Sedano’s Supermarket, more commonly called Sedano’s, was founded in 1962 by Rene Sedano in Hialeah, Florida. After a few years, Mr. Sedano decided to return to Cuba, selling his store to Armando Guerra, who decided to keep the store name.
Today, Sedano’s is the largest Hispanic owned grocery store chain in the US, with more than 30 locations in Southern Florida. The company is known for stocking Hispanic food items, such as canned chilis and a wide variety of items that appeal to Cubans, Mexicans, and South American customers. This popular supermarket chain employs more than 2,000 people and has an estimated annual revenue in 2016 of $400 million.
Sedano’s holds about 3.2% of supermarket shoppers, just behind Publix. Company headquarters remain in Hialeah, Florida.
Sedano's SupermarketSedano’s Supermarket, more commonly called Sedano’s, was founded in 1962 by Rene Sedano in Hialeah, Florida. After a few years, Mr. Sedano decided to return to Cuba, selling his store to Armando Guerra, who decided to keep the store name.
Today, Sedano’s is the largest Hispanic owned grocery store chain in the US, with more than 30 locations in Southern Florida. The company is known for stocking Hispanic food items, such as canned chilis and a wide variety of items that appeal to Cubans, Mexicans, and South American customers. This popular supermarket chain employs more than 2,000 people and has an estimated annual revenue in 2016 of $400 million.
Sedano’s holds about 3.2% of supermarket shoppers, just behind Publix. Company headquarters remain in Hialeah, Florida.
I went to Sadanos 7/14/2022 for oxtails and asked for 2 packs 1 for $ 20.00 and 1 for $15.00 instead he gave me 15 lbs of oxtails which came to $90.00 and had an attitude because I told him that’s not what I ask for just because your store is Hispanic doesn’t mean that you treat other people different all the money is green and spends the same customer service is very important in any business Sadanos needs to practice it, rude employees, is not a plus 950 east 4th ave hialeah Fla will never darken your establishment again trust and believe i refuse to pay and kiss people A$$ to
First of all I want to indicate that my intention is to let you know what is happening in your store, I am not asking you for anything, only that you investigate what is happening, therefore I will give you a brief summary of what happened to me at the SEDANO supermarket located at 10780 NW 58th St, (Store # 33)
Yesterday I bought Beef Round top Round (Canada en Mitad) that was at a special price (2.99 a pound) so I paid $ 47.90 which should be 16 pounds, when I got home, I took the meat out of its bag and put it on my scale to weigh it and my biggest surprise is that it has a total weight of 12.2 pounds, that is, 4.8 pounds less than what it supposedly weighed.
I reiterate, I am not asking for anything but I feel cheated because something is happening in your butcher shop, this is very disappointing, that is why many customers are unhappy with the service of the SEDANO supermarket. MY Invoice # 00721900
My name is Ihomary Garcia. We met last Friday at Health department. I work as an Outreach and Prevention Engagement Coordinator for Bliss Cares in Orlando, Fl. Bliss Cares is a non-profit organization whose mission is to save lives by treating and preventing the spread of HIV, Hepatitis and STD’s. We strive to serve anyone who walks through our doors regardless the ability to pay. We work in partnership with Bliss Healthcare Services and refer patients to have access to Treatment and medical care. Our goal is to provided Preventive medical care and HIV education treatment; we also provided testing and treatment for STD’s and Hepatitis. We are lead by a 340B STD Grant that gives us the opportunity to serve and provide Treatment, Medical Care and Education at no cost or minimum cost to the underinsured or non – insured individuals. I am approaching you today because I will like to introduce our services to your Community.
Is alarming to know that 1.2 million people in U.S. are living with HIV. One of eight individual are not aware of their status nor there not aware weather they are reactive to the virus or not. Unfortunate Orlando is ranking #2 in the Nation confronting the largest epidemic of STD’s and Hepatitis.
Our goal is to promote Safe Sex, Prevention and Education to everyone. I personally believe everyone should be able to enjoy their lifestyle to the extent of being responsible and making the right decision. Our commitments to the Community are, to provide Education and the opportunity to attain Treatment for STD’s and Prevention Care. Therefore, I will be honored to have the opportunity of meet with you and allow me to present our Educational Program as well as introduce Bliss and what we can offer to the Community.
Together we can overcome stigma on STD’s and encourage the Community to seek Prevention Treatment and provide them Education to pursued healthy living an improved the quality of life. You can call me or text me at 407-369-2038.
Hola, de nuevo hace unas horas deje un mensaje quejandome por error en una compra en el Sedanos #43.
Bien, hable con el senior Alfred de la oficina principal y resolvio la situacion, estoy muy satisfecho con Sedanos.
