottles at the front of the store.
It was clear to me that customers buying fewer items were more valued. Hey they are less work right? IF I WANT TO BE DISREGARDED AS A CUSTOMER BY SLOW EMPLOYEES WITH A “CUSTOMERS ARE A PAIN” ATTITUDE I WILL BE GOING TO ALBERTSON’S WHERE THE SELECTION IS MUCH MUCH GREATER. Trader Joe’s product isn’t that special.
WOW. I’m sorry you had that experience. I’ve had the opposite experience at my local Trader Joe’s in Westchester, CA. The employees here are friendly, helpful, go out of their way for any request I’ve ever made and they are expedient. I’ve never had to wait long for service of any kind especially at the check out stand.
I’ve asked the employees what’s it’s like working for Trader Joe’s, they all told me it’s great! The benefits are great! The treatment they receive from corporate and the “higher ups” are respectful. They feel valued. I’ve been so impressed with the opinions of their employees about the organization that I may consider working there myself.
I hope this problem is resolved quickly. If not, you can always move to SouthWest LA and come shop at the Westchester Trader Joe’s near LAX. 🙂
When are you planning on settling in El Paso?
I had a nice chat with your human relations department lady what to thank her for giving me the time to explain the reason for my call. We Trader Joe’s aficionados in Las Cruces New Mexico have been waiting for several years for a Trader Joe’s store. It is difficult for us to drive almost 300 miles to the next store in either Albuquerque or Tucson. We are anxiously awaiting the opening of a TJ store and want to encourage your management to seriously consider speeding up
As the first hire for the first store opening in Sun City Arizona I am particularly interested in seeing a store in Las Cruces, or if possible in El Paso which would be only one hour drive for us.
Felix Pfaeffle
Amy who answers the phone is extremely rude she cares about no one but her self . In life you treats people like crap it comes back to you . No customer service skills .
I TOTALLY agree, Sheryl! I called corporate to complain about bad service from a cashier in Westfield and got even more aggravated complaining to corporate — who have equally BAD attitudes! All you get is a “yes, ma’am” with absolutely ZERO compassion.
Screw you TRADER JOE’s! You have NOTHING good in your store worth going out of my way for. Everything in your store has SUGAR in it. You should be called SUGAR JOE’S.
I’ll be shopping at the smaller, indie health food stores like I used to! You totally blew it today! And I’m spreading the word about how bad your service is.
Trader Joe’s specialty is candy. =D You didn’t know? Of course it has sugar. Their chocolates are legendary.
To whom it may concern,
My family has been a faithful customer of Trader Joes for quite some time. I have always enjoyed your excellent customer service and your high quality food items-so I am a bit shocked with the lack of professionalism and the way my situation has been handled.
On 5/9/2014,I was shopping with my infant at Trader Joe’s of Encino. When I got to the check out counter, my infant was already tired and cranky, so I took her out of the cart and asked the cashier to help me to my car as he packed my bags.One of the items I had purchased was grape seed oil. The person who packed it placed it on the bottom of my bag with other heavy items (since they were heavy items,you would think the person bagging it would ask if I wanted it double bagged).The cashier got someone to help me to my car as I was holding my infant and placed the bags into my car. I never had contact with the bag until I arrived home. When I arrived home 5 minutes later,I started to remove the bag with the grape seed oil. The bag had fallen out of my hands and hit the floor as I was holding it by the handles.The grape seed oil shattered in the bag.As I was trying to get the bag to the front door as fast as possible, so I can get my child out of the car, the oil leaked all over my driveway.Speaking to Trader Joe’s corporate office about this my experience has been nothing but HORRIBLE.They keep giving me the run around. Finally after a week, Chrissy from Gallagher Bassett Services contacted me saying that they didn’t think Trader Joe’s was liable for the grape seed oil incident. I asked to speak to a supervisor.I was transferred over to Lisa Kerr and she said “that I should have been holding the bag from the bottom not with the handles”. What kind of excuse is that! She also kept using condescending language and interrupting me while speaking with her.
After showing them more evidence of the incident, she said they could offer me $100.I told her I needed a professional to come clean the property which was quoted to me at $350. Lisa just laughed and said thats all she could do.Then I asked to speak to her supervisor and she transferred me over to Amir who was very short and rude and said that he stuck by the $100 and thats all he could do.I was then transferred to another supervisor,Cathy Meginnis, who also said that the $100 was all they were willing to give even though all I would like is to have a professional perform the work and not my husband,per her recommendation.
