TomThumb Food Market was founded in 1948 in Dallas, Texas, by J.R. Bost and Bob Cullum. The company operates a chain of supermarkets in the greater Dallas area.
The company more than tripled in size in the 1960’s, mostly through acquisitions. Online shopping and coupons began in 1997. In 2015, parent company AB Acquisition completed a sale of Tom Thumb stores to Safeway. Currently, the company has 57 stores that still retain the Tom Thumb name. Some stores acquired the Safeway Lifestyle brand. Safeway has since been acquired by Albertson’s in late 2015, but as of this writing, Tom Thumb stores are operating as a subsidiary.
Tom Thumb Food Market also offers a full service pharmacy, fueling stations, as well as a loyalty card.
In December 2020, Tom Thumb laid off approximately 97 delivery drivers, stating that its delivery system would become more streamlined.
Tom Thumb Food Market TomThumb Food Market was founded in 1948 in Dallas, Texas, by J.R. Bost and Bob Cullum. The company operates a chain of supermarkets in the greater Dallas area.
The company more than tripled in size in the 1960’s, mostly through acquisitions. Online shopping and coupons began in 1997. In 2015, parent company AB Acquisition completed a sale of Tom Thumb stores to Safeway. Currently, the company has 57 stores that still retain the Tom Thumb name. Some stores acquired the Safeway Lifestyle brand. Safeway has since been acquired by Albertson’s in late 2015, but as of this writing, Tom Thumb stores are operating as a subsidiary.
Tom Thumb Food Market also offers a full service pharmacy, fueling stations, as well as a loyalty card.
In December 2020, Tom Thumb laid off approximately 97 delivery drivers, stating that its delivery system would become more streamlined.
I was at Tom Thumb on may 27,2021 with my husband to buy wine. Then the cashie on register 2 her name was Tran hit me with the plastic door she never apologized at anytime but kept looking at me very rudely. This behavior is unexpectedly. I did not appreciate it.
I just heard the announcement on the evening news in Dallas that Tom Thumb will discontinue requiring face masks for entry into stores.
As a leading business in the community, I find this irresponsible & unconscionable that you would relax health standards recommended by every legitimate Medical advisory group
You should be setting the example to protect your employees and customers. This is especially disgraceful given that you will be giving Covid shots.
Shame on you for not demonstrating Leadership.
Trader Joe’s & Whole Foods as well as Eatzies will gain respect & business in the wake
I have stopped and shopped at Tom Thumb convenience stores for years. The rewards card was a perk that kept me coming back even when I knew I could purchase the needed item cheaper down the road a short way. All of your stores are well kept and clean. occasionally equipment fails and it is repaired quickly.
I am very disappointed that you have stopped the rewards card that I am now using. The card you are replacing it with requires a debit account so that the purchase can be taken from the account that is listed. I use several and I also pay with cash. I cannot use this new card.
This disappoints me because I have shopped Tom Thumb many years. I don’t want a gas card. Thank you for providing service all these years but I now will have to use price comparison shopping when I make purchases now.
Just an example: Yesterday I got .10 cents a gallon off at Tom Thumb and 1/4 mile away I could have purchased gas for .10 cents cheaper than I got at Tom Thumb with a discount. Go figure! Some people may like convenience but I like rewards and let me choose how to pay.
Tom thumb in Wausau florida. Their gas pumps will not take the rewards card. They have been broken for months. Please fix them. Tried going inside and they couldn’t make it work either.
I think it’s pretty pethice that someone who has a death in the family n the manger of the store knows about it n requested day off to go to a furnal n the manger told the person no she couldn’t have the day offbecoyse they have a truck comming in and she had to do it becouse the manger want call no body in n she don’t want no body do the truck but that person . And the manger has that one person doing everything like paper work and casher Delie and what ever needs to be done even comes in when other people calls out and the manger will set on her butt in the office knowing they need help out in the store and gets .ad when someone goes ask her to come and help. But the manger want let that person off to go to a furnal of a family member that’s wrong in my eyes n selfish n pethice
Yesterday, I had to stop at the Tom Thumb at 39 Arapaho Village in Richardson, Tx. My mind was elsewhere and I had several problems at the checkout, due to my attention being on my work, not my shopping. The clerk was Abigail and she handled my transaction, and mess ups with no problem or complaint. She was very kind, courteous and respectful.. two thumbs up for this employee. Great service!
