Vonage is a voice over IP (VoIP) network company that provides telephone service over broadband.
Vonage was founded by Jeff Pulver as Min-X.com in New York. Vonage went public in 2006. The IPO was clumsily handled with respects to the company’s original (pre-IPO) investors and resulted in a class-action lawsuit.
Vonage’s name is a play on its moto, “Voice-Over-Net-AGE.”
Originally the company offered its subscription surface in the United States only, then expanded to Canada in 2004, and the U.K. in 2005.
Today Vonage has 2.4 million subscribers, has 1,250 employees, and had $829 million in revenue in 2013.
VonageVonage is a voice over IP (VoIP) network company that provides telephone service over broadband.
Vonage was founded by Jeff Pulver as Min-X.com in New York. Vonage went public in 2006. The IPO was clumsily handled with respects to the company’s original (pre-IPO) investors and resulted in a class-action lawsuit.
Vonage’s name is a play on its moto, “Voice-Over-Net-AGE.”
Originally the company offered its subscription surface in the United States only, then expanded to Canada in 2004, and the U.K. in 2005.
Today Vonage has 2.4 million subscribers, has 1,250 employees, and had $829 million in revenue in 2013.
As a long time customer(s) we have recently been subjected to being charged twice ($70.56 x 2) for 1 month of service. ( I/we never authorized Vonage access to our banking institution but “somehow” that changed without our conset. Illegal?) As of May 12 and now May 13, 2022, I have lost two hours on phone time attempting to find any customer support in America and with a rep that does not have broken English. Unacceptable. We were told by a female who stated she is in the Philipines, that our account would be credited. Have yet to see that return of funds. Will keep a close eye on that and also keep minimal funds available as I’m in fear that more money will be taken by some individual from another country. Vonage would be wise to bring attention to lack of trained individuals in each country where service is provided and to create a safe environment for its customers. Good grief!
Why is it such a major production to upgrade a single line from residential to business?
I tried to do this over a year ago, in anticipation of needing business flexibility, but ran into so many bureaucratic roadblocks that I just gave up and put up with the limitations of your residential service.
Recently, the upgrade became necessary, and while we, your customer, see the company name VONAGE on both sides of this service request, it took an act of congress to find someone to walk us through the paperwork, and then it will take another 5 days to port the number from VONAGE residential to VONAGE business.
Plus, our service was disconnected after we paid the business account to get that started, which my assistant, in her kindest voice, got a nice young man to make functional again (thank you).
VONAGE controls the residential service and its phone number. VONAGE operates both the residential and the business offerings. Why, pray tell, is it not simply a code change (push of a button) to effect the move of the number between these two services???
I want to cancel the service and I found out that there is a penalty of $120
and no one told me about it when I applied for it.
Place I need to cancel without paying that much money
Please disconnect my service effective today.
i have trying to for well over two month now to get my phone fixed it just keeps braking up on the other end of the line but today its both ways and god forbid i need to call somebody for a emergency they wont here me i cant even call the corner store no body can here me such good service
I am trying to get an employment verification for a former employee.
Can you refer me to someone.
Thank you
I’m sorry that I ever became a customer. In my opinion, Vonage operates with absolutely no regard for the law or ethical standards. Their technical support team doesn’t know the first thing that they need to know about helping their customers when there’s a problem. Furthermore, one of their supervisors actually started discussing my account information with someone without verifying any security information, then when called on his fatal error from a QC perspective, tried to justify his error by asking “Did I make any changes?”
Since when is it the approach of Vonage to do whatever they want with absolutely no regard for customer privacy or the laws that are applicable in the countries in which they operate? I would seriously recommend staying as far away from Vonage as you can at all costs. They will be nothing but trouble to you from my experience, and will use any excuse they possibly can to justify suddenly charging you more for your service without any notice whatsoever, but yet they will bombard you with useless emails about stuff that you don’t care about because it either doesn’t affect you, or it doesn’t apply to you because you’re not a new customer. Furthermore, Vonage forces you to have to attach your credit card to their account, thereby giving them the ability to steal however much they feel like from you at any given point in time. This is not only highly unethical, but your repeated breach of privacy leaves me with serious trust issues with your company.
All Vonage has ever done is forced me to pay full price for services that don’t work properly with customer service that is a laughing joke to say the least. I have been trying to get in touch with head office for some time now as I really do not wish to have to get the courts and my lawyers involved to finally get Vonage’s attention, however they are very quickly leaving me with no other alternative. I seriously recommend that you reconsider getting your VoIP service with Vonage, as I can promise you that you will regret it. Do yourself a favour and find yourself a respectable VoIP provider who actually cares about their customers. It is very clear that Vonage most definitely doesn’t care, and won’t bother to contact their customers to try and resolve their issue.
