The Capital One Financial Corporation was founded in 1988 by Richard Fairbank and Nigel Morris as a spin-off of Signet Banking Corp. named Oakstone Financial Corporation.
The spin-off was renamed Capital One Financial Corporation in 1995, the same year it went public on the NYSE. This new company ranked in the top ten of credit card issuers in the country with 5 million customers.
In 2000 Capital One became a member of the Fortune 500.
Capital One entered the retail banking market through its acquisition of Hibernia National Bank in 2005 and North Fork Bancorporation in 2006.
Capital One acquired Chevy Chase Bank in 2008 for $520 million.
In 2018, Capital One was hit with a 9 figure fine its failure to adhere to a series of anti-money laundering guidelines established in a 2015 order by The Office of the Controller of the Currency.
The Trump administration and family members sued Capital One and Deutsche Bank on April 30, 2019, in an attempt to prevent them from releasing their personal and business financial information to Democratic committee members.
Today Capital One is a bank holding company specializing in credit cards, home loans, auto loans, banking, and savings products. The company is a member of the S&P 500 and Fortune 500. Capital One has 50,400 employees worldwide and had $21.396 billion in revenue in 2012.
The Capital One Financial CorporationThe Capital One Financial Corporation was founded in 1988 by Richard Fairbank and Nigel Morris as a spin-off of Signet Banking Corp. named Oakstone Financial Corporation.
The spin-off was renamed Capital One Financial Corporation in 1995, the same year it went public on the NYSE. This new company ranked in the top ten of credit card issuers in the country with 5 million customers.
In 2000 Capital One became a member of the Fortune 500.
Capital One entered the retail banking market through its acquisition of Hibernia National Bank in 2005 and North Fork Bancorporation in 2006.
Capital One acquired Chevy Chase Bank in 2008 for $520 million.
In 2018, Capital One was hit with a 9 figure fine its failure to adhere to a series of anti-money laundering guidelines established in a 2015 order by The Office of the Controller of the Currency.
The Trump administration and family members sued Capital One and Deutsche Bank on April 30, 2019, in an attempt to prevent them from releasing their personal and business financial information to Democratic committee members.
Today Capital One is a bank holding company specializing in credit cards, home loans, auto loans, banking, and savings products. The company is a member of the S&P 500 and Fortune 500. Capital One has 50,400 employees worldwide and had $21.396 billion in revenue in 2012.
I have had a Capital One credit card since 1992. I have never had a late payment. I pay each monthly balance in full. My credit score is 835 and my FICO score is 850. Today I got an email from Capital One indicating my credit limit was being reduced from $24K to $10K because I was charging that higher amount. When I called CO’s customer (dis)service number, I reached a rep in Costa Rico who’s English was difficult to understand. The supervisor was just as difficult to understand. Both said I’d need to contact the credit reporting agencies to see if this would affect my credit rating and gave me an incorrect TransUnion phone number which connected me with some company trying to sell me a medical alert product, then auto insurance, and more. There was no way to get out of the loop to get to TU. It’s too bad they don’t hire people in the USA for these jobs. Like some other large companies, it’s impossible to talk with a live person about problems and complaints. Corporate Office HQ doesn’t provide the information either for contacting their headquarters, only another customer service number resulting in recordings and no help. After 28 years I’ll stop using my CO card and give my business to my other credit card companies.
My wife and I applied and received a Capital One card. Using our joint and collective asset information and income we did apply for separate cards in that her business and needs are different than mine. Amazingly her line of credit on her account is/was established at 1/2 of mine. We have since then been in trivial pursuit for months attempting to determine why? Each time we get a form letter stating that we didn’t enter the (1)correct info, (2)we used the wrong form. (3) the necessary information was missing. (4) we haven’t shown a need. etc. you get the picture. The only difference in the use and the initial application process is that her name identifies her as female. Our income, assets, FICO etc are literally the same. We were told to “Call” a specific number. She did. NO live person just a recording that “we will get back to you”. We can only conclude that the corporate attitude toward women is more misogynistic and discriminatory than they want the public to know. Our next step is (unfortunately) taking our meager cache of form letters from Capital One and filing a complaint with the appropriate governing authorities. Concurrently we are searching for a corporation that embraces their individual customers irrespective of gender.
I have had your cards for over 5 yrs. Now in Dec 2019 I sent in more to pay off card. I get a letter in Jan 20 saying I had a zero bal. I sign in to my account in Jan around 15th of month and it shows 158$ and change. I contact support there was a charge of 72.13 that I said shouldn’t be on there so they gave me a credit for the amount. I check again there was a credit for the amount and a $14 & change for interest and a $32& change which to me adds up tp aprox. $50.00. I had a little over $52 dollars in reward credit so I used that to pay off the card. I wait a week and check now it shows over $100.00 bal. So i checked again the girl on the phone told me if I sent in 107. dollars it would pay off the account, I asked her how it could be that much with no other charges? I told her ok, I just want to pay it off and close the card out, it took 3 weeks to get it closed out and by them there was more charges I didn’t approve after the card was supposed to be closed. I pitty anyone who gets your cards.
Before writing this, I read some previous comments. I agree with a few:
In the handful of calls that I have made, it is clear (to me) that the representatives and managers are neither empowered with information nor have the ability to rectify situations. They appear to be there merely as sympathetic listeners. They ARE courteous.
What makes upper management think that we customers want to waste our time with hired listeners? I can complain to my wife; and I’m not put on hold to do that.
I disputed a charge for $178.00 from Midas on 5/10/19 for AC work on a 2001 Ford Explorer sport track they claimed they did but in fact they never did. The Ac was not blowing cold, took it to Midas. Told midas to check that system for leaks and assess the vehicle before adding Freon. I was charged 178.00.
A few hours later the Ac was not blowing cold air. Randy took the truck back to Midas to complain about the poor work they had done the following morning. The service man a different person after diagnosing the truck claimed a leak test was never done, no dye in system and possibly freon was added. Midas said they would look into the problem and fix it.
The following day 5/12/19 the Ac was still not blowing cold and no cold air was coming from the vents. Randy again took the truck back to Midas to complain and asked the manager for a refund of 178.00 on capital one visa because the Ac was still not working, they had many opportunities to fix it, they did not, and we were leaving for a vacation in a couple of days to visit family. The manager refused to refund the charge and randy left and reported the disputed charge to capital one
Randy took the truck to a AC company in Miami to fix the problem which they did and were paid. While I was away, capital one sent notice for information regarding the dispute due on 7/10/19. Unfortunately I arrived home on 7/12/19 and saw the letter requesting information about the claim and I called the dispute department to inform them about the missed deadline date. They said I had an extension and send response asap which I did. I also sent a copy of the invoice from company in Miami who repaired the AC on a link they provided to be timely. I spoke to a dispute representative on 7/22/19 again explaining the situation. I was told capital one would submit the information to visa for a refund.
On 7/25/19 I called the dispute department to follow up on the case, a representative said there were no changes to the disputed amount and I ask to speak to a supervisor to assist with this claim
Alex came on the phone, said he was a supervisor and I explained the problem of the dispute and he said there is nothing he can do to help me. Visa made a decision on 7/10/19 to not refund the amount of 178.00
I told himi was given an extension to submit information requested and capital one said they would submit the information to visa again. He replied rudely that is not the case, no information will be submitted and the case is closed. I asked to speak to his supervisor or information where I can file a complaint and refused to provide information. He said I can go no further and he has the final say about this case.
I said why I wasted my time to provide the information requested when nothing was done to help resolve this case and especially when I was given an extension to provide information about this case. Again he was rude and replied this case is closed, find other ways to get a refund from Midas, and hung up. I told him I wanted this case escalated and have another higher manager or director call me and he said that will not happen. I also spoke to a Riva, manager in disputes and she refused to help resolve this issue on 7/26/19.
I am requesting a full refund of 178.00 and someone to call me asap to resolve this issue.
Thank you
S lewis
Case number 10003912985510
I have spent over 5 hours, 4 people, and my bank trying to get a correction made in your system with no result. The problem is that the customer service reps and managers are not impowered to help me. They do not have the access or technology to make a simple correction without me jumping through more hoops. They say my account number is incorrect and it’s not. My banks customer service department cannot send the letter to your correct department. So now I guess I can make another trip to my bank to see about closing my new account and opening another one so I can pay Capital One. Ah, I have another idea. I’m going to write a check for the full amount and then cut up my card when my card from Golden One arrives.
all the PR and TV ads you spend money on . . . will not buy back your reputation when you treat your customers in the manner in which you do.
I have been insultingly treated and threatened by a Capital One employee in the Friendship Heights branch. After I complained about their sorry service, she threatened to call the police on me and demanded that I leave the office.
Thursday, May 19, 2020, about 1:30 or 2pm.
I have three accounts with Capital One, and she, of African American background, treated me like a criminal.
No more Capital One.
On Friday, June 21st I sent this e-mail top all of you and have not received a response.
I also mailed you a letter on Friday.
When can I expect to get an answer from you.
My credit score went up to 789
I want the SAVOR card instead of the Venture
From: Arthur Sands
Sent: Friday, June 21, 2019 10:54 AM
To: CSperry@; Sanjiv.Yajnik@; Kleber.Santos@; Richard.Fairbank@
Primary Contact
Chanda Sperry
Managing Vice President
1680 Capital One Dr
McLean, VA 22102-3491
Secondary Contact
Sanjiv Yajnik
President, Financial Services
1680 Capital One Dr
McLean, VA 22102-3491
Kleber Santos
President, Retail & Direct Bank
1680 Capital One Dr
McLean, VA 22102-3491
Chief Executive
Richard D. Fairbank
1680 Capital One Dr
McLean, VA 22102-3491
(703) 720-1000
June 21, 2019
Arthur Sands
XXXX SE 8th Court
Pompano Beach, FL, 33062
Capital One Venture Card Ending in 3183
Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen:
Approximately 2 weeks ago I was researching the difference between the Venture One Card which I currently have and the Savor card. After reviewing the variances, I decided to cancel the Venture One Card and get the SAVOR card instead as the bulk of my purchases are more reflective of the that card.
I called the 800 number on the back of my Venture Card and spoke to a representative.
She asked me lots of questions. I was a bit surprised as all this info should already be in your records. At the conclusion of our conversation she told me I have been turned down for the SAVOR card. I asked why and she said she was unable to provide me with that information and I should be receiving a letter in the mail. I asked to speak with a supervisor and received the same curt answer. I had asked for the phone number to the CEO’s office and told me she was not allowed to give out that information.
A day or two later I received a Survey via Email concerning my interaction with the Capital One Representatives. I completed the survey. The very next day I received a call from a gentleman who wanted to know why I gave negative responses to my interaction.
I went on to tell him as well as what I told the supervisor.
1- According to your ads for the SAVOR Card on Line you need anywhere form a 650 to 850 Credit Score to get the SAVOR Card. My Credit Score is 770.
2- I told him that all I wanted to do was change from the Venture One Card to the Savor Card
3- Told him that I spend in excess of 3000.00 per month and pay my bills in full.
4- I had received in the mail from Capital One and invitation for the Venture One card which included 60,000 points if I spent 3000.00 within the first three months.
With all that said I was disappointed that the representatives including him could do nothing about the situation. I have been in the Hospitality Industry for over 40 Years and I found it hard to believe that you do not empower your employees to provide some type of resolution to a problem especially when I am such a good customer to begin with.
The gentleman told me I had to write a letter to a Department that handles Customer complaints. I believe the location was in Salt Lake City Utah. I thought I kept a copy of the letter but unfortunately, I did not. I mailed the letter last Friday, June 14th 2019, complaining of my displeasure of the way this has been handled.
Now here comes the Clincher! Two days ago, I received, from Capital One, a Special Offer for a 360 Money Market Account with a 50,000 Venture Miles Bonus. The Promo Code on the offer is MILES50. If my credit was Questionable in regard to the SAVOR Card why did I receive this offer. Something is not right.
Yesterday, June 20th 2019, I received two letters in the mail from Capital One with the following reason: Too many inquiries on my account in the past 12 months. I know that all these things are generated by computers and not by people who could see my Credit worthiness and Payment history. I have stellar credit.
