Vector Security was founded in 1970, but actually has roots as far back as 1752, when it was part of Ben Franklin’s insurance company, the Philadelphia Contributionship. Over the years, there have been various acquisitions and spin offs, including Vector Security, which was once a division of Westinghouse Security.
Today, Vector Security offers home and business security systems to more than 300,000 customers. The company offers fire alarms, intrusion alarms, home and mobile automation, video survelliance, and assault notification.
The company has won numerous awards, including a SAMMY award for Best Installer in 2016, Central Station of the Year award from the Central Station Alarm Association in 2006, Police Dispatch Quality Award from the False Alarm Reduction Association in 2006, as well as Dealer of the Year Award from SDM in 2003 and again in 2015.
Vector SecurityVector Security was founded in 1970, but actually has roots as far back as 1752, when it was part of Ben Franklin’s insurance company, the Philadelphia Contributionship. Over the years, there have been various acquisitions and spin offs, including Vector Security, which was once a division of Westinghouse Security.
Today, Vector Security offers home and business security systems to more than 300,000 customers. The company offers fire alarms, intrusion alarms, home and mobile automation, video survelliance, and assault notification.
The company has won numerous awards, including a SAMMY award for Best Installer in 2016, Central Station of the Year award from the Central Station Alarm Association in 2006, Police Dispatch Quality Award from the False Alarm Reduction Association in 2006, as well as Dealer of the Year Award from SDM in 2003 and again in 2015.
I have been with your company for just over 2 years, and boy have we had nothing but problems. First off we were never told that we were into a 3 year contract or we would have never have went with your company. Second we have reported issues with the service not working from day 1 and your company has done nothing to help us as customers, when we call in to try to get a technician to come out no one shows, no phone calls, no texts, no emails no nothing from your company. My husband has been trying almost daily rebooting this system that still doesn’t work and we are being charged 59.99 a month for what? My husband trying to rig it daily to work. This isn’t fair to us that you are treating us as your customers this way. I as well as my husband are over it and when we asked to get out of your so called contract we were told we have another year left! We just want this contract canceled with no penalties to us as we have done everything right .
October 23, 2019
Vector Security
2805 North Parham Rd, #500
Richmond, VA 23294
RE: Account #1008089
I am writing concerning a customer service issue which I find both concerning and disappointing as I am sure these type issues are not the business model or reputation Vector Security wants to have in the community. Let me explain.
For roughly 15 years, (from 1999 to roughly 2015) I was a Vector Security customer until I cancelled my service due to incompatibility issues with an ancient caretaker II system. When I sold my home 2 years later, I was contacted by Will Clements at my new home to establish service there. Will told me they wanted a 3 year contract and I explained to him that we were only going to be in this home for two years and that I couldn’t do a 3 year deal. I told him we couldn’t do business together cause of that and I contacted another local security company that offered a different configuration to their deals and shorter terms.
Several days later Mr. Clements re-contacted me saying he could do a two year deal and having been a previous long term customer with Vector I accepted the shorter term deal.
Indeed as planned the new house sold and settled in the 23rd month of our agreement and so for that month, though I cancelled service effective 7-11-2019, I paid 2 months of service fees so as to live up to the 24 month agreement terms. I paid in July for both July and August in advance as August was the 24th payment.
Where things get concerning is that in September of this year I get a notice in the mail from a collection agency for a balance due Vector Security of $489.30. What? – No phone calls or statements or anything form Vector Security itself, just from the collection agency. Really? Well after a few phone conversations with the collection agency representative and some other fact finding endeavors, the information I now have is quite disturbing.
When I finally got hold of the contract (from the collection agency), that I e-signed on the salesman’s electronic device, the standard contract terms of 36 months were not changed to the agreed upon 24 months. There were two other persons present when I signed this contract and both can collaborate that indeed I verbally re-confirmed with Mr. Clements that this was a 24 month contract and he confirmed same. Again, I couldn’t sign one any longer as we knew back then we weren’t going to be there any longer than 2 years.
Admittedly, I didn’t read in detail all the numerous pages I was electronically signing that day, impossible to do on these small devices used in the field these days, but having been a long term Vector customer prior to this agreement I believed what the salesman said we had agreed on.
I truly hope this is some kind of administrative error that can be rectified quickly and honorably without court intervention, as I would hate to think that your organization has representatives in the field blatantly misrepresenting the facts or truth, or equally as bad, e-signed contracts being modified after the fact. (which unfortunately can be easily re-done and re-electronically signed without the knowledge of the purchaser).
Hopefully the salesman named above whom, from what I can tell, is still with your organization, can remember this special circumstance. That same salesman called me in July to renew service at my new location, an area you all don’t service.
Though now retired from private industry in the Richmond area, both myself and my many colleagues took great pride and concern with our business’s reputations, and did all we could to protect them.
McCarthy, Burgess & Wolff
26000 Cannon Rd
Cleveland, OH 44146
Main: 440.735.5100
Contact Phone: 888-817-1750 ext. 3442
Reference # 32049106
Vector Security, Inc.
2000 Ericsson Drive
Warrendale, Pennsylvania 15086
The Central Virginia BBB
100 Eastshore Dr. Ste 100
Glen Allen, VA 23059
I am writing to complain about the handling of my account with Vector Security. I have been a loyal customer for over a year or so and recently sold my home. I called Vector Security local office….explained my situation and because I am still under contract I was advised that I am still obligated to pay the remaining funds due on the contract. They said that they would wait 30 days before a final invoice would go out, which would give the new home buyer time to call in and resume service at the property if they chose. Instead I received a final invoice the very next day. Upon calling the billing office and explaining my situation again and to request payment arrangements, I was told that they could only set-up payments for 6 months…..the bill would have to be cleared within 6 months. The payment amount stated was twice the amount of the initial monthly payment that was being made. I informed them that I could not afford to pay that amount and could I just continue to pay the original monthly fee that they were receiving. The representative then informed that I could pay whatever, but the account would still be sent to an outside collection agency for further assistance. So this is how a loyal customer of Vector Security is handled. Instead of offering to suspend the account and continue receiving the required monthly payments until I locate a new residence, the company my only option is to pay the contract out in full or be sent to collections. This is a poor way to handle customers and obviously this company does not care about retaining or receiving referrals. I am very disappointed and would like to speak to the Corporate Office regarding this issue.
