Shopko was founded in 1962 by James Ruben, a pharmacist, in Green Bay, Wisconsin. His vision was of a larger retail store with health care services combined with retail operations. As a result, Shopko became one of the first brands to offer services such as eye care centers and pharmacies inside the stores.
Shopko also operates walk-in clinics in their stores in partnership with local hospitals.
The company was public from 1991 to 2005, when it was bought by an affiliate of Sun Capital Partners and was taken private.
Today Shopko operates more than 330 stores, including 135 Shopko discount stores and 175 Shopko Hometown shops (formerly Pamida stores) in 20 states across the Midwest, Mountain, and Pacific Northwest.
Shopko has 16,000 employees, had $3 billion in revenue in 2013, and is #167 on the Forbes list of America’s Largest Private Companies.
ShopkoShopko was founded in 1962 by James Ruben, a pharmacist, in Green Bay, Wisconsin. His vision was of a larger retail store with health care services combined with retail operations. As a result, Shopko became one of the first brands to offer services such as eye care centers and pharmacies inside the stores.
Shopko also operates walk-in clinics in their stores in partnership with local hospitals.
The company was public from 1991 to 2005, when it was bought by an affiliate of Sun Capital Partners and was taken private.
Today Shopko operates more than 330 stores, including 135 Shopko discount stores and 175 Shopko Hometown shops (formerly Pamida stores) in 20 states across the Midwest, Mountain, and Pacific Northwest.
Shopko has 16,000 employees, had $3 billion in revenue in 2013, and is #167 on the Forbes list of America’s Largest Private Companies.
The shopko in Eau Claire, WI is closing – suppose to have close Out Prices – they have raised prices on ALL merchendise and then added discounts – they are RIPPING people OFF – it’s a SCAM and everybody has Noticed!!! Shame on YOU Shopko!!!! Bunch of Theives!!!!!
What’s going on with Shopko website because it’s not working? How come Email Shopko is not working,?
Please keep 3 Wisconsin Shopko stores open Eau Claire, Ellsworth and River Falls.
Our Shopko Pharmacy closed end of February. Several weeks later we received a letter from Walgreen’s Pharmacy in a city 25 miles away that they had all our prescriptions from Shopko. Shopko sold them to Wallgreen’s!
There was no contact by Shopko with us asking for permission to do this nor telling us who purchased the prescriptions. What about the HIPPA Law? We object strongly to Shopko sharing our names, all pertinent information and prescriptions with another pharmacy without our knowledge or permission!!
Had our prescriptions transferred out of there today to a pharmacy of our choice and much close to us than Walgreen’s.
Tried to purchase plants that were in stressed condition at a reduced price.Two personnel responded we can’t and there is only so much we can do.I bet the personnel at Sears,Kmart,Penny’s,said the same thing.Humboldt store location.Thanks for your business???????
Today 6/7/18 at the Shopko in Beaver Dam Wisconsin the lady pharmacist that was assisting me with refill issues on my certain medication was extremely rude and unprofessional. She wasn’t fully explaining why my adderall couldnt get filled today because of a rule. My doctor writes my adderall prescription that indicates I can fill in 25-30 days which I have filled it many times on the 25-28 days which is indicated on my prescription. Then she began to threaten me that she could refill it on 6/30/18 which I would have to go without my medication 23 days. I have never in my life been treated so poorly in my life.
Do not work for Shopko the service company does not pay the bill when work has been completed. Funny I can’t go start an account at the store. Bunch of crooks
This store in Savanna I a hog pen I have never seen it so dirty.You go to go in store all you smell is cigarette smoke their is usually a group out there smoking. It seams like every manger we get in this store is not very friendly you would think you would hirer someone with some personality.Have the time it takes forever to get a perscition filled.Then sometimes you get home & they haven’t given you all of your scripts.They say shop in town & save well when your on ss you can’t pay theese prices you have in your store I think you should come see your store!!!
Ogordon67.. The customer is number one means nothing they don’t care about their customers they send you used product give you a hassle when you want to return the item I ordered a chair from them and they ship me a used product dirty disgusting chair for a toddler don’t buy from them they are not loyal to their customers The poor man started the company is probably turning around in his grave if he’s dead these people suck do not order from them they don’t care about you and the product sucks …
I have only been with shopko for a few months. My store number is 719. Recently my mom was in a very bad accident and I was unable to come to work, my manager had me call her just so she could tell me that I had to be at work and she was very rude. Now I understand it’s my job but my mother is in very poor condition management had been made aware of the situation and what was going on. Being told “I understand what you are going through but you have to come back was very upsetting. I am sorry I could not make it but if a teammate/supervisor who is very responsible and who is willing to chane their schedule to help needed some time of they should get it. Especially for a time like this.
Store manager verbally attacked me saying im the worst in store he said in wide open where customers could of heard he has done it in front of customers in past 3 months ago i still working there looking for another job
My address is Escanaba, Mich. 49829 I went to our shopko to buy sheets they have queen size sheets with 2 bonus pillow cases for $59.99 and the sign above them says buy one get one free but the lady at the service counter says oh no that’s marked wrong. They were 800 thread count she said you have to pay $119.99 and you get one free yet when she priced other sheet sets on shelf they came up $59.99 that’s bad business if you ask me. There was no one on the floor to ask about it that’s why I went to the service desk. Isn’t it a law if something is marked wrong you sell it to the customer for that price? Very disappointed in our Escanaba Shopko the lady at the service desk wouldn’t even come back and look at where this was marked she just said no you don’t get that price very rude service.
