Marathon began in 1887 as the Ohio Oil Company, led by Henry M. Ernst. The company becomes the largest oil producer in Ohio.
In 1889, Standard Oil purchases the Ohio Oil Company.
In 1905, the company headquarters move from Lima, Ohio to Findlay, where they remain today.
In 1911, Ohio Oil again becomes a separate company when the Standard Oil monopoly is broken up.
In 1962, the company changes its name to the Marathon Oil Company.
In 1982, the company is purchased by the United States Steel Company.
In 1998, Marathon merges with Ashland Oil to form Marathon Ashland Petroleum LLC.
In 2002, Marathon is spun off as a separate company and is listed on the NYSE.
Today, Marathon Petroleum is one of the largest oil refiners and transporters in the US. They currently operate over 5100 Marathon gas stations.
Marathon Oil CorporationMarathon began in 1887 as the Ohio Oil Company, led by Henry M. Ernst. The company becomes the largest oil producer in Ohio.
In 1889, Standard Oil purchases the Ohio Oil Company.
In 1905, the company headquarters move from Lima, Ohio to Findlay, where they remain today.
In 1911, Ohio Oil again becomes a separate company when the Standard Oil monopoly is broken up.
In 1962, the company changes its name to the Marathon Oil Company.
In 1982, the company is purchased by the United States Steel Company.
In 1998, Marathon merges with Ashland Oil to form Marathon Ashland Petroleum LLC.
In 2002, Marathon is spun off as a separate company and is listed on the NYSE.
Today, Marathon Petroleum is one of the largest oil refiners and transporters in the US. They currently operate over 5100 Marathon gas stations.
To whom it my concern my name is Dale Davis I was at one of your gas station on may 6 2019 an I slip on some oil when I came out the door I sprained my knee also I tore ligaments in my knee I also hurt my hip I have been in therapy for two months I need to talk to someone about this problem my phone number is 724-971-XXXX
The manner you handled the credit card cancellation was a debacle and as one having marketing experience it is totally unprofessional. You said nothing about a replacement or what leaving customers like us who have been such for close to 30 years in wonder. Even your own depots were upset with how it was mishandled. As a result Marathon will be losing our business and we spent more than just gas so your depot owner is a big loser also.. We will be going to another oil company that knows how to treat their customers. You will be lucky if we do not file a class action lawsuit but for sure social media gets it and spreads the word through broadcast . Very sad way to abuse valued customers.
Please call Gregory Neary 860)983XXXX new Site approved and ready to go
Hi: i’m from west branch,mi. i’ve done some investigating and everywhere i go, your prices are higher in west branch. 20 cents higher.
WHY ?? bring the prices down. i don’t like being ripped off
thank you
I live in Enterprisee Al
Why are your gas prices 20 cents higher than other gas stations. Are you price gouging us because of HARVEY?
Hello,My name is Susan Graves I live in Bloomfield Indiana there is one of your gas stations here in Bloomfield aka picinic basket,anyway the new owners hired what has to be the most hateful,rudest clerk or human being that I’ve ever come across and I used to be a bar tender if that tells you anything…we meaning the whole town just about has complained to the owners on multiple occasions to no avail his attitude still doesn’t change…I’m to the point that I’m ready to start a petition and picket out front of the building informing any and everyone not to go there…I’m so embarrassed for the owners and for the Marathon brand how could they allow such a horrible person to represent them and the Marathon Brand is totally beyond me…our town is rather small and you know what they say about small towns but I guarantee one thing the opinions about that man that works the night shift at the picinic basket aka Marthon gas station will all be the same and pardon my language but that man is the biggest a-hole anybody has ever met…now if you want people like that representing your brand than please disregard this and I along with anybody I can get the word to will start taking our business to Hucks which is right down the road..but really I would hope that your company does care and you do something about it because I enjoy Marathon and I definitely spend enough money in there that I can feel warranted writing this in hopes that you don’t want that type of individual associated with your brand…Thank You and bows the time to see how important customers are to your company…Susan Graves
got gas at marathon station 3150 chicago dr hudsonville mi.49426 gas had wated in 885.00 dollars damage to my truck ower wont pay marathon customer service dont call back state inspector found there was water in gas sending me a report
The gas station marathon took over at 8 mile road and John Road Road in Hazel Park, MI 48203 is not following the American Disability Act. There is no wheel chair ramp to enter in the front doors and the two on the side of the build ingredients is always blocked with tires or cars so on one side is completely unassembled and the other end is blocked by hoses laying across so a wheelchair can not pass. Therefore myself and others in our wheelchairs will no longer go there. This should be addressed. Again this is against the American Disability Act
I would like someone in the corporate office to contact me as soon as possible. I was sexually harassed by one of your cashiers tonight who also had a friend in the store while this happened. I know women are sexually harassed every day but this occurrence made me especially uncomfortable.
