Kings Island first opened in 1972 by Taft Broadcasting Company, whose original intention was an extension of Coney Island. Kings Island is a 364 acre amusement park with a wide variety of roller coasters and water rides. The park receives more than 3 million visitors each year and has an astounding 14 roller coasters.
Kings Island was purchased in 2006 by Cedar Fair Entertainment Company, who purchased this amusement park, along with other Paramount Parks for $1.24 billion.
This amusement park has been used in numerous sitcoms, movies, and other television shows, as well as music videos over the years. It is well known for hosting a Halloween themed event. Kings Island is the second most visited amusement park behind Cedar Point only by a few thousand visitors.
The company plans on opening a luxury resort called Camp Cedar in June 2021.
In April 2021, Kings Island raised the pay it gives to seasonal workers, paying between $11 and $14 an hour depending on the position.

Kings Island keeps its corporate office in Mason, Ohio.

Kings Island first opened in 1972 by Taft Broadcasting Company, whose original intention was an extension of Coney Island. Kings Island is a 364 acre amusement park with a wide variety of roller coasters and water rides. The park receives more than 3 million visitors each year and has an astounding 14 roller coasters.
Kings Island was purchased in 2006 by Cedar Fair Entertainment Company, who purchased this amusement park, along with other Paramount Parks for $1.24 billion.
This amusement park has been used in numerous sitcoms, movies, and other television shows, as well as music videos over the years. It is well known for hosting a Halloween themed event. Kings Island is the second most visited amusement park behind Cedar Point only by a few thousand visitors.
The company plans on opening a luxury resort called Camp Cedar in June 2021.
In April 2021, Kings Island raised the pay it gives to seasonal workers, paying between $11 and $14 an hour depending on the position.
Kings Island keeps its corporate office in Mason, Ohio.
The new age requirements were put in place AFTER we bought our 15 yo daughter her gold pass in which we just found out today when my 19 yo son took her at 4pm. They let him buy his ticket 70$ then told my daughter she wasn’t allowed in. My son asked for his money back and they said no refunds. He called me and I told him to go back and ask to speak to a supervisor. When he did he was met by an old man security guy that physically blocked his entry. I’m furious! He paid for a service that was not rendered which is fraud! We have been coming to Kings Island for years, we buy gold passes every year. I’m very dissappointed and will no longer be buying passes! And after the way they were treated today I don’t think they will ever want to come back!
Hi I work at kings island but really trying to get a hold of Mike Koontz because I have some issues I need to bring up
Unfortuately we unable to enjoy the park due to our kids allergic issues and it was too much rain due to climate issue and most of the rides was cancelled. So we left the park with quite unhappy mode so while leaving the park we spoke to your customer care team and said our greivances they made a note and our order number informed that all the tickets will be reissued and please visit us next time.. that gave some relief to us.
So to confirm that i called up the customer care team and enquired that whether tickets are reissued they confirmed that yes group tickets are reissued you can visit anytime of the park whenever you want. While enquiring about the reissuance of Fast lane pass tickets and food coupon your CC (customer care) team informed me all will be reissued ( Guess i spoke to rebecca) just you come to park at the counter.
I was little hesistant to believe and dont want to cause the inconvience and called up again informed it wont be good enough to discuss this at the park for reissuance of tickets better reissue now itself. So i spoke to Divian and informed the cause she called me back and reissued the entire tickets. Everytime i spoke with your team i clearly informed i will be visiting the park by 24th September with the same group of people and your team agreed to visit.
I got email of my Fast pass reissued and dining coupon reisued and i was all set to plan for my trip. So we visited the park on 24th Sep and it was a not a comfortable visit with incorrect promises made by your team.
When we visited we been denied entry saying due to Toyato event the park is completely booked so the tickets cant be valid for today. This caused the huge upset to our entire group as we travelled all the way back to park which is 2 hours away from our place.
