Save-A-Lot began in 1977 with single store in Cahokia, Illinois. The chain was founded by Bill Moran who used the idea of limited selection to compete against the mega chains.
By 1980, there were 52 stores.
In 1987, the company was purchased by Wetterau Inc.
In 1993, Wetterau and Save-A-Lot were acquired by Supervalu Inc.
In 2002, the company acquired the Deal$ chain. In 2006, Deal$ was sold to Dollar Tree.
In 2006, founder Bill Moran retires.
By 2009, there were 1200 locations.
Today, Save-A-Lot is a wholly owned subsidiary of SuperValu. There are more than 1300 stores nationwide.
Save-A-Lot began in 1977 with single store in Cahokia, Illinois. The chain was founded by Bill Moran who used the idea of limited selection to compete against the mega chains.
By 1980, there were 52 stores.
In 1987, the company was purchased by Wetterau Inc.
In 1993, Wetterau and Save-A-Lot were acquired by Supervalu Inc.
In 2002, the company acquired the Deal$ chain. In 2006, Deal$ was sold to Dollar Tree.
In 2006, founder Bill Moran retires.
By 2009, there were 1200 locations.
Today, Save-A-Lot is a wholly owned subsidiary of SuperValu. There are more than 1300 stores nationwide.
Management: WHAT ARE YOU THINKING? ? ?
For the Save A Lot at Pequonock Ave (near Park & North Ave Bridgeport CT. Ask any customer ,.. the main problem with Your store is that it is understaffed. You never have enough checkout people, and You seem to expect the few people there to do everything. stocking shelves, sweep the floor, take in shipments, return items brought up to the front, and un bought. At least 1/2 the customers complain in the line , that the store is very slow to check people out because there is only one person at check out. People just constantly leave the store because they are tired of waiting in line. No wonder there is such a turn over, in staff there. impossible working conditions. And all the check out people, in spite of it all, are very nice, and friendly, competent and hardworking. Recently under new management? they decided to implement stupid new policies designed to abuse customers. Claiming change is unavailable (it is available at the nearest bank, and every bank, nearby), they only give change to the nearest dollar, or,.. to get charged fairly the customer must pay with a card. customers even, bring in large supplies of change for the store, but the policy continues. Also no cash back for card purchases. Almost all the best old checkout clerks have been let go. From a long time customer.
Yes we have a problem with on the 5th to get your t-bone steaks that were on sale and the lady said that they were out of them and the only ones that they had that they saved were full price for the next day and I wonder why wouldn’t you put those out to sell as you advertise instead of holding them so you get more money people like me I’m not so security I look at everything discounted and this seemed like a really good deal but not the lady was mean and rude if you can’t text me back thank you bye
Hello my name is Koran Cain and i like shopping at save a lot, but we have a problem.
You advertise things for sale staring June 23-29 and the manager told me that it never came in and she don’t know when it might come in. And the sale will be over and no rain checks. 101 W CHELTENHAM * 60143 21578238800.
We are doing a community cook-out and want to buy 10 cases of variety pack Hug. Can you support us with this!
Who can i talk with
I have a product request: Crystal 20 Purified Water. This was a brand Save A Lot carried for a long time. Unfortunately, it no longer carries for reasons unbeknownst to me or the internet. I cannot find information regarding it. It is a good quality water at an affordable price. The water currently carried is Crystal Falls and it is not good. It is extremely difficult to find quality water. Please bring this brand back.
The store we shop at has an employee … Name Deseree R
In the city of Lex Ky she has a horrible attitude ,more then rude throwing items cussing an rolling her eyes an not just that ,That really makes us angry is you allow employees to do drugs putside the store ,she was smoking marijuana we could smell it on her when she came in from her break..Do you not do random drug tests ? Her hateful attitude an drugs dont mix with customer service ,We will not return unless she is terminated doing drugs isnt acceptable in my book ,we have children shopping with us !
Save alot needs change
Loyal ahopper
Hi my name is Jacqueline Colon i had accident & they refuse to give me accident report or the authority number for save a lot stores
I went to a Save A Lot near where I live today (Gainesboro, Tennessee) and the lady (who’s name was Lisa and according to my receipt is a manager) was extremely rude. I was trying to be friendly and make small conversation with her and she had a snide remark for everything I said. On top of that, I was buying for two families since my mother-in-law is elderly and can’t really get out due to Covid-19 and she rudely told me at least 6 times that there were limits on some of the items I had gotten to which I apologized for and said that I must have missed the signs and that I’d put said items back and get them elsewhere since there was a limit and what I got in response was “Well, there’s signs back there if you’d learn how to read them” which is an completely unacceptable thing to say and I had just nicely told her that I was sorry since I legitimately hadn’t seen any signs other than signs explaining that they were trying their best to keep shelves stocked due to the virus. While all of this was going on, she kept yelling at the elderly lady behind me to stay behind the line on the floor. She yelled that at this poor lady multiple times even though she was already behind the line to start with. I don’t know what is going on with this store, but I’ve shopped at Save A Lot multiple times and I’ve never had a problem until I shopped in this particular store and if being rude, snarky, and aggressive to their customers is normal, I’d rather not ever come back to this store.
I have been working for Save a lot for almost a year now. Some save a lots are private owned which is saver group, for some do not know this. I enjoy my job and the environment. I thank the company for the opportunity I am being gave. Awesome employer.
i went to the save a lot near where i live i was minding my own business looking around the store till this obese black security guard escorted me out of the store for no reason tonight i was’nt doing anything wrong just minding my own business this was’nt the first time they done this before i want them fired especially the one tonight he told me the next time i come back in the store he threatened the police on me and was swearing too i want him gone if he is gone i’m still not going in the store because i’m tired of them kicking me out for no reason at all the location of the store is in warren michigan on 8 mile road and near groesbeck hwy. my name is mitchell brown my address is warren michigan 48089 the phone number is 248 778 XXXX if you contact me thank you sincerely mitchell c. brown
On Saturday October 26, 2019 about 11:45 am I stopped at the Sav-A-Lot at 4439 West 63rd Street Chicago, IL. 60629. This one a rush stop as I am having work done at my house and wanted to feed the people working there. Here at this store they have the quarter deposit carts. I didn’t have a quarter so I thought I will just grab the items I need and go. I had my arms full with two packs of hot dogs, two packs of hot dog buns, three two liters of Crush pop and three bags of chips. I see an employee walk out of the back room with a shopping cart and asked him if I could use the cart as I have my arms full and do not have a quarter. He stated he needed a quarter for the cart. I said again, I do not have a quarter. Well I can not give you the cart then. I stated I have my arms full/overfilled and you are going to worry about a cart and a quarter. I proceeded to the check out, no I was not silent about it. I am a 56 year old woman with a bad knee and tendon damage in my right arm.
I get to the register and I ask for the manager, he comes to the register I am at and I asked him if he could wait until I was done with my purchase. We stepped over to the side by the customer bagging area and he asked me how he could help me. I proceeded to tell him and showed him everything in my cart and that I had asked the other man for a the cart because of my arms being full and not having a quarter. He tells me he can’t because e I do not have a quarter. Seriously I said, he couldn’t give a customer who had over 40.00 worth of groceries in her arms the cart because of a quarter. He said nope, his employee was correct in doing what he did. I said really, so you would have a customer have their arms full and not be able to use a cart all due to a quarter. Ok, he said that I do not have to be so disrespectful of my employee, he is new and does not know better. Well maybe then you should teach him before throwing him out to the wolves. He said I was being disrespectful and hurt his feelings with the way I was talking of his employee and walked away. Ok, well you haven’t seen disrespectful yet, but now, I want to return everything and I will not shop here again. Well, you will have to wait in line. What line, I went back to the register and told the lady I wanted to return everything. Ok, I need to call the manager. Ok, Il wait, but in the meantime I am not letting anyone go ahead of me. I apologized to the two men in the line and they seemed to not care one way or the other. Cashier calls the manager up and says WHAT NOW! This lady would like to return everything. Ok, ring it as a return. He walks away, my return was higher than my original purchase so guess who the cashier had to call back. By this time he was fuming, What’s the problem now! She explained to him that my return was different than the original purchase. So he had to stay there and watch her re-ring everything again. Holding up the line now that was 5 people deep. All to find out that it was a difference of $1.05 to the benefit of them.
I made sure to tell them that I was going to call corporate on Monday.
My husband was fired for being honest i think there should of been a better investagation on the situation. One quit cause she was quilty and the two that lied keep there jobs. My husband actually liked it there i feel its wrong how they treat there employees.
Yes I agree something should be dona ASAP
I am sure You are correct, as a customer that has been watching daily for the last several years the same kinds of things happening at my local store, it is truly a shame, and totally unnecessary.
