In 1916 Athanasios (Arthur) and Efrosini Demoulas opened a grocery store that specialized in fresh lamb in Lowell, Massachusetts.
During the late 1930’s, when the company was operating mostly on credit due to the Great Depression, the family soon found themselves on the brink of bankruptcy. The youngest son, Mike, quit school to work at the store and the family managed to avoid bankruptcy and failure.
In 1954 the couple sold the store to two of their six children, brothers Telemachus (Mike) and George DeMoulas.
Within 15 years the brothers had transformed and expanded the store into a chain of 15 supermarkets.
When George died in 1971, Mike became the sole owner of the chain.
Because each brother had promised the other to provide for his family in event of his death, the heirs of George sued Mike for defrauding them out of their rightful portion of the company by moving assets into shell companies.
In 1994 a judge ruled that Mike had defrauded the heirs for the sum of $500 million and transferred 51% of DeMoulas’ stock to George’s family.
Today the company is once again embroiled in a controversy; this time between Mike’s son Arthur T. DeMoulas and George’s son Arthur S. DeMoulas.
President Arthur T. was fired by the Board of Directors, led by Arthur S., in June 2014, sparking protests from employees and causing disruptions in service. By the end of July 2015, Arthur T.DeMoulas was reinstated as CEO.
The families finally reached an agreement in August of 2014 when Arthur T and his sisters offered to buy the shares of the company owned by Arthur S for $1.5 billion. This bid was said to be out of desperation since the company was losing hundreds of millions of dollars during the strikes and protests. The deal was accepted and closed in December of 2014.
Today DeMoulas Market Basket is #127 on the Forbes list of America’s Largest Companies, has 19,000 employees, and had $4 billion in revenue in 2015.
In 1916 Athanasios (Arthur) and Efrosini Demoulas opened a grocery store that specialized in fresh lamb in Lowell, Massachusetts.
During the late 1930’s, when the company was operating mostly on credit due to the Great Depression, the family soon found themselves on the brink of bankruptcy. The youngest son, Mike, quit school to work at the store and the family managed to avoid bankruptcy and failure.
In 1954 the couple sold the store to two of their six children, brothers Telemachus (Mike) and George DeMoulas.
Within 15 years the brothers had transformed and expanded the store into a chain of 15 supermarkets.
When George died in 1971, Mike became the sole owner of the chain.
Because each brother had promised the other to provide for his family in event of his death, the heirs of George sued Mike for defrauding them out of their rightful portion of the company by moving assets into shell companies.
In 1994 a judge ruled that Mike had defrauded the heirs for the sum of $500 million and transferred 51% of DeMoulas’ stock to George’s family.
Today the company is once again embroiled in a controversy; this time between Mike’s son Arthur T. DeMoulas and George’s son Arthur S. DeMoulas.
President Arthur T. was fired by the Board of Directors, led by Arthur S., in June 2014, sparking protests from employees and causing disruptions in service. By the end of July 2015, Arthur T.DeMoulas was reinstated as CEO.
The families finally reached an agreement in August of 2014 when Arthur T and his sisters offered to buy the shares of the company owned by Arthur S for $1.5 billion. This bid was said to be out of desperation since the company was losing hundreds of millions of dollars during the strikes and protests. The deal was accepted and closed in December of 2014.
Today DeMoulas Market Basket is #127 on the Forbes list of America’s Largest Companies, has 19,000 employees, and had $4 billion in revenue in 2015.
Wondering if anyone else has had a problem with bagging at MB? Consistently, each week we have had chicken or other meat mixed in with fruits, veggies or other we don’t cook. We have complained several times to management and they don’t seem to care. I don’t want to go anywhere else but MB on Amherst street in Nashua is gonna kill someone with their lack of concern with what they are doing. I have a young child who could potentially get I’ll from your lack of care. We even put like items together and somehow they still end up wherever.
Store #61 Peter Sawchuck and Bob Mitchell are the worse most miserable two men on the planet on the planet to work for. They choose who they like to be all happy go lucky with and treat the rest of his crew like complete crap. They both see right through the good hard workers and still focus on the people they only want to talk to. You could say good morning to Peter and he will walk right on past like you don’t even matter. His personality is that of a rock. Bob he atleast says good morning but very 2 faced will like you to your face and talk crap the very next second. Needless to say I wish we could have a management team who takes in the consideration of their employees instead of black sheeping them. A good job or your doing awesome keep up the good work would be nice never once by either of them just always happens to be something wrong and getting crap from both of them instead of calmly and collectively working it out always a problem NEVER ANY HAPPINESS WITH THESE 2
ThTas the difference between a manager and Leaders! Sounds like management training needs to be in order. Hopefully, they will see you have insight and will train you to be a great leader in management and you could make their investment a great revenue and a wonderful place to work!
Dear Market Basket,
I always say i am not shopping there any more. I visit your brockton store a lot but i am getting extremely disappointed by it . I bought a container of your cole slaw there last week, and opened it that night for supper. Could not eat it. The color was off, and the smell was rancid. Had to throw out. Mind you this was on the first of the month and the expiration date was aug 15!!!!!! seriously???? I have had other problems too. The ground beef i used to buy (note i said USED TO BUY) has contained ground up little pieces of bones or cartilidge. What ever you want to call it. Three times this has happened. You start eating, and you get a real hard piece of it hitting your tooth!!! Also, your produce dept. , well you really have a lot of guts to put out food that even a dog wouldnt eat on your clearance racks there in that department. I have ne ver seen such rotten stuff and you have the gaul to place it on there. However, i too, hace witnessed mold and other rotten stuff in your store as well. You know the little salads that located up front near the bakery.? Well the broccoli and bacon salad is full of broccoli stems and bits that DO NOT BELONG IN A SALAD. I think you put just anything you want that is going bad into your homemade stuff just to get rid of it. Are you kidding me> and the awful stuff that is sold in front of the chickens (rotisserie) are horrible. Subs and things. Overall, i like the prices at the basket and i too could really tell off some of your workers who ignore you when you ask a question, but even tho the prices are good, The bad outweighs the good. See ya
I too have bitten on shards of bone in their ground chuck. What upsets me most is my small grandchildren are eating it and their endocrine safety is my concern. Orange, Texas
I’ve moved back to HEB Pantry due to this issue. Sadly, I like their meat but concerned about the safety due to meat cutters lack of skills.
Hi, I was just watching a show discussing self checkouts and realized MB doesn’t have any. One of the comments made was that the business doesn’t want to hire enough staff. It seems that MB workers are content with their jobs. Another reason to continue to support MB. Thank you.
Due to the Covid-19 protocols that are implemented thoroughout the Market Basket stores, it is recognized that the cashiers are protected from shopper interaction by a plastic protective shield. Since the baggers/sackers are so close to the shopper while they are making their payment via the credit card machine, how are they protected when they are virtually inches away? I am a sacker (78 year old senior) and recently, a shopper had their toddler, who was sitting in the carriage seat, spray an enormous sneeze that was felt on my face and arm. The mother’s response was, “Oh well, no biggie”.
Good morning!
First, let me say this has no reflection on Market Basket. I was shopping in the Fall River store this morning. Walking down the paper goods aisle, an elderly lady, with a cane, and could barely walk, was walking towards me. As we approached each other, made eye contact, she utter to Nigger. I was so appalled, I had to remember, she was elderly.
I just wanted to bring it to your attention these are the people you serve, racists and bigots.
I am a hard working African American female, who spends a lot of money at your store. Knowing that people with that attitude frequents you’re store, I will no longer shop in the presence of those types of people. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but keep it to themselves. I don’t need to be called a Nigger, while spending my money. Last I checked slavery ended a long time ago.
Good morning,
I am writing to tell you about what I experienced at the Fall River store on Monday, May 11, at 3:00. I haven’t gone to the market since April and when I got there there was no line and I went right in. I started in the milk aisle and everything looked great! As I came into the next aisle with the eggs etc., there were a bunch of people going the wrong way and no one was saying anything. I got fish next and that was fine. Once I got to the meat, that’s when everything fell apart. Customers were not 6 feet back and it was a free for all. No management was saying anything, so people continued to not pay attention or follow any rules. I went into the TP aisle and there were a bunch(4) workers restocking TP and blocking the aisle and were just fooling around and not paying attention to customers that were trying to get through. Then, I was in the freezer section and that was a complete disaster, there was a very loud guy there with no mask opening all the freezers and yelling loudly on the phone, touching everything and not buying. In the fresh veggie and fruit section, no one was going one way, another free for all. When I checked out and asked for paper in plastic, the girls seemed put off by my request, one said, “for the whole order?”
Overall, this experience was so bad that I’m not going back anytime soon. I have only gone to Market Basket for the last few years, from Little Compton to New Bedford or Fall River. I love everything about the stores but I can’t go back if these problems aren’t taken care of. I am shopping for my parents and myself. My parents are in their late 70’s and I’m compromised as a cancer survivor. What I experienced was and is completely unacceptable. I love your markets and I want and need to go back. I’m really hoping that you will take my complaint seriously because these are very serious times. I left the store and cried for a while bc I didn’t feel safe at all in your store. I can’t tell you the amount of people that I teach with and socialize with that I tell about your great market. I’m hoping to hear back from you. This experience was completely disappointing and dangerous. It’s not acceptable.
Kim Donovan
I have been shopping at your Middleton ma. & at times Salem ma. stores. I have had nothing but GREAT friendly service at the stores. Mostly I go to Middleton & have found everyone super friendly & helpful. To top it off the check outs are very fast not much wait time. Keep up the good work & Thank you to all people at the Middleton store !!!
I went to Market Basket on Haverhill St. in Methuen today. It was an awful experience. I first went to the sandwich shop were I was greeted by a not so happy woman who made my sandwich. I said thank you which she didnt reply back to me, fine. I then went to the bakery were I stood waiting for help. This woman finally said Do you want something?? That alone went from bad to worse. She was by far the most miserable person there. Took my order & went to the register. I pay with vouchers from my place of employment. I needed a detailed receipt. The cashier had to get the manager which seemed to be annoyed by the cashier for making a mistake. He had to go up to the office to make a copy for me. He also was a very unpleasant person. I will no longer shop at this store again. I shop at Market basket numerous times a week. I will now drive 7 miles out of my way to the Salem NH store just to avoid these very rude employees. Something should really be done about this. Thank you
Dear Mr Arthur T. Demoulas,
I wrote weeks ago about your Somersworth NH store.
Not to any surprise I have never heard back from you.
Whoever runs that store should be fired.
The store is never ready to open on time.
The doors are open but the produce and vegetable shelves are empty! When you have 2-3 display units empty at opening time you have a problem.
I went back today after writing to you weeks ago thinking maybe you have fixed the issue. Boy was I wrong!!!! Same old story. EMPTY shelves. That was at 7:45 am
I have been shopping there a long time but , after today that has changed.
Yes, I may pay a little more ( on some items ) but I lose money by having to go to another store to finish my shopping.
I know to you my time doesn’t mean much but to me it does !!
I am done buying your food there. Easier to go about 1/2 a mile up the road to Hannafords and Shaw’s and do all my shopping in one place where their shelves are stocked when they open their doors.
It was a big mistake supporting your store at the time you bought the place. It was better before.
I know this will not get to anyone important in your business. Maybe when enough people leave as I am you may wake up and realize how much money you are losing by NOT having product on the shelves.
