WinCo Foods is a supermarket chain that was founded in Boise, Idaho by Ralph Ward and Bud Williams. The company was originally named Waremart.
In 1995 the company allowed its employees to purchase company stock through an employee stock ownership plan. Waremart employees have thus had a controlling interest in the company.
By 1991, Waremart was operating 16 stores throughout Idaho, California, and Oregon and had an annual revenue of $300 million.
In 1999 Waremart changed its name to WinCo, which stands for WINning COmpany.
In 2009 the company expanded to Washington, in 2009 to Utah, and in 2011 to Nevada and Arizona.
Today Winco has 89 stores, 14,200 employees and had $4.73 billion in revenue in 2011.
WinCo FoodsWinCo Foods is a supermarket chain that was founded in Boise, Idaho by Ralph Ward and Bud Williams. The company was originally named Waremart.
In 1995 the company allowed its employees to purchase company stock through an employee stock ownership plan. Waremart employees have thus had a controlling interest in the company.
By 1991, Waremart was operating 16 stores throughout Idaho, California, and Oregon and had an annual revenue of $300 million.
In 1999 Waremart changed its name to WinCo, which stands for WINning COmpany.
In 2009 the company expanded to Washington, in 2009 to Utah, and in 2011 to Nevada and Arizona.
Today Winco has 89 stores, 14,200 employees and had $4.73 billion in revenue in 2011.
who is the leasing officer for a mobile Coffee Kiosk Cup/cart in Oregon? Thank you for your support
Best Regards
Basha Products LLC
Amal Cooley
Be thankful if you have a WinCo in your area. Prices are soaring at Safeway and Fred Meyer. WinCo is amazing!
We desperately need one in our area. Please please put one in Sandy Oregon!
Greetings! If you or any employees you know are working or relocating to Myrtle Creek, OR and looking for a large home to purchase with multi-generational capabilities please see my new listing at:
Feel free to reach out.
I’ve been a Winco shopper since 1998! Thank you.
I would like to know why I have to wear a mask, I am fully vaccinated and I live in an area that does not have any mask mandatories. Still I am told that I have to wear a mask yet customers are not required to. This is very wrong!!! Employees shouldn’t be forced to wear masks, so again why am I being forced to wear a mask when I live in an area that does not have mask mandates?????
I live in Montana and we do NOT have mask mandates why do I have to wear a mask while I’m working ???
Coronavirus – Updates
MASK POLICY – Nevada, Oregon, Washington, California (select areas), Texas (select areas)
In accordance with applicable local mandates, a valid face covering is required to be properly worn while in any WinCo Foods location in the following areas. Please reference applicable local mandates for details. Thank you.
WinCo locations currently within areas with applicable local mask mandates – (store number) City:
Nevada: (12, 17) Reno, (112) Henderson, (113) Las Vegas, (158) Summerlin.
California: (7) Eureka, (52) Brentwood, (63) Pittsburg, (36) Antelope, (37) Elk Grove, (53) Folsom, (54) Orangevale, (133) Sacramento, (35) Lancaster, (57) Pomona, (107) Lakewood, (116) Ventura.
Oregon: All WinCo Foods and all Waremart by WinCo Foods locations, per state-wide mandate.
Washington: All WinCo Foods locations, per state-wide mandate.
Texas: (124 ) Duncanville, (131) Garland, (146) Carrollton, (140) Denton.
*Please note that the above may not be an all-inclusive list due to delays in processing website updates. Please refer to in-store signage for appropriate guidance for your specific store.
MASK POLICY – Arizona, California (see previous exceptions), Idaho, Montana, Oklahoma, Texas (see previous exceptions), and Utah.
In alignment with current CDC guidance and as allowed locally, WinCo Foods no longer requires fully-vaccinated employee owners and customers to wear a face covering.
Fully-vaccinated employees and customers that choose to continue wearing a face covering are more than welcome to do so.
*WinCo Foods does not request proof of customer vaccination.
I was in your Boise, Idaho store yesterday and noticed a few employees wearing masks, but most of them not wearing masks, so I asked one of them why, and she told me that she HAD to wear a mask because she did NOT get the Covid-19 “vaccine” and thus did not have a vaccine card, which was required to go maskless. I was horrified that my local WinCo Foods Store would stoop to such Marxist, authoritarian measures! Your policy requiring employees to get vaccinated or WEAR A MASK is reprehensible and basically FORCES them to get the vaccine, wear the MASK OF SHAME, or QUIT! Shame on you! Besides the fact that it is CRUEL, UNAMERICAN, and very likely UNCONSTITUTIONAL, it also makes absolutely NO SENSE…if the vaccine is so effective, what does it matter if some don’t want to take it? If the uninformed think it protects them like “the experts” say it does, then they can go get the jabs, but leave the rest of the people who have done their research and have seen the data on the injuries and death caused by “vaccine” through VAERS and other sources do what they please! What harm can the unvaxxed cause the vaxxed if the “vaccine” is effective? This policy is a coercive tactic and you should be ashamed of yourselves for using it! WinCo management, you need to ask yourselves why the powers that be are working so hard to get everyone vaccinated. Don’t you think that if the vaccine was as SAFE and EFFECTIVE as the “experts” say that people would still be lining up to get it or if Covid-19 was as big of a life threatening disease for the majority of the people that you or anyone else would have to MANIPULATE AND COERCE us into taking it–we’d be begging for it because the benefits would have proven to outweigh the risks of getting an untested, unapproved, rushed emergency “vaccine.” But this is NOT THE CASE. The truth about the dangers of the vaccine have finally made its way to a large sector of the population, though it was deviously suppressed for months. And we are HESITANT for good reason!! I applaud the bravery of your faithful employees who are willing to stand against YOUR pressure to get vaccinated and endure the discomfort and probable humiliation of wearing a mask because they are not willing to just “go along with the crowd.” They have seen the videos of the Covid-19 vaccine injured people or read some of their horrific accounts or they have seen the VAERS data, which apparently only represents approximately 1% of the actual number of vaccine injured or dead, or they have done their research to discover that this “vaccine” is NOT a vaccine at all and unlike every other vaccine, it uses messenger RNA (mRNA) to encode your cells, telling them to produce the Covid-19 spike protein, rather than just introducing a passive pathogen for which your body will create antibodies, as does a REAL vaccine. This new technology has NOT had complete trials on humans, and has had little success on animals, and NO long term testing!!!! No wonder some of your employees are resisting!! Please look into this! I WILL NOT BE SHOPPING AT YOUR STORE UNTIL YOU HAVE REVERSED THIS POLICY, and I will tell as many people that I can about what you are doing to your poor employees! I am very tempted to gather a group to picket your stores in order to stand with your BRAVE, UNVAXXED employees, to make the public aware of what you are doing to them, and to publicly condemn your Marxist policy! This has to stop!