I was treated very rudely by the store manager Jessica Edwards. I a employee of Shopko came into the store to grab a few items. Items I could have gotten anywhere else in town. Upon checking out Lisa the cashier had to call for a price check which was taking sometime to do. There being a line behind me I mentioned to her I was ok if she wanted to check out a few of the other guests. She says no cause then I would just have to go over there. Refering to the next register over. Then she walks off leaving a line of customers and runs over to tell Jessica something. Then Jessica comes over to finish ringing me up (while Lisa just stood there) and asks for my teammate card. I asked for it back and she refused to let me have it. I asked why. She told me I’m no longer a teammate Plus she failed to scan my rewards card. I was never fired from Shopko so why should she keep my teammate card. To the best of my knowledge I am still a employee. I don’t know where this joke of a store manager came from, but I promise you she is costing you customers and good employees. I would never work for someone who treats people the way she does.
So in these struggling economic times let me share a story with you regarding my recent phone conversation with a manager at Shopco hometown here in Lander Wyoming.
I do believe in supporting local business when that is feasible and am going to buy a new printer tomorrow, so I looked up the price of the H.P 3830 wireless printer at Walmart and saw that it was on sale for$49.99 down from $79.99 then I thought I wonder if Shopco hometown price matches? I called and spoke to a manager “Kenny” I had to prompt him to give me his name, I asked “Kenny” if they price matched and he said yes, he inquired about the item I told him what I was looking for and he went to check stock, he said yes they had that item in stock and the prices was $80 some dollars I explained then that walmart has it for $49.00 he then said do you have the ad? I said no (bear in mind Walmart is 60 miles from Lander) I then said can you not look that up online as I just did? “Kenny then told me no he does not have that capacity. Well I looked it up at home in about 10 seconds. So Lander businesses the next time you are concerned that people aren’t shopping locally ask yourself “Why not” and is that dollar that important to me and the survival of my business, and am I making the minimal amount of effort required to ensure that dollar IS being spent in my store. By the way “Kenny” Walmart said thank you for the $49.99.
I would like to know who it is that does the ordering for the stores. In particular, the Mt Ayr, Iowa 50854 store. For weeks and weeks, they have stocked Pringles Pizza Stix on the shelves along with the Honey version. Now, they do not have it and say they are not getting it anymore. Please explain to me why that is, when I know you have been selling lots of them. How do I know? Because I am the person who each week buys 7-11 boxes of the Pringles Pizza Stix. In fact, I asked them to order more, and Jeanne, the manager of the Mt. Ayr store did the ordering. Now, I am being told they do not do the ordering. What kind of lies is this? I would also like to know why you sell the Pringles Pizza Stix at the price of $3.29 per box, when all the Walmart stores sell them for $2.68 per box. Don’t you want to compete with other stores? And why, when you have a customer who will clean off your shelves every week, do you not want to order more of this product? I thought you were in the retail business…but I guess I was wrong.
Here is my cell phone number 641-202-XXXXX…Peter McMahon, call me, for I would love to talk to you.
My address is – Kellerton, IA 50133…eight miles east of your Mt Ayr Shopko store.
Hertz large bird for Amazon,African, grays a.XXXXatoo and other birds with large beaks. I use the Audubon Iowa store. I have a green top macaw curly she will only eat this food. I asked manager if he can look it this produce. There are several of us who has large beaks birds. Manage cut me off before I even able to complete my conversation. Management skills require improvement…Would your associates be able to check in this product. Thank you for your time. Kathy Rood Audubon Iowa store.. product is Hertz large bird, large beaks bird.
I faithfully shop at Shopko because I refuse to shop at Walmart due to the lousy service. However, I am fully annoyed by the “trick” pricing that Shopko is doing, which is exactly what Kohl’s does as well ( I also do not shop there ). Here’s the problem, I went to buy my 4 year old grandson a pair of pajamas. The lowest price on them was $33.99!!! Of course, they put a nice 55% off sign on the rack, making the customer think they’re getting a hell of a deal! I just want to tell you that at $16.00 for a pair of children pajamas, it is STILL a total rip off!! I don’t know if you think we customers are stupid or what, but your prices are outrageous even when you mark them on sale. It seems to me if businesses were honest and not so greedy, their customer base would go through the roof.
My family used to be a customer at the New Town, ND store until my family had the utter misfortune to have come in contact with three people who work all at the same store and are part of the same family. Ree Posey, Ashley something and her boyfriend which is Ree’s son have harrassed us many times while we shop the store. I don’t know why they continue to let these stupid people wait on thier over paying customers!!! This company or any other company really shouldn’t allow NEPOTISM in it’s stores. If I had to compare these people to what animals do, I’d have to say it’s a bunch of hyenas praying on weak and innocent people. They preyed upon a family member which just arrived from out of town, was under age took her for everything she had and now harrassing her family (US) if we by change need something in the store they work in. They bring drama, hate, sarcasm, and their personal problems to the store and in contact with the customers. I have heard personally Ree telling other customers about company business. I hope this company sees this and finally gets rid of these people. I will continue to try and shed light on these employees and what they’ve been doing in the New Town, ND store. We are located on the MHA Reservation and have a real hard time with the prices you charge here just because you think the oil boom is still going here. It robbery. I’m not the only family that has stop coming to this over-priced and harrassing store. It’s in disarray most times the “managers” are in a constant state of apathy. I HATE THIS STORE. I will gladly drive 70 miles to shop at a store with wonderful customer service!