In summation, please review my account history. I own a Chase Sapphire Card and could just as easily cancel the Venture One Card. Therefore, before you lose a good customer please provide me with a SAVOR Card within 30 Days of this letter.
I await your response.
Arthur Sands
Hello Mr. Sands, did you get a reply? Just curious ?
This company isn’t to bright. My account is on hold because of possible fraud, they want me to fax my drivers lic. and ssi card to prove the card is mine. Why can’t they close this account and re-issue a new card # mailed to my home
I also have business with Capital ONE and I want this bank to comply with the law and turn over the Trump financials requested as per the law and NOT be intimidated by a Trump lawsuit. If I find you do not comply with this legal request and instead bow down to the the Trump family lawsuit game he has done so many times with others, I will have to consider taking my business elsewhere.
Capital One has had my Aunts account locked for almost a year. She’s 80. During that time she hadn’t earned a cent in interest and when I came to help her and drove her 2 hours to one of their lemonade stand operations and she again identified herself, they “ended the banking relationship” with her and still refused to give her money back. When I said she would get her money back …with interest, the conversation quickly shut down but magically, the next day interest for 9 months began populating the account. Then she was locked out again. Looks like someone is trying to make it look like they were on top of things. In any case their operation is not designed to resolve issues and I suggest no one bother with them. They are operating on a cost analysis projection and figure the cost of litigation is worth the end rewards. Skip their Corporate and go directly to the VA Attorney General and Commissioner of Financial Affairs. If they try to steal from the elderly, they’re not above stealing from everyone else. I say “try” because I have more time than good sense and if I have to pop a tent in their lobby, they will make my Aunt whole again.
Capital One isn’t above breaking the law but there isn’t one as relates to the President and the records being requested. Google is your friend.
sue you are a fool. capital one is a loser company, they need how to treat their costumer basin not get in solve you diss like for trump.worry about yours and your needs not some political hack job
I do not appreciate Capital One playing a political game against the Americans and our President Trump whom we duly elected. The congressional democrat party made their choice to be obstructionist, the party of hate and anti-American. I can choose to do business with another credit card company that doesn’t work against Americans. Capital One has a lot of nerve to encourage the “snowflake party” that can’t get over they lost by continuing their hate and lies. Careful Capital One…… majority of “We The People” support our President. Will I take my business elsewhere? Time will tell.
I have been a Capital One customer for 15 years. I usually always held an outstanding balance throughout this time and sometimes would run late on my payments. Needless to say, they made a lot of money off me in interest fees and late charges. I was able to pay my account in full on March 11, 2019 (payment was not due until March 22) to the balance showing on my March statement, then I was shocked to see a new statement for a balance due for $23.30 in interest fees. I called customer service to complain and get the finance charges removed. They told me I would be held responsible for the charges because of the statement print date.. I spoke with a supervisor and still was not able to get the charges removed. The next day I called Corporate HQ (which is just a switch board) hoping I could talk with someone with some authority. ( no way!! ) I was so upset that I closed my account on the spot (and still paid my $23.30). I will never do business with them again. I can’t believe they would rather lose a 15 year customer over $23.30. Their loss, but BEWARE!!!
I’m having that issue now! I paid my account in full over $3000 on 17th and today they charged me $58.81 in interest! I’m so angry I could spit nails and NOT one person is allowed to help! I’m thinking I should close this account. I have had it since 2009. I’m really hating capitol one
I have been attempting to contact executive escalations for a week, the entire company tells me there is no such thing. The switch board tells me that they are a third party and it is an internal number that they do not have access to, then they connect me to a “supervisor” that states they are in the executive escalation department, a complete lie. If Capital One does not want my business, they only have to say so, so please either have the courage and courtesy to have executive escalations to contact me at 512-663-XXXX to discuss my issue with my MasterCard or contact me and let me know that you are no longer interested in doing business with me.
Bob Flynn
Okay, no call, no courage, no courtesy, no business
I am having some real issues with Capital One not standing behind me on a dispute with a contractor that did not pull a permit, did the job, and the City is after them.
I need to be able to fax all my documentation to someone in Corporate as I am not getting anywhere with your Transaction Support Center .
Please supply me with Fax Number and name of who I can get some help from
I have been your customer for over 15 years. Very upset
The fax number is in our listing
Trying to avoid filing a complaint with Consumer Credit but I have run out of options…
I have run into a situation with the local branch in Marshall, Texas 75670 that can not be resolved by them or customer service, and I am in need of your help. I do not have an account set up with your bank but I have never had any issues with the bank or local branch in the past.
I have my own business located in Marshall, TX, which. My husband and I run it as a sole Proprietorship and have been in business for many years with no problems cashing checks made out to my business using my DBA (Assumed Name form) My husband went to the local branch to cash a check made out to our business, from one of your customers. The teller would not cash the check and stated that she would not cash the check because the DBA form has both my and my husbands name on it,, therefore she stated it was not a Sole Proprietorship…However that is not the case married couples can have both names listed on the DBA form and still be considered Sole Proprietorship. I have been trying for days to get InTouch with the local branch and did go into the bank this morning to try and explain the form to the manager, but she refused to meet with me! They told me her name is Reagan Dukes. Then the Lady that I was originally talking to (Debbie Brennan) stated that it wasn’t because of the DBA form it was because I didn’t have a business resolution form. I then got in touch with Paul Littlejohn and he proceeded to tell me different info. So I have had different information from about 10 different people just today!
This is the only form that the courthouse gives for DBA, this is also notarized by a worker from the courthouse. This is a sole Proprietorship as we are married and file our tax return joint and it does list on our tax return “Sole Proprietorship” as well. I have cashed checks with the local branch in the past with this same form and never had any issues then. My CPA has stated to me that this is the correct form and it is done properly and the IRS recognizes that we are a sole proprietorship even though both of our names are listed on the DBA(Assumed Name form). Texas Department of Banking Consumer Credit, as well as the Attorney General, has also stated to me that this is the correct form and is filed correctly. I can not get the correct information from anyone as everyone is telling me different things and No one seems to know.
Please Help me resolve this problem ASAP would greatly be appreciated and Greatly appreciated by your customer that issued me the check, as his company has been doing business with this bank for many years. If you need his information, please let me know.
Please let me know what you come up with 903.263.XXXX
After the foul mouthed and disrespectful comments that Samuel L. Jackson made about the President of the United States, I find it real hard to understand why you keep him on as a major spokesman for your corporation. He offended a lot of people, including me. Are your corporate standards and corporate image consistent with his lack of class? Now when I reach for a credit card, I don’t use the one that Samuel is telling me I should use.
Well contacted the Better Business bureau in Virginia to file a complaint about Capital One and it’s policies and such. Got a response and yes people Capital One dictates terms in peoples lives. I asked for a letter stating that I will not receive correspondence from them EVER and I was emailed a letter from the Better Business Bureau in Virginia and the letter was limited to only 3 years and my request was EVER meaning indefinite. So there you all have it Capital One is a hostage taking company. Let the future patrons beware of doing business with this sad banking institution.
I don’t think that after what Samuel L. Jackson posted on social media about our President that you should fire him from doing any of your commercials. Lots of capital one customers like the President and I think that he should keep his political remarks to himself and off of social media.
I had 4 accounts with this company and was a member for over 10 years until one time I had a dispute with a company who totally ripped me off and made my problem worse. So I used my Capital One business card to pay the bill hoping that Capital One would have my back and help me dispute the excessive bill and only pay what was reasonable. That’s when the other nightmare began dealing with the dispute entity of this company. Well long story short I closed all 4 accounts in the same day and was hoping to never encounter an interaction with Capital One again until recently I had a Cabela credit card until I was sent a letter informing me that the new issuing bank was no other than Capital One (nightmare has returned). I made a phone call about 2 months ago to close my Cabela account because they are new issuer and let me tell you all how I despise this company, the Cabela card is a rewards card and I would rather forego the rewards then use the card that will benefit Capital One. Well needless to say I had to get employee ID#’s with names to document on the day I called to close the account and even asked for a letter stating I will never have correspondence sent me from Capital One ever again. Well needless to say the letter was never sent and the account was not closed. So yesterday I lost my mind with these so called reps got a conformation email stating that the account is officially closed and when I was told that they could not send emails to my for confirmation I really lost it on them. They finally gave in to my request about getting the email. It’s obvious that it’s a one way street with this company they own you, this company is just way to big and is totally lost when it comes to interdepartmental relationships. They will never ever get my business again that is a guarantee.
I’ve called your credit card telephone line twice in the past 2 weeks and each time I receive a request to answer 3 questions…. long and short, I don’t believe this is an “A” that you would put on customer service line.
When customers are trying to reach you for service, they don’t want to answer a survey.
I do not know what one has to do to get true customer service from Capital One. I called customer service because it seems that a customer can not dispute an interest charge online as you can a charge. I was placed on hold and given an address to write to that was not the correct address for what I needed. I wrote a certified letter to Capital One on 2/18/19. The letter was received on 2/25/2019 via tracking on USPS, since the green card was not returned by anyone from Capital One. On the same day, I sent an email to the CEO at Capital One and have not received any response from him . Today, I re-sent an email with my certified letter attached to Chanda Sperry, Sanjiv Yajnik and Richard Fairbank. I truly hope that someone responds to my situation.
Today I am sending a recorded Priority Mail letter to the CEO Mr. Richard Dana Fairbanks
at Capital One H.O. In Virginia.Feb 22nd 201
Perhaps I will get some direct response from him? If so I will put a note on here.
The fax number for the company does not work…
I DO hope to report on here that I have had a considered and helpful response…
M. P. K.- D.
Thanks for letting us know the fax number was out of date. It has been changed
An elderly relative of mine had run into some problems with her long held bank account. A review of the issues told me she was having problems remembering what she had paid and what she had not. Consequently she had a serious overdraft and multiple household accounts with credits on them. She asked for help and between me and her bank knowing her for so long, all overdrafts were returned, we got her back in the black. In the meantime she sold a house she co-owned with another relative. While in the process of moving she stayed with me and another relative but when it came time to address the proceeds of the home sale, I suggested a separate account so in the event another overdraft situation occurred we would get notice long before it got so far out of wack again. She agreed and I opened a Capital One 360 for her. I linked it to her primary account and transferred the bulk of her home proceeds. Capital One had no problem receiving the funds but they locked her account. Several months ago I had her call them to figure out what the problem was, thankfully a friend of hers recorded the spooky man that was “asking her personal questions”. I listened and he was indeed spooky but he made her cry. She’s 80 years old and gave up her car and drivers license when preparing to move and now apparently must have one to access her account. I travel to see them 4 times a year but can’t hop a plane because Capital One is kicking around an elderly woman so I called and asked a very simple question. Since my relative does not need access for any pending emergency, will these funds continue to earn interest while Capital One is holding them hostage. Absolutely was the answer. I told my relative not to worry until I got there, her active account is fine and properly funded and I would continue to look out for both until I saw her next. That was in November and this is now February. Not a dime of interest has been recorded. They are essentially making money off of this woman. If the weather permits, I will be seeing her in April and when I do, we will be camping out in the Banking Commission or whatever version DE may have, until someone addresses this for us. She may be 80 but if it’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s I’ve got a family that loves to protest. Making her cry was a mistake. I had reasonably asked that they just transfer the funds back to where they came from – Nope. We’ve been lucky that no emergency has arisen where she would needs access to her funds but Capital One didn’t mind receiving them, they seem unwillingly to pay for the use of them and seem determined to keep the owner from owning them. I will call Capital One Corporate on 2/19/19 because their 24/7 customer service evidently didn’t get the memo of 24/7 customer service.As for the spooky dude, he was asking her all sorts of questions that she simply didn’t understand. Her move was based on some very personal issues involving both owners of the home. One being moved under court order and the other moving due to other legal issues pending. None of which was criminal in nature and all which stems from the challenges faced by aging adults. The insensitivity, lack of regard and respect this McGoo like character demonstrated made my blood boil. Stealing from the elderly is never a good thing.I should also note that both have been successfully relocated and situated. One experienced no issues with her bank receiving funds, the other can’t even get the interest Capital One owes her. I look forward to visiting their offices when I get back there.
