In 1961 Jean Nidetch, an overweight housewife from Queens, New York, invited some friends over and admitted that she was obsessed with eating cookies. Although she managed to lose 20 pounds, Jean felt a lack of motivation to continue. She called up some friends and invited them over, yet again, to share their weaknesses. There began a weekly support group as the women worked together to lose weight. As the word spread, Jean found that she could no longer host in her apartment. With the help of her friends Albert and Felice Lippert, Jean was setting up meetings at local business centers.
These support groups proved to be popular and in 1963 Weight Watchers became a company. With only word of mouth advertising, Jean discovered more than 400 people waiting for her first meeting after becoming incorporated. The company expanded as members of the groups who had successfully completed the program began to open franchises throughout the U.S. and abroad.
In 1978 an exercise plan was added to the Food Plan, making Weight Watchers one of the first organizations to stress the importance of regular, moderate exercise in addition to dieting.
In 1978 the company was sold to H.J. Heinz Company. Weight Watchers is publicly traded on the NYSE under the ticker symbol: WTW
A 2015 systematic review found that, after 1 year, those who used Weight Watchers lost 2.6% more weight than those who were in the control group.
In 2018, the company announced a major change to their Smartpoint system with Flexpoints, a low carb eating plan that allows members unlimited amounts of more than 200 foods.
Today Weight Watchers operates in 30 countries worldwide. The core philosophy behind the company is a science-driven approach to help participants lose weight by forming healthy habits, eating better, and getting exercise, all with the support of other members. Weight Watchers has 25,000 employees and had $1.724 billion in revenue in 2013.
Weight Watchers
In 1961 Jean Nidetch, an overweight housewife from Queens, New York, invited some friends over and admitted that she was obsessed with eating cookies. Although she managed to lose 20 pounds, Jean felt a lack of motivation to continue. She called up some friends and invited them over, yet again, to share their weaknesses. There began a weekly support group as the women worked together to lose weight. As the word spread, Jean found that she could no longer host in her apartment. With the help of her friends Albert and Felice Lippert, Jean was setting up meetings at local business centers.
These support groups proved to be popular and in 1963 Weight Watchers became a company. With only word of mouth advertising, Jean discovered more than 400 people waiting for her first meeting after becoming incorporated. The company expanded as members of the groups who had successfully completed the program began to open franchises throughout the U.S. and abroad.
In 1978 an exercise plan was added to the Food Plan, making Weight Watchers one of the first organizations to stress the importance of regular, moderate exercise in addition to dieting.
In 1978 the company was sold to H.J. Heinz Company. Weight Watchers is publicly traded on the NYSE under the ticker symbol: WTW
A 2015 systematic review found that, after 1 year, those who used Weight Watchers lost 2.6% more weight than those who were in the control group.
In 2018, the company announced a major change to their Smartpoint system with Flexpoints, a low carb eating plan that allows members unlimited amounts of more than 200 foods.
Today Weight Watchers operates in 30 countries worldwide. The core philosophy behind the company is a science-driven approach to help participants lose weight by forming healthy habits, eating better, and getting exercise, all with the support of other members. Weight Watchers has 25,000 employees and had $1.724 billion in revenue in 2013.
I started weight watchers many years ago and was very successful. I lost over one hundred pounds and then got very discouraged when I was told that I would have to lose another hundred pounds to become a weight watcher leader. My doctor told me that it would very unhealthy to do that so I quit. I now need to lose weight for surgery and for my health. I have tried various ways with no positive results. When I quit weight watchers I was on a $5.00 a week military discount plan. I am still a disabled veteran and on a fixed income and I am asking for your help. Please respond. Thank You
I sent this email to CEO Mindy Grossman this morning. I thought I’d share it here too:
Dear Mindy—as a Weight Watchers member since the 1970’s, I have found support and weight loss success on many versions of the program, from the original Weight Watchers (fish 5 times a week, liver once a week, making your own sugar free jello with diet soda, etc.) to the original Points system, to now. I have had great success; I lost 75 pounds on the original plan when I was a teenager and I lost 85 pounds on the original Points system. Since all the changes in the points program, I have not been able to meet the same success, but I have always felt supported by the meetings, which were peopled with members who were all there to lose weight and be able to talk about their weight struggles in a safe, non-judgemental space. There was always the spirit of togetherness, sharing of ideas, and even sharing recipes, shopping tips, etc. Then the big change to WW came along.
Now we don’t address WEIGHT in even the name of the organization??? Shame on you! This new corporate branding has made me (and I’m not alone) feel as if “our place” has been taken over in service to “wellness”. Even your marketing inside the meetings doesn’t feature any people that look like Weight Watchers members, except maybe ones who’ve already hit their goal.
The meetings no longer focus on WEIGHT ISSUES. I have a therapist, thanks. I come to WEIGHT WATCHERS to share this particular struggle with others who know exactly what I’m dealing with.
And now, you want to focus on making children obsess about their weight. As if they don’t get enough pressure from every other part of their lives. I hope none of your precious grandchildren are cursed with being overweight, or worse, being fat-shamed while they’re just trying to grow up healthy and happy. And you’re now using WEIGHT WATCHERS to monetize fat-shaming kids at their most vulnerable. SHAME ON YOU, MINDY!
After many years as a proud WEIGHT WATCHERS member, I feel I will be following in the footsteps of many of my friends who have left the program that used to be a help and support to us in our Weight Loss struggles. It seems to me that WW doesn’t want us anymore. I am disgusted and angry at this change. You are turning your corporate back on the demographic of folks who have kept you in your cushy and lucrative job.
I will be forwarding my letter to your board of directors. I think it would be educational for them to hear what a long-time member thinks, since you clearly haven’t kept us in mind with all these “Improvements”.
A dissatisfied long-term member,
Shannon Koger
I am a member of Weight Watchers. On Friday July 12,2019 I had attended the workshop at 14545 S. Military Trail Ste F, Delray Beach Florida 33484.
In addition, I had purchased several items while I was there. The items I had purchase were: sea salt hummus crisp, chocolate marshmallow puffs, and a box of the flavor snack bar peanut butter protein Stix.
The woman Lynn rang up my items on a tablet (iPad). I asked her if the computers were not working therefore will, I be able to get a receipt for the items I purchased?
Her reply, she could not provide me a receipt that I would receive via email a receipt for all the items I had purchased with the email address that is on file.
To date I have not received a receipt for the items I had purchased.
I don’t understand why I am not able to get a receipt. This is not a professional way to run a business. If you are adjusting your systems, you should be able to provide a receipt for items that are being purchased,
I am requesting for someone to reach out to me regarding this matter. Your attention to this is appreciated. Sylvia Roye, Not a happy person
hi i’m back. I would like to comment on the products you sell. to tell you they are good but not really helpful in losing weight. see these high processed goods make you want more of the product. in losing and keeping weight off you must change. I use to eat after work and going home I would stop at the mc donalds and get a big mack not 1 but 2 or 3 with the fries and a diet pepsi. then go home and eat a pasta dinner. in 2004 I gave up most of these processed food the white sugar or flour and that is a lot of products. I found I became in control of what went in my mouth. my eating at night stoped and my cravings for sweets vanished. so even today I do not like the taste of sweet food an I do not miss them so giving up a complete food group did help. just a thought when you make you products taste so sweet you not helping the people you say you are.
I joined weight watchers for the first time in 1967 when jean owned it. I was only 17 and 100lb overweight. I lost but my youth of I know it all took over. and gained it all back. so very you life I had joined hundreds of of times and other fad diet plans. in December of 2002 at a doctors appointment the worst in my life at 52 y/o the doctor said insulin and shots plus the 13 pills I was already taking. this was not an option for me. he gave me 2 weeks my sugar was 400 and my a1c 15%. I went across the street that moment to the ww center where I live. I wi at over 320 lb. by 2004 I was taken off my last pill and still do not have to take pill now. by 2007 I hit my doctors goal of 185lb. is was amazed I had done that much. today i’m at 173 lb. and it is holding great. I still work the program every day and love it. the only thing is you promote the cell phone apps. why is it that us that have desk top pc we cannot do everything the cell phone can like the rewards and connect posting and others. another thing these last inprovements was it really important to change meeting to workshop or leader to coach. this is still weight watchers the name dos not help us lose weight. the freestyle program is wonderful it is the most liveable I have ever been on and easy. but you cannot eat everything you want and love or loved. you had a good product the coffee creamers you took away. changing a name and getting you older leaders out was not the way to go the older leaders and members are what made your business great. the young come and go but these older members are you back bone. then connect it really is not easy to do and as I said you need the cell to do it all you left us pc owners in the dust. the old boards were better and easier.
I still love the program and to me ww saved my life.
I joined WW in Westfield for a 14 wk plan- I joined late so the plan was given at a discount . I paid $117.00 dollars on 1/30/2019 and was told my receipt will come by e-mail. Every time I go the meeting she keeps saying I’ll get it for you . My check was cashed weeks ago , when we joined we were told nothing – I just got my phone app to work last week . its been a night mare ever since we joined Who can give me a receipt so I can send it to my insurance. They won’t take a check receipt.
