The Fairmont Hotel was opened in 1907 in San Francisco, California. The hotel is named after the Senator James Grand Fir, by his daughters, who built the hotel in his honor. The hotel was scheduled to open in 1906, but was damaged in the infamous earthquake.
Today, the Fairmont Hotel is owned by the Mirae Asset Global Investment group of South Korea. The hotel is listed as a 5 star hotel, with 3 restaurants, more than 500 rooms and 11 suites. The Venetian Room is where Tony Bennett first sang his hit song “I Left My Heart in San Francisco” in 1961.
In 2002, the hotel was listed in the National Register of Historic Places and as a San Francisco Dedicated Landmark in 1987. Company headquarters remain at the hotel on Mason Street in San Francisco, California.
The Fairmont HotelThe Fairmont Hotel was opened in 1907 in San Francisco, California. The hotel is named after the Senator James Grand Fir, by his daughters, who built the hotel in his honor. The hotel was scheduled to open in 1906, but was damaged in the infamous earthquake.
Today, the Fairmont Hotel is owned by the Mirae Asset Global Investment group of South Korea. The hotel is listed as a 5 star hotel, with 3 restaurants, more than 500 rooms and 11 suites. The Venetian Room is where Tony Bennett first sang his hit song “I Left My Heart in San Francisco” in 1961.
In 2002, the hotel was listed in the National Register of Historic Places and as a San Francisco Dedicated Landmark in 1987. Company headquarters remain at the hotel on Mason Street in San Francisco, California.
My daughter and I were in town to see a concert and checked in on a Monday and planned to check out on the following Friday but the events that happened prevented us from doing that. Our 4 days were paid up and the $400 dollar deposit was paid. As we soon realized everything at this hotel is so extremely overpriced it’s no wonder they require such a steep deposit. The first day we had to switch rooms due to the AC not working well and the TV not working properly. The “upgrade” didn’t really matter as the rooms are small and the upgrade was barely that. If you go over the security deposit with charges to the room You don’t settle up at checkout. they say if you don’t pay the balance immediately they won’t let you back into your room until it’s paid. That said, I was waiting for my paycheck to hit and told them I would be there to pay the balance approximately 5 hours later when it hit my account but there was no understanding whatsoever. I owed a balance of $295 which I figured I would be settled at checkout as we had been there for 3 days and had 1 night still remaining which was paid for. That Thursday morning they had security knock on our door and escort my daughter and I down to the lobby without any of our things, like my wallet, phone, or keys. I got the reason we were pulled out and I figured I would go down and let them know I would be there to pay around 2pm (the same day) once my check hit, if they really wanted the money before checkout . But that wasn’t good enough. They kept us out of the room until I was able to contact someone and have them send me the money to pay the balance. I got the 295 and went to pay it and suddenly there was a balance of $351 instead. Now they wouldn’t let us in unless we paid $351 and After pleading with the “Director” of rooms George Sous 3 or 4 times with him repeating the same line to me and my daughter, now visibly upset I lost my cool and called him exactly what he is, a f***ing a****le and walked off to get the remaining $56 so we could get back into our room. Once I got that I paid it with another person at the desk and she asked us to sit down and wait for some reason. After waiting. For 5 minutes or so the director walks out and tells me how he doesn’t appreciate being cursed at and I am obligated to keep it professional. Then he goes on to tell us how he better not hear of me causing a problem with other guests which was crazy because we had been there for 3 days and had done nothing of the sort. So I am thinking I am not obligated to keep anything professional because I’m the customer but he had me by the balls and he knew it, so I just agreed. He then takes my ID and demands my 16 year old daughters ID as well. We tell him she is underage and has no ID and he refuses to believe it and explains that even underage people have to have an ID to fly as just before I had told him she has her plane ticket with her name on it. Plus another $100 deposit was required. Finally at 11am after photocopying my ID, we finally get escorted back to the room and are allowed in. This was an ordeal of 2+ hours. My daughter and I are exhausted and fall asleep. Approximately 1:40 pm we hear knocks at the door. The people on the other side are from the Dallas Police Department and they informed me that they are investigating a call regarding Child Trafficking and began asking us all these accusatory questions. Immediately my daughter and I were separated and they began interrogating her and I was asked to stand in the hallway. Outside in the hall with me was a uniformed officer who asked my if I knew what it was about and I told him it’s because I called the Director of Rooms GEORGE SOUS a f***ing a****le. He seemed to understand what was really going on by that point. After they finished the investigation they left me and my biological daughter, first apologizing for the inconvenience and insisting that as a customer I had rights that I could exercise. We left that evening around 7pm. Did not stay the last night.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I would like to bring to your kind attention that Mr. Jamal assistant director of engineer has removed my name from department attendance sheet for the month of April 2018.My attendance has been recorded in the biometric attendance device and before the installation of biometric attendance device I wrote my name and signed it in department attendance sheet (Kindly find some attendance proof attachments)
As I informed earlier that I am continuing my duties until I get further notice from T&C department, but hotel security director informed me verbally that security personnel will stop me to come for work as they got instructions and this has astonished me.(Kindly find voice recording of security director )
On 25 April by asking scenario that why I have been stopped without notice, T&C department has given me my END OF CONTRACT LETTER. (Attachment)
I had requested for the salary of the month of April for which I worked until 25 April, unfortunately, rejected without concern, though I proved my presence at work record.