Requesting $350 to have my driveway cleaned to the state it was before this incident I feel is NOT too much to ask for. I am very surprised and disappointed with the way this has been handled, especially since it has been almost two months since it was reported. I frequent Trader Joe’s at least twice weekly and spend close to $1000 per month. I feel that this incident should have been treated differently and is definitely making me think twice about shopping at Trader Joe’s in the future.
Thank you for listening!
Natalie K.
Haha!!! This reminds me of the mcdonalds hot coffee!!! Consumers are sometimes complete idiots!
Yo, Natalie: You’re outta your damned mind!
I can’t believe I read that whole thing. Be thankful you swindled $100 from the company! They should have offered you NOTHING
Trader Joes credit card machines are out dated they need to be updated ASAP .
Its not the customers fault if their card doesn’t swipe up date your machines.
If you asked some one to show their ID card you don’t ask some one in a disrespectful and rude manner . Treat people the way you want to be treated . Traders Joes needs to train some of their staff about the way they speak to customers . You speak to me like garbage you deserve to be treated the same way .
I went to Traders Joes @ 90 -30 Metropolitan Ave in Kewgardens , Queens Newyork. I was single out because of my race . Sam thought I stole my food stamp card my food stamp card was issue to me because am disabled . He told me was protecting my identity . The manager told me is a new policy to ask for ID . I got upset Sam was so rude when he asked me for my ID that store has no customer service skills what so ever .I don’t know where they get their workers from . I call their corporate store I spoke with Amy she was the rudest person , talking over me and would not let me say a word . She told me they always have a policy in that Queens store because other people steals other people food stamp card . First of all u live in California you do not run any NYC store . I bought chicken from Traders Joes I was sick for one week . Some of their food is garbage . I would never shop in one of their store ever again . You get what u pay for in life .
Are you actually complaining and throwing down “the race card” because a cashier was doing their job to protect YOUR food stamps?! You should ALWAYS be prepared to show your ID when using your food stamp card. And another thing, you really need to learn how to use spell check and write complete sentences because “people steals” and “U” is not proper.
According to FEDERAL LAW: “Food Stamp recipients are REQUIRED to show IDENTIFICATION cards when obtaining their food stamps, unless they are mailed. In addition, Food Stamp recipients also have to show IDENTIFICATION when redeeming coupons at retail stores if the retailer requests it. Retailers are not required to ask for IDENTIFICATION unless they have reason to believe that the person redeeming coupons is not entitled to have them.”
So if being asked to show identification when using the coupons bothers you, you might consider paying FULL PRICE for your food purchases in the future. As a long-time TAX PAYING citizen that is paying for people like you to eat for free, I thank you.
Oh, and this site has nothing to do with the establishments mentioned. Just providing a place to put cheers and jeers.
Actually, I hate to tell you Ann, but I opened and worked in NYC for several years and I am Californian… Several of my co-workers were too, since we had to train and work with the people who got hired in New York City. The front office is in California because it is a very small company. There are only a very few people working in the front office. It is a very involved family business. I now also have food stamps because I don’t work anymore due to my chronic illness. If you feel upset by their treatment or product, just tell them at the front. The workers are from California, New York City (all over the City), Texas, and Arizona, and other places, too. All over the U.S. If you got food poisoning, then that is a problem and consider writing a letter to HR.
The ladies who answers the phone at Trader Joe corporate office are extremely rude Amy and another lady . If you do not like your job stay home . What do you get from treating people like garbage .
This was sent to you by normal mail in October, 2013. We never received a response. Sincerely yours, R.Mouzas
Trader Joe’s – Customer Service
P.O. Box 5049
Monrovia, CA 91017-7149
Dear Sir,
Let us begin by saying that our family has been a faithful customer of Trader Joes since 1969 when we shopped at one of your original stores in the Torrance/Manhattan Beach area. We have always enjoyed your excellent choice of product, and high quality standards. In fact, we always felt a bit of excitement when we got to shop at Trader Joes.
On Monday September 23, 2013, we were shopping at one of your stores in the University district of Seattle. We were in the vegetable aisle, around 6 pm. I suddenly felt something graze my left cheek. Surprised, I looked at my wife and she said that someone had thrown something very hard, as she had seen it fly through the air. It turned out it was one of your employees, a young female working in the vegetable department who had thrown a tomato, or some other vegetable at another male employee. I went up to her and said: “I should report you”. I then decided that because of time constraints (having to get back to Vancouver that evening), and wanting to give her a chance, I would drop the matter. A little while later I saw her enjoying the rest of her evening laughing with fellow employees.