You need to change your name to save a little , yesterday I go into your store price went up again , not by 5 or 10 cents $.50 on cheese and generic salad whip , its cheaper to shop Walmart than your stores anymore and that’s pretty crazy since your name is save a lot , greed , and a lot of the times get home with your fresh veg or fruits and its nasty inside , please change your name cause its deceiving
I went into save a lot in Avon park Florida today 9/17/19 and the cashier was such a terrible person! I walked over to pay for my things and she was talking to another employee about how she disliked her job , I put the money on the counter and waited for her to finish talking and then she gets all mad demanding it be placed in her hands. She completely humiliated me for not putting it in her hands . I should have left the store empty handed worst save a lot ever! Find better employees!
On 9/13/19 I went to store #143. I purchased $16.65 in groceries and handed the cashier a $50.00 bill. I wasn’t paying attention when he handed me back the change. Long story short he gave me back change for a $20.00. I didn’t notice until today (9/14/19) I went back to the store and was told that the safe wasn’t over. When Fred looked at the camera it shows our transaction and the cashier putting the money in the $20.00. I figured it was an honest mistake by the cashier. Unfortunately being as the safe wasn’t over that means that somewhere along the line the money was taken. I know without proof there’s nothing that can be done to return the money to me but I wanted to make corporate aware of the situation.
Save A Lot Shoppers Beware!!!
Recently Save-A-Lot stores deliveries have changed. Now your grocers you buy have been locked in a Simi-trailer for up to 28 hours. This is everything from ice cream to can goods. Keep in mind that the outside temperature reaches over 95 here in Tennessee. One store only 11 miles away had to wait for eight hours after the trailer was loaded to receive their shipment. Another 83 miles away waited 13 hours for theirs. The Humboldt, Tennessee Distribution Center changed hours of delivery and now the public is paying the price. Drivers have informed me that they have seen store managers, upon delivery, open ice cream and stir it with a banana. Other frozen items like pizzas and pies were dripping wet from being thawed out and not even close to being frozen. Drivers have been trying to get the product to the stores as soon as the trailers are loaded. However, Tommy (the Humboldt center manager) has now started the childish, unprofessional and uneducated act of holding on to the trailer manifest until an hour before it is supposed to leave. What other product is being ruined or how many times does something need to be refrozen before you buy it. Your health deserve better!!!
This needs to change!! BEWARE!!
Mary. You need to get a different store or a life. This might be the only store with prices to help.low income people in that area. I bet you work there you Scumbag
I don’t have a complaint. I have a request. Your stores in our area have the hadicap buggys, (Motorized )but as they get broke, they never come back. My friend only shops at your stores for that and and the prices, as she is on a fixed income also.
Many other people come to your stores for this reason. They MTA service brings them in. We live around the Dundalk Maryland store, there is only one left and it is not operating. We had to go to the Essex store, and they had (one). It did work. We thought that was a blessing. There are many people who can no longer shop at the Dundalk location. You are losing customers. Other stores that are competing with you are getting your business cause even tho they are higher in price, they are accessible for the handicap.(Wiese) My request is that you please provide the buggys again. Thank You. If your losing business in these stores, it’s not Aldi’s, it’s lack of buggys. My friend won’t go to Aldi’s cause they have a wheel chair only.
I was in save a lot yesterday at the Broadway location in Buffalo and I saw a huge rat by the bread, old expired sauces and cans, the staff there is ghetto, for example the cashier’s are rude. They do not greet customers. When I talked to the store manager Megan she acted like she didn’t want to hear what I had to say. They were all huddled up in their break room chit chatting and not doing any work. Everytime when I shop there someone is on their phone texting or talking and not paying attention to the customers needs. This place needs to be shutdown immediately or get new staff.
I would lie to compliment an employee’s service at a local save-a-lot store. I was told there was a sale on spiral sliced hams, so I purchased a sugardale ham. After I got home, I realized I bought the wrong ham. I called the store and spoke with Dave at store #615 4215 fulton road. Dave was very helpful, and made my experience pleasant l will definitely visit the store again. mrs.debbie vallo Cleveland ohio
correction: like,not lie …
I started working for Save a lot around 2010,enjoyed working there. I live in Franklinton,La. Around the end of 2010 the manager is prepairing for a CORPORATE visit. needless to say. The manager is pressure washing the dairy cooler with a gas powered pressure washer. I go back there and find him passed out on the floor bleeding from his forehead. shut off the machine,dragged him to the door,called 911 and made sure his heart was beating. SAVED HARVEY’S LIFE. What I get in return. I’M FIRED because my carport separated from my house and pulled the whole kitchen wall out and I had to move and could not return to work there. No 2 weeks notice no job. After saving his life. OK. No big deal. I started doing the floors for Save a lot in 2012 Waveland,Mississippi, Hammond,Louisiana and Slidell,Louisiana. After 2 years I had to give it up,had a full time job,could not lose it. Quit doing the stores. SHIFT to 2016. Started doing the floors at #357 Franklinton,Louisiana in Oct 2016 did them all the way up to November 2017. Capital Building Maintenance had the contract,Adrian Breaux owner operator. He lost the contract because workers were not showing up at the New Orleans stores.Carrolton,Claiborne etc, So Save a lot hires a new floor care company. Expert commercial floor care,based in Memphis,Tenn. Owned by a joker named Terrell JONES. I did the floors from December 2017 to April of 2018. Did a good job never got 1 complaint.They were not paying me the full amount of what they owed me. I told Save a lot and Expert Floor Care fired me oweing me $445. THe owner of Expert told me to go get screwed. Top it off I spent $30 out of my own pocket to buy propane for the floor buffer that I never got back. NO wonder people are going around SCREAMING FOR VENGENCE.
I purchased your Portman’s Real Bacon Bits; stamped 09-24-19, 14:58L.
When I bit into the food, I bit on a piece of bone about 1/2″ X1/ 4″ .
Purchased at the Harrison MI store.
My jaw is sore, don’t know if I damaged a tooth.
Very surprised since I purchase them on a regular basis.
I’ve been working for Save-A-Lot for 8 years and my boss cut my hours so I went and found another job and when I found this other job I told him I can work only two days so he put me on the schedule for two day but when I tried to talk to him Saturday to tell him I can only work nights for them 2 days he wouldn’t talk to me so I put a note in the office and now he just took me off the schedule for this week he crossed my name out so I don’t know if next week imma be on the schedule and I’ve been working for Save-A-Lot for 8 years we have a new boss in he just hell but me and one of my other coworkers or that the same job have the same schedule and he working with her schedule but he won’t work with mine I think you want me to quit but I’m not I only want to work the two nights because I need money I have kids to take care of and when he cut my hours I didn’t have no other choice but to get another job because I have bills.
I frequent the Save a lot at Union Rd. + Genesee St. in Cheektowaga NY. I shop there nearly every day but 4 times I was over charged. There is an item pricing law in Erie Co. NY where by if a store over charges you they must pay the difference they over charged you plus 10 times the amount they over charged you not less than a $1.00 but no more than $10.00 that’s the law. So I was there 02/16/19 and bought 2 bottles of steak sauce that were priced $1.29, for some reason they rang up at $1.79 so by law the store had to pay me the dollar plus ten times what I was over charged. The manager freaked out told me I was not welcome in his store any more said I was scamming the store said he was going to find a way to get me banned from the store forever. It was embarrassing I did nothing wrong I couldn’t foresee being over charged this manager was hostile and out of line. I love shopping at Save a lot but wow now I’m some kind of enemy because I occasionally get over charged and am nearly perp walked out of the store I went so far as to call Al Vaughters at Call 4 Action and explained my story he’s been pretty sympathetic and interested in these events. Thank you for your time. Bonnie Wantuck 716-622-XXXX
you are having problems with your suite in carbondale,il.. fix it
the Manger at this store sucks. Earn is not good for this store
I live in Newport News, Va. and I’m looking for Sav-A-Lots Crystal purified bottled water, not the Crystal o2. When management changed, they stopped selling the Crystal purified water and that Crystal o2 taste funny. Where could I find the crystal purified bottled water?
Your Thursday Thrillers are a lifesaver to a low income gal like me. I can get meat for $.69 a pound. I only get $15 worth of food stamps a month. So, I have to buy super cheap and stretch that little amount. Before I could only get Ramen noodles. Now, I can have meat once a month. The Thursday Thriller is only once a month. And lastly thanks for not being a cost plus store. Cost plus stores double tax customers. They even tax EBT cards- which should be illegal.
