P.F. Chang’s China Bistro, commonly referred to as P.F.Chang’s, was founded by Philip Chiang and Paul Fleming. Their first location was in Scottsdale, Arizona. The company specializes in Chinese American cuisine, Asian beers, wines, specialty drinks, sake, as well as gluten free food choices.
The company owns and operates two different restaurant concepts; Pei Wei Asian Diner and P.F. Chang’s China Bistro. This is an international chain with 204 P.F. Chang restaurants in America, 170 quick, casual style Pei Wei restaurants, along with 15 P.F. Chang’s in the Middle East, Puerto Rico, and Mexico.
P.F. Chang’s went private in July of 2012 when the chain was purchased by Centerbridge Partners. P.F. Chang’s also has a line of “Home Menu” frozen foods and appetizers that is owned by Unilever.
P.F. Chang's China BistroP.F. Chang’s China Bistro, commonly referred to as P.F.Chang’s, was founded by Philip Chiang and Paul Fleming. Their first location was in Scottsdale, Arizona. The company specializes in Chinese American cuisine, Asian beers, wines, specialty drinks, sake, as well as gluten free food choices.
The company owns and operates two different restaurant concepts; Pei Wei Asian Diner and P.F. Chang’s China Bistro. This is an international chain with 204 P.F. Chang restaurants in America, 170 quick, casual style Pei Wei restaurants, along with 15 P.F. Chang’s in the Middle East, Puerto Rico, and Mexico.
P.F. Chang’s went private in July of 2012 when the chain was purchased by Centerbridge Partners. P.F. Chang’s also has a line of “Home Menu” frozen foods and appetizers that is owned by Unilever.
I had a terrible experience at PF Chang’s, Walnut, CA., on 8/7/2022. We were there to celebrate my twins 21st birthday. When I was eating I found a dirty screw in my food. This is the worst thing that has ever happened in my life. The manager couldn’t explain it and the chef doesn’t know how this happened. The manager never filed a incident report regarding this matter.
Our family dined at the Kierland PF Changs as an early Mother’s Day celebration. My husband scraped his elbow and bled on my sleeve before we entered the restaurant.
Diana, at the entrance, got a cup of selzter and napkins immediatey to prevent the blood from setting and was able to clean most of it. She is very self-possessed, calm, and professional.
Our server, Lacey, was warm, efficient, observant and kept our dinner moving smoothly without ever rushing us. This is quite an accomplishment with a 2, 4.5, year old and an infant at the table through beverages, appetizers, dinners, and dessert.
We have dined at this location for years and have always had a pleasant experience. However, the service today was exceptional from the greeter and our server.
Tonia Schwartz
Sue Behnke
Sue Behnke, Champion Forest1
Be careful at PF Changs
1960@249 PF Changs. I was acousted right in a restaurant booth by a black man asking for money. Called me a bigot when I declined. Was very ugly and the manager said it was not the first time.
5d ago · 59 neighborhoods in Crime & Safety
35 Thanks · 67 Replies
Barb Lucas
Barb Lucas, Champion Forest 5d ago
Wow sorry to hear this! Will definitely not be going there til they figure out how to fix this problem. Thanks for letting us know!
Thank1 Thank
Kathleen Houser
Kathleen Houser, Kleinwood 5d ago
Did that happen inside the restaurant?
Peggy Carter
Peggy Carter, Champion Forest 5d ago
Sounds like a management problem. “I gave at the office” isn’t an empty response. It is no more acceptable to ask for a handout inside a private business any more than it would be to crash a private party. It’s inappropriate to call anyone a bigot just because they give a negative response to inappropriate behavior. It has nothing to do with race… But the person was deflecting (trying to excuse his inappropriate behavior by making it sound like you were the one doing wrong. This is hard enough to handle when a friend deflects his bad behavior in the same way, but it’s totally outlandish when it comes out of the blue from a total stranger!
Thank3 Thanks
Greg White
Greg White, Champions Park 5d ago
I usually only get acoustic performances at Mexican food restaurants.
Thank17 Thanks
Kenneth Krasny
Kenneth Krasny, Champion Forest 5d ago
So are you going to elevate the complaint to regional management of the restaurant chain?
