In the 1970’s David Yurman and wife Sybil started Putnam Art Works in California. Through this company the couple learned about the marketplace for jewelry, paving the way for their founding of the brand and company David Yurman in 1980.
The company makes jewelry, watch collections, fragrances, and eye wear collections for men and women.
Today there are eighteen David Yurman boutiques in ten states as well as four boutiques located internationally.
The company caters to high-end clients such as Charlize Theron and Brad Pitt.
David Yurman
In the 1970’s David Yurman and wife Sybil started Putnam Art Works in California. Through this company the couple learned about the marketplace for jewelry, paving the way for their founding of the brand and company David Yurman in 1980.
The company makes jewelry, watch collections, fragrances, and eye wear collections for men and women.
Today there are eighteen David Yurman boutiques in ten states as well as four boutiques located internationally.
The company caters to high-end clients such as Charlize Theron and Brad Pitt.
Dear Mr. Yurman, It has been three years since I had returned a low level laser for the scalp. I have had no help with your company with a refund or replace for this product. It has been three years last month. Can you please tell me when I will get some customer service? If you can not replace the product, then please give me my money back.Thank you. Mr. Brazill
Hello. I purchased a 7m cable bracelet with 14k gold on in November 2018. Because I am a Federal employee, I opted to make my purchase via Purchasing Power. Unfortunately, I identifying tag fell out of the bracelet and I was able to pop it back into place. It continued to do so for a few weeks. Since I didn’t want to lose it, I finally called Customer service and was advised to send it in for repair. I live in Charlotte so took it into the Boutique at the Southpark Mall. My husband, son and I met Raven. She shared she had never seen this happen before. She prepared it to be sent out and disclosed it was take 2-3 weeks before I would hear an estimate on the repair cost. Naturally I was blown away because I have only had this bracelet since November…three months exactly when I left it at the Boutique. (My proof of purchase indicated such.)
Fast forward…I called on last Tuesday to find out if Raven heard anything. Unfortunately, she hasn’t and told me they should hear something this week. I called on yesterday and spoke to Dawn because Raven was unavailable to speak to me. Dawn had to call me back because they hadn’t heard anything. When she did call me back, she had to leave a detailed message because of poor reception at work. I called her back promptly and she told me they should hear something on today.
I went on to ask her if is was normal to have to pay for a repair when a customer has only had the item for three months. She responded when you purchase the item from the Boutique, we try to comp you. When you purchase from someplace else, you will have a cost. I was flabbergasted. I expressed how disappointed I was to be treated differently just because I purchased this item via an authorized retailer. She attempted to clean it up and shared she would speak to the managers regarding my concerns.
My concern to you is why have authorized retailers if your customers will not be treated the same. It is totally unacceptable. Regardless of how I obtained my jewelry, I should be treated the same. In addition, your items are beautiful and I strongly suggest having a lifetime warranty. I am a jewelry collector and I have been fortunate enough to add some really nice pieces to my collection from various retailers. This includes three David Yurman bracelets.
My suggestion is we, the customers, should be able to have our items inspected and cleaned regularly and if any flaws are discovered, they should be taken care of. I don’t think it would take much for our items to be registered to the original owner and a lifetime warranty be available to us. This could increase your sales by decreasing the number of people who opt to purchase second hand. I truly hope you will address my concerns and respond promptly. Thank you in advance!
Kronski Pridgen-Ferguson
USAF Veteran
Sent a certified letter in January and did not get a response. My husband purchased a silver link bracelet at Bloomingdales with $500 worth of gift cards from his 80th birthday party. It was a big celebration since he was told he would not make it to 60 due to a heart condition. The saleslady put it on his wrist and he never took it off. Within six weeks the bracelet was gone. Obviously the closure on this piece was faulty and not up to your standards. I would like to replace this for him but feel very insecure about the lock and extremely disappointed that no one responded to my original letter. We both love your merchandize and for every occasion he always buys me one of your pieces. Anxiously awaiting a positive response from you.
Dear Mr. Yurman,
I know this is a silly request. I purchased one of your cable bracelets from Martins of Georgetown, Washington DC in 1983. It was my first major jewelry purchase, and I loved it. The bracelet was a cable with tigers eye at the tips and citrine and peridot around the edges.
Regrettably, we were robbed and the the bracelet disappeared. I would love to replicate the bracelet if possible. It had great sentimental value to me. Anything I can do to have another made?
Best regards,
Robin Colman
My name is Edward Melchionna, I have been dating my boyfriend for well over 7 years. I have been in school for a while but 1 and a half year shy of graduating as a Teacher. My life partner is in love with everything made by David Yurman. Unfortunately I cannot afford the ring I know he would love as his forever ring. It’s 1,500 dollars but of course I would need to get both. I plan on asking him to marry me on our yearly Labor Day weekend getaway with friends. With much pressure from family and friends I do not want to settle for less. Is their a payment plan for people with not so good credit? I want our engagement proposal to be amazing since our family and friends will be there. I reall can use other payment options. Please help❤
Hi David Yurman team,
I am the Partnership Manager for Uplift Studios, a boutique fitness studio in the Flatiron District, specializing in group classes and personal training. We offer corporate wellness seminars that include stretches perfect for an office space, efficient workouts, nutrition concepts, and a lifestyle and balance segment.
I’d love to discuss more with you and how our program can accommodate David Yurman.
Looking forward to hearing from you!