The WinCo assistant manager tonight decided it was ok to grab my just washed clothing and threw it outside on the ground like it was a dog . My family members used to work there . I have lived here in Portland Oregon Next to this WinCo all my life since 1982 it’s on 82nd in southeast Portland next to the clackamas town center .
Winco Foods in Springfield Oregon IS THE WORST GROCERY STORE EVER. Poorly managed, store is dirty and messy, employees are RUDE RUDE RUDE and UNCARING and DOWNRIGHT FLIPPANT when complaining about the FACT THAT THE STORE IS IGNORING THE COVID MASKING, DISTANCING AND STORE OVERCROWDING MANDATES BY STATE GOVERNMENT. I have watched while unmasked kids are poking their filthy fingers INTO THE FRESH MEAT PACKAGES while their giggling parents are egging them on and the manager could have cared LESS. I have watched store EMPLOYEES crowding shoppers. This store does not watch how many people are coming in and allows the store to be overcrowded and worse their “vulnerable shopper hours” are at 5:30 in the morning – a lot of older people (“vulnerable shoppers”) are not able to drive in the dark or have to have someone drive them as they can’t drive anymore and JUST TRY to get a driver at that hour and no most seniors can’t afford rideshare like Uber or Llyfft so seniors have to end up shopping at normal hours anyway. WINCO DOES NOT CARE ABOUT COVID ALL THEY CARE ABOUT IS GRUBBING AS MUCH MONEY AS THEY CAN AND DEVIL TAKE THE HINDMOST.
I can believe it!
About the WincoFoods @6101 N Decatur-North Las Vegas, Nevada
I have been a customer of this store for a few years. I normally take the Paratransit bus to and from this store during the hours of 12:30 am-05:00 am to avoid the heat and crowds. During the shutdown for the covid-19 I went during the hours the store was open. I was so glad when the store went back to 24 hours operations.
The store Manager Kelly had to close the store for intense cleaning but I didn’t know that so I scheduled my day in advance fide with Paratransit not knowing of the closure and thanks be to God the driver didn’t leave me there as normal but returned me home about 01:30 am. I was bound and determined to report this to a Manager due to the fact that I called the store to make sure it would be open 24 Hours before making my Paratransit reservation. store Manager Kelley explained the decision to close was based on the need and availability of and to deep clean the store.
This pandemic is nothing that any of us has had to deal with in the past and requires flexibility while we play it by ear in the interest of safety and well being for employees, customers and the true concern for the general community.
So I made sure to ask Kelly if the store was returning to 24 hour operations going forward and she assured me they were.
so I called on Tuesday Of the following week to schedule my transportation with Paratransit For my normal overnight trip and while doing this the representative informed me that info from this Winco store was just coming across the screen regarding temporary hours for the next two weeks to do extended deep cleaning.This is important because there would not be a guarantee of a turn around ride back home again.
No other business to my knowledge has taken the time to make sure their customers who are disabled and elderly could avoid being inconvenienced and possibly placed in a dangerous situation.
Kelly did this! I am still in awe of someone who has demonstrated such HUMAN KINDNESS. Something as small as making a call to Paratransit.
We truly are all in this together! Its the sometime assumed “little things” that make the biggest differences.
Kelly is a real Manager.
This happened at the Coeur d’Alene store #101 a few weeks ago.
I watched the produce department manager yell and scream at another Winco employee, in front of customers and other employees, for not taking care of something that was his resonsibility.
He’s yelling stupid f’ing b*tch, do your f’ing job at the top of his voice with all these other people around. The other employee was calmly trying to explain that it wasn’t part of her job and she didn’t have time to take care of this issue.
Louder and louder, he keeps screaming at this girl.
Eventually the store manager, a middle-aged woman that looks like she really doesn’t want to deal with this, comes out and gets involved. She listens to both sides of the story. I overheard the store manager talking to the girl that was being yelled at, told her that the produce manager didn’t mean it, he wasn’t really yelling, and that she should tell herself that it was her fault for not just doing what he was yelling at her for in the first place.
Yes, the girl getting yelled at was the one getting in trouble. Not the produce manager that was yelling and berating her in front of everyone in the department at that time, the girl who tried to politely tell him that what he wanted wasn’t part of her job.
I will never shop at the Coeur d’Alene Winco ever again. I don’t care if I do need to pay more money for groceries at Super 1 Foods or Yoke’s, I will not shop at a store where management is allowed to treat their employees like this.
CEO Steven L. Goddard, CFO Gary R. Piva, and COO Rich Charrier, these are the types of people you have working for you in Coeur d’Alene, congratulations.
Pacific North Contractors is working with businesses in Oregon, Washington, and Idaho installing Plexiglas in cash register areas to protect all employees that are working hard daily to ensure that their communities have the essentials they need during the Corona Virus epidemic.
If you are a business owner in need of this service please contact our office for assistance.
Thank you.
