Blockbuster is a home movie and video game rental company that was founded by David Cook and opened its first store in Dallas, Texas in 1985. Stores were both owned and franchised. DVD-by-mail, streaming, online, and on-demand services were later added.
The company grew quickly throughout the 1980’s and 1990’s.
In 1990 Blockbuster bought out a big rival, Erol’s, and two music retail chains to start Blockbuster music.
In 1993 they proposed a merger with Viacom, but when both companies’ stocks fell, Viacom bought Blockbuster for over $8 billion.
Blockbuster separated from Viacom in 2004 when the company was at its peak with 60,000 employees and 9,000 stores.
From 2004 to 2010 Blockbuster faced increasingly fierce competition and had a business model that was increasingly difficult to maintain. In 2010 the company were delisted from the New York Stock Exchange when its stock was trading at less than $1 per share.
Blockbuster subsequently filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection because of the competition from Netflix, Redbox, and on-demand movie services.
Blockbuster were bought by the Dish network in 2012, which closed down all but 350 stores nationwide.
BlockbusterBlockbuster is a home movie and video game rental company that was founded by David Cook and opened its first store in Dallas, Texas in 1985. Stores were both owned and franchised. DVD-by-mail, streaming, online, and on-demand services were later added.
The company grew quickly throughout the 1980’s and 1990’s.
In 1990 Blockbuster bought out a big rival, Erol’s, and two music retail chains to start Blockbuster music.
In 1993 they proposed a merger with Viacom, but when both companies’ stocks fell, Viacom bought Blockbuster for over $8 billion.
Blockbuster separated from Viacom in 2004 when the company was at its peak with 60,000 employees and 9,000 stores.
From 2004 to 2010 Blockbuster faced increasingly fierce competition and had a business model that was increasingly difficult to maintain. In 2010 the company were delisted from the New York Stock Exchange when its stock was trading at less than $1 per share.
Blockbuster subsequently filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection because of the competition from Netflix, Redbox, and on-demand movie services.
Blockbuster were bought by the Dish network in 2012, which closed down all but 350 stores nationwide.
Louie Woodworth suggests writing a book about Blockbuster to get you guys back on your feet again yes
Barack Obama has incorporated contemporary videos with today’s politics .
Thacis Johnson
Barack Obama is one of the best around to use contemporary videos
with politics!
I live in North Pole, Alaske. I go to stores in both fairbanks and North Pole. I haven’t been in a store in a very long time so I went in to rent a few movies today. Only to be told that a movie I never rented was 5 days late and there is a $30 fee and what she called restored fees on my account. I told her I never rented to movie and every movie I rented in the past have NEVER been that late. She said she could take half of the fees off. I AM NOT PAYING FOR A MOVIE I NEVER RENTED OR FEES THAT HAVE NO OTHER EXPLANATION OTHER THAN BEING RESTORED!!!!
I really would like this fixed.
Hi, I do apologize for the inconvenience having to email you all about this. But I am a very good customer of blockbuster I’m there like everyday or every other day. Ever since I’ve been going I’ve had a problem with one of the employees that work at the Harlingen Texas 78550 location. Her name is Anabell, she has the WORST customer service attitude I’ve ever seen and I’m not exaggerating. When it comes to other people she seems nice and all but when it comes to me she gives me her ugly, nasty attitude. I recently visited on the 31st of Aug. on a Sunday and rented Disc 3 and 4 of the walking dead season 4 went back the same day and got disc 5 once I was finished with the others. I get home it’s not a movie or show its only Special features and deleted scenes so I call and Anabell answers and could probably recognize my voice and gives me attitude right off the bat stating that nobody has complained about the disc and that she’d need to check it to receive store credit. I had no problem with that I got up and went over to block buster. Once I get there I already get a ugly vibe just seeing this employee there and so I give her my disc, and once again she gives me an ugly look and gives me attitude I remain calm until she starts talking with a low voice to another employee “oh well this is the first time someone has complained about this disc and oh that’s weird because its a new release.” she starts typing a lot and mumbling I don’t know what. So then I guess she finishes and says “you know what im going to hand this over to Marisa because no one has ever complained about this” basically repeating herself!! to be honest with you she said this about 3 times! at that point im fed up no customer should have to hear that wait till I leave the building to talk about it she put it out there as if I was lying I’m no liar. I confront her. “look Annabell I don’t know if you have anything against me every time I come in your always in a bad mood check the dvd like you said you were over the phone so I can prove you wrong.” automatically says well we can’t right now ma’am I don’t have authorization to without a manager here. I left telling her that she was the worst case of customer service I have ever seen this lady didn’t even have the audacity to look at me when I was speaking to her which I find disrespectful that is not customer service AT ALL. she embarrassed me in front of customers. I called once I got home spoke to the other employee I got Marissa name down and the time she will be in I called her Today the 1st of Sept. and spoke with her about that lady Anabell how rude and such an ugly attitude she had. Gave me credit for a new release film which I thank her for. But of course to me that doesn’t make up for the embarrassment I had at blockbuster. She told me she would talk to Anabell about it. But I feel I had to email corporate about this because I think there should be more done in this situation. This is not the first time she has been rude with me and my husband when we go. But this is the time that I got fed up with her bull and had to say something. I checked online to see how many episodes there were of walking dead season 4 and there is only 16 which is only up to disc 4. So in other words I was correct the whole time about disc 5 only being special features and deleted scenes. And the next time she should check first, and keep her mouth shut until the customer leaves the building that is very very disrespectful. The CUSTOMER is always RIGHT in any business industry! And this time the CUSTOMER WAS RIGHT!
Thank you for your time. my name is Ali Alvarez