My husband and I went into the store and I had to use the bathroom. While I was in the bathroom a manager named Alex (the reason I know her name because I asked one of the cashiers up front) was saying that I was in the bathroom doing drugs and that I should not be in there. She said this in front of my husband and several other customers as well as me hearing her while in there. When I came out of the bathroom my husband and I were very embarrassed by what was said due to other customers looking at us as if we were drug users which we are not. The manager should be more professional and not make customers feel this way. I am not sure if I will ever go back to that store. This happened last Thursday 5/31/18. This was in Pueblo colorado
I’m trying to find out the headquarters number to save a lot cause they got me on schedule but no hours I’m trying to figure out why and what is the reason for it I been there 8months and plus they come to my other job asking me bout being part of they team and now everything changed
the store in union city indiana used 2 b a nice place 2 shop.i know this cause i used 2 work there at 1 time n really liked my job,co-workers,& other employers.well now im not impressed with some of the so called “employers who r only there seems 2 me for a paycheck”!ive witnessed 1 certain lady that works there get treated wrong in so many different ways its WRONG!!especially when other customers have noticed the same things when this lady works.well she went 2 corporate with her issues & they told her since its privately owned theres nothing they can do 2 take care of thess issues!really??!!so who does she go 2??we r going 2 district manager & after that i dont know what her next step will b!theyve (other employers)already made 1 other lady walk out for making her do the work they was supposed 2 do while these so called employers stood around talked or simply did nothing!i think there should b a certain age for some of these or better job background checks!these employers r rude un friendly ndisrespectful n i was told its abuse when 1 in charge wont let a cashier use restroom especially an older person telling them they cant go 2 restroom when theyve been there all day n didnt get 1 till the ladys daughter came in & said something!!its really sad 2 see this store go down hill because of some employers pretending 2 work & being abusive to an older person!something needs 2 b done asap!!!
I’ve been shopping our local Save-A-Lot in Bradford, Pa.for 10 years at least. I can’t say enough about them. Great people, friendly helpful, and always have a Hello for the customers.
Great prices on meats. We have found that some of the “Save-a-Lot” canned goods are equal to or surpass the nationally know brands.
I called the Corporate offices today to inquire about a store location in Texas. The person that answered the phone was polite, professional and dealt with my questions in a timely fashion. I have no complaints about this store.
when is the official date a Save-A-Lot open up in Tupelo Mississippi I need my Save-A-Lot back the grocery store down the road is killing my budget please bring it back soon like next month or the first week of November please
The store in Tifton Ga does not honor the refund policy spoke and emailed several times told someone would contact me Nothing will not shop there again telling everyone how sorry this company is
Horrible company and the management at the Hammond, la warehouse distribution center needs to be totally replace. A Deana and Craig are horrible and have no clue about delivery issues or warehouse PERIOD. I wrote a review on the Hammond website on google and I hope this will help get these new management or something at this warehouse. I have a brother who for this company as well and he says its a horrible place because they have no kind of warehouse experiences and treat their best employees wrong who been there for years. And y’all wonder why this company have horrible turn over rate. EMployees and truckers are not happy with their job.
Here in tupelo mississippi i donttand why there shelf are always cleared. Its someone came in and bought just everything on the shelf. I love shopping at this store. Im on a fixed income. I dont want to lose my Save lot.. the store down the road im not saving money there.
I called your corporate office today and spoke with Nicole, who answered the phone. First, it is so refreshing to have an actual human answer the phone at a corporate office. Secondly, Nichole was extremely helpful in supplying the information I needed regarding a Save-A-Lot store that used to be in Decatur, AL. You are an excellent employee in Nicole!
I live in Johnstown Pa , and I go to the Save A Lot on Sheridan St in Johnstown Pa alots. The employees are real nice. Here your BIG problems when there sale on there not enough to cover your weekly sale . WHY ? There are alots of customers complaint to your employees but they can’t do anything . It very bad when when customers got to find way to go to others store to get there shopping done. Plus you hire a store manager and he had to be train by a employee .Why you just hire one of your employee has a store manger . Thank you
I’m a customer. I’m physically disabled and my fiance does all the grocery shopping. Save-A-Lot is our best option because of our lack of transportation.
It seems like every time my fiance enters the store he is harrassed. the first experience was when a cashier decided to take it upon herself to openly peruse our reciept to “See how much was left on our EBT” He thought this was an invasion of privacy and snatched the reciept from her and told her not to do that, that it was none of her business.
She then became angry and quite frankly imbalanced, nearly shouting, telling him she was going to call the police.
I will reiterate. All he did was take the reciept from her…. The police actually were called. My fiance told them what happened and they LAUGHED, apologized for bothering him and left.
He went to the store manager and told her about this incident. The woman seemed very concerned, told him that it was against store policy for employees to call police on customers and told him she would take care of it…
She took care of nothing. The problem became worse.
Instead of firing this insane and imbalanced cashier, she fired OTHER workers and gave the crazy woman a promotion… Can someone explain that logic to me?
Now, every time my fiance goes into the store, it’s as if they’re trying to get a rise out of him when all he’s ever done was try to be friendly, even to the imbalanced cashier that decided to call the police on him over something ludicrous…
These issues are only stacking up…
The most recent issue, which occured today was over a supposed sale he was told they would be having…
A few days ago, he was told avocados would be on sale 2 for $1. He asked to see the flyer promoting this sale to verify. The cashier told him “The manager puts them out tomorrow, come in for the flyer then.”…
He returned the next day, no flyer. When he asked another cashier about it, she said hadn’t heard about the sale at all.
Now today when he asked about it again, he was told the manager decided not to have the sale at all…
Seems to me that he was lied to.
This incident is one of many. The most common issue is that he often overhears them gossiping about him in front of other customers. He often overhears them mocking and ridiculing him for walking to the grocery store or various other (often far-fetched and made-up) things.
He at first thought he had an ally in the store manager who was initially friendly and helpful towards him, but now it seems that they’re all just messing with him and neither of us can really figure out why.
All we want to do is buy our groceries, but these Save-A-Lot employees are making it not only a bad experience, but an inconvenient one. Our local Save-A-Lot is our only option for our grocery needs. I’m reaching out simply asking for assistance with this problem.
I would greatly appreciate it if someone could get back to me on this matter.
Thank you.
Sounds like you and your man, (I use that term loosely) need to go to a different store and /or get a life.
Mary. You need to get a different store or a life. This might be the onmy store with prices to help.low income people Dirtbag in that area. I bet you work there you Scumbag
Customer above, (not Mary) . You have my sympathy. If i lived near You guys , I would help You., by shopping for You. Too bad some people who are miserable seem only to enjoy trying to make others miserable. God bless You.
I’m a recent customer at your Orlando Florida store #125 .. #0135 ..March 15,2017. I was faced by a Cashier with demonic issues..Seriously speaking..This Lady person was evil towards me..I felt humiliated and disrespected.. I even complained to the manager instead of him ringing he allowed this person to continue humiliate me. I was frightened I began to cry…I’m a Christian with strong faith and I have never been approached in this matter ever. I believe she’s physical of her medication or Drugs. She was shaking so bad till she just stared at me for coming into your store. I’m disarray regarding your store due to your Manager that evening and the Cashier.. Regina. I would like someone to follow up with me in regards..I thought my life was in danger.
Bad experience
The save alot store in Sarasota Florida on lime disrespectful girl not to nice has a smart attitude .she needs to be replaced no respect to customers .
I shop at the save a lot on middle valley rd in Hixson Tn. I am a long time customer of this store. I have watched many employees come and go, and many managers to. This is a really good store. But now, this store has a manager named Angie. I have witnessed her being very unprofessional, the way she talks to her employees is down right embarrassing for the customers. She is mean and rude. She never smiles, and she is always outside smoking. Come on corporate fix this. This is my save a lot. I like shopping here, but this manager is not good for you. This store needs a good manager that doesn’t look, act or sound like she hates the world.
Thank you.
I am a customer at save a lots on augusta ga.i go into save a lot monday -thursday.well this monday i went into save a lot,i talk to the store manager about some meat n she was rude.which the meat smells spoil n sour.while i was talking to her she walk off from that was monday now this thursday .i talk to her again n she walk off n went into the office n shut the’s like she hate to see me coming to that store.she’s not professional,she rude.i seen how she talk to her employee.she’s nasty.if I’m not mistaking her name start with a mebias or guys i love to shop there.but she’s running a lot of your customers away.i know they have a high turn off there.every week i see new faces .wow save a lots.let’s get this store right.she got to go.please.or drop her down asap.
cashier was very ignorant and nasty towards customers had a line of people and was to busy talking to other cashiers than doing her job cashier name was jamie klepfer this was at the save alot at 4144 union rd cheektowaga ny id like something done this isnt the first time ive noticed this particular person being ignorant and rude to the customers i thought when you worked in retail your suppose to be polite and kind and not ignorant and rude ive worked ink retail for years and seen many people loose there jobs over less than this she has been like this almost everytime ive been in there also how is it that there is a work code suppose to be red shirt with black pants and this paqrticular employee gets away with wearing jeans and a tee shirt thats also confuses me how she doesnt have to obey by store policies id rather go back to going to the one inj lancaster and will be telling family and friends to do the same until this matter is taken care of like i said i am not the first person to have these issues with this employee and im not the only one who has complained about this particular employee this is the same one who has been seeing making out and all over another male employee at the same location when there store policy is against that and nothing was ever done with that when numerious complaints and picturs were sent to corporate what kind of circus is going on at this store that there employees dont have to follow save alot rules and regulations??
