DaVita Healthcare Partners, Inc. is one of the largest kidney care companies in the United States, offering services such as hemodialysis, in-center nocturnal dialysis, peritoneal dialysis, home dialysis, chronic kidney disease education, and renal diet assistance.
DaVita was founded in 1979 in Los Angeles, California by three attorneys. After being sold and acquired several times over the years, the company was rebranded in 1999.
In 1999 the company was on the brink of bankruptcy. Kent Thiry joined the company as CEO and renamed it DaVita, which is Italian for giving life.
In 2004 DaVita merged with Gambro’s U.S.-based clinics which nearly doubled the number of DaVita’s outpatient facilities, combining DaVita’s 664 clinics with Gambro’s 565 clinics.
Today DaVita operates or provides administrative services through a network of 2,074 outpatient dialysis centers in the United States and 73 facilities in 10 countries.
DaVita is publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol DVA, is a member of the S&P 500, is #311 in the Fortune 500, has 69,00 employees, and has $11.62 billion in revenue in 2021.
The company offers free screenings in different parts of the country on certain dates.
DaVita maintains a corporate office in Denver, Colorado.
DaVita Healthcare Partners, Inc.DaVita Healthcare Partners, Inc. is one of the largest kidney care companies in the United States, offering services such as hemodialysis, in-center nocturnal dialysis, peritoneal dialysis, home dialysis, chronic kidney disease education, and renal diet assistance.
DaVita was founded in 1979 in Los Angeles, California by three attorneys. After being sold and acquired several times over the years, the company was rebranded in 1999.
In 1999 the company was on the brink of bankruptcy. Kent Thiry joined the company as CEO and renamed it DaVita, which is Italian for giving life.
In 2004 DaVita merged with Gambro’s U.S.-based clinics which nearly doubled the number of DaVita’s outpatient facilities, combining DaVita’s 664 clinics with Gambro’s 565 clinics.
Today DaVita operates or provides administrative services through a network of 2,074 outpatient dialysis centers in the United States and 73 facilities in 10 countries.
DaVita is publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol DVA, is a member of the S&P 500, is #311 in the Fortune 500, has 69,00 employees, and has $11.62 billion in revenue in 2021.
The company offers free screenings in different parts of the country on certain dates.
DaVita maintains a corporate office in Denver, Colorado.
Hello. I use to work for davita and I have read most of the comments and I agree . I will say that in past 10 years since Davita has been hiring FAs that are not nurses who understand the clinical aspects of what is and should be, most clinic have lost direction of patient care and only seem to care about having a person to cover on the floor. I see techs on their phones, ear pieces in their ears talking at the same time putting and taking patients on machine. Techs are on lab tops, studying, sleeping on treatment floor and nothing is being done. If management doesn’t care and some of the change nurses don’t care… who will? When there are only a few teammates doing the right thing and try to mention what’s going on to higher up authority you become a target of retaliation. Yes! The temperature can be to cold for patients in the clinic. Yes! Some patients are kept waiting because some teammates wanna get their hours so they take their time which is unfortunate. I will say that I treat my patients as if they were my mom or dad. Patients put their trust in the company and teammates to do right by them and family members. Hopefully soon davita will look into the complaints and do something about them.
Concern for health of a parent when a Davita tech not wearing appropriate gear and not washing hands after each patient. Concern about blood born pathogens. This person has been moved from Danville, Illinois to Champaign, Illinois. Patients are not treated well and unable to ask questions and patients are bleeding out.
So we’re in the middle of a pandemic and official policy is that everyone in the clinic needs to wear a mask. At my husband’s clinic apparently it is optional as the nurses and staff do not enforce it. Makes me very nervous for my husband’s safety as some of the patients come in from nursing homes where the covid virus is prevalent. Please make everyone comply with this policy whether they personally agree with it or not, so as to help prevent the spread of this potentially deadly disease. Thank you!
Hi I am currently a patient at Davita in Pompano, Florida. The place is kept so cold that I walk out of there after 3 hours of treatment shivering. I feel as though I constantly have a cold and a nasal drip.im not a doctor but I think my lungs are filling up with fluid due to this nasal drip. I wear sweater scarves and even gloves in order to stay warm. Really uncomfortable way to treat.