Hoy es Noviembre 22 2019, ayer fui al Sedanos #43 1170 W 49 St Hialeah FL pues pasaba por el lugar, vi el precio que tenian en oferta del pavo, $0.39 centavos por libra con la compra de $19.90 y algo o mas y decidi comprarlo, el total fue mas de $44 dollares, pero no me hicieron la rebaja que ofrecian, no me di cuenta de eso y me fui a casa con la mercancia, ya en casa, note que me habian cobrado $1.19 por libra en el pavo. Llame por telefono y me dijeron que tenia que ir para si queria que me devolvieran el dinero, sucede que yo vivo muy lejos de ese lugar y no me resulta posible volver por ahora. Pues no tienen ninguna solucion para eso, no ofrecen disculpas ni una tarjeta de descuento o devolucion, envie email a la oficina central y no han contestado,
antes tenian un dicho “Sedanos Supermarket Siempre Cumple Lo Que Ofrece” parece que ya no cumplen nada de lo que ofrecen. O no les importa perder uno que otro cliente, les advierto antes de salir del mercado revicen si les han cobrado correctamente, considero por ahora que los millonarios del Sedanos me han robado unos $10 dollares, pues no han respondido ni se han disculpado por si fue un error o una directiva que tienen en ese mercado.
Es incrible que las tiendas Sedanos sean tan poco profesionales en sus trabajos
la educacion y comporatmiento de la mayoria de los empleados deja mucho que desear. estuve en la carniceria de la tienda situada en Palm Ave y cuarenta y una calle en Hialeah y tienen a una sola persona en el mostrador habiemdo clientes esperando por servicio aparte de eso esta senora tiene la personalidad de una almeja y la grtacia de una culebra. Por favor entrenen su personal y tengan mas empleados con gracia y talento especialmente los Domingos donde tanto cliente usa sus mercados. Mi hora de visita fue 12 meridiano. Senres empleen personas con educacion y no una serie de mujeres que debieran estar de vuelta de donde vinieron.
My wife shops at the Orlando store frequently. She has one issue with this store. EVERY TIME she tries to use her American Express card for payment, it is declined. Her credit score is well above 800 and she has absolutely no problem making purchases at Publix, Aldi, Kohls and recently in Moscow and St. Petersburg, Russia!
Why does your store continue to embarrass her in this way? If your store does not accept American Express, someone at the store should be telling her that prior to attempting to use the card. If your stores accept the American Express card, FIX THE PROBLEM!!!
Maybe she should try another payment method…Has she bothered to ask??
The Sedano’s store # 39 is curupt the supervisor (Ileana) from bakery and hot food is stealing food to use towards her own little side business of catering. Every morning at 7:45am to 8:00am she takes out breakfast and lunch to her husband car without paying. She even comes on on her days off to pick up food.The manager on duty Miladis let her take it out of Sedanos knowing she hasn’t pay for it. Ileana which is the supervisor claims since she is renting from the district manager so she won’t get fired. If you like you can check the cameras for your self. Hope you receive this and take action.
Hello, I am doing this on behalf of the organization below.
We are looking for financial donations to feed families during their Annual Thanksgiving Dinner Distribution . Please read letter below and let me know how Publix is able to help us. You can help us now with financial donations or gift cards to purchase items at local Publix in area. Any amount will be appreciated. Any questions, you can email me at above email or call me at 813-469-XXXX. We will provide you with a receipt for your financial contributions for tax purposes. Hablamos Espanol tambien.
Thank you!
Lupe Fundora
cityreach ministries- 12236 SW 128th St. Miami, FL 33186
October 2018
We hope this letter finds you well.
CityReach Community Development Corp. (Also CityReach Ministries) is a non-profit organization in existence since 2004, dedicated to assisting low-income families in South Miami-Dade by providing food, household items, job leads, empowering workshops and other basic necessities to help families become productive members in our community. You may visit our website to have a better understanding of what we’ve done.
Aside from the regular programs we also put together seasonal events. Our next big community event will be our Annual Thanksgiving Dinner Distribution held this year on Tuesday, November 20th, 2018 at 6, 7, 8pm.
We are looking for local businesses to partner with us to provide a Thanksgiving Dinner Package for low-income families this Thanksgiving. Would you please consider partnering with us this year? You can help by:
Making a financial donation to subsidize a part or all of this event. Any amount will be appreciated. Every $100 can help provide a Thanksgiving Turkey for 4 family.
You may donate online via PayPal at or if prefer you can make a check payable to CityReach Ministries (in memo line write “thanksgiving”) mail to 12236 SW 128th St. Miami, FL 33186.
As a way of saying “thank you”, we will welcome you to the event as we are making that available to all that sponsor.