Hi. I have shopped at WINCO in Vancouver, WA, for years, but what is going on now at the WINCO stores in Vancouver is irresponsible and inexcusable. With the COVID19 going around, we all need to take precautions, however, it would appear that WINCO doesn’t believe in that. I shopped at my local WINCO in Vancouver, WA, on 3/18/20, and the girl who was checking people out was obviously sick. She was coughing and sneezing everywhere, and she was not wearing a mask. Because I am disabled, and because the line was all the way to the back of the store and I could not go back to get more food, I was forced to just pay for the food that she rang up for me, after she coughed all over me and my food. It is not the first time that I have seen this at this store, it happened about two weeks earlier as well, only that time it was a guy who was ringing people up. Like I said, I am disabled and I have a heart condition, which means that, if I get sick, then I am in big trouble. I have no one to help me, so I have to do my own shopping. To have this going on in ANY store right now is inexcusable, let alone at a grocery store like WINCO. I spoke to the manager about this, and she told me that the checker was sent home, but at that point it was too late, like sending her home after the fact is going to stop me from getting sick. Another big problem with WINCO right now is the fact that, every time I go to the store now, all of the toilet paper is gone, because of all the people who are showing up first thing in the morning to buy all of it in bulk so that they can then sell it online for 5-10 times the price. Like I said, I am disabled, and I cannot afford to spend the money that I need for medicine on toilet paper because WINCO is helping the profiteers by allowing them to buy it all (when it comes in each night) before I can get to the store, so now I am having to resort to using whatever I can for toilet paper. Keeping this in mind, I spoke to the manager of the WINCO store here about this when I complained about the sick checker girl, and she (the manager) told me that she was trying to get your corporate office to set aside a time each day so that disabled people like me can come in to get the supplies that we need (like toilet paper), and she (the manager) said that she was told, by the corporate office, that the corporate office DID NOT CARE if we could not get what we (disabled people) need during this time, that we either needed to fight with the profiteers for the toilet paper each morning, or we just had to go without, because there was no way that the corporate office was going to help disabled people like me get the basic supplies that we need by setting aside any time (before the profiteers get there) for us to get what we need. Because of my health conditions, I cannot go in first thing in the morning, and by the time I get there, it is all gone because WINCO is helping the profiteers by allowing them to buy it all each morning. THIS IS WRONG AND INEXCUSABLE! It is bad enough that WINCO is allowing sick people to cough and sneeze all over people’s food, but when WINCO is helping the profiteers by allowing them to buy all of the toilet paper when it comes in, it becomes horrible. I want a response to this. As today is Friday, 3/20/20, I will wait until Tuesday morning, 3/24/20, to hear from you about this. If I don’t hear from you by then, then I will assume that you don’t care if I get sick because of your checker girl, and that you ARE participating with the profiteers so that they can take advantage of disabled people like me during this time. Also, if I do get sick, and you don’t respond by 3/24/20, then I will hire an attorney to seek damages from you and your store, and I will make sure that everything that you have been doing (what I just complained about) is highly publicized if I have to take further action because of this. Thank you for your time and your prompt attention to this matter, and I look forward to hearing from you.
I am handicapped as well and know your pain. I just put in a note for Trader Joe’s. Everyone should follow suit with Walmart for the elderly and handicapped customers. They also have free pick up service at Kroger. They really should limit TP for each household. I live in a smaller town so there is plenty of TP here. It is much easier to limit it when you know everyone in town though and can stop the overbuying here. Call some of the smaller towns nearby and ask them to set it aside for you since you are handicapped.
I’ve heard that a Winco store may move into an abandoned KMart in The Dalles, OR. Is there any truth to that?
Would love to have a Winco in St. Helens. I’m a sale shopper and often times the sale items have not been replenished. We have a lot of new housing coming in & we have the need already for the products and better prices. I prefer to save time by buying local and wish Winco Foods was here along with professional respectable employees.
I would love a winco in st.helens, oregon. Longview store is rude and hillsboro is to far. St.Helens , Oregon needs one.
Would love to have a winco in St helens oregon!
I would love one too!!
Love the Longview Wa. store. Wish we had one in St. Helens, OR. (hint, hint.)
You just need to get a hold of me because I really don’t think my complaint needs to be public but you’ve got some seriously rude managers and we need to talk. I’m a very pissed off customer!!
To whom it may concern my son denied his vacation twice this really makes me very upset he works at 063. I want to be approved for it asap a very pissed off father
UPC: 0 25500-00034-3 – Folgers Instant Coffee
Why is the price per ounce larger for a 12 Oz bottle of coffee than it is
for a 8 oz bottle of coffee?? Should be the opposite…..
Your CAPTCHA SUCKS!! Must not want any complaints – try for 15 minutes to get told it’s screwed up!!
IDIOTS are everywhere these days!!
I have purchased Ronzini Spaghetti 150 direct from that company but I no longer can get a decent answer as to how to get it. The ad says: Available at Walmart Stores. Then you click on Walmart store and they have it but they say, no shipping, available only in stores. Then you go into the stores and no product on shelf and when questioned on how you’re supposed to get it, they don’t know. I tried at least 6 walmart stores, no luck. Then I checked the Kroger store in my town as they carry Ronzini products – NO SPAGHETTI 150 and they said it could not be ordered.
PLEASE, PLEASE tell me if Winco Corporate can do anything to get my Winco in Albany or Corvallis, Oregon to order this product for me in a large purchase from me? I know they deal with Ronzini so why can’t they put that product at least on the shelves, its the only place in the US to get the 150 caloris high fiber spaghetti, since Fiber Gourmet has changed their product to an uneatable size, more like noodles.
Yeah, they know that they can treat people like garbage and get away with it… Manager will do nothing and act like it’s your fault somehow while the one who is insulting you stands there smiling.
