Nike was founded in 1964 by University of Oregon track athlete Philip Knight and his coach, Bill Bowerman. The company was originally called Blue Ribbon Sports and began as a distributor for Asics.
In 1966, BRS opened its first retail outlet in Santa Monica, California.
In 1971, the company began selling its own line of footwear. The shoes had a distinctive swoosh on the side. The swoosh was trademarked in 1974.
In 1978, the company became Nike, Inc.
By 1980, the company had attained a 50% share of the athletic shoe market. The company went public.
In 1988, the company acquired Cole Haan. Cole Haan was sold in 2013.
In 1994, Bauer Hockey was acquired.
In 2002, the company acquired the Hurley Surf Company.
In 2003, Converse was acquired, followed by Starter and Umbro in 2004. Umbro was eventually sold in 2012.
In 2004, Phil Knight retired as CEO. He was replaced by William Perez.
In September 2018, Nike chose Colin Kaepernick to be the face of Nike in their advertising campaigns, despite protests and threats of a boycott.
The company has been hit with another boycott from conservatives after its decision to not sell the Betsy Ross flag shoe after Kaepernick suggested that the flag was a symbol of racism since slavery was legal when that flag design was made.
Today, Nike is one of the largest suppliers of athletic footwear and apparel in the world. In 2017, the company had annual revenue of $34.35 billion
NikeNike was founded in 1964 by University of Oregon track athlete Philip Knight and his coach, Bill Bowerman. The company was originally called Blue Ribbon Sports and began as a distributor for Asics.
In 1966, BRS opened its first retail outlet in Santa Monica, California.
In 1971, the company began selling its own line of footwear. The shoes had a distinctive swoosh on the side. The swoosh was trademarked in 1974.
In 1978, the company became Nike, Inc.
By 1980, the company had attained a 50% share of the athletic shoe market. The company went public.
In 1988, the company acquired Cole Haan. Cole Haan was sold in 2013.
In 1994, Bauer Hockey was acquired.
In 2002, the company acquired the Hurley Surf Company.
In 2003, Converse was acquired, followed by Starter and Umbro in 2004. Umbro was eventually sold in 2012.
In 2004, Phil Knight retired as CEO. He was replaced by William Perez.
In September 2018, Nike chose Colin Kaepernick to be the face of Nike in their advertising campaigns, despite protests and threats of a boycott.
The company has been hit with another boycott from conservatives after its decision to not sell the Betsy Ross flag shoe after Kaepernick suggested that the flag was a symbol of racism since slavery was legal when that flag design was made.
Today, Nike is one of the largest suppliers of athletic footwear and apparel in the world. In 2017, the company had annual revenue of $34.35 billion
I am so disappointed. I myself have worked for name brand shoe companies. My husband only wear Nike. But each time within months the toes start separating from sole, he normally glues this back to prolong wear. The shoes crack, separate shoe from sole. But this time we sent in. Purchased July2020 n Nike sent shoes back
I myself sent in to Hoka for pair I wear every day for work bought same day as Husband bought 2 pr Nike shoes n Hoka emailed credit within 2 weeks. Since Nike does not honor there warranty maybe they can tell me how to convince my husband NO MORE NIKE!!! Also what company that sells everyday wear shoes that do not fall apart n if they do will honor replacement.
Good afternoon, Has NIKE considered a mask with logo and JUST DO IT!!!!!!!! ????
Nike already has a mask with a swoosh check
and I own one.
I am a veteran of the Persian Gulf war, a athlete, and have been a life long Nike athletic wear customer. From grade school sports, high school sports, college and now city league and community programs I have always wore Nike apparel and footwear. Your recent pick of Colin Kaepernick as the face of your companies advertising is both sad and repulsive to me. As a veteran I find Kaepernick offensive and disrespectful not only to veterans, but to the great country who gives both him and your company the freedom and liberty to run a successful business and be a rich athlete. His disrespect and anti-Americanism was front and center when he spit in the face of U.S veterans by kneeling during the raising of our nations flag and the singing of the national anthem.
Such blatant disrespect and hypocrisy did not go unpunished as veterans and patriot alike boycotted the NFL and the 49ers. Our voice was heard and this hack was bounced out of the league.
Unfortunately you decided to double down for him and again spit in our faces as you made him the face of your company. I after 36 years of wearing the Nike logo will no longer wear or purchase anymore Nike or Nike affiliated products. I will also no long purchase your products for friends, or any of my family members. As I share this letter with numerous friends and veterans I am sure they will consider doing the same as well. Thanks for showing us where your loyalties lie and how you feel about the great country who afforded you the freedoms to make billions off the sweat and blood of its veterans.
Sincerely, Brian Dirks
United States Navy Veteran and Reformed Nike User
It felt great putting all our Nike gear in the dumpster today. Can’t wait to get new stuff from your competitors!
where do I begin, “FACEPALM”
So I returned a pair of shoes I had for 3 months as they where falling apart .at the sole I get my vouched after a month of waiting with no new shoes, voucher comes Name and address is missing a number and a letter, No biggie.right? Wrong!! after making custom shoes for 20 mins.and using my $30 off coupon(which is now expired) keep receiving a error. finally got time to call nike, they say have to call corporate they deal with this..ok corporate says Sir have to send a new one because of name is missing a L. we must send a new one..OK.. 2 weeks later get NEW one and they put the 0 on address but LEFT the L off name again!! so now I call again go through the big speel and again call corporate. But they not open today.. so now I have lost a $30 coupon and still cant put in my order.. SO ANNYOED and SO MUCH TIME WASTED! SOMEONE NEEDS TO CONTACT ME
I along with many others cannot patronize a company that turns it back on the American flag. This is the country that an average quality product like yours prosper solely due to clever advertising. One small bonus I enjoyed today while purchasing a pair of New Balance was showing the story to an elderly man who had a pair of Nike’s and watching him promptly put them back.
Hi, I bought a pair of vapormax from champs store at Times Square last year.( Im a Canadian resident. ) after 7 months of normal usage, they’ve got holes on their toes.
I have always been a runner and a loyal customer of nike and have never faced this problem before ever.
But what should I do now as im in canada and am not getting any response from nike. Why should I throw away 300$ for a defective product and crappy customer service.
If you guys don’t resolve my issue, I would never ever buy a nike again. You guys spend millions of dollars on advertising with celebrities and don’t give a damn about hard working people who spend money on you.
Im not looking for a refund but rather a replacement or even repair of my as good as new shoes.
Please respond
I was overjoyed when Nike made Kaepernick the face for the campaign. All of my family will continue to support Nike. I am ASHAMED of the coalition of Black Pastors, who have failed to speak out about the continued social injustice in America BUT want to condemn Kaepernick for doing their jobs. Dr. King is rolling over in his grave watching their inaction and reaction. Dr. King would be supporting Nike’s position if he were alive. SHAME ON THEM.
Plain and simple. I am no longer your customer.
I appreciate Nike’s position on the Betsy Ross Flag because it angered me so much I purchased a New Flag Pole and a Betsy Ross Flag. I guess without the ignorance displayed by Nike I would probably not have purchased the Betsy Ross Flag. You have a loser as your new face of Nike and ever time I see negative corporate news about Nike I celebrate. I still have some Nike products that I use to wipe my feet, clean-up dog poop etc. I tried to give one to my German Shepard but he ignored it – Smart Dog. Hopefully you will continue to take the advise of Losers and go out of business, if not maybe Americans will drive you out of our Country for good. Oh, I’m an Independent and a proud American.
Army Retired & Disabled Veteran ( 68 – 88 )
Born 1964
Died 2019
Colin Cancer
Mr. Parker,
Sometimes executives make hasty and wrongful decisions. I believe it is time to reflect upon the social and corporate consequences when you chose to side with Mr. Kapernick’s good intended but poorly thought out decision that a national 18th-century flag, created by seamstress Betsy Ross 250 years ago, in some obscure manner mirrors the scourge of slavery. Her flag defined a country’s birth, nothing more, nothing less. To today define such construction as somehow something else rewrites the historical significance of this most simple act. How Nike proceeds in the future is up to you.
all my nike clothing will go in burn barrel. dirty shame because that means my Packer hoodies with salute to service ones too. I would like to know what nike will say when the miss informed tell the PGA and Tiger they can’t have a golf hole that salutes military with service members and the American flag for the pin. stand up for your dad and his buddies Tiger!
Listening to a spoiled athlete who just vies for attention is a loser for nike. Americans love their country. Considering the profit you make off our backs, think you should show us more respect than the spoiled brat. He doesn’t even know history accurately. How many Americans bled and died waving our flag to free slaves? How many africans sold their brothers into slavery? But he wants to judge people based on the color of their skin. He’s the racist, and you’re the idiot parent who just keeps feeding him candy because he cries. Both of you deserve each other. And your products don’t belong in my home or in my business.
RE: Betsy Ross flag shoes. I am wondering why my recent comment was deleted from this site??? I hope you DO NOT DELETE AGAIN! Why does Kaepernick have so much power over Nike that he makes the decisions for them? Nike needs to familiarize itself with the history of America. Betsy Ross was Abolitionist working to free slaves!
I know why you are backing Colin Kaepernick so let’s not waste any more time on this topic. I’ve been a big supporter of Nike over the years. I will not buy any more of your product ever. I’m glad to hear your sales were $34 billion dollars. What you represent is a disconnect from this country. Nike is unamerican. I pray that people will continue to boycott you. You have made your company $34 billion, but I’m wondering what that figure could have been if you had gone down a different road.
I will no longer by Nike. After you pulled the Beaty Ross flag sneakers. Why don’t you guys and girls at Nike make a trip to Philadelphia and learn about her and the true history of this flag and Beaty Ross. Also Colin said it was never about the flag his protest now it is. I am done with Nike I have bought 42 pairs in two years. This week I bought my first pair ever of Brooks. Nike and your political stances are not for me. I am done. Thanks you Matthew Raudenbush.
Besty Ross sorry auto correct.
How can a pampered, washed up has been football player, whom even his adoptive mother can’t stand, is controlling what a large corp. can market; what a joke and the joke is on Nike. Don’t you know your history? Are you that big of a wimp that you just fold from this guy who thinks it is a racist symbol of the first flag; this guy probably doesn’t even know this was the first flag of the U.S. What is racist about our first U.S. flag; I keep looking at it and just don’t seem to see any racism in the flag. Won’t be buying any more shoes from Nike.
I can’t believe it! Do we not live in America? Are we not proud to be Americans? If you have a problem with you owning how America began and its history then you may want to move to a place or country that more is suited to your life style. I will not buy and advise my friends and relatives not to purchase any Nike product. It is not an true American Co. or make American products, and thinks all Americans are bad. I am very upset that I or other human people have make mistakes in the past and did correct them or try to and still be labeled a bad person. I didn’t know that Nike and their contracted employees are so perfect (they think they are). Just remember that the Bible says not one is with out sin (perfect) no not one.
How can a pampered, washed up has been football player whom even his adoptive mother can’t stand is controlling what a large corp. can market; what a joke and the joke is on Nike. Don’t you know your history? Are you that big of a wimp that you just fold from this guy who thinks it is a racist symbol of the first flag; this guy probably doesn’t even know this was the first flag of the U.S. I’m looking at this flag and just can’t seem to see the racism in it. I won’t be buying anymore of your shoes. Goodbye Markie.
The company needs to distance themselves from that a** Kaepernick.Your goods don’t sell that well anymore and the more you let him speak the worse it will get.I will never buy NIKE again.Your company iis an UnAmerican company.
Once again, Nike is out of step with reality. Letting Kaepernick influence your marketing decisions, regarding the Betsy Ross flag shoe? What a bone-headed decision. Your disregard for positive effects of history, instead focusing on the negative, once again tells me how small minded your company continues to be. No more Nike product for me. Take your products and stuff it.
UnAmerican jacka**es, I thought Kaepernick was protesting police brutality. What a joke , it’s hate America first. Bunch of ungrateful gillywobbles.
Nike: As Kapernick is ‘triggered’ by the flag, I am not triggered by your response to him to pull the line of shoes with the Betsy Ross flag. In fact I am not triggered by much of anything as that is a snowflake excuse for not being able to confront life, history and reality. However, as a combat veteran, the flag, our anthem and our pledge of allegiance are sacred to me. It defines who we have been in the past, where we are now and what I hope will be in the future. By giving into Kapernick, who has never served his country in any form or another except to reap the benefits from other sacrifice, shows your true colors. Another dime will never be spent by this household on a Nike product. There are too many other companies to choose from–yours, I don’t need in my life. Continue making your products with slave foreign labor–there goes that word ‘slave’ again. But it must be a proper term given you those people to make your billions. I am surprised that Kapernick is not “triggered” by your use of slave labor. Oops! He wouldn’t be, he profits from it. Enjoy your life.