We spoke to your wonderful customer care manager where she is helpless and not even understanding the fault from her end and all she said is before coming you should see the kings island website whether its allowed for operations for public or not.
My questions is been left unanswered from her which i need a complete answer from your senior management team.
1. I have enough call records of date and time when i spoke to kings island customer care and every call there was no communication been given to me stating that need to see the website before i proceed to park.
2. If there is a word of information on any one of the call infomed me saying “Hey there would be some events where park might be closed kindly see the information of the dates before proceeding” which was completely missed on my entire conversation.
3. She just repeatedly saying we cant allow you to enter the park rather solving the issue and top of it she said you need to upgrade myself to enter the park.
4. While discussion i asked for the call recording to check they said we cant find the call recording and its been told that check the website before proceeding which is absolute false information.
5. I assume any events booked wont be happening on the next day it will have proper planning and i am sure kingsisland must be aware of this even well in advance. So how then they issued the tickets to myself and its a complete miss from your tem not informing the customer not even on any one of the calls when i spoke.
5. The biggest joke is she called up the security guards as if we did biggest crime in the world been escorted out the entire group.. This is a huge insult for us.
We never seen any such horrible experience like this before from any of the reputated brands. Kingsisland holds the complete account of improper handling of customer and she should recieve a strong feedback and training of how to handle the customer. I too work for service industry i wont even handle like my customer asking them to leave without any proper reason.
Being said above, we didnt enjoyed the park experience happily so do initate refund of the complete amount what we paid and i dont want any such customer to experience this in the future. Sure i will post this feedback on social media platforms and reviews to make sure all the customer aware.
I completely owe a refund on account of non usage of your park and compensation from your team for improper handling of customer.
Venkat Ranga
I was involved in an automobile accident in kings islands parking lot the other car hit mine while they was driving down the wrong side of the lane, kings island did the report mason police department told me if I needed any help or had any questions about the incident to contact kings island security, they sent me their security report by email and the other guys insurance told me if I could get kings island to sign a statement that their parking lot is a two way lane I would win the case. When I requested that from the security team they told me they’ve done helped with what they could and if I needed anything else to contact mason police. All I needed was a statement that yes it’s a two way lane and they couldn’t even help me with that I informed them that it is their parking lot and mason police told me to contact them so I’m at a loss with what to do now I have pictures of the parking lot but the insurance said they need a statement. With all the money we spend at kings island every year you’d think they’d be more willing to help it’s a simple letter that should just say kings island is a 2 way lane signed by the security team it’s very simple seeings how they couldn’t be bothered to write in their report that the man was going so fast through their lot that he crunches his front end nor did they write he was driving the wrong way and like I told them yes this is a hassle for me as well but I’m just glad it was my car that was hit and not someone’s kid but they act like they shouldn’t be bothered with stuff like this.
In all my years coming to your park I’ve never been more disappointed or have felt so unsafe since this current year. The park is not enjoyable when people are allowed to jump lines,TONS of unsupervised kids who have no regard for anyone. There needs to be crowd control and there needs to be more parental supervision. I’m aware you can’t stop unruly foul mouthed disrespectful people into the park,but you can do better when it comes to security.
We were there 10/9/21 we purchased an all day fun pic and 6 all day dining passes. We got pictures from 2 rides because everything kept breaking down. We got to use our all day dining pass once and couldn’t even eat our food because of bees. The next day we talked to a supervisor in customer service with blonde hair looked to be in her 20s for her to tell us we’ll nothing can be done about it. We wasn’t asking for a refund just to make the situation right instead we didn’t even get a sorry. We have been coming for 10 years and pass holders for 5. Not after this visit we will not be renewing our passes or spending anymore money here.
I had a similar experience. I believe the supervisor’s name is Cayden. She refused to give me her supervisors name and told me instead that nothing would be done to rectify my situation. She obviously is not accountable to King’s Island corporate offices or I imagine they would not be too pleased to learn that loyal gold pass members were deciding against renewing their memberships due to this supervisor’s poor customer service.