Subject: Fwd: Horrific Customer Service @ Marathon Gas 2210 S Holden Rd, Greensboro, NC 27407, Phone:(336) 854-2248
Store who treated me poorly:
Marathon Gas
Address: 2210 S Holden Rd, Greensboro, NC 27407
Phone:(336) 854-2248
Hours: 7:00 AM – 11:30 PM
To whom it may concern:
Approximately 10:45pm on 12/24/2015, I approached the Marathon register faced by a representative that I have seen on hundreds of occasions, as I have been a regular customer of this Marathon Gas for more than 2 years. I usually buy 5 – 10 packs of cigarettes at a time. I asked for my cigarette brand “Kamel Red 100” and he reached for them instinctively as he knows they are the only cigarette brand I buy. As I am on disability, and this is the end of the month, so money is running low. I had only $3.01 in cash, and I was going to run the rest of the transaction (approximately $1.64) on my debit card.
The attendant rudely stated that he would not be able to run my transaction because there is a $5 minimum on credit cards. I was not running a credit card transaction, I was running a debit transaction, so there should be no reason for him to balk at my payment method, as debit transactions cost a store nothing in transaction fees.
I tried again to explain that it should not be a problem to your store to run this transaction, and again he refused. He said, “I work for a boss, and he watches everything I do.” Embarrassed, I left.
I drove up the block to the Kangaroo Express at 3302 S Holden Road, Greensboro, NC, 27407, at approximately 10:55pm. I was greeted happily by the clerk behind the counter, and I explained that I wished to purchase a pack of “Kamel Red 100” but that I had only $3.01 in cash, and I was going to run the rest of the transaction (approximately $1.64) on my debit card. He said “No worries ma’am, we’ll be glad to take care of this for you”. He ran my transaction, which was $4.31 (almost $.35 cheaper than the Marathon store). He took my $3.01 in cash first, which we counted out, and then entered that into the cash register. He then smiled and offered the swipe pad for me to run my debit card and enter my PIN. I thanked the kind attendant for his service as he handed me my receipt, and asked him a quick question: Do debit transactions cost your establishment any money to process? To which he quickly answered “No, only credit card transactions charge a fee.” I thanked him again and went promptly to my car.
My blood was boiling. Not only did Marathon charge more for the cigarettes, but they wouldn’t allow a repeat customer who has spend hundreds upon hundreds of dollars at their establishment to run a split transaction just one time. I don’t do this all the time, and I rarely ask for anything “special” as a customer. But I felt jilted, embarrassed, and thoroughly frustrated. So, I stopped by the Marathon store again, walked in the door, and loudly voiced to the attendant that “1) Debit transactions cost your store nothing, 2) I am a loyal repeat customer and you could at least shown me some courtesy as your $5 rule is only in regards to credit cards, 3) That I got my cigarettes $.35 cheaper at the Kangaroo, which will now be my store of choice (regardless of it’s further distance).” He stood there in horror, and many customers left the store.
This leaves me to my main point: word of mouth is your #1 advertising option. If you piss off your loyal customers, you will lose business. Your store is not visually pleasing, it is dirty, full of junk jewelry and appliances that don’t work (and cannot be returned, even with a receipt [I tried on a phone charger]), and the attendees have no formal training in customer service. I worked in customer service for more than 13 years, and I know there are rules – BUT, rules are meant to be broken for loyal customers, especially when it costs the business NOTHING to make the customer happy.
For this I will say to you: you will never get another dollar of my business and every person I know will know of how rudely I was treated, and about the total lack of customer service. I don’t know how you people stay in business with crap explanations like “I work for a boss, and he watches everything I do.” DON’T WE ALL?
Losing a sale to the competition who had a better price and a better disposition is a no-brainer. But your ignorant representative is the reason I was drove to the competition. You might want to teach a course on “What is good for the customer is good for the business”. You’ll make a hell of a lot more money that way.
Thanks for nothing,
I have had an Marathon gas card for many years. Upon receiving my bill on 8-9-15, I noticed it showed a past due balance due of $8.00. An additional $8.00 and $2.00 in finance charges had been added. (All of this over $8.00) I checked my bill pay account and this amount was listed as being paid by my bank. A call was made to your CS” department in a effort to resolve the issue. Without getting into detail, the rep was not exactly customer friendly and I eventually hung up on her. She did not want to hear what I had to say. I paid the bill immediately. It cleared my bank today. My FICO score of 826 will explain my history. Today, 8-12-15, I received a call from Commenity bank. The rep said there was no indication of payment even after I told her I was looking at the confirmation. I called the automated line and cancelled my card. A similar situation happened to me with Exxon in 1978. I swore I would never use their products again and have not until this date. What goes around comes around.