You are welcome to use your freedom of speech as you wish, just as I am free to hold you to the consequences of that speech. I went in my closet and threw away anything that said Nike directly into the trash. Normally I recycle shoes to foreign shoe collections, but yours are just garbage. Trust me, my family will never purchase another Nike item.
I loved those Betsy Ross flag shoes ! Colin does not get to pick what I can or cannot buy ! Who runs this joint anyway ! Never again Nike ! Look at/and for my finger as I drive bye in Beaverton.
Funny, right before OUR INDEPENDENCE DAY ! Why don’t you consider Venezuela for corporate !
As a woman, I am completely offended. As a mom, I have trusted your products and tried to look the other way because I thought maybe you knew better than I did. Our flag, Betsy Ross, Our soldiers may not mean anything to a self-righteous, angry, misguided and more affluent than most individual but for many of us the respect for these things is our common ground. We can not talk about inequalities until we realize we are all Americans and that there is symbolism, whether we like it or not that binds us together as Americans. My families non purchases may not mean much to your bottom line but we will no longer trust you and how you allow the advisement of one questionable individual to pull you away from what could have been a very positive campaign. It could have been positive and helped with the great division we are experiencing. Disappointing.
To Whom It May Concern Re: Decision to Pull “Betsy Ross” Shoe:
It is a sad day indeed when a company whose products I have used for years (I have always been an avid runner) takes the action and position Nike Corporate has in response to one person’s “biased” opinion on what was, in my opinion, a brilliant idea from your marketing department. The mistreatment of our American flag, in particular since the results of the 2016 election, has been particularly appalling to me personally, and your cowardly response to what could have been a great opportunity to reverse this alarming trend leaves me no alternative but to send the strongest response possible to you. So it will be, during this American Holiday period, that I inform you that I will now boycott all Nike products and encourage all my family, friends and all others I come in contact with to do the same.
Sincerely, Victor J. (Vic) Liss
Good for you Vic. I too agree, Nike is absolutely worthless as is there spokesperson. I’m down to a couple of my Nike tee shirts currently used as a door mat and a rag to clean-up after my German Shepard.
God Bless America
Nike Corporate,
Even though I have two great pairs of Nike Shoes, I will NEVER PURCHASE another pair of Nike Shoes, this due to Nike’s Amoral Following the gutless weakling, and failed quarterback, Colin Keapernick, in blocking of The Betsy Ross Flagged Nike Shoe sales!!! Yea for The American Dream!!! . . . and Down with Nike’s Josef Stalin-inspired Contempt for, & Hatred for, The Common People of America!!!
Nike corporate officers—you just made one of the worst marketing mistakes in your history. To pull a pair of athletic shoes because there is an American flag on them is reprehensible. You are so worried about pleasing the far left, which is a small minority, that you have now disrespected the majority of Americans who honor the flag as a symbol of freedom and sacrifice. Now you will forever be known as an anti-American company which self-destructed. Good riddance.
I will never purchase a Nike product again and I intend to tell everyone I know not to either. To pull shoes off the market because they have the American flag on them is despicable and an insult to this wonderful country. I’m sick and tired of those who selfishly bash America to promote their own agenda. Go sell your products somewhere else. And don’t think we, the people, don’t recognize that this was a stunt done on purpose by corporate Nike right before the 4th of July. Again, absolutely despicable.
Nike if you are wont stand for the flag that thousands have died for. I cant stand for you. We have bought alot of nike shoes and cloths. But I will not buy another product till you apologize and put the Betsy Ross flag shoes on the shelves. You are slamming an iconic woman of America and America
Congratulations on your new CEO, Colin Kaepernick. His decision hopefully will cause you to lose the business of the majority of Americans and I am certainly one of them. To listen to this grandstanding malcontent and allow a product that was a symbol of our great country ( the country that enabled you to be successful) to be discarded shows the mentality of your management. Have a nice day!
That’s the last straw! You’re pulling Nike Flag sneakers just in time for 4th of July! You’re disgusting and unpatriotic ! But then what can you expect from Nike ? I hope your company goes bankrupt and I curse your execs. I’m urging all my family to never give you another red cent ! Have a Happy 4th of July! Jerks!
I will never buy from you again. Throwing out my beloved Jordan’s today. Dump Kaepernick. Why does corporate America have to be involved with politics? I just want to buy sneakers from you. Not ne lectured by social justice warriors on how horrible America is. Go move the “best” Country in the World. Oh yeah, it’s right here.
Disappointed beyond repair: Your latest decision to listen to Colin Kaepernick is the last time I will ever support Nike and ever purchase another item from your company. The Betsy Ross Flag “shoe” would have been something millions of proud Americans would have wanted to own. I am an Air Force retiree and currently work for Navy as a civilian and have given 39 years of service to the United States of America, and understand that in no way should our flag be used as a “NEGATIVE” symbol, but instead be “GLORIFIED” in who we became and for all the sacrifices our citizens have made to honor our flag . Yes, slavery is a black eye in our history, however, it will always be part of our history, as has many other parts of history that we wish had not happened, today, but it happened in a time that was different and although we do not condone it, the best we can do is to ensure that it never happens again and honor that commitment. BUT, in no way did our flag make this happen, and I stand with so many veterans that by your making this decision, you have tarnished the symbol for which we lost so many Americans defending what the flag meant to them and should mean to all Americans. I know that just today, walking amongst fellow Veterans, during a Patriot Guard Ride (We stand for those who Stood for Us) and another military funeral, enough is enough. You have let an individual run your company vice the millions that purchase your products. You are another success story that has reaped the benefits to be able to be free and capitalize on the sacrifices of many that has allowed you to be free to follow your dreams and for that we are proud to have made that happen for you and others in this great country. You know that history could have had a different outcome and we would not have the opportunities that we have been afforded today. I know this email will not make a difference to Nike, however, it has for my family and friends, and m thankful that I have the right to express my views freely, because of what the FLAG has to Americans throughout our history.
Troy Brown, Air Force Retired
where can I mail all the nike stuff I have? I would throw them away myself but it would only stink up my trash. I really hope you guys think all these comments are funny. We will have our laugh when you shut your doors. I’m not sure what that looser KP has on you guys but remember this, when your company does go under, and it will, KP is just going to walk away and find another company to destroy. Having a, want-to-be (KP) tell you what to do is so disrespectful to real athlete. Don’t forget to send an address so I can send your garbage back to you. I would tell you good luck but I would be lying.
Very, very disappointed that you are not selling your latest shoe with the flag on it. You caved to Kaepernick. One more time a few dingbats rule over common sense and actually the majority. He spent the last two years telling us it wasn’t the flag, it wasn’t the national anthem, but racial injustice against blacks. Clearly he is just offended by “America” and you caving to him is ridiculous and un-American. No more Nike products for me.
Well since you have decided to “pull” the Flag Sneakers, I have decided that I WILL NO LONGER SPEND any of my money on ANY NIKE PRODUCT!. The Betsy Ross Flag is a symbol of our country & for the life of me I cannot understand why a major corporation does not support the founding on this GREAT COUNTRY. You need to remember that you success depends on people buying your product.
So Nike Corp. is letting Kapernick dictate how you run your company. SHAME ON YOU, CEO: Mark G. Parker, CFO: Andrew Campion and COO: Gary M. DeStefano for being traitors to America! Hope you’re proud of yourselves for choosing such a disgusting traitor role model!!! Hope your stock sinks
I just burned my Nike shoes and shirts. The rest of my family members are going to do the same! The American Flag is something you do not mess with!!!!!
Your company will not survive.
Your executives will lose all they own
Nike will crash and burn
I would like to know who is running this corporation? Is it Nike or is it Colin Kaepernick. I just read that Nike has abandoned the production of their American flag themed sneakers because Colin objected. Absolutely insane! The fact that this corporation, along with so many other American companies, continually cave to ANYONE from the left who claims offense is beyond ridiculous. Do you think only left-wing radicals purchase your goods? If so, you are sadly mistaken. My husband and I have been buying Nike products for our family for years….no more. We are “walking away”…, make that “running away” from your brand. I sincerely hope many, many other Americans will do the same. We will certainly be encouraging our friends and familes to also “run away” from the swoosh. I would love to see your U.S. sales numbers plummet.
Dear Nike Inc.:
The American flag represents liberation from monarchy. You erred by caving to the football player’s hateful demand.
I have lost respect for Nike!
Robby Brennan
New Orleans
I was interested in the Nike automatic shoelace shoes, inspired by “Back to the Future” in 2015-2016, but the problem was I couldn’t get them because, I wear AFOs (Ankle-Foot Orthotics) and insides of the shoes aren’t wide enough. It made me sad because, I am a huge fan of “Back to the Future”!
no Betsy Ross = no nikes…..good bye
I just recently heard of the cowardly decision to not distribute the Betsy ross flag shoe. This is absolutely disgraceful attempt to portray our flag as a racist symbol is so twisted and untrue that only an America hater like Kaepernick could have stopped Nike from putting it out.
I will never buy another pair, nor will my family until that self-hating, America hater is off your payroll.
Your company has done a few anti American stunts lately but that football jerk and now this Betsy Ross BS because it’s perceived as “white supremacy” is bullsh*t! I don’t buy nike but I do have a single t shirt with your pagan god symbol on it. I’m burning it TODAY. Go to Cuba since you and that jerk football guy hate the United States. Better yet, Russia!
I will not pay out a penny for anything in stores with the name of Nike!!!!!
I hope all Americans will boycott all your products from now on unless you
make good on the latest stupid thing you have done. To listen to Colin Kappernick advice on getting rid of the American Flag has got to be the dumbest
thing any company would do. What the hell is this world coming to Nike??????
I am begging you to do the right thing and put back my faith in you!
Pathetic that Nike has US flag emblems on their website but can’t put them on their shoes. Nike has more respect for a has been athlete than millions of loyal Americans. Politics or social commentary should NEVER be a part of business.
From this date forward our family and my soccer teams will purchase ANY brand except Nike.
Shame on you and the ignorant Joker who is your spokesperson.
If you don’t respect the flag of the United States of America…LEAVE and take your sneakers and the Joker with you.
I am 71 years old and I am sick and disgusted by all the irreverence shown my Country, my flag, my President and Law Enforcement,
I may have been tagged “The Silent Majority”…but I’m starting to roar.
I’m mad as hell and I’m not gonna take it anymore.
By pulling the Betsy Ross shoes you have shown you are a anti American company so my whole extended family will never buy another overpriced product from you again. You should never take your cues from a anti American like Kaepernick.
No American should ever buy anything from Nike as long as they are associated with a scum bag like Colin Kaepernick. Do not buy Nike products!!!!!
Well Nike, you’ve done it, finally. I’ve bought Nike for many years for me, my kids, and now my grands. Your pulling product because the American flag offends Colin spells the absolute end of our relationship.I know I’m not alone, but I guess you can afford the loss of American dollars.
After 40 years of wearing Nike runners I will no longer be wearing them due to Nikes lack of support for its products. I bought a pair of Nike runners in a store in Canada. I am having issues with the runners and the store will not provide a return as they have been worn. Nike customer service will not help me because the were purchased at a Nike store, which is apparently independent from Nike Corporate. I feel it should not matter where I bought my runners, but that NIke should stand behind its product. And it does not. Very disappointed in Nike customer service.
Myself or my family, and if I have anything to do with it, my friends, will no longer be buying any of your products. We don’t support Dog murderers , oh and do you know how bad the abuse has to be to actually go to jail for it! I will be posting this story every day for the next year and I hope the next story I read about Nike is about your bankruptcy. You should be ashamed
how can we get nike to become a sponsor for a skatepark we are trying to build for new youth in san Juan Capistrano ca. are city can’t do it so we are doing events. we would like nike to be a sponsors. our kids need this park can you can call me at 1 949 378 2587
Screw you Robert Parks, (if that’s your real name). sucking up to an anti-American company for your personal gain. I’m sure you’ll look like a big man if you get this “Suck up”, company, (Hey you have something in common), to sponsor your anti American park, I just hope that parents refuse to let their kids there. It’s a good lesson for them to learn about how to spot a traitor, both corporate, and individual.
nike should hire you to help with their “Going Out Of Business Sale”.
I am a veteran, and once again, Screw you both. I’m not sure that your smart enough to notice that “nike” is not capitalized, and “AMERICA” is. As it should be. I will not spend another penny with them, and I hope the bums and drug addicts enjoy your park and make it smell the way it should.