I am six inches from my shredder where my Capitol One card will be going after I finished this complaint. For the past two months, I’ve been unable to print my FORMATTED monthly statement. I’ve called and spoken with no less that a dozens reps of Capital One. about the problem. It started with the the FEB Statement.. After speaking several people, customer service & techs, and after following their instructions I was never able to print the formatted statement. Finally one of the tech told me it wasn’t my problem/computer, it was a glitch in the Capital One statement, and it would be fixed in a couple of weeks. It wasn’t. I couldn’t couldn’t print the statement again. No one that I spoke with today, mentioned a system problem, so I started all over again being told to do this or that and as far as changing browsers. I have another card and I have no trouble printing its monthly statement. I had the Capital one card for a couple of years and have never had the problem before. I could accept a problem of short duration (a couple of weeks), but not this total incompetence: I was told by a tech that is was a Capital One problem and it would be fixed but it seems no one else from Capital One, particularly the customer service reps seem to know that. I DON’T NEED THIS HASSLE THUS I DON’T NEED THE CAPITAL ONE CARD. Next I expect Capital will find a way to screw up the mailed version so I will have to guess what my monthly bill will be. ADIOS CAPITAL ONE, — DON’T NEED MY BUSINESS.
Capital One customer service and the deceased dept are terrible. I have been waiting for 4 months to settle my mother’s account and they keep putting my family off. And that they are behind after dealing with them for 4 months crazy. I am going to contact the Head of Capital Markets to see if the CEO can get them to do anything. By right we can contact them via the CEO.
Capital One has the worst customer service. They do not care about their customers nor do they care about retaining their customers. They have made it very clear that they would rather lose a customer of 10 years than fix a $10 discrepancy. I will be closing my account and switching to another company.
it’s so funny you are saying that. I’m experiencing the same issues with capital one.
They are the worst when it comes to helping they customers. I’m steel trying to find help
with a discrepancy on my account. I will be closing my account with them as well…
the worst!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would like to share my bad experience with Capital One Customer service, processor department and let people know how important to care about customer, as a consumer I don’t feel it, total disrespect and carless, lying and doing nothing to help customer.
I am writing to express my deepest appreciation for the outstanding quality of your Customer Service and Fraud Department personnel. I have had an account with Capital One for many years and have always received Excellent customer service. Thank you. G. H.
First of all im very upset with this bank, This is the worst credit card company ever, I had 3 reversal because i was having problems with my bank chase and I had explained that to customer service before it happen for two hours and nobody could help bad customer service experience. I had only 3 reversal and my husband only had 2 since we have the same bank account and make the payment through there so we had a new bank bank of America and paid capital. They waited until we made the payment to close our account unfairly and i will demand and get lowers for this company because my husband had already a credit line of $500 maybe a year with capital one making his payment on time and never had any reversal until this month and after he paid $300 and still owe 300 more which we were going to pay it off but I told him to wait to see if they did not close his account too but yeah they did, they close my first and then his a week after which is today after already had spoken to our bank and our bank letting them take the payment which he was told that they were not going to close his account so beside being stealers they are also liars super upset. I had same issue with credit one and they did not close my account I will recommend everyone to go apply for credit one bank. I hope someone can help with my husband and i Issue because this is very unacceptable/
Too bad I can’t leave a starred Review…I’d planned on leaving a 1-star one. However, in view of the incredibly bad experience I had with Capital One’s customer service, that would be unrealistic – a minus59-star would be more like it!! I got what was undeniably the worst customer service I’ve ever had! Right after receiving a Platinum credit card in the mail I called Capital One to grt the card activated. I thought activation would take just a few minutes and then I’d be able to use the card. Was I wrong!! I was told by two customer service reps to get the card activated at my bank. The branch manager and I were on the phone with CSRs and supervisors over an hour, during which a copy of my valid photo I.D. Was sent to Capital One. The CSR quibbled about the fax number on the fax not being mind…of course it wasn’t, for two reasons: I’d been told to go to my bank and the card would be activated, AND I don’t have a fax machine!! I ended up trying to prevail on my U.S. Senator’s office for intervention (he sent a copy of my photo Zi.D.), with the same frustrating outcome! They refused to activate my card!!! What the CSRs told me during the whole thing was very inconsistent; they don’t know what they’re doing! I’d be a lot nastier if this wasn’t a public site!!!
Absolutely ridiculous situation- I was a customer for many years and paid on time. Recently I opened a new Venture card specifically for traveling and earning points. My family used the card for a number of purchases overseas which made that suspicious for Capital One. And I understand that, this is my security. The account was locked.
For a past couple of weeks I had multiple conversations with different departments asking to unlock my account since the card was not stolen and this is me who make this charges. They asked for the identity verification – copy of my SS card, utility bill and US passport. Today I got an answer that this doXXXXents do not confirm my identity and the account is permanently closed. And the person who is responsible for this decision is not taking customer’s phone calls. I’ve never dealt with such a disrespect with any other bank.
I am having a similar problem. I got a new venture card and had a high balance which was the purpose of me getting the card. Payment was due June 19th. Paid the ENTIRE balance off. June 21st called to add a user and was told account was closed and account was closed. I was told payment had been returned, and that if a payment is returned the COMPUTER automatically closes all CO accounts. After 2 days of discussion it was found that payment was returned because ONE number was wrong in making payment. 7 was typed and should have been 8… one number, simple human error right? Not according to CO… Full payment was again made on June 23rd. Oh mind you all of these conversation or being handled through the FRAUD DEPARTMENT!! FRAUD?? CSR from fraud department tells me it will take 7-10 business days for a response on if account will be opened again. Seven days later I call fraud department for results. ( remember this is only a simple human error). I was told back office needs the bank statement payment was paid from. Nobody could explain why especially since payment had cleared and CO had been paid. Okay, I send statement blacking out personal information and all other transactions. Was told no “backoffice” won’t accept that because it is blacked out. Statement had to be sent with no marks to be considered. WHAT!! Okay resent statement. July 18th called fraud for update. Was told accounts had been approved to be re-opened but it would take about 30 days. August 15th receive a letter in the mail from CO. Letter states while we closed your account in error we can not reopen the account because we haven’t been able to reach you via phone. WHAT!?!?!!? So again I call for an explanation, and all CSR could say was they denied opening the account even though they had approved it, because they couldn’t reach you. I said so they couldn’t just look at number by which fraud department has called me to verify. I stated I never received a message that anyone needed me to call to verify anything else. First rep stated well the notes say a message was left, but as he kept talking he stated notes said number was disconnected.. Which LIE is it?? Then I was told okay now we have verified your number we will make a new request for accounts to be reopened, and that will take another 7-10 days and if approved then another 30 days. All this because 7 was hit instead of 8!!! To date I have not heard on what the decision is since number was verified. Oh and other than new Venture card I have a regular card that I’ve had for 16 years never late with high limit. I guess customer loyalty means nothing to this company, especially if you accidentally type the wrong number when making payment. Like others on here I keep being told there is no one else I can speak with beyond the CSR. So i will post this on every site connected to Capital One until I get a response from corporate!
I have been a long time customer of Capital One but I am seriously concerned about your continued relationship with Samuel L Jackson as your spokesperson. He has made anti-white, anti-law enforcement, and now anti-homophobic and anti-President comments yet you continue to do business with him. If this man were a conservative he would have been publicly disavowed already, yet there is nothing from you. I demand you demonstrably cut your ties with him over this latest outburst and do no further business with him or I will be cancelling my account and going with a competitor.
I was seriously thinking about switching over to your credit card, but your company is giving a ride with Samuel l Jackson with his comment about white people. I am certain that if he was white and had made comments about Obama he would not be doing your commercials
hello I have been with 360 account for almost 2 years and its being nothing but hell with them .on june 1 2018 I went shopping and I swipe my card low and behold come to find out they put a restriction on my account because I complain to bbb how they try to mess with my money with uber, see was charging different prices,so I dispute it .I paid my rent my check bounce due the fact they froze my account aslo I paid 2 credit card and they check bounce to because off this today gonna make 2 w3eeks and I still has not gotten my money from them I talked to numerous people and this what they gonna say im sorry, like they care I told the lady your rent or mortgage is paid so you don’t care all im asking for my money back could some one help me thank you
Hello Capital One,
**I plan to share this story with our Government consumer advocacy office;
Attorney General of Virginia and The Commissioner of Financial Institutions of Virginia.
In November Hughes Net, a cable company fraudulently charged our Capital One card $321.58.
Our name is R & J Sargent.
Case #10003166011581
Credit Card XXXXx-XXXXx-XXXXx-7101
We had closed our Hughes Net account which was on a month to month service.
It was fraud. Since then we have been battling with Capital One to get this charge removed. At least 4 times the charge has been removed and then reapplied to our account. The Latest Capital One communication states “we were unable to obtain credit from HughesNet, and are therefore re-charging you.” So Hughes net does not respond, or refund a fraud, and you come back to us? The stress level has been hard. I get nice Cap1 people on the phone, but Capital One has no continuation, I have to start over overtime explaining and uploading and…….and…..and….Hey, it’s not an approved charge, end of story. But I was polite chasing the subject for hours. You have your process to follow….
I have written numerous letters to Capital One and proved it was fraud. I have spent hours on the phone with Capital One. I have spent time uploading everything Capital One asked for.
Again, I was polite, all you have to know is it is not approved. There is no contract or signed doXXXXent of email or phone call…do I need to go on?
Before I leave Capital One, let me share some details. We charge $8000 + every month (of late). Please feel fee to verify. We rarely contest charges (is this the only one?).
I am moving all of my charges and autoplays BACK to USAA who overall is more responsive and would of not done this to us.
I am asking one more time for you once and for all to, per your credit card agreement, to remove this fraudulent charge.
Why doesn’t the account security department ever answer or return my call???? It’s been over a week that my funds have been on hold and when I call the 360 Dept noone can help me, apparently every Rep who’s answered my call is the manager and can’t help me but only transfer me to a voicemail. This is ridiculous and the WORSE customer service!!!!
To: Capital One
Attention: CEO Mr. Richard D Fairbank
Subject: Capital One – Support of NCAA Final Four 2018
Location: San Antonio, Texas
Date: 03/31/2018
While the people of San Antonio appreciate your support of the NCAA Final Four 2018. I think that your decision at the corporate level is short sided and somewhat laughable. You used the excuse of financial issues last year to remove every Banking Branch and ATM in South Texas and San Antonio, Texas with a Population of 1,493,000. Yet your here are in San Antonio, Texas acting if nothing is wrong and lets Bank and Invest with Capital One. I beg to ask you Richard by Why ? Your company gave us dumb hicks a choice well you can drive to Austin, Texas to continue Banking with Capital One. Richard are you stupid are what; Austin, Texas is 79 miles or 1 hour and 18 minutes from San Antonio and that’s on a good day. So again Richard Don’t Piss Down My Back and Tell Me That’s It’s Raining. I can’t be positive anymore about Capital One’s Business model when you abandoned a lot of customers in South Texas, and yet now your spending ton’s of money on the NCAA’s Final Four.
Joe Covington
What’s in you wallet ? Well it’s damn sure not Capital One !
I am writing today after my wife and I having spent over 3 hours in circular conversations with your less than enthusiastic customer service representatives.
We are just trying to settle our account and close the account.
We have been doing this now since October when we came to an agreement to settle the account in two payments with a waiver of the late fees. I made the first payment as agreed and then called back as agreed to make the second payment. However, when I called in the second time the person I spoke to had no idea what I was talking about and there appears to be no notes concerning our agreement.
Your computer seems to call us 6 times per day.
Yet, still no one seems to be able to locate our previous agreement, in the meanwhile your folks continue to tack on more fees and penalties.
I am a 100 percent disabled veteran, I have been in the hospital for two back surgeries, a knee replacement, and an abdominal surgery since May of last year. My wife takes care of me and has to take time off work for my care. One would think that information would be sufficient to qualify us for a settlement of our account but your, “customer service,” people don’t seem to agree?