You should fire your flyer writer and your editor. Hire me instead, a former tech writer and editor, eager to emerge from retirement to telecommute. I guarantee my editing would be timely (prior to publication) and spare your corporate image further embarrassment, which I’ve seen in this recent and previous flyers. marvin@
Hello, I am a frequent shopper at the Bedford store and have been a loyal customer of Demoulas for over 24+ years. I usually have a great experience. I have noticed a newer employee at this store in the dairy/frozen foods aisles. I have tried to catch a name which I believe to be Jennifer. Her name tags says some years but she is a new face to me. On one occasion I had asked this girl for some help grabbing an item since I had just gotten over a shoulder issue. She told me I could help myself and I looked fine… I was in shock. I have tried to understand people have bad days but that attitude is inexcusable. Not only that I constantly see her on her phone, talking about inappropriate subjects with fellow shoppers and fellow coworkers in a audible tone for anyone nearby. Just recently I noticed she had a facial piercing. I always have held Demoulas to a high standard and respected their policies. I just am not sure this girl is the example you want in your store. I almost feel with this type of employee maybe I should take my business elsewhere. Would be ashame after all these years since this used to be a lovely store, and have never had this treatment at other stores.
I have loved Market Basket since we moved here from NY 23 years ago! Even my visiting relatives go home with bags of groceries when they visit!
There are so many store brand products that are wonderful and such a good value. It pains me to write this but what were you thinking when you switched the salads in the deli department. Cole slaw, macaroni and potato salads are definitely not the same. We had our first barbecue this weekend and I was really embarrassed after tasting them. I even apologized to my guests. I can tell you, I will not be buying any of them again. Please, go back to your last distributor.
I am interested in employment at the Maynard store. My credentials are extensive, but I am willing to start at a the bottom to work up!!
Thank you.
Rosalyn Chefitz
I’m a customer of Market Basket and Demoulas when my Mother use to shop at the Demoulas (First One) in Lowell, MA. I have had several experience’s with many of your employee’s for many reason’s and all good. However, today I was shopping at the Small Market Basket in Seabrook, NH. and ran across a young man by the name of Mike and according to his badge he has worked for you for 13 years. He is the NICEST young man and so very helpful. Each week I shop for my groceries and usually buy three cases of beer and the 30 packs are very heavy. However, this week I had four cases because we were having family over. This young man came right over and said madam let me get that for you and picked up the first case and had the cashier put it through and placed it back in the carriage. I Thanked him and he turned and said no problem it was my pleasure. Just a little point from an Old Lady, he smelled so good and handsome. Then as I finished my check and the young lady put is through the register it did not print on the back of the check. Once again this young man was called to the register and he apologized and called a young man over and asked him to take me to the office for them to stamp the back and I could be on my way. I Thanked him and again it was his pleasure. Well the young man he called was Sam who’s badge said he was working for you folks for one year was awesome. Once again he apologized and as we went towards the office he could not apologize enough. He was such a nice your man and I could see him being an asset to your company. Once the young lady stamped the back of my check this young man said Madam you are okay and Thank you for shopping Market Basket. I’m not sure why this has been the first time I have told you about your employee’s but, it felt right. I hope you acknowledge these young men and my suggestion is with a raise or perhaps a day off with pay. Thank you for reading my wonderful experience while shopping the small Market Basket in Seabrook, NH. A very satisfied Customer nd always shop Market Basket !
I would like to request a tag sale at your store in Tilton NH. However I have faxed my letter to corporate and it gets rejected. Here is my letter:
Market Basket, Corporate
875 East Street
Tewksbury, MA 01876
Fax (978) 640-8184
January 28, 2019
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to you today in request to host a Tag Sale. I am a teacher at Winnisquam Regional High School in TIlton NH. I have been teaching French and Spanish there for many years. This upcoming year I have been planning a trip to France with my French students. The cost of the trip is pretty high and we have been involved in many fundraisers. Other groups have been very successful in planning a Tag sale at your store. I am requesting that the French club be allowed to do the same. We would love to do it during the month of February or March of 2019. Please consider our request. Thank you very much.
Suzanne Ring
World Language Teacher
603-286-4531 x 230
Wrong fax number. Try the one in the listing 978-640-8390
On December 5th I purchased a package of pork Ribs in Cryovac The sell date was December 10th On December 9th I opened the package to cook as company was coming for dinner and immediately smelled a foul smell I thought it was the brine in the package so i rinsed the meat througoughly and started to cook it but the meat was bad and smelled up my whole house with a rotten meat smell well that ruined my dinner party. Had to scurry around to find something else to prepareOn December 10th i brought the meat wrapper back to the store so they could see the sell by date and the meat was already rotten. I will tell you that the customer service rep at the courtesy booth was customer unfriendly After I told her and showed her the smelly wrapper and told her i shop there every week, her first words were Do you have a reciept?? Then calls the meat Dept to get their ok to take it back. No I am sorry for this, and she says you can get 11.38 worth of product and bring it up to me Made a big deal of it in front of other customers, and this is not ok market basket sold me rotten meat, and i shouldnt have been made a specticle of because i returned rotten meat Next time i will just bring the rotten meat to the board of health in plymouth ma and let them address it with market basket Very dissapointed with the customer service there
How come when I buy Shrimp W/Penne Alfredo Sauce Cold in MB Bedford NH it has 3 Shrimp but when I buy it in MB in Epping NH it has 6 shrimp for the same price per lb?
My wife always buy premium paper towels that is until she decided to buy just Market Basket paper towels. That was truly a big mistake. Market basket should be ashamed to put their good name on these paper towels. They are by the far the worst paper towels I have seen in my 84 years. They reminded me of the cheap toilet paper CVS is selling. If CVS made their paper any thine they could advertise it as inviable paper. You should drop the no name Market Basket paper and stick to the premium, the premium is just fine
Jim Tessitore
Rochester NH
I wish you would still stock and sell “Woman’s World” magazine. I love that magazine and would always buy it every week at M.B.
I have been a faithful customer for over 15 years, and this is the 1st and LAST Time i will ever order a cake from your lynn, Ma store. I called Friday to order a “3” cupcake cake; top of the 3 either blue or pink/ bottom of the 3 the opposite color from the top for a set of twin boy and girl. the cake was NOT in a 3 shape, nor was it correctly decorated~ My daughter ( the kids mother) asked them what happened, and the decorater was at the end of her shift, spread blue frosting over it and put pink what ever you want to call decorations around it! My daughter had no cake so she brought the mess home.. As soon as she got it home, we sang as the frosting was melting off the top of the cake and you could see the cupcakes! I reported this to the manager and he kept doubting everything I said, and questioning my complaints. I have 11 grandchildren and have gotten each and every birthday cake ( and that is a lot of cake) at Chelsea Market basket and had NOT 1 COMPLAINT, nor have I ever had to submit a complaint to any store, but this was just outright wrong! I was embarrassed when we had to sing and could see what type of cake it was from the top.. But then again, the Manager said well I dont see how that could happen, and thats not what I heard, and thats not what they told me….I just wanted a nice cake for a great celebration… Thank you
I was recently in your Fall River location last week and I must say the store is great. It’s clean all employee in the aisle are so helpful and neat and really do a great job. My experience was great until I got to the checkout area and witnessed something that was just awful. A cashier was being yelled at and spoken to with harsh words and her manager was allowing it. The young lady made a simple mistake and how she was being spoken to was uncalled for. I understand you can’t control how customers speak but a women in a red coat I believe her name was Connie was letting this customer yell at this poor girl. It’s one thing to correct a employee but to stand by and do nothing as a customer almost has this girl in tears is another thing. I shop there frequently and this is not the first time this Connie women has been mean or yelled at these poor ladies herself. She is very nasty and I’m surprised she’s even a manger , just because your a manger doesn’t mean your allowed to speak to an employee in a certain tone or is it okay to let a old racist customer do it either. This market basket is great but your management team needs a special training on how to speak.
To the Seafood Manager ,I am a retired fisherman out of Gloucester,Mass .I would like to recommend to you on how you could increase sales for fresh fish .The average house wife does not what to look for when purchasing fresh fish .I would be willing to show them what to look for when shopping in your store for fresh fish .Once a week on a Friday we would display your fish and I would be there to educate your customers ,for two or three hours a day .I am sure my presentation would be welcome and educational for your customers .If you are interested contact me at 978 491 XXXXX Thank You Sam Parisi
Went to Market Basket in Burlington Ma today observed a customer opening cookies at the Bakery Dept. He kept taking one out of each package then eating a cookie and closing the package back up . He did this with 5 different packages. Finally some one from the bakery told him to go away. I mentioned this to a Manager and he said the cookies were for free . They were not free because they were packaged not sitting out for customers to sample. These 5 different packages of cookies will now be sold to some customers . We don’t know if this man’s hands were clean or if he was sick. I will never buy anything from the bakery knowing the Manager didn’t care or anyone else
I am filing this complaint on a recent visit to Market Basket in N. Andover Ma. store #12. First, I must say I have been a Market Basket shopper for nearly three decades nevermind being the go to supermarket growing up. I even was an employee back in the early 90’s and would never think I’d EVER have nevermind me, but my 16 yr old daughter treated with such disrespect with the extreme vulgar language used by YOUR EMPLOYEE. I gone shopping today 5/6/2018 and around 11:45am-12:00pm my 16 yr old daughter went to get some things I needed while I was grabbing other stuff at the same time. During this time an individual my daughter knew from school that she avoids because at the school this individual has behavioral issues and is violent to not just his peers but his teachers as well. When he seen my daughter he thought it be okay to say,”oh, here’s this lowlife fata** piece of s**t.” In shock my daughter turned in tears and ran to me. I then went up to this individual and politely told him he has no reason and no excuse to be talking to anyone like this especially my daughter. He rolled his eye and just laughed. I was going to let this go so I finished my shopping and as I left he was outside grabbing carriages. As when he seen us he flips us off and screams see u Monday XXXXXX. Never in my life I would think such ghetto disrespectful behavior would be allowed and displayed at ANY Market Basket. At this point I parked my car went in and asked for manager. When I talked to the manager she tells me he defending himself that I shouldnt of confronted him on his job. I looked at her in disguise because how could ANY appointed manager for Market Basket, a well known highly respected store, allow such a incompetent manager be in charge and find it acceptable for this kind of derogatory belittling behavior to the their customers, and defend such behavior. She then says I’ll deal with. Looks at him and says,”dont talk to people like that.” Looks at me and says,”there, u happy now?” I looked at her and told her she pathetic and will file a report with her CO. She then tells me,” file away, why it’s there, and they will believe what their manager has to say over some shopper, how it’s always been, MB dont care to deal with this.” And she walked away. There is a serious defect from the bottom to the top in having a healthy shopping environment with management at this Market Basket on a Sunday. I guess I’m being told when I spend almost $2000 a month feeding my family of 7 has to be respected at will from their low level employees with the backing of their management. I pleade with u that this individual be fired and this manager is dealt with accordingly. Perhaps a hell of alot more training or even better yet shelf stocking because anyone who is in a managers position that defends, and finds no fault in such a situation is completely unfit to hold such a position. Nevermind telling the customers higher echelon of management can care less and will be manipulated to believe what any of their managers tells them from such stores in order to save face. Thank you!
As a 50plus-year resident of NH, I was accustomed to having a Market Basket nearby. However, I retired to the Lakes Region of Maine almost 2 yrs. ago and, sadly there are none nearby. Sometime ago I read an article saying a second store would be coming to ME in Waterford by the end of 2018, but I’ve seen no updates since. Please tell me that store is still in the works…..I hate the selection of stores available here. I miss you!!
Your Fall River store is a wonderful addition to our community.
However, you’ve got a couple of tyrants mistreating their underlings.
Connie (?) in the front end seems to harass a few of the cashiers more than necessary.
As well, Amanda 7yrs, black coat in kitchen, seems to have let her power go to her head.
The most important part of the success in any given business is staff morale.
Quigley seems to be thought of by most of his staff as an A*****e.
As important as revenue is, treating employees decently is just as important.
I sure hope your YOUNG bosses cut their crap.
Clarence G.