Thank4 Thanks
Treena Morgan
Treena Morgan, Champions Park 5d ago
This happened to us at El Tiempo at VIntage Park but it was a young lady who asked for money to feed her kids and we later her saw her leaving the crepe store with 2 large bags and a bunch of friends. They’re getting bolder and bolder.
Thank4 Thanks
Darcy Leach
Darcy Leach, Oak Moss 5d ago
Why didn’t the manager call the police? The manager said its happened before? By the same person? Was he eating at the restaurant?
Thank1 Thank
Christine Bruccoliere Harris
Christine Bruccoliere Harris, San Antigua 5d ago
How does this happen inside the restaurant? That is awful. So sorry this happened to you. You really need to elevate this with a formal complaint before it gets worse. Those people should not be allowed to wander around the restaurant bothering customers.
Thank3 Thanks
Bill Comee
Bill Comee, Champion Forest 5d ago
That why Texas has gun carry license get one.
Thank10 Thanks
Sue Behnke
Sue Behnke, Champion Forest 5d ago
Yes, inside the restaurant. I was in the first booth alone, waiting for a friend. He just walked up to me and gave a little story about needing money. I said I didn’t know him, so sorry. He “went off” on me. I told him to get out after he said the “N” word – which I will not tolerate. Finally the waiter came over and he left. The manager said he had been there more than once and they had called the police before.
Thank5 Thanks
Sue Behnke
Sue Behnke, Champion Forest 5d ago
No, I didn’t complain to anyone. The manager knew what happened.
Thank1 Thank
Sue Behnke
Sue Behnke, Champion Forest 5d ago
A very tall woman asked me for $5 at the AT&T store at 249 and 1960 and I politely said no. She had a nicer phone than I do. She got into a nice car and drove off. Really?
Thank6 Thanks
Dolores Dominguez
Dolores Dominguez, Champion Forest 5d ago
Ran into possibly the same man at PF Changs last Wednesday. He was asking for money or food, if you were carrying any with you. It was right outside the restaurant and the man did not look homeless.
Thank2 Thanks
Billie Nelson
Billie Nelson, Memorial Northwest 5d ago
What did the manager do? Doesn’t sound like he helped u
Sabrina Harborth
Sabrina Harborth, Champion Forest 5d ago
Wow – the Management needs to put a stop to that quickly.
Thank1 Thank
Darcy Leach
Darcy Leach, Oak Moss 5d ago
Won’t be going there-since mgt. not doing anything.
Thank1 Thank
Lori Zech
Lori Zech, Prestonwood Forest 5d ago
I have been approached in Chikfila before. I just can’t believe what people do anymore….
Thank2 Thanks
Dottie Browning
Dottie Browning, Woodbriar Place 5d ago
Wow! So sorry that that happened to you!
Alexis Hutchinson
Alexis Hutchinson, Huntwick Forest 5d ago
Autumn Palm
Autumn Palm, Champions Park 5d ago
What the heck. Amazing how some people feel entitled to what you have and if you don’t want to give them your money, you’re a bigot?! Wow.
Thank2 Thanks
Liz Hearn
Liz Hearn, Oakwood Glen 5d ago
Sue, I sent you a message. This is unacceptable.
Karen Ippolito
Karen Ippolito, Oakwood Glen 5d ago
If management is aware-there should be security measures in place by the establishment
Thank2 Thanks
Melna Knox-Moriarty
Melna Knox-Moriarty, Champion Forest 5d ago
PF Changs doesn’t keep these beggers out of the restaurant. They are supposed to protect their patrons.!!!!!!
Thank1 Thank
Mark Truemper
Mark Truemper, Prestonwood Forest 5d ago
The area sure is changing and not for the better. Three restaurants have closed in the Willowbrook/Champions area. Outback, Romanos Macaroni Grill and Texas Land and Cattle. Nothing worse going to a restaurant and have pan-handlers begging for money. Its time to clean up the 1960/ Champions/ Willowbrook area and bring it back to it once was. A great place to live!