Please have someone with the ability and desire to take care of this account call me at; 573482XXXX.
Thank you
James P. Kahn
3hours I have been an active customer. 2 hours and 47 minutes I have been on the phone with your terrible customer service people. I am ready to close my account right now. NOT 1 of your customer service reps know what they are doing and “there is nothing I can do” appears to be Capital One’s SOP. 2 hours and 47 minutes and not 1 person can tell me why i should even stay a customer before I have had a chance to spend dollar 1. “There is nothing I can do” is what all of them keep saying. The guy on the phone now does not even know how the website works. I cannot believe that this is what you consider acceptable customer service. After being let down for the 5th time in less than 2 hours. i started asking for 1 reason to stay a customer., just 1. I am now at 3 hours on the phone with CO customer service people and still have not resolved my issue, or gotten a reason as to why i should subject myself to your high interest rates. Maybe you can tell me before tomorrow morning why I should not cancel my card first thing in the morning? I gave up and hung up after you customer service person kept laughing and accomplished nothing. All I wanted was someone to give me a valid reason to stay a customer..2 hours after activating my card..and all i got was “meh it’s your choice” if any of my employees treated my guests that way they would be fired. In the restaurant industry we have actual customer service skills,not what corporations call customer service, but actual customer service. That means we care about our guests and their happiness, and will do what it takes to keep them happy. AN god forbid we do offer a terrible experience, we do what it takes to make sure they leave the building feeling happy. I guess when you make billions that level of customer service is not important. Your not the only one who records phone calls for quality assurance. i have all of mine recorded if you want them. Maybe it is time the media does a report on companies that outsource their customer service and the lack of accountability for those employees. I will be cancelling my card before I spend dollar 1 and it is because of your employees who wasted 3.5 hours getting me 0 results.
My wife just paid off her account “IN FULL” over the phone. We did this to have the right amount for a “FULL” payoff. This was in November. We received a bill from you for 23.67. WHY? My wife’s account number is 5178 0577 5332 XXXXX. We are not paying the remaining balance of 23.67, because it was “PAID IN FULL”. If you have any questions PLEASE CALL 419-547-XXXXX. Linda Woodruff’s balance is 0 not 23.67
I having been dealing with a missing payment for a month and a half – the payment missing is $5200 – can someone please get in touch with me because I keep getting the run around on finding it!
Are you serious?? After about 20 phone calls (which can be verified thru your call system) about a misapplied payment all I get after all these call I will help you. Well, guess what? No one has done this to date. All I get I will handle this. So why am I still having to deal with this? By all the phone reps and numerous supervisors (?) . Guess what? Still nothing resolved. I can not believe all this. Adding insult was when I received an email stating I missed a payment and stating “things happen” after six month of on time payments I will be eligible for a credit line increase. If there is a customer service “Guru” out there and knows what their doing, please do so. All, I want this is resolved and no more running around with false promises (I will take care of this). This is the worst customer service staff, Is this corporation really legit.??
I am writing to you to let you know of my dissatisfaction with your employee Yohanny Antonio at your branch located at 1745 Broadway NY, NY 10019. On Monday, November 27, 2017 I entered your branch to close out a Certificate of Deposit that was due and to transfer those funds to my checking account. I handed her my driver’s license, a withdrawal slip with the account number of the certificate of deposit, and a deposit slip with the checking account number I wanted it deposited to. It is my belief that she totally ignored what I handed her as I will describe in the events below.
The first thing she said to me, “Oh. I see you have a birthday coming up this week.” At first I was confused as my birthday is in the spring and then I realized she had the wrong Marie on her screen. She then went on to tell me that she does not see the account and asked if it is a 360 account. I told her that I have no idea what a 360 account is and that you must have the wrong Marie and I proceeded to pull out my printed statements from Capital One. I then reminded her that she has my driver’s license and my information is on there. She then pulled up my account and this is when the fiasco began.
Ms. Antonio told me I have another checking account. I told her I was not aware of it and would have to look into that later. She withdrew the funds from the Certificate of deposit and then deposited the money to the checking account I was not aware of only to find out that she deposited the money to the Irrevocable Trust for which I am a trustee. Why she did this I have no idea. She had a deposit slip in front of her with the account I wanted it deposited to. I even handed her my checking account statement. She was unable to withdraw the funds from the trust and left her desk to make a phone call by the tellers to try to reverse where the money was deposited to. She was unable to do it. Something about that because it was a trust account there is a 24 hour holding period once you deposit something. My first question is, why would this hold true if your employee made an error by depositing it to the wrong account?
On November 29th she called me again to tell me that because the trust account had a deficit of approximately $340 that when the reversal was done that they would deduct that amount. I had no problem with that, but she told me that it would be an additional 48 hours before I would be able to withdraw the money from the trust account. She told me it was out of her hands and that it is with the recovery department. So because SHE IS INCOMPETENT my money was to be tied up for 3 days. I got the phone number from her for recovery and called them and spoke to the supervisor and I had the problem rectified in 15 minutes and I was able to withdraw the funds without this 48 hour period.
I believe that she never told the people that she spoke to in her phone calls that she made an error. It made absolutely no sense that the customer would be penalized for her error. She never apologized to me for the error that she made. But a BIGGER CONCERN is that she pulled up the wrong Marie on her screen and started giving me her information. In today’s world that is very concerning! You need to send Ms. Antonio for additional training if you want to keep her as your employee. I am very upset that this took place and I would like to know how I was able to fix the problem in 15 minutes and she was not? It leaves me to believe she is a liar.
I just looked at my account and it was I was over due for a ton of money! I called to see what was up and first I talked to normal operator and I kept telling her that didn’t sound right…so I need the call and I had to call again. Once they answered I asked to talk to a manager. The operated told me I needed a reason to talk to them so I said about my payment. She connected me to the manager and I told her that my minimum payment was around 49 a month and has been like that for most of this year.she told me that it has been 70 not 49 and that she went through the whole year with me saying that some months I paid more than 70. In the app it has always shown the minimum payment of $49 now I told her that and she pretty much told me that that couldn’t happen ever and I said every month I approved for $49 to be taken out of my bank account and that you’re telling me more was taken out of my bank account and I was like the app probably messed up and this isn’t right and she was not trying to help or budge on anything I was trying to say I pretty much said you’re calling me a liar and she did not acknowledge that and she continued to say what she thought was right she was saying that the statements she pulled up she could see what the minimum payment was due but she doesn’t know what I see when I pay through the app and I know that when I pay it’s under 50 bucks not 70 not 80 not 105 I feel totally disrespect as a customer of Capital One and I have never been treated like that before I am beyond Furious right now and I cannot believe that someone would actually do this and totally disregard what I’m saying I’ve been paying on this all year long and she’s saying that someone I can’t even more I feel disrespected and I actually cancelled my card for this reason so I no longer charging to this card because of this one person
Because I accidentally paid my Sept. bill twice for $15,941.37 on Nov 17,2017, I must wait 15 days plus 7 to 10 days for mail delivery for a check to be reimbursed. This is totally unacceptable.
With wire transfers, technology I am very upset to say the least that you cannot reverse this mistake on my part. I tried escalating to a higher manager with no results. I may cancel this card which is not free, it was just billed $29.00.
Surely some one could expedite my reimbursement for my mistake. Upper management needs to know about this policy and change it. All I want is my money back.
Mary Ann Berger
843 838 XXXXX
My acc was paid in full and i was still charged interest on acc after a zero balance. This is ripping people off and i work to hard for my money to give it away. Ive been a customer for years and they.wont even remove it as a courtesy or nothing. If i have to pay it capital one will lose a customer who is always on time with payment
Incredible…this whole complaint involves a 50 $ payment sent over 6 days ago that Capitol one said they can’t verify! What,…. See, sometimes Capitol one will take the funds, cause you will see the withdrawal come across your debit card, then a day or two later you’ll have the credit, what they didn’t explain to me and to everyone I’ve spoken to So far is when that money is taken out, it’s really not out! Lol…. Somehow they keep it and if you spend all the money on your debit card they’ll act as if they haven’t taken it out yet! It’s clear the cash left, I set down added it alone, called the debit card, with their supervisor it was same conclusion! Netspend has no clue what they did with it, it’s no longer in my possession! It’s not in the debit card account, Just like the debit card super told me, the money was removed 6 days ago, if they aren’t applying it in that amount of time, they had no intentions to! I can’t believe I didn’t do research before getting involved! To anyone thinking about using Capitol one, turn around now… Do not, you will regret it! Unless your pretty wealthy then you might not see the payments they are,… Placing on hold,.. Wink wink! At least for my part I was completely scammed, I have nothing more to lose, they just took my money, by the time i push this thru the complaint process all the damage will be done since I live pretty much pay check to pay check. After my divorce I was left with nothing… Starting all over, and wouldn’t you know that of all the credit card companies I pick the one that just doesn’t give a crap! I have made several payments to Capitol one, they will sometimes request the money, my debit service gives it to them, it comes off my total and although slow it has always hit! This time, I guess in retaliation for a payment they was unable to collect last time prompted them to teach me a lesson! Lol… So they are actually playing games with my money! I waited this morning for 15 mins on hold for their fraud department! The guy comes on and even though I’d already spoken about the whole issue over the last 10 mins before being placed on hold to transfer to him, he didn’t even know my name, he answered like it was just another call! The lady who placed me on hold said this could take a few mins while I explain it all to fraud so they know the deal…. Well I clearly didn’t wait 15 mins for that cause this dude had no clue who I even was, I started laughing, this guy hangs up…… 10 mins with First Lady, 15 mins on hold so basically 25 mins of my day and this guy just hangs up, I guess cause I was laughing that he didn’t even know my name! Earlier I sent verification thru a secured link provided by Capitol one….. It’s been hrs…. Nothing! Who wants someone playing with there only means to survive? Which is your money! I am currently filing with every agency involved and thought I would take a minute and leave this to try and save someone else!
One of the worst when it comes to customer service. The customer service reps will tell you something, and you think you have everything straightened out, and then you get a different story when you call back. Just got off the phone with them, and these people don’t work for Capitol One they are a third party company reading off a computer screen.
Capital one customer for over 20 years. Two current credit card accounts. Recently applied and received a Venture one card. A month after receiving and activating, I received a fraud letter in the mail from Capital One. I was told it was restricted until I sent them a copy of my drivers license and social security card! What? I never had the problem ever applying for a capital one card , activating it and using it. Now all of a sudden they want proof that its really me! I gave them my address, social, and all the other information they needed over the phone. Apparently, that wasn’t good enough? what is going on here? I am not sending my social security card and identification over the internet. You already know who I am! Please explain to me what’s going on ! I got so upset, I cancelled and closed the card. Luckily it was still a zero balance. Very upset with the way this was handled.
Same here.
I changed my Email address. OMG!
They called, I verified it was me. They Emailed, I verified it was me.
NOW, like you, they want SS#, copies of drivers license etc.
I have 2 cards but they have a hold on my one card to keep me from making purchases, but I can make them on the other. Cant make payments either.
You know.. I might be a criminal wanting to make a payment on my card.
Just total harassment.
In the beginning of Sept, you notified ME of fraud on my credit card. 3 charges at SAKS in Abeerdeen, MD. One for $135, one for $270 and one for $6?? (that you blocked) These were fraudulent charges. I received credit for the $135 while you investigated. I called about the $270 charge & I got credit. Then I was re-charged, then I got credit, then I got re-charged. Spent HOURS on the phone & it was removed. Checked my statement and it was re-applied. This was a fraudulent charge that YOU notified ME about. Your reg customer service is a NIGHTMARE. When I get a supr, he acknowledges the problem. It gets straightened out, then goes back on my account. I shouldn’t have to waste all this time and phone hours to fix a problem repeatedly. This is FRAUD.