Jason Shriver the dm of the 7th district has got to be the most incompetent waste of life this world has to offer. Also on a more applicable note he has no management skills. Once I saw him in the Logan Utah store and the managers weren’t right there to greet him because they were using they their time wisely I assume. He wouldn’t even walk to the front desk and ask for help. He just kind of stood there looking like a lost duck. Also I’m pretty sure he would pass out if he talked to an actual customer. Which is a little ridiculous if you consider that this is a customer service based store. Again this is Jason Shriver I really am baffled as to how he ever got such a job
I am in Holdrege, Nebraska. In short, I wish Pamida had not been bought out by Shopko. It’s filthy and has been since it came. The shelves are always “temporarily out of stock” and the way the charge accounts are set up is ridiculous! I charge, tax exempt to other stores in town that only require their card that they scan. As opposed to giving blood, a urine sample and my ss #. This is a slight exaggeration, but you get the point. It literally takes between 5-10 minutes every time I charge something. Shopko, in a nutshell, is a hot mess.
I just have to let you know about Shopko in Grafton, ND. We moved here a year ago and were excited to see that Grafton has a Shopko. However, the inside of this store is filthy. My husband refuses to shop there. Is it possible for you to have a representative, sent in unawares, to check this out. We are not the only ones in Grafton who are complaining.
I am a true loyal shopko customer but I have,a beef with your organization. I think it is a shame to have your employees working this Thanksgiving so you can make some extra money. For that reason I will not be doing any of my Christmas shopping at Shopko this year and am encouraging my friends to boycott your store as well as any other that is open on Thanksgiving through social media. It is a day of giving thanks not shopping.
I agree! I’ve been trying to email the company about their insane work times, like Christmas Eve: 7am-7pm, but corporate is unable to be reached for comments and concerns like this. Ridiculous.
To Whom:
We were very excited when Shopko opened in Afton, Wyoming. We had another option for prescriptions, could even buy underwear. We very much enjoyed the $4 scripts.
Now our pharmacist tells us that this store will no longer have $4 scripts. Why are you doing this in only one store?
We will now go to Idaho Falls to Smiths for our $4 generic scripts.
I filed a complaint today with your store and I posted the complaint online because if there is one thing I have learned about it’s power of social media to format change and unfortunately it’s seems that corporate america only understands two things, profit and loss and Facebook is good for one thing if nothing else, spreading the word.
There is a manager in the Cubbuck Idaho Shopko that has told employees that he/she will hire nobody unless they vote for a certain presidential candidate. This is illegal and unethical and if you don’t want a law suit should be stopped immediately.
i use your store in Hampton IA and i have a complaint about your parking lot. as you enter the parking lot there a two holes there and last week i hit one of the holes and had to get a wheels alignment untill your parking lot is repaired i will be using Walmart
Hello, about july 10th i went to our union gap wa store to exchange 2 pairs of sketchers shoes one was to big and one was to small. i have a lymphodema in right leg and foot so it is swelled up most of the time and shoes dont fit well iwas told by a lady to go get the ones that fit and i did then she became rude and told me no cause it has been 4 months and no reciept i said i dont want money just exchange never wore them brand new in box. she said NO so i left angry upset what am i gonna do with $120 shoes! i e-mailed shopko and 3 days later a lady named ashley called and ask me to come in i did and she was the most wonderful worker she apoligized many many times and exchanged them no problem, she helped me out and ask who the worker was who told me no.with a disability in the foot and leg shoes are very hard to find that fit and dont hurt, so the sketchers are great shoes a BIG thank you to ashley who helped me exchange my shoes you are a wonderful worker and human being, that other lady well you suck she would not even listen to me exsplain my disabilty. because of ashley i will be more comfortable walking and i didnt waste $120 God Bless you ashley in union gap wash you deserve a raise.this disabled lady is happy…
My opinion, is not to hire Lori Reid. She worked at Dollar General, Beto-Juction, and banned disability people, rude, and lost money. If she is trying to work at Shopko, it is my opinion do not hire. Burlington, KS. The same about Laken.
I have been a shopko drugstore customer at the Escanaba Mi Store for 28 years! My husband and I spend thousands between the store and drugstore! In the last 4 or 5 weeks I and numerous customers have see a huge change in our drugstore! The pharmacists and employees look so stressed and so overworked it makes us sick. These employees and Pharmasists are like family to our community! They have and are the best group of people I’ve ever felt with! I know each and every employee. They have always taken such good care of my family and others! You’re CEOs and Headquarters should be thanking them and rewarding them for thier outstanding , caring and efficient work ethics! Instead you’ve cut hours and made thier jobs impossible ! I was at the drugstore 5 times in the past week for our prescriptions and while in line with 20 really upset people saying they were going to change pharmacies and it’s awful here now. I pleaded with all in line to not take it out on the employees because it is not anything they can control it is up to you!! We need our drugstore and its employees in our city because it’s personal care and you’re not just a number. They are so accommodating and know what they are doing! When I was a manager I didn’t cut hours to save a buck when I had great customer service people! I rewarded them! Please make a change thiere soon before we loose outstanding workers that really can’t be replaced or you will loose a ton of customers because the whole town is really upset. Word is spreading and I am very concerned! Happy customers Happy employees prosperous corporation! I love shopko so please don’t disappoint me and so many more! Thank you! Sherry
Dillon MT store – so disappointed in the manager in this store. My mother went today for the plant sale and was looking so forward to her shopping outing. While she was loading flats of plants (she is in her 70s) and struggling, there were 3 employees outside and not one would help her. One flat fell and she cleaned up the mess herself. Then she had to get cart in store and hold door open by herself. Not one employee helped and it was their slow time of day. All of the plants rang up at full price so the cashier called the manager. The manager was rude, and when called on the pricing mistake, she was even ruder. My mother was humiliated in front of others in the store. Since when is the customer such a low priority in a retail business? I hope that a district manager will please look into the Dillon store and correct the issues. It is not a pleasant environment to shop in this particular store as it appears there is personnel and management issues.
