Tuesday Morning was founded in 1974 by Lloyd Ross in Dallas, Texas. The company offers upscale, discount merchandise from famous manufacturer’s who are closing out items such as furniture, luggage, clothing, children’s toys, pet items, jewelry, apparel and bedding.
From the single store in Dallas, Tuesday Morning has grown to 820 stores in 41 states across the U.S. The company has more than 9,000 employees and had $906 million in revenue in 2014.
Tuesday Morning has had some frequent changes in their CEO lately but recently named Michael Rouleau as CEO in 2014. The company is publicly traded on the NASDAQ stock exchange under the ticker symbol TUES.
In May 2023, the company announced that it would close all remaining stores by May 13th, 2023. The company has never had an e-commerce business and it is unknown if it will reopen online only.
Tuesday MorningTuesday Morning was founded in 1974 by Lloyd Ross in Dallas, Texas. The company offers upscale, discount merchandise from famous manufacturer’s who are closing out items such as furniture, luggage, clothing, children’s toys, pet items, jewelry, apparel and bedding.
From the single store in Dallas, Tuesday Morning has grown to 820 stores in 41 states across the U.S. The company has more than 9,000 employees and had $906 million in revenue in 2014.
Tuesday Morning has had some frequent changes in their CEO lately but recently named Michael Rouleau as CEO in 2014. The company is publicly traded on the NASDAQ stock exchange under the ticker symbol TUES.
In May 2023, the company announced that it would close all remaining stores by May 13th, 2023. The company has never had an e-commerce business and it is unknown if it will reopen online only.
I am in NEED of my 2021 W-2! PLEASE send me a paper copy or at the very least e-mail it. Darcia Lambert Johnson gbprjohnson@ gmail.com. I worked at The Colony TX. store, 4750 State Hwy. 121 Lewisville TX, 75056 PLEASE SEND IT TO ME! Thankyou sincerely, Darcia Johnson
I have always loved TM for shopping. Last year, I decided to take 15 hours a week working for them at store 764 in Fernandina Beach, Florida. LOVED IT. Things quickly change, Customers unhappy, employees walking out, lack of good management. We had 600 to 650 boxes of freight coming in where there was no where to put it. I have moved shelf to shelf only to put it back where it came from to begin with. The store is a fire hazard which I have filed a complaint with in Nassau County. Never got my review or raise, We had 4 walk outs from employees. Something is wrong and when you get a truck every week with 600 to 650 boxes and your store is FULL. Enough is enough. Kinda reminds me of modern day slavery. (Hence, the walk out employees that were excellent. Get it together TM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To whom it concern:
My name is Mary Capehart and I am a caseworker with the Department of Family and Protective Services as a CPS worker. I am in need of employee verification for one of my cases. I have reach out to your customer service phone line without reaching out to anyone. Can you please contact me at your earliest convenience? My email address is Mary.Capehart@ dfps.state.tx.us
Thank you,
Mary Capehart
My name is Vernon Linder, I am a disabled navy veteran. After leaving service, I went back to college and received a BSME, I was in top management for 30 years. I managed any where from as few as five people up to as many as 25 people, both men and women. I know what is appropriate and what is not. In this case, I was told, trying to be funny, I cross the line and was FIRED, When I ask why I was told there is Zero Tolerance for what I said. What I said was, not racial, not meant to be mean, and was said in fun. It would seem this was the wrong time and wrong person to try and be funny. I apologized To Virginia and Susan. They wanted to give me a written reprimand and say to me on what I said was wrong and inappropriate. I agreed, with that being said the store manager, the asst. manager, the district manager, and the general manage, all agreed this was the action to be taken for what I said. I have worked for Tuesday Morning in DeLand, Fl. four years. I have never been late, I have never missed a day of work, my register has always been right, and I come in to work to fill in for people asking off, I would drop what I was doing and come in. Everyone respects me for my work and helping in any way I can. I always tried to go the extra mile. In closing I would like to apologize to corporate and ask they reconsider my dismissal and reconsider and respect the wishes of the managers below them. I dropped into the store this morning and Susan said she really missed me and needed me and wished things were different. I told her I did too and would write this letter in hopes it would shed some light on me and what the real Vernon Linder really is. Thank You.
Sincerely, Vernon Linder
The Kirkland WA store on 85th is so dirty and gross. The manager Kit went on maternity leave and the new manager Gemini and the district manager should be fired. Kit, kept the store clean and organized. The store looks like a badly set up thrift shop. Goodwill is better organized. You can’t get down the aisles because of empty carts or carts full of stuff to put on the shelve but no man power to do it. The district manager should be held responsible. The furniture looks it’s been thrown on top of each other. It’s a small store with too much crap. Shame on you Corporate for allowing this to happen. The back room which you can’t help but notice is piled high with unopened boxes. The lack of help is evident. You can’t expect three people to run a store, service customers and keep the place stocked. My goodness, you had better send a regional manager to the rescue and quit sending shipments where there is no place to open them or put them out.