Secondly I have had approximately 3 back to back respiratory distress episodes.. where do I go?? Emergency room. A joke. Especially when you know that what you need is diaylsis. Your gasping for air while they’re trying to draw blood insert an intravenous line etc. During my last experience I begged them to intubate me. That’s exactly what was done. Why wait. Can’t diaylsis begin immediately. I really think that you should have 24 hour centers. Just thinking out loud. No way for a dialysis patient to live.
Thank you for your time
Norma Cordero
Corderon4@ aol.com
I attend DaVita east, birmingham Al. The temperature of the building is controlled by someone 60 miles away from the facility. Since last week, local news and the Weather Channel has broadcast a hard freeze in the area, beginning yesterday. It was cold on Monday as well, but when the staff tried contacting this person, he turned his phone off. It has been too too cold to even sit in the facility to receive treatment. I understand due to a lot of blood flowing, they have to keep down germs, but we shouldn’t have to come out of the cold, into the cold. I have plenty of blankets, and it still was bad. Monday I left there with my sinus draining and an itchy throat. There are two vents over my head in the facility, therefore it hits me harder. I’ve been taking sinus medicine for this, trying to clear it up, which I was pretty clear, until I returned today. It was 19 degrees this morning, the facility felt like 20 below. This is ridiculous to have to go through something like this. My treatments are 4 hours, I left after 2, because I was shivering so bad I couldn’t stand it. I never cut my treatments, but I wasn’t going to sit in there and get sicker. There has got to be a better way. Whomever this person is, needs to give the responsibility of controlling the temp of the building to the nurses, or facility manager. Now I’m back to square one with my sickness.
Who can I contact at Corporate office to introduce a patented fleece dialysis jacket that keeps the patient warm and has unique features when hooking up the patient for dialysis?
My wife is a rn at the Davita clinic in Pauls Valley, Ok. There is 2 RN’s at the clinic, the other RN makes schedule only giving my wife maybe 20 hours a week and giving herself the rest of the hours which is forcing my wife to work out of town at other clinics to make the bills. Can someone please look into this for her. Thank you.
problems at this da vita 757 east Washington boulevard la ca 90021
I would hate to burn a bridge here because I was informed that If I was interested in specializing in dialysis, Davita would be the employer of choice. After my mother being a patient for 5 years and my younger sister (LVN) employed for years by this company, I truly believed that they were professional in their hiring process after applying for Davita, boy was I wrong. So I filled out an application, was emailed and scheduled for an interview. Showed up early, had a very long drive to where interview was going to be held, didn’t know what traffic was going to be like so I left early to be professional and not show up late. Mrs. STANLEY, CINDY, RN interviewer called me in later than interview was scheduled. She than stated that she would get back to me the following Monday when interview was over, which, she stated went great, did not happen. After attempting to make contact with her with no luck, via phone and email with no luck.
I than contacted VIVAN CHUA, SENOR RECRUITER. She stated that I would be contacted with in the next few days or following week and to hold off on application submitions. After trying to be professional and was very patient and after trying to follow up for the 3rd time, never being contacted by MRS. STANLY, CINDY only VIVIAN CHUA I was informed that DAVITA was going to move forward with other applicants. Which was ok with me, but it took them several weeks to make this known and all the while waiting as instructed, not applying for another job with HOPE AND BILLS GOING UP. That’s not the end. I then get another email for second interview and was told the same to HOLD OFF ON APPLICATIONS AND BIILS WERE GOING UP. THEN get this. I get an email stating that I have work day tasks to complete for Davita and the web site was for employees only getting Hope’s up that finally I was going to be able to specialize in dialysis, my goal, and be employed
after waiting several weeks, that turned into months,with what I thought to be the employer of choice. I call the only person that might get back to me and she informed me that it was a mistake, a mistake. After trying to be employed and specializing in dialysis with Davita all they did was put me on a emotional roller coaster, behind on my bills and still have some questions but I guess that their hiring department is to scared to return phone calls or email messages like professionals would. All I could get was that they had questions about my work history experience,but no time to explain, because I was going through a very difficult time in my life for a year, never fired or forced to resign, family members unexpected deaths and other medical issues, but I guess that DAVITA doesn’t believe in regular people going through difficult situations and trying to come back from them. SO THANKS AGAIN DAVITA FOR PLAYING WITH MY LIVELY HOOD AS WELL AS MY FAMILY’S. TRULY APPRECIATE YOUR ADVICE ON WAITING AND LETTING FALL BEHIND AND THEN JUST WAVING IN THE WIND
As I read through these comments, it all sounds very familiar. The care I receive at my location is sub-par to say the least. BUT, I have a whole new wrinkle that every DaVita patient should explore. I have my coverage through Kaiser Permanente. Over the last two years, I have been billed, by DaVita, for copays. I never thought twice and I paid them (roughly $2,000.00 over time). When I contacted Kaiser to see if my copays went up in 2019, they said, “What copay? We cover you 100% and there is no copay involved. Soooo…..DaVita has been double dipping and picking my pocket for two years. I urge everyone who has received these copay bills from DaVita to check with your insurance carrier and see if these charges are valid. You may be in for a refund of our hard earned dollars. This company should be run out of business.