Age 71
Hi ive been shopping in mb for many years usually i go to the one in salem and they are awesome but just moved to goffstown nh and been going to the Bedford nh store and everytime i go there they never have ciabatta bread or sourdough they always tell me there out i wont be shopping there again
I went to the new Attleboro market basket, I asked to speak with store manager. The guy never came downstairs after 30 minutes of waiting I was completely fed up this is the worst costumer service I have experienced in sometime and from the man who is supposed to lead the store, this is completely unacceptable.
Re: Epping, NH store
Very disappointed that the fish dept would not cut a piece of fish so I could buy 3/4 lbs instead of 1.35 lbs which was the smallest piece they had. Spoke with the asst store manager who also would not help.
Left without buying any fish so you lost a sale. Is that how you treat a loyal customer? Shame on you.
I had to write this little note and would like to address Corporate. Yesterday I went to the new Fall River store. Living in Newport RI being a Island I don’t have many choices where to shop especially when I have to save money grocery shopping so I go to Fall River. I thought my bank account balance was high enough to pick up groceries. When checking out I used my debit card and at that point was not accepted because of being over the limit. The girl at the register tried entering my bank card two more times with the same results. Total sale was 117.00 and I only had 73.00 on the card and 20.00 in cash. Something happened yesterday that I will never forget and has never happened in my lifetime of 64 yrs. The manager took me to the service desk and had them process my order using the funds i had leaving a balance of almost 25.00. The manager himself paid my balance and wished me a Happy New Year, I cried like a baby…a thank you was not enough for his generosity. I didn’t catch his name but I am sure you know who your managers are you sure know how to pick them that’s for sure…
Acknowledging this gentleman for his kindness ,understanding and professionalism would let other managers, CEO and staff members pass this along. This was a special cirXXXXstance and might never happen again but acknowledging his professionalism and rewarding his work will forever have been the ultimate gift.
Rita Marie Pine
Fall River Store
On a Saturday afternoon around 1:00
Attn: CEO: Arthur T. DeMoulas; CFO: Donald Mulligan; COO: Michael King
Please note that I want to highly commend two of your employees in what I believe is your Store #68 Brockton, MA.
Your front-end manager of 21 years whose name currently eludes me (perhaps it’s Rinaldo) and a part-time, elderly associate, Frank, were both of extreme help to me this past Wednesday, 01/03/18. Their assistance was way above their normal call to duty in my estimation.
Despite my relatively new car, and my AAA Membership, I needed their help in getting my car started, due to a dead battery. After 15 minutes of using the front-end manager’s cell phone in trying to contact AAA (without success) Frank stayed with me outside until he could maneuver his car close enough to mine (in reach of my jumper cables) for a jump-start. I was then able to travel to my Honda dealer for a replacement, in warranty, battery.
All of that preceded the impending blizzard and sub-zero wind-chills.
Their efforts and compassion were way above the normal call to duty!
Please be sure recognize them accordingly.
Ken Cohen
Purchased some blueberry muffins for the first time EVER from MB bakery the other day. That was the first and LAST time I’ll EVER throw money away on their REALLY FAKE blueberry muffins!!! IF there were 7 teeny tiny blueberries in these FAKE muffins, I was lucky!!! You DON’T taste blueberries, you ONLY taste the 50lbs of butter they use. IF you put a blindfold on and eat these REALLY FAKE blueberry muffins you’d THINK you were chewing on a STICK OF SOFT BUTTER! Without a doubt MB bakes the MOST DISGUSTING FAKE BLUEBERRY MUFFINS!!!! I had to brush my teeth several times just to get the NASTY after taste those REALLY FAKE blueberry muffins left behind. I’d be better off just chomping on several sticks of butter then eating those REALLY FAKE blueberry muffins!!!!! What a HUGE DISAPPOINTMENT!!!!!
PLEASE help your employees at the John Fitch Hwy Fitchburg MA store during the winter months! The registers are very close tot he doors and there is NO BARRIER from the cold!
These kids are freezing during their shifts. Event he on site manager said it’s horrible!
PLEASE do something – I thought a few years back you tried to put up a make shift plastic shield apparatus which evidently didn’t work this is beneath your pro-employee mantra.
I have a friend that works in your South Attleboro MA location, & she/he (I won’t give a name or gender because I don’t want them singled out) is treated very unfairly by management namely Grant. From what I understand, Grant isn’t well liked by many of the employees there, he’s rude, inconsiderate, unreasonable & unapproachable. This is not how management should be & I think he needs some training on how to keep staff happy & still be effective as a manager. For someone to hate their job is unacceptable, you guys have a reputation of being great to your employees. However, you’re losing that rep due to poor management, lack of employee training & level of expectations. You really need to get it together, or just get rid of Grant, I’ve actually seen him in action & I personally would never work for or around someone like him.
I love Market Basket but….I’ve been going to the new Lynn store since it opened instead of Salem. I love the new Lynn store but am seriously thinking of leaving. There are just not enough cash registers open and complaining to managers is useless. Also, the ones that are open are all on the further end of the store and nothing near the other entrance where many of us handicapped park. I go there often hoping it has changed but NO. Can you please open more registers and add some to the opposite end of the store? If not, I’m leaving and I really hate to. Thank you.
I was in your store on Monday Nov. 6th, it was raining and very wet that day . I walked into the store the floor was very wet once i walked thru the door i slip caught my self nd the immediately slipped again and feel to the floor . Only one of your baggers noticed asked if i was ok. That was all he did not inform anyone of the incedent . He then put down the saw dust stuff . I am kind of dissappointed. I would expect that protocal is to atleast inform a manager …
Please, please put a marketbasket in Quincy, Milton or Weymouth!
Everyone is asking for one!
Hi a Market Basket has just opened in Fall River Ma. The only people who seem to be getting the flyer are people from Fall River. I live in Tiverton RI 02878 and my aunt lives in Westport Ma 02790 and we don’t get the flyer. I have heard from several family members & friends that they are going to keep shopping Shaw’s & Stop & Shop because they send flyers every week and we don’t know what Market Basket has. I thought you may want to know this because you are losing business to your competitor because of this. Thank you for your time.
Seems like you’re fully capable of leaving a complaint instead of reading the news(Channels 4,5 & 7 as well as mutliple Facebook posts). Market Basket just created a website where you can see this weeks flyer AND next weeks flyer. Please tell you friends & family members that are spending more money at Shaws and Stop & Shop.
Hey Donna,
Here ya go… Merry Christmas! <—- Current week <—- Next week
I have been going to the Chelsea location for many years. And it hasn’t been until recently that I have come across one of the rudest, most disrespectful people in my life, and this person is an employee there.
I often buy food at the Roast and Broast section to not have to worry about making dinner. But, the last couple of times I have, the most miserable human being works there.
The latest horrible ‘encounter’ was this past Saturday, the 14th when Arthur (who I am shocked to learn from his tag has been working there for 2 years) was very rude when I attempted to ‘give’ him my order. I pointed to the onion rings and just as I was about to say ‘onion rings’ he bolts out ‘which one is it, rings or plantins?’ I was mortified as to how impatient someone can be. This person has NO RIGHT working in this line of work and should NOT be allowed around people. His demeanor, mannerism and work ethics are the worst I have come across in a very long time.
Thanks to Arthur, I will be cooking dinner more often and will avoid that side of the market going forward.
And just so you know, I am not the only one who has experienced Arthur’s rude behavior. There have been folks in line, prior to me, that have also been treated poorly and each had a few not so kind words to say to us about him.
If you want your customers to continue buying prepared food at the Roast and Boast, I strongly suggest you remove this miserable, rude employee.
I shop in the Oxford, MA store a couple of times each week. The store has truly gone down hill since they opened. It is not as clean as they were, and clearly the trash in the parking lot is horrible. However, today was just not acceptable. I needed a couple of things in the Deli Dept. I took my number – about 14 # ahead of the currently ‘being served’ number. OK, so I got all of the rest of my groceries that I wanted, and came back and spent another 20 min. waiting. There were 3 impossibly slow servers behind the corner. No manager in sight. All 3 kept conversations going among themselves, which would be ok, except they would stop working and stand there talking. 1 girl would go to through the doors in the back for a few minutes each and every time she finished with a customer. 1 man could barely walk past a crawl. People were angry back there today. One woman even shouted at them to ‘stop talking’ and they paid her no mind, not even a recognition. I looked around, as I actually feared a fight. This was totally unacceptable. What has happened to this store – it was SO GOOD the first few years after it opened. The produce has gone down, and I talk to other customers who find the fruit and vegetable section sub par as I do. I cannot eat this store’s fresh pork (it is tasteless), so I go elsewhere. I have found blobs of ‘fat’ under meat packages (I have brought this back and shown the ‘meat manager’ but it still happens. This is done on purpose – the fat is not attached to the piece of beef. Market Basket is very convenient in Oxford, but there comes a point when people will be willing to drive elsewhere. So what has happened to your store?
I am an every week shopper at Market Basket in Athol, MA, and love your store, prices, people, etc., so that is why I wanted to tell you of this experience with one of your products.
Over five days ago I sent an email the regular email address to contact you, but to this day, no one has ever replied. So I thought I would put it here to make someone aware of what was in the can of tuna fish. I had even attached photos of the can and what was found in it, in the original email sent to make it easier to see if there was problems in other cans from that particular batch.
I just wanted to make you aware of a situation with a can of tuna fish that I just opened, prepared and tried to consume. At first I thought that it might be a bone, to be expected, but when I spit it out it was a piece of glass, I searched a little more in my sandwich and found yet another piece. I dug the can out of the trash so that I might be able to tell you which batch it came from. Hopefully this didn’t happen in any other cans of tuna.
I have been a customer of MB since I was old enough to shop for my self(currently I am 61). Love the prices, stores etc but….I decided to pick up a part time job there(after my full time job is over) and everything went well except I have a few issues now that I am looking from the other side of the register. I work in Epping at store 63. Some management is super picky to the detriment of the customers. How many customers have told me they don’t want everything stickered, just one with a number?(dozens) Why did the new manager come in and tell us how bad the store was run and he was going to fix it? Now the cashiers can no longer have a water bottle at their registers(OSHA states we can leave any time we feel the need for a drink), the customers think this is ridiculous also. No more decorations in the store which really brightened things up( 17 people have already asked why the school decorations aren’t up and are the fall ones coming). Nit picking on dress codes. I always have made sure to be presentable but MB has not changed with the times on dress. Do you really think customers care if we have a white collar on or what color our shoes are? Not really by the answers I get. Help is not properly trained either. The baggers need a lot more instruction, especially if you want to hire 14-16 YOs. They have never shopped. They need to look at the customer and determine what is called for. Engage with people, help older citizens with bags, and quit talking over the cashiers while they are engaged with the customer. I treat the customer as I want to be treated and as would want my family to be treated. My philosophy has always been that if you are doing a job, you do it to the best of your ability. Does the size of my earrings, or the color of my shoes make a difference in that? Not one wit. It seems that the turn over rate and feeling of responsibility to the job should call someones attention to the little things that make our jobs better for all. I boycotted when the strike happened, so now is the time for MB to help its employees in some little ways also. Thank you
I would like to know why there are 6 people behind the deli counter and only 2 waiting on customers. (Rindge, NH) I just walked away after waiting 15 minutes with the same 2 customers being waited on the whole time, while 4 other deli employees wandered around and some were prepackaging for the display around the corner. When you have 5 people waiting in line it seems to me they should be the priority. There are at least 6 slicers, so lack of equipment is not the issue. This is a constant situation at this location. I will go elsewhere to get my deli meats as this is totally unacceptable.
It’s really a shame they don’t buy from local companies that provide beverages and food. They say they do to look good but when the rubber meets the road they are all talk and turn their backs on local companies.