First of all, I’m all for any changes made by WW including the new name. However, we all know and still treat it as Weight Watchers. This is a weight loss program and teaching people how to eat better and move more. In my opinion, people are not going to pay this price just to get more fit. That’s what a gym is for. I like how products were reformulated to include “real” ingredients. I always thought it weird that a health advocate promote “fake” ingredients. Another program fail in my opinion is the rewards. My area is a franchisee and does not reward for attending now called workshops (meetings) which is the most important part of this program. That NEEDS to be looked in to and changed. If WW is promoting programs, etc., ALL franchisees should have to follow suite. I have also read where long time leaders are being dismissed. Why? Just because they are still “teaching” the old and proven successful ways? I think those sitting at the top need to evaluate where their true bread and butter comes from. Making all of these changes all at once could be the downfall of the new WW. There are tons of other programs similar to WW with apps that actually work when tracking. This is intermittently another problem…the app.
Hello, I was in need of help of weight loss. I had been on steroids for 3 years and gained an entire person! I broke my neck and back from a fall and got severe neuropathy. After I had all my surgies I had to do my physical therapy that just helped a wee bit I seen that I still couldn’t get rid of the weight gain! I kept seeing the WW commercials and thoght to look into them also other companies. Please don’t get me wrong. I thought if Oprah W is a spokes person for this company it must work. I’m not a sheep then during tge summer for the Royal Wedding I seen Oprah and thought hiw the Heck is she can look some what decent on the cover of her magazines when they captured her on live Broadcasting! She LOOKED ABSOLUTLEY TERRIBLE! I felt beyond upset hiw she claims tgat because she lost 45 pounds thats an accomplishment I told myself. Self to for get any companies which use actors or any famius person to endorse their products. They get paid for their endorsements from our hard earned income. She made a pretty large amount of money to endorse this company which I feel is a FRAUD! They obviously use CAMERA MAGIC to make her look decent. Since the Royal wedding I was 193 pounds in 6 months of same eating habits and off the steroids I got rid of 63 pounds! No Diet aids or keto fad diet. 30 minute of arm and leg movement with excruciating pain but I did it! My goal is to get back into my size 0 and 2’s! Save your money go buy a pair of pants or a dress in a small size and stay focused on seeing yourself in it! Good luck on your goals! Linda
You have to call your credit card company and block Weight Watchers. or what ever name they bill under. I’m a life time member, and they still charged me. It took from July to September to gt them out of my account. When the top dog lifts her leg, everyone suffers.
On Oct. 31, 2018 I submitted a cancellation request on line, effective 11/10/18 (end of pre-paid term). I completed the reason, confirmed my name, subscripton #, Product ($44.95 recurring bill) and next billing date under the “Please confirm this is the subscription you wish to cancel and select an option” section.
I also completed the next section: “Cancel my subscription at the end of the prepaid term, 11/10/2018”, including the date, and then printed a copy of my request.
Today I received my credit card bill indicating that I was billed for another month, effective 11/11/2018. I checked thru my records and found the print out of my original request to cancel, then proceeded to contact WW. The initial rep indicated there was no record of my cancellation and offered to cancel effective 12/10. She also indicated that she could not escalate and advised that the best move would be to contact the Credit Card Co. to dispute the charge. After advising her that my dispute is with WW and they should have a department to handle, she sent me back to the website “contact” area where I could try resolving that way. I could not find a Contact Us section.
The HELP section was of no help….so I called again, spoke to a different rep, who advised me that she had no contact numbers for Corporate Office, that her “boss” would tell me the same thing, and that I could go on line to find contact info for WW Corporate Office, which I did as we spoke, and landed on this site. When I advised her that I would be posting problem on line, she asked me to hold on while she transferred me to the Disputes Resolution Dept., and I finally spoke to someone who agreed to cancel immediately and credit my account back to 11/10.
Evidently I had failed to hit a final button at the bottom of the original Cancellation Request (which I assume was too low in my screen to be seen without toggling down further, otherwise I’d not have missed it). I can’t imagine I am the only one who has done that, but note to self, I’ll be more careful next time I try to cancel anything.
This is not a comment on the WW Program, rather on their Customer Service – or lack thereof. I believe WW deliberately makes it difficult to cancel (took me considerable time initially to figure out how to do it), and nearly impossible to dispute. Finally, I see no reason why WW cannot make a cancellation effective the date of request, crediting back unused portion of service.
All of this took a considerable amount of time and energy, and certainly colored my view of WW.
Oct 14, 2018 9:36am
Now that the WW Corporation has heard a week’s worth of complaints, what are they going to do to address these complaints? Will they fix the new Rewards app that DOESN’T work on all devices? Will they fix the daily tracker on laptops so I can see my “journey” and “rewards”? Or, will they choose to ignore thousands of members who can’t “pay to play”…my phone doesn’t work with the new app, and NO, I’m NOT going to buy a new phone just to get this Rewards app.
How many group leaders had to go out and buy a new phone, just so they could keep their job with WW Corporation? Or, maybe, they were given a new phone just for using at WW meetings? Make sure it is left behind in the drawer, it’s NOT your personal property.
You might want to re-word your Impact Manifesto, regarding YOUR MISSION STATEMENT:
“This is our mission.
To create a world where wellness is accessible to all, not just the few.” BUY a NEW phone, the Rewards app is NOT accessible to all.
And my favorite line the Wellness Wins Rewards page:
“It’s all included
WellnessWins is free with a WW subscription, and the WW app
“It’s all included. There’s nothing to sign up for, and nothing extra to buy.”
YOUR new app does NOT work with all phones. It’s “pay to play”…either buy a new phone, or you can’t play. But, keep on paying that monthly membership fee…after all this is a Marketing Corporation.
WW Corporation benefited from the Tax Scam, and the Middle Class is paying YOUR share of taxes. Take it all, but give nothing back to the members, ONLY the shareholders reap the rewards.
hi. I have been a ww this time since 2002. my first time was 1967 at 17 y/o. I started at weight 320# a diabetic on 13 pills and going to have take insulne . by 2004 I was down over 100# and off my pills. in 2015 I reached my doctors goal of 185#. now im at 175# a lose of 145#. today we were at the medicare talk for us 65 and older. they have silver sneakers and other help for seniors. I was talking to the silver sneakers and the atnea insurance company and asked them to consider ww joining there fight for good health. I think ww should consider joining the atnea the largest insurance group for senors.
A few weeks ago I went to get weighed in.. They said I was not active. Okay, I went home and realized I need a different credit card. The clerk on the end kept telling me my card was “not goo” or the site was kicking it back. Well, I checked with my credit card. Nothing was wrong. Then, I tried again. Another clerk realized it something to do with how the Post Office recognizes my billing address. Ok. I was fine. Today, the same thing. I come home and all over again. I do not want this to keep happening. Do you realized how humiliating it is for other people to hear that or the person checking me in. I came home and the same thing almost happened again. The problem is on your end. I hope when I go back this does not happen or I am DONE. Finished. Oh, it was in Forest Hills. I am not using a smart phone and I also hear you are not sending out the passes. Well, how do I check in? Printer is having issues.
One more note to my recent note. If we could print out these notes each month, knowing that they would disappear within a finite amount of time, that would keep the data amount down. This way we have an instant journal.
This note goes with my suggestion for tracking our rating of the day with a short note attached and being able to see a month of at a time, of the daily food log under the blue dot days section.
Why can’t we have a section like our blue dot section with an added note that would show what we ate and drank each day in calendar form under our blue dots.
If we track our foods each day. Why can’t we have an extra space for journaling our day?
Rate your Day kinda thing. With a line for why your Day was…..
Good day
sorta good day
Bad day
I even thought of using the recipe builder area to do this now.
Recipe: put your date of day and rate the day
Serves: 1
Ingredients: reasons (maybe use the “add an ingredient”) section
“zero” through fat, carb, sugar, protein
Serving size could be 1 serving
Name the ingredient could be a short reason for the day.
I posted these notes on connect also
I was member lifetime maintance with Weight Watcher since November 1969 . I cannot find my membership card. I hope you can help me. It was in Baltimore, Md.
I am looking forward hearing from you.
I have been a life member for some time. I had not attended meeting but had maintained my ideal weight for some time. As an incentive I started back as an incentive to help my husband to lose weight, as instructed by his doctor. We attend meeting in North Fort Myers with Terry. After a week I was told I did not have to pay a fee, which I did upon my return. I was told to call WW and arrange for reimbursement. I called and in the process the women I talked to not only cancelled my payment but apparently deleted my complete account. I tried to log in on my phone to register my points the next day and could not get into my account. I called and was repeatedly told to call back in ten minutes. When I did get through to speak to someone I was informed I did not have an account and there was no record of me ever having an account. To say I was and am upset is an understatement. Please rectify this. so I can continue to support my husband in his effort to a healther lifestyle. Cheryl Dillon, North Fort Myers, FL 33917. Numbers previously associated with my account were 70454XXXXX and 036M228
I am so unhappy about this Freestyle Plan! I wish the app would allow me to choose between Freestyle and Smartpoints! Freestyle is not working for me AT ALL! I don’t really like poultry and now wind up using at least 25% of my daily points on whatever protein I cook for my family for dinner. Before it was more like 20%…but I felt like I had more freedom with Smartpoints. I feel like in order to save as many points as I can for my proteins I have to rely on fat free or sugar free chemical-laden dairy to stay within range.
I have been a life member for about 2 years. It did help me lose weight. i recently told the office to cancel my ww membership. You now have a spokesperson, has gotten politically involved and has made racist comments.
I cannot be a part of WW political agenda.