I no longer follow professional football (though in the 60s and 70s I was a 49ers fan), and I’m not an avid follower of any sport. But I deeply admire and appreciate the symbolic gesture of Colin’s act! As a white person, I admire anyone who places their welfare at risk for a principle they believe! It takes extreme courage for someone who has attained so much, to place it all at risk for the betterment of our country, and for standing for racial equality – a principle which will make our country more united and a better place to live. He did something which the Trump’s in this world would never risk! He placed his beliefs ahead of his own welfare, for he had no idea how his act of patriotism would be received and what impact this would have on his welfare and that of his family! And thank you NIKE for standing with such a hero! You also have my admiration!
Your an idiot
What are you kidding me? Collin did it for millions because no one else would hire the loser. He didn’t do crap for you, and not for this country.
And I notice that losers like you can’t make a statement without bagging on our President. However I am surprised that you left out “Nazi, Hitler, and Racist”, I didn’t think an America hater could make a statement without at least two of those.
Just seen your commercial during the baseball game, idolizing Kapernick. You guys are in the wrong line (country) just like Kapernick. Hey hope you fail.
congratulations on using colin kapernik as your role model. of course as a Veteran I will never purchase Nike products again. Disrespect the American Flag and you disrespect Veterans and America. Protest as much as you want on your own time but the National Anthem is our time! Stand and show respect. Oh and no more NFL football watching either.
Kaepernick. ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING! A spoiled BRAT wanting to make a name for himself and Nike fell right into it! What a great example for the youth of America!
Just adds to the problems we already have. I’m very disappointed and will NEVER purchase another Nike product!
You have NO honor. The CK campaign shows your true colors, and they are not red, white, and blue. Pathetic. Never again will I own anything associated with your company.
I probably own upwards of 20 pairs of nikes from flip flops to tennis shoes which have worn nearly exclusively for the past 5 years. I now find myself ashamed to wear the nike label in public, so these products are relegated to wearing around the house. Fortunately, I also have Sketchers and other equally comfortable shoes to wear outside the home. Sad that your decision to get political with the Kaepernick ad campaign has pushed my nikes to the back of the closet.
I am supportive of first ammendment rights and although I do not agree with the stand Kaepernick has taken, he has that right. I wish it had remained an individual stand, because once NIke came on board, it became a more national and divisive one. I am the daughter of a deceased soldier who was a WWII vet and the widow of a retired Korean War and Vietnam War veteran who died from Agent Orange related cancer. My beloved spouse was a self taught artist, created many statues for our local community and was frequently interviewed regarding his accomplishments and lack of formal training. Ironically, his reply to questions about how to do what he did was “Just do it”. That became a catch phrase in our home and among our friends, but had nothing to do with Nike. He often said it was his duty to fight wars, but it was the duty of the American citizen to make sure the war was worth a soldier’s life. Our military stands always ready to defend our rights, but to paraphrase my late husband, we should then ensure that those rights are used for the greater good of all of our people. We have been divided long enough and if we remain so, we could lose the unity this nation once stood for. Please go back to making shoes and not political statements.
As a Vietnam war vet, I will never buy a Nike product or an Under Armour product. Companies better realize that not all of their customers are left wing liberals. The conservatives in this nation have power too. Stay out of politics. Your business is sales not telling people how to think. If your business is so great, try donating your shoes to the poor and get a tax write-off. So long Nike. It’s been bad knowing you.
Nike Air Monarchs are the most comfortable shoes I’ve ever worn and I will never purchase another pair or any other Nike product because of your CK campaign
I will be destroying all my Nike products and will never purchase any other items from your company. Your disgraceful support of Kaepernick and his disrespectful treatment of our country and its Veterans is too much. As a military Veteran I am deeply offended by your actions. The Nike swoosh is now synonymous with flag burning and deep anti-patriotism.
I will no longer buy your products because of Colin Kaepernick.
While I find it admirable that you decided to use a person who risked “everything” for taking a stand, does that include ALL people who risk everything? How about using Barronell Stutzman or Jack Phillips in your commercials. They lost their livelihood because of their religious beliefs. Or how about talking about the 86 Nigerian Christians murdered by Muslims for their faith recently? After all, taking a stand is taking a stand, no matter what the issue is.
Go Puma !!! Nike= indoctrinate young people into the narrow left 1 way thinking trying to re-write the Culture and History of America ..
Note to all sport teams and consumer products…. Consumers are watching… Stick to sports and selling products…. Stay out of politics… Let the legal Amercians deal in electing our wishes to keep our constitution in tact !!!!!
To all I hope this concerns….Today is 9/11, as I reflect on what our flag stands for. The lives of military, fire fighters and police who ran towards a horrific catastrophe to save lives. This is why I believe there is a better way than to disrespect our flag for all the good things it stands for.
The point has been made. To stand and cross your heart for what you work to achieve.. Bet the example and role model you want to see.
In Memory of all those who lost and those who are dying because they cared to honor and protect our country and all people in those buildings.
Well said
I will no longer purchase nike products ! As an American Veteran I am so disappointed in your selection of an athlete who puts self over others…
I took great joy in burning your products. I cant believe a corp. would disgrace its country & citizens the way you have done!!!!!!No more nike products in this home or the grown children of my family. We are so done buying products from a TREASONOUS company.
I’m very disappointed in your decision to sacrifice your business and to use Colin Kaepernick in your advertising campaign. . I’m destroying all of my Nike Shoes and I will be standing with New Balance. The rest of my family will be doing the same.
First, I applaud your bold move in support of Kaepernick and NFL player protests.
However, I must inform you of something that happened in response to that.
Mayor E. Ben Zahn III of the City of Kenner (a suburb of New Orleans, LA) sent an official memorandum to Chad Pitfield, Director of Parks and Recreation Department on September 5, 2018. That memorandum read:
“Re: Booster Club Purchases
Effective Immediately all purchases made by any booster club operating at any Kenner Recreation Facility for wearing apparel, shoes, athletic equipment, and/or any athletic product must be approved by the Director of Parks and Recreation, or his designee. Under no cirXXXXstances will any Nike product or any product with the Nike logo be purchased for use or delivery at any City of Kenner Recreation Facility.”
First, I find this to be a disturbing overreach of power and I think your legal team may agree, so please forward this up the chain to them.
Second, because of this, there are many young athletes in that community who now feel alienated and reluctant to participate in city sanctioned athletics. I wonder if there is the possibility of something done for them as part of Nike’s already widespread community outreach activities.
Thank you.
first off it was nikes decision to support and idiot that wont stand for our flag!! Second its none of your business if a mayor doesn’t want to support a team, athlete or company that disgraces the rest of the fine people the the united states, Myself am a former army ranger and I stand for the flag I stand for America what I don’t stand for is rich people telling me what I need to do or what to buy, if they don’t like our country that made them rich then leave go somewhere else but they wont find a better place than hear,
I am a disabled Vietnam Veteran due to Agent Orange. Let me try to explain to you why we are upset with your pick of Kaepernick. You see a lot of soldiers came home under that flag. That flag means a lot to many of us. Each time I put my hand on my heart and look at the flag. I think of those that came home underneath our flag. You see they gave all for something they believed in.
But, yet you are not taking in consideration our feeling, only your bottom line. Something you forgot about was the power of the Veteran, Police and Fire.
I would like to invite you and Kaepernick to tour the VA hospital in Ann Arbor Michigan with me and see what real sacrifice is and what a real Hero is.
Your new ad is such a disgrace to all who have truly sacrificed. I know it is a money move but where is your respect? So sad. I know this won’t amount to anything. The country and those who make it possible for Nike to speak as wished has lost what true sacrifice is. Some of the people in the ad have sacrificed- you know who hasn’t
They say your sales went up after the anti American sXXXX bag ad you ran. Just proves people will buy your over priced junk no matter what you do.
Not me
Shame on Nike.
We used to buy those shoes for all our kids; No more.
You guys have no respect for the USA / USA flag or our Veterans.
Shame on you Nike.
Dear Nike – you have certainly messed up BIG TIME! No one in my family of 5 will be purchasing any NIKE products in the future because of your STUPID decision to glorify Colin Kapernick and his unpatriotic behavior. I agree that he has the right to protest, but not standing for our national anthem is just wrong!!! As he has the right to protest, so do millions of people that will no longer be purchasing your products.
I am so disappointed with Nike using Colin k in your ads. My kids and family all live in Nike products , I will be buying under armor from now on. He Disrespected our country I don’t care what he says there’s a place and a time he’s a paid employee for the NFL and he isn’t following the rules causing trouble should never play on another team when you were sponsoring the team you don’t cause trouble
Nike what were you thinking? My family no longer watches football because of this man whose career was in serious decline. What has he sacrificed? He should get on his knees in thanks to those who really have sacrificed for our country. Politics has no place in sports! We normally think boycotts are childish but in this case can no longer support Nike with any further purchases.
bought my grandkids all new tennis shoes this morning ( not nike), explained to them why and had a nice fire with the old ones. You are sick!
I am so disappointed that you chose C. Kaepernick to be a representative of the Nike Brand. I have been a loyal customer for over 25-years. He’s certainly entitled to his opinions as we live in a country that has freedom of speech, luckily. However, Nike chose the most unethical person in America to represent its brand. Just as I have ‘let go’ of the NFL entirely because of what Colin started in the NFL, I am sorry to say I shall do the same with Nike! He is disrespectful to America by spreading hate and piles on the “fake outrage” about Law-Enforcement, which is simply untrue. All one has to do is look at the ‘real stats’ to find out he is way out of line in the hatred he spews toward them and our Military, Nat’l Anthem, Flag, etc. He merely does not understand what he has been blessed with in America and should take a vacation to just one of the countries akin to Venezuela to experience how ‘the people’ must live under a Dictatorship. If I hear one more time that HE Sacrificed everything when leaving the NFL to stand up for his beliefs, I think I will throw-up. He does not comprehend or even know what that word means! Sorry Nike, but I’m as done with you as I am the NFL. No one in my household will ever buy a Nike product again. I hope every other true American will do the same – Boycott anything, everything NIKE! And your choice makes me ponder, just what kind of company you really are, it has to be “Anti-American” in every way. FIRE KAEPERNICK!
Roger H.
Yuck, I just watched Nike’s new ad with Kaepernick as their new Rep.! I had heard about it, but had not seen it. I couldn’t have been more taken aback! How could NIKE, a supposed American Company hire someone such as he to represent your products? He is a Racist and is helping to divide our nation into two camps. His beliefs are up to him, but don’t foist them onto us! If it wasn’t for Law Enforcement and our Military he and Nike would not have had the opportunity given them, which is to earn Millions and Billions of dollars in the greatest country on earth. Colin has his own agenda, divide and conquer! Their are good police and bad police as in every other career, but on the whole the police are excellent and sacrifice their lives every day to support our communities and stop crime. Colin, and now Nike joins in the spreading HATE! I and everyone I know will never buy Nike apparel again, and will throw Nike product’s that we own in the trash, where they belong. Remove the American Flag from your web-site. I hope your stock drops like a rock! Whomever made the fatal decision to hire Colin should be fired! Nike has no respect or reverence for our Law-Enforcement, our Laws, the Constitution, our Military and our Flag! Nike, I know your company will suffer, and soon, unless you remove Kaepernick as your spokesperson! Colin will make Millions from NIKE, while our Law-Enforcement and Military personnel are the lowest paid hard-working people out of almost every other career, they are the ones who sacrifice their very lives. SHAMEFUL that you consider this Coward a ‘good spokesperson’ for Nike. How could you think Colin would boost Nike’s revenue? Nike has the worst standards and ethics of any company that exists in America today.
Cricket Marsico
Just a little man and his family in a big pond. Will NEVER purchase any of your products again. I have not spoke with a friend who differs with men. Perhaps you could have made a Police hero or Military hero a spokesperson for company instead of a spoiled overpaid cry baby. So long NIKE.
Colin Kaepernick … Really???
Remember the Dixie Chicks … Neither does anyone else!
GOOD FOR YOU NIKE im a disabled veteran and I believe all these people who are giving you negative feedback about Colin kaepernick forgot what it was we Veterans and servicemen fought and served for. It was so EVERYONE INCLUDING. Colin kaepernick had the freedom to stand ,sit ,flip the bird.or pick his nose during the national anthem. As he sees fit i applaud you and him for standing up to an orange traitor who stirs up BS so he can screw the American. Public while everyone is worried about stupid TRUMP RHETORIC Once again NIKE THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR REMEMBERING WHAT AMERICAN FREEDOM IS SUPPOSED TO BE
I am very disappointed in your support of football players kneeling during the playing of the National Anthem. These players play a game and make millions while our military protects their freedom. Your company is enjoying millions because you are free to enjoy the benefits of players who in most cases have not served and protected our freedom. I will never purchase any product from Nike nor watch any football game in which ungrateful players kneel.