Literally just had a similar experience here on Saturday July 29th, 2023. We had bought all day dining passes with the drinks included for 42.99. Rode a rollercoaster and my band came off. Asked a worker if they could just scan my barcode on my phone since I lost the band and they told me to go to customer service to get it replaced. I walked clear across the park to go to customer service and the lady with gray hair told me I needed a receipt. I pulled up the ticket on my kings island app and my confirmation email. The lady in customer service said that those weren’t receipts and she was NOT going to replace my band. I even offered to pull up my bank statement showing that I purchased this. Wasn’t offered to be compensated at that point asked to speak to the manager and they just went in the back and brought out a young kid named Lucas on summer break. The gray haired woman was clearly upset and rolled her eyes when I had asked to speak to management. Needless to say I was not compensated, I was threatened to be kicked out of the park, and they would not give me corporate phone number. The next day I filed a complaint online and Lucas who was the supposed manager on Saturday called me back and left a voicemail that stated I was not compensated for my wrist band because of disorderly conduct and that I should be thankful they allowed me to stay in the park. Meanwhile, another man standing in customer service also said he lost two bands on rides from his group and he had to purchase the band two more times. This is stealing!!!! This is a scam. Offer grace to those who support kings island. What ever happened to the customer is always right approach? This is a business and most of the employees there act like they absolutely hate working there and are put out. We all spent a ton of money and this is so absurd that the employees act this way.
be sure to call the corporate office number in our listing!
I have been trying to purchase 30 Season Passes.
Dear Kings Island:
Shame on you for HOW YOU TREAT SPECIAL NEEDS PEOPLE. Besides the fact that you owe me $200 that you’ve assured me through three phone calls and two visits that it would be returned, you should be a little more compassionate when it comes to special needs.
I was at your waterpark yesterday with my 12 & 1/2 year old special needs daughter. First, you took away a lot of seating, so there was not even a bench. My daughter gets fatigued and needs a place to sit own now and then, and I asked for even a chair from the cabana lady and explained my situation. However, she could not give up one.
Second, and this is a biggie, THERE’S NO PLACE TO CHANGE AN ALMOST ADULT SPECIAL NEEDS PERSON. My daughter had three days worth of poo that she came out. Luckily, she had been in the water but it did not go in there. I finally found one chair and sat her down, then it squished out. It is then that I realized she had gone.
In the middle of all the people and chairs, I tried to figure out how I could handle this discreetly. It was running down her leg. So I went to the cabana lady and I guess her manager and asked if they could help me. I explained that my daughter could not walk all the way to restroom due to her fatigue of not having a chair for quite some time, but also, if she had to walk, she would be trailing poop all the way to the bathroom and all over the pavement. I asked if I could use a cabana that I would clean up after my quick use. I would put down a towel then come back and disinfect. I would also use the ground, not a chair. Mind you, it was already on a chair. Not all the cabanas were rented, as I could see them all. They said, we are so sorry but these are for renters and we cannot let you do that. They then pointed to the concrete next to the cabanas and said that some people use that spot…still out in the open for all to see an almost 13 year old girl!!
Yes, maybe parents change their kids, I am guessing babies, but not 12 year olds. How about some compassion for modesty? I don’t need everyone seeing what was happening. I could’ve just said eff it and changed her right on the chair out in the open, grossing everyone out. But I was not going to screw KI for the sake of my daughter’s privacy.
So, I did what I had to do. I took her to the grassy area behind the cabanas and changed her there. She hates grass and it scratched her back up. No modesty, no compassion from the staff. No training on how to handle extenuating circumstances.
I understand that I did not rent a cabana, but come on KI, help someone out when they are begging you for it. I asked the lady for help. I asked if there was any way they could help me as I did not know what to do. And besides, I had to lay her down as it was all over the place. I cannot lay her down in their bathrooms. If there is a changing table, she is too big for the baby ones and I was not going to lay her on a bathroom floor.
