Weis Markets was founded as Weis Pure Foods in 1912 in Sunbury, Pennsylvania by brothers Harry and Sigmund Weis.
The Weis brothers opened a second store in 1915 in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. This store became strategically important to the chain as it grew as the regional anchor for the Pennsylvania market.
By 1933 the chain had grown to 115 stores, all in central Pennsylvania.
Starting in the 1960’s Weis Markets, as it was then known, began to expand into neighboring states Maryland and New York, and later to Virginia and Washington, D.C.
Today Weis Markets operates 165 stores in Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, West Virginia, and Maryland. The stores sell groceries, dairy products, frozen foods, meats, seafood, fresh produce, pharmacy, deli, bakery products, food and wine.
Weis Markets is publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol WMK, is #770 on the Fortune 1000, has 18,000 employees, and had $2.69 billion in revenue in 2013.
Weis Markets
Weis Markets was founded as Weis Pure Foods in 1912 in Sunbury, Pennsylvania by brothers Harry and Sigmund Weis.
The Weis brothers opened a second store in 1915 in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. This store became strategically important to the chain as it grew as the regional anchor for the Pennsylvania market.
By 1933 the chain had grown to 115 stores, all in central Pennsylvania.
Starting in the 1960’s Weis Markets, as it was then known, began to expand into neighboring states Maryland and New York, and later to Virginia and Washington, D.C.
Today Weis Markets operates 165 stores in Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, West Virginia, and Maryland. The stores sell groceries, dairy products, frozen foods, meats, seafood, fresh produce, pharmacy, deli, bakery products, food and wine.
Weis Markets is publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol WMK, is #770 on the Fortune 1000, has 18,000 employees, and had $2.69 billion in revenue in 2013.
I didn’t like what you all did to Erich sending him to another store like that you all could have sent someone else is there any way you could send him to our store we need him he was a really good manager I really liked him
I don’t feel safe shopping at the store in Oley, PA anymore, as while at the service desk the clerk pulled her mask down and blew her nose right there. She did put the sanitizer on her hands but I don’t feel that should have been done there before waiting on me. I am a frequent shopper at this store, but I think I will start shopping somewhere else.
I shopped on December 9th at 11 am.
I sent an email yesterday about my minor daughter having problems not being able to get her pay check and her managers dont give a sh*t,they told her they lost her change of address form and dont do paper checks anymore but she will get it in the mail if you dont do paper checks how will she get it in the mail? Besides that see set up direct deposit at least three weeks ago but still doesnt get it yet.She also asked for a transfer because we moved and another weis 25minutes closer. Her manager said the other store didnt have any openings but she checked before she asked and the other store said she had to talk to her manager and they did have oprnings so your managers lied and obviously dont care about your employees. We shopat weis alot but I dont know if I will anymore since you treat my daughter and probably other employees like this.
My name is James Carroll and I’m a retired N.Y.P.D. Detective. I have been
shopping at your E. Stroudsburg PA. Store at 695 N. Courtland st. for many yrs.
Unfortunately I’ve recently had two separate-possible discriminatory-? Encounters
with one of your employees-TIFFANY-who works at the deli. Counter of the store.
Tonight-was the last straw! At approx. 6:20 PM I went to the deli counter where
two (2) ladies were serving people-one being Tiffany. There were a few people being served so I waited my turn. As the other lady was serving others. At this time, I was the next & only person waiting but, instead of asking me what I needed Tiffany proceeded to cut other meats for ” Packaging” totally-Ignoring my presence “WAITING” The other lady had finished serving a customer and was preparing to leave. I stated ” Is ANYONE going to help Me?????” The other
Lady that was leaving ‘ THOUGHT’ that Tiffany was serving Me! The other lady
Clearly saw that Tiffany was INTENTIONALLY IGNORING ME so she put gloves back on & assisted me with my order-Making very unhappy facially expressions-toward Tiffany-for ” Intentionally NOT serving Me. I Don’t understand WHY Tiffany has such disdain/dislike and or “Intentional Hatred” for me??