On the way home, we reflected more on the matter and decided we would email you a report of what happened. After all, this was a public place. What if her aim had been “better” and hit me in the eye? Or caused some other physical hurt? So, I did send in a short report by email on your website. We then waited. Weeks passed. No response. I sent a second message. Then a few days later, the manager, Chris O’Connor phoned us at home.
He said the employee was being monitored. He said he wanted to do something for us. What would we like? I asked him what he would expect if he was in our shoes. He then offered us ten dollars. Frankly, we were shocked. Ten dollars? I told him how we felt, basically being offered a couple of cups of coffee as an apology. He said it would be referred to Michael Krause, the regional manager.
So to recap, we have never experienced anything like this in any store we have ever shopped in. And, we do not ever remember feeling so insulted by an apology.
What does your company think of the way this was handled?
Thank you for your hearing ear.
Sincerely yours,
Richard and Catherine Mouzas
XXXXX Sunset Street
Burnaby, BC V5G 4N2
Home: 604.291.XXXXX
Mobile: 604.488.XXXXX
What ever happened to Larry Lewis in your specialty food arm of your business? (2004?) Our families got to know each other well.
Buy Local?
We’ve been trying to get a response to our application to be a vendor. Your local store likes our year-round leafy green vegetables (grown via aquaponics) but the response from corporate has been ZERO. We’ve tried several times over the last 4 months. Is there a person we could talk to?
Mike Knight @ Clean Fresh Food
PLEASE open a store in Little Rock, Arkansas! We need you.
Whole Foods will be moving to a new location within the year and vacating a wonderful location, they need more space. It’s a perfect location for you! I’m a native Californian and miss Trader Joe’s. Check it out as I’m sure you’ll agree with me. It’s worth a look see.
Thank you!
Hi, I am a nutritionist and dietitian and use a free nutrition analysis software to assess client nutrient intake. Of course, the large majority of people eat and LOVE Trader Joe’s. Is there any way to get nutrition information for your products beyond simply taking pictures of the labels? Considering you have 5,000+ or so products, this type of approach is quite daunting! 🙂
I have found your product information integrated in other nutrition analysis programs (for example, Weight Watchers). The database I am working with is free and based on the USDA database. I want to make sure to provide clients with an accurate assessment software to help them reach better health, but this is difficult to do so when their diet is comprised largely of Trader Joe’s products yet the nutrition information is not readily available for them to access.
Please let me know who I might inquire further with this request. I appreciate your help and time in advance.
Thank you!
I already know this is a strange request but, I am going to requst it anyway : ) I was wondering if you could consider opening a store in or very close to Westfield, PA. I have cousin who lives in a small town outside of Westfield, PA who loves your food. When I can, I actually ship him some your products. When I told him that i always shop at Trader Joe’s he said, “I love that place!” My cousin is particular about what eats. Your fantastic reputation even reached a very small town like Westfield, PA. Out of love for my cousin Ernie, I submitting this quest : )
Pasadena, CA
Please bring back the Peppermint Candies—no artifical flavors, no preservatives, sodium free. They are the only ones that have no corn syrup. If you advertised that or gave them an end cap just once, I’m sure you’d sell out.
If you don’t bring them back where can I find them?
Pleading with you for a return of the Peppermints. I’d get down on my knees, but I’m 80.
Ottilie, a long, long time customer in California and now Oregon
When is your location on walnut opening , also are we going to have one in Richardson
We just found out that the only grocery store on Chincoteague Island (Eastern Shore of VA) is probably closing. The chain is closing most of their stores in the region. Would you PLEASE consider as a new location? It is a great beach town (voted #1 beach town by AOL, #2 island by Trip Advisor). We really need a Trader Joe’s.
I would like the name of the person responsible for paying your maintenance invoices. Our company, T&O Refrigeration, serviced your refrigeration units in the Atlanta area stores. We have not been paid for this work. The invoices are over 6 months old. I have contacted Chad Lovett, our contact in your Boston office, several times trying to get these invoices paid. Mr. Lovett is very non-responsive. Could you please direct me to someone that can help me with this matter. Thank you.
We NEED a Trader Joe’s in Waxhaw NC… PLEASE PLEASE
Love your fearless flyer publication. Helps to try new things. I realize there is only so much space but would like to see nutritional and ingredient info included. With chronic health situation would like to see items with less sodium and gluten free also. Since I have to cross a bridge to another state to the closes store having this info ahead of time would really help. Your time is appreciated.
I love Trader Joe’s. The healthy food items that are offered are awesome.
What I would like to know is are there any plans to bring a Trader Joe’s to the Imperial Valley? I would love to see a store here and I feel it would definitely be supported.
dear purchasing director
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export director