Mr. C Food Stores was founded in Mineral Wells, Texas. The company is owned by Connel Oil.
There are currently 7 Mr. C Food Stores in the state of Texas. These convenience stores offer ready to eat food, drinks, and prepackaged food and beverages. Each location has an attached fueling station offering Chevron gas. Some locations have a USA Laserwash on the same property, which is also owned by Connel Oil. It is estimated that the company has an annual revenue of $2 million and employs 50 persons.
The gas storage tanks at Mr. C Food Store #5 was recently cited and fined almost $10,000 for failure to monitor the tanks for leakage. Company headquarters remain at the Bank of America Building in Mineral Wells, Texas.
Mr. C Food StoresMr. C Food Stores was founded in Mineral Wells, Texas. The company is owned by Connel Oil.
There are currently 7 Mr. C Food Stores in the state of Texas. These convenience stores offer ready to eat food, drinks, and prepackaged food and beverages. Each location has an attached fueling station offering Chevron gas. Some locations have a USA Laserwash on the same property, which is also owned by Connel Oil. It is estimated that the company has an annual revenue of $2 million and employs 50 persons.
The gas storage tanks at Mr. C Food Store #5 was recently cited and fined almost $10,000 for failure to monitor the tanks for leakage. Company headquarters remain at the Bank of America Building in Mineral Wells, Texas.
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