My husband and I went into this particular Save A Lot Store at about 10:00 am on January 1, 2017 to purchase some items for my family to be able to eat for the week. We arrived at the store with limited money from the beginning. Every penny that was going to be spent had to be used very wisely. I had to take out my calculator and add up totals as we put our items into the cart. So we made our final decisions on what was going to be purchased and after about half an hour, we proceeded to the checkout lane. There was only one register opened. At that time, I waited about 2 minutes with one person in front of me until it was my turn. When it was my turn, I noticed that the cashier was a man, and he did not greet me at all because he was so worried about greeting other people that was not even in the checkout lane. Anyhow, as he was ringing up my items, I noticed some of the items said one thing on the shelf, but rung up a totally different price. I questioned the cashier about the items, he did not have a definite answer for me. He in turn called a woman over wearing a blue shirt, neither the cashier nor this woman “portraying to be supervisor” was wearing a name badge, so it was very unclear who she even was. I questioned her about a box of macaroni that I had two of. I told her the macaroni shelf tag said it costs $1.49. It rung up $1.69. She was very disrespectful in telling me that the price of $1.49 was wrong and she then tells me that she just literally took the wrong prices off the shelves. She had signs in her hand but would not show me what signs they were. By this time the line is backing up, no one else is on the registers and the other customers are getting mad. Another customer asks her could she open up another checkout lane, she then tells the lady in a smart manner that “she is gonna see what she can do!” How rude and disrespectful this woman is, it’s sad! So she says to me the price is what it says. I say the shelf says a lower price and I should get it for the lower price, it is not my fault that if the signs were suppose to be changed, it is not my fault that the signs were not changed! So she says in a smart, disrespectful manner and tone, “It’s only twenty cents…” I wanted to reach over the counter and smack her ugly face off! How dare she tell me the consumer “it’s only twenty cents. I actually had two boxes of macaroni! But as I stated before I only had a limited amount of money and as I had my calculator out every penny counted, twenty or forty cents made a difference to me! She not only disrespected me in front of a whole line of people, but she embarrassed me as well! I do not have to take this as a consumer. She has a job because of me the consumer buying goods from this market! So, I had a cart full of food that I kindly apologized to the cashier because I left the whole cart right there with some food on the belt to be rung up and some I did ot even get a chance to put up to be paid for yet. She disrespected me so bad, I left! I was not going to be disrespected and then still spend my money in a store that I am not appreciated in! If she does not like her job, then she should not be there anymore. I do not have to feel bad when I am spending my money in a store that I choose to get up and go to on New Year’s Day! The New Year and I am being talked to like I am a child or a dog! Like I am sXXXX underneath someone’s shoe! How dare she tell me “It’s only twenty cents like she knows what I have in my pocket! My husband got hurt on his job and we only have one income coming in at this time, mine! Twenty cents mattered to me! And for that twenty cents or whatever amount of cents that should have been taken off my bill, almost one hundred dollars of food that I would have purchased was left for no reason. I am still very upset that a simple shopping trip was ruined and my 3 kids, my dog, my husband and I all have to suffer because of the ignorance of a supervisor or someone posing to be a leader, was so unprofessional! This woman had on a blue shirt, with a bun sitting on the top of her head. She was on the shorter side with no name tag on. She was very unprofessional and she should not be in a leadership position if she does not know how to be an example and lead. I demand that she be, “FIRED!” She makes Save A Lot look very bad because she judges people instead of empathizing with them. My family really suffered because I was not going to be subject to her harassment! I am going to the local news station and I am going to spread the word and tell people not to shop at Save A Lot because at Save A Lot people are talked to any type of way, people are disrespected and embarrassed and people get harassed! My family did not eat and was not able to enjoy their New Year’s Day because of this woman, but who really cares, right? This whole experience was digusting and disgraceful and if it was you, how would you feel and what would you really do? This store is located at 5601 Vine St, Philadelphia, PA 19139.
I have shopped at Save A Lot for 20yrs i’v been in Florida at store #193 Bayonet point. This store over the last 1 1/2 has become more and more difficult to go to . I have asked the manager if he could inquire about getting Hush puppies that have seen to have gone away never to return and he looked at me like i had 3 heads and was asking for a million dollars on 5 different occasions for starters. Second i’m being told by other managers that the main manager is on prescription drugs and is not caring about customers or staff.
Today is Friday , 2 days before Christmas and I go in for boneless skinless chicken breast and seen the butcher and asked why no chicken breast? His response to me was who eats chicken before Christmas? I said ” If no-one eats chicken before Christmas then why isn’t it here? Never the less i ended up going to Aldi’s for the chicken. Seems to me and looking at the store they have to many of other products and not enough of others. Canned veggies are out the whazoo ,frozen t.v.dinners out the a** , but simple things like dog food cat food meats among other things never get ordered or sit’s in the back on pallets forever or at least til the next truck comes in .This store never used to be so bad but now i’m taking my friends and family and recommending they go to Walmart or Aldi’s. Things sitting in the back is a huge problem in this store .In my opinion Save A Lot needs an overhaul of management of their stores.If the managers don’t care about their stores,staff & customers then why shop there !!!! count me in as the 84th customer you lost and by looking at these complaints i don’t think it’s unreasonable to check into what’s going on in your stores.BTW I called Human Resources before posting this and guess what? NO ANSWER!!!!! Maybe the company don’t care about the company ,who knows!!!!
the manager tim and cheryl of high point nc on s.main st re stealing hours ..i asked him about it and he hung up on me..!!I WANT MY MONEY OR IM TKING YOU GUYS TO COURT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..I WANT MY MOTHERF-ING MONEY!!!
I’ve shopped a couple of times in the Save A Lot in Elizabethtown Kentucky. And the people who work there are weirdoes. They got a stock boy named scotty who must be retarded or stupid or gay. He will stop what he’s doing and watch you shop in the store and follow you even when you go outside. And watch you until you get into your car and leave. Also the employees and store manager that work at this store wont let the public sit on the bench that is on the sidewalk in front of the store. They keep running people off. They said they need to sit there doing their lunch break. Don’t they have a break room for that in the store! And does the wooden bench-table belong to the store or the mall were the store is located. These people are weirdoes.
My husband and I went into the store located at 135 W Elk Ave Elizabethton Tn to get a few things for a cookout with our family on 7-4-16. We are not even from Elizabethton we came to visit family. We ha a few things in a basket my husband had a bottle of A-1 steak sauce in one hand and our shopping basket in the other. He knelt down to get paper cups when one of the store workers yelled at him and told him to get that out of his pocket. He didn’t have anything in his pocket he just hadn’t put the steak sauce in the basket. This lady followed us throughout the store. This to me was very unprofessional and made us feel degraded and very embarrassed. We politely put out basket down and walked out of the store. Once in the car I called the store to speak to a manager and just so happens the employee from the store was he manager and I tried to explain to her that he had steak sauce in one hand and she began screaming at me telling me how she has seen my husband in the store stealing before I tried to explain that we didn’t live around there or even in the state and she became more agitated and yelling at me so I told her to have a happy day and that I would be contacting the Corporate Office and she said that’s fine go ahead. Very rude and unprofessional
On 4/26/16 I went shopping for groceries, as I walked passed the office I observed what I later found out to be the store manager on the phone punching the wall and yelling loudly. No consideration, professionalism for customers. That was rude, and some customers I noticed seemed afraid and just walked out. How rud. Any way, today 6/15/16 I went here again for some things and again, I observed this same idiot, store manager, telling a girl in training, to listen because he only says things once, or he’ll look for someone else to hire. What a jerk. Corporate needs to fire this guy. He’s a white guy, who seems to have let his power get to his head. I WILL NOT RETURN to this store on queen st. Lancaster, pa by the way let me add, this has nothing to do with race , for my father is white. I WILL ALSO KEEP MY FAMILY OUT OF THIS STORE.
Went to your store, here in Sherman, TX, Grayson county. Don’t know what your employees do, on Saturday, but, I have a problem with one of your employee. She rude, and don’t like white people. I can say this, cause I am white my self. I have seen, how she treats white people, and it’s a shame. That you would employ a person, that would treat, people so badly. She, should be fired as so as possible. Unfortunately, she the only person, that checks people out. So, people have to deal with her. I can’t believe that save a lot, would hire someone, who’s like that. I think when a consumer comes into, your store, they should be treated with respect. And, not like there trash. If, your store based on that, then, it should say, welcome to, disrespect store, were we make you feel less than a person. Hope you will read this and do something about it. Thanks : Debbie.