We all make decisions…..2 years ago I decided NOT to entertain myself and family with NFL football in any way,shape or form, i.e. NO Sunday, NOR Thursday, NOR Saturday TV, NO ESPN, NO sports talk radio and Life is GOOD.
Now you have made my choices much simpler for any apparel or shoes….NO NIKE!!!
Perhaps you have forgotten, so let me refresh your memory with a simple yet PROFOUND quote……..Julia Roberts, Pretty Woman……..”BIG MISTAKE!!!”
To: Mr Mark Parker, CEO Nike
I just saw that you, Nike, have an advert with Kaepernick as the focus of your slogan – “Just Do It” – with the added statement – “Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything”. And learned that for several years to come, you have the uniform contract for the NFL.
You have just given me an additional, solid reason to continue my boycott of the NFL, a sport I used to watch every fall Sunday with my dad and my then St Louis Cardinals.
I will never wear your brand – ever – nor will I buy any of your products as long as you maintain your arrangement with Kaepernick. It appears to me that you have not done your research on Kaepernick. Let me provide some.
A few years ago after he started all this, he knelt next to a Seattle, Washington, high school football team during the national anthem while those students laid on the ground with both arms raised. You must think this behavior of and influence on the youth of our nation is acceptable. I do not.
Do you know why those kids were doing that? Because they claimed to have issues with the local police department!! And they must have looked to Kaepernick for “guidance” on what to do and how to get attention for their “cause”. I tried for some time, unsuccessfully, even calling the school, to determine what those issues were. The “issues” were finally printed in the local paper. It would be interesting to see where those kids are today and how they feel about what they did.
The principal supported the children, citing freedom of speech. In my day in high school, our parents, the veterans of WWII and Korea would have taken us behind the woodshed and we wouldn’t have been able to sit down for a week had we done something like that, period, dot.
Yes, we have freedom of speech in our country. But there is a time and place for everything. And kneeling during our national anthem while on “company time and turf” is not the time nor the place for any protest. 99% of us who do work at our various businesses are not allowed such “freedom”.
That Kaepernick doesn’t understand this and neither does Nike is a disappointment to me.
You are attempting to show leadership of an “issue” with your endorsement but it is misguided and directed, in my opinion. Do some research: is the rate of police brutality any different today than many years ago or is it is perceived to be higher because of the much easier access to the events? I suspect the rate is about the same.
There are, I believe, many other issues that Kaepernick should be addressing which would be much more effective: violence in Chicago for starters. There are more black on black shootings and killings every weekend than all of the police brutality charges in a year.
That the Al Sharptons, Jessie Jacksons, etc., of America seem somewhat silent about Kaepernick should also tell you something. I don’t recall any of these activists stepping up for photo ops or interviews with Kaepernick, do you?
Very disappointed that you are giving him undeserved attention.
“Just Dump It!” is our new slogan for Nike since you decided to use Kaepernick ! What a insult, members of my family have fought in every conflict since the civil war. I stand because they stood for this country and sacrificed for me and others. We dumped everything Nike that was in our house, went out with yesterday’s trash, we won’t be buying your products a gain.
THANK YOU, NIKE for standing up to racism with your new advertising featuring Colin K.! No one said putting you “money where your moral consciousness is” would be easy, fun, risk free or get you new friends. The Star Spangled Banner, really? You are leading the way to honesty, transparency & truth. I hope other major US corporations follow your lead.
We always bought Niki for the family of 5 never again. Wish I knew earlier your standards. None
Thank you ALL who emailed Nike to show your disgust for Nike’s “standards” as they do not exist, as you all can see by hiring Colin to represent their products, and disrespect our Police and Military by “taking a kneel” to disrespect our FLAG! Colin gave up nothing in his quest for fame! He’ll be receiving Multi-Millions from Nike.
Shame on you for using Colin Kaepernick in your ads. He has made no sacrifices to this country and you pay him big bucks to show how by Just do It-can submarine your career. If you want to use a football player why not use the late Pat Tillman who gave his life as his sacrifice. I will never ever buy another product of yours.
I so agree with Terry Collins comment. Why doesn’t Nike choose a real football hero; like Pat Tillman. Who dropped out of the NFL to defend our country and lost his life in doing so…now that’s a real HERO in my book!
As a Marine and a Police Officer of 38 years, I take exception to your company using a person such as Colin Kaepernick to act as its spokesperson. You as a company make millions from the American people and this is how you repay this country. I wonder how many of your employees are willing to tell anyone who or where they work for, I for one would be ashamed to. I also see the comments left on your site decrying your company’s use of Colin Kaepernick and I wonder if it has really sunk in or do you really care what people think, maybe you should ask your stock holders what they think.
Amen Thomas! I will never buy another pair of Nike shoes again, and am throwing away the ones I own. I have been a loyal customer for over 20-years. That’s done! My new mantra is “JUST STAND” for our Flag. It’s Law Enforcement and the Military that make the ultimate sacrifices for this country! They say Colin gave up everything to stand for his beliefs, what a crock! He’ll receive a Multi-Million Dollar contract as the ‘new’ Rep. for Nike. A sick joke! All true Americans will join-in to BOYCOTT NIKE. Good job Thomas!
I am a 50 year old attorney who regularly wears the Jordan Brand. I have struggled with Crohn’s disease for my whole life. Every day gets harder and harder to function. Why not choose a real hero lie myself or the many police, fire, first responders, and servicemen to be the face of your company. I struggle to think I can continue to purchase your products.
Why do we stand for the national anthem?
And standing up during the national anthem means a respectful and good citizen. Even the song itself is a song of somebody protecting our freedom. It was written during the British assault. It is considered an act of respect. Our national anthem is a sign for all the sacrifices people have made for our country.
I was raised in Oregon, purchased my first track shoes through Blue Ribbon Sports, UO grad and have always worn Nike. Based on your choice of a washed up football player who wants attention, Kaepernick, as a Nike icon when men and women such as police, firemen and our soldiers, sailors and airmen are true heros who sacrifice every day, I will not buy Nike again. Switching to Adidas.
I bought a pair of Nikes on Labor day, then found out about the Kapernick ad coming out. Needless to say I am returning them tomorrow. I will never buy another Nike product. I can not support a company that supports disrespect for the FLAG of the United States of AMERICA. Also it appears Nike is making a fortune off the backs of foreign cheap labor based on other comments I have read.
While I am proud to live on a free country in which Nike can choose whomever they want to represent them in their add campaigns,I also enjoy these same freedoms . In a time when we need so desperately to unify the united states and it’s citizens, I do not believe this is a very good way to do that. I along with my family members and friends will never purchase any of your products or do business with you or your subsidiarys again. I am deeply disappointed by your decision to use Colin Kaepernick as your spokesperson. While I support his right to express his opinion I am offended you suggest he is a hero. Maybe you can educate me on the sacrifices he has made that qualify him as such. I wont hold my breath for a response from you. In the interim you will never see a another dime from myself or any of my family members for any of your products ever again. God bless America.
In response to your new advertisement
Whoever put that ad together needs to be fired and or demoted
Colin What’hisname is NOT the person for this ad or to represent NIKE
There are plenty of ways to get your point across and he made the wrong choice
To: Jennifer V.: Well said Jennifer! You, I and the vast majority of Americans feel exactly the same way. I too, will never purchase another Nike product, ever! Colin “What’hisname” is a great name for him that you used. He is an irrelevant person and we all should just forget who he is, which is a Racist who tries to run all Police and our Nat’l Anthem down into the ground. I hope he never needs to call 911 for help, if he does, I hope the Police take their time in getting to his home to help him! BOYCOTT NIKE AND “JUST STAND” for our Nat’l Anthem, the Military and Police who put their own lives on the line every single day. “What’hisname” and Nike are simply cowardly.
Cricket Marsico
In view of your new choice of advertising
Whoever made this call should be fired and those ads pulled.
Colin What’shisname is an American Disgrace and Nike should be ashamed
There are many ways to show support and he picked the wrong action.
I have bought and worn many Nike products for the last 50 years. This week I learned that Nike chose Colin Kapernick as a new face on their campaign and I was furious. As a Police Officer for the last 19 years, as a loyal American (one who stands and respects the American Flag) and as a person who’s always believed in treating all people regardless of age, race or religion the same. Why would Nike take Colin out of the thousands of people to be the “new face” of Nike. Colin wasn’t a good quaterback, he’s not a true American and all he’s trying to do is stir the pot, disrespect all service men and women past and present. I’m calling on all Patriots to boycott Nike and all the distributors until they decide to pull Colin as “the face” of Nike!!! Here’s a new slogan (one of which I may start making on shirts) JUST SCREW IT!!!!!
You have an opportunity to unite our Country and do something positive. Instead you have chosen to divide the country – promote hatred and promote disrespect for the one thing that brought this country together. The National Anthem. There are so many positive ways to promote one’s agenda other than promoting disrespect for another. In our extended family alone we have over 40 young men and women who will no longer support your company. The 20/30 yr olds are more disappointed in this decision of yours than the older generation. Why not try to bring this country together instead of promoting division? Companies like you are now part of the problem.
Our entire extended family has decided to no longer purchase your products. Your spokesman is a left wing radical….here’s hoping you go out of business soon.
I am so done with Nike.Its your company and you can and do run it anyway you want too..Im Done!!!
There are so many people that could represent NIKE
Hopefully more schools WILL NOT use your product
Kaepernick? Seriously? Pandering again, but to this one, I have no idea why..Why you would select someone this offensive, someone who has no respect for his country is beyond me. I have a totally different take on Nike now. No more Nike products for me or my family.
I am done with Nike my family is done with Nike and I will tell everyone I can to be done with Nike. Our troops deserve better then to be treated and disrespected by people who have more money and no respect for true freedom and how it was achieved and maintained. When these people take off their costumes and put on a uniform then I will listen to them tell me about how bad this country is.
AMEN…My father was 29 years in the Air Force.
I just read that Vietnam has the most Nike contract factory workers, according to an interactive map on Nike’s website. Those workers in 2001 earned the equivalent of $73.94 per month in . talk about real Oppression, So disappointed in your choice for spokesman , No more Nike for me .
Gentlemen; I have purchased your footwear for more years than I care to remember. When I heard about the individual that you picked to be a paid representative/spokesperson for your Corp, I was and remain discussed! This Kapernick person is not suitable to be used in any marketing program. I hope to never hear that name again in association with the NFL, and i will not purchase anything from your brand as long as you continue to recognize his existence Let him spent his time kneeling on the sidewalk, or walking around the parking lots He has his right to protest, but let him do it the way the rest of us do. I will NOT support his crappy ideas..
My daughter loves soccer, and Nike boots! Recently, my family and I were visiting Greece and actually took time away from seeing amazing archaeological sites to get a pair of Nike soccer cleats at the mythical home of Goddess Nike, the Athens Nike store. What a true brand loyal family we are…or were.
As a lifelong Nike consumer, I’m confused and perplexed with Nike using Mr. Kaepernik as a face for “JustDoit”? Sports and sports equipment are much better without politics and agendas. Sport competition is one of the few freedoms that we can all enjoy without racial, gender or political biases. Something our country badly needs right now. Why did Nike throw themselves into a volatile political agenda that is abusing the very fabric of our nation that represents the freedom of all citizens to do as they please? The National Anthem represents the best of what America has endured, overcame, and will continue to overcome in the future.
What does Mr. Kaepernick really believe in, and more importantly what has he really sacrificed. Real sacrifice and beliefs come from individuals without huge paychecks to play sports, maybe missing a limb or two, but still find a way to standup for the National Anthem. Are Nike’s beliefs the same as Mr. Kaepernicks? The social justice system isn’t perfect, and I’m confident positive changes can be made through proper legislation and voting. That’s how real change occurs in this country of laws. Certainly Mr. Kaepernick knows he can reach decision makers by using his sports celebrity status like many athletes have in the past. However, most athletes promoting a cause have precise and calculated agendas away from the playing field. How did JJ Watt singly raise millions for all in need? He had a positive message that resonated with all Americans. Mr. Kaepernick on the other hand has singly helped to further the racial, and political division in our country. Is this where Nike is going as well? How about a “JustDoit” campaign with communities and law enforcement working together to better understand their differences to prevent the distrust. Better yet, fund Mr. Kaepernick to do this himself in Chicago, South Central LA, St. Louis etc… Other than supporting youth sports in the inner city, to sell more shoes and apparel in the future, what has Nike done on this front.