Tom Thumb ads are not being distributed to the Plano, TX market by the Dallas Morning News Briefing newspaper. I don’t know if they are not printing them and just keeping your ad money for nothing, or print them and then never distribute them….all I know is I never see the wednesday papers thrown with ads in them anymore in Plano. Tom Thumb should please go back to distributing via USPS, so consumers reliably get your ad, as you are wasting your money using Dallas Morning News briefing newspaper.
I ordered groceries from home delivery in Dalla, TX. They were to be delivered on 9/30/19. I checked the order three times before submitting it. Instead of filling the order for the 30th they deliver on 9/24 (6 days early). Being 81 years old I order for delivery after we have received our Social Security.
I have traded with Tom Thumb since the store opened in Duncanville. Since I shop once a month I usually spend an average of $250-350 a month.
When they delivered last night I was not prepared to pay. I called the home delivery department and was advised to refuse the delivery. No mention of a penalty of any kind. Well they went ahead and charged for the groceries. The total charge was $254.77 out of my bank account. I am requesting reimbursement of those funds. I sent an email to the delivery department. No reply. Please contact me the disposition of this request.
Your store located at Shiloh Rd and Arapaho Rd in the Dallas, Texas area (Garland) is the worst store I have ever shopped. No employee there wants to help the customer find a particular product and very rude. Especially a ball headed man who stands at checkout like he does not want to be there much less help any customers. If he is a manager, you need to find someone else who is truly interested in their job and the shoppers. A shopper helped me find a particular product. SAD!! I will never shop there again!
Newest guy at Tom Thumb 56. He lies, he continuously harrasses long term workers that have been there a while, etc. However, both him and the older worker denied being able to provide me a number to corporate to provide ‘good’ feedback. It’s also funny that I had to try 2 cards on one side and 3 on another to no avail. and all I get told is that my cards are the problem while absolutely everyone else’s card is supposedly been working all day. I don’t buy that one bit.. especially when the same lie has been given to me for two days. I used to work for this store and right now I can tell when someone is F.O.S. …
I just want to say that I might have been a bit quick at the time I previously posted because I was quite upset when getting home. I decided to sleep and just carry anything further out today. I spoke with the manager this morning and 1, folks working there find him to be good at what he does and I found out a couple of other things which may have presented the issues I was having the other day, which it was all just in one day and not two days really. x.x 2, I did deserve to be upset on the situation and my view of other people being annoyed by this new person was apparently misconstrued by me. Sometimes these things happen in upsetting situations though. So, I felt I should come back with an update and slight apology on being more upset than what was necessary when I made a post here.
Niceville #0144 MANAGER JOHN DAHL, You are a P*SS POOR MANAGER, who clearly doesn’t give a care about your customers, your employees, your reputation or the integrity of Tom Thumb. Warning Buyer Beware! This is the SECOND TIME Our card has been ran at THIS Tom Thumb and told the transaction didn’t go through….please pay cash. BOTH TIMES THE TRANSACTION ACTUALLY DID GO THROUGH. JOHN REFUSED TO TAKE OUR CALL AND TOLD US TO CALL CORPORATE. CORPORATE SAYS THEY DON’T OWN THE TOM THUMBS IN FL. CALL KROGER. KROGER SAYS THEY DON’T OWN THE TOM THUMBS ITS ALBERTSONS. GOOD LUCK TRYING TO GET YOUR MONEY BACK FROM THESE THIEVES!!!!!!
Where can I purchase the mini metal grocery shopping carts? They have them for in store use but I wanted to get my daughter one for at home.
racist Tactics that’s condoned in numerous stores. Can anyone assist?
went to tom thumb this morning #144 Niceville fla ,,customer was in there had one of his kids crawling all over the counter tops and witnessed the kid with half their body inside the donut display case. this is unacceptable especially with the store employees letting it go will never go to this store again
I hear that you are planning to build in heath, tx.I CAN’T WAIT.i was shopping at the Rowlett store. (just 4 you #48063330337) if you check you will see that I have not shopped in a while.the reason is I DO NOT like the manager keeps the store stocked BUT has no people skills, this is the problem with Kroger rockwall, I now shop other stores. PLEASE try and have someone like MOSES he was the best. CAN’T WAIT TO HAVE YOU OPEN I want to shop tomthumb (if you can get cris (meat dept ) you can win 95% of the customers.thank you and best of luck and if I can help in any way please let me know
I purchased a pot roast this morning and discovered the meat was spoiled — the store’s Manager refused to refund or exchange because this item was on sale. Marking an item 50% off doesnt give the store the right to sell me spoiled meat. I was planning on preparing the same day, as would be expected with clearance meat. Tom Thumb on Beltline in Irving, TX 75062 —purchases at 6:30am on 03/10 and was refused a refund at 1:45p on 03/10.