I was inquiring about the sav-a-lot in Georgetown, Ky.A new larger store should be in this town. The store by the meat department stinks. It is dirty in there and we have bought meat there that was rotten. I am told the owner will not open a new store because he does not want to spend money on it. I have to travel to Paris, or Lexington to go to sav-a-lot. The good there and produce looks wilted and bad.I am wondering if he doesn’t bring in the bad products from his other stores which are nice. A new bigger. Store would bring in mega more cutomers. People say I won’t go in there it stinks.Thanks for hearing me out you don’t believe me come visit there.The manager is rude as well, always frowns and won’t discuss anything. Thanks, Kay King
The save a lot store on nakoma drive in Jackson miss store 691 have a cashier there with a very bad attitude and her name is Victoria. I will not ever go back to that store again until something is done about her. I done complained once about her and nothing happened if you guys wanna keep my business please do something about her. She complained the whole time about how she hates working there to another customer so when I just politely told her just quit she said she wasn’t talking to me and to mind my business she is very very disrespectful so please do something about her.
I was told the Save-A-Lot in Sherman, TX is under new ownership as of late 2015. Does anyone know the name of the previous owner? I have important business to conduct with them and the location is not willing to provide me with that information because of the nature of the financial transaction. Any help is appreciated. Thanks, Doug
My son just got hired and started work for the Save A Lot in Clarksburg WV. He just went into work and before clocking in, was told he was fired. He loved that job, even though he just started. He is a hard , honest, reliable worker. The manager told him, Dont you remember what you did yesterday? He answered “No. She said she viewed on camara that while straightening shelves up, he picked up a bag of plastic forks, removed a fork and laid the bag of forks and single fork down on a box. Then his manager came by and picked them up without saying anything to him. He said, ” Yes, while straightening shelves, I noticed a bag of forks with a fork sticking half way out. So i pulled the fork out and laid both the fork and bag away from the rest to let management know the bag was torn. ” They fired him less then and hour ago for destroying store property. Now this is ridiculous. He is very upset. They also told him he will get his pay on next pay date. The law in WV is an employer must pay employee within 72 hours if they are fired. But i guess they have there own law. I shopped at this store almost daily. They are always in need of help. They are always hiring. Now i know why. They fire honest hatd working kids. I nor my family will never step foot in that store again. I did notice tiday the crew working today are best friends or related in some way. I think you, the Corp. Should check into the management of this store. Something is defintaly wrong. We will not stop here. He got fired for something that nobody should get fired for.
Nadine Collier of Philadelphia Pennsylvania , I just came from the Save a Lot on CHELTEN AVE, and when I got there why was ALL THE SHOPPING CARTS LOCKED !!!! I just don’t understand this city anymore it has went down so much because of the people that’s in it. Never have I seen so many SORRY IGNORANT MISERABLE PEOPLE all at one time. I mean I felt it was PERSONAL !! but if so WHY?. This STORE has went Down from what it use to be. You Guys need to CHECK YOUR MANAGEMENT THERE FAST.
While shopping at your store in Bronson Florida store # 24971 I was walking around the end of the aisle when I slipped and fell on the floor impacting my right knee first then all fours. I continued my shopping and reported my fall to cashier then management. Was not helped at all and no incident report filed. I had to go online and search for one to fill out myself. The floor was not wet but very heavily waxed. Was told that I was wearing the wrong shoes. There is no sign stating that you must wear special shoes to shop here. I will be mailing you a copy of slip and fall incident report.
I go to save a lot in Ithaca mi.I should tell u that I won’t b going there any more. I do not save any money when I go there.there prices r higher than wal mart.every Tim I buy onions they r no good the middle is rotting. I went to buy potatoes and oranges last week.the oranges were growing white hair and the potatoes needed to b planted 4 a new crop.they were not safe to eat.the meat is repackaged and stamped a later date to give more time to continue to spoil. I would not ever but meat from aany save a lot’s poison.
I recently went into Save a lot #159 in Auburndale Florida. There is an employee there that has a serious issue with body odor. Her name is Kaleigh but she goes by Kat. I have brought this to the attention of the store manager Kimberley and nothing has been done about it. This whole store has really gone downhill in the past year or so.
I am commenting, and complaining about the Milan, Tn store. HORRIBLE, RUDE, DISRESPECTFUL MGR! I, as well as my family, will no longer be doing our shopping there as long as Jonathan is the mgr.. Somebody higher up seriously needs to do something about him. He runs so many customers off, as well as employees.
I would like to shop at savealotstore this weekend let me know corporate said I could come back please contact by tommorow around 4pm I appreciate it its a great store and I Aporicieate it thanks corporate.
I will pressing charges it’s ridiculous I am going to the police I am tired of this they are finished fbi is getting involved
All of these messages could be interpreted as more harassment. Now you’re stalking Save A Lot. Try going when Jessica isn’t working. Otherwise you’ll be in jail.
This was nasty comment no body’s harassing you are stalking and harrasing iam going to the police if this doesn’t stop don’t turn the tables on me in my prayers are you asatatinistyou act like it iam a customer not acriminal.
Iam tiered of your threats I have the right to shop I don’t bother anybody you decided to run with lies listening to Jessica it’s wrong I didn’t do anything. UT help her as best as I could she tells me how she feels not the store manager she really hates me that’s alright may be she should iam hurting because of lyes the store is poorly runner and she be closed down disrespectful people I have lo
Good moroing thank you for helping with shopping at savealotstore I do want to say to all the managers sorry you people are nice and the employees people are not perfect but I forgive you I will shop by myself instead of my wife.thank you save alot you are the best I want to continue to shop in wilkes bare thank you
Good moroing I Aporicieate shopping in wilkes bare I am sorry if I did anything to you keep up the good work at savealotstore you people are the best thank you corporate for helping me have a good day
I am informing everyone that the SavALot in seaford delaware will be reported to the Better Business Bureau , Consumer Affairs and my lawyer. Due to a situation that occurred January 30 ,2016.
What happened
I just want to say to corporate thanks for helping me you have been a great help some people would have ignored my complaints but you didn’t it’s been tough on me since I lost my mom and stepfather you are like family if Jessica is listen g or reading this it’s okay I messed up and iam going to be away I don’t blame hating it’s alright care about you and the savealotstore on main street it hurts but I forgive the mangers.hate me forever maybe we could no one another in the near future I really care about her and the store praying for everbody.take care thanks for your attention.
I want to say that you managers are the nicest people I was wrong I want to continue to shop at your store if you let me I thank God for corporate.they are nice too thanks to all the employees keep up the good work once again thanks
I am going to continge to shop at savealotstore I care about people I shouldn’t be falsely accused because I didn’t do nothing save alot has good bargains and that’s why I shop the employees are nice I forgive people Jessica is very nice and I really care about her.I realize I made a mistake but I am sorry I want to shop at savealotstore only if it’s okay thank you corporate for helping comeback to the store thanks to Nancy
How come nobody got back to me I will coming to the store Friday or Saturday it’s not good to judge people when you don’t know them if don’t like me don’t talk about me I am a nice person you are supposed to care about others not lye or set them up Jessica needs to apologize to me it’s not right people are getting killed laughing at me and telling family and friends is also wrong if you hate me tell me have a great day I want people to get along thank you for letting me shop.
I complained this past week about a cashier Jessica they never got back I really like her alot and would do anything for her iam a nice person she went to management and said I was harras in which is not true got police and employees encoded I am ver hurt and it was wrong.get to know people not lye on them I wanted to come back and shop on mainstream in wilkes bare only if corporate does something about this serious matter I have a bad heart and I might not survive please try to help about this matter let me Monday thank you James Lewis smithjr.I really care about people.
This is James Smith I know you said they get back but they didn’t God sees when people are lying and not bein honest if I was White man this wouldn’t have happened when I said I like her I did not mean for her to take it to far this situation. Is ridous people should ecypress their selives differently I would help you anyway I can laughing at pole is wrong.get to know people.not judge them these police are out of contril.thank you for your attention in this matter
Why hasn’t anybody contacted me I want to come back to the store I am very sorry people don’t understand me but u care I care about jessica and I hope she cares about me I didn’t do anything wrong I tried to help her any way I could the manager is cruel I hope he gets fired I tired of this situtiation I hope it’s resovled.I have a right to shop.let me know today.
Some body suppose to get back to me around twenty four hours I am sorry about jessica I didn’t mean any harm I call myself helping my wife doesn’t want me to have friends I really care about her alot my stepfather past today .I am hurting please for give me I like to continue to shop thanks .
On January 3rd at 9pm I purchased a half gallon of your fat free milk (dated Jan 7th). Early in the morning on Jan 4th (next day) I was home sick and opened the milk and found it to be gross smelling and it tasted very bad. It had gone bad or it was bad when I purchased it. I got out of my sick bed and I returned to your Twenty-nine Palms, california store where I purchased it, as I am now out of milk. I was greeted by a very rude “manager” who already had a chip on her shoukder when she approached me. I was told that, even though it was the store’s fault, I would only be granted a new half gallon! This is the second time I’ve purchased milk at this location only to have it go bad very quickly. I said to her, “why would i want another milk from the same batch, when this one is clearly bad?” She responded from wrote and said that’s all she can do, store policy, is give me another. Then, as I grasped the container to show her the date on it, she grabbed it from me, my product that I paid for, and placed on another counter! She then said, “if you dont want another milk, that’s all we can do for you!” Seriously?! This is the way you treat you customers when you are in the wrong?!?! You couldn’t see your way to refunding a measly $1.99! I will no longer be shopping here and I will tell everyone I know about your rotten milk. I am also reporting you to the health department, for selling rotten food.