Why has WW discontinued the smartpoints plan? Why did they not give people the choice to choose between smartpoints and freestyle. Freestyle is not working for me. I always feel hungry. I doubt I can continue on this plan. Please offer people either or and let us all choose which one we like better like you did with the core plan and flex plan. Thank you.
To Whom It May Concern:
After paying $114.85 for membership at the Paramus, NJ meeting tonight I went to log into etools and received the following:
Review & Accept the Terms & Conditions
Please review and accept the terms and conditions to gain access to your FREE eTools.
This page is blank!
Not wanting to agree to a blank doXXXXent I am now unable to log into the site.
Please advise.
I am concerned about my friend, Francine Augello, who lives next door. We joined WW last August together, Brandon, Florida location, and we have come far in our weight loss. When our memberships expired in December, we thought we could do it on our own, but we both gained weight back pretty quickly. We signed up again on 12/26/18 and we both were inspired and ultimately successful in the “lose ten pounds” promotion. We submitted our applications and supporting doXXXXents on 2/26/18 and 2/27/18, as 2/26/18 was the earliest date allowed for submission of the application for two free months or $100.00. Francine chose the $100.00 and I chose 2 free months. Today, after a lengthy phone call, my account was straightened out, and I was also awarded my two free months. Francine, however, was told she would probably have to pay at least $45.00 to keep her membership current after 4/29/18, if she expected any money. She was told the process takes 6 to 8 weeks, and she must be a current member at the time the promotion benefit was processed. WW will directly benefit by not paying Fran $100.00 for the promotion she earned and properly and timely applied for, by dragging it’s feet long enough to allow Fran’s membership to expire, or to collect $45.00 for payment for the month of May 2018.
Either way, Fran is cheated and WW benefits. This is clearly bad faith, written into the language of the promotional application. I can imagine that the thousands, maybe millions of WW members who trusted WW and worked hard to lose ten pounds in the allotted time will also end up in this predicament, benefitting WW into what could be millions of dollars.
Thank you, Flo!!!!!
About a month ago, I bought 2 of the Slow Roasted Turkey with classic pan gravy and garlic-herb mashed potatoes as I have purchased over many, many years. These potatoes were so lumpy and runny that they weren’t worth eating. I thought that I had just gotten hold of a bad batch that had maybe been thawed and re-frozen. NOT! I am sitting here with another 2 boxes that I purchased the other day and kept frozen, and they are the same…..still lumpy and runny. I cooked them for 8 mins trying to get them cooked to some recognizable consistancy. It didn’t work!!!!! WHO CHANGED THE RECIPE? THEY ARE ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE. This is enough to cause me to stop buying your product altogether. And while I have always done well on WW, if the food is going to change then it’s not worth using WW as a primary weight loss program anymore. I’ll go somewhere else.
I have been a weight watcher member for three years. Somehow my phone number is on the local website for weight watchers international. I never gave authorization for this I want to be compensated and I want my damn number taken off your stupid page. I expect a prompt response . Gail Buckland 850590XXXXX
I very disappointed in WW . I just realized that you have been charging two of my credit cards monthly for the same account and every time I call I get someone who doesn’t speak English or we get disconnected. Someone needs to contact me asap from corporate.
Good afternoon,
I am emailing in response to the lack of support I received from your 1-800 Weight Watchers number. I spoke with Trixie in the Philippines, another lady named Roseanne, also from the Philippines (employee ID #629041) and still a third individual who refused to identify herself over the phone – simply stated that “she was a supervisor.” After several hours, and repeating the same thing over and over again (a request for doXXXXentation of my new WW due date to show to the ladies at the meeting), my request of an email or letter containing this information was denied. I was told they didn’t have the “ability” to email me this info and were unable to mail me a letter as well. Instead, I was told to continue going back to the meetings and telling the meeting leader that I spoke with them and “it should just be fine.” Ironically, this is what I had told them I’d done already twice……but they continued to insist that it was “not possible” for them to send me an email and they’d have to check with the “higher ups.” (I’m still perplexed as to how a company as large as WW employees customer service members who aren’t able to email customers!) I’ve been a loyal WW member for over 5 years and have never experienced a complete lack of assistance as I have over the past few phone calls. I would appreciate a email or call back from someone in the corporate office who has the ability to resolve this issue.
Yvonne Chiarenza
Hi, this is my 6th year in W. W. I did wonderful the first few years, then it became a little more difficult. I would lose one week and gain more that my loss. This went on for about a year. I now see, weight gain every 3 out of 5 weeks. This is very depressing and discouraging. My husband is a lifetime member who did very well. This is a journey we do together. I have talked to the group leader, my doctor, a nutritionist, and used the on line help. I journal daily, and yes I have had a day where I have used my extra points, but gotten right back on the wagon the next day. I feel lost. Any help?
I do not think it is fair that I should be charged for the month of June when I have no intention of attending a meeting or using any of WW services. I have tried to reach someone via email, but have received on response. I have mailed back the pass for June. If I had had some advance notice that my credit card was going to be charged I would have canceled immediately, but I guess WW thinks my whole world revolves around their billing department. How is it a good business practice to charge for services not received? In my opinion WW provides very little for the amount charged.
I have to agree with a previous post. The same Sharon was also our leader in the Aberdeen NJ store and was pulled from that store as well with no warning. She was a fantastic, inspiring and strong leader. I have been going to Weight Watchers for over 20 years and have never come across such an fantastic leader. All of the members that were attending Sharon’s Aberdeen NJ meetings are deeply saddened by this turn of events.
OMG!!! The same thing happened to me. I’ve been with WW in the Skokie Illinios location. We had the best leader Michelle T. 3 weeks ago she was terminated and no one knows anything. We are all very close and she is our rock. The new leader is so so and pushes the product . Michelle dug deep within all of us . Engaged all of us at meetings. She increased membership to standing room only. Now ???? Today’s meeting we had less than half, if not more. Sad.
Weightwatchers Is refusing to give me the $100.00 I should receive back I have lost over 20 plus pounds with in the 2 month timeframe I was told and informed at signing up this would occur I have spent over 3 1/2 hours explaining and being put on hold they told me that yes I should get the rebate but would have to turn it over to cooperate the rep continued to put me on hold and refuses to tell me her last name refuses to put in an email that I should be getting it she also refused to transfer me to an american costumer service person The run around is the worst I have ever encountered I will be submitting this to the better business bureau and requesting action from my legislator after viewing info online I was amazed at the fact over 500 hundred complaints of lack of customer service and falsely made advertisement regarding rebates and program services. Again big cooperations abusing the average american!!!!!!
Jill, I am in your same boat and am still waiting on my $100 refund. I can’t believe that such a big company would be scamming people out of their money. It is beyond unbelievable.
I have the same experience! They have a business practice that you send in the refund and must wait 8-12 weeks AFTER they issue the $100 and you must still be a member!!!! So that’s more like up to 24 weeks which is double the amount of time they advertise. WTH? I will be filing a complaint too-anyway know if there is a class action lawsuit going?
We attend WW in Ocean NJ Route 35. Sharon L. is our leader. She is beyond excellent and has helped with our journey for 2 years. Today when we went to the meeting we were told she was gone. No warning, no good bye, just gone. Her replacement was weak. Gayle. I would like to know where Sharon L is and why she was just pulled from our meeting, When I called I was put on hold for 11 minutes. I spoke to a Phillapino who I could barely understand and he could NOT help me. It is a disgrace that WW would just pull such an outstanding leader from our meeting. We are not happy and we would like some answers.
Lost my Lifetime number and for 2 months have been trying to talk to someone who understands how to spell my name and speak English! So far all I get is someone tells me to call a number with a recording that no one returns a call..GREAT SO FAR. I hope someday to straighten this out …………Hope no one ever looses their number.
Call Lorie at their main number (212) 589-2700. She is the head of the customer complaint department. I also had issues with the over seas call centers.
What is her extention?
I am very disappointed in WW for not issuing a written update to your product points. I have relied on the points on your packaging and now I find out they are old packages. Example: Oatmeal & Choc. Chip cookies were 2 points and the last time is went shopping they had a row a cookies at 2 points and right next to it was row of cookies 4 points. The 4 pts was correct, that is a big difference, especially if it isn’t counted correct and it makes the person wonder why they went up and not down. Under the old package 2 cookies was 4 pts now its 8. Your small ice cream bar was 2 pint and now it is 3 points. Your cheese stayed the same but you pep. pizza went up a point.I would say your marketing dept employees don’t have a weight problem. Maybe you should consult Oprah. People with a weight problem are cued by food, and we look to the WW sweets to be on our side because when we figure our pts for the day/week, those extra pts add up especially on the scale. I know all the excuses you will come up with, but you had to have known all those old packages were out there, and I feel you had a duty to all members to inform them of the differences on the old/new packages. A printout passed out at meetings, on line, to member e-mails, that is not an unreasonable request. You are here to help us not confuse us and I don’t feel any of your products can be trusted, pts wise, and for that reason I will think twice about purchasing any of them. You deal in weight problems, therefore you should look at everything you do from that point of view.
Mary Berthold
Call Lorie at their main number (212) 589-2700. She is the head of the customer complaint department. I also had issues with the over seas call centers.