To whom it may concern. One of your best employees Ms.Gregoria Angent ID S.B. A 226 is one of the most professional people at Capital One . I have every talk to . She Should be promoted to the Corporate Office and a huge pay increase . Thank for taking the time in reading this .. She is Phenomenal
Very difficult situation with the dispute department. The manager I spoke with in the dispute department informed me it is so difficult the process because capitol one has to follow mastercard guidelines. I just spoke with mastercard directly and their customer service rep told me this is not correct. I just submitted my complaint to the Attorney General regarding this train wreck they call a dispute. Now my bill is due and I have to pay for the item I returned. Corporate HQ is going to hear an ear full from me. I was the one who resolved my problem and this has been dragged on for over 2 months. Paypal is also useless. I recommend all to buy things with with as much cash as you can. I will terminate services when this nightmare ends.
I’m going to do the same thing, this is ridiculous, they have my money… It’s already been confirmed! But the state attorneys office should know about this
My card was decline, one month ago in a grocery store.. I paid cash.. Called customer service.. Was told they needed updating on our mailing address.. Gave it to the rep and he activated our cards.. Today my card was declined while trying to pay for groceries..paid cash.. Called customer service and was told our account was closed.. Asked why.. The updated information was never updated.. THERE MISTAKE…. I was told by a supervisor , named Roxanne , we would have to wait 7to 10 days to have our account reviewed. I find this unacceptable.. We have been with capital one for twenty years ..
I am having the same problem . Total incompetancy at Capital One. I was informed our account couldn’t be reopened even though I called and updated our physical address on July 5th.
Capital one decided to audit my check deposits. They rejected one of my checks because I didn’t endorse it. No one ever called to notify me. Instead I was left with a negative balance for all of Labor Day weekend. When I finally spoke to a rep she told me that I’d have to wait 7-10 days until I receive a replacement check from Captial One. Since I’ve been banking with capital one for 10 YEARS I figured they might be able to expedite the process. That was denied also.
Being loyal to capital one for 10 years has not earned me anything. With a negative account no money access and a small child to care for , capital one has left me out to dry.
I will gladly take my business to another bank. Perhaps Bank Of the Internet, they have tons of interesting/useful perks for their members. Like no withdrawal fee on all ATM withdrawals (from any ATM)
I am very upset with the lack of assistance I received from a customer service supervisor named Gail ID# THN973 out of the Virginia call center. and I enrolled with capital one I was advised the minimum payment due is $25 my payment is due on the second day of the month. I made my payment on the first day of the month in the amount of $25 only to see a fee of $26 for past due payment I called customer service the representative kept telling me my payment was late when in fact it was one day early in the end I spoke to a supervisor named Gail was of no assistance she then advised my new minimum payment was now $26. So because the payment was one dollar short I was getting assessed a past due payment fee also I was never advised that my payment would now be $26 instead of 25 I then asked Gail for a credit because I was not aware of this change And she stated it was my responsibility to go online and look up any changes or modifications to my account. When I asked to speak to someone else she said there was no one else I could speak to you because she was the supervisor. This is extremely horrible customer service I tried looking for corporate information on capital one and all I see is where it’s located there is no contact information no phone number no facts nor address capital one this looks very bad on you.
I have a credit rating above 775 by the 3 credit companies. Until you stop advertising with Samuel L Jackson I will never apply for your cc
I previously had an account with Capital one 3 years ago. I opened up another account 2 months ago.I was having problems logging into my account and decided to call customer service. They had to merge my account in order for me to log in. I entered my credit card information to pay off my credit card. A couple of weeks later I received an email stating my card was declined. I called the bank and told them my situation. The representative told me that my bank declined the transaction. The credit card information was from my old account from 3 years ago. i told the representative that i never entered that account information. Mind you I have not used that account in years. I paid the account again on the app and received the same decline. I called customer service again and they still had the old account number on my account when it was supposed to have been deleted. They also had another old account on my file. When i addressed the situation with a supervisor they basically in small words told me i was lying. I was very offended by this and tried to speak to a manager but was transferred to the fraud department. I can’t believed they treated me like this. The worst part is they closed my account!!!!
Capital one has the worst customer service I have every had. I waited forever for my card and when I finally received it, it was deactivated by a representative for whatever reason. When I spoke to a “supervisor” about it she told me it in fact wasn’t deactivated and guess what!, It really was! Now I have to wait longer for someone else’s stupidity. Definitely will not refer ANYONE to capital one! Not even my pet hamster.
Very disappointed in Capital One. I have multiple accounts and credit cards, including for 2 businesses. I made a credit card payment on a Cap One card with funds from a Cap One checking account in which there was 3x’s the funds available to cover the check and Cap One returned the check as NSF claiming that after 6 days after a deposit of two checks from government institutions had not yet cleared. Cap One made no effort to advise me of the situation, and after 2 days of phone calls and spending the better part of 2 hours on the phone, all I get is excuses and 0 effort at resolve the matter, and I mean 0 effort. Time to find a local/community bank with real people to talk to and respond to issues/concerns.
Sent a check to CapitolOne to pay off my credit card. the received the check on the 25 and are holding the funds for 7 days even though the funds are guaranteed. So it looks as if they have their money but are holding my credit for 7 days until the check clears the bank. Discover card was able to realize that the funds were guranteed and released the funds right away, while I was waiting on the phone. No one in customer service was able to help me but only stated the company line. No help at all. looks like discover will be getting my CC businesss. They said that my complaint would be sent to the corporate office but I highly doubt it.
my card has been restricted and account closed I expressed to the agent that the card I used to try and pay my bill wasn’t set up to pay credit cards online. i was told that all I had to do was pay 2 months min payment and that it would be slightly higher. But, today I see that my account has been closed.This was out of my control and i couldn’t pay by western union or money gram either with the debit card I have. i really want my capital one card and have since then changed my payment method to a secure card to pay my bill. I was told I had to pay all of my balance and then reapply for a capital one credit card and I asked how would the payment history for my capital one account be viewed since this incident has happened. If there is anyway I can gain access to my card/account without reapplying please inform me because it wasn’t my intentions for something like this to happen. my old debit card was through and I wasn’t aware of the restrictions so if there is a way other than me having to pay the full bal ($347.00) I will gladly take care of the payment option you offer to me because this isn’t fair I tried making my payment way ahead of the due date July 2 2017 but each time I wasn’t aware that the debit card I was using didn’t process the payment. I would really like another chance because like I said I was reassured by an agent that all I had to do was make 2 payments on July 7 2017 in the amount of $50.00 and whatever other charges that was applied and I would be ok. But to my surprise my account/card were suspended
I’ve been banking with Capital One for 20+ years. I recently opened a new business account as well,
and It has been the WORST experience ever!!!! Last week I walked into a branch to remove an authorized user from my account, the transaction was completed by one of the bank associates and myself. I left the bank reassured that my money would be secure, “WRONG”!!! The next day this unauthorized user walked into Capital One and withdraw 3,500 out of my business checking account!! I filed a complaint with the customer service manger, she created a complaint number and said so would get back to. She kept her word and got back to me in two days, but the resolution was “SORRY THE TELLER DIDN’T KNOW!!!!!!!
My husband and I applied for a credit card. When I called the number I was given after I completed the application I could not believe the horrible way I was treated not to mention my husband. I was on hold at least 12 minutes while the rep “checked” on information. After being on hold twice when the rep got back on the phone she wanted to speak to an employee at Menards. Then she proceeded to give him orders as to what I needed to provide, SS# Driver licence ect…. All of which was given on the application. It was embarrassing and completely out of line. I spoke with a “Supervisor ” who was of no help. I hung up….At that point I no longer wanted to proceed and get a card. I worked customer service for many years and NEVER did I witness a representive behaving in the manor the one we spoke to did. The supervisor was no better. I am taking this matter forward there is more that transpired but I am not at liberty to say at this moment. I will give an update on what transpires at a later date.
yall stole my money and messed up my credit and put fraud on my credit report wouldn’t recommend yall to my dead dog I will be reporting yall to credit bureau I call and they said that was in policy im ctill waiting on someone to send me that part of yall policy
I wanted to reach out to you in regards to this years Chief Customer Officer Exchange. In the next few weeks, we are finalizing our VIP Guest Pass registrations for the upcoming forum, which is taking place this upcoming May in San Diego.
The Exchange brings together 50 Heads of Customer Experience from companies like Samsung, BBC, MetLife, Oncor Electric and Groupon. These executives will be gathering for three days to network, benchmark, and share best practices on topics like building brand loyalty and creating customer-centricity while simultaneously being able to review tailor-made CX solutions.
I would like to invite you to be a part of our invite-only VIP audience which will cap at fifty (50) senior customer experience executives. These VIP passes are very limited and there are only six remaining. See below what the VIP pass entails;
$3,199 ($599) Registration Includes:
-2 nights accommodation at the Resort
-Access to the pre-event website to customize your schedule during the Exchange
-Selection of executive roundtables, keynote presentations and conference sessions
-Selection of one-to-one business meetings with service providers
-Breakfast, lunch and refreshments
-Gala Welcome Dinner on Day 1 and Networking Dinner on Day 2
-Personal copy of the event catalogue, including participant details and speaker doXXXXentation
-Exchange Operations Manager dedicated to pre-event, on-site
If you’d like, I’m happy to send over the agenda for you to review. I’d love to schedule a call sometime this week to discuss the event further, paint a clear picture of how everything works and answer any questions you may have.
I am looking forward to speaking with you.
Have a great day!
Please advise if this not of interest.
Kind Regards,
Michael Mango
Account Manager, Delegate Acquisition
535 5th Avenue, New York, New York, 10017
Phone: 212-885-2702
Email: Michael.Mango at
Sales Code: TMMANGO
I’m trying to return a call from Erica McGuire, she said on my voice mail that she was in the executive offices and gave me a phone number of 800 955 1455 ext. 2914428. That number gets me no where, I’ve spoken with 5 people at that number and no one can help me. I would like Erica McGuire to call me back. 847-204-XXXXX
Thomas Jansen
I called capital one to make a payment over the phone. They told me I had to have a bank account in order to make a payment. I chose not to have a bank account after a very bad experience with banks. I have always paid my husbands account with a prepaid card. Even to this day I use that card. However, they won’t let me. They told me I have to use money gram or western union. Who charge way too much to send the payment. I CANT EVEN PAY IT ON LINE. What BS is that. What happened to customer service. I think the company is getting greedy, and needs to understand not everybody has a bank account. Most of us live on a fixed income.
Capital one blocked me from my account after me adding my girlfriend to the account she couldn’t go to the full verification after when I’ve been with them for a while they locked me out and would not let me access my money or anything capital one is the biggest crooks on the face of this earth I rather deal with foreign companies because I have dealt with them before and they have never robbed me of my money that’s with capital one 360 they find ways to steal money from people that’s how the corporations grown so big stealing the hard workers money
Marketing idea: for the celebrities you have on contract, ex: Samuel Jackson,, use the different movies he’s been in for a commercial theme,, do a “Pulp Fiction” Capital One commercial, “Star Wars”, Snakes on a Plane” etc… nothing so detailed u have to get permission from the studio, it would be neat to see some your actors “movie” references in your commercials. JAT Bspear
Capital One needs to fire Samuel Jackson. He is a racist. He is profane. He is anti-American. He is a terrible corporate representative, not because of his acting, but because of his foul nasty racist mouth.
One example:
Actor Samuel Jackson – “If that motherf–—er becomes president, I’m moving my black ass to South Africa.”
oh and fyi, I’ve been a customer since before Capital One bought Chevy Chase Bank , for several decades.
I have had a Capitol One Credit card for some time now. Have NEVER missed a payment, in fact usually pay a week or two ahead of time. I asked for a credit line increase, told no, then as soon as I asked for it, I started received RIDICULOUS interest charges monthly which I never received before. I will NEVER get this paid off unless I make double or triple payments. HOw do they expect you to do that or do they? Maybe that is right where they want us. I will NEVER recommend Capital One to anyone.
Oh and another thing, ending account 2716 for one of them. I don’t know the names of the many supervisors and customer service reps I have been through between 6/30/16 and now but I want my issue resolved immediately. You have not received any proof whatsoever about any filing of anything, there is no such proof and yes its verifiable on your end and all I was told was misinformation or for me to wait and I can’t provide information from the courts about my account. That’s a little ridiculous if a customer can prove that your entry and restrictions were done in error.
