Charles Lubin started a bakery chain in Chicago and named it Kitchens of Sara Lee, after his daughter.
Consolidated Foods bought Kitchens of Sara Lee in 1956 from Charles Lubin.
The company changed its name to The Sara Lee Corporation in 1985.
In 1986 Sara Lee bought Wolferman’s, a maker of English Muffins, which was founded in 1888.
In 2005 Sara Lee began a multi-year plan to transform the company into one focused on food, beverage, and household and body care businesses globally.
In 2006 Sara Lee spun off the Branded Apparel into a separate publicly-traded company named HanesBrands Inc.
In 2009 Sara Lee sold its global body care and European detergents business to Unilever.
In 2010 Grupo Bimbo sold its North American Fresh Bakery unit in a $959 million deal.
In 2011 the company announced that it would split into two: the North American operations became Hilshire Brands and the international beverage and bakery business D.E. Master Blenders 1753.
As of 2020, the company no longer an independent company but the name is still sold as a subsidiary of Kohlberg.
Sara LeeCharles Lubin started a bakery chain in Chicago and named it Kitchens of Sara Lee, after his daughter.
Consolidated Foods bought Kitchens of Sara Lee in 1956 from Charles Lubin.
The company changed its name to The Sara Lee Corporation in 1985.
In 1986 Sara Lee bought Wolferman’s, a maker of English Muffins, which was founded in 1888.
In 2005 Sara Lee began a multi-year plan to transform the company into one focused on food, beverage, and household and body care businesses globally.
In 2006 Sara Lee spun off the Branded Apparel into a separate publicly-traded company named HanesBrands Inc.
In 2009 Sara Lee sold its global body care and European detergents business to Unilever.
In 2010 Grupo Bimbo sold its North American Fresh Bakery unit in a $959 million deal.
In 2011 the company announced that it would split into two: the North American operations became Hilshire Brands and the international beverage and bakery business D.E. Master Blenders 1753.
As of 2020, the company no longer an independent company but the name is still sold as a subsidiary of Kohlberg.
Does Sara Lee still make Raspberry pies? Can’t find them anywhere. Anyone know?
My brother retired from sara lee/continental coffee company. He passed away,June 29,2021. He had insurance through the company. Please let me know who to conact.My brother’s name was Everett Hinton. My email is hemcem46@ It is urgent that I get an answer by tomorrow. Mrs.carolyn McGruder
Social Security Administration sent me a letter with your Downers Grove, IL address about my retirement benefits that I will be eligible for in September. I mailed a copy of the letter to Downers Grove as instructed it came back return to sender. Where do I need to send It? Karen L. Gilbert
We have updated the site with the current address and phone number
Recently I purchased 2 Sara Lee Butter Streusel coffee cakes at my local Publix. The first one I took a picture of since it had an irregular shape. The second one I had seemed to have very little butter or sugar on the top. I think you might have a quality control issue and I have always looked forward to having one of your coffee cakes on Sunday morning.
Can you please start selling the Delightful Multi Grain sandwich bread again, The stores said you have stopped the sell of it during Coronavirus.
My stepfather died in 2012 my mother was told that she couldn’t receive his retirement because he didn’t name her as beneficiary but the Federal law states that she is intital to receive it .is that your policy?
My mother passed away 9-21-2018. In her effects was a notice of a Sara Lee Direct Retiree Death Benefit which reads in part, “Effective 4/1/99, the company will provide you with two thousand dollars ($2,000) of free life insurance (Death Benefit) which will be paid to your designated beneficiary. This is dated 6/16/99 and is signed by Dorothy Jones, Benefit Representative. Can anyone tell me how to claim this benefit?
Thank-you, Diane
Good morning,,I worked at Sara Lee Bakery Forest, MS,,and I left my ESOP money in the account;they said to leave til I was ready to retire.So I need to know who to contact about my benefits.
do you ever follow up on these messages. do i need to get an attorney involved.
I still have not heard from sara lee about my pension. does that mean the promises that was made by sara lee corp. was not truthful.
I’m just checking in. i made a request about my retirement benefits.