I spent 45 minutes on the phone with the Philippines and no resolve. I went to the local WW in Toms River and they directed me to the chat line. After chatting with Lady Felipe Mae G for another 20 minutes, still no help whatsoever. Worse company I have ever dealt with. My issue is I paid for a 3 month program on January 2, 2017 for 77.40 for the time period of 1/2-4/2. I have a confirmation email from WW for that same day! Good thing I retained it because no one at WW can see it! My bank saw it when the funds were removed from my bank account. Then WW deducted an additional 44.95 in January for February and again in February for March for a monthly pass fee. Trying to get this resolved has been tortuous. Philippines said there was no supervisor and Tech Support was busy. The chat line referred me to the 800 number. All I want answered is why I paid 77.40 on January 2, 2017 for a 3 month program, have a confirmation email from WW, and the chat line and the 800 number can’t “see that.” Then they turn around and charge me 44.95 for Feb and March when the email clearly states my 77.40 was for 1/2-4/2/2017. It amazes me that they all are very sorry but no one can help and I can’t speak to someone except the Philippines who can’t help. Shame on WW and Oprah for running such a poor business model and farming work out to the Philippines when so many Americans are out of work. WW is not a cheap plan and then they take money out of the account for whatever program they want. The program may or may not work but taking money out of an account and then not being able to find it on their end is sad. My suggestion is to keep every email and confirmations you have with them. Still SHAME ON YOU!
Call Lorie at their main number (212) 589-2700. She is the head of the customer complaint department. I also had issues with the over seas call centers.
Your “help” staff at 1-800-651-6000 is a waste of your money. When I first joined WW in October 2016 we could not get the app to download on my iphone. Called your “help” line and couldn’t understand most of what he said, and he turned out to be no help whatsoever.
The girls at my local meeting place got it loaded and working finally. I was on a 3 month program back then and the app worked just fine. Then last night when I went to track a snack around 8 p.m. the app took a long time to finally tell me to set up an account and create a profile, like I was brand new member. I worked with it and worked with it last night, asked a fellow WW friend and never got in. So I called your help line today and got another person who didn’t understand me, and I couldn’t understand her. I had to spell everything, and she still got it wrong. I asked for someone who spoke and understood better English or her supervisor and she insisted that I deal with her. After 10 minutes of frustration, I practically pleaded with her to put someone else on the line.
She wouldn’t accommodate. I finally said “forget it, I’ll deal with my gals at my local meeting center” and told her good bye. Your help line is “HELPLESS” !!!!
Call Lorie at their main number (212) 589-2700. She is the head of the customer complaint department. I also had issues with the over seas call centers.
I would like some statistics on the success of members to achieve goal weight with the new Smartpoints program. I am a lifetime member. I have approximately 30 pounds to go to re-reach my goal. I have lost almost 70 pounds, almost 50 since September. I am seeing a huge decline in success since reaching the “no lower than 30 points per day” status. I am continuously told that success is measured “beyond the scale.” Well, I do not see it that way. I joined to lose weight (knowing from past success, that Weight Watchers worked.) I am also paying “by the scale.” I can not get any support from the “1-800” number. They can not answer the daily calories this new program is built around, the statistics of success among members, or a simple question like what bread is factored into the points for a sub at Subway. I love my meetings and my leader (the best I’ve every had) but I am seriously questioning the “business” of Weight Watchers. I will wait in great anticipation for an answer to my questions: what percentage of members have reached their goal weight while using Smartpoints? What is the average caloric intake for someone assigned 30 daily points? And finally, what bread is used to calculate the sub sandwich points at Subway in etools? Thank you!
Call Lorie at their main number (212) 589-2700. She is the head of the customer complaint department. I also had issues with the over seas call centers.
I have never been so frustrated with a company and their customer service as I am with Weight Watchers. I have been a Weight Watchers for a number of years and technical issues of the last year are deplorable ! Most recently I have been trying for the last year to get the weight recorded at the meeting to automatically update the weight watcher tools. The Help Desk which is in the Philippines is useless they tell you to go to the meetings and get it fixed there, the you go to the meeting and they tell you to call the helpdesk. It is the worst run company I have interacted with. There are tons of apps out there and programs just as good is Weight Watchers I am seriously thinking about canceling my membership membership with I have had for years. My wanting to stop my membership is completely out of frustration but you can’t talk to a person that you can understand, their technology is behind the times and expensive, their teams don’t know how to work together and I am paying a fair amount of money per month for the worst customer sevice experience I have ever had !
I am so frustrated with Weight Watchers. I paid for 3 months. After 2 weeks, I had so much stress, I realized I could not continue. I called Customer Service Rep (they are mostly in the PHillipines). I asked if I could talk to someone from the United States, they said they could not transfer me, I would have to keep calling back to see if someone would pick up from the United States, however, I keep getting the Phillipines. I can’t hardly understand them, they put me on hold for long periods of time, one time I did get the supervisor and he promised to refund my money. When I did not get the refund after 2-3 weeks, I checked the confirmation email and it was gone!! GONE from my server! I then called twice, was on hold for an hour or more. They also could not find my account, apparently they found an old account. My new account was listed in one of my hyphenated names, so they couldn’t find me for the longest time. Finally I gave them the number and they found me. While I was waiting on the phone for the girl to give me a refund (after I had to get very aggressive), I cancelled my subscription online. When the girl went to give me the refund, *(after telling me no many times) she saw that I had cancelled and used that as an excuse to not give me the refund. This was after one and a half hours. I am so disgusted, this program has GONE UNDER THE TUBES. I used to have no problem with them, now its horrible and I am going to go on FB and let others know.
In thinking about the difficulty that WTW has been experiencing with stock price/value, I thought of a new market that could be greatly helped along with several key partnerships that would provide a great service to a constituency as well as be profitable for the corporation – Children Weight Watchers or Weight Watchers for Children. With the prolific child obesity in America, this service could prove to be invaluable to children and their families. This new initiative/program could improve children’s health, prevent diseases, lead to better social engagement, and be a value all around. Weight Watchers could partner with Michelle Obama and her Move initiative as well as partner with schools across the nation for programming and healthy food options. There are 74.2 million children under the age of 18 in the U.S. with approximately 18% classified as obese. Would not this be a totally new market for WTW – a financial incentive? But, above and beyond this, imagine the good a company like WTW could do for this population that would pay dividends on a national scale. I am submitting this in the hopes that someone at the corporate level picks this up and sees it value/potential. Maybe the search for a new CEO and return of WTW to past value could be fueled by this idea/thought/paradigm shift.
Mr Taylor great minds must think alike! My husband and I have been going over this idea for months now. I think its a great idea. I love the fact you included all the obesity facts with children but one step further…prevention! I attended my first WW meeting was I was 10 with my mother. I have always struggled with my weight. I just had to use the adult program and here the adult solutions and problems. I was always embarrassed about being on the program. As a child i hid it from class mates because they didn’t understand and with the woman at the meetings i felt different. I had no where to belong and embrace what i was learning or even how to apply to it to my 10 year old life.None of my childhood issues were addressed. I say prevention because my husband and I a couple of years ago had really great success with WW. My husband who has never had an issue with weight or ever had to diet was blown away with the health of WW. We have a 14 year old daughter who my husband has always stressed good eating and exercise with. She is a competitive gymnast who competed for 9 years and recently retired to try new things. My husband and I would never want my daughter to struggle and feel less than because of her weight, like I did. He and my daughter would see my pain with my weight and it kept me from living life. My daughter does not have a weight issue but lacks a solid foundation of food and the science behind it. I mean I cook and provide a well balanced meal for her but she eats junk at school with no real knowledge of the cost of those chips etc. Sometimes she will come home and say I ate nothing today but a soda and bag of chips not realizing the calories or amount of sugar she consumed. child/teen approach to teach them these things would be awesome. My husband and I are going back to WW and want to take our 14 yr old daughter but have to approach it with caution. The last thing we want is that people would think we want our slender 14 yr old daughter to lose weight. What we want is for her to learn nutrition! What we want is for her to see how her food choices affect her health. We are going early to the first meeting and talk to the leader and she what she thinks? They may not even allow her to be part of the program. We are going to try and get our family on a healthy start this New Year including our daughter.
I tried to cancel with Fitz but he hung up and NEVER called me back. Someone told me you are not allowed ever to call someone back. Now your website will NOT permit me to call.
Now you have taken my November money and sent me a card.
Call me so I can find out what to do now.
Evalyn Sherwood
CEO: James R. Chambers
CFO: Nicholas P. Hotchkin
COO: Byron Crowe
I am copying this page and sending it to the NYS Attorney General. I have been trying to get you to stop sending me your spam for six months. I have the dates, the times, the representatives and supervisors I spoke to, and various emails to individuals within the company which I will also report as evidence of your total and deliberate neglect of my efforts. I have spent hours on the phone with people that I could barely understand, being put on hold while the rep. said he/she would put me in touch with a supervisor only to be told that a supervisor could not be found. I was asked if a supervisor could call me back but no one did. Last person apologized profusely (was supposedly a supervisor), promised that she had taken care of my problem – two weeks later and I have more spams. Terrible company – letters to the editor are also forthcoming.
Michael Daugherty
Clifton Park, NY
USSDaugherty at
I have spent over an hour today trying to talk to someone who speaks English to find out why the list of Restaurants and their menus have been deleted from the website for my PC. I was finally transferred to Iris in Louisiana who heard my complaint, verified that it was true and submitted my request to reinstate that information. Why on earth would that information be deleted when we are repeatedly told we need to plan ahead when going out so that we stay on plan. I am seriously considering leaving Weight Watchers if this situation is not rectified. That is one of the reasons I joined.