Who in the heck is running this store. I’ve been to your other stores and they do not look like this. Shame on you!
I was talking to another customer last night and we could not remember a time this store looked so bad. You’re coming into a high retail time period. Wake the hell up and get this taken care of or you’re going to lose customers. For a “highend” store this looks more like Value Village.
I was in Coeur d A;lene Id. store today, and was I shocked. I have shopped in this location for years. I was out off the country for some time. When I returned and went into Tuesday Morning, all the nice sales oriented people who use to greet u at the door and welcome you,were all gone. They had been in this store for years. Now replaced by a bunch of kids, who could give u the time of day. The store was filthy, if I did not know better,, I would of thought I was shopping in Walmart.The displays were not done professionally as they use to be, but more than any thing was the flippant attitude of the girls.Why in thhe world would all the mature professional sales people be gone at once? I was just told today, they all walked out at the same time for poor treatment.Due to poor treatment by corporate. You could at least look for some decent employees, and clean up the store.
Hey, great store. I am a lawyer outside Philadelphia, Pa and have 15 acre commercial real property near Woodstown, NJ. It would be perfect for a Tuesday Morning. Major commercial intersection.
Whom would I mail information on the property demographics.
Regards, John
Poor management. HR never return calls. I understand it is all about customer satisfaction but what employees?
To the person in charge of the store opening up in Thousand Oaks, CA:
I would really like to work in the new store. I worked in retail for a upscale clothing store in River Oaks, Texas (Robert James) in the early 70’s, In the mid 80’s I worked part tima as cashier at Walmart store, (10 am to 1/2 pm ) by our house in Spring, Texas. When we moved to California, I work full time as an assistant bookkeeper, andtexkat51 at me,com later as office manager. I handeled a variety of task, from ordering material, office supplies, to taking orders over the phone(CSR), shipping, accounts payables, receiving, later using Quick Books Pro.. I enjoy meeting new people, plus variety on the job. I’d love to work in the store from the beginning, stocking, and whatever came up. I could work full time in the beginning if needed, for getting the store ready for the grand opening, and then switch to part-time after the store opened. Please contact me at 805–517-XXXXX or cell 805-506-XXXXX or email me At texkat51 at me.com. I look forward in hearing from you.
Cathy Andrews
Mr. Rouleau,
I would like to file a complaint against the TUESDAY MORNING IN LOUISVILLE KY OFF HURSTBOURNE PKWY I was a new employee only a few weeks I read and was told employees can hold an item for two weeks well I came upon a cat tower on 5-16-17 and the up coming Saturday 5-20-17 was 40% off well that was fine I was not sure if I was going to get there for that it did not matter I was not concerned I was still going to pick it up I had till 5-30-17 which would be two weeks. Well I went into the store on 5-25-17 told Catherine Nally that I would pick it up tomorrow 5-26-17 WELL SHE TOLD ME THAT THEY HAD TO PUT EVERYTHING BACK OUT ON THE FLOOR SINCE I DID NOT SHOW UP FOR THE 40% OFF DAY!!!!!!! THIS XXXXXX HAD NO RIGHT TO DO ME THAT WAY AND SELL THE ITEM UNDERNEATH ME. SHE SHOULD HAVE ASKED IT WAS NOT HER DECISION TO MAKE IT WAS MINE. ;SHE TREATS EMPLOYEES LIKE TRASH AND SHOULD BE FIRED.!!!!! NO ONE SHOULD GET AWAY WITH WHAT SHE DOES I INTEND TO SEE SHE IS HELD ACCOUNTABLE I REALLY WANTED THAT ITEM FOR MY CATS.. I WAS LIVID WITH THIS XXXXXX AND THIS NEEDS TO BE TAKEN CARE OF AND I WOULD APPRECIATE A CALL FROM YOU. PLEASE CONTACT ME 502-644-****
Thank you
I wanted to say thank you to my boss Steve Keeling & the gals I worked with at the Osprey store that recently closed down.They were all fun to work with & I really enjoyed my short time there. Thank you so much for the opportunity! Sorry I had to leave two weeks before closing. I was sorry to see the Osprey store close. I wish the best for all the employees at the Osprey store. I especially liked working for Steve. He is a wonderful boss, & my favorite gal to work with was Charla. Great gal to work with! Incredibly hard worker! I wish them all the best!
Thank you for such a great opportunity!
Kathy Seifert