My name is Edward L. Johnston, I worked at Sara Lee Bakery at Forest, MS. I worked there from March 16, 1980 until Sept. 20, 1996. I’m having problem with getting my pension with Sara Lee Bakery. I need some help to start receiving my pension. Please E-mail or call at (601) 842-XXXXXX
Help us
Hi my dad Samuel Johnson worked for Sara Lee in forest Mississippi in the 90’s I’ve sent a few emails over the last several months on his behalf because he wanted me to find his 401K. Unfortunately my dad passed yesterday but the family still need all the financial help we can get. His address was Morton MS 39117. Please respond please help sincerely Marcus Johnson
My mother passed away in April. In her effects was a notice of a Sara Lee Direct Retiree Death Benefit which reads in part, “Effective 4/1/99, the company will provide you with two thousand dollars ($2,000) of free life insurance (Death Benefit) which will be paid to your designated beneficiary. This is dated 6/16/99 and is signed by Dorothy Jones, Benefit Representative. Can anyone tell me how to claim this benefit?
My dad retired from Sara Lee after 31 years. He passed away and he had a life insurance policy through you and I have no idea who to contact about this. Can you help with this?
Hello,I personally want to thank you for a fresh taste! My suggestion is to sell your ? in half loaves so others like me Seniors living alone won’t have to buy what we do not need. Often times we have to buy according to our money,please provide coupons when possible. Thanks for the attention in this matter, thanks again for a great fresh taste.
I would like to speak to the CEO of Sara Lee!
Where can I purchase the Butternut instant hot cocoa mix? I live in Albany, Oregon
Where can I purchase Sara Lee raspberry flakey crimes in Las Vegas. No store carry the specific product. Thank you
I’m looking for the Rudy Farm patty sausage in Jackson, MS. It was once carried by Sam’s. When they stopped carrying it, I found it at Walmart. Well I went to 2 Walmarts yesterday and couldn’t find it. Once I spoke to employees, I found they no longer carry it. After internet research, I discovered the company is now owned by Sara Lee. Where can I find Rudy Farm patty sausage in Jackson, MS?
I tried to use the email but it wouldn’t go thru….trying to find out if I have any Sara Lee stock….I used to work for Playtex Apparel in Dover DE…and was in an employee purchase program… I know I cashed in some but thought I still had some stock…have moved a lot since then so would like to have someone contact me….
I have purchased this bread every week for years but yesterday may have changed my mind. I purchased a loaf of the Classic 100% Wheat Bread (Sara Lee) from Walmart on Independence Street in Springfield, Mo. It felt soft and fresh but didn’t open it until today (7/30) and I found out why it felt soft — the lower half of the entire loaf was wet and mushy and not even cut all the way through for individual slices, plus mold was starting to form. I couldn’t find my receipt to take it back to Walmart, if they would believe me so I am out $2.68. I feel like Sara Lee’s final inspection might not have happened. The loaf had an expire date of August 10 so they may have other people complaining, returning or do what I did, just throw good money out to the trash. I just wanted you to know. I have never written and complained to a company before but then food is getting expensive. I have purchased many Sara Lee products in my day and I hope their quality isn’t going by the wayside. I probably will change brands.Thank you for reading about my experience.
Hi! this is a complaint about a loaf of white bread.
The loaf is called OLD HOME white enriched bread. This bread i don’t know what you put in it, but it smells so bad, something like sour bread but worse. this has a bad smile. I have bought this before but never smelled like this before. what did they put in it.
I made bread before at my bakery and never smelled something like this.
Please responed as soon as possible. But if this continues I will file a complaint in fact I will ask the store not to carry it.
You may call me at 209-847-XXXXx I tried to call the number thats on the bread label 1-800-889-3556 and it has , Sara Lee Consumer Affairs,P-O- Box 756,Neenah WI 54957. Please respone.
I just finished a loaf of SaraLee Whole Grain Bread. Not one slice weighed a ounce and the loaf was smaller than before, none of the lunch meat fit the bread I don’t understand how 20 slices can weigh 20 ounces as advertised on the wrapper. I am disappointed that you have chosen to make smaller loafs and put them in the same wrappers. Please explain. Thank you very much, I remain a faithful SaraLee customer. Marian Nickel