Also, the fact that the first 3 people I spoke with today were non-English speaking was very frustrating and unhelpful. How does it help to have someone who does not speak English trying (or not) to help an English speaking person. For instance, one of the women today asked me to hold “for 2 minutes” but it came out as gibberish the first few times she said it. What a waste of my time and hers. After promising that I would not be disconnected (again) she finally received permission to transfer me to a supervisor in the U.S.
I canceled WW within 6 days after joining. I was instructed to complete a form and mail it to the corporate office, which I did. I honestly fail to see why this could not be handled online. When I first joined, I provided my WW leader with (3) checks. The first check was cashed approximately one week after I canceled my membership. I called WW today and was informed that they could not assist me because the corporate office in New York handles all cancelations. The WW customer rep I spoke to could not provide me with any updates on my refund, but did warn me that the 2nd check will most likely be cashed next week. I was told the only way to contact the corporate office is to write a letter. Can you believe this???? This is a racquet !!! PLEASE REFUND MY MONEY ! ! ! !
Has anybody else had problems with product exchange from pro to smart points. I have been trying to exchange my scales in meetings since January – the leaders kept saying that they had not had no stock. Now head office are saying they won’t exchange them as I am out of the swap period. I spoke to a supervisor today for half an hour. I asked him how was I supposed to exchange them in that time period when there wasn’t any stock. He couldn’t answer. Does anybody have the name / contact of uk director as I’m not letting it drop. I think it’s disgusting and feel scammed.
I have joined WW many times and sometimes for one reason or another the web site doesn’t work or I get bombarded with spam so I cancel my membership, The problem for me and it’s very annoying, is when I cancel my membership the unwanted emails just keep coming just like I never cancelled. I send email after email to take my name off your mailing list and each time I am told it will take three weeks but three weeks pass and I still get emails. Since I have requested many, many times to stop sending them I call them spam. Since I don’t want them and have asked that you not send them to me, according to the rules of the internet, they become spam. I find it ridicules that your company can’t stop sending me spam when I have done what I was asked and was told that my name had been removed. I find your IT department way behind the times. I was told the last time I joined that your IT department was finally coming into the 21st century. I’m sorry but to me it still seems to be light years behind. There are free apps that do the point thing and they are so much better than yours. When I get spam from other companies they have a place that I can “unsubscribe” and when I unsubscribe the spam stops immediately. Not with your company. They just keep on coming no matter how many times I ask that they stop. I’m asking you to please fix this. Other people I have talked to about this hate your website. I just looked up your reviews and I guess a lot of people are not happy with your company. Do you even know what is going on in the company that you are president and CEO of? Do you even care?
I was shocked to see the pages and pages of complaints regarding the business operations of WW International. I mistakenly thought my nightmare experience was unique! People should know, the Mobile App DOES NOT WORK ON THE APPLE 6sPLUS. And because WW is the epitome of incompetence, you will never see a refund. Kiss that money goodbye and recognize that your new battle will be to have your membership successfully cancelled. There are numerous situations of WW continuing to charge after a cancellation. You MUST CALL YOUR CREDIT CARD COMPANY AFTER YOU CANCEL TO HAVE THE CHARGE BLOCKED. Can you imagine any other company selling a product that totally doesn’t work and then REFUSING TO REFUND THE MONEY? Can you imagine a company staying in business with the rudest, most arrogant, most ignorant support staff in the world? How do they get away with it? Please spread the word – AVOID WW, they will take your money and deliver NOTHING BUT A NIGHTMARE EXPERIENCE.
I’ve been a Weight Watcher more years than I’d like to admit. NEVER in any of those years has this company or any one of it’s corporate spokesperson(s) or investors has made this company political. Well, not until Oprah! I’d appreciate Oprah keeping her political opinions to herself…kinda like separation of church and state. At the meeting today….a number of other Weight Watchers were talking about the same thing that because Oprah is the face of Weight Watchers does that mean Weight Watchers is more for Democrats. It’s a slippery slope! We don’t like Weight Watchers being politicized…our nation is divided enough already. Can we just go and be healthy without being dragged through this muddy mess of the politicalworld!
we agree 100 per cent . we got up and dropout when the head started about politics. we done with them now
Mr. Chambers–
What in the hell has happened to Weight Watchers?
My girlfriends and I used to attend WW faithfully. I have been a Lifetime member since 1997 and always enjoyed attending meetings and getting tips from fellow members or just listening to a leader give some advice that could maybe help me avoid that greasy, cheese stuffed pizza slice. And yes, I have been PAYING for these meetings the last 10 years because my goal weight isn’t what it used to be. That said, I haven’t attended a meeting in months. I cancelled my monthly pass 3 times in that last year. I kept re-joining thinking it was the leader or the group, but it turned out it was your new philosophy on getting members involved in the weekly meetings, whether they wanted to be or not. You are losing members. Here’s why you lost me.
I joined Weight Watchers to lose weight. I did not join to make friends or be a public speaker. But now when you attend a WW meeting, the leader has to strictly follow an agenda or lesson plan, and it almost always includes a “group activity” where you are forced to pair off with strangers sitting next to you to do an “assignment”, like design a low point menu, or deconstruct a Reuben sandwich. And just when you thought it couldn’t get more boring, it gets uncomfortable. You are asked to stand up and offer your findings to the group. No more can you just sit quietly in the back and be a wallflower by choice. (Most of us want to be wallflowers, by the way. We are mortified to be battling extra pounds and and would prefer to be invisible.) In every single meeting I attended in the last year, I was asked to pair up with someone I didn’t know and talk about something personal with someone who didn’t want to talk to me either. When I was a kid in school, I dreaded being asked by the teacher to pair off with someone in the class or join a group for some assignment. But at least then I wasn’t paying to be uncomfortable.
I used to attend meetings in Los Angeles. I always went to one particular meeting that was always packed because the leader used to say she wasn’t following the script today and we were going to do a “show and tell” and bring in low point value foods finds to share with the group. Or she would help us calculate points of our favorite food items that weren’t in your book. Her meetings were standing room only. She was a rebel and we loved her for it. She would look down at the agenda and say “Yeah, well, don’t tell anyone but we’re not doing this today” and the place would erupt in cheers. Unfortunately, I don’t live in Los Angeles anymore. I have been to 3 different meetings with 3 different leaders in 3 different cities and they are all following the same damn script. These meetings are very small. Like 3 people small. There is a reason they are not well attended.
My old friends have all left Weight Watchers. My new friends are going elsewhere because they don’t want to subject themselves to your boring and uncomfortable meetings and they don’t make much progress motivating themselves online. I would love to re-join. I still need to lose that 20 pounds that crept back on me over that last 10 years, but I will have to lose it using another weight loss program. One that doesn’t offer meetings with bad leaders. BTW, has anyone screened these leaders for personalities? Energy? Sense of humor? I went to one meeting where the leader said that water was a good snack. Really? You’re saying that to fat people! (I am a former TV producer and now I train people to be good on camera. I know boring. These leaders are BORING.)
Thank you for reading my email. Now I’m off to download the latest edition of the South Beach Diet. At least they don’t require small group presentations.
Your former Lifetime member,
Karen Melamed
WW is TERRIBLE TO CANCEL. I cancelled after they introduced the new plan and they continued to bill me. when I called they said they didn’t see any charges to my account. I had to call my CC company and file it as fraudulent to get it removed. NOW there are 2 charges for WW magazine. I didn’t order the magazine through them (it was from a magazine company) How did WW get involved in this billing?? so far they have not called me back about it – looks like I will have to call my CC company again.
Soooo disappointed in the “leaders” of Weight Watchers . No one has a clue . I can never get a straight answer to any question I ask. If u ask 3 people u get 3 different answers with sarcasm attached. I was told that only corporate can help you ….ok so how do I get ahold of them ?!?!???
My wife and I are both member of weight watchers she for 7years and I 3 years and our issue with the company, is that once our credit cards was updated and they couldn’t retrieve money immediately they charged a higher fee as a new member rather than allowing us as long time members to remain at our fee to which we began with weight watchers. We have talked to at least 3 people to get a straight answer to why they increased my wife’s fee. This is unfair, because she informed WW prior to the exploration date of her card. Weight watcher is penalizing her and probably others just to raise their fees even if WW are wrong.this is outrageous and WW has become giant corporate uncaring mess.
Exact same problem and now I called for over a month and no one can help me cancel. meanwhle time after month I am getting charged., its sooo frstrating
The AZ FRANCHISE for Weight Watchers is horrible.
Please fire Adrienne Dalaly the member services manager.
She is an ignorant woman along with her Weight Watchers leader Pam who works at the Tempe, AZ location.
They are incompetent and unprofessional.
I would like to make a complaint about the Arizona Weight Watchers Franchise. I have been a member of weight watchers for 15 years.
The AZ Weight Watchers Franchise is owned and operated by incompetent and ignorant people.
My leader’s name was Pam. Pam was the worst Weight Watcher’s Leader that I have ever had in the 15 years that I was a weight watchers member.
She would call me out in front of the whole group in the meeting for choosing a Vegan lifestyle because her husband is a butcher.
She is not knowledgeable about the most current information regarding healthy nutrition and healthy lifestyles. Every meeting she would get up in front of the group and tell us about herself and her weight loss struggles. It was as if she used the meeting as a catharsis for herself. She would just talk endlessly about herself. No one else got a chance to speak because she would just stand up there and talk about herself for 30 minutes.
