Puget Sound Energy (PSE) was formed in 1997 by the merger of Puget Sound Power & Light Company and Washington Energy Company.
In 2009 the company was sold to the Macquarie Group in a leveraged private equity buyout.
The company is a Washington state energy utility based in Bellevue, Washington. PSE distributes electricity to 1.1 million customers and natural gas to 750,000 customers.
PSE generates electricity in its coal, hydroelectric, natural gas, and wind-powered generating facilities with a total combined capacity of 2,900 MW. Coal, hydroelectric, and natural gas generating each account for about one-third of the company’s power generation.
Puget Sound Energy is #703 in the Fortune 1000.
Puget Sound Energy
Puget Sound Energy (PSE) was formed in 1997 by the merger of Puget Sound Power & Light Company and Washington Energy Company.
In 2009 the company was sold to the Macquarie Group in a leveraged private equity buyout.
The company is a Washington state energy utility based in Bellevue, Washington. PSE distributes electricity to 1.1 million customers and natural gas to 750,000 customers.
PSE generates electricity in its coal, hydroelectric, natural gas, and wind-powered generating facilities with a total combined capacity of 2,900 MW. Coal, hydroelectric, and natural gas generating each account for about one-third of the company’s power generation.
Puget Sound Energy is #703 in the Fortune 1000.
I’m filing a complaint with the State Attorney General regarding the dishonest, bullying and inconsistent practices of your residential services. There is a law against deliberately frustrating the payment process without grounds. Thank you.
I’m filing a complaint with the State Attorney General regarding the dishonest, bullying and inconsistent practices of your residential services. There is a law against deliberately frustrating the payment process without grounds. Thank you.
(360) 890 XXXX
How did the lawsuit for insider trading against former BOD member Bill Ayer turn out.
Puget Sound Energy Is an abysmal excuse for a utility service…
year after year they raised the standard for power outage restoration time…
because they keep slipping further behind in meeting targets 2.9 hours on avg. reported in 2007….over 5 hours and 12 min on avg. reported in 2014…(they had to changed reporting criteria to gloss over there deteriorating ability to meet even there own version of what “they” consider adequate benchmarks …neglect upgrades to reroute and track source of outages by not installating smart grid monitoring devices to pinpoint area outages, relying on non chronological outage reports from customers who have accessed to internet instead of phone in reporting or automated area line monitors that can track and report power interruptions more accurately, rather than relying on customers complaints….They avoid direct contact with public at all cost, hiding behind po boxes and websites that are woefully inadequate and unresponsive to addressing complaints….why is it easier to hire crews to disconnect service to delinquent customers than it is to restore power during outages that effect may more residents and businesses and cost more in losses than customers pay for in power usage…the amount of food and time lost to dealing with outages is more than I spend on electricity during the whole year…
Why are they so vague in their explanations for reasons for such long service response times…?….because they set low standards for themselves and the sevices they provide and have woefully inadequate and inept planning and execution of grid improvements…I doubt they have any idea how to make nd operate a grid that is proactive about monitoring and compensate for line outages. When a problem or unusual disruption of service occurs, there should be devices to check and report locations of unusual activity or interruptions of power so that crews can respond and correct problems before they result in wider more prolonged events….If causes are wind storm and tree related, they need to do a better job of tree removal/line maintenance in a more pre-emptive way rather than merely reactive response after the fact…It’s the 21st century and “other” utility companies seem to be doing a much better job limiting and responding to their outages then PSE…For instance, why does seattle which gets its electricity from distant sources regularly has power when most of PSE customers do not? Snoqualmie dam is much closer to PSE grid than Seattle’s power sources….So what gives?
I think its funny how Puget Sound Energy sees there mistakes in their notes. Than disconnects my power when I paid my bill out right when I was suppose to. Followed all the steps to report my payment. The agent I talked to on Friday made notes of the payment. Yet Tuesday my power gets shut off!!! I talk to numerous agents get hung up on twice. Finally get through to someone express my frustrations on how this is there f*** up and now my family has to pay for. I get confirmation yes my power will be turned back on that night. Nothing, wake up in the morning call them first thing when they open oh well you will have to wait 24hrs to get a manger call back its protocol. Puget sound energy is by far the most f***ed up company! This has put a huge damper in financials and it has truly made me wish I could leave this company. But lucky us PSE is the only company that provides power in my area!!!!! I WANT A CALL FROM A BIG BOSS ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!