Rude!!!!Never coming here
I come into the south hill shopko location in spokane washington and the woman manager who is there is always very rude to me. I have seen her be rude to other customers and I know she is rude to employees. I’m growing very tired of being treated this way. Everyone else at this store seems very nice it’s only her I’ve had problems with.
I believe her name was Malia or Mariah or something.
Will be calling the corporate office tomorrow. My daughter works at the Shopko in Kimball Nebraska. She is 8 1/2 months pregnant. Last Friday on truck day. My daughter is lifting 40+ pounds. The management is a joke. They are rude and mean to their employees. Their turn over rate is over the top. My daughter had not felt the baby move in 24 hrs and a really bad cough. She knew something was wrong. Manager made her wait to leave until he could find someone to come in., 2 or 3 hrs later. The whole time making her feel like XXXXX. She had to drive 45 min to get to her dr. With in a couple of hrs she was having a emergency c-section. Her baby was airlifted to Denver Colorado. Since my daughter was probably lifting to much weight the Friday before. Her placenta got a small tear and her blood was mixing with the babies and his blood with hers. That is why she was in pain and had that cough. But her assistant manager just made fun of her about the cough. Her baby needed several blood transfusion. He had a 10 percent chance of survival . And I thank God he is doing okay in denver. Shopko policy on pregnat women need to change. Management all need to be fired. They are running this store into the ground. Unless it’s corporates policy to treat employees this disrespectful. They have lost good employees because management have thrown something at one employee so she quit. Shopko please tell me that this isn’t how you want your store management to act.
I had a horrible experience at the Red Oak Iowa store. I was checking out and the employee waiting on me was extremely rude. She didn’t smile, didn’t say hi, didn’t ask me if I found everything. It was horrible. I bought a pair of earrings and when she handed me my change and receipt we just looked at each other. I was waiting for her to say thank you or something. She looked at me and said “did you want me to.put that in a sack or something?” I just said no and turned around to leave. As I was leaving I heard her say “why don’t you give me some more attitude next time.” I have NEVER been treated so badly by an employee at any store I’ve been to. I talked to the supervisor on duty, gave her my name and number to give the manager. I sent two emails to an email for shopko I found on line and haven’t heard back from anyone. I am very disappointed with the store and how all of this was handled, or not handled.
BUYER BEWARE! I have just placed my 8th phone call to Shopko online customer service. I ordered a 60 inch TV in early December online.
I was contacted from the shipper and told that I would be responsible for unloadingtvtthis mammoth tv from the back of the semi tractor trailer that was delivering at the end of my 650 foot long lane.
I said I have no way to do that so contacted ShopKo to have the ordered stopped, they said sorry but too late, just refuse and it will be sent back.
Shipper puts me through the ringer and threatens to charge me storage and sell the tv at auction because Shopko won’t give them instructions on return.
Finally after many phone calls and promises of calls back the shipper contacts me and says they heard from Shopko and will ship the tv back to them.
Thankfully in the interim I contacted my credit card company to intervene, having lost faith in Shopko.
My credit card company just sent my the third status that they have still not received a response from Shopko so I am on the phone again!! Shopko shame on you for such poor service and trying to rip people off. I am in the process of completing a consumer fraud complaint with the Illinois States Attorney General’s office after two more useless phone calls today to Shopko.
I ordered an item online for a gift for my son for Christmas and used the free shipping deal because it said it would take 5-10 days. I had no idea that it would not be shipped for 12 DAYS! I have contacted customer service by email and of course no replies. I have tried calling but the wait time is insane. QUIT advertising that items will arrive by Christmas if they will not be shipped until after Christmas!!!!!! It is false advertisement and you should be ashamed of yourselves.
I will no longer be shopping at Shopko anymore.
I ordered something from target and it was shipped out within a day. I ordered from walmart and it was shipped out within a day. I ordered from amazon and it was shipped out within hours. BUT NO Shopko can not ship it out because they are receiving a high volume of orders!?!?!? It is Christmas time, the busiest time of the year. Plan ahead Shopko! This is ridiculous! No wonder shopko stores are doing so poor with sales.
I do not expect a reply because your service is so poor and will be absolutely floored if I do receive one in a timely manner. Please makes changes to your website and stop leading people to believe that their items will arrive before Christmas if they order now because they will be lucky to get them before January 30th!
All I want is to be able to pick up my item at the store before Christmas.
Shopko should look to build in Grantsburg, WI! It has a lot of traffic for shopko, and we are getting a McDonalds too! We are getting new gas stations too! Please look into Grantsburg, WI.?