All social media will be flooded as well.
Cheryl Flood
my complaint concerns both save a lot stores in Sarasota Florida and your false misleading advertisements for this area. Your ads advertise that you have a butcher at each store who will cut meat to the customers specifications. This is a lie. One year ago at this time of year I asked that a ham be cut to my specifications and they refused. at that time I talked to somebody named Bill at your corporate office and he assured me that this problem would be taken care of and that the butcher at that store should have cut the meat for me. Just this past Christmas I again asked that a ham be cut for me and again the butcher refused. I called the number that Bill had given me, 377 – XXXXX,and this time I got voicemail who asked that I leave my number and they would call me back.I left messages at this number at least 8 to 10 times and have never received a call back or any other response so I can only assume not cutting meat as you advertise must be company policy. Therefore I am no longer a save a lot customer and I will never darken your door again. my only regret is that I ever believed your lies and never spent any money in your stores in the past. I have now corrected that mistake. There are too many other stores who keep their word to the customers and from now on they will receive my business.
Today at your Rocky Mount, NC store #680 145 s. Wesleyn blvd. A young black man was left outside unconoius no help from your employees. A lady driving pass made a u-turn and came to his rescue. It is all posted all over Facebook. You can read it for yourself. Her name is Sandra Bryant-Richardson look her up and you will get the whole story. She even went in your store for help from the staff and they were laughing at what happen. Saying the man was drunk thank god the lady was a nurse. His sugar was 23 and he went into a diabatic comma on your sidewalk at your store. He is in Nash General Hospital and his name is Albeet Pippens.
Albert Pippens
I went to save a lot in ind
My experience with Save A Lot was a few minutes to an hour my younger sister and I went to Save A Lot on 34th St. North in St. Petersburg, FL and we are broke this week so, we dug up some change $4 to be exact. We were buying bananas and they wouldn’t take the pennies because they had to be rolled up. The manager came out took one look at the bag of pennies and told us “We can’t take those, they have to be rolled up. Stop wasting my time.” A woman behind us heard everything and told the cashier that she’ll pay for the bananas and we thanked her for that. Pennies are still money you can take it. Oh one more thing, the manager’s name is George. This is my complaint to Save A Lot.
You haven’t got back to me did I do something wrong I would like to shop a giant this world and the law are something else I really care about Jessica Williams and many other people it’s terrible when people wrong you she should get to no me not acc use I hope this situation get cleared up its on my nerves the manager needs to get fired lying on people it’s wrong I hope people don’t go through what I went through
Here is a copy of a complaint I issued with save a lot. I did get a message, when I tried to return a call all I got was a machine saying call back.
Thank you for your message. We will be responding to your email by the next business day, however, it is our goal to reply sooner.
Last Name: Robinson
First Name: Dennis
Address1: * West Bobolink apt *
City: Milwaukee
State: WI
Email: J***
Comments: You have a store located at 6201 north tuetonia in Milwaukee, WI I have lived in the area for the past five years. I do my weekly shopping there. I do no expect your employees to remember my individual face from the hundreds of people. I do however expect that after all time I been in your store that I would not be followed up and down every aisle in your store. When ever someone tells a story we all tend to go to the extreme. Today however I am not. From the time I walk into your store your security guard stayed either in my face or standing behind me and my song until I left.. Maybe the message is that I am not wanted in your store. I am starting to get the message. Also the placing the his on the butt of his gun and looking me dead in the face can be taken a certain kind of way. Thankfully I am not the hood rat I treated like. IN YOUR STORE.,Zip code: 532-9
SaveALot Customer Care
I will make this short as possible. Went to the save a lot in Laurinburg NC, 28352 on Sun Aug 2nd at 1pm and nothing I went for in the flyer was available. The flyer dated July 26th – Aug 8th. My I point out on the front page of that flyer the sale for peaches, plums and nectarines. Also red seedless grapes, blacks grapes and white seedless grapes.were also on sale so I went to the store to get those items and pick up a few other things since I was going. There was only 7 peaches on display, no plums, no nectarines ,no green grapes, no black grapes and no red grapes. I went to get bananas, all bananas were wrapped with red tape and were on sale for 29 cents a lb BECAUSE they were just about rotten. Went to get a sweet onion and there was not price. Went to the manager a woman and said do you have any of these items in the back. She said no, and I said what about the bananas, she said we want to get rid of these first and I said who in the world wold eat that garbage and she said people do and did not offer to get me bananas from the back. I said this store is a mess and I walked out never to return. I have money and I spend money and I am the person you want shopping at your store and unless you just want the EBT people, than don’t change anything cause you are doing the right thing. As for me I don’t shop in a store like that so I will take my money and go to the other 4 places to shop. I will never go back there. Alexander
People don’t eat rotten food because people are on foodstamps. They deserve quality food too. How ignorant.
I was shopping at your store on George Jenkins Blvd. in Lakeland, Fl. on July 7 at 10:15 AM. The cart I chose from the cart pick up area was very noisy. I had put several pieces product in the cart and decided I couldn’t take the sqealing cart anymore so I brought it back to the cart pick up area to exchange it. An alarm went off and an old lady cashier(about 65-70 years old) came over and YELLED at me! I thought this wasn’t right so I talked to the manager and told her that I as a customer should NOT be yelled at and intimidated for trying to exchange a cart when there is NO SIGN in the cart pick up area that says you cant exchange carts..
I’M emailing your company to say I’m disappointed in your buttermilk pancakes 10 in a box, I used to love them, but know I see you succome to the pressure of let’s see how we can make more money on our products, by making them smaller, to get more production, while raising the price, I will not buy this anymore, there just a little bigger than a fifty cent piece and it’s miss leading when you look at the box, shame on save-a-lot, you should concenstrate on quality, not quanity, and this is not your only product that’s going down hill as far as quality.
I want to know which “college genius” decided to make managers & assistant managers uniform shirts light tan in Florida??? They do almost all the physical work in the stores! The other employees get the darker colors that doesn’t show every stain & mark. The managers & assistants do trucks & stocking plus many other physical jobs. Those black grease streaks never come out!!!!! I would think you would want them to be neat.
When are you going to get the rider cart in Alexander city Alambama fix for the disable people to shop in your stor thank you.
My name is Tiffany Jones and I live in Upper Darby, Pennsylvania. I am a working single mother of a 3 month old baby.
On Thursday May 28, 2015, at 10:40pm, I went to Save-a-lot located within the Barclay Square Shopping Center in Upper Darby, PA. I traveled to this Save-a-lot to purchase milk for my 3 month old baby. When I arrived at the store at 10:40pm, to purchase the milk, I was told by the cashier that I could not use WIC because I did not have my WIC ID card. I explained to the cashier that I rushed out of the house last minute and only had my license as identification and that there were no other stores within the area that I could travel to alone and purchase milk from at that time of night. The cashier was extremely rude and unprofessional. She spoke to me in a demeaning manner and told me step out of line, as I begged and pleaded with her. She then called over another manager to further embarrass me.
I then informed her that I would rush home to find the WIC ID card and come back as quickly as possible, so that I could purchase milk for my baby because I did not want my baby to go hungry.
I left and made it back just in time before the store closed at 11pm. When I entered the store the cashier had just finished ringing up 3 other customers. When she finished helping these particular customers, she looked at me and proceeded to close down her register. I begged her to please let me purchase the milk for my 3 month old baby. I also showed her the proper WIC ID card. She refused to keep the register open for an extra 2 minutes so that I could purchase my items. She stated to me, “I can’t help you. There is nothing I can do for you”. The other manager that was there also stated, “Oh well, come back tomorrow at 7am”.
I became very flustered, overwhelmed, worried and sick to my stomach by the lack of sympathy and poor customer service. I began to weep because I had no way of being able to feed my 3 month old baby for the night. I explained this to both managers, that I was desperate and needed to make the purchase. After both managers ignored my plead, both of them told me coldheartedly to leave the store. The managers then proceeded to call the police on me, who also told me that there was nothing that could be done, so that I could make the purchase of milk to feed my hungry child. I was embarrassed and shocked by the way in which both managers treated a dedicated customer and supporter of Save-a-lot.
I would like to make a complaint against Kathy McGern and Ravi Nair. Both managers were extremely rude, unprofessional and did not represent the values that Save-a-lot stands for. Once again I am a dedicated shopper of Save-a-lot and this terrible experience has changed my views completely, forcing me no longer shop at Save-a-lot, moving forward.