This complaint is intended for Pamela Petrow st vector security. I’ve tried to suspend my service with vector several times and have still not been able to complete the process . I spoke this last time to a lady named Ellen at ext.2126 at the office . She said she would need my signature for the completion of this process . The email would be forwarded to me to sign . I never received an email for me to sign . It’s a shame that a good paying customer with your business / for years / has to go thru situations like this for deciding to go a different direction with my home security. I’m going to try again today to take care of the rest of this matter .
I Have been with vector security for over 3 years in that time with the company I have had nothing but bad service- it took them 2.5 years to change my telephone # even though I have called many times to get it done only finally after talking to 3 different people on the same day it was finally and after my contract was expired and I was thinking about renewal, it got done. when I sign up the agent told me that we have yearly maint and yo get a free sensor every year you are with us so I thought cool a window sensor every year, so after that year I called to get my maint and free sensor Appointment set up i was told they do not give free, sensors and they do not due maint at all. so I filed a complaint they said a manager would call me that was 2.5 years still no has ever called me on the false promises complaint I have called back on that at least 3 other times told the same thing no ever calls. so when I called this year think we my contract expire thinking maybe when explain all has happened they will do whatever they can to retain me as a customer first I found out that they do have maint but its every other year but no ever called to say sit you did not get maint yea would you like to get at least since I was told there was once a year and then was told no maint. plus if you do not give 30 days notice before your contract expires they auto renew it for another year I was never told that either but on that, after finally complaining enough they wave that part but that’s not the norm- also the original installer put a hole in my wall to run for power broke some of the drywall and stirp some of the paint did not realize until they left. I have complained about that for over 3 years and was told an mgr will call you still waiting on the org call and the others call I was promised on this issue I called 4 or times. oh I did not get a camera from them even though they going to let me have it for free two reasons the main reason is cause there act of God policy if theres even a little rainstorm light wind below say 40 miles hr and your camera falls down they will so they say come out and check it out to see if was installer issue or weather issues, if they decide its weather, to bad your problem and you have to pay for a new camera. My impression is this they leave a gray area on this on purpose so should the installer do a bad job and the first little rain storm that comes along they blame on the weather. Guess who gets to decide if its weather or installer issue they do. This company may have avg monitor ability as Good as others but they have serious customer service issues and response issues to there service So as soon I get my maint done, that is over 1.4 years late / overdue and they finally patch the hole in the wall and fix that. I am looking for a new company in the meantime. So if a sales agent some to your house and makes promises in person or on the phone make sure they put everything in writing and shows that it is in the contract and where highlight with this company so you can refer back to it. If you have issues this company will not call you back even though they say they will they do not. It seems they only time they are concern is when they sign you up. time for a new 3-year contract or you have to threaten sue there pants off. So I would give the company a – 5 rating overall if I could. Folks think about this it took them 2.5 years just to change my telephone # it’s about securityRight, that says it all Do you not think??? this is what i am posting to as many sites as i can on facebook etc just wanted to see if the ceo cares
This email is intended for CEO: Pamela Petrow:
I am Margaret Clements. I reside in Chesapeake VA. I would like to speak with someone at the corporate office as soon as possible.
Here is what I am writing about. On December 1st your technician Clyde Poole came to house to fix the security cameras and used my private computer. He was in my office using my computer. I was wondering what was taking him so long. When I went in in the room I peeked at my computer screen and there were apps and programs open on my computer I knew I’d closed prior to letting him us it. So I asked him what was taking so long and he told me he could not get the cameras to work. I helped him with the router and gave him my cord that looks like a telephone cord but the other end is larger than a phone cord. I opened my window and the screen and moved my router closer to the window so I could hand him the cord to plug into the camera.
I told him he should reset the router. He said no I don’t need to do that, I told him yes that is the reason why it may not be working properly. He stayed on my appointment for at least 4 hours the entire time he had my personal laptop.
Anyway, a week or so later, I began to receive suspicious emails pertaining to my bank account.
When I contacted my bank they told me it was spam and to disregard it. It looked so official. My identity theft monitoring service provided me with information today to sum up what I have thought for over a month now.
I will explain more once some one calls me from your corporate office. I would like to explain why I believe the identify theft is an employee at your company. I left a message for Jason, the employee’s supervisor a couple of weeks ago but he did not return my call so I called again today and did speak with him; however, I don’t feel as though he is the one I should be discussing this issue with.
I can be reached at 757-686-XXXXX
If I haven’t heard anything from you in the next 24-48 hours, will go to the police.
Thank you,
My name is Mr. Fuentes, I have had Vector Security over 4 years now. For the past year, your company has provided me with faulty equipment 3 times. On t 3 numerous occasions the system started to go into a ARM mode on its on, when I input my code the system would not recognize the code, and begin beeping waking up my infant grandchildren. This has happened 3 times every time I call to get a tech out to my home either they cant make it to next week, or no one shows up. They have replaced my panel 3 times to no aval. I am VERY VERY upset with the service I am being provided with especially, when I am PAYING 49.00 dollars a month. I need someone needs to call me @ 912-980-XXXXX, my intentions is to change security companies.