You can have our store
Shopko hometown store in windom mn is a joke. They never have the stuff I need in stock and when there is a “big sale” they don’t have the items on the shelf or they don’t carry the items. Their carts are designed for a person that is 4 foot tall. I’m 5′ 9″ if I don’t keep the cart alittle more than arms length away you’ll hit your shin on the bottom brace, as I did today and popped a blood vessel. Although I understand why the carts are so small do to all the displays in the isles. It is hard to get around them. The store use to be a pamida. It was a nicer store.
Why does shopco in Twin Falls have Tall shepherd hooks
The shopco in Twin Falls Need to have Shepherd to hooks on sale
I ordered items Wednesday online, before Black Friday at sale prices. I was told on my order that the items were in stock and had a confirmation number. I didn’t worry about attending the sale in the store because I was falsely told I would be shipped my items. AFTER the sale ended, I was emailed and told that I would not receive my items because they were out of stock. They would be sending me ONE item….which now didn’t qualify for free shipping because it didn’t meet price qualifications. I was instead offered $10 off $50 or more…the same thing that comes in the mail to me already! I was furious and waited the 20 minutes to speak to customer service thinking they would make everything right! Wrong! I was told they just ran out and I couldn’t get my order. I asked if I could get my items from the store at the sale price…a rain check…and they told me they didn’t offer rain checks. NOTHING was offered to make it right except to replace my order at regular price! No apologies….NOTHING! I cannot believe this company is still in business. I contacted our local store who calmed me down and offered to make everything right. They explained that the is run like its own store and not connected to the regular stores. WHAT? She was completely embarrassed by the whole thing and bent over backwards to help me. I want to make it clear that the online store is completely unprofessional and dishonest. The store manager asked me to see if I could order my items at regular price online and she would reimburse me the difference. I was able to place my order at more than double the price I had purchased them on Wednesday….yet told that morning they were OUT OF STOCK! To make matters worse, they were sending me one from my original order…so they could now make me pay for shipping. They also have a policy that you cannot cancel an order! Surprised? Coorporate….you need to clean house and clean up your act. Shame on you!
First of all I am a customer first and a employee 2nd. I have been working in the Pocatello store for 4 years and I’ve seen change’s but this year has been the worse year with cutting of hours and our store manager’s trying their best to hour only to have new employee’s quit as soon as their hired. I have received only 3 raise’s since I started and I’m struggling to make ends meet because our store is the lowest paid store in IDAHO. I would suggest to this company if they would like to increase sells then they need to pay their employee’s a descent wage and give us a cost living increase. As for the Holiday season coming upon us the need to hire new employee’s is not happening because the advertisements are false because there is no such thing as full-time hours because of the cut’s and lack of help on the floors. I have been working the front as a cashier and there is nothing more then I hate as to have ignorant customer’s cussing me out because we don’t have this or that. And as for the extended hours this is my suggestion have regular hours Sunday – Thursday 9am to 9pm Friday & Saturday 8:00 am to 10:00 pm and Close the store early on Sundays @ 6:00pm we are in back of the mall where we don’t get much business after 6pm after all. It would be different if Shopko would have a sign in front of the mall telling customer’s where we are located but instead it’s word of mouth. I feel that Shopko is deliberately trying to over work our manager’s by cutting the employee’s time to work there. I have been a devoted employee to this company and I never see any rewards when I’m off work and I get the call to come in I enjoy my co worker’s and manager’s and really developing my friendship with our customer’s. But I just feel that Shopko needs to review their work ethic’s to make a better work environment for all of us. Nothing has changed with Shopko and the attitudes have changed since the work load has gotten worse for the management staff and lack of employee’s to cover the store. Since you have the I don’t care attitude then it rub’s off on the rest of the staff that works there. As for getting people to sign up for the rewards card and buying an EPP’s it’s just been who give’s a damn attitude it will happen or it won’t. I have enjoyed my job with this company but it’s not a career job because of the lack of pay and the lack of full time employment. It’s just hasn’t been an enjoyable experience for any of the staff here in Pocatello. So if you really care about the interest of this company and seeing it grow then I think you need to help us all out and give us what we all need and that is a higher wage and a cost of living wage and then you won’t see the struggle’s your putting everyone through. But if you don’t want us to succeed then we will see were this leads.
I live in Portales, NM. I would love to see a shopko go I here. We need a place like shopko. It would be awesome.
I am trying to reach the person in charge of Radio Advertising in Minnesota for Shopko. Would you PLEASE send me the direct email address of the person that handles that for you to the email address above. Thank You for your time and consideration!!!
John Mons
This store haven’t even opened in my community and a new employee is spreading lies and rumors about former employees (of alco) to their new employers. If this the example they wish to set in a new community?????
You know I was so excited when I found out ShopKo was coming to the small town of Burlington Colorado. I got the privilege to work there until I got a better job offer. This place, however, has gone to XXXXX due to management and poor leadership skills. I went in there tonight (September 16th 2015) and was immediately appauld when I approached a familiar friendly employee and was told that I could no longer talk to them because their horrible boss, Adam Bush. A few nights ago I took my sister dinner since she was working the late shift and then stood and talked to the other Co worker. For maybe 20 min tops because I hadn’t seen them for awhile. I was not distracting them from other customers nor their work. They were working just fine and talking to me! This is bullXXXXX that the manager has forbade them from talking with customers. His duplicity is hardly surprising though, he is no leader and justice must be served. This store has gone down hill so much since I left, it needs help bad. Out with bad… In with the good. Please do something about this, they’ve lost enough customers do to this buffoon, enough is enough.