The franchise is disorganized and they treat the Weight Watchers member with disrespect.
Colleen Kerridan has contacted Weight Watchers and informed us that these complaints were made by someone using her name.
The customer reps have difficulty understanding the English language. I asked and confirmed 3 times about the on-line plan being an ongoing 3 month plan. I was reassured that this was the case similar too the monthly pass. Okay so today I am in chat room with another rep so i can submit my my rebate for for having lost 10 pounds and I am told my reference number is not available on-line and I notice that I am now going on a monthly plan because after the first 3 months that is how it works!!! I am furious. I feel like bait and switch.
That is a scam.
I find the website hard to navigate-cant find my account status on mobile-my fit bit wont sync and no one can figure out why and forget about 24/7 chat on desk top-it doesn’t happen. Oprah better get into corporate.
The plan is working which is the only reason why I am trying to work through these issues. I will never ever recommend this program to anyone
I too am extremely frustrated with the whole WW Thing.. their 1-800-651-6000 customer service number is TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY USELESS.. I have now spoken to three different agents because I NEVER RECEIVED MY MONTHLY PASS… each time I go to a meeting I have to hear “you have to get your pass it’s been 5 weeks now”… TELL THAT TO THE CUSTOMER SERVICE AGENTS AT THAT TOLL FREE NUMBER. I am now trying to speak to someone in the corporate office; I have called 5 times and each time they (automated voice) tells me to hold and someone will be right with me (1-212-589-2700). Each time I hold for 10 to 20 minutes while it just keeps ringing and then I am disconnected. this WW Thing is such a scam. I want my money back and I want it NOW. The only thing I’m losing is my patience !!!!!! There is a fax # but I’m sure that my fax would end up in the trash somewhere… if they don’t have anyone answering their phones, who is going to acknowledge the fax?????? And this website is as bad as the Obamacare nightmare… I would NEVER recommend WW to anyone…
I couldn’t agree more. I spoke with a man with a heavy accent, and he was slow, couldn’t understand anything I was saying, even when I spelled out the letter and numbers. He talked to me like I was stupid, I had a horrible experience with WW customer service. I eventually got a hold of a supervisor who actually could speak and understand English, she was professional and handled the situation to my satisfaction.
Can Oprah get anymore dramatic about BREAD??? Each time I see that commercial, it makes me laugh. She talks about bread like it’s some lifesaving device! You really got it wrong when you chose her as a spokesperson. Why would anyone choose WW just because you have Oprah gloat that she can eat bread? How many diet plans has she used? Who can relate to her? She’s rich, pompous, insincere, egotistical and self absorbed. I am insulted when she calls the viewers “Honey Child” Big mistake, Florine Mark for thinking she has a unique ability to inspire and connect with people. She inspires condescension.
With your New spokesperson, Oprah telling the world how she Loves Bread and having it everyday. Well guess what, No WW bread. You took it off the shelves, or iis it All at Oprah’s house? Really do you need a billionaire promoting WW, making even more money by buying stock. She can afford a trainer and chef. She doesn’t need WW to lose weight. How about an average person???? Put the Bread back where we average people can buy it. Oprah has enough “dough”!
By the way, your customer service people that answer your phones are idiots!!
I second that! I was treated so rudely, requested a supervisor and was left on hold for almost an hour. I’m trying to locate the CEOs email address because the CS skills are at an all time low.
I have had numerous problems with their app and also being on hold for over 45 mins to either be disconnected or to be rudely spoken too. Here is the number for the corporate office and their fax (212)589-2700 and their fax is (212)589-2601 the chief financial officer is Nicholasville P. Hotchkiss and the CEO is James Chambers ….good luck as I too will be yelping them and getting in touch with corporate.
Both of those numbers are in our listing, but thanks for the info!
I ewould to get information regarding establishing operations of weight watchers in Nairobi Kenia.
I will be very happy if you can refer me to the right person/s I should talk to in the company’s headquarters.
I admire many, many things about Oprah Winfrey, but I joined Weight Watchers to be part of a community of peers. Seeing Oprah being featured on TV ads and the magazine makes it appear that I am now part of one of Oprah’s club versus being a part of a community of women and men who are there to support each other on their individual journeys towards health and better self-esteem. It’s fine that Oprah owns a big share of WW and I applaud her for investing in a good organization, but I really don’t like the direction it seems to be taking in what appears to becoming a vanity investment with Oprah being the brand rather than the product/service being the focus. There is already the O Magazine and OWN. Can Weight Watchers just be Weight Watchers?
I am completely offended that WW, thinks it’s ok to put Oprah on TV calling us “Honey Child,” while peddling their program. Watching the queen of arrogance sitting on her throne talking down to those below her is repulsive.
I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with Weight Watchers and your new 2016 program. I joined Weight Watchers on December 31, 2015 for the 3-month online program. I was very unhappy with the new program, and the new website was never working properly. I tried to contact someone using your “contact us” page, but it only jumped to the same page in a new tab.
Frustrated, I called the 800 number to Weight Watchers and finally was able to cancel my program on January 4, 2016 and I requested a refund. Apparently the entire program was cancelled effective January 4, 2016, because I have not been able to log into my account after that date.
Since I only used the program for 4 days, and was not able to log into the program after January 4, 2016, I feel that I am entitled to a refund of at least two months – not just the one month I have been refunded. I am told that since I cancelled the program within the first month, I am now being charged the $20.00 signup fee (which had been waived per your advertising). I am also being charged for the entire month of January – even though I wasn’t allowed to use the program after January 4, 2016 – yet I am not receiving any credit for the additional 26 days in January that I am not able to access the program.
I am not very happy with Weight Watchers at this point. I have been a member off and on for several years. I was really looking forward to the new year and joining Weight Watchers and having success. However, I do not like the new 2016 program or the new website. It is very difficult to use.
Try going through your credit card company.
Yeah I had a similar experience and had to dispute through my bank.
I’ve been going to Weight Watchers on and off since the 1970’s. I just spent paying for the last year and didn’t attend the meetings. To look at the plan it should work, but it doesn’t. I’m sure that is what Weight Watchers is counting on or they wouldn’t make any money.
My reason for contacting you is Oprah Winfrey. If you think that bringing Oprah and all of her millions of dollars on board is going to save Weight Watchers you’re sadly mistaken! We have watched Oprah yo-yo diet for years, bouncing from one diet to another, just to fail. Just to work at Weight Watchers you have to be at goal. Yet there Oprah is in all her fatness and glory. Oprah has some kind of cult following, but not everybody follows her. What is it going to do to Weight Watchers when the public watches her lose a few pounds on Weight Watchers just to gain them back?
Weight Watchers might be good for the person that needs to lose a few pounds, but it fails miserably when it comes to the morbidly obese, and the people that suffer from Binge Eating Disorder. What you need to get into is the real meat and potatoes (no pun intended) and help the people that need it the most. We all know what to eat and how to exercise. What we all don’t know how to do is to stop the emotional eating.
You also need new material because it is the same old stuff week after week, month after month, and year after year. I can almost set my watch to what week it is and what lecture that I will be listening to.
One last thing before I go, you need to stop discriminating against the very people that you are supposed to be helping. Have you ever stopped to think that maybe people can get more from a person that is going through the program than somebody that has just lost a few pounds? I have over 200 pounds to lose. For me listening to somebody talk about losing 15 pounds to get to goal is just plain disheartening!
One more thing, stop the advertising where Oprah is fat shaming people. This is 2016 and Oprah shouldn’t be fat shaming anybody’s body!
Your ads with Oprah are not sincere, she is rich, she can buy what every she wants, I will not join WW due to your spokes person.
Oprah tried everything best chef, trainers and now a miracle weight watchers. Please this proves Oprah and weight watchers are phonies.
Information on Oprah campaign? ads? Print? TV? I would like to learn more. dd
I would like to know more about the Oprah campaign for WW; when will her ad launch? Will the public see her dieting experiences? Will there be TV ads? print ads? thx. dd
I find trying to contact weight watchers whether it is through the online chat or calling the 800-number that the people responding really don’t have the right answers or any answers and keep referring you to call someone else. My brother went to weight watcher meeting in Scotts Bluff Nebraska at 6 PM on Wednesday night as your website listed there was a meeting. No one showed. I’m asking a simple question is there a way to contact that leader or Corporate Office and then being told by the 800-number that there is no way to contact any of the leaders via email or phone numbers. There is no way to contact the corporate office to escalate this issue up. And if the website lists it then there must be a meeting at that time. In the last hour since my online chat and my call to the 800-number I now see Scottsbluff meeting time has been updated to show on your website as Tuesday night at 6 PM. I just got back to the 800 number and ask the support person who just updated that time and Sandy said she had no way of knowing. So what help is your 800-number and your online chat if they never can answer questions. i’m pretty concerned at this point being told that corporate weight watchers has no contact information for their weight watcher leaders at their meetings. I looked at the corporate number in New York but it appears they’re closed at this hour. I will have to wait to try calling them tomorrow.
I agree with you Joy. I call the corporate headquarters today trying to establish a corporate account and the person who answer the phone said she was the receptionist and couldn’t direct me to anyone unless I provided a name. That person needs training on customer assistance.