Speaking of such things, it is my experience that Vonage customer support does not listen to their customers, does not know what they’re doing, and quite frankly, are completely incompetent. Even companies like Bell, Rogers, & Microsoft have better customer service, and that’s saying a lot really. They do not call you back when they promise that they will so that they can quickly get you off the phone and dismiss your issue, while forcing you to pay full price for their services. Also, they tend to change their plan pricing, making you pay MORE for LESS service before you call them on their crap and make them change your plan. Furthermore, they randomly decide to add fees to your bill, then blame it on the CRTC, when in fact what their customer service was talking about was an FCC decision for AMERICAN customers. Not only that, but when I challenged this, their story changed so many times that I don’t know what to believe anymore. The bottom line is they started charging me more for my services without ever notifying me. NOT COOL VONAGE!!!
To make a bad situation even worse, Vonage customer support has not listened to all my issues and has actually gone to great lengths to avoid being held accountable for their lack of ethics, while expecting their customers to pay full price for shotty sub-standard service with customer support that doesn’t know what they’re doing. On top of this, they have wasted many hours of my time over the last week, and have REFUSED to address any kind of compensation for their gross incompetence. In fact, every time I have given their customer service people opportunities to address the issue, they either quickly change the subject, or they otherwise skirt around the issue and never actually address it. This clearly says to me that Vonage is all about how much money they can steal from their customers and that they don’t care about their customers or about following the laws that they are legally obligated to follow in order to do business in my country.
My first telephone fault, after one year of service, occurred on Thursday. Reporting the trouble to “Technical Support” hit an immediate knowledge block. The TS person did not understand two basic terms: Ring trip and Ring back tone. The problem: The phone would ring once then trip without caller ID information. It happened on all calls from any phone. Rather simple for a “Technical Support Person”. Unfortunately the TSP had a title but no knowledge. Sort of like calling a medical supply person “Doctor”. It required multiple explanations before the TSP grasped the symptoms. Perhaps this is an isolated incident but it was abundantly clear this person was devoid of basic telephony knowledge. The problem was eventually solved after the TSP placed me on hold, returning ten minutes later with a solution.
Do you train your people? Understanding the fundamentals of this technology and network architecture is a starting point for understanding everything else related to telecommunications. I offer the following link:
Respect sir,
I Bobby Tharakan hereby inform that a issue I faced on May 2nd 2014. The issue is happened like this. I have been a valued customer of vonage international phone service and I am paying almost 40 dollor per month, during these yrs I never received any promotion s from vonage and I decided to cancel the service. And also I want to let u know that I have no due at this time.
On May 2nd 2014 I called one your customer representative and inquire about the cancellation ,The customer service agent name romel
I’d. 258677 and I ask her if I cancel the account today hope I get the rest of money back for the rest of days of that prepaid amount. She replied no she cannot do that. And keep give me different options (tricks of customer sales) for purchasing other plan.
I said no mam I need to cancel this service and if you cannot refund my money please let me use this connection untill next due date. Hope it was due by May 20 th .
Then she replied me if you want cancel may 20 th, you need to call us back.
I said no, I don’t want to call you guys again , the only thing she just need to do that take the request now put her system and cancel the service by May 20th( approximately next due date). And again she trying to give me options to purchase. I said no I don’t want to purchase anything , I just want to cancel the service as per I request. She said ok then hang up.
The next day I try to use to call some one in India , the call is not going through. Then I realize something is going on. I called to the customer service and told the story to the rep named Ralph I’d 267558. He said we are going to check the voice record and we will let you know. I said ok.
On May 10 2014 I called vonage customer service and connected to Mikka I’d 213984 and told her the issue and she replied sir it will take 7 to 10 business day to check it. And please wait for us to finish and some one will contact you. I said ok
On June 04 2014,I called the customer service . This time I was little bit frustrated because the people from vonage they saying one thing when I call and doing differently . I realize they are cheating me. When I call them, they prettenting they are very nice and there is nothing going to change after that.
After a long conversation I realize this customer rep can’t do anything. Then I request him that I wish to speak with the manager. He said ok give me 2 min , I put you on hold let me connet you with him .
After couple of minutes later The supervisor named Luis ID 44554 came on line and I start him about the issue.
He replied even we talk 20 min like this further nothing going to change , we will not refund you anything and he start to talk about the policy. I replied sir I paid the amount for using this service , I told the lady on May 2 nd that if you are not refunding my money back , please allow me to use my minutes untill the next due date. Then the supervisor said NO , this service is already cancelled and so NO REFUND
Then I said what the heck is this …..
Supervisor replied me by a threatening manner “sir sir if you use that word one more time I definitely make a couple of calls against you “.
Then I replied sir if u feel my word bad am sorry to you.
Sir I want bring out the truth and I need the Justice. I Am from a common family living in USA. As a US CITIZEN I believe I have the right to use the service what I already paid .Now am using the right channels to solve my issue about this service . And it is really ashamed the vonage loosing their dignity through the customer support people.
1. I contacted the customer support-not solved
2. The supervisor -not solved
3. The CEO and board of member- kIndly waiting for your reply
Bobby Tharakan
Account phone number 864 569 XXXXX.