I always shop @market basket on Lincoln Ave haverhill ma this is the 2nd time I bought shells and cheese in the box with 12 boxes and I got only 11 boxes in it please help me thank u anita
Here is another wonderful opportunity for siting another Market Basket store on Cape Cod!
About 10 years ago, the grocery store on Clay Pond road, in Pocasset, MA closed. Then the Stop and Shop company leased it, and nothing has been done since. Its empty.
I called Market Basket office and talked with one of your CEOs and explained this. He thought that it would be a good idea. Then you opened your great store by the Sagamore bridge, we all shop there. But here is a great opportunity to have a store closer to Falmouth, which would serve the North, West Falmouth area, Cataumet, Pocasset, Monument Beach and more.
The person to contact is Thomas M. Guerino at the Bourne town hall, 508-759-0600 Ext. 1503. This will be a start, but we know that the hold that Stop+Shop has on that property will have to be released. Could they be doing this just to keep Market Basket away? Lets answer that and lets get Market Basket into this location as fast as possible. The building is there, its empty, so GO FOR IT!
I am trying to find out if the Market Basket in Fall River, MA will be opening any time soon.
Yes I am the real person Jay my number is 52483 and you also know my brother he is manager in produce in Fitchburg, so I was honestly telling you the truth about Dave Webber and Alison Goss in store #58 I really did have 2 seizures in the store in February of last year if you want to look at the cameras one was in the break room and one was in the front end on the exact same day, so I think I really do deserve to be switched to grocery I’ve been asking for 4yrs and they say no to me but they let kids switch that aren’t even old enough to work in the other departments.
I would like to write up Dave Webber for not allowing me to switch departments when he’s noticed me have 2 seizures in store #58 and they are both on camera cause why will he keep me outside getting the carriages because what happens if some day i have a seizure and got hit by a car. SECOND OF ALL I WOULD LIKE TO WRITE UP ALISON GOSS FRONT END ASSISTANT BECAUSE SHE IS RUDE TO WORKERS AND CUSTOMERS CAUSE SHE ONLY THINKS OF HERSELF BEFORE ANY OTHER PERSON.
After watching the video of your abusive manager (Rene), I will not shop at your store until he is removed. This man is an animal.
After the fight I witnessed at your Chelsea location today with my kids just a few feet away…..I will no longer be shopping at any of your locations. Now, you may not care that we spend 800-900 a month at your store. But add that up along with others who I’m sure won’t be coming again….it’ll hurt. My kids were terrified and still are.
How sad that a manager from Market Basket in Chelsea Ma, would fight with his employee, while speaking to one of the cashier employees she said that the manager Rene would treat his employees and customers badly and this kid received the worst of it, the employee took his work apron off to leave because he had enough and what happened next was uncalled for, instead of holding back Rene the manager from fighting the employee all of the managers jump on top off the boy pinning him down on the floor. Then Rene starts kicking him and grabs the employee by the pants and pulls them down to his knees all while the employee is pinned down on the floor unable to move or defend himself, then the other workers move Rene away but to a few seconds later let him go and then Rene takes off his coat insinuating he wants to fight more. One of the other managers asked Rene to be quiet a few times and at the end tell him to shut up. I can only express what all of us customers witnessed.
Rene as a manager working there for 9 years you don’t disrespect yet alone fight with your employees or customers, I can’t even imagine how the employee felt being stripped down off his pants in front of so many people and children and being kicked while on the floor and then no one does anything about it. Not knowing what lead to this interaction only they two know but whatever it was, this shouldn’t have happened the way it did especially in front of customer’s, this is why when employees get treated badly at a workplace they fear to speak up because either they’re afraid that no one will believe them and by speaking out they might get fired or gained up against.
#marketbasket #firehim #shameful
*******Please share this video this is the way we can speak up for all those who can’t*******
Quality service- My Fiancé ordered a pizza at west bridgewater,ma. when she got home the pizza was wrong. Being the second time it happened I called and spoke to Manager Joe. He had another pizza made and delivered to my house. Thank you Joe for going above and beyond for your customers.
i think i’m done with market basket. i’ve been shopping there for years but today really did it for me. i shop mosty in their organic isle, and today there was a bin of yellow summer squash with stickers on them that said TODAY’S SPECIAL $1.40 YOU SAVE .59…so i grabbed 7 of them. when i got home, i looked at my receipt as i always do….and more times than not, there is a mistake on my receipt. i was charged $1.99 for all but one of them. they were all together in the same bin. so i drove all the way back to the store and spoke to who i think is a store manager albeit quite young. i showed him the squash with the ticket on it and then my receipt. he pointed out that i was in fact charged $140 for THAT ONE. the others did not have stickers on them. other than looking at me like there was something wrong with me, and talking to me like i was 5….he explainted to me that some of them are marked down, and some aren’t. so i went over to speak to the produce manager and although she was a little nicer to me, they did nothing but defend their position. i said to them, they are all mixed in together, shouldn’t you have the ones that are marked down in a seperate bin? she replied, no cuz then no one would buy them. HUH..????
an “i’m sorry” never once escaped their lips. i realize that i was not charged incorrectly, but market basket is notorious for doing things such as this….i just thought that some had no stickers on them as they all looked pretty much the same. i had a headache by the time i left the store. i was treated as though i was a moron. i won’t be going back. there are quite a few grocery stores in my area….i go out of my way to go to market basket because the prices are so good, but even those are going up. bye bye market basket!
On December 28,2016 I was wrongfully accused of stealing a cosmetic item from my local Market Basket store located in Moss Bluff, Louisiana. The item was not seen in my basket upon checkout by the cashier and when I was far from exiting the building I was approached by their so called “loss prevention officer”, who flashed a city police badge in my face and identified himself as a police office and loss prevention officer for all stores. I was asked to go to the managers office where I was treated as a criminal, arrested and told I am banned from all Market Baskets, and if I return i will be charged with trespassing. I immediately contacted my local DA’s office to inform them of the incident and was told once the proper paperwork was received from the sheriffs office, all charges would be dismissed and thrown out, which they were. I have spent many years shopping at that store along with many of my family members but they, along with me refuse to ever set foot in another Market Basket after being treated that way. But would like to offer some advice to the owner of the franchise, and that is to look into the individual who has been claiming to be a police officer/loss prevention officer for the local stores in my area. I obtained valid information that Ray Loviolette, the person posing as the loss prevention office is infact NOT a police officer because he was fired a few years ago from the Lake Charles police department for sexual harassment. So, there’s a pervert working for the stores and an imposter using a badge that was legally taken from him for his disrespectful behavior causing his loss of his authority. Just some good information worth looking into as to not risk your company being sued over as I plan to do.
This comment section is actually for the Demoulas Market Basket which has locations only in the New England area currently. They don’t have locations in Louisiana. Those are a different chain of Market Baskets.
I have been to the Brockton store once a month for the last 3 months I love the store and employees except the manager Angel who tells me I am no allowed to buy what I want. I also get a lot of attitude from him. I am a senior citizen and beleive in old values. I wish someone would train him in customer service.
Why is it that you weekly circular, that begins on sunday and end on Saturday not on line every sunday. As of this minute (2:22pm, sunday 4/23/17) the is no current flyer available for the week. It appears at least lately the flyer is not available until Mondays. Is this the new trend?
Thank you
I really enjoy my shopping experience at Market Basket, I try to travel up to Oxford at least once a month from Griswold CT. Here is my problem, its Saturday I have yet to receive my flyer which MB sends me and on top of that : The view next week’s ad is still not up. Today is Saturday 4/8/17. Please try to at least fix the website as I try and shop on Sundays. Thanks JP
I have been buying and enjoying the Market Basket light yogurt for many years. However, recently I have noticed that the fruit is missing from the strawberry and blueberry yogurts. Fruit is listed as the second ingredient, but there is not a speck of strawberries or blueberries to be seen, just smooth yogurt. Please offer an explanation.
I have a friend who works at the brockton market basket and the manager need to be trained better because there workers are bolder and better
We love to shop at Market Basket, but the price of lettuce is getting out of hand. As the heads get smaller, the price goes up! Today I paid $1.99 for heads that weighed about 5 ounces – that’s $6.37 per pound! Given the dear price of lettuce, and variability of sizes of heads of lettuce, I suggest that you charge by the pound! Then I wouldn’t have to pick up each head to find the best value (heaviest). Thanks.
Amen to the lettuce rip-off.
Sadly, people are eager to write a negative review and can’t be bothered when something positive happens.
I live in Raynham and shop at your West Bridgewater store because I love the people that work there. I have no complaints with the Raynham store except it is too busy almost all the time. Also, since I lived in Raynham practically my whole life, I of course shopped at the Raynham store when it opened and for many years until West Bridgewater opened.
Was not too happy when the manager, Mr. Quigley left. He was always helpful, courteous and knew his store. You are very luck to have him in your employ as he is surely an asset.
I plan on very soon writing an actual letter to Mr Arthur T. Demoulas and let him know which employees in the West Bridgewater store that deserve praise and how lucky he is to have such caring and loyal employees.
Within the past two weeks, my daughter has found worms in meat bought in the Rindge, NH Market Basket. The first time was in pork. She was so disgusted that she through everything out without thinking to take pictures. The second time, within two weeks of the first episode, was in beef. This time she did take pictures. A vet student family member thought it looked like tapeworm to her.
I don’t know if there is a change in supplier or if this pork and beef are domestically grown, but I am very disturbed that there could actually be two cases within two weeks in different animal meats. My daughter will be pursuing through the store for a refund, but I shop at Market Basket as well and am really disturbed by this. I’m thinking that the FDA may also need to be notified, especially if the meat comes from FDA inspected plants.
I’m not looking for anything except to know that you will investigate this.
Thank you.
A close store to us (Reading) offering sub par offerings….
I would first like to complement MB overall on delivering superior value to us little consumers, and I hope the MB family and exec team continue to prosper and stay healthy!
However, I am writing this not just because of our dissatisfaction but also our local friends and family resonate identical sentiments. They are plain and simple …your Reading MA store is continually out of stock, or simply doesn’t stock MANY basic items. Furthermore, the problem is getting worse to the point where I don’t want to shop in Reading. I shop a few stores regularly… Salem NH, Woburn, and Reading. I am writing this to hopefully catch the eye and concern of your team upper management to correct this very correctable common occurance in reading. Also, hats off to the Salem NH store…!
Truly your fans,
Scott & Deb
I was in your Brockton store on Sunday march 5th . Even though I had a health issue of almost passing out 1/2 way through my order , 4 of your employees went up and beyond what was needed and is one reason I will travel to Brockton from Braintree to do my shopping from now on, of course the 1st reason is your pricing. the employees can to my assistance by having me sit and bringing me a bottle of water , holding my basket at a front line station, while I drove to the bathroom in one of your motorized carts, Angel Rodriques stayed with me from the time I sat , thru the bathroom until my order was rung up. Karla Hernandes & Helena Soares took my cart filled with my shopping and rang up and bagged the order, took payment. I don’t know the young man who helped me to my car and insisted on placing my grocery’s into my trunk , along with the store manager ( Glenn Comois ) who also stayed with me inside the store to make sure I was ok & supervising the entire event. Again all those employees should be given a job well done for going beyond their job description’s and showing that Market Basket has employees who go beyond their job description , concerned ,compassionate , professional & caring individuals. ( give them a bonus ) They earned it, and these are the reasons you’ll have a loyal customer.
For years I have gone to many Demoulas and Market baskets. I found that you had always had a big selection of my favorite soda: Waist Watchers in cans with Splenda. Recently, I was ecstatic to find that Market basket was opening in Plymouth, 2 miles from my Kingston home. I went to the local Market Basket today and was told that you have discontinued Waist Watcher soda in cans and only have 2 liters bottles. For many of us who cannot use Aspartame, this soda was a godsend. You have also discontinued Diet Rite cola, another non aspartame product. with Splenda. I cannot go to more than one market for my daily shopping and as such I will be going to Stop and Shop from now on. I have found that you have removed many brand name items and instead have increased your Market Basket brand name goods. Ultimately you will find that this is not a sound business decision. You will join A and P and others who have gone down this path before.