Thank13 Thanks
Van English
Van English, Huntwick Forest 4d ago
When we lived in El Paso (twice), it wasn’t / isn’t unusual for this to happen. People come into just about any restaurant, from greasy to chi-chi, and go from table to table either asking for cash, selling rosebuds, or peddling trinkets. There was even an older Asian female known as the Egg Roll Lady who took her cart right into supermarkets and drugstores selling her homemade egg rolls!
Thank1 Thank
Rashad Raynor
Rashad Raynor, Champions East 4d ago
This guy was a looser, easy problem to fix for upper management
Linda Roberts
Linda Roberts, Huntwick Forest 4d ago
Happened to me. Man with a young girl asking for money. I too reported to manager.
Thank1 Thank
Gabriel Trevino
Gabriel Trevino, Kleinwood 4d ago
Had that exact same issue at Smash burger with that same guy but he started getting upset saying I was racist
Thank3 Thanks
Rashad Raynor
Rashad Raynor, Champions East 4d ago
I wonder what his excuse for me would be lol
Thank1 Thank
Sue Behnke
Sue Behnke, Champion Forest 4d ago
That what he did to me – called me a racist. I said, “I’m not a racist. I have a black grandchild”. Which I do. I was so taken aback. He must do this for a living, though I can’t imagine people giving him money.
Thank4 Thanks
Ray Rajan
Ray Rajan, Champions Creek and Champion Gardens 4d ago
management needs to care of the issue !!!!!!
Rebecca Wiley
Rebecca Wiley, Champions Park North 4d ago
must have been the same black man that approached me in Sam’s parking lot asking for money. He told me I was “nothing but a rich white XXXXXX that hated black people.” I put my hand up and said, “STOP! Back off now!” and kept walking.
I’m anything but racist. I have as many friends of color as i do white. This racist madness has to stop!
Thank3 Thanks
Rashad Raynor
Rashad Raynor, Champions East 4d ago
Rebecca i assure you theres plenty of minorities in the area who dont feel this way, this guys an idiot and doesn’t reflect blacks feelings.” Racist madness” from a homeless man is not saying much.
Thank7 Thanks
Shari Horvath
Shari Horvath, Memorial Northwest 4d ago
This sounds like the same guy that approached my husband a couple weeks ago in the same general area in a parking lot outside a store…said the same type of thing to my husband….
Thank2 Thanks
Siren Lewis
Siren Lewis, Klein Square 4d ago
Hi Guys I’m new to Tx. I love it here! I have not experienced any beggers. I did get a tip from my former professer Atty Campbell of Business law and he said when he sees a begger outside of an establishment about to approach him he quickley asks THEM for money. ? I’ve tried it in Memphis, Tn and it works. Just a tip. They go away. However I do help sometimes if God moves me to?
Thank5 Thanks
Marinell Mendoza
Marinell Mendoza, Champion Forest X 4d ago
Please do not give money to anyone asking for it. Donate to organizations like H.O.P.E. Haven referred to below this stream. Before Sheriff Ron Hickman left office, I had a great visit in his office. He asked me to pass along this information…that “beggars are here because they have been told that the residents of the area between Spring and Katy “are very generous.” The only thing that will make them go away is if we stop giving them our after-tax money which they use for drugs and alcohol. This is not hyperbole, folks, but are facts related to me by an elected official who knows the truth. Sheriff Hickman said to tell people to “give them a sandwich instead of money.” He also stated that other areas pick up beggars in their communities and drop them off in our community. When I asked him how he knew that, he stated that the law-enforcement in those other areas told him they were doing it because our people would give them money. What more is needed to communicate to everyone that we absolutely must stop giving them money?
Thank13 Thanks
Sue Behnke
Sue Behnke, Champion Forest 4d ago
I don’t think this guy was homeless at all. Was dressed like a mechanic.
Sue Behnke
Sue Behnke, Champion Forest 4d ago
I give sometimes too tho question if I should. There is a very thin black man who works the corner at champions forest and 1960 at the CVS. I offered him a bag of food. He said no thanks, I just want money. I said I guessed he didn’t need it very badly then and he said “no”. I used to carry bags of food that would feed someone for 2 days. That was the day I stopped. I am much more careful now who I give to.
Thank3 Thanks
Helen Hughes
Helen Hughes, Highland Timbers 3d ago
Don’t give. Don’t speak. Don’t make eye contact. If you’re in a public building, complain LOUDLY!! And get your CHL.