As I am a White male and Tiffany is a black female-and as this is my second (2ed) nasty encounter with her, I feel this is ” Intentional -possible RACIAL-HATRED! I am willing to sign any legal document, attesting to these FACTS &
I can be reached at 718-809-XXXX. My email is Jamesjvcarroll@ gmail.com
I would like to know how you are protecting your employees during corona virus. My friend who works in a Pennsylvania says you really are not protecting them ?????
I want to ask a question! Weis is giving there employees 2.00 more an hour. But right now those employees could stop working and collect unemployment and on top of that there unemployment check they would also get 600.00 extra a week due to the virus. That is more than most everyone who works in these stores makes!!!! Most of the employees don’t have insurance because the insurance offered to them by Weis is very expensive and comes out of there checks and that isn’t saying anything for the deductibles and copays. Imagine if there are no workers what will people due for food. I feel like these people are not being taken care of it anything there being used.
First, They can only quit if have a good reason and if not they will not get unemployment. Also, Employer can protest the unemployment and usually win. If Terminated they also can’t be at fault. Unemployment rules are tricky…Your not supposed to lie or it could be fraud.
Second, If you can get a job anywhere except Weis Markets, They don’t hire anyone who likes UNIONS. That is why they keep most employees poor and part time. They don’t want to pay high wages or a decent wage unless they have to. They have come a long way.
Insurance is expensive and sometimes you can get a tax credit through the exchange Weis has experience with Unemployment and know PA laws. Watch you receipts and prices with them. They have products with wrong prices and have been doing this longer than I have been alive.
Employee complaint. prior to giving my termination letter .issue at store 089 the lack of communication between managers and store employees, lack of organization and prejudice among ethnic backgrounds particularly African Americans. Store Manager Ben 089 deliberately not relay that per my departure I had to use my earned vacation balance instead they took it away. A lost to me pay hours I worked hard and earned.. Weis are only concern with their bottom lines and not the staff that runs these stores on a daily basis. They have managers like Robin at store 089 who is very prejudice with the African Americans her lack of professionalism on so many levels but this is what Weis markets represent as management. Very disappointing
no moderation is needed when the truth is being spoken about Weis Management.
Why when I complimented Cindi at the Nottingham, MD store directly to the store manager, Rob and the assistant front end manager, Mirna was she not informed that she received a compliment?? Why does it seem that the younger employees are the ones that are favored even when they are heard talking to supervisors rudely and using profanity?? Why is the cart person, David, allowed to wear his pants below his backside, no uniform Weis shirt on, and wear headphones?? When I come to a store to shop, I do not want to see an employees underwear!! Why are the mangers allowed to huddle outside in the front of the store and smoke?? Why isn’t this done out in the back of the store?? I do not want to walk through smoke to get inside to shop.
I work for A local Cafe in Burnham Pa we buy A lot of products from your store cause we like to buy local,I went to the store today cause we needed lettuce I seen the sign that said buy 2 or more for .99 cents I grab six I went up to pay for it and the manager informed me there was A limit of 2 I said there is no sign saying that, she looked and informed me the sign was not there but she still would not sell them to me which really upset me cause we spend A lot of money at your store I don’t understand why you have a 2 limit rule it makes no sense to me no matter what they still get sold you get the money,the manager was quite rude about it but could you please explain to me why A 2 limit rule do you not want our business? Could you please eliminate this stupid rule?
I am an 83 yr. old who lives in a retirement village. I have a meal plan that does not cover all the food I need. Your specials always involve a purchase of two items, otherwise you don’t get the discounted price. I had a 4 pound bag of sugar in my basket yesterday and it cost almost as much as two would cost. I don’t need 8 pounds of sugar so I put it back. I will get it at Walmart where I can buy it cheaper and can buy just one. I found these specials all through the store. I also get my prescriptions there but Giant is close by, am considering changing to there.
When CVS and Tricare had a disagreement, I was told one of the nearest pharmacies for me was Weis Market, Thomas Johnson Drive, Frederick, MD. The service I received from the pharmacy has been excellent. I wish to acknowledge Amanda Megan Hutsler. She has been very helpful working with the pharmacist in handling most of my needs. She is a very valuable asset to the Weis Pharmacy. I hope she can be rewarded for her efforts, possibly a promotion or salary increase.