I just tried to look at your coupons online, the process is way to complicated. You don’t need all that information for just coupons. It appears to me that what your doing is information fishing. I’ve had my identity stolen twice and what your doing seems to point to that. So I’ll be shopping somewhere else even if that means I have to spend a little more money. It will be worth it to me. I like your stores but I’m not going to take the risk. I’ll check your website once a month to see if your policy has changed.
your delie used to be nice and clean all the meat done just right>> now it looks like a bunch of pigs work there the rest of the store is fine >>I cant go back to the meat department thank you allen
I’ve shopped at the Rocklin, CA store near my work for years and I love that store. So, when we got a store fairly near my home in Sacramento on Watt Ave my husband and I were excited so we could share the grocery shopping. Well, needless to say, that store has the rudest customer service people we have ever come across at any store we have ever shopped in and I don’t think he will ever be going back to the Watt Ave-Sacramento store ever again. We spend 150 a week on groceries as we have a large family. I tried to call to remedy the situation and once I got past the rude customer service woman who answered the phone I was directed to Lana who never returned my phone call. Jesse rang my husband up at the register and didn’t seem to care that she made my husband wait in line an extra 20 minutes while the WIC customer ahead of him re-shopped several items he incorrectly selected. I happen to know correct store policy is if its more than one item they suspend the sale and ring the next person in line. That wasn’t done.
When my husband went to the customer service line to discuss what happened-Kayla was rude and also very disrespectful.
receipt info: 05/13/18 oper#126442 TRX#204
18:17:37 Term#14 Store #0133
I will be eagerly waiting for a reply back. Hoping you will do the right thing and make this right.
~Aprilyn Annerl
Lane used to be the manager there now he works at the Roseville store… Same mean customer service treatment, they know that they act with impunity because managers like Lane won’t do anything when you get talked to like a piece of trash.
I am a seasoned professional with an accounting degree, but have vast experience running a full in house bakery in a large East Coast Supermarket, all scratch baked goods and no frozen doughnuts or bread dough. A new Store is opening in Yakima so I applied having heard so many good things about WINCO, shopped there many years in CA. I have never experienced such sophmorish unprofessional behaviours by your team sent to interview applicants in Yakima, WA. March 13 9:15am My interview started out well then quickly turned when the In Store Bakery Mangr. and her silent sidekick did not appreciate the insightful and intelligent responses to almost idiotic questions regarding working in the Bakery, both had knowledge of my skills, and years of experience. I honestly and forthrightly answered all the questions giving more feedback than the questions warranted, in the background…5-6 other milleniel HR people laughing and carrying on while the interview was conducted. It was all a game for them, to mock and laugh at the applicants brought in like cattle…. Extremely unprofessional and worthy of an investigation by your Headquarters HR people. How does WINCO expect to hire and keep the most qualified, if the those interviewing including the Bakery Manager only want to hear set answers to their idiotic, novice situational questions that are insulting to most applicants. I expect there will be huge turnover at the Yakima store, the wages are not in line with the market. Bakers earn 14-15$ in Central WA, and not a union salary. If WINCO wishes to succeed you should take feedback seriously especially from an independent professional with years of experience!!! I would welcome a call from Chief Executive Officer and President Mr. Steven L. Goddard. If he is attuned, he should want to speak directly to any complaints fielded from new stores. I appreciate a response and call back from the Chief Executive Officer & President.
Mr. Dimon,
Did you get to speak with them?
Hello my name is Brandon Dirks with Dalian Yingjie Foods US DIV. We would like to talk seafood with you and partner up!! We have a large variety of frozen seafood products with great prices on all our seafood, including our new salmon burgers, a healthy and tasty product for you customers!! We would love to hear from you.
Our Salmon Burger comes in two flavors:
– Herb Salmon Burger: $0.76 Each
– Spicy Salmon Burger: $0.75 Each
Cases coming out to $30.40 for 40 Patties
Possible profit, if sold at $6.99 a plate, comes to $279.60!!
We have these available at our Upland office and lots more in our Los Angeles cold storage.
Samples available upon request!!
Try our Salmon Burgers on us!!
Thank you,
Brandon Dirks
Sales Associate
Dalian Yingjie Foods, U.S. DIV
290 N Benson Ave #3
Upland, Ca 91786
Office: 909-981-0691
Fax: 858-380-5141
Toll Free: 844-601-3474
The Winco in Roy utah is the biggest joke of a store. I cannot believe the store manager who makes over 100 grand a year can sit on his a** and play on his phone and still have a job. Us peons work are butts off to make this store the way it is. Our backroom looks horrible! That lady who’s above him I think her name is Jackie she’s worthless too. Our store looks horrible at times and that backroom she never sees! What is wrong with these people who are paid the big bucks and don’t do crap to help the store out except for making are lives (the peons) worse. They say they don’t want things in shopping carts ha! The store manager doesn’t do crap! There is a department manager who gets away with way too much. She’s part of the mess in the backroom. Lesson here: don’t work at the Roy winco it’s got no moral the store manager sits on his ass plays on his phone and is not approachable! Now if us peons were caught in a office playing on our phones would we be in trouble? Hell to the yes! As long as you make 6 digits a year you can’t play on a phone in a office! Great job ????Winco for allowing a store manager get away with the stuff he does! Go Jackie ???? You allow it too! She needs to get a job working where you can prance around like a princess ? she sure acts like one. She won’t even look at the peons and say hi.
I am a ex employee from store 71 in Helmet California and your manager sounds like the manager at my old store he does nothing but walk around and talk he is rude has a closed door. Policy. Very rude to employees and will steal from a homeless kid outside of his store while the kid sleeps they are ripping of the employees at the store and all the lead clerks are allowed to stand around and talk all night long but if we do it we were threatened to be terminated for stealing time from company. This company does not know how to run A corporation.