I worked for this horrible company for only 4 months and it as by far the worst company to work for and I have worked for several healthcare/medical companies.
They never have enough staff, so you don’t get to use your PTO/vacation time. They accept any patient regardless of their mental stability and in turn endangers employees safety and other patients. They falsify records to get what they need. The short time I worked for a Nevada DaVita so many violations I saw occur and be told by the facility administrator-“Oh well we got to do what we need to do” when a team mate called her out on it. Also the worst case of harassment and hostile work environment with no protection from the company at all. The particular facility I worked at had over 5 years worth of complaints and went thru at least 3 crews and yet no investigation or anything. The facility administrator didn’t have any patient files or employee files secured safetly when I arrived. Instead when you see something wrong most companies applaud a safety catch but not Facility 01979. Joint Commission needs to visit this location to enforce safety and adherence to policy. There is no reason employees should be transporting patients blood to hospital for results. That alone is a violation.
I have been trying to secure treatment for my husband since April 2018. We will be on vacation 7-14 to 7-21. I have called Guest Services numerous times. At first I was told it was too soon for placement in the Las Vegas area. I heard this several times over the months. Then 2 weeks ago, your Henderson clinic, 702-451-2131, advised my husband, Willis Cook, was approved, records were received and reviewed, and his chair time on Monday, 7/16, was 6pm. I called today to confirm that and the Nevada center said they just received his records, they have not been reviewed, and my husband doesn’t have a chair. Everyone from Guest Service to the center has lied. My husband has never been on a vacation since starting dialysis nearly 5 years ago. Is it really this diffcult to schedule 3 treatments away from home? Why lie about availability? What kind of business do you run? It is unacceptable. I plan to complain to every establishment that will listen.
My husband went on dialysis, he then went to home dialysis with my help, I learned from the “nurse”, well unknown to me, there was a lot of
flirting between nurse and my husband, he wouldn’t learn and myself and his doc expressed the fact I was sick and go to hospital, he needed to learn, he told doc I will just take nurse home with me when my wife in hospital, doc said no way, well my husband and I separated he asked me to leave, I did, and his nurse starting visiting with him, overnight, she brought marijuana and liquor, too a patient on dialysis. He admitted this to me, our marriage is over thanks to her,.
This is so unprofessional!!! She should of never got involved with a married man,
Don’t you have rules in place about this stuff.
I think she needs to be fired just for bringing pot and liquor to a patient and ruined a 17 yr marriage.