I have two credit card accounts and they were established when my BK was discharged. I haven’t filed a BK since; have made on time payments for the last 4 years and have received credit line increases, card upgraded to Quick Silver, etc. Up until 6/30/16 my card was fine. I was online going to pay my bill as usual and my accounts is restricted. I contacted Customer Service and they told me that they received notice from the BK Courts that I had filed for a BK within the last 30 days. I have not filed a BK in the last 30 days. I asked for a FAX # because I took time off from work and went to the Eastern District BK Court in my city. They researched my name, ss#, address and everything and there was no notification sent; no BK filed since 2010. I contacted Customer Service again and they stated that they would send email to the correct department for this issue to be researched, investigated and resolved in 3 days. This never happened. I called back in the 3 days and was told that it had not been submitted and was submitted on 7/1/16 instead. I asked for a FAX # because the BK Court provided me with doXXXXentation regarding their research and it was signed by the clerk of the court stating no records found between 2011-2016 for any BK filing. I called the Customer Service Center and they transferred me to a supervisor who told me this: Maam, it doesn’t matter when you filed for the BK; we restrict your account. I told her that doesn’t make sense because I was given my first card to re-establish and build credit and as I paid on time and kept my accounts up to date, my credit lines have been increased; my cards have been upgraded and I think you are confused about how credit cards are issued. She told me that I was wrong and it was up to me what I wanted to do with my card and there was nothing more that she can do; my card is restricted and there is nothing more to be done. So basically she told me that I’ve lost my privileges for a bankruptcy filed in 2010 but discharged in 2013 when they issued my card, gave me credit then restrict and take my card after almost 4 years of on time payments, rebuilding credit and credit line increases? I’d like my issue resolved and I’ve been put on hold for a week without any resolution whatsoever. I asked what do I do about the payments she told me to basically keep them because my account won’t be re-instated. I asked then what was the purpose of the investigation; I’m at a stand still here depending on someone to do something while nothing is being done. You won’t allow me to fax doXXXXents from the bk court records search signed by the clerk of the court; you won’t let me talk to someone other than Customer Service and you as a supervisor. I want my accounts resolved is all and nothing.
My compChanis lost my 6000 account because u never gave another notice on new chip card . U closed that card made a full out of me at my work. Just imagine if I was on vacation and only wanted use that card .no cash my vacation would be ruined. Plus it is 6months Since u said anything about chip card. Plus not all places use them and all companies has given new cards. you can’t say ur for people if u move at lighting speed and forget technology is not at all places. To keep my card active all u had to do was reinstate old card for couple months. Capital one has no respect for people in ice age Hates CCchange. What can u do. John hoping to here from someone important thank you
I am really tierd of capital one putting restrictions on my account when its noted in my file i have and authorized user. I am close to 80 yeara old and im incapable of getting to a bank thats what my user is for. I cant send the right doXXXXents because i had a temporary adress for 24 hour care but my adress is still in marrero la 70072. I would like if my accounts can be un restricted if not i will just switch banks im always dealing with something. My date of birth is 9-24-** and the last 4 of my social is **** and the two account numbers one end in **** and one ends in **** my account number is XXXXXXXXXXXXXX. My phone number is 50493XXXXX please contact me as soon as possible thank you.
People are always ready to complain opposed to commend. I wanted to commend an employee of yours, his name is Mr. Ron Foster out of the Utah office. I have had the pleasure to work with him on two separate occasions and both times he was consistent. His customer service skills are top notch, he showed concern with my situation and was very helpful to resolve my situation. He is definitely an asset to your company. He’s a keeper!
I hope this reaches the intended department, so he can receive the accommodation he deserves. Thank you in advance.
Yolanda Rodriguez
I have tried several times since yesterday to get a response from corporate about a security incident and have recieved no response, maybe here someone will finally get back to me about this attrocious behavior. Copies of emails are below.
Hello Richard.
I am writing to inform you about what is going on in your customer service and what is happening on your website, and that i am disgusted with it and am already looking for new banks for myself and encouraging everyone I know to drop your service, this is unacceptable.
You do not have a simple way to reset account info, and you are extremely quick to lock me out of my account, then beyond that once you have locked me out you do not allow me back in. In order to TRY to get back in you offer a phone number, 2 robots and 3 people later I am told that I am not who I am (a phrase i never thought i would hear) and that they cannot help me. I provided, my first and last name, previous address, previous cars, date of birth, full social security number multiple times, full debit card info, parents info, (waht else do you need my blood?) more than is even required to get my passport, and yet somehow that is not enough for your customer service rep David UKO456, who said he cannot confirm that I am who I say I am.
That is unacceptable, give me a simple button I can press and a single question to fill out (how bout just the last 4 of the social like literally every other secure online service) where I can reset my password after getting locked out.’
This all came about because my debit card is not working and I wanted to check my account. Luckily this is while I am near home and not in need for money immediately so this has not been that large of an impact, i simply did not get lunch at work. But what if I wasn’t, what if I was in a foreign country in need of money for say food or gas and I run into this debacle. That would be borderline criminal, withholding me from my own money while I’m in need.
Now on to the security flaw in your website. (which I feel like I shoulda brought up to the other side of the law with how I have been treated by your company)
When you try to login too many times with a valid account ID you will get the lockout error, which is its own nightmare described above. However if you try many times with a nonvalid account ID you will never get that message of being locked out. This makes it possible for a would be hacker to harvest valid user id’s simply by locking them out. It then helps the hacker along their way by forcing the victim to go through the laborious process of resetting their password which creates an opening for someone with a social engineering background to get the password from either the customer service rep (which is less likely as they wont even give the password to the legitimate owner of the account) or they can get it from the victim which would be much easier as most are naive.
Please contact me at this email, or via phone at 703-740-XXXXX, I will not answer calls during work, because I’m working…
One last thing, why did you take out the coin counting machines. That was literally the only thing I liked about your bank when I first joined many years ago, ad the removal was the first step to driving me away.
Hello Again Richard,
I see you have either not gotten to yet, or you ignored my previous message.
One thing I left out about your customer service rep David UK0456. After giving him many forms of identification including my full name Tim Hennesy and full social security number, he then misheard me thinking I said my name is Shawn, and gave me the full logon info for my dad, Shawn Hennesy, the ID and the password, I immediately corrected him that the info he just gave is for my dad, I need the info for myself, Tim Hennesy. Somehow David couldn’t wait to give the logon info to an account that did not match the name or social security number of the person he is talking to, however when I corrected his potentially disastrous security mistake he then refused to give me my logon information after talking several more steps to once again verify who I am.
What kind of business are you running where you withhold info, from a valid customer trying to access his account, but you will gladly give away info to people who do not match the account holder. After bringing up these security flaws to my dad he agreed that we as a family can no longer trust your business to keep our information, and money secure. We will be looking to move all of our accounts, mine and my parents large joint account, as soon as possible unless this situation is remedied. A start would be getting a personal explanation for Davids inappropriate and insecure behavior, assuring that this will not happen again, and taking further steps to secure your online accounts.
I am submitting this complaint because I was really disrespected the first time ever by several of Capital One employees first one LaShawn supposed to be manager or supervisor ID number LDL 345 second one Rita which totally hung the phone up on me so unprofessionally and disrespectful that I will be closing and paying off my account to Capital One this is appalling that a consumer be treated this way buy any credit card company Miss Rita was so rude and unprofessional that I can hardly believe it and I also was told by MS.ann ID number wax 137 that she would explain to miss Rita before I was transferred the reason for my call and my concerns but that never happened either this is unacceptable Behavior I will be writing the Better Business Bureau and also the Attorney General’s office I want an apology from Miss Rita which refused to give me her ID number and Miss LaShawn LDL 345 unacceptable Behavior I hope whoever at your corporate office read this note contact me as soon as possible to deal with this unacceptable behavior from your employees never have I ever been felt so disrespected I had a refund sent back to one of my closed accounts which ends in 8200 $45 an change, I know that it doesn’t take 6 days for electronic draft to be sent to my bank account which is MCU I’m appalled with the behavior from this company unacceptable unprofessional disrespectful employees that hang the phone up on their consumers and clients with no results I will definitely be hearing this with every website that I can think of Yelp people’s complaints and like I said the Better Business Bureau and the Attorney General’s office unacceptable Behavior someone need to get in contact me as soon as possible I want some answers about the behavior from your employees mr. Tyrone Swinton
I want to let all who read this that Capital One Bank will cash any check given to them, even when the signature is forged. That’s right. Whoa to all of you Veterans, as I have just recently seen my deceased mother’s V.A. checks and had a chance to look at the back of them. My mother had Dementia. Capital One Bank allowed my younger sister who is a convicted felon and her children to sign these checks and cash them, using a forged Power of Attorney, to gain access to all of my mother’s money until my mother’s death last year. This happened from 2009 to 2015! I need to write a book about this so that anyone who is suffering from Dementia will understand what will happen to their money at Capital One Bank. Capital One Bank refused to help me after my mother’s death to understand their savings account statements and refused to answer my emails when they realized that they had “screwed up”. I drove over two hours to Richmond, VA. My sister left a nickel in one of my mother’s savings accounts and the representative acted like they did me a favor my giving it to me, the Executor. Instead of just giving me the nickel, they filled out a cashier’s check, that’s right, for a nickel. Capital One Bank tellers deposited the forged checks but made a big deal about a nickel! When I worked as a teller we were supposed to look at the back of each check and match it up to our computer screen, but not so with Capital One Bank. In this case, it was all about “the money”.
My experience with Capital One ranks as one of the worst ever! No one there can effectively problem solve and although they acknowledge they have issues, the place is incompetent. I was told the money market product I purchased was a “pilot test” and they need to get the bugs out, however they offered no system support when I could not even get into my account. The only graceful thing they did was accept my deposit. After wasting a lot of time with four customer service people I called the headquarters to relay my frustrating experience and surprise, surprise, my call was screened (“they don’t talk to people like me”, hello, I’m called a customer trying to give management feedback and an opportunity to keep my business) and I was forwarded right back to customer service who again, could not fix the issue.
No enlightened senior management at Capital One….Just pathetic.
Capital One is a horrible company to do business with! I had a horrible experience with them. I disputed a charge and spoke with several reps over the months while it was going on and ht information they gave me was totally wrong and delibertly misleading. They flat out lied to me. I closed all my accounts out including investments and savings and went elsewhere. Won’t do business with a disreputable company that thinks that is a proper way to treat customers. If you check on other review sites, you will see many more negative reviews with the same complaints. Best to stay away!!! Too many other better banks to chose from!
Count me in as someone who will NEVER use a capital one credit card as long as Samuel Jackson is the spokesperson. You terminated Alec Baldwins contract because of his comments on gays, but when Jackson says something as stupid and racist as he hoped the killer of the San Bernardino massacre was an old angry white man you ignore it because you either share his liberal views or you are to PC to dare take a stand. Either way I refuse to use any credit card affiliated with your company and in case you were wondering my credit score is in the 800’s, in other words you would love to have me as a client, but it will not happen as long as he is your spokesman!
Don’t be a sheep. What has Samuel L Jackson said for you to classify him as racist. A mind is such a terrible thing to waste.
It should only take about 5 minutes of Google search to find some Samuel Jackson profane anti-American, anti-white rant. He is a disgrace. It makes me sick to see him on Capital One commercials. They could have found someone who isn’t such a radical, and is a reasonable pro-American black person. I know there are many of them out there.
Should have added: I’m Irish Catholic….do the math. Turns out I have 137 contacts…haha!
FYI: Both comments have been posted elsewhere, Google it, go ahead and delete them if you want…in fact, please do so I can say you suppressed my right to post an opinion about a hateful racist! 19 people, who just happen to have your card, had no idea of Jackson’s racist, hateful comments….and it’s only been a few hours in the middle of the night! Hey, this is fun! And…I have 4 more days off!