Barry P. Fisher MD
The MB “brand” soda actually is derived from the Polar brand. I would know because I occasionally help take in vendor deliveries. Not that that information will help or anything. But I just wanted to highlight that not all MB branded products are really from MB themselves.
Nice to be so successful. However, my favorite cinnamon rolls are always sold out a little after noon. How about make more for the day???????
All of you idiots leaving comments on this page clearly don’t realize that this site is simply designed to list corporate headquarter information of companies throughout the United States. Market Basket has nothing to do with this site and will never see a single comment posted. It’s scary to me that it’s probably all adults making these comments, too. Many adults are so quick to put down younger generations, calling them lazy and dumb…Yikes. You’re all so embarrassing. Thanks for the laughs, though!
While it is true that Market Basket does not own this site, it is not true that corporations do not monitor this site. Numerous people have their problems resolved after posting here. Many of today’s companies have Social Media and Internet Customer Service Agents.
Isn’t it also idiotic to make rash generalizations like you just did? Where’s your basis for all this?
I really don’t now what to do anymore.I went with my daughter to the Ashland store,where I’ve been a customer since it open. This what happend,
I’m a disabled person that need a walker to walk from point A to B.
I left my walker with the front personnel like I always have,and for no reason what so ever .on November 2016. After paying for my groceries when my daughter went to get my walker it was GONE. I really felt upset cause it was like a joke to some of the employees that I knew.well let me tell you ,you laughter is not going to bring me back what it a very important item to me. Now my insurance won’t pay for a replacement cause it wasn’t not even 8 months. Thank you so much … my prayers go out to Clowns..
something that was taken from the supervisor station now can’t be compensated.
My kids work there and I’m not trying to get them in trouble but im tired of it every week. The store in gloucester has horrible managers. The manager in charge of the schedule apparently can’t do his job. I’m trying to teach both my kids that work there responsibility but I’m getting tired of Corey never having the schedule ready until late Saturday. Families do make plans that revolve around there kids schedule at work and when it’s Saturday and my kids don’t know what time they work or if they work the very next day is not acceptable. I’ve talked to both my kids and they say the entire store of employees is tired of it.
978 851-8000
The employee handbook states that schedules will be posted Saturday by noon. Many departments in many stores do not get a schedule until Saturday after noon.
Last night about 8:15pm I was in the Market Basket in Ashland, Ma. When arriving at the deli counter I was the only person there, a man behind the counter did not look at me and continued to clean a slicer for almost 5 minutes when I asked him if he would help me he said “wait” and disappeared behind the door. When he came back several minutes later he said someone else would have to help me. After waiting another few minutes another man came out asked me what I wanted. I told him I what I wanted and he said the other man should get that instead of him. It was unbelievable! After that I told them to forget it. I spoke to a man who said he was the manager that evening and he was in disbelief that it even happened. The entire situation was appalling.
It is with great disappointment that I have to post this, I tried calling multiple time to file a complaint, but the corporate number is always busy. I went to the New Bedford store to purchase food for a charity dinner on thanksgiving. After waiting in a long line while the manager and others hung around at his post instead of opening more lines, I had 4 turkeys 2 of different brands. I explained to the cashier, they were for charity, also the 100 bottles of water and 4 gallons of sweet tea. (pretty obvious). The lady bagging ran right over to tell the manager I had 4 turkeys and she did not want me to purchase more than 2. The lady bagging also became rude and insulting, she also failed to put all the groceries of the customer ahead of me in bags jipping the lady of paid for product. When the lady bagging kept being rude to me, I asked to see the manager. He broke off his conversation, came over became rude, the other customers even commented of his rudeness. He did not care of the charity situation and walked away. I asked for his name, he pointed at his name badge and walked away. I did get his name “Angel” even though he tried to prevent me from obtaining his name. The lady in front of me offered to purchase 2 turkeys for me and I purchased the other 2. I pointed out to the trouble starting bag lady while she was causing trouble she failed to do her job and she had to run out to the parking lot to give the lady in front of me her product. As i left the manager was hiding behind a flyer, so I could not read his name tag and the check-out area was in total carious.
It was interesting to see how poorly “Angel” the manager treated paying customers and how rude and poor he did his job! This only proves the old saying “No good deed goes unpunished” By the way i was told I could put my purchase in the car and come back in and buy 2 more turkeys.
Normally when you go to New Bedford the other managers walk up and down checking on things and exchange pleasant hellos with the customers.
978 851-8000
I’m not sure what’s happening in the New Bedford store in the past few months, but it is certainly not the same. Prices keep going up, quality is going down, & customer service is just horrible. As a loyal customer for several years, I don’t understand what’s taking place, but if it continues, I will be shopping elsewhere. I will not spend good money to be treated rudely by your employees. Several of my friends have noticed the same problems & feel the same way.
Not sure what is going on there with quality and service, but prices are pretty steady at the Oxford, MA store and I believe all MB’s have the same prices regardless of area competition. If you wand to see high prices, check out Stop & Shop. Start at the deli, and bring smelling salts because you’re gonna faint.
Veteran Resort-Chapel
101 Stepping Stone Rd
Lee NH 03861
Arthur Demoulas
Demoulas Market Basket
875 East St
Tewksbury Ma 01876
You gave the Homeless Combat Veterans a chance by letting the Veteran Resort-Chapel set our tiny home on a trailer and teach the public about us in your NH store parking lots. At the Lee NH store a Lee resident that does not want us in their town complained and got us removed. We would like your permission to go back to that store any time that we choose to teach the Lee Resident about us. Ignorance cannot be tolerated. A small group of Lee resident does not want us in their town. The Town building inspector office is one of them and gives out false information about our status in the community. Combat Veterans deserve all of our help and we greatly appreciate all that you have done.
There is no reason for the complaint, for we just sit there and let people look at the tiny home and talk about how we give homeless combat veterans a place to come home mentally as well as physically if at all possible.
The Demoulas stores have a great well deserved respect from the public for what you did for your employees. Now we are asking that Demoulas show the same respect for homeless combat veterans Thank you
Peter Macdonald
Lee NH 03824
Plymouth Ma. Store
Hi, sorry to bother you, but i have reached my limit on not bring this to your attention. my Child works at this branch and they have not been treating the employees the same as other locations. the main thing is holding the employee beyond their shift to make sure the store is ready for the next morning they have no idea if they are going to be kept over until the exact end of the shift. still not that bad but people have obligations after their shift end like babysitting, college homework, plans made previously etc. my main problem is that the employee is not allowed to use the phone to call the person that comes to pick them up. there is absolutely no reason why the employee can not call the person responsible to pick them up or there home to notify people of the shift change some parents including myself will go looking for my child if they are not home within a reasonable amount of time after their shift ends and don’t answer their phone. i thought market basket was known for treating their employees great? my child trained at the New Bedford branch and stated that it more pro employee orientated. this shift abuse can be from 15 – 120 minutes as the employees transportation is sitting outside in the parking lot waiting with no notification what is going on. there are also a lot of violations on the Mass labor law, 4 hours worked 10 minute break . it only seems to happen to the employees working the cash registers. there is also automatic 30 minute lunch deduction from the employees paycheck that is messing up paychecks for employees that work let say 4 hours then told to stay past their shift lets say 6-7 hours total and the do not take a lunch. there check is short. they also make sure that if your held over your shift that it never goes past midnight to avoid paying time and 1/2. it seems the store director need a refresher in labor laws and common courtesy. i say the director because all the managers are doing the same thing which tells me they are not the ones making the rules. the manager can look out the front window after closing and see anywhere from 2-9 cars sitting outside with lights on waiting to give the employees a ride home. there is no need of it. it seems that the young employees are being taken advantage of unless they are under 18 then they are treated properly. there shift is always correct. i don’t understand why they cant make the shifts past closing that way they don’t have to have random shift hold overs. it is rare that the employee gets out at their shift end if its at closing and they are over 18 yrs. old
i do not want my child to get fired so i will not be leaving my name sorry. if you have any question you can email me back.
thank you for your time
A few things of note:
1) First and foremost, you’re right. They should be allowed to contact their rides. There’s no excuse for what you and others had to experience.
2) As far as MA labor laws are concerned, a company is only required to give a half-hour unpaid break if the employee works MORE than six hours. You can actually find this at the MA State Labor website [I don’t remember the URL]. 10 minutes breaks are usually given when an employee works 5 hours. However, that’s really company policy and not part of the law as far as I know. So the breaks are sort of courtesy so to speak.
However there’s a caveat. If an employee is doing a closing shift, they [at least the store I’m in] tend to discount the time worked past closing as you never know how long they’ll be past closing. They could be out 5 min after closing, or they could be out 2 hrs after. It’s dependent on how the store conditions are. That part is always a variable. Ex: if you work 5-CL, for all intents and purposes, they tend to look at it as 4 hours, so you don’t really get a break. Additionally, each department is different. Some are scheduled exactly to a certain time past closing. Others have shift that just says closing. The latter is usually the case for checkout and grocery depts.
3) Those under 18 are required to be out by 10pm. Believe it or not, MB is much stricter on that now than in the past. Legally, if I remember correctly, they can work past that [11pm?]. But, for MB, 10pm is the limit. So it’s no surprise that the under-18s get out ‘on time’. Unfortunately, as you have witnessed, those over 18 are not so lucky. As I mentioned earlier, what time you get out depends on the store conditions. Remember what it looks like during Xmas time at a retailer like Target and Walmart? That’s roughly similar in regards to MB in some places. It can get really bad. And there’s no way that can be fixed in a few minutes.
But all that aside, again, you’re correct in that the employees should be allowed to call their rides and keep them informed. Maybe if you contact the main office, they’ll do something about it.
Lastly, they keep them close to midnight? Must be really bad out there.
Think it would be great PR for Market Basket to set up trucks in their parking lots for people to purchase and donate food, water, personal necessity items, to drive down to the people in need down in Louisiana’s flood area. So much attention in the past on Hurricane Sandy, yet these folks are in dire need now.
I went to the Methuen Market basket and bought turkey necks and chips. They were put into 2 separate bags. When I got home I realized that I only had the bag with the chips in it. I went back to the store, but the cashier insisted that I left with both bags. I told her I did not. One of the managers came over and told me that she check the store camera and it showed me leaving with both bags. I called my husband to make sure the other bag was not at home. I remember putting the chips away but not the turkey necks and that were not in the house. The girl at the store refused to give me a refund even though I never received the turkey necks. I never received such lousy service at Market Basket. I will never go to that store again.
I went to my regular Market Basket (Woodbury Avenue, Portsmouth, NH) on Sunday with a coupon I got off the internet. When I handed it to the cashier he said he had NEVER seen this coupon before and it wasn’t scanning. The Asstn Manager asked where I got the coupon and I said on the internet. She said we DO NOT have a website – this is from this page: Website: although the link goes to a dead site. I told her not your website, she then said we do not accept internet coupons anyway. I was stumped as and asked to speak to the Manager. She hesitated and then got the Manager. He took the coupon and said it was a fake and would not honor it. I asked him how I would know its a fake and how he knew. He said he just new and wasn’t going to honor it. I said that there should be something posted in the store if they weren’t going to honor a specific coupon. He told me that it was posted all over the store. I looked around and asked where. He then said it was weeks ago. I then said. The coupon is only valid today 7/24/2016, why would you post it and then take it down before it was valid? Also I go into the store at least two times a week and never saw anything posted. He then said thats too bad they weren’t honoring the coupon and I needed to pay the tab and keep the line moving. He also said that he had seen the coupon in the store many times (although the cashier and bagger – who deal with the consumer – said they hadn’t seen the coupon – since it was only good for that day why would the Manager have seen it previously. Anyway, I emptied my bags and left. What type of scam is Market Basket running? Your Manager tells me there is no Market Basket website – (see above) and you all have no Facebook presence. Also that you do not accept internet coupons – see this from some website doling out Market Basket information – We do know that this store allows:
Double Coupons: No
Internet Coupons: Yes
Mobile Coupons: No
*Currently Market Basket has not released a formal coupon policy for this store.