I was recently a guest at Davita Christmas party for the South lab on December 2 and it was the WORST experience ever. I sat quietly at a back table near the dj the entire night. Out of no where this woman(who I now know as SHARON ALPHZER) came up behind me, put both hands on my shoulders while I was sitting and asked me to get off my phone. She reeked of alcohol so I thought she must have mistook me for someone else. I asked why and she replied “because I said so”. I looked around the room and everyone had their cell phones out having a good time. I advised her that I was a guest and not an employee. She then said “so you’re not gonna get off your phone?” I said no and she walked away. She came back with the lab director/manager, who they call shappor, and they stood directly behind me watching my every move. Shappor eventually walked away and SHARON went to the bar. I thought that was the end of it but it was not. She came back and stood directly behind me THE ENTIRE NIGHT. Everyone at the table was wondering what her problem was but I was not going to let her ruin my night. Later on in the evening I sat at the table talking to some of the employees and AGAIN SHARON Alphzer approached me, this time she violently grabbed my shoulder and asked me if I had something to say to her. I never approached this lady or even spoke to her 1st. Everyone at the table was in shock. I asked told her to get her hands off of me and leave me alone. She was slurring her words and saying that I’ve been rude to her twice that night. I reminded her that I am a guest and that she approached ME both times. She then told me that she can and will have me kicked out of the event. She walked away and came back with Jason Klein and 3 other people. She put her hands on me again and told me to leave. I turned and spoke to one of the guys that was with her and he advised me that she’s the DIRECTOR OF PEOPLE SERVICES. I couldn’t believe it because she was a drunk belligerent mess. At this point everyone at the table came to my defense letting them know how she harrassed me all night and that she was completely wasted.Jason Klein pulled her away from me but she still refused to leave me alone and stood behind me for the rest of the night. Davita is in huge trouble if this is how top executives are behaving at Davita events. SHARON Alphzer created such an embarrassing scene at that event that many employees have reached out me saying that she’s used to getting drunk at these events and she NEVER gets reprimanded. I have plenty of witness who are willing to come forth regarding this issue. SHAME ON DAVITA for allowing this kind of behavior to go on. The fact that she’s the DIRECTOR of people services is truly disturbing. She physically and verbally assaulted me that night in front of everyone and there needs to be an investigation. I called compliance and they told me to call people services…shes the DIRECTOR of ppl services and I need to go above her. I would like someone to contact me regarding this terrible ordeal. I will never recommend Davita to ANYONE after this. SHAME ON DAVITA! SHAME ON SHARON ALPHZER AND SHAME ON EVERYONE WHO WAS THERE IN AUTHORITY THAT NIGHT AND DID NOT STOP HER. She is a drunk mess and needs to directed to AA. I’m beyond disgusted!!
My husband received dialysis last Friday (Nov 23) in Pismo Beach, CA. We were given a 4 am arrival time and a 4:30 am starting time. I left my husband after completing the paperwork. I received a phone call once I got back to my hotel asking me to pick up my husband. They could not give him his treatment and asked me to bring him back a 9 am or 1 pm. Since I had called earlier in the week asking for a later starting time, I refused to rearrange the time. We had booked a hotel so we would not disturb the other 12 family members in the condo as we left at 3:45 am. We would not have had to spend $182 on a hotel if we’d had a later starting time liked I requested. So my husband stayed and they “worked him in” . When he was finally finished with his 3 hour dialysis and disconnected from the needles, he waited for 45 minutes and no one ever came over to take is blood pressure, listen to his chest, or weigh him. He eventually got up and left. This was the most unorganized, chaotic, unprofessional facility I’ve ever experienced and I would most certainly never recommend it to anyone.
My ,daughter,has really had a ruff time of health issues,so the last thing she needs is incompetent, nurses at davita centers,more worried about lunches for them selves,which they all try …to go at same time!scarey…and not all davita centerstay open past 3 pm, really?people need their daialis and now hurricane is coming,and they can’t tell people where they should go ?come on really?davita, in the shores Ocala Florida…
I agree with you 100% tfhe location where I’m at in Louisiana is a game show. They do not care about our well being their all in component air heads need to be retrained. You can be on the machine in dying agony do you think they care of coarse not. I have tried a plethora of times to file complaints it doesn’t do any good. I had one good smart knowledgeable nurse who k we what she was actually doing she’s no longer there. I hate, I dread, I cry going to a place where they don’t care one bit about you. I wish that place would close down the Dr. Is OMG, awful as well. I really compromise with your daughter.