Thank4 Thanks
Yvonne Bourgeois
Yvonne Bourgeois, Memorial Northwest 3d ago
Oh my! I often go to PF Changs & eat alone. I love their food. Thanks for the warning! If I go again, I’ll speak with the mgr before I’m seated.
Thank2 Thanks
Randee Saber
Randee Saber, Huntwick Forest 3d ago
Why isn’t the manager doing something about this especially if it hasn’t been the first time. The police need to be called. Surely you should be able to eat in a restaurant without being harassed. No wonder there are so many homes for sale in my subdivision. People want to leave all the crime along the FM 1960 corridor.
Thank2 Thanks
Nancy Seheult
Nancy Seheult, Oakwood Glen 3d ago
Awful of manager not to done something about the 1st time!!
Randee Saber
Randee Saber, Huntwick Forest 3d ago
Going into restaurants and asking for money happens in Mexico. I was recently approached by a well dressed middle age man of color to buy him food at McDonalds. He said he could not get a job. I gave him $10 and went to the counter and got him a job application. They were hiring. I was approached a young white man outside the movie theater in Willowbrook and he became angry because i wouldn’t buy him pizza. I told him to get a job. I just should not have said anything and walked away. The beggars on the narrow median on FM1960 are endandering themselves if they get off balance and get hit by a car.
Thank1 Thank
Siren Lewis
Siren Lewis, Klein Square 3d ago
I guess they are willing to take the risk. Scary. Can someone explain to me how to use this app? I only been on a few days. I don’t know how to set up my company info. Im willing to meet and be taught.
Ashleigh Smith
Ashleigh Smith, Woodbend Pines 3d ago
Just raise your phone as if you are going to call the police. Whether or not you actually do, such solicitors will flee from the places.
Thank1 Thank
Jan Jones
Jan Jones, Woods of Wimbledon 3d ago
Thanks for the heads up ..
Brad Stanley
Brad Stanley, Champion Forest X 3d ago
My gf and I finished dinner a while ago at Salt Grass. A black lady came up to us and said,”hands up don’t shoot”. Then asked for $5 in the same breath. I had a similar episode at BJ’s a few times. It’s gotten out of hand to the point we don’t go to those places any more.
Thank1 Thank
Rashad Raynor
Rashad Raynor, Champions East 3d ago
Alot of things getting out if hand brad Stanley, ive been a resident here almost 3 years, yet i go for a jog and have the police called on me, or i have a neighbor questioning how im able to afford new cars or what not, yet i dont make a post about it, i deal with it and realize thats how people are they have preconceived notions about certain types of people. So yeh things are getting out of hand in all matters these days, i just laugh it off
Thank7 Thanks
Sara Hoyle
Sara Hoyle, Memorial Chase 2d ago
I always say “no thank you” and act as though either I didn’t hear or I didn’t understand. This happens everywhere. Happened last night after the Astros game in Houston.
Thank2 Thanks
Paula G Pierce
Paula G Pierce, Colony Creek Village 2d ago
….harrassed in a restaurant….especially where lunch is an easy $15.00 ???? my 20+ yrs of retail dealing with all sorts of retail managers tells me this mgr of this particular willowbrook pf changs is Not thinking of increasing business with their laid back attitude ! YIKES ! wandering around inside a restaurant….it is private property for One…..call corporate PF Changs and ask to speak to a customer service rep that you want to file a report on that restaurant !
Thank3 Thanks
Randy Brooks
Randy Brooks, Memorial Northwest 2d ago
I am so sorry this happened to you. It is a very scary event to be approached by anyone asking for money. I was approached while buckling my children in our mini van after leaving a store and immediately went into fight or flight mode.
For many years my prepared immediate answer to anyone asking for money, regardless of where: “I never carry cash”, and I don’t. That seems to work most of the time with only a few grumbles. More recently though I have had people ask if I could go to the ATM and get them some money and even had one guy give the option to send it to his PayPal! Really?!