Why doesn’t King’s Island Waterpark have a special changing area. Maybe a cabana with a changing table for older people would work. It would be a compassionate and simple solution. What if my daughter had boobs? Or was an adult? Would they still be okay if I took all her clothes off out in the open? My neck hurts from how hard I am shaking my head. Shame on you, King’s Island. And shame on you for how you train your staff to handle delicate situations.
And FYI, one of those chairs still has poop on it. I went to the cabana lady and asked for disinfectant so that I could clean the chair. It needed to be sprayed down though. She gave me the spray but never bothered to check or further disinfect.
And thank you for allowing my daughter to feel extremely embarrassed. I am sure you would be happy to undress your 12 year old girl in the middle of a crowded space to clean up poop all over her. I am sure that would make you feel really special.
I am the single mother of a 16 year old who enjoys working for your company. Unfortunately, I am going to have to stop her employment if your company cannot get her availability right. When she applied she put her availability from 10-8pm. She has never been in a position where she could not fill her commitment to something and I know it is bothering her that the schedule she signed up for is not being assigned to her. I went to her initial interview with HR and when I noticed it wasn’t listed on her paperwork I was told KI has a new system KRONOS and the manager’s in her department would be flexible. She has talked to server also managers who are all claiming the same thing they don’t know how to change the availability in the new system just request the days off. What sense does that make if we can’t work past 8pm then she can’t work at all. We all…every company has to do better with making sure are managers are trained and capable of doing there jobs. Another issue is why are the employees picking weeds without proper PPE and inadequate water to wash there hands afterwards. I wish I didn’t have another job so I could assist you guys with your staffing issues. I have been told this has been going on for years. I have never lived in a city this size that a company your size doesn’t make sure you have public transportation access if you want minors working past midnight. Currently my daughter gets off at 8:00 and currently she is not leaving the park until after 9 and she’s being told it’s because she took a break.
Ingrid Salyers
Whitaker Elementary
7400 Winton Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45224
Kings Island Amusement Park
To Whom It May Concern,
Hi, My name is Ingrid Salyers. I am in 5th grade at Whitaker Elementary. I love riding roller coasters and going to Kings Island. I have even had a gold pass for maybe 3 years. And after covid me and my dad are getting platinum passes to go to cedar point. (can’t wait) I even have an orion t-shirt and a diamond back t-shirt (while I am writing this letter I am wearing my tie dye diamondback t-shirt) My favorite roller coaster ever is Orion. I only went on it once in September of 2020 but I still was amazed by how fun it was and how that 300 foot drop made my stomach rise. I am writing this letter to you because my teacher Mrs Moorman has given our class an assignment to write an outrageous request to our favorite place to go. So I picked Kings island.
My outrageous request is maybe free fast passes. I have 5 people in my family so I was wondering if we could get a couple free fast passes. If you can not do this I completely understand. If you could not give me them 100% free but maybe a discount off or a couple gold passes for free. For our family it is a lot of money to get a fast pass, now I know you don’t necessarily need a fast pass but it would make our trips to kings island that much better. Again if you can’t accept my outrageous request I understand But it would make me freak out if you accepted my request. Thank you for reading my letter.
Have a great day! Please contact me if you accept this at…
Ingrid Salyers
Whitaker Elementary
7400 Winton Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45224
Kings Island should be ashamed of themselves. I understand that they have to open under different circumstances and they have the right to choose their own rules, but the rules are so drastically different that not everyone can comply. I will not send my 17 year old daughter to Kings Island in a mask and have her suffer a heat stroke. I called today to ask for a refund due to the changes in the parks rules and was told that a refund would not be given. I was told that the pass would be extended through next year ( I already knew that). I told her that while I appreciated them extending it through next year there was no guarantee that next year would be any better. I insisted on a refund and that we would consider purchasing a pass for 2021 if things got better. They refused to give a refund. I am furious that they believe they have the power to hold hostage my money with an anticipation of an extension on the pass. I did not pay for 2021 I paid for 2020. You would expect an upstanding company to understand that as they have made these changes and implications some may not be willing or capable of abiding by them and offer a refund to those people so that they can remain in good standing with their customers. This has totally changed my way of thinking about Kings Island and I am positive that I will feel no need to invest in their company from this point forward. Maybe it’s time for those of us that don’t want to send our children to an outside park in extreme heat in a mask to stand up against Kings Island. Maybe we should start a petition for refund and demand that every season pass holder be refunded 2020 passes and given 2021 passes as a courtesy.