I went to the WinCo foods in Moses lake, WA. This lady that works there as a lead her name is Desi. She came up to me and asked me if my dog I was holding was a service dog. I said yes and not to put her in a basket. She said no I need to know if your dog is registered in Washington state as a service animal and I said you do NOT need to have any service animal registered. They asked me about training and I said I TRAINED her and they where like well is it ADA approved training. I said I trained her so yes. Then she started asking me illegal questions such as what is your disability and what does the dog do for you. SHE then said what I told her made my dog a companion animal and NOT a service animal. so I told her she needed to get me her proof that she needed to be registered as a service animal and I told her you need to show me proof. Well she said she would go get it and she would be right back. Well then I saw a guy who looked like a manager. Well he ended up being the store manager. I didn’t catch his name. BUT he harassed me as well. There was another lady but she was a regular worker. Then she came back and gave me this paper booklet that WINCO prints out and it is NOT official at all. There was nothing on it that stated law for the state or the ADA. But the store manager said they got it off of the ADA site. Well then I read some of it outloud and sure enough. I proved them ALL wrong. I looked at DESI and said you need to read up on the laws. I also said that to the manager of the store. Then I said I am going to finish shopping and leave. I turned around to see what they where doing and they where laughing at me. I am pissed. I have filed a complaint with winco and human rights commison as well as the ADA. I wanted to put this out there so then IF anybody else is harassed because of the stupidity of this store’s employees. Please let me know because I am going to be sending more information to the human rights commission.
Thank you for taking the time to read my story and once again if you have any trouble with WINCO please let me know regarding this type of situation.
Please, please, bring back your quest dip. It is the best ever. So sad to go to Winco in Layton, Utah today and was told it was discontinued.
I shopped at Store #0131, Terminal #13, Operator #160424 om 9/16/17 at 6:19p.m. I regularly frequent this Garland, Tx location and spend about $300. per/wk. I’m excellent & fast at bagging my orders which are $155 each time. I also have someone helping me. I’ve learned to politely ask the cashiers(as they near the end of the order) to not press the belt. I always leave bread, bananas, & chips last so they’re not damaged. I will stand closer to the cashier w/ 5 bags & my helper at the end of the belt. Today, I asked the cashier not to press the belt. She then stated there’s a button a the end of the belt & that she hadn’t pressed it. I then asked my helper, & she said she had pressed it once. The belt had moved several times. Regardless of who pressed the belt, your cashier started laughing (in a facetious way) bobbing her head. I really was made to feel like I was trash on the street. I will have to revert to shopping at Tom Thumb for my meat & Walmart for the rest. I’d rather experience the cashiers at Walmart that don’t talk to you at all. I’m sure if you review cameras you’ll be able to notice her behavior.
I go to the Win-co in Eugene or Springfield Oregon.I can’t afford to waste money,i’m on soc. sec. i just turned 70.Win-Co used to have these great whole grain bagels;they got very popular.So they do huge amts. of them.However,now the way the bakers make them,is stuffing them with white flour and cheap wheat junk,and “fillers”,there is hardly any whole grain in them!!and they are huge,because they want to attract the “I love huge bagels”crowd,not the health food crowd.–The bagels now are like a mouthful of SAND;I stopped buying them.I stopped buying a lot of food at Win-co,even though i can’t afford it,I mostly get my fruit other places–they import fruit from Mexico,even grapes(they also FREEZE THEIR FRUIT.and put them up as “fresh”.)–You can’t eat fruit from Win-Co without finding foreign hair from Chile in the grapes package.–yeah, you could catch a bad disease buying their fruit.Their “fresh food” is actually dangerous to your health. I hate the place now.
I work for one of the Winco’s in Oregon, and I’ve had the worst experience of my life. I’m 16 years old, and winco was my first job, I started as a cart clerk, and I was ecstatic. When i first started it was amazing and everybody was so nice. It took a while for my body to get used to the exercise so i was pretty miserable. Everybody there treated me so nice, and i even started to feel like part of a family. I quickly began to dislike it, as the people inside started treating me like i didn’t matter, they would call me to the bottle return and if i didn’t respond they’d yell at me. I’ve had various amounts of breakdowns while trying to keep up at this job, and nobody cared. I’ve been called in and told i don’t communicate enough, even though i’m constantly trying to talk to them. I’ve been ignored multiple times during very busy moments. I’ve tried to ask for help outside and got nothing in response. I also have a very serious medical condition that causes me to get severe migraines and random times, I brought a doctors note in to my work because my doctor told me he didn’t want me at work, and I was threatened with the loss of my job if i didn’t come into work the next day. I was then told that a doctors not does not excuse me from points. I was also told that i’m not eligible for unpaid sick time, even though i am. My coworker has also been called off of their break multiple times which is against labor laws. They fired a coworker of mine for confidential reasons, that was not even their fault, it was because of the faulty equipment we are forced to use because they will not fix our equipment. They have also not let go another coworker of mine, even though he’s been late, unreliable, and called in an abnormal amount of time for the half a month he’s been there. This winco makes me sick to my stomach, and saturday 09/09/2017 i’m submitting my two weeks and going somewhere else. DO NOT APPLY AT WINCO THEY ARE GARBAGE.
The new Winco in Oklahoma Moore is filled with nothing but races management Stephanie Daniel in Donnie who treats their African American employees unfairly. By not only giving them hardly any hours and giving them to the Caucasians but also forcing them to switch to nights in order to get a few more hours and also forcing them to work out and 104° Heat pushing carts when that’s not their job description but if they don’t do so then they have to go home when they really have any hours of that is what is society coming to now days when your company is even allowed to discriminate against their employees and nothing is being done this is a shame and I hope it gets fixed
Im a 76year old man last eveniand was ask for ID i bought a case of beer i dident think that was right i will not be shoping at winco any time soon
I’m sorry you had a bad experience, we are trained to ask for ID if the customer seems to look younger than 30. We do check ID more often when it’s a holiday season. I do apologize that someone was doing their job to make sure that no one was breaking the law. Have a nice day Richard.