Well what do I do now Anybody want to help me out
This morning Thursday 1/3/2019 I went to McDonalds drive thru in Schneckville around 6am I received my food and proceeded to leave. I made a left to go out to 873 to head to work. A few seconds later a vehicle turned from 873 north into the exit part or the road leaving Weiss and headed straight for me I slammed on my brakes. The vehicle a red jeep past me almost hit me and turned behind the gas kiosk and drove across the parking lot. I drove out and back in and followed the person into Weiss. It was Nicole who is usually at the service desk. I said something to her She just turned and walked away.
It seems to me that Weis Market(s) is “playing” at being a food purveyor….I have co-owned a restaurant in the Caribbean, and ordering products and getting them delivered, BY FERRY..! was easier than shopping at this store….
Many times in the past, including this past Tuesday, I have gone to this particular store and I was told that they were out of a particular item…..then I was told that, indeed, they DID have it “in back somewhere”, and they would get it for me…..so, did some more shopping, went back to the Deli section….was told they hadn’t gotten to it yet…..(THE DELI WAS NOT BUSY AT THIS POINT)….fellow said they would get it for me, and FIND me in the store…..I gave my name……and I never heard again from the Deli. Why should a patron of Weis Markets have to hunt down a product, and, in this case, go back to the Deli more than once…?
Another point in Weis Market(s) “playing” at being food purveyors…..the shelves very often are not stocked in a timely manner…..one week ago, was looking for am item….a no-show on the shelves….got a “raincheck” for the item…..the item STILL was not on the shelf this past Tuesday…..sticker was there; the item was NOT….When I checked out and I mentioned the missing item, the gal asked me if I’d gone to another Weis Market to check if THEY might have it, I just laughed…….(it is NOT the patron’s job to hunt down items that are supposed to be on the shelves…it is the store’s responsibility to do so….)
I do know that Weis Market(s) wants to play with the big boys: i.e. Giant, Trader Joe’s, Wegman’s, Whole Foods……great dream, but it’s never going to happen unless things change….and that also includes the lowering of their prices…Weis Market(s) pricing is the highest of any food purveyors in the area…..
By the way, you who are reading this may wonder WHY I shop at Weis….I shop for a gal who insists that I go there for her weekly shopping….NOT MY CHOICE….!
I am a cashier at Weis in Shippensburg, pa. I was in my position for about a month, then all of a sudden I got transferred back to bakery with no exclamation of why I was being transferred. I asked the manager of the store if that was my new position he told me he did not know and walked away from me. What kind of an answer is that. So I asked the manager under him and she told me that she did not feel like I was comfortable with my job as cashier, I liked my job. I did have one of the managers at the front desk get a little hostile with me one day. when we do WIC.I was told we had to have a manager with us to make sure we did it correctly. She came to my register and every time I did something wrong she stood there and screamed at me. I felt like a idiot. I had a line of customers and they just looked at me. She is to be a professional. I was thinking of getting my lawyer involved. If this is the way they treat there employees I can understand why no one stays. I still may talk to my lawyer to see if I can do anything about this situation.
PLEASE check your register receipts!!!!! Several times the advertised specials do not ring up correctly. The last time I had a $6.00 error on SreamFresh products. I sent 2 emails to customer service without a single reply. Just think of the money they are making on these and other pricing errors.
Purchased $242.58 of groceries on 11/21/17
Used some of my points for a turkey
Had 20 points left
Went to get gas a few days later and they had already expired on 11/23/17
I am very disgusted with weis markets.within a 7 day period I visited 3(not 1 ) but 3 weis srores, bloomsburg,danville, and Shamokin dam and I must say,your signs are very very very deceiving, pricing is wrong,and your associates are very rude. when you see a sign for something, the must buy should be bigger, luckily I was only buying a few things and noticed this. if I had a big order I would’ve never noticed this. when I went to customer service they walked with me and told me how the sign was. ok I missed it, but I was treated like a piece of crap. your cashiers were very rude. this wasn’t just one store this was in all three, where the cashiers don’t want to be bothered with even saying hello, I work in retail and try very hard to accomadate the customer, but I see that ripping the customer off and treating people badly must be the way weis policy is. I now this will be disreguarded but I have informed my friends about the inaccuracy of the prices and they have seen it now also. I will never visit another weis store ever, I know you people don’t care but word of mouth gets around. I will shop with giant from now on. never been treated as terrible as I was in your stores…..wow to not even be acknowledged by cashiers….and managers allowing this….wow good luck, I hope the competition puts you in your place.