Yes my husband has had to go to Texas and is having to take dialysis it on Boca Chica Blvd. They take him below dry weight everytime he goes (monday wednesday and friday) They always take to much off of him and he feels like crap hes not able to do anything all he can do is sleep. In Georgia where we live dry weight was target they never took him below. He has asked them not too and they will say well you have to sign papers and they never bring him papers to sign,. Its his body and he knows how much can be taken off. This is getting old. They are killing him. I hope he is still around when its time for him to come back home. Do these people not know how to do math? Maybe they should go back to school. Something needs to be done before its to late. They have also given him a high dose of heparin and didnt tell him until he was taken off. He gets home and starts bleeding and he called them and they said to call the ambulance. They do not give a crap any anything he tells them. Again its his body and he knows how much he can handle taking off. I am very unhappy with the way they are doing him. I hope for evey ones sack that nothing happens to him because it will be a bad day. I think they need to be taught math and how to program the machines. I know no one cares but if it was your family members it would be different. Something needs to be done and soon before he dies.
I have been providing services to your account in Hillsboro, il for almost a year. The contract was for a 30 day net pay. Then accounts payable said no , it would be 45 days. It is now August and I still haven’t been paid for May services.
When I call the ap department all they say is it will be paid soon., or won’t return my calls at all.
Give me a call Jackie Dewitt 804 683-XXXXX
Yes I need someone to give me a call this clinic is the worst they are very rude here they talk to you any kind of way one nurse said to me she is going to get paid anyway if I don’t even get hooked up to the machine can someone please get in touch with me or I’m going to one of the South Florida news station
My phone is (305)879-XXXXX this clinic the worst please give me a call
I am a patient currently receiving treatment at your Fayetteville, Georgia location. I have concerns about my treatment as well as the waiting time before treatment. When I first became a patient of DaVita I was required to except the afternoon treatment and was often the last to leave often I had to watch employees clean up as I waited to be removed or was ready to go. I request a morning time and when one became open I was told my time was to be 9:15 PM . I was not asked to sign any doXXXXents changing my time. Some days I would get in early others I was required to wait for anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes passed my appointment. I have keeped written log each day for over 90 days and found continuously I went in late. When I complained to the manager she stated my appointment time was she told me she had paper work that my time was 9:30 AM not 9:15 when I asked to see it she found they did not have the form then she proceeded to make one changing my tiime . I refused to sign the paper. Another thing that concern me is on 2 occasions a nurse fail to check by heart and lungs before treatment. I think this required before treatment . I I have kept log each day of my treatment and I take it seriously.
My request is that you will look into my issues and advise me in writing as to your attention to these matters. Excuse any problem with my written because I wrote this on my phone during treatment.
My name is Debra Peoples I live in Marietta, GA. I go to Davita Cobb in Austell, GA. My Nephrologist is the Medical Director of the Dialysis Center. She is the worst Nephrologist I have ever experienced in my opinion as demonstrated. Under her watch in July I got 1 full treatment when she was in the building. I have had many discussions with her about my inadequate medical care(high BP 200’s, not getting medication, getting on treatment 30 minutes late, have prn not being used, etc.)
9/12/23 I wrote her a letter because she was not hearing me or did not understand me because her Russian accent is very bad. I have to ask her to repeat what she says.
9/8/23 I had the Social Worker to file a Patient financial Assistance (PFE) form. Found out today 9/26/23 this lady did not file one. She even came to me on 9/25/23 and said she had not heard anything.
She did the very same thing for the Kidney Fund. I had to call them myself to get started.
This Company and Staff is horrible.
I ended up in the hospital on 8/14, 8/15, 8/16 for fluid over load because they cut my treatment short by not getting me in my chair on time.
I need you to file a complaint online with Georgia Department of Community Health (Healthcare facility regulation division) 4046564507.
I did and the State say they are monitoring them.
I live close to Myrtle Beach in South Carolina. I have applied several times for a job in DaVita. I’m a CNA in a hospital here. A member of DaVita works as a contractor in that hospital and she gave me names, told me to continue to insist, go in person and talk to certain people, and I haven’t gotten even 1 single person to see me, and I was lied to about the office in MB not hiring when they hired several people after I went and the manager Lori, refused to see me. I was told my an employee there that these people that manage the offices in this area are racists and only hire Whites or Blacks (and blacks because they are always afraid of being politically incorrect) What is up with that?!?! Should I get my lawyer involved to investigate the policies of these people over here? I refuse to believe that it is a company policy. I know for a fact they offer in site training, and they are always in need of people, yet they lied and told me they don’t train anymore. If corporate is reading these comments, WHY haven’t somebody done something or investigate what is going on with their offices around the country?! They can get a big lawsuit, and soon.