I’ve been working for winco for 5 months in the Duncanville location the service here is bad I’ve been trained in the deli department and I’ve work with salads and slicing meat I get to fry because of my supervisor I’ve never fied berfore and my manager didn’t send no one to proper train me since day one it’s been a disaster I need someone to investigate this stor because it makes no since at all that im not getting orper trainer and my supervisor tells Every one im retarded I want to sue this business for the emotional damage
Winco west valley has thee rudest store manager. She isn’t an example of a leader. She makes you feel uncomfortable about going to work. She doesn’t smile and all she does is complain. She talks to you in a rude loud tone that can make you feel like a low life. I want to quit I don’t want to work there anymore I have already sent a email and nothing has been done. She favors ive noticed she talks very nice and smiles with some and others she walks by and ignores like your not there. Who wants to go to work with a so call leader of a store like that? I’m ready to go higher for help something needs to change if she wants to have her store looking good when corporate comes in praise employees for helping her without us it wouldn’t look good, smile at us don’t favor employees. Be a leader employees can look up too. She needs some classes on how to talk to people the rate she’s going she’s going to loose a few no wonder there turnover is high.
That’s west valley Utah about my comment on store manager
Makes me laugh how many chances Jackie gives west valleys store manager. That lady needs to be let go. I pray one day that she will be. I put my two weeks in. At the west valley winco that store manager needs to get the boot. I’m contacting an attorney after I’m gone! That Jackie must favor her. Get fired Brenda! U are a rude manager who needs pills
My family have shopped at the Sacramento/Elk Grove Ca Winco for years,spending a lot of cash every time. I’ve always bought my monthly money orders there because of the cheap price of 30 cents but, just this last month Customer Service a lady named Kathy asked me to see my D/L asked for my S.S # phone # and even my occupation! Just to buy money orders??? “SOMETHING” seriously DOESN’T seem RIGHT about this incident..With ALL my “PERSONAL INFO” that Customer Service Woman Kathy can jack my credit up!! I’m NOT letting this go…I’m going to talk to “SOMEBODY” that knows what I SHOULD do about what happened. I so agree with all the previous post, a lot of the employees are very RUDE there. They SHOULDN’T take it out on us customers just cause,they’re NOT happy about working there or they’re having a bad day,which seems to be “EVERY DAY”….I WON’T buy my money orders there this month…Wal-Mart is just as good…and they give you a receipt…and they’re NOT RUDE….SO SORRY TO READ ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU & YOUR HUSBAND, WHO WORKED THERE 4 YEARS!! IT’S JUST NOT RIGHT!!!
To whom it may concern,
On July 25, 2016, at 9:30ish p.m. I was coming out of the bathroom and realized I forgot to buy bread. I turned to go down a check out isle to go to the bread section. I did not see the water on the floor and my crutches slipped out from underneath me and I fell onto my left knee which jammed my leg into my hip.
I am disabled. I fell out of a truck going 75mph. When I was 3 and a half. I am paralyzed in my right leg and have to use crutches or a wheelchair. That day I was on my crutches. I’ve always adapted well and have never let my disability get the best of me.
When I fell, 2 of your employees saw me fall. They instantly came to me, one trying to help me, the other quickly takin pictures of the water on the floor and my crutch tips as well as my knee. They had me fill out a report, and told me my falling was directly under a camera, so it was all caught on tape. The employee that helped me was so empathetic and sweet, her name is Robin. She hugged me and brought me ice, even holding it on my knee. She apologizedid for the water being on the floor, and told me she thought maybe I had come from a bag of ice someone had bought, and that maybe there was a hole and it fell out. She apologized many time and said she should have been watching the area closer. She was definitely very, very sweet! I cried for a long time because of how bad it hurt. She wiped my face as though I was her child. I’m very grateful she was there!
I’m writing because it has been almost 3 months, I’ve had an mri, and many x-rays done of my hip and knee. I’m still in a lot of pain and unable to use my crutches like before, for very long, at this time I’m pretty much “stuck” in a wheelchair. My bills are piling up and I don’t know what to do. I was told to contact them if I was seen by a Dr. Even told by the man who worked there and helped me also, that I should be seem because I had a hard time standing, let alone walking after the fall. My children are missing me very much!
This happened at your Barger store, in Eugene, Oregon 97402.
Thank you for taking the time to read this,
The corporate management needs to read an email I sent about the Modesto, CA store. It was long overdue and I only addressed one issue in it. It will be interesting to see if they do anything about that turning into the trashiest grocery shopping establishment in a tri-county area. M.C.
The Winco on NE 122nd and San Rafael in Portland, Oregon is having an issue with carts that don’t have working locking mechanisms and so are easily taken off their property. They are being used by someone in our nearby neighborhood to fill with all their kitchen garbage and then roll out into the streets for others to deal with. The first time this happened, I contacted the store manage who was very nice and helpful but said they had received a shipment of carts from another location that did not have the locks and they have been having trouble keeping them on site. I asked her to request that those be pulled from the inventory to be fixed so this problem didn’t occur. She wasn’t sure that could happen. Today, I came home and find another WinCo cart full of garbage, tires… and left in our neighborhood. I have contacted other agencies to help deal with this so we don’t have to pick up after the garbage as we did last time but it ultimately falls on WinCo to be a better neighbor and take those carts out of service or fix them. I hope the proper people in the corporate office see this post and help the manager at this store fix the problem. Make sure all your carts have working locks.
I went in earlier tonight just to grab some cigarettes and a lighter. My cashier was Claudia A. At the bottom of the receipt it says oper # 132731, store #0009. It was today so May 2nd 2016 at 8:32 p.m. the telephone number is 503-654-3210.
I’m assuming the cashier her name was Claudia unless she was using someone else’s register she says to me I cannot tell you this and I said why I’m almost 30 look at my ID she says I was just told I cannot sell you these. I said me? Personally? Why? She says I cannot tell you this because you are pregnant. And that’s when I got very upset because I am not pregnant I am overweight and in more or less words I told her that it was very humiliating and everyone was standing around just looking I got my cigarettes and I literally cried the whole way home I told her that I would not ever come back into that store again she did not apologize to me she actually tried not to laugh and that’s what made me even more upset because it’s not funny I was very offended I hope someone reads this and does something about it please
For the last two weeks, when I go into your store in the early morning, 3-4 am, I get static shocks every few seconds, whether I am pushing a cart or not. I think something is very wrong with your electrical system. It only happens in your Eagle store. You should get that looked at. It is worst in the produce side.