Kings Island has lost all my respect and shown NO respect for my handicapped child today!! A rude awakening!! A lying security guard that was racist and I was wrongfully accused of being violent. A total injustice due to being a white woman that was verbally abused by a black woman that called Aiden a cracker retard
Discriminated against a bi racial family with a special needs son!!!! Unacceptable !! Kings island has lost my business after 20 years!! They wont even reach out to make an attempt to right their wrong! Cant believe this is how they do business! Going down in my books as a racist discriminating company!!!!
I’m a former (1986-1997) employee of Kings Island. I would like to return to the park for employment, and I HAVE communicated this yearning to HR and Administration, but nobody replies to me. I went on the website for a “beer-pourer” job, but I was not accepted , but the job offer is still on the website; CURIOUS!!!
If anybody would like to contact me, my Email is : ScottDeutsch@\
Working at the park was one of the coolest jobs I’ve had; I’d like to return, and speak to some people, but they keep themselves “locked away”.
Was not able to go to the park all this year , KINGS ISLAND would not let us do a roll over for next year my wife and I are seniors they have no heart at this park !! someone at cedars point told us to contact Richard Zimmerman or Greg Scheid
Good luck with that let me know if you do. I ask to speak with the corporate office over the season pass thing. Area managers didn’t do crap and they refuse to let you talk to corporate. I use to work there when was paramount it went down hill since. I’m about to walk behind their gates and go directly to their corporate people because I know exactly where there office is. They need to take care of customers and not treat them like crap.
me and my family spent 2 days at kings island bought 2 day food passes and also the fast passes for 4 of us we went to use the food pass on the first day the food vendor took our papers and gave us wrist bands and said don’t loose these you will need these for both days to get your food my wife even asked for the papers back and he said you don’t need them back just keep your wrist bands and you will be fine again she asked for them back and he denied them back to us this was at the 50’s dinner place where they serve burgers and dogs and chicken so the next day at the water park we go to use the wrist bands lo and behold we couldn’t because they were no good so I went to guest services and explained to them what happened and they said I needed proof of purchase so I had to leave the park to find something to prove to them I did but after first attempt I couldn’t find any thing so I asked if they could look my order up and they said yes but couldnot find me any where in system after about 3 hours and leaving park 2x I did find something and got our food passes but after loosing 3 hours of park time with my family all I asked for some kind of compensation and you basically blew me off well I let my company know about this and from now on our company will not use your park in any further promotions and I am also contacting abc 6 in Columbus ohio and letting them know what your park did to us
So I was on diamondback and my keys flew off the ride around the area’s of the second third or fourth hill and I need those keys so that I can drive my car and open certain doors for my coworkers because I have the only key. So if you can take a team of like 30 people to walk the grass around the spots I mentioned earlier that would be great because we told numerous of your workers on countless occasions where we lost them and even though the rides were shut down because of rain no effort was made to help out you customer (me) to retrieve my car keys. Me and my friends ask through out the whole day and night for someone to help us find the keys and we were just brushed away but if one of your employees lost their keys on their day off and told you where the keys were lost at the keys would have been found and given back to your employee before the end of the night. And that is not fair that to everyone else myself included that we are just brushed away while your employees get special treatment of their personal belongings being found while everyone is second hand and our things are either not searched for or not searched for hard enough.
