Entrust Energy is a retail energy provider that provides competitive residential electricity rates. The company offers electricity service in Texas, Illinois, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, and Pennsylvania and gas service in California, Illinois, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, and Ohio.
The company is #47 in the 2015 Inc. 5000 list of Fastest Growing Private Companies in America with a three-year growth rate of 5,410%. Entrust was founded in 2010, has 120 employees, and had $132 million in revenue in 2014.
Entrust Energy is #4 in the Inc. list of Top Energy Companies, #5 in Top Texas Companies, and #1 in Houston Metro Area Companies.
Entrust EnergyEntrust Energy is a retail energy provider that provides competitive residential electricity rates. The company offers electricity service in Texas, Illinois, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, and Pennsylvania and gas service in California, Illinois, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, and Ohio.
The company is #47 in the 2015 Inc. 5000 list of Fastest Growing Private Companies in America with a three-year growth rate of 5,410%. Entrust was founded in 2010, has 120 employees, and had $132 million in revenue in 2014.
Entrust Energy is #4 in the Inc. list of Top Energy Companies, #5 in Top Texas Companies, and #1 in Houston Metro Area Companies.
The staff of Entrust Energy have always been very nice and have always tried to be helpful.However I have a situation that they are helpless against .My contract had expired and they said they had notified me on my Email,However when the Gentleman who was helping me repeated the email they had it was incorrect they had Carolhunte at outlook.com not the Correct one of Carolhunte00 at outlook.com .The person who took my email in the first place entered it incorrect. As a result my electric bills went sky high do to this mistake .When it was discovered I went back on a contract .However the next bill was over a hundred dollars higher then I’ve ever had before ($398). .I was told that the rate plan hadn’t taken effect yet but on the next bill it would be there.However I went to pay the payment for the last bill and discovered that the rate plan hadn’t taken effect on that one either now this bill is over $400. I have to admit that $35. of this is my fault for late fees .I am on a pension plan where I get paid on the 4th Wed of every month and then I pay my bills. However I have always paid .I am very frustrated at this situation and feel that I am paying the price for someone in your company’s mistake ,because if they had put in my email correctly I would of been notified and would of called and went on a contact again .
Carol Hunter