If you have any questions, you may contact the office at (305) 259-7677 and we can further discuss your participation or call my cell at (305) 926-XXXX.
Dennis Penton
bad customer service store # 113
A Todo Gerente en SEDANOS,
Saludos! Quisiera saludarles pero veo que es por cita? Yo tambien trabajo con cita ya que no queremos interrupir su dia tan lleno de actividades de negocios. Nosotros somos una compania que puede cambiar positivamente a como sus empleados pueden valorar su trabajo y compania. Favor de hacerme una cita de una hora para sentarte con nosotros. Ya estamos en la red y puedes hacer la cita y todo arreglo atraves de nuestra red, no toma mas de 2minutos hacerlo asi. Gracias por esta oportunidad de conocerte.
I just went to Sadonos. Tried to buy milk. After 15 minutes of trying to find someone who can speak at least 5 words of English. They said 1 gallon per person…. Fine. But this went on for 20 minutes. My card chip still in the charger. The MANAGER COMES OVER AND SIGNS MY NAME WITH A STRAIGHT LINE. THIS IS FRAUD, ILLEGAL, NEGLIGENCE AMD THEFT. I don’t care if it was over a gallon of milk. I was in the BEST MOOD, And the manager treated it like I WAS AN IDIOT. The MANAGER needs to learn SOME.english. AND I could have her arrested but I am too nice. The security guard was nice and agreed with me. And knew SOME english. But it escalated to the point where he had to walk up and try to figure out what happened. I can STILL press charges against the manager because the signature is on file that she signed my name to and it is NOTHING like my signature. You know what? The more I write, the more I realize the Manager is a XXXXXX and I might call my bank and file charges against her for signing my name. I do feel bad for the register girl. She looked like she wished she could help. But only knew Hola. 1. Fraudulently advertising milk not identfying only one per person. ( By the way if milk is only one per person why was I charged 4.78 instead of 5.58?) Load of s**t. 2. The manager did nit know 5 words of English. 3.The manager broke the law by sigining MY NAME ON MY CARD AND TALKED TO ME IN SPANISH LIKE I’M THE IDIOT. 4. The manager was rude. Unapologetic. And mean. SEDONOS JUST BROKE A FEW LAWS IN 20 MINUTES. I will think of my next move about this. Ideally. The MANAGER should have at least a paper arrest and/or fired. WTF????
Today I went to Sedanos on Pines and 172 Avenue. One of the items I went to buy was the Tropicana no pulp healthy kids orange juice. When I took one bottle I looked at the expiration date only to see that it had expired May 14, 2018. Unfortunately, this was not the only bottle that had expired; there were 7 bottles total with the same expiration date. I took the 2 bottles that expired June 25, 2018. After I finished my shopping, I went to customer service and requested to speak to the manager. It was approximately 3:55 pm when the manager came up front to customer service and I told her my findings. It was beyond upsetting to experience the lack of professionalism, integrity, nasty attitude, lack of interest, etc., by this woman who may hold the title of manager of the store yet has no interest in keeping customers happy and the store’s integrity! The response this so called manager gave me was: “all I can say is I’m sorry” and rolled her eyes at me and my adult daughter. Like I told her as I walked away: you say all u can say is sorry yet you do not solve the problems!!!!!!!! Sorry doesn’t cut it when you don’t take actions to correct problems and discipline the employees -including incompetent managers who want to get paid fir not working and employees who obviously lack correct training in stocking items and keeping item current and not expired. Sedanos is out of my way and I most definitely can make the Publix across the street from our home the one and only place to do groceries!!!! Also I’m tired of waiting 1 1/2 hours in the neat department for lack of enough employees during the sale of canada or bola or having a “friend” of one of the meat cutters get in front of others and special treatment without having a number and/or the employees don’t go by numbers. Whatever that managers name was that came up to customer service today Tuesday at 3:55 was a disgrace to the Sedanos supermarket!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
April 7th, 2018
Sedano’s Supermarket Corporate Office
3140 West 76th Street
Hialeah, FL 33018
CEO: Agustin Herran
Mr. Herran,
How are you? I hope this email finds you well. My name is Glenda Roig and the reason for this email is to file a complaint about the horrible job your store managers at the 12981 South Orange Blossom Trail, Orlando are doing.
My sister and I went into Sedano’s to do groceries back in February 2018 and inside this store found a jeweler. We finished our grocery shopping and returned late February and left some jewelry with him to get fixed. Some of the items were fixed, so we paid and left a couple of items he (the jeweler) couldn’t finish.
A few days went by and we stopped again Saturday February 24th and the jewelry shop was closed. We asked a Sedano’s employee and the first thing out of his mouth was, that person is independent and to call the number on the jeweler’s sign. We called the number on the sign, no one answered.