I am having the same problem in trying to reach knowledgeable people who are responsible for decisions at weight watchers. This program has been screwed up for months! I have waited a long time for these online bugs to get worked out by weight watchers. Finally I contacted their 800-number, but could not get a simple answer to my question – what is the future of the online etools calculator? I am told by our meeting leader leader that the calculator online is not the way it is going to be when they finally get it fixed. She says there will be four numbers to type in to obtain a points value. The calculator now has seven numbers that have to be typed in. Keith, a supervisor at customer service – the 800-number told me he believes that’s the way it’s going to stay – seven numbers. I am going on three months without a proper set of etools after this program change, and yet I have been offered only two months in fee recompense. It is infuriating that I’m getting conflicting information, or have to repeatedly hear the answer, “there’s nothing I can do for you,” in response to my requests. In order to update the hundreds of ‘my food’ items that have been zeroed out in my account because of this program change, I have to know what I’m doing with this calculator. I have requested that they send me an analog calculator to use – the one in the little box the costs $10, but I have been told nothing can be done about that unless I pay an additional $10. I am told the new version of this analog calculator requires that 4 numbers be typed in, not 7. So from whom am I supposed to get a clear answer? I’ve been with weight watchers about six years, I have successfully lost 20 pounds, but I will have to move on to Fit Bit or some other program if I don’t get a clear answer, a calculator I can use, an additional month of fee recompense, and a phone number I can call in the future if I had any more problems of this magnitude. That’s called customer service. If Oprah’s people would like to give me a call, that would be fine with me. I have no opinion of her presence in this program one way or the other. I’m in it to meet my weight goals.
To Whom It May Concern – Specifically Mr. James Chambers, CEO of Weight Watchers
In March I had signed up for the WW magazine and sent a check for the payment. $14.95. Two months later I noticed an amount for $1,400. on my bank account. In researching this, I discovered that the original $14.95 check was changed to $1,400. 95. Someone in your checking dept. forged the check and didn’t bank it until they thought I would have forgotten. They probably didn’t think it would be noticed however, I don’t keep a lot of cash in that account so the bank flagged me when the check came in. It took me 2 months to get this sorted out with my bank because they also had to work with WW to get it refunded. As you will see from the remainder of my email right now I’m absolutely appalled with the lackadaisical attitude of WW. I wonder how many other people had fraud committed this way and didn’t catch it! (Rhetorical question.) I now would never order another WW magazine because obviously the people in that department can’t all be trusted.
What a pity that such a great program to help people with health issues is losing the reputation it had. Reading other posts, I cannot believe all the complaints you have received which don’t seem to be getting attention.
I have no idea if you or anyone else ever reads these posts. Going by what I’ve been reading from others they do not get replies or answers to their questions. Because it became a health challenge I decided I would join WW coaching plus program. I joined this week, on Monday to be precise and had my first call with the coach. She was very nice however being a business coach myself and working with people in life and business coaching for over 20 years your training of these coaches is very lacking. I’m not interested in the story of the coach, you have the information on your website, giving it to me when I only have a 30 minute call is time wasting. I also did not receive any real direction from her so finally had to work it out for myself, which means I don’t need to spend money on one of your coaches. When I joined I was told I would be able to email the coach with questions at any time. Not true. The coach told me she only checks email on the WW site once daily and would get back to me within 24 hours. Questions about food or my plan should be addressed faster if I need information that day. I also did not know I would have to email via WW website. Misleading by your customer service. Today I spent nearly an hour on the phone with customer service trying to get answers to simple questions. When I asked to speak with a supervisor the agent hung up on me. I called back, the next person didn’t have answers either, I asked for a supervisor. She put me on hold for so long I had to hang up. I finally contacted your online coach system where I received the answers I needed from a very nice, helpful intelligent person called Kim, who deserves to be a coach not online but working directly with people. Certainly more helpful than the coach I was given. I am paying $54 a month for this service, yet there is no ‘service.’ Before the end of this first month I will be cancelling the coach portion of WW and will do this on my own via WW online. If I am charged again for the service I won’t wait, given my and others experiences, I will go directly to consumer affairs and report your company.
Hazel Palache
Similar to posts by other people I’m struggling to connect with someone at WeightWatchers to help me. My problem is straightforward but appears to fall outside the WW organisation structure. I manage the staff wellbeing programme at the British school in the Netherlands. So we are in the WeightWatchers Benelux territory, but have English staff. We run WeightWatchers groups and have been able to attract English speaking coaches, however a part of the support materials are in Dutch. The country manager tells me this cannot be changed. Now I have 2 employees who want to join @online. WeightWatchers Benelux can only give this to me in Dutch; a language our staff do not master. WeightWatchers UK tell me you have to be a resident of the UK to subscribe. My frustration is that your organisation appears unwilling to address the issue.
Do you that it is difficult, if not impossible, to contact individuals. They are intensely insulated from their customers. Is it really so awful to communicate with the people who make your jobs possible?
I have never in my life spoke to a company that does not know anything about billing. I have an active link that bills $5.00 a month. Well every month this charge doesn’t go through my financial institute (Bank). BOA says that weight watchers is not finalizing the payment, therefore it is dropping off of my account. They cannot pay it if it is not finalized. I have tried to explain this to Weight Watchers. All they keep saying is. “This is between you and your financial institute. We don’t have anything to do will how your bank processes the payment. They do not have a financial institute.” Well They have to have one to process any payment. All I am trying to do is make sure you (weight watchers) get paid on my due date instead of having to run the payment multiple times, My point is everyone i have spoken to in reference to this is very rude and incompetent and all they want to do is argue, scream and not even try to help. I’m not sure what their problem is. Not everyone is trying to get out of making payments. I just wanted it to work correct the first time. I ask to change the date to see if that would fix the issue, but they really freaked out on me over that….. Frustrated!
I need help getting started joined 3 weeks ago attend meetings in el cerrito california. Staff is not helpful. Why? Its not free! Im paying their salary. Help needed asap
More than two yrs ago I sent in an ad promotion I received for one free copy of WW magazine with NO OBLIGATION. I received my copy then got billing statements and invoices for a subscription. I wrote and explained I’ve never subscribed and have never received more than the one free issue. I continue used to get invoiced. Finally I threatened to contact consumer affairs. The notices stopped. Now, after more than two yrs I just received another invoice for $11.99 due upon receipt! This is nuts. I feel as though I am being harassed. I now have the corporate headquarters address and will post on YELP. Also I am submitting a complaint to Consumer Affairs. If it continues I am prepared to contact the Attorney Generals Office.
I have been trying to reach someone in the corporate office, all the phone does is ring. No one is answering, then the system says no one answers the operator option. I have been a customer of WW off and on for over 20 years, I have a concern that needs to be addressed and should be corrected immediately.
I have had a gift certificate purchased for me at our local office in Traverse City, MI. What a wonderful surprise! I was overwhelmed with this gift and it seems to be that I cannot use it with any of the online options. It has stressed me out since I have received this because no one seems to know how to implement it without canceling my current plan or online/mobile access. Oh there isn’t way to continue on, you must cancel. I was told three different versions, but no one really knows. Yes you can continue, No you can’t, oh wait, call this number and they can set it up and not charge your card, but no we cannot do that, etc… HOW STRESSING DO YOU THINK THIS IS… very since I am trying to make good choices and become healthier. with this stress it has been overwhelming and me wanting to just say ~!@#$!!!!! But I have not, I have been working hard trying to keep on track and also find the right person to assist me with my gift certificate and keeping my already two month progress.
I am so shocked that with our technology options that WW’S hasn’t moved forward with such a small change.
Why can’t I input my gift certificate into the online/mobile app system, so I may be able to continue my already purchased options?
I was told to cancel my online purchase and I would be able to use it without concern, INCORRECT INFORMATION AGAIN! I cancelled my online/mobile app and have tried to re-login to continue my tracking system. WRONG! You cannot use your WW without having a credit card on file to be charged. Why NOT? Why isn’t there an option to put in a gift certificate or special promotion to keep customers to continue on with there plan.
So for this entire week, I have not been able to get a straight answer or even assistance. All I want is to use my online option along with my mobile app to keep me on track, well guess that isn’t a possibility. WW’s disappointing options on technology is getting in my way.
I have had to cancel my WW cancel my online/mobile details and I did receive a refund, but that is not my purpose. I want to be able to continue on with my WW system, why is it not available? I would like a call back and assistance with this as soon as possible, why should I keep being a a WW customer if you cannot assist me on the simplest thing. A gift certificate.
My Name is Elizabeth (Beth) Kindig.
My Number is: 231.499.****
I would like a $44.85 refund for the months May, June and July 2014. I did not knowingly allow weight watchers. to debit my credit card account. I was never told verbally that when I tried the etools that would given weight watchers permission to debit my account.
I am a lifetime member who decided to try the new system. I went to a few meetings and tried a few etools and decided the new program was not for me. Also, I am 72, retired and was heading on an extended trip so would have great difficulty attending meetings or checking my credit card statements. I did not want to spend the money if I could not find meetings;. so In my mind I quit Weight Watchers and never went back or used their tools again as I am sure you can tell by my lack of computerof enteries. I WOULD NEVER HAVE GIVEN PERMISSION TO CONTINUALLLY DEBIT MY ACCOUNT HAD i BEEN AWARE OF YOUR POLICY!!
Please consider my request .