Mr. Kaepernick’s creating a hostage situation with the National Anthem is a bit silly when you think about it. Basically, until he has his undefined change accomplished the Anthem is a hostage. In football terms, let’s hold the defense responsible for the offense not scoring. There’s no means to the end other than breaking the team up, and no one wins. This country needs at least one rallying point that everyone can support and feel good about. Think of it like the Soccer World Cup. You don’t have to be a soccer fan to feel good if the US wins. Our National Anthem was a daily reminder of why you feel good when a US athlete or team wins a Gold medal in the Olympics. One man’s recently selfish act has ruined that feeling for many, and Nike is onboard with him. Let’s remember the women and men that truly sacrificed for all people’s freedoms that are, and will be, citizens of this amazing idea “The United States”. Both of my kids, adopted internationally, are recipients of these freedoms, that would not be allotted to them in their birth countries.
Those who have fought for our National Anthem had/have beliefs as well, and many gave the ultimate sacrifice, not singling out freedoms or agendas for a certain race, gender etc. They simply believed in the fabric of America, and the song that represents our past, present and future. I think that’s a great “JustDOit” campaign, but right now that’s not a money maker. Nike will have more exposure, but as a great football coach of mine said “be ready to be exposed”. Nike is an American success story that everyone should feel good about. With Nike’s new spokesperson it seems that Nike’s success could’ve happened anywhere other than the USA. In sum – no sacrifices were needed to create the US copyright/trademark laws, US banking system, the number one economy in the world, freedoms for all people to play sports equally at every level. Of course, National Defense, or the National Anthem, means nothing because everyone loves the United States, and wants Nike shoes…. JustDoit!
I end by stating that my daughter still loves soccer. I prefer not to ask her if she still loves Nike?
As a veteran of the United States Marine Corp and a police office for 35 years I am at l appalled at your decision to use a cop hatter in your ads. Someone who does not know the meaning of sacrifice. I will never buy any Nike merchandise again for myself or my family. Shame on you Nike for your horrendous judgement!!!
I hate every kind of discrimination and racism, and am saddened to see that this is what Nike has decided to do with the focus of their “Just do it” marketing. I cannot turn my back on the country that I love by supporting a company that seeks to foster division. May their attitude be rewarded in the way it deserves, by millions of people who love all their fellow Americans, turning their backs on Nike products. I will never purchase anything from them, nor recommend any of their products to others. Goodbye, Nike, and good riddance.
Due to your decision to honor Colin Kaepernick, I will never again purchase any item with Nike or their affiliate’s name on it. I also have removed all items of apparel and equipment I currently owned with their name attached to the trash.
I thought I had experienced all the derision I was going to get when I returned from Vietnam in 1969 after serving as a Combat Infantryman in the Mekong Delta and enduring the displays of animosity and disrespect expressed by a vast number of the populace for my service, but it has resurfaced. At that time I didn’t know who was going to show their feelings against me. Fortunately for me, now I do.
Using Kaepernick as the face of your company is
not only disgusting but will cost you in lost sales as well as image in the eyes of Americans.My family has purchased their last Nile product. Not that you care, but I am adding our name to the very long list of people who object to this I’ll advised move on your behalf.We understand you exist in a progressive, left wing bubble in Oregon, but there is a large segment of the population that disagrees with you. This is not a great marketing move. You will pay steep price in a number of ways not to mention a loss of good will.
I will never buy another Nike product. Your selection is of a man who wears a Che T-Shirt and socks that represent police officers as pigs. I am a 38 year law enforcement officer and a Vet who also lost a brother in Vietnam.
Police officers are hired from the human race and there are good and bad officers as in any profession however you have no understanding of how many citizen contacts are made in any 24 hour period let alone how that relates to the number of suspects shot as compared to the number of officers that are assaulted.
The person you selected has not sacrificed anything compared to so many brave individuals that have already been doXXXXented to your company. He or your company has no shame in trying compare him to anyone that puts or a uniform to serve and protect.
I am done with Nike and I won’t even donate what I own but will destroy the items and work towards a boycott with others
Well said.
I have boycotted Nike for me and my family for 30 years. I don’t support your strategy of ultra low wage foreign mfg. to support exorbitant athlete endorsements. Plus, as a NY Knick fan, I don’t give Michael Jordan any of my money.
Your Kaepernic decision showed courage, intellect, and thoughtfulness beyond the rhetoric. You put principals above profits (although I don’t know your calculus) to show yourself as a leader. I will now permit my family to purchase and own Nike products. However, I still won’t give MJ any of my money via Nike.
Congratulations for your challenge to the willful ignorance in equating taking a knee with disrespecting the flag/troops. It is the purest sense of honoring democracy by trying to proliferate freedom through peaceful protest.
Earls, you do not seem to understand what Nike has done.I do not know what kind of liberal planet you come from, but what Nike has done is to slap every law enforcement person and particularly our military personnel in the face by having Colin Kaepernick be a “model’ for their logo. A spokesman? Why should he garner the respect of all Americans to the point that they will willing purchase more Nike products? Are they so needing money that they will be willing to sacrifice patriotism for the almighty dollar? There are so many deserving mend and women who have died for our country who should deserve this “honor”. What exactly has Colin done but cause anger and mayhem. Nike should be shunned and may Colin choke of every dollar he has received from Nike. I refer this to BLOOD MONEY. Be happy in your “choice” Nike. I wonder how your founder would have felt had he seen this occurrence in his company?
Dear Nike,
I am writing to express my objections to Nike hiring Colin Kapernick as a spokesman for your products. This is a free country and you have the right to choose whomever you want and I have the right to boycott your products which is what I will be doing immediately. Any merchandise in my possession will be destroyed.
Many Nike purchases through the years, having 3 sons involved in sports . Unfortunately, there will be no more. Your stand forces me to make my stand. God bless our country and those who TRULY sacrificed all!
Colin Kaepernick and Nike: all americans are allowed to use their freedom of speech ( not just those we agree with) this is america and we have a right to protest peacefully.
thank you for giving voice to both sides of this issue.
Your done with me Nike, a U.S. Veteran, USAFSS 71-75.
How pathetic and un-American your company has become by hiring Colin Kaepernick as your spokesperson. Instead of standing tall with our soldiers and police officers, you instead seek a partnership with a liberal, left wing idiot who doesn’t love his country. Because of this, my husband, son and myself will no longer buy any of your products. I hope you see by the downfall of your stock, that the rest of our nation agrees with me.
My family and I will never buy any of your products again. Using Kaepernick is in insult and disgrace. Kaepernick’s political ideology, one he revealed rather shamelessly by wearing a t-shirt emblazoned with mass murderer Fidel Castro’s face on it to a press conference in Miami, Florida, home to the largest community of Castro’s victims in the country. Kaepernick refused to disown Castro, instead doubling down on his praise of the dictator when confronted by a journalist member of the Cuban exile community.
In endorsing the rule of Fidel Castro, Kaepernick stood in defense of police brutality, systematic racism against people of color, and the torture and murder of political dissidents, all the ills that he repeatedly claims so urgently tarnish America. In this context, refusing to stand for America’s flag becomes a rejection of the values that Kaepernick claims to represent – and now Nike has rejected those values, too.
My husband and I are done with Nike. You made your views very clear by your choice of Kaepernik to represent your products so I pray that we True Americans will make our views very clear and never by your products again.
My family and I are trashing anything/ everything Nike/Converse. Nike is an American-HATING company, which is using social justice to justify their HATE of American patriotism.
I would like to say that our family is very disappointed that you would make Colin Kaepernick the face of your ads. I read on your website that “Our purpose is to use the power of sports to move the world forward” and to “make a positive difference in the world.” Another thing your site says, “We strive to break down barriers, bring people together, and inspire people.” A positive world does not involve athletes who are disrespecting our National Anthem and pushing politics thru sports. How are you breaking barriers, bringing people together, and inspiring people with this? Sports are meant to be enjoyed for family entertainment! Our family has spent a lot of money over the years on your products for our children’s sports. We will no longer be purchasing anything from a company that is not making a “positive difference in the world.”
As a US Army Veteran with 3 children and 8 grandchildren, I shall never buy another Nike product for myself, my wife or any of them thanks to your naming of Kaepernick as your front man. And I’m also crossing the NFL off my list.
Every one has the right to their opinion, and Kaepernick has a right to his, But he should not express it on the field. We watch Football and other sports to get away from all the political crap. He was not black listed, he was cut by the 49’ers because he is a bad QB. After that he was offered a contract by Denver I believe, but he turn it down because he thought it was not enough money. He wanted 9 million, they offered 7. Only in this great country could someone get 7 mill for throwing a ball around.
So now I will exercise my right of choice.
Because you have made that unpatriotic, un-American Kaepernick the face of you Just Do It Ads. I WILL NEVER BUY YOUR PRODUCTS AGAIN!! This weekend I when I go camping I am going to burn all the Nike products that I own.
I think my salary numbers were a little off, but I still feel the same about Nike.
Congratulations on taking on Colin Kaepernick, I will never buy another Nike product again. What an incredibly stupid thing to do!!!
I will never purchase Nike products again. You support people who hate cops and wears socks calling them pigs.
I have supported you by buying “anything with a swoosh”. As of your decission to have Kaepernick as the face of Nike, I not only will not buy Nike, I am ashamed to be seen in public wearing your brand. What kind of message are you sending to the youth of today?
They might think by causing a controversy, decention among people, and they may too become a face of Nike. Is this what you want? I don’t want any part of your campaign, and I don’t want any part of your business. I am also burning ALL my Nike apparel, as I wouldn’t even like to see a swoosh on the street.
Sincerely, James Boone
I wanted to take a minute to comment on the new Colin Kaepernick ad campaign. I am an educator, husband, and father, and I am proud to see that a U.S. company still has the integrity to stand by the Constitution. Our right to protest is a cornerstone of what this country was founded on as an independent nation. Agree or disagree, it is the right of every American to have their voice heard. I wanted to personally thank you for having the integrity to embrace the idea of dissent regardless of the initial impact of the bottom line. I know this decision has cost you money today, but while it has effected your bottom line, you have done something that has rejuvenated the conversation of what is right. Thank you for not being afraid to stand up for what’s right, and please know that my family will continue to be a loyal customer of your products for years to come because of your actions.
Jeff Vasil
I recently purchased Nike products that are getting returned because of someone’s brilliant idea to have Colin Kaepernick as the face of your company. If your strategy was to get attention, you definitely accomplished it. Not all attention is good attention. Anyone working for your company should be embarrassed to have such a disrespectful idiot representing their company. I hope the shareholders, which I am glad not to be one, calls for the resignation of the Director of Marketing and CEO. Shame on you Nike !!
Is Nike out of it’s mind? Good ole” Colin K. with his own little web site; where you can buy protest shirts and jackets with his name on it? I will never purchase a product from you again, but maybe that is the point! You cater to a certain group that will pay your ridiculous prices, and think this whole thing is cute. Your “ad” people sold you a bill of goods on this one. With half the people boycotting the NFL because of their conservative and pro American stance; you can pick up all those who hate this country and want to tell everyone about their discrimination issues, and whining about their “rights”. Enjoy your glorious decision; as we all boycott you AND the NFL.
Have purchased nothing but Nike shoes for the last 4 decades. That’s no more. Making Colin Kaepernick Nike’s poster boy is disgusting. He and now Nike is a disgrace to those who have fought for all the blessings we in this country enjoy. In other countries, this disrespectful behavior would have him and Nike behind bars. Nike is a disappointment too say the least.
This Pittsburgh Pa mom of 3 just put their Nike shoes in the trash. Yeah, it hurt my wallet for sure, but your ‘American’ company disgusts me now. I want no parts of it….
Not sure who is making these decisions for your company, but you may want to rethink your strategy of having someone that disrespects our country and our veterans be the face of your company. As long as you choose to have Colin Kapernick to be a spokesperson for your company, I will choose to not purchase any Nike products!!!I
To Nike: Just a note to let you know how disgusted I am with your decision to have that immoral bench warmer be the face of your new campaign. Why not pick an American who stands for the right things and can be someone we could look up to. We certainly don’t look up to the bench warmer because he’s on his knees. I will no longer support your brand. I have had Nike’s since high school and that was 35 years ago. This is so disgraceful and I hope this hits your company’s wallets hard for making such an implorable decision. God bless America and stand proud (not kneel).
SUBJECT: Protest at Anthem-Kneeler Colin Kaepernick Becoming the Controversial Face of NIKE Just Do It Campaign: Meanwhile Nike stock falls 3 per cent at the open of trading Tuesday morning.
Mark G. Parker Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer
Eric D. Sprunk Chief Operating Officer
Andrew Campion Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Hilary K. Krane Executive Vice President, Chief Administrative Officer & General Counsel
Good Morning Gentlemen,
Question: How many hits (to NIKE stock) like this Tuesday’s are you willing to take before the stockholders revolt to this very bad idea–new Poster Child, Colin Kapernick?