I was refused the right to make a purchase of milk for my baby and provided with poor customer service by Kathy McGern and Ravi Nair at Save-a-lot, located within the Barclay Square Shopping Center, in Upper Darby PA, I was unable to feed my 3 month old baby on this night. My baby remained hungry and cried during the night, I felt helpless because there was nothing I could do. My vehicle is currently out of commission and other stores were either too far to travel to or closed. As a mother, this was truly heartbreaking and upsetting. I hope and pray that action is taken toward Kathy McGern and Ravi Nair at this Save-a-lot location, so that other dedicated customers will never have to experience this inhumane way of being treated. Ultimately these two individuals are representing the Save-a-lot company and brand in an extremely inappropriate manner.
Below I have provided my information. I ask that you please assist with this complaint.
Thank You
Get a job and pay cash
Tracy, that is about the most ignorant response you could have given. Shame on you!
Sounds like a prime example of “Shopping while poor”
However, as a mother you should plan ahead! Ever heard of the phrase: “Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency for us”? At my university this was posted every where.
You’ll always run into asses that don’t want to go the extra mile. Most the time this happens in the discount stores where employees only get minimum wage and/or don’t get enough hours to get benefits. These people just want to go home. Same goes for Social Services or any other give away programs.
I’d say: Get an education as fast as you can so you don’t have to deal with treatment like this. It takes a lot of effort, money and education to get 5 star customer service.
Lastly is this store a corporate store or a franchise? Because if it is a franchise, nobody cares at Sav-A-Lot headquarters.
I work at save a lot and I’m very sorry it happened,and I agree it should have been handled differently, but we can not take wic without the wic id. It is against the law. If save a lot was to have a state audit we would get kicked off wic and you too. I always tell anyone who uses wic to keep the ID together so that way you can grab one without the other.
i want to know why bristol does not have a store anymore? we now have to drive to kingsport to buy groceries now. we need our savealot store back. are you going to bring back savalot to bristol?
To whom it may concern: I really enjoy shopping at save alot, it has great prices & products, & the workers are friendly & very helpful. I am a advit customer of your store. I purchise a half a gallon of homogenized milk, code # 0 51933 65890 5. 4/24/2015 friday evening, & the milk had a very peculiar smell & taste to it, it did not smell or taste spoiled, but very raunchy. I`m writing you to inform you guys, to hope to get this checked out, to prevent future problems. And to resolve this issuse. Sincerely Yours Buffalo, New York .In the Broadway market. Norman M. Smith JR.
My name is Tyrone and I was at the save a lot store in Orlando Florida store #117. The manager name Sasha Cathy that work there is very very very rude. I know a few people who said they had the same problem with her. She don’t know how to talk to her customers and employees. I don’t know why she still have her job. What had happen was, I forgot to ask for a bag and she told me since I forgot to ask I couldn’t get one. I told her where is her manager and she told me she was the manager. I ask for somebody over her and she told me to step out of line. I feel like y’all need to take some kind of actions toward her because every time I come in there she has a problem with somebody. I’m not coming into that store as long as she is still working there. She is very rude. One of your employee told me she’s always like that and I don’t think its fear. Y’all really need to get rid of her before somebody knock her out about her mouth
I was applying because a friend of the family asked me to apply to her store- Bobbie Pritchard- She is in the White Hall, Ohio- Location Store- She is a Shift Lead- and recently found her name fraudulently forged on office doXXXXents by the new Manager- That just recently interviewed me with Tracy- I think that is against company policy to forge other employee’s names on office doXXXXents? I think its a felony 5 actually? Do you think the CEO would be interested in handling this issue before I take my friend to the local officials to have it reported at the police station? The Manager I believe involved is Sheena- And Bobbie Pritchard does have photo’s of all the doXXXXents her name is clearly forged on- I refuse to further my employment inquiries at a store that commits felonies against there own employees-
I am grateful for save-a-lot bringing affordable food to our neighborhood. I do not have transportation so you make my life much ea sure. Thank you
To whom it may concern, I am sending this email to advise of your employee stealing from your store located at 5101 East Drive in Arbutus. Store #526. Shawneqwa Evans purposely sends her friends to the store and then does not scan items or charge proper prices. She then meets the person she did this for and they sell the xtra items. Examples are cases of waters pampers etc. If u need a reference on 01/25/15 @ 16:35:58 #0015 (c0005 s00526 r003 is also shown on the receipt) she did what I was explaining above. If tape was recorded Im sure you will see her stealing products and not scanning items to throw into the cart. Also she has missed several days in which she turn in fake doctors notes. Im sure simply calling the number on the notes will prove it not authentic. Im sure save a lot wants honest employees so Im hoping this reaching the right hands and corrective actions are taken. Thanks in advance for addressing this concern.
What’s happening at the Save A Lot store on 10700 S. Halsted Chicago Il 60628? The shelves are empty. Is this store closing or what? This is the only store in this neighborhood. Could someone let the community know something
I was shopping at your Save A Lot store on Clark Ave. Store #642, My cashier was Irene. She was very rude, she never greeted me and was speaking ill of another employee to me as well as about how the customers were all “annoying her”. I dont think this is behavior of a manager. I asked to speak to someone and she said oh im in charge there is no one else. I asked her for a number and she laughed and walked into what I assume is the office, I then over heard her talking about me and my situation that just occurred with her to another girl! I will never shop there again, I am 55 years old and do not need to feel this way about where I spend MY money
I was a loyal Save a lot customer in Macon, Ga. Along with that, your Manager Ransom Antoine is my facebook friend. I remember him working in the Macon Store and traveling to Atlanta to work in the Atlanta store.. Anytime something happens at Save A Lot he makes it into a facebook status. A couple weeks ago someone stealing from Save A Lot, took a picture of everything and used it as a facebook post to get comments and like. On top of that, he really and truly embarrassed a couple the other day just because they were using government assistant (food stamps) to pay for their purchase. He did not have to let the entire store know what they were paying with because he felt offended by what the husband told him. This is very unprofessional, and if he is this childish he shouldn’t be working in customer service such as this. It was very disrespectful what he did.
You people at Save-a-lot are scam artists. You advertise things and don’t have them today it’s chicken breast for .99 cents per pound and no rain checks. So today I finally had enough so I parked my cart and went to Acme. The land of thing’s as advertised and rain checks. So I’m done with you people tricking customers to get them in the door. By the way the store that I used to shop at was located on Tallmadge ave. In Akron ohio
I was at a 24 hour Save-A-Lot, and the manger announced on the intercom that in 2 mins please come to the register before it shuts down. I came to the register about 12:42 a.m. (within the announced time frame) & I was told I had to wait until 12:05 a.m. because the registers were shutting down & will reboot @12:05. I explained to the worker that I came within the time frame…the cashier responded that she would not be able to ring me up before the register shuts down. When the manager came, he said pretty much the same thing. What kind of policy is this that makes the customers wait at a register for over 20 mins to check out. This was such a major inconvenience. Not to mention that this policy comes abruptly on a customer. I was not aware that this was the policy because had I known, I wouldn’t have started shopping@ this 24 hour grocery store. Please change this policy so that your customers are no longer inconvenienced like I had to be.
How can these save a lot work someone three weeks and not pay them i think that is pretty crappy i wont ever shop at save a lot again an d i use to spend at least $1000 a month
Orange park Florida
the manager doesn’t order enough stock to keep the store running like it should. They shut the lottery window down so you cant buy a ticket or cigaretts. They are rude . The produce is rotten fly’s flying around the tomatoes etc………
I shop at save a lot the time’s a month. I was in 528 Rhode Island ave to time’s and got followed around the store . I spend three hundred dollars or more a month with save a lot but I will take my money somewhere else for now on ! I do that kind of work for a living and I don’t follow anyone in less I know they have something I will never come in a save a lot store again!!
Employee Jacklyn Crossland told Champion security guard
that I couldn’t enter the store in Gretna. This is a free country
And im was a loyal customer until this incident. I know my 5th
amendent was violated and will be seeking legal action. I was
never so handled in ANY RETAIL E
The store in Fayetteville NC,your employees, do their jobs very well,as for management very poorly, they need to step to the plate,I give management a big 0, there worthless
Hi i work at the one in Columbus ohio and corporate has taken over and we had to reapply for our position. So i’m a shift manager who’s been there for 7years and I reapplyed for my application well to make a long story short they email me and told me that my services were no longer needed. They can’t tell me why I’m not eligible for rehire and now my whole crew got their position but i don’t. What should I do?