I am very upset why is your weekly ad no longer on line it hasn’t been for 3 weeks now and this is bull I cant get out every week just to get your ad if this continues I will have no choice but to go to the grocery stores that do have there weekly ad on line
I am very unhappy with the Head Pharmacist Jay. I know of several other people who have had it with him also which is a shame because due to him he has cost Weis in Damascus many customers. There are other Weis Employees there that are great. But if your looking for a one stop shop to fill your prescriptions and do your shopping Weis is not the place. Especially if you want to be treated like a Human Being. I treat my Animals better. Today makes 30 Days since i had my prescriptions filled and Jay is making me go two more days to get my re-fills and the withdrawls can cause seizures. I suffer from a sever movement disorder, and with out my meds, i cannot control my tremors and movements, and now have to worry about going into a seizure. THANK YOU JAY!
Think I will shop at safeway!!!
this is why I don’t get any prescriptions filled at weis I get all mine at wegmans much nicer people and they get are much better getting them filled had mine filled at weis one time and it will never happen again they were very slow at getting it filled and were rude to boot
This feedback is in reference to you store on Tide Water Trail Fredericksburg VA. The customer service of the managers and leads are substandard. To complicate matters the usual stuff my River Club neighbors and I usually purchase does not exist since Food Lion. Most neighbors are shopping else where. We can’t find what we need and the customer service is atrocious
I am writing this from work computer as mine at home is not working at this time. I am really tired of the Mifflinburg store. They are always out of advertised specials. The other week they had buy one get 2 free on London Broil-OUT-got rain check, took 2 weeks to honor the rain check. This week had boneless chicken breast for $1.67—OUT–on Sunday said not coming in till Tuesday. Also, they are always out of Diet Mountain Dew!!!! If they are always out, must mean people are buying it! This is on regular basis that they are out of something. People tell me to go to Lewisburg but I live in Mifflinburg, why should I have to do that. I spend at least $150.00 a week there, but thinking of maybe trying Giant.
east penn muncy ??????????? what good is a endless belt at a cash machine if it can not move two g milks a pie a ring of bologna from one end to other and clerk to dum to move to an other line a turn in a work order NEED NEW MANAGEMENT
Hi , I was wondering why weis drugstore wouldn’t take my insurance , it’s state UnitedHealthcare , I have been there before and the lady got the information from me and said we have it in stock , well it seem to me they had to come up with something so she said we don’t take your insurance , and didn’t give me the option to pay for them , honestly I think she was rude . So do they take my insurance mount airy Maryland weis drugstore , if so I went without it because everyone was out of stock but they had them , what if I really need my medicine that day and something seriously happen to me because of the ignorance of this lady , I need to know do they take it please respond ASAP
Would Weis consider opening a store in Randolph New Jersey in a vacant A & P store.?
It’s very disheartening to read these numerous complaints. I was an employee back in the 70’s to early 80’s and the complaints I’ve read were not tolerated in my days as an employee. I know own my own business and incorporate the values I’ve learned working for Weis.So on a positive Weis instilled in me the values I needed to run a successful business of the last 37 years. Hopefully they can get back to the Weis I worked for and regain customer loyalty.
what happened to the deli department. I’m shopping in the baltimore stores on holibird avenue and the store in essex md. On saturday i asked for imported ham and was told that they were out of it. on monday i asked for oval spiced ham and again you were out of it.
Is this an attempt to stop carring these normal items. i know there are different chains but
these are normal deli items. also why when you ask for a half pound of a product and you get nearly three quarters each time and not cut the way that you requested.
please reply
I am surely not happy with your giveaway for 400 plus points. I wanted a ham and all that was offered was a spiral ham (which I hate) and ham meat stuffed in plastic with no bone. I wanted a regular ham and I am upset with the choices given me. This is in the weiss store in tannersville, pa. also, the lettuce is always so wet it rots right away in the frig. it is ridiculous to have it so wet. lettuce should not be soaked with some liquid that looks oily and drips all over. I have to go to shoprite to get a ham since I cannot eat the crap that you are offering for my 400 plus points.