I have realized the only way to stop this behavior in any given area is a united effort to stop giving cash entirely. To only give food or water as another lady suggested, if you feel prompted to help. Many people I know, now donate those extra dollars they typically would freely give to panhandlers to church sponsored or community sponsored assistance programs that they have researched and feel comfortable giving to and then refer panhandlers to those programs, in efforts to ease their conscience of “not giving”. Again, I am sorry for your experience.
Thank3 Thanks
Peggy Glover
Peggy Glover, Oakwood Glen 2d ago
Two days ago I had a young man (early 20’s) ask me for a couple of dollars while I was inside Kroger (Champian Forrest Dr/Spring Cypress Rd) and I said no I do not have any change. He said thanks and left. I was going to ask why does he need change and why does he not have a job.
Thank2 Thanks
Vicki Jackson
Vicki Jackson, Prestonwood Forest 2d ago
I have had them ask for money at the Krogers at Cypresswood and 249, then at the target on 1960. The lady was standing in the middle of the entrance and tried to make me stop. Too many of the panhandlers live in a house, drive a decent car. The way they get these things is to beg. The lady at target was wearing nice, name brand outfit, nice purse and smoking. I work and can’t afford to buy cigarettes! It is such a shame that people take such advantage of others. There are people out there in real need and stuff like this hardens our hearts and makes us not want to help others.
Thank3 Thanks
Melna Knox-Moriarty
Melna Knox-Moriarty, Champion Forest 1d ago
I spoke to the night manager of PF Changs and he was not aware of this happening. He told me he was going to talk to the other managers and address this concern for past and future patrons. Anyone can walk into a restaurant and if they don’t “look homeless” the hostess stand employees are not going to stop them—could be someone’s husband going to join them. Sounds like all of the Willowbrook restaurants need to get a plan but again, how do you differentiate between a customer and begger that is dressed ok. We have all become so casual in our attire that if the begger is not very dirty or rugged looking, they will look like a customer. I agree with the person that said everyone needs to stop giving money so the word will get out that the Willowbrook area is not profitable for beggars. They are only going to get more aggressive and that is going to lead to something tragic one of these days.
Thank2 Thanks
Liz Hearn
Liz Hearn, Oakwood Glen 1d ago
I spoke to managing partner Justin Esparza on Tuesday about this. I even messaged Sue. He said he would look into it then. Funny that not all managers know about by Friday….
Sue Behnke
Sue Behnke, Champion Forest 1d ago
I did call Justin Esparza, the Managing Partner at PF Changs, last Friday 6/23, and ask for a call back. Never heard from him. Called again today 6/30 but he wasn’t there – again. Emailed him the details. Doesn’t look like a high priority to me. Really, short of hiring a security guard, I don’t know what they can do. He didn’t look like a panhandler so they couldn’t know. Someone told me if someone approached me for money to just say “Gosh I was going to ask if you could loan me 5 bucks. How about it?” I’m going to do that. It was scary though! He was so enraged when I said no. And I said it nicely – not mean. Worried he would be in the parking lot after my lunch. I’m still bothered by it.
Sara Hoyle
Sara Hoyle, Memorial Chase 1d ago
@ sue… it won’t be a high priority till you call corporate headquarters and file a complaint on Justin with them. When corporate wants to know why sales are suddenly down… they will know who is making their job and customers a priority and who is not! For some. .. it only matters when their boss knows.
Sara Hoyle
Sara Hoyle, Memorial Chase 1d ago
@ Sue … be sure you let them know that you let more than 600 people know about this also on Next Door also
Denise Malloy
Denise Malloy, Champions Park North 1d ago
It’s terribly unfortunate that you had this experience. It appears that several others that have posted here have encountered other people at or around PF Changs. The race of the other people that approached patrons was not highlighted. I’d encourage us to view crimminals as crimminals regardless of race as I have seen numerous crimminals cited on this neighborhood post that are white, Hispanic and Asian. I do pray for the safety and stability of all of our neighbors.