I stopped at the Marathon store on East Kennedy/Channelside Dr. in Tampa. I purchased 4 muffins to take to the office. The attendant said 3 dollars. He did not ring it up on the cash register and did not give me a receipt. I gave him a $20 and he just put a wad of money in my hand. When I got to the car and counted, he gave me $13 in change? He was not very courteous.
How do you pay sales tax with that type of accounting?
I stopped for gas at the Grant Line Marathon located in New Albany, Indiana this am. The road sign advertised gas at $2.38.9. I inserted my card when I realized that the pump was charging $2.41.9. As I was low on gas, I put a few dollars in my car. As usual, no receipt was issued. I went inside the store and asked the cashier why they were advertising $2.38.9 on their road sign but were charging $2.41.9 at the pump. He told me that I pushed the wrong button…that I should have pushed the middle button. I informed him that I know that I pushed the middle button and to please give me my receipt. Upon printing the receipt, he finally acknowledged that the pump was charging too much and not matching the advertised price but he did not offer any compensation. I went back out and took a picture of the road sign to prove the overcharge. This is the second bad experience at this station. A few weeks ago after I inserted my card and had not yet begun to pump, the pump registered like .50 cents…nothing like getting a few extra pennies from a customer before they receive the product. I stopped the pump at $20.00 even and when my bank statement came up with this transaction, I was charged $20.01. Someone needs to investigate this place. I urge the everyday consumer to be on the lookout for scams at the pumps. I think my next step is the State Attorney General’s office. I am sure that if this has happened to me, it has happened to countless other innocent consumers.
The marathon station located on 16815 S Dixie Hwy, Palmetto Bay, FL 33157 has the worst employee named RICARDO. He is very disrespectful and only selects who he wants to provide service to. He has a very distasteful demeanor. I asked to speak to his manager after he rudely skipped over me to help another customer. He completely ignored me and said “Oooo I’m scared.” Then when I asked him to repeat what he said, he points to a number on the corner of the glass (305-251-9042), and claims that it is his manager Max number. I have called that number repeatedly and tried to get in touch with his manager Max, and even left a voicemail on how unprofessional this employee is. I will give up purchasing anything from Marathon gas stations because this cashier is ruining Marathon’s wonderful reputation of excellent gas, merchandise and customer service. This cashier does not embody Marathon’s climate for quality services in all aspects.Something needs to be done about this employee behavior.
Marathon station on 2nd ave Columbus ga. Needs a new look,gas pumps are old and replaced,some or out of order,and you can’t get a receipt at the pumps.please help this air pumps too.
Im writing this because I recently went to a marathon gas station in wildwood fl and on this visit I went to go cash my lottery tickets for gas money and I went in the store and the employee asked me for I.d. but I didnt understand why because i have never seen him I.d. anybody for cigarettes or alcohol or lottery tickets. I am of age but I said “so you can I.d. me to cash lottery tickets for gas money but you never I.d. anybody else for cigarettes or alcohol?” He knows this is true because he didnt say anything to my response he shrugged his shoulders like I was XXXXX out of luck because I dont look over 18, so frustrated and upset I left. Something needs to be done about this because that is bullXXXXX everybody needs to be I.d. and mind you I have seen him sell underage people cigarettes, needless to say i wont be going there ever again
HI to all…. seems Marathon has a lot of complaints..i know some stores are good but some are receiving complaints LIKE THE one I stopped at this morning. Was not a good rep at that store. I went in and prepaid $40, pumped only $33.09 and tank was full. So I went inside to get my cash back. The man tells me they dont give money back. I look at him like he is stupid and told him he has to. He repeats himself and so do I, another repeat from him and now I am getting mad. I tell him he has too, it is against the law and I can print and bring him proof. 4th time he tells me that dont give money back AS he is FINALLY opening the register and giving me my money back. I walk out, open my door and get my phone, take pictures of address and name of Marathon on pumps, THEN as I am getting in my van THE MAN comes out and says :Mam, I was just joking, it was a joke’.. I say… I DONT CARE, THAT IS NOT A WAY TO JOKE, YOU LOSE CUSTOMERS THAT WAY, YOU DONT GET CUSTOMERS THAT WAY!!!!!!. He went back in store and I left. I WILL NOT BE GOING BACK THERE, I WILL NOT GO TO ANY OTHER MARATHON. There, I am now done UNTIL I talk to a corporate Rep…. WELL… Facebook got my rant too. yes, i posted the story and the PICS on my facebook page.. YAY ME!