I forgot to add that this took place 7/21/18
We visited on 7-11-2018 and we had a HORRIBLE experience. First of all, my boyfriend and I were on a ride when are cousins (who were told where to be seated by another employee) were told that they couldn’t sit there because of seating issues (okay fine) but when we asked the employee what was going on he just acted like he didn’t hear us. So of course that pissed my boyfriend off and he asked MULTIPLE times to be let off the ride. Once again, the same employee just ignored him and smirked at him as he cleared the ride. Second, we ran into some kid who started running his mouth to my boyfriend. So, my boyfriend defended himself. The same kid made a complaint to kings island so we were approached by two police officers and hour later saying my boyfriend was being detained. We were then forced to leave the park after TWO HOURS of “collecting statements” and he can’t come back for a year while the kid who literally waited for us to get off the ride and start problems got to walk away and enjoy the rest of his day. I REFUSE to let this go.
Today, 5/28/2018 I spoke with a woman by the name of Dana, who claims to be the manager about the dine in pass I paid for with last years gold pass that I was not able to use due to health issues, was extremely rude. I called to see if there was anything I could do considering I didn’t get the chance to use it due to health issues. I took my children to the park a few times, but wasn’t able to stay long. The manager stated “you clearly were in the park and it was your choice not to use it.” and “it clearly states in your agreement that it will expire on 12/30.” I understand it was on me to use my dine in pass, but I don’t appreciate the tone nor language this woman used towards me, especially as a manager to try to help me with this situation. This woman was more frustrated that she had to speak with me on this concern although it is her job to help customers. I am seriously contemplating on buying Kings Island passes this year due to her rudeness. I am looking at spending $400 again on seasons passes for a company that does not care for its customers or that hires managers that don’t care to help in situations.
Hi I took my family on a much needed vacation,we went enjoyed ourselves at Newport,Ky visiting the Aquarium,Italian Festival,B&B Boats and many other nice spots in Kentucky. So we decided on 6/11/17 we were going to spend the day at Kings Island to make sure our 3yr old granddaughter could experience this. We were having a awesome time from the second we arrived to all the rides,attractions,gift shops,good food…we go to Planet Snoopy she was so excited to see all the rides that was her size,she didn’t know which one to get on first..ALL the staff at ALL the rides were nice and friendly, even at the Petting Zoo..UNTIL we got in line waited 20 min for THE GREAT PUMPKIN COASTER ride, the line was flowing,this was about 2:34 there was two very young immature teens running the ride. I watched them closely,although there was a height requirement they were still letting kids get on as long as a parent went with them.. some kids they didn’t measure they just let them get on, now it’s time for my granddaughter to get on,she is just 3 and she has” PATIENTLY”waiting very excited she is about to ride,the young boy said she can’t ride it she is not tall enough,she was right at the yellow line on the stick. I was extremely upset because I DID NOT understand why she was not able to go on with her father who was right there with her,the young boy made a big issue even laughing out of pure ignorance. I politely asked him to contact a mgr,now him and the young girl really started laughing and being obnoxious,this further upset me. I would’ve just let it go and chalked it up as pure ignorance and unprofessionalism of the staff but when they continued to laugh even when I requested to speak to a mgr and they began to tell other people standing in line,even taunting us while we waited,that’s where I drew the line. I mean her height didn’t change in a matter of seconds from all the other rides she just got off of. Finally after 40 min this young short build stocky girl with short hair and facial hair came. Not being rude I didn’t catch her name. We were explaining the situation and the entire time there was another 2 supervisors,both young as well,a girl and a boy standing by the desk where you order pictures also laughing at what we were saying. We expressed that staff should have a better attitude and remember it’s people like me who keep them employed so NEVER forget that. We further expressed we drove in from New York to come here. The so called supervisor looked to be no more then 18,she offered no solution to the issue and we wasted our time waiting to speak to someone. I would ask that you hire more “QUALIFIED ADULTS OVER 25 with “EXPERIENCE” to handle situations like this, take patron complaints far more seriously then what happened today. After we “wasted” our time we sat down with our granddaughter explaining that there are ALOT ignorant people in this don’t get ignorant like them but hold yourself at a much higher standard,however,when necessary make your point known and move on. Karma ALWAYS come back to bite one in the butt. We took her to the next ride explaining to that staff what just happened and they apologized to us and offered to get someone else for us to speak to. I said thanks but no thanks. I would just reach out in a different forum. We had NO further incidents just ONLY THE GREAT PUMPKIN COASTER ride. (6/11/17 2:30-3:30 ),even the young lady developing the pictures was very nice and watched what happened saying this was unfair. After we finished ALL the other rides we went got blue ice cream and went to Venue to watch the PEANUTS SHOW@4:30,pick out more gifts and headed home. I called my friends telling them what happened. I would ask that upper management retrain these supervisors and the young staff to be more friendly,Planet Snoopy was created for the young ones so how rude of these people you hire to ruin it for a little child. Thank you for your time. Have a nice day!