Who does your marketing research? Do you really think pandering to a certain demographic that is committed to:
“I hate all police and I hate America”—-Is this the new marketing strategy to sell a whole bunch of $200 shoes?
In 2017, NFL attendance-revenue was down 18% and we may very well see a reprise of that for the next three years when the NFL Players Association contract comes up for renewal?
Many of my veteran and senior center friends and I will not be buying anymore NIKE shoes or apparel including NFL apparel as well.
Philip Locke
Veteran: US Navy
Reno, NV
Mark G. Parker Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer
Eric D. Sprunk Chief Operating Officer
Andrew Campion Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Hilary K. Krane Executive Vice President, Chief Administrative Officer & General Counsel
SUBJECT: Shaquille O’Neal says he’ll run for sheriff in 2020—Protest at Anthem-Kneeler Colin Kaepernick Becoming the Controversial Face of NIKE Just Do It Campaign
Good Morning NIKE Management,
Question: Is Colin Kaepernick going to protest Shaquille O’Neal who will make a 2020 bid to run for sheriff? Is Kaepernick going to accuse O’Neal of betraying his race and say he is not black because he has chosen to become “blue”? O’Neal is an honorary deputy in Georgia’s Clayton County and has been a reserve police officer in Los Angeles; Miami Beach; Tempe, Arizona; Golden Beach, Florida; and Doral, Florida.
The NFL owners think NIKE has stabbed them in the back with this Kaepernick poster boy thing. The NIKE “swoosch” logo on NFL game uniforms will symbolize 22 Kaepernicks out on the football field.
NFL television viewers will either change the station or won’t watch the games at all, and will avoid retail stores with Kaepaernick-NIKE ad posters. After all, Kaepernick is suing the NFL owners. [Colin Kaepernick won a key battle in his NFL collusion case against NFL team owners in arbitration.]
Is this the best way for NIKE to forge a positive, synergistic business relationship with NFL owners?
If NIKE decides in the future to let Kaepernick go due to a loss in market cap and sales, do you think for a moment he won’t file a lawsuit against NIKE?
Kaepernick likes to forget that he abandoned his last job with the San Francisco 49’s; he walked away from them—he was never fired. Employers don’t want to take a chance on hiring somebody who walked off their last job! Make sense?
Michael Greenberg, the founder and president of the trendy shoe company Skechers U.S.A., at the Fashion Footwear Association of New York exposition said Skechers is now the third-most-popular brand among teenagers, after Nike and Adidas. Company sales, he adds, jumped 40 percent last quarter compared with a year earlier; and as retailers are becoming choosier about which shoe brands to stock, both Lord & Taylor and Athlete’s Foot have just signed on.
Nike & KAEPERNICK WILL alienate and lose customers AND will harm Nike in Middle America, where it is battling Germany’s Adidas for dominance in the sneaker market.
Finally, does NIKE really think pandering to a certain demographic movement that is committed to:
“I hate all police and I hate America”—-
Is this the new marketing strategy to sell a whole bunch of $200 shoes?
In 2017, NFL attendance-revenue was down 18% and we may very well see a reprise of that for the next three years when the NFL Players Association contract comes up for renewal. NFL preseason revenue is down 9%. Lost viewership and declining NFL game attendance goes beyond the “angry white men” demographic as you will soon see. There is also a campaign to persuade institutional investors world-wide to dump NIKE stock.
Many of my military veteran and senior center friends and I will not be buying anymore NIKE shoes or NIKE NFL clothing apparel.
Thanking you for your courtesy and interest, I remain,
Philip Locke
Veteran: US Navy
Reno, NV 89512
Dear NiKE I have worn Nike products since early 1990s my children have grown up wearing Nike and swoosh,but all that has stopped. I will never allow anybody to wear the Nike brand in my house ever again. I beg all parents to teach their kids to be do the same. Nike I see as not cool anymore with Kaepernick ad. He is not a hero and looks down at our military. He hates the police and our country. Is that what Nike stands for? If he supports a cause, work on it outside of your job and stop disrespecting our national anthem. We will buy Under Armor and Adidas now.
Robert Clark
Nike can officially ki** my a**. As for me and my house, we stand for the National Anthem. Now that you’ve thrown dirt in our faces with your marriage to Kaepernick, I promise to burn everything with the Nke logo and never purchase another Nike product again, never. FU!
THANK YOU NIKE!!!!! Thank you Nike for seeing this for what it is INJUSTICE In america. THANK YOU NIKE for taking a bold stand and listening to our cries and supporting our communities. Thank YOU NIKE for you commitment to our communities,Schools and children. THANK YOU NIKE for most of all for that BRILLIANT commercial and all that participated in bringing it to life, it could not have come at a better time the beginning of the school year. I have always been and will continue to be a NIKE supporter. Our them this year is
To Philip Locke: Thank you for serving our country!! You are a true patriot, while Nike and Colin are Anti-America. It’s good people such as you who deserve a multi-million dollar contract representing our country and standing-up for American business. America and its Vets gave the opportunity to Nike to become a Billion Dollar Corporation. Without people such as you that stood up and truly Fought for our freedoms Nike wouldn’t be the wealthy company that they have become. I’m burning all of my Nike apparel, and will never buy anything from this Corp. again. How much more disrespectful can one get than hiring someone akin to Colin, a true America-Hater.
I truly hope they find themselves in the same boat as the NFL, which I haven’t watched since this ‘kneeling’ took place at our games, and I never will. “JUST STAND” for our Flag and Nat’l Anthem! Nike should hire Military and/or Law Enforcement to represent them. That’s true patriotism. Worse, they have the nerve to show an American Flag on their Web-Site, it can’t get much more disgusting than that. They should have Communistic Flag instead, after making a fatal mistake in hiring Colin Kaepernick.
With much regard,
Cricket Marsico
Cricket Marsico
Because you just renewed the take a knee quarterback’s contract. I will no longer purchase Nike shoes or clothing. The other members of my unit feel that you have slapped the faces of military, patriots and our country. We will no longer support any of your efforts and will boycott Nike and any venue you support. In effect we are taking a knee for our country against and Nike.
I will NEVER buy another product from Nike again for my Grandchildren!
Kapernick is a poor image to hold up to our children!
Shame on you!
Boycotting NIKE you can thank Colin Kaepernick.
Hope you enjoy each other because you deserve one another.
Since both of you are ANTI AMERICAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Walter B
We are very “DISAPPOINTED” that you have chosen Colin Kaepernick as a face and spokesman for your company. My family has purchased Nike products for years but will definitely give second thoughts to doing so in the future.
your company has taken a political position that will further divide our nation. Your decision is based upon the freedom that out founding fathers bestowed upon us. my decision is that I will never buy a Nike product again AND i WILL EVANGELIZE MY OPINION TO FAMILY AND FRIENDS ALIKE.
Why would a company like Nike take a stand that alienates 50% of the people? If millionaires want to express displeasure with the United States let them put their money where their mouth is.
I for one purchased Nike stock and purchased my first pair of Nike shoes. Stock will be sold today and no more Nike products for our family.
Your VP who made this decision must have a degree from STUPID.
Colin Kaepernick , seriously? I couldn’t imagine a worse representative for your product. He’s everything I don’t want my children to be. He didn’t sacrifice anything, he’s a perpetual victim and you’re encouraging the victimhood mentality.
I am really unhappy with the policy that Nike has, we spent a fortune on sneakers and when something happens you make the consumer pay for shipping…If I spend $432.00 on 2 pairs of sneakers and I have a problem I don’t want to turn around and spend another $43.52 to send them to your company…..this is unfair to your consumers!
I have a new product design for sockliner, it can be used on any kind of shoes, this product is suitable for people of all ages.
Can NIKE Company give an opportunity for this product design ?
Thanks & Best Regars,
Joy Hsiao
Good Day, I submitted my Resume online for three job openings for Operational Manager in the Memphis TN area. I would like an update on my application.
I have been in the retail business since 1986. I have been managing people since 1996. Though this would be a new field for me, I am confident that I can bring the results that you request.
You can send me the HR contact number if that would be better.
Please let me know if you received my application and have reviewed.
Thank you,
Elizabeth Brunson, 901-827-XXXXX
Hi. so I am a single mother of 7 kids 5 which are in school . The last two years I have been unable to buy my kids school shoes or supplies due to financial difficulties. This year didn’t start off to great either but I finally was able to purchase my children named brand shoes. My son, his name is eli he is 7 years old . He got bullied last year because of his shoes. So you can only imagine how stoked he was to have a pair of brand new nikes. well the new shoes I bought him at the mall they are grey and white they have the velcroe strap that straps over the laces. Well my complain is it wasn’t 2 days after I purchased the shoes they stoped staying straped. the strap just flaps everywhere trips him and the kids are picking on him about them . He doesn’t have any other pair of shoes those are it. I am completely straped on funds . there is no way I could buy him more. I couldn’t return them because my father had unexpected emergency heart surgery. I couldn’t leave the hospital hes all the family I have and I am all he has and the kids. My father actuallyf died three times and was resuscitated and is finally out of the hospital and doing well right now . I am paying for his perscriptions and just one of those was $435 . I am literally on the titanic. I emailed ceo of nike and to my surprise not a single response so maybe everyone may think I am being ridiculous but for me and my seven kids these shoes was are very important and was our new beginning in new shoes on our way to a good school year this year feeling and looking good and my poor guy eli is now not wanting to go to school because kids are so mean now adays please if someone could help or lead me in the right direction. thanks
Nike, for you to support the players over our vets/patriots that stood for our flag. I can assure you my family will never buy your product, even if you apologize. Yes, if I see anyone with your gear on I will highlight “anti-american”.
Thanks for saving me a lot of money by not purchasing your gear.
I agree with you. I also will not purchase any product connected to Nike.
I have twin grandchildren who will be three in about a week. They check their clothes and shoes to make sure they are Nike otherwise they will not wear them. I believe they are your youngest consumers who choose to wear nothing but Nike just like their big sisters.
Walked off my job at Nike, Shelby drive and Tuggle location. I loved what I did! Got tired of being called the white one. Have over heard upper management say such things as eventually we will get rid of all the white folks. Got over looked on positions! Terrible terrible people! Was through Simos temp services. The worst racist are in sports balls! Regina, Mrs Woods and Simos supervisors do not want anyone white in there! Now that I’m gone they only have 1 white one left to get rid of!
I agree!!!…..almost certainly, an attorney will take this pro bono! Please investigate….I’m horrified for you and your experience.
Why should I pay 15-25 dollars for 2 day-NEXT DAY shipping when it still takes a week?????? @NIKE
My name is nick asmo and a huge fan of Nike. I always purchase three of the same shoes when I buy a pair of Nike shoes. However, the set I purchased in the last year all three pairs had the same issue and the anterior top portion has ripped where my toes go. As a result, I cannot wear them. They are my favorite most comfortable shoes but they all ripped by the toe within a month of wearing them. Is there any way of getting a credit or a new pair of shoes similar to the ones I love that fell apart way to early. Please let me know your thoughts and I appreciate your consideration. Thank you
My young children scrapped their money together to make sure that I had a nice birthday gift in July. They bought me the new model of the Nike flip flops. They have already broken. I’m very disappointed and sad and they are very upset that they tried so hard and put so much effort into this gift to be so let down. Everyone in my family wears Nike tennis shoes. We have always been satisfied up until this point. I would like to know if your products have a guarantee or warranty?
Hello. I wore Jack Purcell sneakers back in the 70’s, while growing up in Baltimore. I’ve been requesting (for years) that Converse, now Nike, produce Jack Purcell sneakers true to the original design. I’ve attached a link for a photo of an original pair of Jack Purcell sneakers. I wear a size 15. Please, please, please offer the Jack Purcell line in the original design AND in sizes larger than 13. Thanks!
I am a runner and so is my 7 year old daughter. We love your product but I wish your girls sizes for my kid had black bottoms instead of white… a Nike free run with black bottoms instead of the the thick solid white would be appreciated.
A very frustrated but loyal customer.
We live in Malaysia and buy a large amount of Nike sports shoes for our 2 talented sons. This year alone we have spent 1500 USD. Our sons are agegroup champions at Triathlon and distance running. They are Nike mad and have spikes, basketball shoes, football trainers and boots, running trainers and racing shoes. Only Nike is good enough!
They are role models for the international school kids who aspire to achieve what they have done.
I have written to Nike for assistance without reply. Indeed contacting Nike Malaysia is very difficult. No email, wrong phone numbers, wrong address etc. I think Nike do not want to be found! I really think that at least the international contact information should be kept up to date!