Basically your store has gone downhill in Customer Service. You have become nothing more than a corrupt corporate entity after your loyal customers supported you during your difficult times. Shame on you Market Basket and on your Management staff for its horrible customer service. I went across town to Hannaford’s and found it to be much more welcoming and accommodating.
Not only do they not have internet coupons the “corporate office HQ ” site (this site) has broken links and no one at HQ reads this. They just DO NOT care any more. Market Basket has become a big joke. I have witnessed multiple fights and police being brought in. I shop a lot and MB is the only store where I have witnessed this. Today I shopped at Shaw’s, they had lower prices on multiple items. the associates were friendly, the shelves and store were spotless, the produce was great quality , and after checking out I received a free flowers, an ice cold bottle of water since it was hot out AND ice pops for the kids!!! Talk about a nice customer experience! Market Basket OPEN YOUR EYES!!
Thanks for letting us know about the broken link. We have updated it. Many companies have social media monitors, who handle customer complaints that are left on this site.
Man, for awhile now Market Basket on Broadway street has declined in customer service and customer relations. Personnel are insensitive, and at times, rude. It’s getting to a point where the good prices don’t matter. It’s too bad staff attitudes are so bad.
What happened to the beloved market basket? On Thursday 7/21 I waited in check out line 26 for over 20 minutes, I had hot food and frozen items. The woman in front of me was trying to use 2 W I C cards. It was a decrace, the police should have been call. The customer said can I call a friend, there were to managers and a cashier trying to figure it out? 75% of her items were already bagged. The boy friend/husband had already taken some of the food outside?
I put all my stuff back into my cart went to check out 27 and asked if they would open it since I waited so long. Mean while the woman behind me also moved to a different check out. Neither of the 2 “managers” would even acknowledge me. It was then that another manager came over and said what is the problem. I told him his staff was ignorant! Oh boy he did not like that, I told him they were since the “manager didn’t even turn around and acknowledge me. His answer to that was for me to leave the store. After 10 minutes in another check out line the circus was still going on in check out 26. 2 people came up to me and said they saw and hear the whole thing. The “big manager” said I was rude, I said it ok to say I’m rude but your employee can’t be ignorant? As I left there were still people in line behind the WIC phony, I told the manager at least close the lane, turn the light off. Shame on market basket
Back when every customer helped fight to keep Market Basket open and get Artie T back in Market Basket was worth saving. Since they reopened they have raised their prices over and over so that it is almost no longer worthwhile making the effort to shop there. I have noticed increasingly that our local Shaw’s has been gaining quite a few customers Maybe not all, but MANY of Shaw’s prices have become much less expensive than Market Basket! The employees in Shaw’s are much more pleasant and helpful and I am always treated as a valued customer. Would you believe that iI am now recognized and greeted in the local store?
In Market Basket, the baggers do not know how to bag groceries, oftentimes just throwing food in haphazardly so that fruits and veggies get bruised, and breads get flattened, It’s time to start training these young employees how to do their job! Also many times the cashier and bagger are too busy discussing their weekend plans and social life to pay attention to the customer. Managers need to remind them that they are there to work and that the customer is IMPORTANT!!! I have started do the majority of my weekly shopping at Shaw’s since they seem to value me as a customer, it is easier to shop and not have to fight down the aisles blocked by employees “gabbibg” as they restock shelves, Shaw’s has also seemed to be aware of prices enough to fight for gaining customers by lowering their prices whereas Market Basket just keeps raising them. I think Market Basket should hire a “secret” shopper to start checking out area prices and try to get back to being more competitive.
I also do not appreciate the fact that there is no way to contact headquarter management to discuss these complaints and more. Your customers saved the store once but I am not so sure they feel the same any longer. I have overheard many customers discussing the issue that Market Basket is now taking advantage of their customers. I would say that all businesses deserve to make money but they must also stay competitive. Shaw’s has been MUCH less expensive on so many items lately that I do not feel any need to continue shopping and supporting what I now am beginning to feel is price gouging, Just because you earned loyalty once does not mean you can neglect that customer base now.
I wonder how many other customers are feeling this same way? There may be areas that do not have multiple grocery stores to compare but I happen to have Aldi’s, Shaw’s, Hannafords, Walmart, and Market Basket. I have a choice and I am well aware of all the area prices. Of t those 5 grocery stores – 2 are earning new customers and becoming winners, Great job Aldi’s and Shaw’s!
phone is 978 851-8000 pass it out to everyone!
lori.yutzy at
I am looking for corporate sponsorship for our Local Diaper Bank. I am a part of The Wish Project in Lowell, MA. We are proud member of the National Diaper Bank. We depend on diaper donations to supply the families in need and was looking at Market Basket to possibly be a part of this effort.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you, Lori Yutzy
To be honest I dk to call home office or health commissioner to report it. But I visited. Bellingham mass. Store. Maybe a few days ago. I seen 1 of employees touching his privates and his noses then touching the fish and deli meats without changing his gloves. It was so gross. Made me sick for days thinking about it. I ended. Going to pre packaged ones instead I seen his name was William just beware over there
I have shopped at the Seabrook demoulas / market basket for over 30 years and have never been treated so disrespectfully!!The young lady Nicole who apparently runs the front of the store acted as if I was bothering her my cashier needed a price check she huffed and rolled her eyes as she walked to a phone when she came back she curtly told the cashier the price and looked at me and again rolled her eyes.This is not the first time I have seen this sort of attitude and disrespect from her.My 91 year old neighbor has stopped shopping there.She has to have help out to her car loading her groceries and she was very upset and shaken when she got home from what she said was the most angry young lady she has ever met.And felt as though she was an inconvenience.Such a shame that they allow this Nicole to behave so.I will be shopping at the Walmart with my neighbor from now on.
Fyi- she no longer works there…
I went to market basket on may 26, 2016 in New Bedford, Ma. to pick up a few items. I used my debit card to pay for the purchases which totaled to $ 35.17 I wanted cash back of $ 30. I swiped my card and The cashier Alexsis R. Took her cell phone out of her pocket looked at the register screen and starting punching numbers into her cell phone. I asked her what she typed into her cell phone and expression was like a deer caught in headlights, ALexsis informed me she was adding my sale of 35.17 and the total cash back of 30. so that she would know the total. I told her she better not be entering my account number into her phone. I told her I have never encounted this action before at the store by any cashier. Now if I am not mistaken isn’t that what computerized modern technology registers are for? I have gone to this market basket quite often , and I have requested cash back on different occasions and never have I seen a cashier take a phone out to total. I think this is appalling and pathetic that a cashier can’t add $30. To a sale of $35.17 and this cashier has been with market basket for a year of service. Maybe they should take a closer look at this cashier. It’s unfortunate but this incident that transpired today doesn’t sit well with me so I guess I will take my business elsewhere.
I do plan on calling in regard to my “Mean Girl” deli representative and making sure that my experience is heard and rectified for future Market Basket customers.
To Whom It May Concern:
I will start off by saying I worked for Market Basket for years. This company offered me my first job and had seriously taken care of me as an employee for 6 years, and a customer over 26 years as well has taken good care of my children as employees and customers. I became a very loyal customer due to how well I was treated as an employee and customer of Market Basket including employees that worked for Market Basket of whom I worked with over 20 years ago who still work for Market Basket. As an employee my Manager’s took care of me and Market Basket’s flexible schedule allowed me to work great hours, go to College to earn a degree, and allowed me to make enough money to live on my own. They taught me as a child about work, work ethics, about what it takes to be a good employee, about team work, and good customer service skills. I know customer service when I see it and when I have a person who offers good customer service I will let that person know. Sometimes that one good customer service interaction with a customer can make another person’s day. I now work in the accounts receivable end things. We all know that it can be a negative job and really be a downer at times for the smaller financial industry. But due to my customer service skills I had learned I usually get a thank you from my customers and very positive feed from my customers.
Today I went grocery shopping with another individual. The store was busy. When I had made it to the deli counter there had to be about 12 people maybe a little more. I had my own order and the individual had their own order. We both had 2 different tickets with our individual orders at the deli counter. I made my order with a male deli servicer and the individual I was with had a female deli service representative named Karen. A younger looking female in her 20’s, darker blonde hair, blue eyed young lady. I only had 1 item to order from my deli service representative I was pretty much done. The individual whom I was with had a large list of items they were shopping for so where they had such a large list they asked me to finish their 2 more items for their deli order so that they could finish the rest of the items on their list seeing as I was done with my order and my list was short. So when the young lady named Karen come to drop off the item the individual had ordered she placed it in front of me because the individual I was with left to finish his shopping. She asked if there was anything else? “I stated Yes” I continued with the individuals request “He wanted me to order a 1/4lb of Genoa Salami.” She stated oh wait isn’t someone else waiting on you. I stated I was finished with my order this was for the person she was waiting on originally. He had not finished his order and requested that I finish it for him. So she went over and sliced up the Genoa Salami and came back over to me. SLAPPED the Salami on the counter, and RUDELY and SARACATICALLY stated to me with a very noticeable SMIRK on her face ” THHANK YOU AND HAAVE A NICE DAY!” Stated just as I had written it. She didn’t even ask if there was anything else she could get. she then walked away as if to make sure that I could not order any more items from her. So needless to say I could NOT finish the deli order. I was very upset over the rudeness I had just received and the treatment I had just received. I took the Salami and snatched it off the counter and walked away feeling VERY ANGRY. I looked for the individual I was ordering for to apologize for missing the rest of their order. BUT as I was walking away from the deli counter I wasn’t that far when I heard the young lady Karen and another women whom she worked with do this VERY RUDE and EMBARRASING “AWWWEEEE DID THAT BOTHER HER!?” Like I had noted earlier I wasn’t that far that I could not see out of the corner of my eye, and not hear her with the other female. So seeing as I know for a fact what she had stated out loud and saw from the corner of my eye. I turned around very quickly and started to marched over to the deli counter and saw her DART to the back behind swinging door as if to act like the whole situation did not happen and she wasn’t there. However, I did see her from the corner of my eye and know for a fact what she said out loud in front of over 15 customers and about 5 other employees. I shop there at least once a week and go in there and bump into kids my children have gone to school with and their parents. People I know shop there and I bump into people I know all the time. I really would not have made a complaint seeing as I do understand customer service can be over whelming, and it was a busier Sunday. However, when I heard the demising “MEAN GIRLS” verbal humiliation aimed toward me in front of over 15 customers and 5 Market Basket employees I decided I will make a complaint because I don’t EVER, EVER, want to be treated in such a way as I was today. I really feel an EFFORT needs to be taken so that NO CUSTOMER EVER HAS TO FEEL this demised as I have and belittled. In the future I really hope to received better customer service and for Karen to be trained on customer edict with her co-employee or employees who followed her in her “MEAN GIRL” , “BULLYING” customer service skills.
The brockton market basket is not a good place and I wish they get that greedy girl Karala out of Management
The brockton market basket is not a good place and I wish they get that greedy girl Karala out of Management because she is a bully to her workers at the check out in brockton . She need to be a regular people she is not ready yet.
They need to institute a drug policy and enforce it.