I went to one of your gas stations in Aurora Il and I prepaid $15.00 dollars went out to pump gas and the pump was broken and i didn’t realize it so it showed that pumped $15 . So I went home next morning I realized that my gas needle did not move so i went to the gas station to talk to the attendant his excuse was my gas needle was broken and told how can that be if i just put $10 in my tank and it gave me a half a tank your store is very crooked and I want my money . I’m a single mother on fixed income so my diaper money went in my gas tank so what do I do for diapers !
I work for Kent City Michigan management rose b. this manager likes to be little her employers in front of customers she likes yell and scream get your retina for things you didn’t do because you were listening to her. Undercover Boss needs to go to Speedway in North Michigan Lake kent City and do under cover boss.
you would lose a lot of district manager and management in your stores if he would do the Undercover Boss you did something to the Cedar Springs Michigan star by the molding the management and making her a cashier partner in a star who has no room for her because she was management she’ll get days so everybody else to add days will be kicked off not impressed with your store management I would still have my job if my manager would not of told me what to do all the time I got wrote up a lot because of this I lost my job because I was listening to her management and district manager has no idea nor do they care about their employees unless they like you if they like you you can get away with murder in the store if they don’t like you they will fire you get ready you for stupid little piddly ass thing I was a good employee I w her problem is she’s been there for 15 16 20 years and she don’t think her s*** stinks when a manager shows that the company only cares about the management and don’t care about their. The little cashiers which is wrong I would still have my job if we didn’t get caughtork for 7 flippin years I got fired because up all the district manager sooo the district manager and Rose be my manager my manager 7 years ago told me to sell Joyce wanted to make her store rock so she made sure we always made our candy goes at first and then at the end of my seven years make sure we were getting the same month
Hi I’m only leaving this comment because I can’t get a hold of you all’s voicemail. I am here in Lexington Ky and I recently bought an item from one of you all’s local store that has been expired for quite some time. I would have perfer if I could have left a voicemail so some could contact me back. I will Be contacting him soon.
Yes I was viseting the Tampa fl 33617 location on Fowler ave and the staff was very rude and un professional they never id but when they finally asked fir id I asked then why you never did before why is it a big deal they had an attitude so I stick up for my self and they start saying f****you your banned from coming here go f***yourself I will not let anybody disrespect me so I will disrespect right back I will take my business eels wear abs this will go out to public so everybody knows what type of people they higher I understand your don’t let anybody disrespect you but it’s called bit your tong nothing nice to say then don’t say anything at all really up set today March 20th 2014 130pm
I stoped at the Marathon at 7525 coldwater rd this morning to gas up. I paid at the pump and received a message that the cashier had my receipt. Went in and he gave me the wrong receipt. I noticed that as I started to walk away. I went back and told him he gave me the wrong reecipt and told him how much I spent. He waved his hand at me and said “Manager restroom” and would’nt give me the correct receipt. I ask him if he could speak english and he said “no, manager restroom” I had to stand there for 15 minutes waiting for the manager to come out of the bathroom. All he had to say to me was the clerk was new and the pump was out of paper. Not one word of apology that I had to spend 20 minutes on a transaction that should have taken about 3 minutes or the rudeness of his empoyee to me. I don’t think I will ever set foot in that gas station again.
I’m writeing this because I was concerend about one of your has pumps in Ohio that my wife works at and she told me that one of the gas pumps are leaking from the hose so she put a bag over it and I guess people are going to think hey its out of order well the customers don’t know that it don’t work or they don’t care but I guess some times they use it anyways all I’m saying is its not safe and I would think its dangerious so please have some one come down and fix it and have your employees please start writing on peace of paper saying out of order so they know it does not work and put the bag over the noozel thanks and have a nice day botkins Ohio marathon gas station
Hi my name is Eddy
My Fater of 69 years of age visited your store off of state road 82 in fort myers Fl. Your gas station had the sign priced at$ 3.25 now my father was charged $3.33 at the pump as far as I know this is called false when my father went inside the store to speak to the attendant the attendant told my father ” take off your F****ing glasses you idiot and look at the Goddamn sign” now I don’t know if that is how you run your business but it is repulsive to know what has happened today Mon, Oct 10, 2013. Now I want something done about this issue. Noone has the right to treat another person like that specially an employee of a big corporation like your. Now I would like some answers from you before making this into a bigger isssue going to the media