Eileen Fisher was founded in 1984 in Irvington, NewYork. After her parents said they could not pay for college for both her and her brother, Fisher paid her own way through waitressing. Although she began as a math major, before changing to interior design. She began her own company with $350. Her first fashion show netted $3,000. Her second, $40,000.
Today, Eileen Fisher is one of the world’s most famous fashion designers. Her company is well known for using unusual models, including many of the company’s employees. The company has more than 56 locations in 15 states and has more than 1,200 employees. The company opened one location in Canada, and another in London, England, in 2012.
Eileen Fisher clothing and shoes focus on sustainability, with most of the clothing being made from organic cotton. Although the majority of the clothing is made in China, 35% is made in the USA. The company offers a $5 gift certificate for every used clothing item donated to the company. These items are laundered and resold, with the profit funding business programs for women.
Eileen FisherEileen Fisher was founded in 1984 in Irvington, NewYork. After her parents said they could not pay for college for both her and her brother, Fisher paid her own way through waitressing. Although she began as a math major, before changing to interior design. She began her own company with $350. Her first fashion show netted $3,000. Her second, $40,000.
Today, Eileen Fisher is one of the world’s most famous fashion designers. Her company is well known for using unusual models, including many of the company’s employees. The company has more than 56 locations in 15 states and has more than 1,200 employees. The company opened one location in Canada, and another in London, England, in 2012.
Eileen Fisher clothing and shoes focus on sustainability, with most of the clothing being made from organic cotton. Although the majority of the clothing is made in China, 35% is made in the USA. The company offers a $5 gift certificate for every used clothing item donated to the company. These items are laundered and resold, with the profit funding business programs for women.
I purchased a puffy nylon vest at the Company Store in late September or early October 2019. I wore it when I voted on Election Day. They gave me an “I Voted” sticker, which I put on the vest. Unfortunately, the sticker won’t come off. What can I do to get it off without damaging the fabric? Thanks.
I am a long time fan of your clothing and have quite a few thing
I see a problem , the clothes are balling pretty badly.
Do you have solution?
I hesitate purchasing again without a solution.
Nothing gets worn very often since i have a lot of clothes.
Awaiting your answer
Marilyn Karbal
I wrote to Karen Hall to no effect to complain about the attitude of the manager and (I think) assistant manager at the St. Louis store. I will not spell out the details again here; I’ll simply say that they were consistently unfriendly and even rude to me, and that as a result, I have decided never to set foot in the store again. I often returned items bought on the web; I have six chronic health conditions, am not able to get out often, and have shopped primarily online. This meant returning a number of items that did not fit or flatter. They clearly resented the returns, and at one point, Mindy even offered to “help me find things I might like better.” Since I am 67 years old and have been “finding things…I like” since before she was born, I found this offensive — and a covert way of telling me I was returning too much. The EF price point has long been a stretch for me, but I managed to buy a few pieces a year because I was impressed by the company’s commitment to fair labor practices and sustainability. However, other merchants are moving in this direction, and they positively welcome my custom and my presence in their stores. I will never buy EF again — primarily because of their rudeness (Mindy’s and Mandy’s, said offenders). It hasn’t helped that your recent offerings have been blah and uninteresting, a point my best friend and sometime-EF shopper agrees with. I am also disappointed that I received no answer to my letter. The only EF employee who has been consistently pleasant and friendly is Gaetan, who acted as my personal shopper in the early 2000’s before St. Louis had its own store, and who has always welcomed a call from me any time. I think she would vouch for my not being a difficult person of simple malcontent. I would say I’m sorry that my relationship with the company has ended this way, but it’s impossible to feel sorry for having been treated so badly. Yours sincerely, Jill N. Levin, St. Louis, Missouri
True confessions….I am an Eileen Fisher lifer. My Eileen Fisher experiences started many years ago at Filene’s in Mass. buying the classic black pants. It took me a long time to get rid of those early treasures. The reason I write today is to share a story that happened at Eileen Fisher on Michigan Ave. in Chicago about 10 years ago. I had flown out from Boston early in the morning and my luggage was lost when I arrived at O’Hare Airport. I had a full 3 day work schedule ahead of me that required professional attire and it was headed to California in my rerouted luggage. After coming up short in Filene’s Basement with a pari of black boots and a raincoat I learned that there was an Eileen Fisher close by. If you ever saw Julia Roberts in “Pretty Woman”, that was me in the dressing room on her second trip- and not because Richard Gere was with me, but because these EF women sincerely wanted to help and make me feel good about what i was gong to wear on my Chicago business trip. After an hour in and out of the dressing room, I walked out of that EF store feeling relief and joy. All I needed when I walked into that store was to share my challenge with the sales staff, and the outfits kept coming. I should have written about this experience shortly after it happened, because I was so grateful, but I hope the impact is as strong years later. Thank you EF!
Hi. I was born in Cuba and came to America at 7 years old (I am 53 now so long time ago). I was a teacher in Houston inner city for many years and have always loved all Eileen Fisher products, especially linen dresses. Of course, teacher salaries can’t get you Eileen Fisher, but through the years I always searched for sale and have some beautiful linen EF dresses. I now live in Florida and we had to evacuate for Hurricane Irma. Thankfully we and our property survived. When we packed to evacuate we packed important doXXXXents, id’s, insurance info, and some clothes to get us through. However, I looked at my Eileen Fisher dresses and decided they too must survive, So, I packed them all and evacuated with them. My mom, friends, pretty much everyone I tell cracks up BUT I just couldn’t leave them! I figured if I lost my home I would be the best dressed homeless woman ?….I went out to dinner a few nights ago and my husband commented how pretty I looked and I said of course, this is one of my beautiful EF dresses….Anyways, not sure anyone will read this or care but I had to share wth you just in case someone does…..
I had a very disturbing experience at the Eileen Fisher store at BridgePort in Tigard Oregon, Wednesday, August 23, 2017. . My friend and I went in to do some shopping for an upcoming trip. We were completely ignored, I took my own clothes to the dressing room, was not offered size help, water or any other help with clothes. My friend kept asking for help and did they have more sizes in the back? Finally, I got my cellphone out and said I would just order online. Miraculously, they stopped their conversation about other employees and fount the correct size and another store who had the other piece. It was an uncomfortable experience and not one I am likely to repeat. Neglect is a perticularly nasty form of racism that I did not expect from Eileen Fisher.
I am an early childhood teacher (63 years old) but I love to dress with a casual elegance!
I carefully select my clothes from Eileen fisher and keep them for years.
I am writing because I live and shop in mill valley California and I am ALWAYS impressed with the care and support I receive from the staff at the mill valley store. I feel comfortable deliberating on a purchase and trust the feedback regarding my choices. It is always a joy to shop there.
Thank you for helping me reflect how I feel as a woman through your clothes.
Marcy Summers