How many more complaints due u have to have before u co operate people will get off your assess and due something! I am copying all these and sendinding to Better Buisness Bearau and the press never shopping here again!
To all you people here that want a shopko store in your community…No the f*** you don’t!
We have one here in Custer SD and they are the most inept business I have ever seen.
I have been waiting since the end of April for them to restock their shelf that holds the “SODA STREAM” flavors, the number of items on those shelves keeps shrinking, but there is NOTHING NEW.
When my wife complained to a staff member, they told her that she should have stocked up better when she was in Rapid City……REALLY???
Then when I was leaving, the cashier had BALLS to say, ‘I’m Sorry”, and I replied,”No the f*** you aren’t, If you were you would have the XXXXX on the shelves!”
BUT, the XXXXX that sells and NEEDS to be replaced IS NOT!!
John Christie
Custer, South Dakota
Hello, I am a former employee from Shopko in mankato, MN (store 21). I recently quit due to the management staff. I started in November 2014. I was hired as a cashier. The customer service manager Dave (who hired me) was the nicest staff member in that store to date. Unfortunately, Dave retired shortly after I was hired. The managers at the store now are rude and yell at their employees. There have been several employees who have quit due to being screamed at by managers. The reason I finally decided to quit was because I missed work due to scheduling conflicts and was chastised and bullied over the phone saying I made it difficult for everyone over the weekend when i called in (by apparel manager Jennifer) not even my own supervisor. My next shift the store manager (Steve) pulled me aside and was asking why I missed work. I calmly explained that I was working at my other job etc. He continued to tell me that I came to him for a job that they didn’t come to me, that he judges people on their character whether they show up for their last shift. Recently I was promoted to customer service specialist and this is when everything went downhill. Customer service is stressful as it is without managers breathing down your neck telling you constantly what you are doing wrong and to do a bunch of tasks at the same time. My supervisor (Jamie) when she is in the store sits behind the desk on a stool because of her knee injury and is constantly in the way asking me to bring her a stool to sit on and grab other items for her because she cant be standing too long on her feet. She had me go get her candy from her office and something for her to drink one day. This is not part of my job and is ridiculous. Her fiance stands at the desk when she is working and will be there talking to her for my entire 4 hour shift. He will walk around the store with her and go into her back office which is currently located behind the service desk door. This is inappropriate and unproductive. Other employees complain about her as well, but nothing is getting done about it. I had the floor manager up front with me one day and he constantly tells me all these tasks I need to do and if I don’t answer him right away he raises his voice at me. I have heard from others that our store manager (Steve) has yelled till he is red in the face at managers and employees in front of customers and employees. There is no communication whats so ever at this store. Cashiers are always left out of evening huddles and important information. Also, managers gossip just as bad as employees about other employees. One of the girls that works the service desk with me is pregnant and the apparel manager (Jennifer) was talking to other employees in the front of the store about how she is pregnant. This girl at the time had only told a couple people. As a manager this is highly inappropriate to discuss someones personal situation in front of others with employees and customers present. I don’t know if there is anything that can be done, but I just wanted to give my input and opinion on the Mankato, MN store 21. I had no problem working there at first, but it has gotten so out of hand that I was dreading coming into work all the time. I had to put head phones in on my break because one of the managers would constantly talk to me on my break. Something needs to change in that store. So many employees have quit due to poor working conditions. I am lucky that I had started a job that I love and could afford to quit Shopko. I get paid more and the staff are extremely nice and helpful. Also, when I was promoted to customer service my manager (Jamie) couldn’t even tell me how much my raise was. So for the last 1-2 months I worked at Shopko I didn’t know how much I was even making. Please take this email seriously and make store 21 a better work environment for the people who are still there.
Very similar situation in Michigan as well. It must be as they say “the Shopko way” Managers are brought in constantly without a clue, expecting you to run register, clean, stock shelves etc.. then yell when you miss a customer. Ridiculous!
I have been saving the Shopko ads since March, and though there are about 30 people in each of the collective ads, there are no people of color, not African American, not Hispanic, Asian or any other than white. What is the message here? I have shopped at Shopko ever since you opened, in fact, I grew up in W. DePere, but I am astonished at your ads and I would like you the change that policy.
I am writing to ask if you would consider placing a store in our community. We recently lost our Alco store and it has left a huge void in our retail community. I desperately miss a general retailer in our town. Our town has a trading area of around 100 miles. Although we are not heavily populated in our area the patrons of our community do shop locally and would welcome your business to our community. PLEASE, PLEASE consider placing a store in our area, we NEED YOU!!!
I was just at one of your stores in council bluffs iowa store number 3271 marketplace Dr store number 0180 just a few minutes ago I was visiting your eye vision center for an eye exam ,first the employee that was at the front counter was not a nice person she was really rude and yield at me very rude also after that one other costumer was having a conversation with one other person abouth how they feel like Hispanic people should not be here in the USA and they were making commets that you can describe as racial comments . FIRST and foremost I’m Hispanic I do speak English so I could understand every rude comment there are making I just don’t think this should happen at all at your stores I deserve respect from your employees. Thank you
On 3/28/15 was in the Delavan wi shopko had a 10 off for birthday got bunch of stuff went to cash out was told by the rude male mgr that I can’t us it as I had purchased a iTunes card n can’t use it with the 10 off I’m like it doesn’t say that the mgr states in a rude way well u should of went on line n then u would know OMG really what idi don’t have a computer like my momn other people how would u know u need to put on the coupons what is n isn’t included or don’t have such rude mgr that would really be better I have always loved shopping there till now
I will no longer be shopping at Shopko, along with 20+ people I know because of a lady. Myself along with numerous others have called the store and nothing is being done about her rudeness, being very disrespectful and spreading rumors because we are staying anonymous. The location is in Hampton, IA. Can anything be done?