Our teenage boys are forever outgrowing their Nike shoes and frankly we would like to speak to someone to see if there are opportunities for sponsorship.
Would be grateful for any feedback.
Than you
I’m so disappointed in the shoes I bought it don’t buy cheap shoes because I am on my feet all day long and the shoes I bought the toes *rubber* is peeling off! What a huge disappointed this shoe is… time to change shoe companys
On September 6,2016 I was on vacation visiting your store at 20 city Blvd, space 617 in Orange, California when a metal plate from your light fixture fell from your ceiling and hit my head. Unfortunately I am still having headaches and need the claim number. The store employee indicated that someone would contact me And also provide me with the incident report and pictures.
Debbie Dial
Sent from my iPad
I bought my oldest son some Nike basketball shoes. He only wore them on the gym floor for just a few weeks then one of the shoes came apart!! 60.00 or more for shoes I would think they would last longer, not buying from Nike no more and they used to get all my business for all 3 of my kids.
I purchased Nike interchange s sunglasses a while back. I like the glasses. They are sunglasses that are marketed towards the lenses being interchangeable. However, when trying to find replacement lenses Nike transfers you to a company called Marshawn eyewear. They simply tell you that the frames are an older model and they don’t make the lenses anymore. What is the sense of spending hard earned money on Nike “interchangeable ” frames if Nike is just not going to back up their product? Will be buying other athletic apparel and sporting equipment for myself and my kids from now on.
I have made a purchase of shoe for my friend from your Nike store J.M Road, Pune, India on dated 09-02-2016, as i have made a purchase of this shoe to give him a gift, but unfortunately my friend has met an accident and he got dead in that accident, so i was unable to use that shoe for my self too, now i was looking for a exchange of the product at your store located @ Dev arcade mall, S.G Road, Ahmedabad, India but the store has denied to change that product, as they are saying that the product can’t get exchange at factory outlet, than i contacted your customer care on mail and contacted on phone too, now the customer care is saying me that i will get the exchange against the shoe which i have purchased but will not get the discount as the shoe which i am selecting is on discount now in the store against the shoe which i have bought in full MRP not in discount. So please help me out, as i am your regular customer and using the product from last 12 years.
Good afternoon,
I’m a retired Command Sergeant Major from the US Army with 29 years of service. While watching the Army/Navy game yesterday I fell in love with the Army helmets with the branch insignia on them. I retired in 2013 and served my entire career in the Signal Corps. I’m writing this in hopes that I can potentially purchase a replica helmet that was used in the 2015 Army/Navy game. I would even be willing to pay for an actual helmet as well, Signal Corps of course. Is this even possible? I can tell you that you would have the entire Army interested in buying this helmet to place in their work place or in their hobby room. Thank you.
I like wearing Nike sneakers when I can find them in my size I found Nike sneakers that fit I wear in 5 1/2 wide in the famous shoe store I bought three pair that fit me perfectly go back there a few months later take out a 5 1/2 wide which was on the sticker on the box and inside the F5 been a hat’s not 5 1/2 wide I tried to call your company and explain this to them but seems like no one wanted to listen so I’m just letting someone know that your customer service isn’t what it’s cracked up to be they took down my telephone number I hope somebody calls me to to help me out with this problem I tried to explain to him what the trouble was and they didn’t seem to want to listen they have their own agenda thank you
I went to go buy nike shoes which that is the only shoes i buy. But now in any nike shoes i like i can not get any shoes in wide withe. I wear 7 1/2 wide no luck in any shoe store. I am tired of buying the same shoe all the time. People do have wide feet sad can’t find any . Well i guess i have to switch to a different brand.
II do not have a complaint to write, yet II have had some similar situations of My own with Nike. Yet II have an investment opportunity for of course Nike to grow, but in a way that will impact Youth, in way unheard of using methods in which competitors would wish they had. Involving able Veterans, with the Veteran Affairs full backing once in place. II am not asking for a financial handout, II am asking for You and necessary team members to listen and read over entire plan. It is an all around positive for all involved, negative thoughts need not respond.
Thank You for Your time in reading this, have a blessed day.
Skyler Ten…
To Nike Corp
Nikelabs and Nike online
My names is Thomas MacNeill. I am legally blind and is contacting you as A very frustrated and disappointed would be customer.
Nike on oct 30th at 10am PT 1pm EST. NIKELABS release the Nikelabs bruin leather style number 826670-106. I called into Nike.comes customer service number at 12:15pm est and 12:57pm est to the 1 (800) 806-6453 for assistance in making me order for thrse shore and was told they has already been sold out at 10am and I was on the line with 3 and half minute before doing intake then they went to place my order at 10:01 am pt. At this time a family member was on the Nike labs webpage tying get me them for my birthday I found out. when they was watching the countdown clock reached zero clicked and added to cart and was prompted with it was out of stock at 10:00 3 secs . They tried every size and the same promp came up, so There’s no humanly way possible would anyone be able to add and checkout products that fast other then marvels superhero the flash. As they tried every size available that wasn’t Grayed out and unable to click that was were put into cart and still was prompt with it being sold out even though it showed size was available and not Grayed out and unclickable.
I feel there was unfair practices taking please here ans that being animated buying techniques at the time of this launch. There must of been Some kind of robotic buying technique in order for all these shoes to sold out and not done buy the The actual public. On Nikelabs Twitter numoresss reports of people not being able to buy and sold out prompts in the same time frame support this. I think your company should be ashamed to hype a release then give false hope to the regular public and real interested customers opportunities to purchase instead Nike allows the advantage to those who take advantage of your real and loyal customers Who are give you their time waiting at lines in front of computers and other devices that was ready to hand over their hard earned money to your company, but didn’t give me or anyone in the mass public a real chance to acquire this product. In how I feel this being unfair buying techniques that me and other real interested customers feel. I also feel Maybe That your company never made these quantities available. Or that there was some kind of glitch with the website. If that was true this shoe collection launch was set up to fail and was mishandled by Nikelabs Nikelabs Twitter and and Nike.come/Nikelabs. They all disrespected those who were willing to hand over their hard earn money to your company but was turned away for those who will but then on auction sites that will make them Only available at dishonest Prices.
I went to Nike Outlet, Vancouver Airport and bought some sports T-shirts & pants today. When I went to cashier, a part-time staff forced to pull the pants out from he hangers. I saw him doing like that , I then told him don’t do it like that. He didn’t response me and continue forcing to pull the collars of those T-shirt out from he top of the hangers. I told him that you’ll make the clothes deformed. Customers would not buy if the shape of the collar is not good. A lady had just passed by right behind him at that time. I then asked the lady if she could speak Chinese or not. The lady asked me that what kind of Chinese. I told her Cantonese. She said OK. I told the lady what the problem was. The lady then asked me that didn’t you want it or not. I told her that it is not the point I want it or not. It was about the part-time staff handle the merchandise for customers not properly. She then just said OK and walked away.
As one of the most popular and famous brand of products, is the reaction of the lady like that? What kind of customer services you provided? Are the customers first? That lady is one of the managers in that outlet. She is in what manner to treat customers! Originally, I want her to tell the part-time staff about his mistake. At last, she laughed and spoke to her subordinates loudly and asked her subordinates that her attitudes has problems and is not polite. Her subordinates replied “no” and laughed again. She even shouted and told me that she’s Canadian. Here is Canada.
The lady might be Canadian borned Chinese with Chinese look and can speak Cantonese. She did not need to do it like that. As a manager, can she handle cases with customers like this?
Finally, I knew she is one of the managers, Joyce Ko, in that outlet.
She is in what manner to treat customers? With her attitudes, I felt offended. Please look into this matter and avoid the similar case happened again.
Thank you for your kind attention to this matter. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
P.S. Joyce had asked me where did I come from, I told her that I am from Hong Kong. At the end, I had walked out from the shop, she was yelling at me loudly to take care. I am not a walking properly person.
Absolute worst customer service experience I’ve encountered in 46 years! Recently ordered a pair of $275 soccer cleats for my son’s 13th b’day. A Nike shoebox arrived last night and in it we found a pair of filthy, worn, broken and disgustingly odorous cleats – WOW – REALLY??? After waiting on hold for 30 minutes, customer service offered to replace the cleats, and 20% off on my NEXT purchase. Are they smoking crack???
Here’s Nike’s own Consumer Affairs Mission: “To represent the highest service standard within and beyond our industry, building loyal consumer relationships around the world.”
Guess what Nike? If this is the best you can do, I’m going to make you famous with ALL of my Facebook friends and every family on our son’s travel soccer club. You should be ashamed of yourselves!!!
I am 45 years old and have been wearing Nike shoes and apparel faithfully since I was a pre-teen. Adidas, Reebok, Fila, Asics, etc. have all fallen off the map at some point in my life… But Nike has always held strong. As everyone knows, ADIDAS stands for “All Day I Dream About Soccer/Sports”. Do you have a slogan or has anyone submitted a slogan for what Nike stands for/could stand for?
Agree with Dawn. I’m puking because I just dropped $120 toward the murder and dismemberment of our American unborn. On the practical side, super bad business practices to kill off your potential customers.
Why would you bother to make infant or children shoes?
With the way you dump money into Planned Parenthood –the worst
oxymoron ever!!!! It should be Planned Infanticide,
sick of the lies everyone is fed about women’s health…..
do you ever wonder about the ‘health’ of every little girl sucked out
of the womb, or cut up into pieces denied life because
of human selfishness. Companies like you make me
sick as you talk about sustainability….puking. How about
sustain life???
I purchased a pair of rare Jordan Flight Runner golf shoes from a third party on line.(Nike Incident #150710-013186) I usually wear a 10 but when I received the shoes, I needed a half size larger. The shoes came with a return slip, so I returned them for resize using the return paperwork.
I sent them using UPS and the tracking number indicated that the box containing my shoes was delivered to the Nike warehouse as per instructions. After not hearing from Nike regarding my shoes I contacted Nike through their website and they advised me that first they hadn’t received my shoes. When pressed and I supplied the UPS tracking #, the story was changed to any unauthorized returns returned to the Nike warehouse were destroyed.
That’s crazy, how hard would it have been to just return my shoes explaining that they could honor my request. Instead, I was advised that they could not locate my shoes and they directed me to their management department.
Management advised me that because they couldn’t return my shoes, they would be sending me a gift card. That is totally unacceptable. Someone at that Nike warehouse now has a pair of rare Jordan golf shoes at my expense. My shoes were delivered to Nike and then they just disappeared. I cannot imagine that someone at Nike would destroy those shoes instead of returning them to their rightful owner.
I would not have expected this behavior from a company like Nike. Can anyone look into my complaint using the listed incident number and try to ascertain what happened to my shoes and whether it is Nike corporate policy to just confiscate and/or destroy returns because they were deemed, “unauthorized”.
Please use my email address for correspondence, Thank you for your anticipated cooperation in this matter.
I was hoping to find a way to get a hold of Tinker Hatfield. I know it’s a far-fetched desire for me to get any answer from anyone anywhere, but thought I’d give this a try. Earlier this year, my husband’s sneaker collection was stolen from our 24-hour surveillance, indoor, temperature-controlled U-Haul storage unit. His collection was worth over $25,000 containing deadstock Air Jordans, Lebrons, Kobes, Zoom Rookies, Air Pennys, Air Max, etc – some were exclusives of Sole Collector, NBA 2K, All-Star editions, etc. But one piece was his ultimate grail – 2011 Nike Air Mags in size 12. They were won via the charity auction and we still have the shipping box, which it was neatly stored in all these years. The culprits took everything, every single pair leaving just the shelving unit and the Air Mag shipping box. Needless to say, walking into our unit and seeing the emptiness of everything that my husband worked hard for and collected over the past 10 years, was an absolute nightmare. I felt dizzy and sick and I couldn’t breath, I couldn’t believe what I was experiencing and all the heartache I knew would come in the next few months. It was an overwhelming ordeal trying to work with U-Haul, insurance and the police department. No one wanted to spend the time viewing the surveillance tapes and after nearly a month, was given the surveillance footage to review them ourselves since no one seemed to have the time do so. Fast forward 3 months, the insurance company only paid out $5,000. The Air Mags alone were worth more than that – this was a devastating hit, but we really needed to get away from all the turmoil and negativity. I tried procuring help with a GoFundMe campaign and was unsuccessful with raising anything. Now at 6 months out, the pain and suffering still lingers and I cope with a depressed spouse which in turn makes me depressed as well. It’s hard to move on from the loss, the sentimental value that the Air Mags had – a void that I so desperately want to find a way to fill for my husband. I wish there was a way to find where that pair ended up and just get them back for him. I want to make it right again and I wish every day that I would find that glimmer of hope. Thank you for taking the time to read.