I want to share my interview experience with your Davita corporate office in Malvern, PA. I applied for a few positions on Davita’s website which was very user friendly. Later, that week I received a email from Beth Shaw a recruiter to set up a phone interview. However, the day she called me for the phone interview she was 10 minutes late, but she was very informative and helpful. Beth submitted my resume to the hiring manager for the position I applied for which was the Supervisor, Administration Operation position. Also Beth did inform me that there would be 3 separate days of interviews that would take place if I made it that far in the interview process. The first would be with the Administration Operation Director and a few others supervisors, the second interview with another group of supervisors, and the final interview with the Director of Administration Operations boss, and I may have to do a powerpoint presentation.
Needless to say, I did receive a call from the director Bradford Espenlaub of the Administration Operation Department. Bradford did set up an interview with me on January 6, 2017 at the Malvern corporate office. When I arrived I was greeted by 2 friendly receptionists. I signed in and told them my name, and told them I had an interview with Bradford Espenlaub. I waited 20 minutes after my set interview time, which I think Bradford was not considerate of my time. However, I was approached by 2 women who where supervisors that introduced themselves to me. The 2 women were very pleasant and showed me around the office before the interview started. The 2 women walked me into a office were I was joined by Bradford and 1 other supervisor which they all interviewed me at the same time. As the interview was coming to an end, one of my questions I asked Bradford was when are you looking to fill this position? he replied “like yesterday”. Therefore, later on that day Bradford called me back for a second interview and said I will meet with his boss and 2 other supervisors, plus he wanted me to do a powerpoint presentation at the end of my interviews. I immediately knew that was different from what Beth told me about the interview process; but I agreed to come in and do the interviews and powerpoint presentation anyway.
I came in for my second interview on January 12, 2017. I was approached by one of the supervisors that interviewed me from my first interview. She was warm and friendly like last time, she took me into a room and introduce me to 2 different supervisors who would be interviewing me. The interview went great and the 2 supervisors were friendly, however, they were asking me some of the same questions that I was asked from the previous interview.
That interview with the 2 supervisors was an hour long. After the interview they walked me to Bradford bosses office. Bradford boss was not friendly at all she had a very hard and mean look on her face the whole time I interviewed with her. While interviewing with her she did ask me a question that stunted me. She asked me if I knew how to spell and write emails because I will be writing to CEOs and division directors which I thought that was very bazaar. However, I replied nicely and told her yes, “I write emails all the time and you should always make sure your grammar is correct to whomever you are writing an email to.” Then she proceeded to downgrade her staff; she said “my staff does not always ask the right questions when interviewing for potential candidates.”
Another thing that was exhausting she asked some of the same questions the previous interviewers asked. I just felt like a broken record after her interview with the same interview questions. After our 45 minute interview was done I had to get ready and present my powerpoint presentation. Needless to say, I was exhausted and had dry mouth after talking for about 2 hours straight! I presented my powerpoint presentation in front of Bradford, his boss, and 3 supervisors which I felt went okay with giving the cirXXXXstance I was put under.
I still have not got an email nor a call back stating I did not get the job or if I did. I just think it is very unprofessional that Bradford told me I would here something back which I never did still up until this day. I feel I put in the time and effort and took off my present job to go on these interviews. They can at least give me the respect to let me know the status of joining the Davita team or not. I also felt that the management team did not have any diversity the 7 leaders that interviewed me were all white, and yes I’m a person of color. My interview experience with Davita was very unorganized and unprofessional. I don’t want to come off mad or bitter because that’s far from the truth. However, I just want to share my experience and give Davita some feedback, so the next candidate will not experience what I encounter. Also Davita is known to implement their core values, however the Malvern corporate office did not show that at all in the interviews I had.
I hope this reaches someone and they share my story with the Malvern office. If they know better they would do better.
Aisha Stewart
I could relate to your experience. It happens all the time. I got treated same way after 5 rounds of interviews, the last being with a panel of 4 senior managers.
MyCompliant is I graduation from the best college for dialysis an I did My internship at davita . I was trying very hard to get a job from the davita Company I was turned down every time but a stranger can come up and get the job . I was turn down 60 to 70 Time. This begin 2012–2016