I would also like to humbly request you to compensate me a full year contract salary as per Saudi labor law (Kindly find my offer of employment)
Being a salaried employee, my complete expenses are met by salary, delay in salary payment hampers with my other payment schedules.
In view of the above, I humbly request you to please look into the matter and do the needful earliest.
Awaiting your confirmation on the same.
Thanking you.
Yours sincerely,
Syed Banan Qadri
+966 53610XXXXX
On Tuesday, April 17, 2018 2:57 PM, FOURIE Nicky wrote:
Dear Syed,
AccorHotels would like to thank you for making us aware of your concerns. The Company takes your concerns seriously, and has initiated an investigation of the issues you brought forward. Please check back in two weeks to determine if we have additional questions or investigation updates.
Nicky Fourie
Director, Talent & Culture, Luxury Brands, ME
GBS Building, 4th Floor, Al Madaar Street, PO Box 500659, Dubai
United Arab Emirates,
T. +97144377485 |
From: Syed Qadri [syedbqadri@]
Sent: Sunday, April 15, 2018 3:43 AM
To: Comments (COR); WebManager (COR); Pathfinder (COR); news@; Marketing (COR); privacyofficer@; Corporate Responsibility (COR); Famous Agents (GRC); Ownerservices, Residential (FHP)
Subject: Employee complaint letter. Syed Banan Qadri #0194,Fairmont Riyadh
Dear Sir/Madam,
My self-Syed Banan Qadri employee number 0194 have been employed in Fairmont Riyadh as a Repair & Maintenance Engineer since 19/November/2017 to till date.
Since I joined Fairmont Riyadh within a month, Mr Jamal Arif assistant director of engineer had been mentally harassing and constantly bullying me by saying that he will not clear my probationary period (which is 3 months as per “offer of employment”).
Sir, as per engineering point of view still handover/turnover in progress with project team (contractors), ,BMS system is not in operation, all HVAC system is operating manually and many more issues which I highlighted but Mr.Jamal has been stopped me to raise an issues in front of project team. Though I worked hard for preparing preventive maintenance plan for equipment’s and preparation of checklist’s which is more than 50 and follow up with project team (contractors) to get lot of pending work to be done and reported daily progress report and checklist.
By 25 March 2018 Mr.Jamal asked me to submit my resignation and informed me that he will compensate me with money if I do so & help me to find another job because he want some another person in my place” (I have recorded this conversation for proof), these things are creating a mess & I am suffering with hypertension and its effecting my health badly.
From 03 April 2018 Mr, Jamal removed my name from department attendance sheet and I am writing my name by hand in attendance sheet and sign(having proof).
The constant pressure from Mr.Jamal has led to the downfall of my self-confidence and self-esteem. I had already tried to deal with the situation on my own but when all door is closed, I had no other option than contacting you.
With due respect, I shall humbly request you to kindly look into the matter as it becoming very difficult for me to cope up with this constant pressure, misbehavior, threatening and mental harassment.
Thank you for going through my complaint letter.
Your sincerely,
Syed Banan Qadri
R&M engineer
Employee # 0194
Fairmont Riyadh
966 53610XXXX
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