Gainesville store is in a state of emergency. Carts everywhere in the parking lot, pigeon droppings all over the sidewalk, exit door sticks and you have to push it open, OUT of STOCKs in every department and this is at 5:00 pm.
I was at the check out and the front end was packed, I asked the cashier to please call for some additional help and was told there is no one that can help. This is at 5:00 pm and only 3 registers are open. I asked her to call the manager in which she hesitated and finally did. The manager Chris Cox finally came up to the front, but not the cashiers register, he went to the customer service booth. I waved at him to come over, but he proceeded to walk to the back of the store. I was already checked out and followed him in the store to complain about the lack of customer service in his store. No apology no sorry, but I will talk with the cashier. He does not get it!! The check out is the last impression a customer has on the store.
I can handle out of stocks, I can handle walking back outside to get a cart, but I can not handle lack of customer service. Is this to much to ask for?
Hello,As a frequent shopper at least 3-4 times per week at the Tom Thumb store in frisco texas, located at Lebanon rd @ fm 423. On oct 17,2017 abt 18:15-18:30 hours I proceeded to self check out line and had an issue and needed assistance from a young lady clerk and she was very abrupt and rude to assist me,she came up and blurted out”what,what! No may I help you or anything and I had noticed that she was super nice to other certain people, really???? So I went on and said wow!for real? She had a super nasty rascist attitude towards me only! Wow!!! Smh…. so I reported her bad behavior to la tonya the head customer service clerk, I had no problems with the other clerks since 2015 everybody knows me including Mr Jack from the deli! And today I called the store manager and he just kept making excuses and some pointless language. Really ????? I’m thinking abt filing a complaint with civil liberties comm or call the news station to expose these racist tactics that are condoned at this store. Mark B 302.747.XXXXX thanx
Where can find saville orange marmalade.i been to all the Tom thumb stores none of them have it
Please help me.
Tom Thumb Home Delivery customers are not allowed to buy some products that are in the store. I know because I called. This has happened numerous times. I feel it is unfair to punish me because I can no longer drive. Who determines which products will be denied to Home Delivery customers?
I have been shopping at your Tom Thumb store at Preston and Beltline in Dallas for the past 5 years. I normally check out at the Express Lane, and have had the same cashier on many occasions.
I would like to know if T-T Management has so cowed their employees, that nobody ever says “Hello”; about the only thing they seem to be allowed to say, (in a dull, lifeless voice) is, “Did you find everything you were looking for?”
Your store is the most unfriendly store I’ve had the misfortune to visit, in a long time. I now visit your store as infrequently as possible. I am tired of your miles of useless aisles, filled with things I have never bought, and never will. My go-to stores now are ALDI and TRADER JOE’s; I know all their store personnel, and they know me by name. What a ray of sunshine to shop there with friendly and helpful people, who greet you when you come in the door, and who joke with you – ALDI personnel keep reminding me to not forget my milk again; or ask, “Did you see that we have just received a shipment of the boneless frozen New Zealand legs of lamb again?’… Both stores are very friendly and enjoyable places to shop. Years ago I also got very tired of all your fliers and SALES….! You jerk your customers around like marionettes on strings; first you raise prices one week and then it’s SALE….! and you lower them again, provided you have the magic T-T discount card to show to the cashier. I know what my various item prices should be, and object when you raise the price of Folgers coffee to over $10 only several weeks later to have it on SALE for $8.50. I buy my Folgers coffee at FIESTA for $6.50!
I can’t find Safeway saville marmalade in any of your tom thum stores.please help me and my sister.its the closest to the marmalade we had in Scotland.
Try WORLD MARKET stores. They have several different varieties of orange marmalade
Since the NFL has chosen to disrespect our national anthem. I find your support of the NFL in all of your stores to be quite offensive and will look for alternative places to do my shopping. If the NFL does not like the United States I suggest they quit and join the Canadian football league.