My comment is under review? Your racist spokesman should be under review! I will give you the chance to make things right, but if I see Sam J. on TV in a week our cards are going into our industrial shredder and I WILL MAKE IT MY HOBBY TO RELAY HIS COMMENTS TO EVERYONE I KNOW, AND EVERYONE THEY KNOW.
After over 5K this month alone in purchases our on C1 card I have began looking for a new company to profit from my purchases. Unless Samuel Jackson is terminated, ASAP, as your spokesman, I will not continue to support your company and will be sending an e-mail to roughly 75-100 friends, family members and co-workers (with the request to forward the information to their contacts) explaining why. Jackson said he initially hoped the terrorist incident in San Bernardino was committed by a white person, rather than the radical Islamic terrorists who murdered over a dozen people. What type of racist non-sense is that? He is a radical, anti-white hateful human being, in my opinion–shame on you for employing such a horrible human being–again, my opinion. I will assume his continued employment is an endorsement of his ignorance and way of thinking by you, and will act accordingly.
What Imbecile put Samuel L. Jackson on the Capital One Bank payroll? Jackson publicly stated he wished the San Bernadino Jihadist killers had been White. Coming from a man who was convicted of a “Second Degree Felony” makes sense now. Jackson is a big mouth radical who appears to dislike white people. This guy really makes Capital One Bank look bad. Does the CEO of Capital One Bank (Richard Fairbank) really want a radical felon representing a well known and respected financial corporation. If so then Richard Fairbank is a bigger idiot than Jackson is.
Barry Lee
Talk about going from bad to worse, replacing an arrogant, loud mouth, XXXXy, spokesman with a convicted felon…. Wtg
My name is Shirley doss, I applied for a venture card a month ago, since my approval I have completed two phone verifications, sent in over 40 doXXXXents through email fax u name it to the fraud dept. every time they tell me we will clear it and call u in one to two business days . I have more then done my part in cooperating and being the customer I feel I should get the same. two days ago they emailed me a link to send in more through a link and here it is quiet convenient two days later they tell me oh we need a bank verification, I am a 71 year old 300 pound lady that just had three hernia removed and I’m a full blown diabetic so it take me longer to heal. I can’t be in a vehicle til I’m released I have a lot of family and friends that use ya so I decided I would use ya. I’m in desperate need of fixing things around my home due,to water damage. and if something don’t give ya will lose over 25 customers, I ain’t been giving ya the run around I shouldn’t be getting it either. my number is 662-858-****
And if I’m not gonna be able to benefit off this company. I suggest ya take ur name off my credit report. I don’t take it lightly when I’m takin advantage of. Thanks and have a wonderful day.
Mr. Fairbank,
You closed 31 banking locations and my local office was one of them, leaving me with remote banking and Spark for charges for my business which is only accessible 50% of the time. You didn’t have the consideration to leave an ATM and the closest Cap 1 Bank is 45 minutes away. I was forced to go there today to address these issues and was told by the manager “there is nothing I can do to help you”.
Mr. Fairbank, you should stop being a “whimp” and really listen to how your brilliant corporate decisions have negatively impacted many many lives. Stop hiding behind the skirts of your administrative assistants and have the balls to stand up for the mess you made. Give me a call… lets chat it up 703 622 XXXXX.
Bruce Wyman
I’m getting so fed up with capital one banks. For the second time in the past 2 months the silver spring md locations does not register your full cash deposit a mmount and completes deposit without giving g you the option to complete it. Last night around 12am i went to the atm to make a deposit of $717 cash, I put the cash in next I know it say take your cash and spits out a few bills it dies this a few times spitting out a total of $79 then again says take your cash a few more times but no money was comming out next i know it eject my cards no receipt nothing onky $79 came out it keeping the rest of my $717 . I was not sure if it added that amount to my account so try to do a balance check and none of it deposited so where does it go where the hell is my money. Im so tired of this banks at me taking cash not adding your deposit to you account and it taking weeks for them to process to try to locate your money. It did this to me 2 times in the past 2 months last time they tried to tell me they dont see a deposit in that a mmount and told me they were not funding me my money and was trying to deny my claim after days straight fighting with them over 37 days later they find the error now im dealing with it again this time hundreds more. Had they kept deposit envelopes this crapy would not be happening all my money woukd be togather not stuck in a machine not account for about to start making calls to federal trades commissions ect my mother ink retired from the World banks and still dont get how this bank has so many errors and cant find a count for money that went in ready for the long hall again just trying to get ny cash back and ready for attorneys this time because im not going through this again
After reading some of these comments, it is clear to me that some people want to blame a financial company for their personal mistakes. Come on people eat your crow and own up to your mistakes and quit blaming Capital One. I have SO much Respect for Capital One, as they have only treated me More than fair! They have always went above and beyond to help me in my needs, as I do NOT make unreasonable demands knowing my credit history. Mr. Fairbanks and ALL Capital One Staff, Thank you very much for being there for me when ever I needed you! I KNOW WHAT IS IN MY WALLET, and I can guarantee IT WILL FOREVER BE! Absolutely the best Credit Card Company I have. Much Respect, Jerry
I don’t have an account with Capital One however I was given a new number today and just my luck the rudest collection agent call my phone today. I told him he has the wrong number and hung up the phone… he called right back and ask me who did I think I was for hanging up on him. R u serious? I went off then he call back 6 times I got kinda nervous that’s harassment. I recorded him and have the screenshots proving he called several times. Capital one is this how you train your employees, coming from a domestic violence relationship that brought back bad memories and now I have to change a number that I just got today because of your reckless employees…… Who do I call the FCC or the BBB someone please tell me because I’m very unsettled by this.
I adore capital one bank and all the features of the checking and savings accounts. It has come to my attention that the Oak Grove La branch is closing. Many of us who are loyal customers can live with that but word is capitol one will not even leave an ATM in our town. This is going to cause many of us to have to close our accounts for something accessible. I have never been more happy with the service of a bank and regret hearing this news. Please consider leaving our town an ATM.
Dear Cap One Admin Leadership;
It is very apparent that your company has no respect for the consumer; has no respect for the law; and use the 2 larges credit reporting agencies as tools to hurt, abuse, harass consumers. Cap One reports lies to harass and hurt consumers. They report false information; Their 75% settlement letter is a deceitful tool to scam the public. They post charge offs, when there no charge offs; they post collections when there are no collections; they lie and state not their fault. They do false charge offs to send incorrect information to the IRS and to the SEC. This company needs to be redirected to be professional and consumer friendly. They do not want to work with consumers; they want to hurt consumers. My experience says: Do not finance a vehicle through Cap one; Do not get a credit card through Cap One. Be a part of the bigger good; if you have been hurt by Cap One and its agents; get together and be a part of the bigger good. I personally have tried to deal with Cap One; they are most difficult and non caring; they are hurtful; they are unprofessional. Everyone just needs to stop using Cap One until they correct their unprofessional work styles.. I personally will contact every US Gov agency to file complaints of what Cap One is doing; They are hurting the American system; taking money from false filings, and doing bad things to the filing system of the IRS and the SEC. We all need to get together and work to correct and change the unprofessional Cap One situation. Lets all get together and work for the common good. Cap One is bad for America. Thank you
Can you call me
May 10, 2015
Subject: A dollar short of the minimum payment
I am writing commenting on the policy to penalize customers who have paid the same minimum balance since the beginning of the year, but one month instead of the usual $25 dollars it was $26 for the minimum payment, so the customer, given there was no high expense purchase that would have raised the monthly payment, paid by habit the $25 on time, days before the due date.
The next billing statement displayed a $52 minimum due with a $25 late fee included. The customer knew it wasn’t late, so retrieving the previous monthly statement, the customer recognized the minimum balance was $26 instead of $25, so the customer, after seeing the unfair penalty for being a $1 short of the $26, of course, called 6/8/15, to see if there was a recourse to be taken for this oversight, for a customer who has paid regularly, the minimum balance, since the beginning of the year.
The customer representative said they could waive the fee, but the $52 was still due by May 18, so in actuality there was no waiving of the fee- no recourse could be taken. I could understand if half of the minimum was received or no payment at all, but penalized, by a clear, apparent oversight of a $1, the customer fail to understand why there could not be any rectification for this, dollar short, oversight, where the $25 late fee could have been totally waived, so the customer can retain the normal minimum balance of $25 when they have not charged anything on the card, causing the minimum monthly payment to increase.
It’s hard to believe that Capital One, does not allow or have one ethical recourse for customers, instead of charging their customers $25 for a $1 short amount, for a one-time, $1 short of a minimum monthly payment.
Capital one needs to hire new employees. Capital one employees lack the customer service skills to help their customers. I have had multiple accounts with capital one and I’m having problems with one of my accounts that was supposed to be closed since 2012. I will close my other account and I will never do any business with capital one again.
same here. Just got lied to and had to explain in detail my family emergency and personal information of my life begging to release funds. Still couldn’t. Going to be waiting a week for released funds. My entire family has agreed to cancel all their capital one cards after this experience. Worst people ever.
First off Capital one is only out to destroy people! Capital one and all the financial Company to do so by this action. As far as I am concern Capital One Raised the credit limit on there own!
They have such negative reviews all over the internet and they do not even take into consideration that
they are harming people. Capital one does not even attempt to help there fellow human. They rather just push the people to the point of being homeless. I do wonder if Capital One would even attempt to donate thousands and thousand of dollars to people who are in need! In my opinion I would not hold my breath to even expect anything from such NASTY COMPANY! The other thing that is very funny is if you look at what employees say about Capital One you would not even look at them as a company!
I found out that Capital One seized my account by attempting to buy groceries for myself. Not only was I surprised I was Humiliated by Capital One’s there actions by doing this! I also do not have any money to put gas in my car nor attempt to pay bills. Also Not able to have food on my table till this issue is resolved. I have not eaten since Saturday May 2nd I would like to know what you are going to do about this. It burns me up that these people as humans can condole this!
As far as I am concern this financial company is out to destroy people, I do wonder how you can personally live with yourself as a person. I do not wish harm on anyone since I am not God to judge! But I am sure will pray for these people to be judged.
Not only have you frozen my account but you have frozen my pension money! I am very upset that Capital One has not even returned my call for the last three days with answers to this matter. I have been told with one conversation that they will return my call within five to ten days. I am not sure what it take to have compassion for people. With no food, Not being able to get to work!
I would never be a customer of Capital One as a whole ever again. Capital One seem to be very proud of what they are doing! All they have to do is really look on the internet and search many of the negativity about CAPITAL ONE! I have seen a very unbelievable complaint about Capital One about a family losing everything and are HOMELESS BECAUSE OF CAPITAL ONE. I have to say that do believe what people write about Capital One as review! The only reason is what they have done to me!
The only thing I say is stay away from CAPITAL ONE AS A WHOLE AND DO NOT TRUST PEOPLE WHAT SO EVERY!
A truly disfunctional organzation. Tried to have a stop payment on a check. Capital one couldn’t figure out how to do it. By the time I got someone on the phone, someone cashed the check and Cap One say, “oh, too late”
Why does Capital One Continue to Advertise with yahoo ? yahoo has been discriminating against yahoo users and Penalizing its users for Free Speech
capital one sets a poor example by advertising with a company that Ignores the 1st Ammendment
My father, who had a Capital One Card since 2001, died in June 2012.
I have called 6-8 times and sent a letter with his death certificate and STILL CRAP IS SENT TO HIS ADDRESS, which I get because I live in the same apartment complex he did, and I am named after him.
It seems to me Capital One has no common sense.
If this keeps up, perhaps a letter from my lawyer is in order. This is harassment.
I am traveling to Europe at the end of April and another time in July. I want to get a replacement card with a chip so my Visa account information does not have to be entered manually to use. I have been successful with having this done with B of A and American Express within a week. A friend I referred to Capital One received a card with a chip in two weeks. I have called a few times over the last three months about this and am told Capital One can only do so many cards with their vendor at a time and there is no way to get one before the end of 2015 in the normal rollout. I am shocked after my 15+ years and lots of charges to my Capital One card that this is impossible. I will have to use another credit card for my trips, which is a tremendous inconvenience.