Trying to contcat customer service to let you know of a potentially hzerdous issue and there appears to be no e-mail for either store or company that allows me to send such an e-mail (with pictures of the issue)
I wonder how can a person with a sexual harassment case and being illegal can be a manager
Please make the spouts on your half and half “half gallon” containers the larger ones as found on almost all your other dairy products. For some reason, the spouts have changed to the current short variety which makes for a very annoying and messy pour. The longer spouts used to be on these and all was fine. I will change to another brand if the short spouts continue.
This is all due to a shortage of long spouts, naturally, but standards must be kept. The short spouts are simply not ever “easy pour ” !
I work in Biddeford me. but live in n.h.When in your biddeford store shopping I pick up shields hot dogs in your meat dept.when I shop in Portsmouth they do not have them in the meat dept.could you please start carrying the 1lb package they are terrific. thank you for yor time
Hi, i was in the Oxford MA location on December 23rd. My daughter and I were picking out a cake for her 11th birthday. Andrea the bakery associate was great. After writing my daughters name on the cake she sang Happy Birthday to her. It might seem like a small gesture to you but it made my daughters day. I hope this letter finds its way to oxford branch so Management is made aware of this kind deed.
Love your store. I have to travel 4o miles to get there. In Ossipee Nh, there is only 1 full size grocery store and it’s not as good as market basket. Also they have no competition, so they get all the business.Would love to have a new store in town.
I love your store. When will you be coming to the Fall River area. We should need you here
I just wanted to let you know how very disappointed I was to see you recent 2 week flyer with your Happy Holidays title. Last year you had Merry Christmas on your flyer and I let the managers of my local market know how happy I was that you had that!
Please bring back Merry Christmas in the future!
Disappointing to run into Market Basket, grab a salad & head to work. And then…
find out that the salad has *none* of what the packaging said would be in it. Just measured – an eight of a teaspoon of blue cheese and 6 (yup, counted them, SIX) cranberries were in the “Salad With Walnuts, Cranberries & Blue Cheese”
Wow – 6! Tried to email but the contact link on the /#respond page is broken.
Market Basket – what happened to you? Bait & Switch wasn’t why we rallied around you during the recent management crisis. If you need to charge another 50 cents or a dollar, do it. But stop the deception, please. Hardworking people count on you while on the run to work!
I am not sure what has happened to being responsible for advertising, but yet again ran into a very misleading ad in the weekly circular. There on the front page of this weeks circular, was a picture of a bonus pack of charmin toilet paper, clearly marked 25% bonus, 30=60 rolls. The ad did mention a 24pack.When questioned at the sevice desk, I was told that it was a marketing error. Is this a “bait and switch” ploy.Has market basket now turned to these deceiteful games. I would hate to think that the demoulas would stoop to this. I have been a patron for many years and feel people and business should be accountable. This is one of multiple marketing errors.
Yesterday I did all my Thanksgiving shopping at your Bellingham, Ma store. I bought a can of Bewley’s Irish Cream coffee ($5.99) which I was looking forward to drinking last night. After I opened the can and brewed some, my husband noticed the ‘best before’ date on the can is SEPTEMBER 2015 (lot 4254). What a disappointment! This coffee should not have been on the shelf! Please advise your store to remove any other cans that are past their ‘best by’ dates so no one else buys this expired coffee.
The old Kmart store’s location in the same shopping plaza as your Woodbury Av. Portsmouth NH location would make the ideal spot to move the current store, located on the opposite side of the plaza. It’s larger, and could be renovated up to today’s standards like your wonderful new locations in Epping and Seabrook, NH. It would be great not to freeze from the Artic cold and wind, while checking out in the colder months. I’m sure your terrific cashiers and baggers would agree! Thanks.
Please start paying attention to your Romaine Lettuce -3 pack bags. They have been so gross for well over a year. Old, floppy, and brown almost to rotting. I have given up on purchasing them from Market Basket. I deliberately switched to your stores last September. I want to support your employees and your company. But I buy a lot of produce, and the Romaine Lettuce 3-packs are better absolutely horrible quality. I have to go to Hannafords or Shaws to buy our lettuce. The cuXXXXbers could use a quality control eyeballs as well. This is so frustrating for me. I want to go to ONE grocery store, not three. Also, I don’t want to hear “that the truck isn’t here yet …”. How about PLANNING ahead?!!
Market Basket is no more for the people. I shop at MB in Haverhill, MA and within the past 2 months I have had a couple of pretty bad experiences. The first one was when I returned a sour gallon of milk on my way to work (at the Market Basket in Tewksbury). The woman wanted to know if I had a receipt, where I bought it and how long ago. I told her I bought it in Haverhill but had to go by Tewksbury on my way to Tyngsboro for work. I didn’t have a receipt but it was “Market Basket” milk and the expiration date (which was 5 days later than the date it went sour” was on it. She was rude and when I told her I wanted my money back. So much for the customer is always right. The next incident was just this evening when I returned garlic that was totally green mold when I opened it. I am 71 years old and will not pay for something no matter how small if I can’t use it. Again they made me wait around 10 minutes while they discussed this garlic. Finally they handed me 36 cents. I purchased more garlic around the same size and it costs me 67 cents. I asked a male worker at the front of the store how they came up with 36 cents and all he could do was apologize. He made no attempt to correct the issue. How humiliating to be given 36 cents like I was a charity case. Is it because I am elderly and they couldn’t be bothered? Or is this the way people get treated now? I work with people everyday and treat them like I want to be treated. Shame on Market Basket for hiring such rude people. They should not be in customer service working with the public.
Veteran Resort-Chapel
* Stepping Stone Rd
Lee NH 03824
Demoulas Market Basket
875 East St
Tewksbury, Ma 01876
Homeless Combat Veterans in NH is a growing population. Watch the 3-minute film to learn about the growing problem across the USA. The Veteran Resort-Chapel is a non-profit 501c-3 that my wife and I started and gave 11 –acres of land free and clear to build tiny homes for homeless veterans. We have the first one built and it is on the web film. We also have a tiny home on a trailer to take around NH to teach the public about Homeless veterans in NH. We would like your permission to take our tiny home to your business around NH for a few hours at a time. We sell nothing and we would ask the store manager at each stop for their permission and suggestion to locate. If the manager does not want us for any reason we just leave.
We carry 2 million dollar liability insurance, as it is required at fairs and other events. We park the trailer out of the way at each location and allow the public to see a tiny home that we are building for homeless veterans. We are asking for your permission to take our tiny home to your different locations around NH for a few hours at a time to teach the public about homeless Veterans.
I can be reached at home 603-659-6217 or at the Veteran Resort-Chapel site any time. Helping Homeless Combat Veterans is the responsibility of all so can you let us teach those that want to learn at your different locations.
Thank You
Peter Macdonald Sgt USMC Semper Fi
To whom it may concern,
I loved shopping at your stores in Danvers and Rowley. I have since moved but have found a great location nearby that would be great for a new store for you folks. There is a vacant commercial lot on Rte. 8 in North Adams just north of the Adams town line. There is no structure so new construction would be easy. There is already a set of redlights to handle traffic in and out of the lot. I do not currently have contact info for the property owner unfortunately.
Our area needs an organization like yours that stands for its customers and families. Please consider this information.
Jason Levesque
I have been buying your Dark Chocolate with Caramel bars. They are very good. But lately 1 out every 3 bars the caramel is stuck to the paper. I buy a lot of these bars. They are a good chocolate fix. It ends up being very frustrating and I have to throw some of the bar away. I hate to have to change bars but I might have to. I hate throwing money away like that. Hopefully it was just a temporary mishap.
two weeks ago while shopping at Market Basket on Haverhill Street in Methuen there was a 20 items or less line come to find out I had 21 items the associate flash the lights and had to get manager approval. Four days later I was in the same line with the different associate a Hispanic woman in front of me had 39 items and was allowed to just go right through with no flashing lights and no manager approval. I complained to the manager on duty and told him that it was racist he laughed at me and took no concern in my complaints. Today August 30, 2015 my mother fiancé and myself entered your other Market Basket in Lawrence I cannot remember the name of the street but I dealt with Rooly penalte, esterven alverez and pulina Valentina…… It all started with me doing the shopping first by grabbing an ado $11.99 carpet some chicken and a few other things I still have the receipt I went to the 20 items or less and I had 24 items in my cart before I even made it into the line Paulina waved her arms at me and said I’m not going to deal with this I’m not going to do everyone else is going to follow behind which obviously if you check the date and time on receipt you will clearly see what she had done I asked for her manager her manager came over and he was polite and courteous and he continued to have my check out completed when they scanned the carpet it came up as 24.99 but the price tag on it was $11.99 when he came back the price tag was ripped off and he said the big boss says you have to pay $25 because that’s what they sell for so I asked to speak to the big boss. He came down with an attitude and snickered at me and said what do you want me to do it was missed marked there’s nothing I can do the price is what it is I continue to buy the rug anyway but having dealing with these two situations in less than a month is out rages especially when I was one of the customers who back to Market Basket and stuck by Artie and wouldn’t shop anywhere else I am out raged and upset and this needs to be dealt with I feel that I am owed $12 by your company and an apology by two out of the three employees who were completely out of line with their actions and treatment towards me.
I honored the strike at the time. The only stores is Seabrook NH are 2 Market Baskets. Very much an inconvenience, but thrilled for the outcome. Now, as a weekly shopper,(sometimes more), there is one issue I would like to bring to your attention. As a “highly allergic” to cologne, perfume person. I once brought home my groceries and the odor of perfume on the bags and my food was ungodly strong. I called the manager about this and he apologized and said he would bring it up at the next meeting The 2nd time was a bit more disturbing. The cashiers perfume was so strong, I asked to the front end manager to help me, I left my purse “opened” at the end of the register, told the person I needed to leave immediately, that I was having an attack. When I could catch some of my breath, I returned to find my opened purse unattended, and the front end manager bagging several registers away.
The worst is when I spoke with the manager, he was uncaring,never asked if I needed help and told me that “There is no policy on colognes/perfumes”, I have worked in the food industry for years, and although there is no written policy, it is well known that such colognes/perfumes are discouraged. Medically, it can be life threatening for people, purchase wise, there is nothing worse that having your food and bags smell like perfume/cologne. Please, Market Basket, MAKE your employees refrain from using these possibly life threatening colognes/perfumes. The food industry is NO place for them.
I shopped to day in the Nashua NH store across from the Mall at 3:00 Saturday, August 22. I was looking for some Proseco and a very nice woman named Kate who was walking with a case of bread, stopped to help me. She was very helpful, going to look in storage to look. She spent a long time trying to help me. Just wanted you to know that the staff are awesome…Wouldn’t shop anywhere else. Tell Kate Thank you.
I was distressed when reading an article on facebook and saw a hateful reply posted by one of your managers, Steve Gelinas. Now, everyone has a right to post whatever they’d like. I support that freedom of speech. However, he has set up his Facebook profile so that “Manager at Market Basket” comes up next to posts like ” libtard M***holes!” and suggestions to kill Ferguson protestors. I disagree with what he’s saying, but support his right to say it. I think it’s concerning that your brand name is associated with what he is saying because of the way he’s set up his Facebook.
Hello! I am a customer and at one point in my life, I was an employee. I was unhappy today when I went to buy ten $5 gift cards (for prizes.) I was told I was unable to do this. However, I was just able to do this a couple weeks ago, was made to feel like an idiot for even saying that, but I have the receipts to prove it. Your wording on the paper part of the gift card packaging just says, ‘amounts up to $100,’ so $5 should be acceptable. Plus, you should love it that I’ve chosen your store to award with 10 customers. Who goes into Market Basket just for one item? Never happens for me! Thanks for your time!
