Sam McGee and his team had been making drinkware for casinos and restaurants for a few years when they got the idea of making a plastic glass shaped like a baseball bat.
He wasn’t sure the product would sell but at the first baseball game he tried, they sold out of 500 beer bats in the first hour.

The Beer Bat has hit an eCommerce home run now that BigCommerce has announced that it would sell this product on its platform.
The company went from producing a bat-shaped souvenir drink container for one minor league baseball team to receiving orders from 27 Major League Baseball teams across the country. I
In 2021 The Beer Bat added several Major League Baseball teams including the Atlanta Braves and San Diego Padres.
By early 2022, the company added more major league teams and expanded internationally into Canada, Mexico, Japan, and South Korea.

The company also sells a non-alcoholic drink in a slightly smaller bat for kids.
The Beer Bat is FDA-approved and holds 26 ounces of beer or another beverage. To hold the bat in place or to display it at home, there is also a beer bat stand available for purchase.

The Beer Bat maintains a corporate office in Hartford, Connecticut.

Sam McGee and his team had been making drinkware for casinos and restaurants for a few years when they got the idea of making a plastic glass shaped like a baseball bat.
He wasn’t sure the product would sell but at the first baseball game he tried, they sold out of 500 beer bats in the first hour.

The Beer Bat has hit an eCommerce home run now that BigCommerce has announced that it would sell this product on its platform.
The company went from producing a bat-shaped souvenir drink container for one minor league baseball team to receiving orders from 27 Major League Baseball teams across the country. I
In 2021 The Beer Bat added several Major League Baseball teams including the Atlanta Braves and San Diego Padres.
By early 2022, the company added more major league teams and expanded internationally into Canada, Mexico, Japan, and South Korea.

The company also sells a non-alcoholic drink in a slightly smaller bat for kids.
The Beer Bat is FDA-approved and holds 26 ounces of beer or another beverage. To hold the bat in place or to display it at home, there is also a beer bat stand available for purchase.

The Beer Bat maintains a corporate office in Hartford, Connecticut.