Nathan Sauseda
1206 NW Leopard Ln.
Bentonville, AR 72712
Friday, April 17, 2015
General Audience
To all whom it may concern:
As a concerned citizen of the United States of America, I am writing to whom it may concern for an appeal to all businesses, corporations, organizations, and associations that use or support slavery by buying goods or services from groups that are slave based. Slavery takes away basic human rights and desires, such as imagination, knowledge, and even freedom.
My first point is that slavery can take away peoples imagination and turn them into a simple machine with no thought for themselves. In this case there is a little boy, who sees a school and thinks it’s heaven, “I had never thought there would be something like this.” he stated as he was interviewed. He didn’t have the imagination to even think about something so big or great. Without imagination you cannot be whole, imagine a world with nothing but big grey buildings all exactly alike. The world wouldn’t be what it is today without imagination.
Additionally, knowledge is something that has driven the human race to explore beyond what anyone could even comprehend .Our craving for knowledge, arguably, is what has pushed us and placed us above and beyond to build communities and cites with buildings that touch the clouds. Yet slavery takes that away, a young kid at a cocoa farm in the Ivory Coast doesn’t even know his age! “He insists he is 16, but looks much younger.” Slavery is something that we should all fear and want to put an end to, but sadly most people aren’t even aware of the fact that it goes on in the world today.
My last, yet most important point, is simple…freedom. Do you know that feeling that feeling where you wake up and you open the window to feel the sunlight reflecting onto your skin, and a gentle breeze sliding across your face? When you hear the birds singing and you think “How great is it to be alive and well?” Do you think a slave can wake up and have that same feeling? Here a professor named Ted realizes that slavery hasn’t been put to an end. “There are millions of slaves in the world today, and I thought…No way! Just, no way!” For the average person, someone…in someplace…without freedom is something that is almost impossible to comprehend.
Slavery takes away basic human rights and desires, but if people open there eyes then we can put a stop to it.
Respectfully yours,
Nathan Sauseda
Hello, my name is David Smith!
I am a local artist of Colorado. I drew a phototype of a Nike bowling shoe. Or, which ever class. I want to show you, to see if you are interested in the picture, or design.
You can email me back at ene***
Thank You !
David Smith.
Dear Sirs/Madams: I have been contacting you for seveal years in reference to Michelle Wie and Tiger Woods. They both are in the crossroads of their careers. Both have been wasting time looking for the TWO (and of course different) major keys they need that OBVIOUSLY I have the answers for. No one has ever studied golf keys like I have for more than 50 years. I have studied both of them since their college days and ALL the trials and frustrations of being inconsistent, especially now. All I need is two four hour sessions and two rounds of golf individually. I will not be playing, just coaching. It makes me very sad to see these two spectacular ICONS lost in their primes. Sincerely, Keith
Hahahahahahahahahhahahahaha ^^ this fu**in guy… I’m sure you’re one on one sessions with tiger are gonna happen any day now.
I purchased a pair of Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 31, 5 months ago. The special heel cup has become deformed and I am not able to wear them only after 5 months. I contacted Nike, sent them in for inspection and was told normal wear and tear, from excessive heat or water. I have never contacted Nike for a problem with any of their shoes until now. I am just blown away that I am being told it is my fault, that these shoes are not standing up to the Nike name..
I have worn and loved the Nike Eclipse sneaker for the past few years, but to my dismay they have changed them! Last year I bought the Eclipse herring bone sneaker and loved it! very comfortable, good arch support — wonderful to walk in, lightweight. Now Nike has changed it to more of a running shoe — which I don’t need — and has introduced the inset sock that really makes the shoe uncomfortable!!! And it’s mesh on top, which in the wintertime in Northern California, is not warm enough! Again — more a running shoe than a walking shoe. I tried on several different styles of Nike’s but each one had a less comfortable fit — not very good on the arch support area, awful fluorescent colors, too sloppy in the toe box area etc. I ended up buying Sketchers, which I don’t really like, but they at least hold my foot. Bring back the old Eclipse sneakers!!! Nike has enough running shoes and the only time I would run is if there is a fire on my butt. Don’t ruin a great fit and get rid of those horrible inset sock at the tongue of the shoe — they hurt!!!
Hello Nike,
On January 3,2015 I bought my 12 year old son a pair of Chuckposite. The shoes cost $230.00. Today is January 17th, one of his shoe lace holder has broken. This happen sometime last week. It has only been 2 weeks, there should not be any malfunction in a $200.00 pair of sneakers within 2 weeks, especially one of this nature. He cannot lace up his shoe properly. I believe this to be a manufacturing problem. My son has had many of Nike products( Lebrons, previous Charles Barkley, and Jordans). He takes care of this shoes. I am a single parent. I work hard for my money. Not to throw it away on Nike expense. Can you please contact me with a resolution to this problem?
Hello to all at Nike my name is DeJuan Fuller and I am a huge Nike fan. I have been wearing Nikes since i could walk Nike is my favorite brand I i just like all the shoe that are produced from Nike SB to Air Force ones, Dunks, Deion Sanders signature shoe the list goes on and on. As an athelete no question Nike was my choice of shoe on the court, the Kobe zoom 1 the Kobe Elite 9 and many more. I am currently finishing up my undergraduate degree at the University of Dubuque in Dubuque Iowa. My two passions in life would include sports and sneakers. I want to be a basketball coach but when asked what was my dream job it has been the same since 1st grade get at job with Nike. This email is my way of making that first step into where I would personally love to be because my passion for the Nike brand truely runs deep
Nike… My kids stood in several lines like the 7th in line in all the lines they stood injust to be turned around. The stores are giving away the tickets to people they know and that not fair to other people. At one location in Cleveland kids were trampled over and peppered spray by police that’s insane something need to happen before someone get hurt badly……….
I went to take my dog outside for him to go to the bathroom and I noticed when I came inside that my right shoe was lower than my left one. my right air pocket busted. I just got these shoes not to long ago. my dad bought them for me for my birthday. my dad is no longer with us. he passed away. that is why these shoes mean so much to me. is there any way you can get me a new pair of these. these are what they look like. I would appreciate it. I didn’t step on any rocks or anything. thank you. could use please write me back. thanks again.
Your shopping experience sucks. Your online stores are crap. And the worst part is your shoes arent even made in america instead from slave labor in other countries. ANY respectable american would NOT buy your products but they will because there morons…….
Just thought you should know there is a company out there using your “just do it” slogan. The company is Le-Vel. Promoters of their product “thrive” are using “just do it” to try and lure customers. Please crush them.
Dear nike, I used to love your shoes and your motto, “Just do it! ” I get technology, manufacturing and endorsements all cost money. I loved that every middle class person could enjoy style and comfort at a affordable price. You represented every hard working teenager, thug, jock or nerd during my generation. But when did the shoe become more then comfort and a representation of your motto, “just do it! ” How can I buy a pair of air Jordans for my son at 240 dollars and let him do just that. If I do decide to purchase these shoes because my son has worked for everything. He deserves the excitement of a woman buying a 300 dollar purse. How ever, I am not excited about it. The only thing that the shoes will get as they are worn out and thrown in the trash 1 year later along with my money. Is a memory of how many people said. “Nice shoes. ” and the feeling of what was I thinking wearing those, those shoes were wack. Kind of like when we thought red wings and zcavaricci pants tucked and rolled were cool. Man why should kids pay this much to look stupid two years later. Fashion sucks it causes bullying and signs of social clicks and class. When I was a teenager and heard just do it! I thought I could change the world, jump higher, run faster and look good doing it wearing nike swoosh symbol. Thanks for that. But no thanks to your high price tags so the younger generation feels as good as we all did. Sighs. ..
Signed proud parent of a fashion teenager victim.
Craig carda
Why does your Nike outlet store not carry women’s basketball shoes? Sure, you can order them (for $140+) but none in the store!!! Not only do you not carry women’s basketball shoes, but you don’t even have below a size 7 in a men’s shoe! I am disappointed in Nike and I would think Nike would be a supporter of women’s sports! By the way, in the men’s section, I would estimate 15 different types of shoes. You have alienated an entire group of high school athletes who will have to buy a different brand!
I wished Nike would take part like Adidas and offer employee store coupon if you belong to a fitness center. I am sure us senior citizens would really appreciate it. Trying to stay fit and healthy is what is being recommended. I truly like Nike products and would prefer to shop there. Thank you for your time.
Marcia Johns
I am a high school basketball coach in a small school in Northeast Washington. Our area suffers from the highest unemployment rate in Washington State.
As a school, we are essentially the social life of the community. Our sports programs depend on passing levies and local community groups and clubs and our programs suffer greatly for specific needs that ought to be provided but are not. As an example, we have no sports towels..Zip, nada, none which results in our teams and PE participants not showering after a workout. I believe hygiene is very important but do not know how to help the kids.
So, I am asking if there is any way Nike can assist knowing that the we cannot look like we have zero ability to look like we being sponsored…That being said, anything would help.l
Can You Help My Daughter Run Again
It is with great sadness that I inform you that our Lamonna has been diagnosed with Aplastic Anemia Disease. It came on suddenly out of nowhere. Basically her body can’t produce blood at this time to supply her body with oxygen and other vital things it needs like platelets. A bone marrow transplant is the only thing that will totally cure her. She is being hospitalized today for the next 14 days to under go a very complex treatment in hopes it can put it in remission. She has had blood transfusions and a couple of painful procedures in the past 3 weeks. The hardest news to hear was that she can’t return to school until January where she is the captain of the Varsity track team. Her immune system cannot handle germs & considering Lamonna is a honor student and loves track, this has been horrible for her to accept. All that being said, although I have medical insurance it doesn’t begin to cover our bills which at this point have reached 25,000 we are working on getting other assistance but I can’t work at this time and there are deductibles that need to be paid to keep all she needs going . This is very hard for us as I have always been a very independent person but considering it’s for our beloved Lamonna I must humble myself and ask for your help. Thank you in advance & please keep Lamonna and my family in your prayers. Sincerely Monica
I believe i have a good idea to share with NIKE.I also believe it could bring in a considerable amount of revenue.I live in Cape Town South Africa and would like to hear from you My telephone +27 073 6499 XXXX Thank you..
thank you kindly come back to me
we are a foundation based in pretoria (NPO) and we are besy organising a marathon for raising funds for the school based in attrageville pretoria kindly looking nike to sponser us.
Hello nike I’m writing you to ask you to please make a spike track shoe for 6 years old who wear still toddler shoe size my little girl wears a size 11 in toddlers and she runs track so she has to wear nike shockes for now cause they are light weight on the track for her please view her you time page and Instagram. Instagram name is z100m and YouTube is fastest 6 year old on the planet beating 2 boys for the 100M DASH we are also looking for a sponsor it would be awesome to have you guys as a sponsor an make other parents and kids as dedicated as us am throw even a more upward scale in your shoes hope to to hear back from you all. Hope you can sponsor the fastest 6 year old on the planet on 4/19/2014 she ran in Dublin Ca against 8 year olds and came in 5th place that video is also on YouTube and a photo finish on her Instagram hope to hear back from you thank you her Dad and Z100M
Your customer service is horrible. I’ve been trying to get through to them for an hour and I keep getting hung up on before I can even talk to someone. So, I’ll put my concerns here, I guess. I have 5 boys & none of them will ever wear Nike as long as you continue to have Vick’s as your spokesperson. And, expect the same from any other human being with a heart. That man is a monster! He has tortured dogs for his entertainment & will never be forgiven by the animal lovers of the world. If you insist on supporting him, we will not support you.
i like nike products and always have wore nike, in my opinion, i do think nike is the best, and i would like to have a career @ nike, that would be a good career move.
Good morning,
I have been waiting in line for two days to get my daughter the gamma blues 11, and the stores did not have tickets. They gave them out two weeks before the shoes came out. Some stores had a raffle for them. It needs to be a better system for the release of the Jordan’s. I am single parent barely making it and I have to tell my asthmatic daughter that she can not get them for Christmas. It is real bad that they only get a few pair of 7 youth at each store! What can you do to not make my child be disappointment for Christmas? I can be reached at 757-338-XXXXX or
complaint……I have bought three pairs of GO WALK shoes due to the comfort. after just a few months the soles wear down on the ball of the foot. I feel these shoes should last much longer and I hesitate to buy another pair.
We’re a manufacturer/wholesaler of eyewear accessories; eyeglass/sunglasses/safety/ goggle cases, drawstring bags, slip in pouches, micro-fiber cleaning cloths, cords, etc.
Would you be interested in a quote for sport cords? Thank you and be sure to check out our site at
I have purchase an nike shoes and now facing problem in warrenty replacment no budy help nor dealer and reatller.