I am writing on behalf of my sister Jackie Fraley. She recently was in the hospital with a life threatening condition from February to May 2017. While she was hospitalized someone used her debit card number and ordered 2 season passes for a total of over $250. She has called your office to ask if she can be reimbursed for this amount since it was taken out of her checking account without her permission. She was told that it is not possible to reimburse her and that the passes are non-transferable. Even if they were transferable, she has no use for two passes, as she is a 66 year old widow. My question is, who exactly should she talk to in your corporate office to resolve this matter. She is still suffering the effects of this nearly 4 month long hospitilization so she has asked me to see if I can get more information than she was able to get with her phone call.
Please respond to my email, chalice72 at Thank You, Cheryl Titko
ledaandkorey at
My son’s phone fell out of his pocket on the Banshee, yesterday, 6/3/2017. I know that it was his responsibility to secure the phone but he worked extremely hard and saved a lot of money to be able to buy it. We went to lost and found after the park closed showed them the location on Find my iPhone and we even wanted to have it play a sound before it died (battery was at 10%). We ended up waiting until 11:30 to be told “there was nothing they could do but a routine walk around” and “maybe maintaince would find it sometime”. I also called customer service when they opened today, 6/4/2017, and asked if there was anyone I could email a map of the location to. I was given a generic kirides at kingsisland email address. I know you have thousands of customers come through the park every day and lots of people lose things it’s just super frustrating when we know EXACTLY where it is and no one is willing to help. If someone could PLEASE help us locate it, we would be super grateful!! I can text/email a map of the location.
Today 6/27/2016 about 5pm we stopped at one of your booths to get a drink between delirium and banshee ride. A customer in front of us said they aren’t wearing gloves while making ice cream and I mean none of them, I said that is gross as she agreed. One of the workers an African American boy with big hair was scratching at his head then put his arms above his head and had bottom of the ice cream cone touching his hair and then made ice cream. The customer and I was both disgusted. Another worker again no gloves was rubbing sweat off her neck and then making ice cream. My husband and I told a worker you all should be wearing gloves and we told a supervisor as well but they didn’t seem like they cared just ok I’ll look into while you see the kids with no gloves he should of said hey put gloves on just didn’t seem like he cared. I think it’s gross to be touching the food with no gloves on especially when your scratching at your hair or body then also putting a ice cream cone on your head. Other food places like the burrito place they worn gloves as these workers should too! I’m also attempted to let the health department know as well if they isn’t resolved. Hope this is taken care of as we enjoy coming but will not see workers handling food in this manner.
What does race have anything to do with it?
Because Jala if you dont know the employees names then it best to be as descriptive as possible when trying to alert KI to who exactly the problematic employees are so that KI can address the issue in a timely manor! So on 6/27/2016 there was a young black male with big hair who apparently wasnt wearing gloves, and was touching peoples food after scratching his head and armpit hair etc! Now KI can investigate and have a good idea who the perpetrator was Jala! Thats how things work Jala. No need for your covert racism paranoia here! Lol