I am an employee at the save a lot in Ewing, NJ store #285 and when I first started working at save a lot in 2013 my boss/hiring manager Mr. Herman was nice to me gave me up to 5 days of week to work and even called me in. I didn’t have a car at the time so I would walk faithfully to work when it would rain and snow. April of this year I had came back to work after having my 6 week leave due to foot surgery (by the way save a lot DENIED ME DISABILITY) Mr. Herman had hired more people and started putting me on night shift. He knows I have a 3 year old toddler who I take back and forth to school five days a week I don’t have a baby sitter to watch over my child while I so mid shift so I would have to call out and when I asked Mr Herman to put me on day shift so that way I would be able to get my son out of school he would ignore my request. It had to take for me to have my mother to come up to my job to talk to him. So he had me on days at first I started working three days a week. So a few weeks ago I was working on bakery and it was after 12:30pm (Saturday my shift was 8a.m.-3p.m.) and Mr Herman told me after I do the u-boat with the bakery I can take my break. I hadn’t eaten anything but a bag of chips and I was still hungry and a little dizzy but I did my work and after I got done I told him I was finish he ask me what else needed to be filled in the bakery I named three things but I also asked him if I can take a little break so I can eat because i am hungry he said in a smart sarcastic way in front of employees and customers “Hi hungry I’m Herman” so some words were being exchanged he sent me home then I came back to apologize and to tell him I didn’t like what he said and how he said it. He never apologize because he said and I quote: “I don’t see where I was being smart and sarcastic about it.” He never saw it from my point of view and he always told us that even though he play and joke but IF WE FEEL OFFENDED ABOUT IT TO TALK TO HIM AND HE WILL APOLOGIZE. He never did that instead he took it out on my days and have me working TWO DAYS A WEEK 14 hours while he giving this one girl up to 30 hours and hisnew peoples more hours than me. I do not like how he is giving this position as manager and look down on us like we have to beg him for days and hours especially towards me I asked him if he can fill out paperwork for me to get unemployment because I see that it wasn’t going to work because he joke and play a little too much and he talk about people that he hires and the people that he hires are stealing and sliding items when scanning the customer items. He told me that he don’t fire people and he is not going to do paperwork for unemployment because “save a lot don’t do that kind of paperwork”. The store is always a mess the fruits and vegetables are always rotten and the meat always stink and go bad and changes colors… They don’t rotate stock and most of the dry food are out dated and the bakery be a mess the cakes be mashed up before I even put it out there and they over charge the customers for the bags of ice. Store #285 a new person in charge or there will be more complaints and I am calling Jim MONDAY MORNING.
Yesterday, in one of the Milwaukee locations. My kids and I were walking through the store picking up odds and ends, when my 8 year old daughter screamed out, “ouch, I think I just stepped on a nail”. She had on flip flop shoes, and come to find out she had stepped on broken glass in the isle! Wtf?! So I contacted a manager in the store (Brenda ), she gave us towels to clean my baby’s bleeding foot, and filled out an incident report. It didn’t dawn on me to ask for a copy that point, so I went there today to request one. This Brenda person tells me it’s against company policy to give out copies… Yeah ok, lawyer it is!
Would be nice if you could put a store in Strasburg, Ohio 44680…nearest grocery store us 15 to 20 minutes away …thank you
On my visit to the Sav-a-Lot #466 store (3033 South Carrollton Ave.) on last week I mentioned to a employee that several packs on meat (smoke sausage, bacon & ham) were opened with mold growing in the packs. On my visit to the #466 again on yesterday 07/14/2014 I noticed that there were still several packs on meats with mold in the packs as well as expired packs of meat. I asked the cashier to call the manager so I could notify them again of the problem and hopefully get this matter resolved. The manager came to the front of the store to open a register but never came over to speak with me. After requesting a second time she walked over to me stating “Yeah, what’s wrong” I then replied informing her of the findings in the store last week & yesterday (moldy & expired meats) which she then replied :”Oh ok, I’ll get somebody to go check.” This has happened too many times at the #466 store. Someone should look into this matter in a timely manner.
Today I was a your store #176 in Jacksonville Florida, their was only two register’s open with both lines down the aisle!! Their was 3 mangers with tan shirts on just sitting in the office!! One of the cashiers asked for a manger to come to her register, it took him 20 mins. To come and assist her! Than when he came he yelled at the girl for letting the lines get that long!! When she replied that she did call for help, hes going to tell her well she should have called again that he is buzy and don’t have time to keep checking out front!! Ummm I thought that was his job as a manager?!!! Bad management!! This store is like this ALL the time. Maybe someone should look into this thank you.
June 3, 2014 3:33 PM
I went to Save-A-Lot today, and they need to close it down, anytime you have to stay in line 30 min. before you can get waited on it’s a shame, Only o cashier on duty and this is the first of the month.
The manger is on one register and 3 register is close and one cashier working, tell me what up with this.
On the first of the month thru the 8th of the month all register should be open, do you’ll care about what happen in the West End Area? I guess not, that goes on every month.
Maybe if we go some where else and let them close Save A Lot down it would be better.
stand in line 20 to 30 min. is a d shame.
I live in Jefferson City, Mo. & sometimes shop at the Save-A-Lot store. When I do the service is exceptional & the people very knowledgeable about what they sell.
I would like to make a suggestion. I would shop there more if they gave organic vegetables & fruit as a choice in the produce section.
If they found other products that would be organic that would be even better.
Thanks for your consideration of this.
I shop at the save a lot in Bloomington, ca. There have been many times i have brought myitems to the register to find no one there, and had to wait several mimutes for a checker. I know the managers office is right there with a window to watch what is going on. The assistant manager even popped his head out twice. To tell me someone will be with me soon. But what realy irritated me was both manager and her assistant did not step up and take care of their customers instead of pulling someone from the back of the storne who is actually working.
I started into the Save a Lot store in Crossville hoping to be able to shop with a motorized cart for the handicap…….I unable to walk because my back want allow me to
walk……..this resulted in having to go to a different store……it would be great if Save a Lot would have scooters for the handicap so they can do there shopping……thanks
I was an employee at the Sherman Save A lot in Texas and I was forced to file sexual harrassment statement on another employee by my manager. A week later I was put on suspension for inappropriate behavior at work. I was told David the owner would investigate and call me. 5 days later I heard nothing. After they fired him he filed a false complaint on me and got all of his friends that work there to do the same. All of the allegations were false. It’s a hostile work environment and retaliation. Not to mention the manager involved is also related to the employee who sexually harassed me.
I was at the Lancaster, N.Y. location today and as I was checking out there was a cashier and a customer arguing over the price of some valentine candy that was marked down to 50% off. The cashier was not sympathetic to the womens question and was very indignant to say the least. I stood at the other line cashing out after this women had exited the store, when I see another employee conversing with the cashier who was just very rude to a customer, mocking out that customer. Both employees were laughing about how stupid this women was not to understand that they already marked down the price to the 50% off. No sign said that….. I would have asked the same question had I been interested in that deal. It was totally marked incorrectly and false advertisement as far as i’m concerned. I then see this gentlemen walk in and she then stated to him that she just had an argument with a customer and stated it was about not understanding the price on valentine’s candy. I stood in amazement. I could not believe as there were many customers standing in line, that he didn’t say something like, talk to me later about this once your customers are gone. Nothing, agreed with her and moved on. I then stepped over to speak to him, asking him if he was the manager and he stated yes, I said I understand that she had an issue with a customer, but the whole store does not need to know about it. He stated that this was true and basically walked away from me. As I walked by the cashier, I stated that she should watch her mouth and keep it shut about customers. I stated that because of her I will never be back. I’m sure this happens all the time, however she should have waited til no one was in the store or behind closed doors.
Save alot is a JOKE, The company treats its EMPLOYEES
Like s***. There are no benifits, no raises, and a
Bunch of liars. And the d.m. only give a d*** about
Today I delivered at your warehouse in Williamsport Maryland 11:06 pm and the people working in your facilities have a very rude nasty demeanor. I believe your company needs to work on improving customer service.
Yesterday my husband was verbally assaulted and threatened with physical harm by an employee(Whitney Maddox) at 3030 Monroe st. Toledo, Ohio store #46. He was at his register tending to a customer when her onslaught began. The security guard plus the other cashiers stood and watched. Today he and she had a meeting with management and the Union Rep because he wrote a letter to management telling them about the incident. He told them he was afraid for his safety. They said they can fire them both or fire nobody. They would just work on different shifts. The HUGE problem with that is she came in on her day off.
Tell your chump of a husband to grow a pair and deal with it.
John Q. I think You are demonstrating what you are fit for.
The transportation mgr at the Humboldt warehouse needs to be investigated. He has NO experience whatsoever, never drove a truck. Writes ppl up of being 1 minute late, makes them come in 15min early on Thurs so he can hold a meeting for stupid reasons just so he can take off on Friday to go to the River. There are some very upset drivers that say he doesn’t know what he doing. There is uproar in Humboldt and needs to be checked into.
Oh shut the hell up. Maybe you were being a c**t. Did you ever think about that? The fact that you went and wrote a f-in thesis, indicates you are actually to blame for your experience. Dumba**
If you work for Sav A Lot then you need to be fired for calling someone names