I was at winco in Lewiston idaho and I went in with my wife who is 8 months pregnant to try and find a certain flu medicine. They did not have it so we walked out and right as we got to the door three employees stopped us and started pushing us and telling us to go back in the store. I had no idea what was happening then one of the employees tried to tackle me. I started walking off then the other employees started pushing my pregnant wife trying to say we stole something. We were in the the store for maybe five minutes. And no matter what those employees had no right to be touching me and especially my pregnant wife. I will never shop at winco ever again and if I ever see any of those employees somewere I will show them what it like to be jumped in front of a store.
I shop almost exclusively at the West Valley Utah Winco. I love the prices and the expansive variety of items. I would like to request that you expand your Vegan meat options. I love the Gardein Brand and right now your only carry very few items. Please bring in the Turkey Cutlets (which are my favorite) meatloaf, and the “ground” hamburger. I realize you don’t have a lot of space for specialty items – but would love to see them brought in. also I would ask that you keep bringing in the small 16oz bottles of Langer Juice. it’s a great price and I have found that it helps with my Hypoglycemia. There for a while you had grape, grapefruit, orange, apple, and cranberry. It is dwindling – now there is very little apple, and grape. There is no orange or grapefruit anymore. I asked the clerk at the store the other day and she suggested I write you to tell you how much it helps with my health issue.
I appreciate your willingness to listen to a dedicated customer and respond to special requests.
I had just left the Sacramento division store i put in over 5years at the same store and i tell you this by far is the worst place to work pay was okay $16.45 hr but they want you to do everything with so little time. No way was i ever going to receive full time status they clam the store didnt have any available spots and i see lots of great workers transfer because of this full time status that they cant get, guys and girls that have been with the company for over 10years are stuck making $16.45 an hr while store managers and assistants are making the big bucks. This store may be employee owned but myself or others cannot do what store managers do and get away with it. So in the end im happy to leave the place i wont miss the place i will only miss working with the employees who i connected with. BEWARE DO NOT APPLY AT WINCO
The pay guide for the sacramento division step 1 $10 an hr 0-520 hrs, step 2 $10.25 521- 1040 hrs, step 3 $10.58 hr 1041-2080 hrs, step 4 $11.05 2081-3120 hrs, step 5 $11.52 3121-4160 hrs, step 6 $12.36 4161-5200. step 7 $16.45 hr thats over 5200 hrs of completion thats where part timers top out at thats the real truth no lies no misc. bs all truth. blood sweat and tears in the end u dont get no respect. MICHELLE RICHARDS you are correct about everything you say i believe i know who joann is also shes came into the store where i worked at a few times to work and replace someone at times.
Well today my family and I went grocery shopping at Winco in Pocatello, Idaho. We were minding our business and shopping. Well this guy said excuse me can I get through? I was putting Mac n cheese in the cart and moving my cart and told my two little ones to move to the side. Well this prick moved his way through and called us bunches of a**holes and walked away. So I said to my husband did you hear what he said? He said no what did he say? I told him and he told me who I pointed and my husband confronted him. Well he was loud cause he is hard hearing and he walked away. Then all of a sudden 9 people went to my husband and asked him to leave very rudely. My husband tried to explain and told him no leave. So cops were called and he was never sitied cause the cops were on his side. So Winco can just go f***k off. I want those employees fired!!!
Yep, WINCO are jerks.
I will be sharing everywhere I can. I need people to know where this comany came from and not what it is now. It was a family orientated, REALLY employee owned company that was built on men and women who really gave their lives for the success and growth. Oregon and Idaho. The employees worked the 10-12-15 hour shifts to build this company to 90+ stores it is today. Leaving families to work 6-7 days straight, missing birthday’s, anniversaries, holidays because they were asked to give 100% of themselves to Waremart, Cub Foods, then Winco. Yes there used to be 10-12-18 stores and now there are many. And the employees that gave their lives to make this store a success are now being headhunted by an HR (a less than 4 year employee) department who is going store by store firing those with large stocks in this CO. which they earned, their familes earned. My husband worked for the Company for almost 25 years, started at 16. It’s been his whole life. AN HR employee Joann Pingree suspended him on a Friday and he was let go on a Monday. ANY COMPANY that gives the power to an HR department to suspend an employee just changed the whole idea on which this company was based. Where are the leaders of this company. Scott Priest, Bill Long.. they were leaders and family men. I do need to add that the way management deals with short term employees that are crap is by relocating them and the good bosses and employees with large ESOP’s they fire. So if you want to join a Winning Company don’t join this one the only ones winning are Corporate Staff and the crap managers (that have little time in) that don’t know what it is really like to work hard for a living. These beds of all these new stores that these short term employees are laying in, are only there because of the history of true hard work of their predacessors.
DITTO. Manager at Eagle, Id. Location does same thing. Employees are ignorant, uncaring and rude. Obviously a store where the employees walk all over the store manager as he lacks the guts to straighten out his own employees. Too bad those corporate clowns don’t read these comments!1880’s in
I would like to know why Winco Foods let one of their best employees go from the McKinney, Texas store? We met Earl in the bulk item section of the store and he helped us with questions we had, he offered advice on products, and he even suggested things from other departments in the store. He took pride in his area, always keeping everything neat and clean.
Every occasion we saw him there, there would be at least one time where he would call on someone letting their children stick their fingers in and take samples of the candy area.
He mentioned to us that the store manager called him down on customer complaints and told him NOT to correct the customers. Frankly, standing there witnessing this time and time again, I was very thankful that he would stand up for his area and make people READ the signs that say, “DO NOT SAMPLE”. He didn’t mind if someone asked him about something they hadn’t tried and would freely give them a sample, but he did not like children being witnessed by their parents NOT obeying and sticking their hands in where other customers can clearly see this happening.