I shop at the Chelmsford Market Basket. This weekend I had an upsetting run in with an employee from Olympic Sports. She demanded I move my carriage. First of all, Olympic sports is a renter, they do not own the property. Secondly, this person was very disrespectful. Who is she to tell me where I can leave my carriage. If that is the kind of renters you choose to have. If so I will have to take my business somewhere else. I can go across the street to Stop and Shop.
veteranresortchapel is our web site to help homeless veterans. we are asking your permission to sit in your parking lots at different times and locations to teach people about homeless US military veterans. we sell nothing but we do have a mini home on a 10′ trailer so people can learn about us. if you go on the web site above the doXXXXentory film will show you what we are about. Thank you Peter Macdonald
I purchased a 25 oz package of Artificially Flavored Vanilla Creme Cookies. I normally enjoy these treats and have purchased many times. However the cookies in the last package I purchased were contaminated by some black – brown substance in the cookie part. I discovered this after eating a few cookies. I’m not sure if it’s bug parts, chocolate, machinery lubricant, or other filth or contamination. Whatever it is its gross and a sign of poor SSOP’s, poor equipment cleaning or maintenance practices, or other poor or lacking SOP’s (yes I’m in the food manufacturing business). The only thing I could find for coding on the package is: 187891 0215M 2. UPC49705 08356. I have photos, contaminated cookies, and the original bag if you’d like more info. Also, when trying to find contact info for this incidence the package had no such info just the Distributed By statement as required by law. I tried the store website and was directed to a Butterfinger add. The corp website apparently had a server that was down and your email address etc was not working.
Hi, I have shopped Market Basket for many years, loved your products and prices. Thursday 6-18-15 I shopped store #6 265 S Broadway Salem, NH 03079 and was very upset by the quality of the produce department’s items, first All the strawberries were such poor quality I asked the manager bring out a new tray and not one package had enough fresh to buy, then the tomatoes were actually rotten not just soft , I did end up with nectarines and watermelon that had no taste, the milk dept. had no small containers so I had to buy 1/2 gal and throw the rest out it did not last. I realize the cost of your products has gone up and I do understand but I will not pay for products of poor quality. I spend over $200.00 and still had to go to Shaw’s for produce. Please address this matter or I’ll be forced to shop else were. Thank you Phyllis DeAngelis 20 Lancaster Farm Rd. Salem, NH. 03079
Please contact me. I have been trying to find your corp email address for an hour w/o success, so I am forced to lodge this in this forum:
Lisa Breault
Good morning,Yesterday I met an Angel at your 167 S.Broadway in Salem,NH store.Sometimes I question if there is kindness and true good hearted people left in the world.To have my question answered while shopping at your store brought me to tears.Roberta C the name on the Angels name tag seen I was short when it came time to pay for my groceries.I wasn’t just a few dollars short it was upward of over 10 dollars.I started to feel embarrassed I had my 2 yo son with me and requested I remove some items from the belt.She kindly told me no that she wanted to cover the difference I pleaded with her that it’s fine.She also asked if there was anything else I needed or would like.After going in what looked like her paycheck from the money she had just earned to pay for my groceries she handed me the change and said for me not to be with no money.You hear of these gestures from celebrities during the holidays.My heart cried and I wanted to embrace her with all the gratitude and happiness she gave me yesterday.She did not judge,or skip a beat when it came to showing her true self.Roberta is truley the kindest most generous person I’ve ever met in my life.Roberta C. maybe thought it was a small gesture that made not much of a difference in a person’s life.I’m a mom of 4 and have been homeless for over a year,I live with my entire family in a hotel room and work overnights n some days just to provide good healthy meals and try to give my children everything they need to never feel the effects of being homeless.She met me with only 1 child with me and I don’t look homeless.The food she helped me buy was more than needed and the reminder that not all is so bad will last a lifetime for me!I wish there was a way I can show Roberta C. The wonderful impact what her caring and thoughtfulness did for me and my families life yesterday.A smile can touch a soul that was in need of healing .Roberta’s smile and kindness gave me such motivation to stay positive and believe that things will get better & are possible.Your a lucky company to have an Angel working for you.Thank you from the very bottom of our hearts!!! #payitforward
Hi my name is Arianna McKenna and I am a current employee for store #13 261 Daniel Webster Hwy, Nashua, NH 03060… And I as an employee am taking it upon myself to write this email because I have many concerns about store #13…. I have noticed with some of the fellow employees that are cashiers most of them have poor customer service and are giving their customers an attitude or they are throwing the customers groceries down the belt and damaging things… But my biggest one is with the weather getting hotter and hotter by the day being upfront as a cashier they do not have the Air Conditioning on in checkout which is causing several employees to pass out because of the heat upfront.. And last I would like to just say that a couple of the checkout assistants have really horrible respect towards most of their fellow employees. I have noticed that they also favor everybody upfront which I personally think is disrespectful and unprofessional and I have noticed that problem with one of the store managers too. Frank talks to who he wants too and with the rest of us that he does not like for some unknown reason he treats us like we are nothing…. Anyways thank you so much for taking the time to review my concerns about my store
Purchased two boxes of M/B brand Woven Wheats Rosemary and Olive Oil crackers on May 19, 2014. Upon opening the first box, I discovered they were, in fact, PLAIN, with no rosemary flavor at all. Opened second box – same thing. Use by dates are only 6 weeks out, btw, not sure if that is standard for crackers… Assuming this was a packaging error, and that the inner bags were put into the wrong boxes in production. I will remedy the situation by dunking the crackers in my homemade rosemary hummus. Just thought you might want to know about the slip-up.
I love the stores and whenever I go there the staff is friendly and helpful.. I was also one of the loyal customers that participated in the boycott.
However, some of your managers and supervisors desperately need training. When I am standing in a busy line and a managers yells yes yells at the bagger for not moving fast enough or calls him or her an idiot it leaves the door wide open for other problems.
I have also witnessed discipline being given openly instead of being professional out of customers ears. If you allow this to fester you may very well be in a lawsuit involving a hostile work environment.
You are very correct! I am a pt employee for MB and have witnessed this on several occasions. It is not only degrading for us but it is down right rude and uncalled for. This happens way too often. I was among many who fought for the company last summer but I can promise that I will never again. We are treated very poorly as part time associates. We work hard and give it our all but get our hours cut often. Even during an already scheduled work day, we get sent home to save the company but yet the full timers get all their hours and then some. I was happy when I first started with the company but now..I am completely disgusted. I apologize for you having to witness the horrible behavior. Your visit with MB should be pleasant all around!
Even at Shaw’s the part time is getting beat up since minimum wage was increased…
My wife and I moved to MA about 18 Months ago but prior to taking residency we had been introduced to Market Basket through our children who have been residents and faithful customers for more than 10 tens. We are very happy with your company, staff, products and the customer service you provide. My one concern is that you carry toy guns among your merchandise. I feel, considering the events involving guns in our society today, that it would behoove your company to reconsider carrying such products as I’m sure you in no way want to encourage their use by children weather authentic or toys. I hope you give this matter your immediate consideration. Thank you for the opportunity to express this concern.
Last April I bought 2 jars of Mezzetta Grape leaves. I only used 1 but do know that they have a 3 year shelf life , per the company. On checking the date codes with the company I discovered that when I bout these they were already 2 months short of their 3 year shelf life. I was urged to throw away the jar but was disappointed with the poor product rotation at Market Basket.
we have been customers of MB for over 25 years however the last two times we have gone to the Bedford NH store we have come home with many of our groceries destroyed. We came home yesterday and the person bagging our food, put extremely heavy items in with items such as bread, chips, etc. our cream was popped open because it was put in the bottom of the bag with heavy items. We lost approximately $60 worth of food. This is a huge hit in our budget. Not the same bagged either as the week prior. Better training needed??? We will be going someplace else
I would love to see Market Basket construct some stores in N.New Hampshire.
There is little or no competition;therefore,the local stores are gouging us
terribly.You would be wonderful addition to the North Country.
I wrote about a week ago and have not heard anything from Market Basket about my stressful, upsetting experience at your Chelsea store. It was a detailed message regarding my shopping experience as a mobility impaired shopper. On Friday Jan. 23rd. I had to be transferred along with my groceries to THREE DIFFERENT motorized carts after each one died one after the other… At one point, I was stuck at the back of the store with no power and no help from front who just sent message that there were no other motorized carts available. I WAS LEFT IN TEARS TRYING TO SHOP, MEET MY PERSONAL CARE ATTENDANT, AND RUSHING TO CATCH MY HANDICAPPED RIDE. Store manager Bob, finally came and PUSHED me when notified THAT 2ND CAR FAILED. Awful experience… If it wasn’t for Bob and Raquel who pushed car and waited with me WHEN THE 3RD CAR FAILED for THE RIDE, This shopping trip was extremely stressful and I am a long-time customer at MB. I will not shop at any MB until I hear from Corporate with assurance that this will NEVER happen again. More than 3 working handicapped cars should be available for this big store. Also, compensation for this experience should be made. Insult to injury paying over $60.00 for purchases. I won’t be shopping at MB until I hear response that MB cares…
You know Market Basket doesn’t read this because the company doesn’t actually have any online forums or websites right? If you have a complaint write a letter. They’re old school and nobody from corporate is going to respond to this simply because they won’t see it.
I would like to see you open a store in Portland, ME. North of Biddeford. My idea would be Thompson’s point. A new delvelopement.
I live in newton and I am happy that you opened a store in Waltham,My friends in Newton are all excited to get those low prices at Market Basket Not only that you have the best prices but have a great group of workers Best of luck Arthur t. and your employees.
A week ago a friend introduced me to your store in New Bedford. Best supermarket ever.
I live in Swansea Ma. which is about 20 miles from the New Bedford store. Thats quite a hike. Do you plan to open any stores in the Swansea/ Seekonk area?
I have been a loyal customer for well over 20 years, and it sickens me to see these games that are being played with all of your employees. All the public threats and letters you are sending out to the employees of Artie T. is only confirming that the current CEO’s of Artie T.’s company are complete idiots!
First of all, you can threaten to fire everyone if they do return to work by Friday August 15,2014 that they will be fired , so what will you threaten the customers with when we don’t return?
I know most of you all were born with silver spoons in your mouth, know that Artie T.’s employees work very hard for what they have in their life, and the customers who fill that silver spoon in your mouth , we work hard too. you CANNOT demand respect from any of us, you show none, you get none!
Secondly these trucks that you are having dropped and run at stores are bringing food out of code and expired. As a customer i am insulted that you would want any of us to feed it our family’s. you should be ashamed for running the companies name into the ground and insulting the customers like you have. We have fed your family;’s for years and this is our appreciation from you? Its disgusting .
you cant fire the customers, when Artie T. take his earned place in the company is when the employees and customers will return. you are only bring communities together with your selfish actions. we are helping those with out their jobs, we are pulling together and only getting stronger. Stronger in numbers!
What is it 4 of you? Everything you do is in the public eye, we the customers have been given of a small view of how you treat employees and now these rotted food trucks that you want us to purchase shows us how you think of us!
Do the right thing and end this and take Artie T.’s offer his original one, without your sneaky bad business tricks or clause .
I wish you luck , someone has to, your about to ruin yet another company and more lives. Karma will come around and i hope you ended up working for someone just like your self!
As a customer who spends $210.00-270.00 a week at Market Basket i QUIT until Artie T is back!
shame shame shame….
I just left Hannaford’s very worried because they have upped their prices since the only competition in this town is Walmart. Its time to stop acting like a child having a temper tantrum and finish this. I have been a loyal customer for 18 years, and I am so impressed with the commitment the employers and customers have shown. The local support is overwhelming. I met 5 friends in Hannaford’s today, all of us disgusted..and ONLY buying necessities. Three of us are on limited incomes and are very worried about how we are going to be able to afford to eat.
Please …what are your share holders thinking? Our Market Basket is our family, we know the employees as individuals, and we want them BACK