Noom was founded in 2008 after founders Saeju Jeong & Artem Petakov realized that most people had no problem dieting to lose weight, but the problem was keeping it off.
Noom is a website and mobile phone app that offers healthy meal suggestions, a weight loss coach to help clients, and group rooms where clients can connect with like-minded people.

The app refreshes daily with about eight tasks that the app will ask you to complete. Most of the tasks are short articles to read, usually about nutrition, but often about psychological approaches—mindfulness, for instance—that reframe your outlook on dieting, or even life. Others are quick tests that quiz you on the articles.
Noom prides itself on being more than just a “diet”. The plan is also designed to incorporate psychological approaches to help prevent overeating, mindless eating, and/or emotional triggers.

The initial start-up is “free”, but if you should decide that Noom isn’t for you, canceling the plan is difficult. So difficult, in fact, that the Better Business Bureau has issued a warning regarding this problem.
Noom maintains a corporate office in New York, New York.

Noom was founded in 2008 after founders Saeju Jeong & Artem Petakov realized that most people had no problem dieting to lose weight, but the problem was keeping it off.
Noom is a website and mobile phone app that offers healthy meal suggestions, a weight loss coach to help clients, and group rooms where clients can connect with like-minded people.
The app refreshes daily with about eight tasks that the app will ask you to complete. Most of the tasks are short articles to read, usually about nutrition, but often about psychological approaches—mindfulness, for instance—that reframe your outlook on dieting, or even life. Others are quick tests that quiz you on the articles.
Noom prides itself on being more than just a “diet”. The plan is also designed to incorporate psychological approaches to help prevent overeating, mindless eating, and/or emotional triggers.
The initial start-up is “free”, but if you should decide that Noom isn’t for you, canceling the plan is difficult. So difficult, in fact, that the Better Business Bureau has issued a warning regarding this problem.
Noom maintains a corporate office in New York, New York.
While there is some merit to the process, the way this company does business is awful. They will not allow me to cancel auto renewals. They upgraded their system and now I cannot get access even though I am paying for the contract. If I cancel, the contract says I will not get any money back. I have called, emailed and texted numerous people and all I get is “We are working on it”. I feel swindled.
I will NEVER use the Noom program, and the reason why is that your company’s online advertisements are so offensive, specifically the one in which a young woman talks about “well-meaning people” who ask her “why are you still so big?” It’s honestly the most toxic, size-shaming ad I’ve ever seen. What “well-meaning” person comments on another person’s body at all, much less that person’s size? The ad should probably say, “rude, nosy bullies shame me and undermine my attempts to be strong and healthy by making cruel, unwarranted comments about my body.” Shaming people about weight and size isn’t inspiring, it too often leads to depression, body dysmorphia and disordered eating. It’s a disgusting way to sell your product, and you should be ashamed of yourselves.