Earl told us his hours were being cut back to only one night a week, trying to get rid of him and when we didn’t see him last night, we knew something was up. Upon entering the bulk area, we could tell he was not there because bags were half full and left either on top of the containers or inside of the containers, food was spilled on the floors. Basically people being PIGS. Kids were sticking their filthy hands in the containers. I stood right there beside a woman that filled her mouth with candy then almost chocked on it. I just stared her down. Pathetic.
And so Earl, an excellent employee, gets the short end of the stick by being terminated and once again the PIGS rule! A perfect example of what is exactly wrong with this entire country. Tiptoeing around people that don’t deserve respect because they have no clue how to respect others with decency and consideration.
Please look into this situation and Bring Earl Back……….!
Thank you and have a Merry Christmas! Sincerely, Marie
It happened in my house as well. I gave 10 years and my husband almost 25. This company is just another wal mart now.
Michelle same happened to me. Is your husband Jeremy?
He gave his life for 25 years to be fired 1 week before thanks giving and a month before Xmas. Lost all our insurance we had for 20 years and to be let go just before Xmas. We are still in shock. I’ve walked into Brentwood and stockton to see people texting , being rude to customers, managers living for hours at night and coming in whenever……hmmmmp where’s Joanne now. 2 managers that sleep in their office. Jeremy and I have been around this company for 27 years……. bravo HR. Kept a pervert who use to look at girls on the videos from upstairs in watching the hot ones….I’ve seen it all. Sure as shot one just retired after like 30 years. I knew him in Oregon. Just another corporate scam……no longer family company as I knew it, from 30 years ago.
As a regular shopper at your 136th Ave. Vancouver store I have noted you are coming on strong with house brand items. You can’t very well screw up household bleach but you should pay close attention to food items i.e. condensed tomato soup. I recently bought two cans and tried one. A sweet taste, which I would call an “off taste” was present. The presence of HFCS is no doubt the culprit. Get that vendor who is making the tomato concentrate straightened out.
On another subject: If this comment goes to corporate in Boise then you are quite close to Epi’s Basque Restaurant in Meridian. I wish I wasn’t 424 miles away from there.
Save mart says f*ck winco
This company does not care about its customers because it caters to the employees being that it’s employee owned. The corporate office rep or whatever she is, is rude, this company says one thing on their website but does not go by that, instead they like to argue with you so I guess I’ll be filing reports and letting people and agencies know about the discrimination, lack of customer care, and rudeness. Will not be supporting this store and I will be letting friends and family know.
Trust me it doesn’t cater to employees either. It caters to the ones using their “corporate jet” that can’t take the time or energy to fly down themselves and give that courtesy to a very long term employee. They have a less that 4 year-
no body to do it, whom seems not to know the definition of conflict of interest due to Joann Pingree bringing a once below management and then equal to with her. 25 years my husband had and gave to this company and this is a professional suspending? Are you kidding me? No it was a joke. So now you can walk into his store and see an assistant manager (graveyard) sleeping in the Vacaville store and another who is one of the most lazy women this store says they have ever seen. GOOD JOB Joann.
We would really like to know why corporate can not override the store and or its managers, why you dont abuse by your own return policy, and why you dont assistant loyal customers?, I mean after all, its corporate, supposed to be over the managers, this I do not understand and due to recent incidents, me and my family will NO LONGER BE SHOPPING AT WINCOS, food 4 less it is.
Hello, I really miss seeing those cute little faces around the store during take you kids to work day. They really added an extra smile to my day. Kids are really fun to have around and watching them work with their parents, really helps them realize what “work” really is. I would look forward to your company to bring them back.
winco in kent washington they don’t give a s*** about kids. my 11year old girl was reaching for a can on the shelf and a can in back roll off the shelf and hit her in the nose and broke it they said take her to the doctor well take care of it so we did now they said it not there problem you deal with it the store said they are self ins. but they lied they have traveler ins they said go f*** yourself we are not responable for it and no one will return phone calls real nice of them
If you had your own business then you would know.
In your home do you allow every person/child to handle anything they want to?
That is what in-store cameras do, watch people before approaching. That did not come from just out of the blue.
Every employee is the owner, it’s not Corporate America , it’s Corporate Employee ownership…
Try to get a job there, they pay $23.00/hr. after about 3 years.
God bless us in America – it is his gift to our ancestors.
Definitely not $23/hr maybe in the meat dept but not store wide. I make under $11/hr as a cashier and Im over 3years
No they do not pay 23.00 after 3 years only certain employee’s not the majority.
Dear Winco Foods: I am writing you because I think you’re a great co and should have some compassion for a loyal consumer. We spend $400.00 to $500.00 every month,consistently. I would like you to know about our incident. We bought one of those monstrouslties (tube hamburger) for $25.69. After. getting home, we unloaded the groceries but I’m missing the hamburger,so right away we get on the phone. They told us that after reviewing the tape we could get our money back. But, 2 days later, we were told that the tape showed us leaving with the meat in the cart and they couldn’t help us I felt bad because we are broke and I have 3 grandsons to feed. No turkey, either. It may have been our faults for not checking the cart more thoroughly. Lesson, learned. We didn’t wrap the meat in white plastic and the lighting was bad. Someone is eating good. But, this incident still happened on your property and I’m hoping against all hope that you have the heart to restore our confidence in people, OBTW, this happened at the Kent, WA store. Thank you and Happy Holidays.
Be careful in grocery store parking lots. Not just Winco, Elsie.
I feel badly for you because that is so much money for a poorer family! Last year, a lady in a parking lot in a Lynnwood food bank—was bending down to get something and a person actually in broad daylight took her ham for Easter dinner when he helped her with her cart.
Everyone saw it but no one could do anything – they just ran and jumped in a car !
Winco owners/employees are so very sweet! I shop there all the time but they can only do so much.