We stopped back a few times between the 6th of March and the 17th of March, and the shop still closed. We asked a Sedano’s employee and once again we were told to call the number and that the jeweler was independent. That struck us as very odd. Why would your employees continue to say that? What is happening and what is your staff not telling us?
We have called the numbers on the jeweler sign and one of the numbers is not working, the other one you leave a message and no one returns a call or a text, nothing! This is extremely disconcerting. We stopped by again and nothing, no news, no one has seen the man and no information.
After a lot of digging around, because now we are extremely upset as we are not being told anything and yet this person who rents in your store can’t be found and your staff continues to dodge the questions, we were told (by one of your store employees) that someone broke into your store and “stole” jewelry from this guy’s booth/store.
What makes no sense is WHY is your store management and staff hiding this information from customers? We also find out, which is super odd, that robbery did not make it into the local news, which now sounds like an inside job!
All I want is my jewelry, fixed or not. I want information as to the whereabouts of this person whom you guys are protecting. I want to know, if my jewelry was “stolen” where to file to get compensated for. I left my jewelry there, I entrusted a vendor within your store who you rent to and now this! I want information and I want my stuff back ASAP.
Your prompt response is greatly appreciated or I will be more than happy to reach out to the local news to expose the fraud you have going on in your store with the so-called “jeweler.”
Thank you.
Tienda #40 Orlando,Fl 12981 S Orange Blossom hora 3:05p , la linea para pedido de emparedados coffee ect estaba llena porque solo habia una empleada tratatando de trabajar lo mejor possible ,llame al manager le pregunte el nombre dijo Rudy joven alto Delgado sin Buena actitud de ayudar le explique que Deben tener 2 personas por lo menos para attender al publico , primeramente no se disculpo ni ayudo a la empleada , solo se fue las otras personas de la fila estaban molestas espere bastante tiempo por un sandwich y jugo de naranja pero lo mas que me molesto fue la actitud del manager Rudy que no se disculpo o ayudo para satisfacer el servicio al cliente a la corporacion de sedanos que los vengo siguiendo desde Miami este señor no amerita ser manager otros rapidamente se disculpan y se ponen ayudar hasta controlar la situacion , la señora a pesar de estar busy me atendio muy bien y cortes con Buena actitud , espero su respuesta gracias
I went to the Sedano’s located at 6709 W. Flagler St. Miami, FL to purchase coconut water and get cash back today. I am from New York so my Spanish is not the best nor my primary language. I usually try to speak Spanish but English is my primary language. As I was making the purchase I told the lady at the register that I wanted cash back but she ignored me because I was speaking English. Once she finished processing the purchase she said that it was too late so I asked her to cancel the purchased since I wanted cash back. She then called, I imagine a manager, to cancel the purchase. I tried to explain to her in Spanish what happened but because English is easier I switched to English. The manager then told me that if I started in Spanish that I needed to finish in Spanish. I have never experienced racism like this from my own race. I was born in the United States and was not raised speaking Spanish. I moved to Miami 10 years ago and made a point of learning some Spanish to try and communicate with the people here but I am extremely upset because I know that in this state the law states that English is the primary language as well as we should speak the language of the country we live in. If I did not speak any Spanish I would not receive any service and would most definitely be discriminated against. If I lived another country I would be expected to learn the language of the country. I am informing you of what happened so that in the future your staff learns proper customer service.
I have been a customer of Sedano’s ever since it opened in Pembroke Pines, Pines Blvd. and 172 Ave. The experience I had today was the worst ever! Every time the Bola (whole) is on sale like this week ($1.99/lb) the store gets a lot of customers in the meat and deli section. Today, It took me nearly 2 hours waiting for my turn to get the “bola.” There was only one elderly “carnicero” in the meat department with at least 10 customers waiting for their turn. I felt so bad for this “carnicero” because no one came to help out. In addition, the ladies who work in the deli all disappeared and this poor “carnicero” had to stop what he was doing and call one of the girls to come out and help the customers waiting on the deli side. Every person waiting was complaining due to the wait. This happens all the time in the meat department and deli department–not enough employees working and those people that should be working all get lost behind the closed doors. I see this poor elderly “carnicero” by himself all the time working very hard to take care of all the customers. This man is a very pleasant and hard working man. He is being taken advantage by the other employees–so sad!! There are people working there who want to
get paid but don ‘t want to work! I was so upset after waiting 2 hours for my meat that I complained to the store manager. He looked like a 16 year old high school student without knowledge of what is happening in his store nor the experience needed to run a business. I hope this problem can be taken care of by a higher up person in the Corporate Office, otherwise, I can see Sedano’s slowly losing business because people will get tired of all the BS that goes on in that store!