Thank you,
Karen Halbasch
I have waited an hour on line for someone to answer my call. What a way to run a business.I need infro about my membership.
I have been a member of WW off and on for many years.I love your program and it works. I have a question, has the Corporation of WW noticed the cancellations of members in my area? Which is Shippensburg and Chamberburgs, Pa. We had a wonderful place to meet in Ship. for years and wonderful leader with Jamie Nye. Then with the arrival of another leader/instructor everything went downhill, with the closure of the Ship. location and moving to Chamberburg’s Mall, then it closed. Now we need to attend a meeting at another location, in the basement of a 4 Star Hotel Sheraton, suppose to be handicap accessible, not so, also the room is so small, very uncomfortable! Now meeting are only 2 days a week.If Corporate Headquarters are not checking this out why members are cancelling their memberships, I am suggesting there is a need to do so and I urge you to check out the current leaders in that area! Maybe we can not relate to certain “leaders” Just remember the members built what Weight Watchers is today. I have spoken to many members that have cancelled and some members suggest we go the local media about this problem. Good idea! Wouldn’t it be possible to have one of the 5 Carlisle, Pa locations closer to Shippensburg move onto the Walnut Bottom Road. There are quite a few churches that I am sure would like to have us. Please give this issue some consideration and I certainly would like to hear from you regarding this matter.
I have been trying to contact your company for two days to no avail. I have tried three different phone numbers, 800651-6000, 212589-2700, 516390-1400 and I am repeatedly put on hold for a total 60 minutes. Also, I have emailed your support team with no personal response.
How do you run a business this way?
So how does my question receive an answer?
I have spent over 3 hours total trying to contact your offices. I am shocked that the number 1 rated company has such poor customer service. I would never recommend Weight Watchers to another person. I have received two emails telling me that my billing information needs to be updated. I have tried the website without success. It is an endless loop that does not allow any contact with billing. I decided to try the phone. I have spent over two hours on hold with no response. It is impossible to believe that no one has answered the call. I am unsure what other avenue I should try. It seems that the company does not want any contact with the customer other than selling the product (which I have) and promoting the program. What a disappointment. You have lost my business.
I have been a member since 2011, and have been attending meetings at the center in Yorktown Heights, NY. The staff there has been exceptional, making the meetings a beneficial part of my weight loss effort. My concern is regarding the upkeep of the meeting center itself. For one thing, the interior décor is very bland, uninviting and from the 90’s. The rugs are dull, unattractive and have large, old stains, and the furniture is dated. The electric sign in front of the center has read “WEIGHT WA” for quite a while because the neon elements have burned out. In addition, the sign itself does not reflect the current Weight Watchers logo. I have been to other centers, and seen the color schemes and décor are more in keeping with the current WW philosophy. However, the Yorktown center seems to have been overlooked for an upgrade. In my opinion, this is an oversight that needs to be addressed, because the facility is just as much a tool in an individual’s weight loss effort as the meetings. I am hoping that this matter will be given the attention necessary, so that this center can continue attracting and assisting members as they pursue their weight loss journey.
Have monthly pass want to use etools
Been holding for 33 minutes but it is after 6:00 in NYC so I guess no one really busy but gone home
I cancelled my membership in February 2014 and Weight Watchers never cancelled my membership. I have called the customer service number and I was told that someone would call me right back and no one ever did. I asked for the corporate headquarter number and the weight watcher representative told me that they did not know it, and that if they did it would be improper for them to give it to me.
The reason I cancelled in February was because no one could find my membership information and the Weight Watcher representative would have to call customer service to get the information and that was time consuming. I was there for approximately 40 minutes each time just to weigh in. It was frustrating and time consuming so I cancelled my membership.
I have found through my experience that Weight Watchers is not very customer friendly. Also, when calling in there is really long wait times to talk to a representative. Please hire more representatives.
I would appreciate if someone could please call me regarding this matter.
Thank you
Amparo Ozuna
I cancelled my weight watchers account six months ago (maybe longer) by using the web site and clicking on “cancellation.”. I’ve been going over my last year’s credit card charges and see that I’ve been charged monthly since then.
I called Weight Watchers customer service and was told I could cancel my account today but that I could not be refunded for any of the previous charges.
I am angry and disappointed.
I need an address I have canceled my monthly pass. And I don’t have a address to send the back for return. Thank
My name is Faye Lazear, , I am a weight watcher member in Long Island New York, I did not get to my goal as of yet, in the mean time, I found out I have breast cancer, and am under treatment,
In life there are obstacles, and it is how we face these obstacles that gets us through any thing life may throw at us, this is just another obstacle which i am facing, at the same time going to weight watchers, I love my leader, her name is Fran Posner , Fran has been a leader for many years and as conquered, Fran helps me so, I look so forward to her meetings, As well as the three recept. who are at this location are as well wonderful, their names are Wilma, Nancy and Laura.
I am writting to you, for as I mentioned i am going through cancer treatments, I pay monthly , at this point I have to stop payment and continue to treat this cancer, which will my posisitve attitude and love and support from all from weight watchers and my family and friends, I will conquer, as I will conquer the weight as well.
Life has many obstacles which we go through it is how we deal with these obstacles, that gets us through anything.
Please have some one in the corporate office, call me so I can speak to some one in charge regarding this matter.
Thanking you in advance,
Faye Lazear
(631) 467-XXXXX
Hi my name is Jermaine Ridgway. I currently manage a rap artist by the name of Joell Ortiz.
He is currently apart of rap super group SLAUGHTERHOUSE which is signed to Eminems Shady records. He currently has a broad reach via social networking etc. Thanks to weight watchers Joell Ortiz has lost an excess of 80 pounds! He’s is now in the best shape of his life.
Weight watchers has proven to be a powerful tool for weight loss. Somthing that we have noticed is the presence of weight watchers is not felt in the inner city as much as it should. We feel like Joell could be a great example of how effective weight watchers can be. And how as a kid from the inner city you do not have to be ashamed of addressing his weight issues head on!
Thank you for your time!
Jermaine Ridgway
I was laid off on March 5, and canceled my account online that day, after I waited over 15 min, but it did not take.
I canceled again in April, I did it online after I again waited online over 20 minutes,after I received my card for the account I though I CANCELED in March, again it did not take!!!
I received another card in May this time I waited over 30 Minutes but finally someone answered, but she could not help me, after I was transferred 3 time and waited after each transfer, I was able to finally get a refund for ONE Month that leaves TWO MONTHS THAT I NEED REFUNDED. I DO not have the monthly passes BECAUSE I thought MY membership was CANCELED.
In March 2014 I purchased Peanut Butter Cookie Explosions. After taking a couple of bites, I bit into a hair. It’s about 1 1/2,inches long and imbedded into the cookie. It could be a rodent hair. After calling WW three times and emailing them, I was told today it could take two weeks to hear from the corporate office. The Advanced Manager I spoke to today even admitted this is a Heath issue. Not only will I never buy their snack food again, but I want WW to be concerned enough that they find out wha it is. The statement on the package states to contact them, but obviously after all my attempts, they don’t want to hear anything. I guess I’ll take the package to my meeting for “show and tell!”
and this was the ignorant reply I got from the WW “leader” :
Linda Kokoros Antoinette , this page is not run by weight watchers , if is run by myself and I don’t believe I have charged anyone $40 to be part of this group on face book . I believe the challenge you are having with the candy point value discrepancy was dealt with By sending it to the product departments attention . You are right This page is open to questions , tips , ideas , celebrations , non scale victories , challenges and recipes . But I felt your post was negative towards me , so I encourage you to have a discussion with me , we can sit and chat in person anytime just let me know so much more positive . Posting negative comments doesn’t accomplish anything . Don’t you agree . My email is . Also if you don’t wNt to be part of this positive group with extra support just let me know
Hi I have been a member of WW for many years, in the 70’s I became a lifetime member. I now need to again lose weight, this time for health reason due to pulmonary fibrosis, a terminal lung disease. In order to be evaluated for a lung transplant I must weigh a specific weight. I go to a weekly meeting in Hingham, MA and the leader is Linda Kokoros. I recently started purchasing the Whitman’s WW candy…the dark chocolate, however I noticed that some of the pouches have 4 candies, which seems to be the serving size, and others have as many as 6. I mentioned this to Linda at the meeting, her response was “they are not cookie cutter candy, if you weigh the pouches they will all be the same.” I said “I don’t know about that” and she said “Well I do.” So I did just that, I bought a box and all the pouches except one weighed 27g, one weighed 33g, each pouch felt as if it had 4 candies and the other felt like 5. I notified Linda via a facebook page she has for people from her meetings(linda k weight watchers)…her response was that “it didn’t mean the package was wrong”, and she used eggbeaters as an example saying “1/4 cup of eggbeaters is 1 point, but 1/2 cup is also 1 point” chocolate and eggs are not the same thing in my opinion. I then went one step further and using the WW point calculator and the nutritional info on the candy box figured out the points for one pouch, surprisingly it came out to 4 WW pts not the 3 that the box states. This could be a huge issue when counting points. Again I notified Linda via the FB page, she said “she called WW to let them know about the discrepancy” She then deleted my post. I pay $40 per month for the WW program, I would think that I would be treated with a little more respect than this. If you are going to be a “leader” then you should be able to admit when you are wrong. Plus by deleting my post it doesn’t give others the information that this packaging may be incorrect, it only gives her the opportunity of not admitting she was wrong.