Thank1 Thank
Randee Saber
Randee Saber, Huntwick Forest 1d ago
Direct phone number to Precinct 4 Constable. 281-376-3472
I volunteer at Pearl Fincher Art Museum and a very strange man came in yesterday. Aside from me there were only 3 young women working there. I now have this phone number and will call ASAP if this happens again
Thank2 Thanks
Peter Trout
Peter Trout, Champions Park 19h ago
First of all, by not complaining you are not doing anything to prevent it from happening to someone else. Stand up and do something about it. Yell at the guy, make a scene. If I had someone do that to myself or my wife, everyone in the restaurant would be wondering why that old man was yelling so loudly! You’ve got to put your foot down. Ever since “the hurricane”, this place has gone to $hit, and it will just get worse unless people stand up for themselves. I guaranty that people will come to your aid if a man is getting out of line with you in a public place. You just have to be able to speak up for yourself!
Siren Lewis
Siren Lewis, Klein Square 18h ago
So people washed in from hurricane Katrina brought the value down? I’m new here.
Thank1 Thank
Rebecca Wiley
Rebecca Wiley, Champions Park North 17h ago
what brought the value down was the bus system. It stops at PF Changs. The hurricane didn’t help
Thank2 Thanks
Rashad Raynor
Rashad Raynor, Champions East 16h ago
Agreed buses give bad guys a fast get away and sadly bring in bad people
Christa Allan
Christa Allan, Champion Forest 16h ago
“Washed in from Hurricane Katrina”? As someone who recently and voluntarily moved here (as opposed to being washed in) from New Orleans who experienced the devastation of that event, I’m offended by the lack of compassion. And the perception that only NOLA people are responsible for what’s happening in this area is equally offensive and saddening.
Thank2 Thanks
Alan Zanelli
Alan Zanelli, Charterwood 15h ago
An idea for a reply if it happens again. My Buddy and I were approached in Austin the other day, he looks up and said no man I’m not from around here. The guy looked confused and walked away
Thank1 Thank
Rashad Raynor
Rashad Raynor, Champions East 15h ago
I just tell them i only keep credit cards
Add a reply…
Good evening,
I never received a response from the regional manager. I am not sure why since the email was submitted April 17th.
Good evening Ladies,
I am a fan of PF CHANGS however, after what I witnessed this afternoon while picking up an order that I called in earlier, have me rethinking if I will return to your establishment. After a long day at work and doctor appointments, I decided to call in an order for some Chicken Lettuce Wraps. As I proceeded to the bar to pickup my order, the bartender greeted me with a smile and asked how could she assist me. I gave her my name and said I called in a to go order for a Chicken Lettuce Wrap. She asked a server to tell Analicia there are customers waiting on orders and check to see if our orders were ready. And turned to say “she will be right with you ma’am!” I believe the customer name standing behind me was Michelle. When Analicia returned she had both of our orders.
As I waited, I watched the bartender with strawberry blond reddish hair, make two Mojito drinks for two ladies sitting at the bar. In the process, an African American server with dread locks placed a order for two more drinks. I believe a Mojito and a glass of white wine. As the bartender completed her order, she begin to make another drink. I noticed she had a glass encompassed between her left arm and breast area, as she read the drink order receipt with her left hand. I kept saying to myself, “I hope she is going to place that glass in the sink to wash it later but she didn’t. Instead, she grabbed the alcohol bottle with her right hand and poured it into the glass, next she scooped up some ice and poured it in the glass with her right hand. Grabbed another glass with her right index fingers and thumb touching the top and inside the glass as she sat it on the counter, while still holding the glass that is between her left arm and breast area, minding you; the glass is still laying against her black uniform top. I was so grossed out and appalled. When I saw that, I grabbed both of your business cards to report what I saw. If whoever was receiving those drinks knew how she handled their glasses, I am pretty sure they wouldn’t want them nor would you.
I am praying to heavenly gods above that the kitchen is much cleaner than what I witnessed. My first mistake was walking out of the restaurant without asking to speak to a manager to report what occurred. But I decided to send you both a email so you can hopefully have a discussion with your bartender on sanitation techniques. I think it will be awhile before I return to PF Changs.
Please feel free to call and discuss if you like. I can be reached at 210-708-XXXXX. I have included my home address just in case you would like to send me a comment card.
Server: zTerminal 3
Cashier: Analicia
Date: 4/12/17
Time: 3:28 PM
Ticket#: 1030001
Type: Mobile Order
Total: $10.01
Corpus Christi, TX 78412
The gm tamika smith is not a good gm Corry need to come and see what is going on in there