After having this card for 10 years I thought I would see if Capital One would do a balance transfer with 0% interest for a year like most new cards then pick the interest back up after the year. The card has a lower interest rate than normal because I spent all those years working with COFC the whole time to get it there. I was told that I would need to apply for a new card to get the 1 year @ 0% with a higher APR after the year. I know I am one of millions of customers that COFC has on the books, however I thought they would do this to keep me from moving to another company. Not so. Looks like I will be moving my funds to another company. Too bad it had to be this way.
I have only had your card for 5 months and I am closing my account. I pay my balance in full every month. There is a discrepancy this month relating to a possible fraud incident. I have been trying to talk with a representative of yours for 5 days and still NO response! I have e-mailed you with these concerns and still NO response! I have been asked by you, via e-mail, to contact you to address this matter and NO RESPONSE! I have talked to your “outsourced ” employees who are only trained to try to temporarily appease the customers, day after day for hours. You use the same out of country employees and they change their names on a daily basis to deceive your cardholders of their identities. I have spoken to at least 15 “representatives” in the past 5 days with NO results because they are only trained to a certain capacity. I have left two voice mails with people who are “suppose” to resolve my issue. Again…..NO RESONSE.
I have concluded that Capital One do not have their cardholders best interest as a priority.
One cannot dispute this. You sorely lack in customer concerns, their identities being secured, hassle free customer service, nor any respect for their time and convenience. We are not valuable enough to you to provide us with 24/7 in country personnel available to address a major concern, (i.e.) potential fraud or identity risk. This is a monetary issue on your end.
Customers have to jump through endless hoops and major inconveniencies to try to dialect with in country personnel who can give immediate service to serious problems. I would wager that you will not even make a serious attempt to contact me about this e-mail.
I have one payment due by the 15th of March. This I will make sure will be paid in full and with a confirmation number, I’m out! You are too big of a liability to continue with you.
I will definitely make sure at every possible opportunity to caution others about Capital One! A financial corporation who goes to the extreme to avoid their customers concerns is one to run far and fast from. Very questionable.
My son has been out of work for a year and a half and was unable to make his payments.Now I am trying to help him out and had him call one of your offices to see if they would work with him and was told to go ahead and file bankruptcy. As soon as he gets back on his feet you will be the first to be gotten rid of , also I made all my relatives and friends how you work and will be closing our accounts with you, I have also made my union aware of how don’t care about people and your company policy. I am aware that this is no big deal for you, but since I have time I am going to make as many people on line and off that you are worst company that I have dealt with in my 65 years . I can’t wait for you to start losing customers.
Mr. Richard D. Fairbank,
This e-mail has nothing to do with financial matters except for the fact that I may be transferring all my funds from Capital one Bank to another bank very soon. I only have about three hundred thousand dollars in your bank. I know this is peanuts compared to some of your other investors but I have standards that I must maintain when doing business with an individual or corporation.
My anger and I am sure the anger of many others is with the actor Samuel L. Jackson who represents the integrity of your institution in the capital One commercials. This man has shown his ignorance by placing himself in the middle of a very explosive matter concerning our country’s Law-Enforcement Agencies & race relations.
Mr. Jackson has made a recent video which is displayed all over the internet. Mr. Jackson’s views are radical and proves him to be a complete imbecile. If you have not viewed the video, then you should. It demonstrates the complete radical disrespect for our Nations Police Officers and what they represent. When I viewed the video I was outraged that a public figure would be so reckless and stupid to do something like this. I was even more surprised that he would still be doing commercials for Capital One Bank.
I would like to know if the executives of Capital One Bank researched Mr. Jackson’s background, which would include his radical hatred for Law-Enforcement and the investigation of a possible criminal history. I would also like to know why any sane business executive would even consider a radical individual like Samuel L. Jackson to represent a respectable corporation such as Capital One Bank. I believe Capital One Bank terminated an actor not so long ago for doing a lot less than Mr. Jackson did. When Mr. Jackson took the job of representing Capital One Bank in commercials he should have the good sense not get involved in matters that will reflect badly on the institution he represents. In simple terms he needs to keep his big mouth shut.
I do realize that Capital one will not miss the minute sum of funds that I will transfer to another institution. However; if enough people who bank with Capital One start feeling the same as me concerning Mr. Jackson’s radical statements against our countries Law-Officers, then it will start to make a difference. I am sure there are thousands of Police Officers that bank with Capital One Nation wide.
Samuel L. Jackson should be terminated at once!! This man is bad for business and for the reputation of Capital one Bank.
With Highest Regards,
Captain B. L. Fortenberry
I just got done watching the sugar bowl Football game and was appalled when I had to watch two commercials of Capital One credit Cards being done by a representative of your company.(Samuel Jackson) An Actor that goes out his way to endorse the use of violence against this Country’s Police Forces and stands with outright criminals that find its easier to rob a poor store owner and than try to shoot an officer. Maybe all the Lotters and thief’s in Ferguson will be happy to use your cards for purchases in the future ,I know I wont be using yours.
mr Richard d fairbank.
my name is mr Rolando a robinson founder/president of mega solutions,llc presently my company is interested to establish a business relation with your bank,to develop a co brand cards,ie gift cards,debit cards,credit cards,pay roll cards,through your bank,i have contacted several of your banks and no one have no knowkedge or information to establish my business development,seeing that your institution is on the list of card issures,kindly contacted me at your earliest convenience with a contact representive so we can establish a business communication development
your truly
mr Rolando a robinson,president,chrm,ceo
Capital One has a policy that if a credit card is charged off that information will stay on the credit reporting agencies for (7) years. The customer pays the credit balance off and after many requests for Capital One to delete the derogatory information from the CRA, there seems to be a “policy” that will not allow anyone at Capital One to delete negative information that will be viewed by all those who view credit reports. I would appreciate Mr. Fairbanks mailing address to expound on this situation.
Mr. Fairbank,
I just paid off my other card and closed it. I asked for a credit line increase because my credit limit is low; thus, it is hurting my credit score. I just got a another card that has a credit card limit well over what you have given me; however, you deny me because of making too low of payment versus my credit card balance. You did not deny because of my credit score or by the how I handle this card because they are both great; however, you have to come up with a silly reason as to deny an increase. I make payments over the minimum, and sometimes two payments in a month; as well as, paying the same for my other card with you. I am on time all the time and have been with you for several years. Your answer to me is no credit line increase but I am welcome to open another card. Why would I want to do that? You have shown that you do not take care of your existing customers and I am not going to hurt my credit score by opening up another card with you which will probably smaller than the current credit line I have with you. I will be paying off this small credit line, and will close it. I will not do any more business with you! By the way, you should train your call centers better because they say that they do not know anything and cannot confirm or deny that opening up a new card will hurt your score. Come on, this is not “privileged” information! I asked him, “Why are you a supervisor when you do not know anything? This” cannot confirm or deny” must be coming from Capitol One worrying about an employee saying something that could cause Capital One to have to stand by the employee’s statement!” This tells me that you are not a trustworthy company and makes me very nervous to do any business with you. I used to be pretty satisfied and happy with your company, but not after dealing with your employees! I am sure you do not care but I have worked for other credit card companies, and inside banks, the lack of knowledge and customer service in your company is appalling to me! I am going to happily pay this small credit line card off and will cease business with you! I have another card from a larger bank with a bigger credit line!
Cynthia S.
Recently I started receiving harassing/annoying phone messages from “Allan” from your Auto Loans Dept. (800-946-0332). When I try returning the call I get a recording wanting my acct. # or SSN to log in. I DO NOT HAVE NOR EVER HAVE HAD ANY KIND OF ACCOUNT WITH YOUR COMPANY. I absolutely will not give out my SSN. If I had done business with your company you would have had the necessary info you are wanting. I have contacted your Capitol One 888 “Opt Out” number and I’m still receiving these irritating calls – I received one this morning at 8:20 am.
Please pass this on to whoever has immediate control over stopping this annoyance.
Thank you.
Tom Tenhundfeld
Mr.Richard Fairbanks
my wife is a customer of capital one. Four months ago we was robbed and her social security card, birth certificate, checks, and Capital one credit cards was stolen. After getting new cards in July the girl who stole the cards called your company and reported our cards stolen and had new ons sent to Oklahoma and. We live in California. This month as soon as we get new cards have a password on the girl in Oklahoma runs up the cards i dont know how shes getting my wifes info after we canceled the cards and get new ones she uses the cards again and runs them up over $2000 when we have a $500 limit and the cards we have were not activated yet. how do we put a stop to this? I believe she’s getting help from someone that works for capital one in Oklahoma.
Mr.Richard Fairbank
I have been customer since the year 2012 and during that time, I have enjoyed my experience with Capital One greatly. I am writing to see if you would be willing to make a “goodwill” adjustment to your reporting to the three credit agencies. I have a late payment on both of my credit card accounts ending in 2181 and 4055 from 07/2014.
Because of my previously exceptional past payment history, I would like you to consider removing the negative payment from my credit report. At the time of the late payment, I had lost my job. I say that not to justify why the payment was late, but rather to show that the late payment is not a good indicator of my actual credit worthiness. I hope that you are willing to work with me on erasing this mark from my credit reports.
I have been a very happy customer in the past and hope to continue a long relationship with Capital One. With today’s credit industry being so competitive, I know how important it is to maintain good relationships with customers. Capital One has been exceptional in my book so far and I highly recommend it to all my friends and relatives. I hope that you will deeply consider my request and prove once again, why Capital One is head and shoulders above the rest. I look forward to your reply.
Jeff Lent
Dear Mr. Richard D. Fairbank:
I am writing to you because it seems that every month within my account there was some kind of amount either being taken out for no real reason, or an amount that would be collected a second time under the false pretense that the check had not cleared.
in the beginning of the summer I began to have such issues with the branch in Staten Island. Had a credit card that was not really acknowledged in most stores, that needed to be called and clarified quite a few times, and that it took money out of my account as well as send statements under the pretense that the money had never been allocated to the right party.
I am honestly believing that either your programming are not working properly or that someone is actually helping themselves to some extra cash from the private accounts.
I strongly advise you to look into this matter since I know that on the day we closed the account all that needed to clear cleared other than now being told that what the outstanding amount in question is the amount that your bank was replacing into my account due to an error made and since I closed the account they reversed this decision, which I find first and out most very unprofessional as illegally done.
I would really appreciate a letter from you or a note stating that this issue has been taking care of, I will submit a certified letter stating all that was written within this email as well.
Hope to hear from you real soon, until then, I remain,
Patricia Pira
Mr. Richard D. Fairbank,
I have been a customer with Capital One for many years and when they sent me checks to use for purchase, balance transfer, or call they did not honor their offer. I will be closing my account with Capital One based on the experiences of many phone conversations with specialists and supervisors who could not help me. Have a blessed day.
Cindy Long
I recently sent a letter to Mr. Fairbanks about his Company concerning my car loan. Last week someone from the repossession department called and informed me that I need to bring my account current or they are going to take the car. My issue is that I’ve had the car for six years now I am three months behind you are going to take it. What about the six years I’ve already paid into it. They don’t even want to work it in with the extensions that I owe. I got behind when my son got Cancer. Who let someone pay on something for Six years and just snatch it back and my loan matured on July 25th.
And now that I think about it…I will investigate shorting some of your stock. If your people are really this bad, terrible performance can not be far behind.
I have had a terrible time with your “service” reps. I have talked to 5 of them in the last half hour for a simple request. They are unwilling or unable to remove a reoccurring charge which was cancelled at the vendor months ago on my card. The worst service I have experienced at any company in years. Glad to be done with your company. Why don’t ask me for my social for the sixth time?
Mr. Richard D. Fairbank,
My husband had a credit card in 2008 with your company. He paid the balance in full in 2009 and still there is a charge off on his credit report after 5 years! we are planing to buy a home and this charge off keep us away of getting loan. we tried to contact your customer service several times but the only answer we got from them was ” it is business decision” .
Would you please help us to remove this small amount of charge off from my husband credit as a one time courtesy.
Best Regard,