I realize I’m adding to a growing list but what a great opportunity for Shopko! Our town of Zumbrota has closed Alco and we are left without a very needed business in our community. Our Alco store was a new building located off a main highway running between the Twin Cities and Rochester (MN). It was at an excellent location and was a very profitable business. We are left with a 30 mile communte to get basic items. We would greatly appreciate it if you would consider our location for a future Shopko store.
Thank you
I have sent 2 e-mails about . the recent one was today 2-3-2015 about some lansoprazole that I bought over the counter and when I got home the exp date was 08-2014 that is 5 months pass the exp date. I still have the bottle and the receipt from 1-19-2015. I have never got a answer from any body and mostly likely wont get one from this one, I was taking this pill and it was out dated and not helping me
please keep open the stores- there’ s good workers and great people that shop in the stores.
Thank You
We just got news this week that our Shopko Hometown Store is closing in April 15. And that with only 6 days notice that they are closing the drugstore. I have the choice to go elsewhere locally to obtain my prescriptions, I am infuriated by what is happening to the employees of our local store. To come in on a Monday and say Saturday the drugstore is closed is just not right. Of course corporate has no conscience apparently!! These have been very faithful employees to their customers and to just say see ya. Well doesn’t set well with me. I can guarantee you that I will never set foot in a Shopko store or one of its sister stores ever again. And I will not be afraid to tell anyone how morally bankrupt this corporation truly is!!!!
Once again corporate America has reared it’s ugly head!!!!
Shopko is the worst retailer I have ever dealt with. The shipped damaged goods and almost a month later, there is no resolution. Shopko’s response was to blame it on there vendors. They do not stand behind what they sell. I will NEVER buy from Shopko again. EVER.
Ellsworth Kansas would be so grateful if Shopko would take over the closing Alco store. The store is profitable, and it is the only general merchandise store we have for about 30 miles.
I am a vender for Shopko in torrington wy . We unload freight twice a week.our job is to assist the unloading process with our forklifts. We have been doing it since the store has opened.we also did the same job for the previous company.The issue we have is getting to date we are waiting on over $8000.00 in pay. One of thebills is from back in fFeb. We submitted our bills over and over .Now it seams with the new manager its even more of a pain.Our billing seam to get lost and we need to keen resending it.Would be nice if Shopko is such a upstanding co they would figure out how to pay there bills in a timely manner.
Hey, guys, this is NOT Shopko’s website. This is a generic listing of corporate contact information. You need to contact Shopko through their own website which is, not surprisingly,
Good Afternoon,
I am the Store Manager for ALCO Store in New Town ND. The closing of ALCO in this community will have a large impact for our customers. Our customer will have to travel 30+ miles in order to shop at a regional retailer in larger cities close to New Town. The store sales from last year was 5.9 millon and the store was trending to do 6 million in sales this year. This store and the community that supports it needs SHOPKO to take this store over. If you have question feel free to E-mail me or you can contact me at 701-897-1489
My name is jen kostelecky, I am a group manager at the new town alco store. Rick is my boss, and I am so thankful for every he has tought me . I have to agree with rick, new town is a very profitable store. The community here is shocked and saddend by the closing of there hometown store. They are worried about what they’re going to do for everyday supplies, gifts, and such. We are in the heart of the oil boom and people come here to spend money. This is a profitable store and shopko would definetly be profitable here. Your only problem would be employee retention, if you have plans to take over, reach out, and try to keep the em,oyees that have to decided to stick it out. Those are the ones you want to keep. Right now, there’s no light at the end of the tunnel. As of right now, maybe there’s not, but if there is? Reach out to us, call rick.
I wish Shopko would pick up the Alco stores that are closing. Business was booming in Chillicothe, il and there is a definitely need for a store in our town.
Hello I was wondering if you ever thought about building shopko in Gillette wy. We only have walmart and kmart. We need more shopping stores here. Thanks for your time.
I wanted to congratulate the Shopko Hometown in Manistique, Mi. This was one of my best experiences in a Shopko Store that I have had, the staff was friendly and helpful. I needed help finding a couple items and Diana asked me if she could help me find what I was looking for, I told her what I was looking for and she took me to the items. The one item I wanted they were out of and she substituted a different item for the same price for me. She offered to bring the stuff up to the front for me and really went out of her way to help me. Any questions I had she was able to answer for me. She made me feel like she really cared about me. I would definitely recommend that Shopko store to any one that asked my opinion.
I recently had a problem with the Shopko store in Kimball NE. I called your headquarters and spoke to a Customer Service Representative who was very cuteous and helpful. She told me I should speak to the store manager. I did do that. I went to the store and asked to speak to the manager. Her name is Denise. Unfortunately I did not ask for her last name.
I want to say this person is one of the nicest people I have ever dealt with. She exemplifies Customer Service. I was ready to boycott this store until I talked to her.
Not only did she make the problem right for me she gave me a store gift card for my trouble. I am amazed! This type of service seems to be Rare in this day and age!
Thank you, Denise , you deserve recognition from Corporate for being the kind of employee Shoko stores should have!!
Sorry that is Courteous not cuteous!!
The last two visits to Shopko Layton, Utah were the worst shopping experience of my life. I stopped in to pick up one quick item from the ad. They did not stock that item. I decided to buy a different item and to find where I could get the original item. There were only two check-out stands open in the middle of the day and several people waiting. After waiting in line for a long time, I went to the “Service Center”. There, I had to wait while they helped employees with their issues. Finally when it was my turn, they took a while looking for SKU numbers just to tell me they could not help me. They finally told me to just order it on line and have it shipped to the store. I went on-line, carefully chose my purchase and made the order.
When I went back to the store to pick-up my purchase, I again had to wait while an employee was attended to and chatted with. I told them I had come to pick-up my order. They tried to figure out how to even find my order in the system. Waited for the manager to walk them through logging in, etc. The manager called back to have my purchase brought up and the person in the back could not find my order. The manager went back to help them find it. They brought it to the counter and it was not what I had ordered. I need to know how to get my money back. I want it credited back to my CC as I will never go back into any Shopko ever again.
I just thought I would let you know about my recent and “welcoming” shopping experience I received today at your store in Oelwein Iowa today. I took my mother to your store to purchase some items and fill her prescriptions. When we came into the store I noticed workers working on their parking lot and did not think much about it. However when we checked out and left the store we noticed our van was covered in mud!! I went back into the store and spoke to the clerk who checked us out and she told me to complain to the workers outside it was not their responsibility. So I went outside and approached the worker with the power washer and asked him if he could clean off my van with his hose. At this time the other worker who was using a leaf blower came over and wanted to know what he was doing. He then proceeded to tell me that they don’t have time for this. I then told him that we don’t appreciate having our van covered in mud! Well he then went on to tell me that we should not have parked there! And the real kicker to the story is also that we are NOT a “PRIORITY” to them or Shopko. “REALY!!!!!!!!!!” Then I guess my mother and I can take our business else where. We don’t have to shop where we inconvience the outside and inside workers. I could not believe the responses from everyone I spoke to….how unprofessional!
We currently move your snow in Sisseton SD. Ferrandino and Son is your contracting agency. They are extremely hard to deal with and pay very slow. We are currently redoing the contracts and asked for a 3% increase as their contracts are extremely low. Can you advise to if they did an increase on their contract with Shopko.
Thank you
Brett Hanson
I recently quit my job as Assistant Manager at Shopko #662. I used to enjoy my job until the new store manager Clef Haworth took over in 2013. I have to say that he gets away with murder by sitting at his desk all day making lists for everyone else to take care of then watching TV on his phone the rest of the day if he is not degrading his employee’s or pissing off customers. He does not know the meaning of customer service or how to treat the customers that are in his store. It’s the good ‘ol boys club if you know what I mean. To bad that the upper management in Green Bay doesn’t have a clue what’s going on their own stores.
Was at the Oshkosh Shopco to purchase a cell phone that was advertised in there flyer which I was told was sold out, but it looked as though they never had the item that was advertised. There was no blank area where it had been,asked an employee about it and was talked to rudely. Went to the service desk and was also talked to rudely to the point that the manager (Megan) told me to get the f!!k out of her store infront of my son, customers and employees. I dont know if this is store policy to swear at there customers and tell them to leave. In my day the customer was valued but this is just another example of big corparate companies not caring about who they sell to and caring about the money they swindel out of you. Pretty sad things have come to this.I will never again buy anything from Shopco again, they have lost a valued customer, (not like it matters to them) and I have shopped there for years but no more. I wish they would just go out of business and leave Oshkosh. If any one else has hade this kind of experience post it please
Shopko-Syracuse, In. We frequently shop at this store, especially on the first wed. of the month- senior discount. We purchase clothing, toilet paper and water softner salt. When checking my receipt the only discount was on clothes. I complained and was informed no discount on salt or toilet paper. We have purchased both of this items in the past with discounts- what gives?? If this is the policy then change your sign to select items only. Other chain stores in are area have senior day and their discount is store wide. Example- Big R- we buy horse feed on senior day.
Syracuse is a small town and word travels quickly- advise – don’t play games with the customers or you won’t have many!
hey… last year you took several names off my address here in Onawa Ia 51040
that was nice of you.
now I am receiving Christine Larson’s Shopko add WITH my ad & I dont take hers to her I just trash it. She lives in the same building I do on the first floor. I do not know her apt door number. But I am sorry she is missing out on your sale items.
Would you be so kind & remove her name from MY apt no??
We both live in apt complex Center Heights 422-1736 staff managers phone number. Mon thru Friday you can rach Jill our staff manger here before 4 pm.
I dont recall getting my birthday coupon , for January 4th 2014 for $10.00 off what $50 spent?
Could you please get some clothes brands that Pamida sold ??
and thank you
have a delightful day.
423-1736 Jill staff manager.
I tried to contact your Corporate Offices all morning. Busy signal each time.
Finally called the phone company to report phone service problem.,
Phone company said that 920 429 2211 is a working number. Phone company
dialed number – busy signal. Phone company stat4ed that if there was a problem
with your phone service – that you would have to report it.
Please have someone contact me by phone number at work; 920 739 XXXXX.
Thank you.
Elaine M/ McGuire