The Knights of Columbus is the world’s largest fraternal service organization with nearly 15,000 councils made up of 1.9 million members.
The organization was founded by American priest Michael J. McGivney in 1882 in Hartford, Connecticut. The motivation of the founding was to be a society of mutual benefit. McGivney was a priest in an immigrant community and he understood the challenges facing the community, especially to widows and orphans when the main wage earner died. He decided to provide insurance to care for them.
At the time, Catholics were regularly excluded from labor unions, organizations providing social services, and fraternal organizations and McGivney wanted to offer an alternative organization for adult Catholic men.
Today Knights of Columbus provides life insurance, annuities, and long-term care insurance to organization members and their families. The group also manages the religious art and history museum in Connecticut, the Knights of Columbus Museum.
Knights of Columbus is #935 in the Fortune 1000 and had over $2 billion in revenue in 2014.
In addition to insurance, the company operates many fundraisers and scholarship programs.
Knights of Columbus maintains a corporate office where it was founded in New Haven, Connecticut.
Knights of ColumbusThe Knights of Columbus is the world’s largest fraternal service organization with nearly 15,000 councils made up of 1.9 million members.
The organization was founded by American priest Michael J. McGivney in 1882 in Hartford, Connecticut. The motivation of the founding was to be a society of mutual benefit. McGivney was a priest in an immigrant community and he understood the challenges facing the community, especially to widows and orphans when the main wage earner died. He decided to provide insurance to care for them.
At the time, Catholics were regularly excluded from labor unions, organizations providing social services, and fraternal organizations and McGivney wanted to offer an alternative organization for adult Catholic men.
Today Knights of Columbus provides life insurance, annuities, and long-term care insurance to organization members and their families. The group also manages the religious art and history museum in Connecticut, the Knights of Columbus Museum.
Knights of Columbus is #935 in the Fortune 1000 and had over $2 billion in revenue in 2014.
In addition to insurance, the company operates many fundraisers and scholarship programs.
Knights of Columbus maintains a corporate office where it was founded in New Haven, Connecticut.
How do I cancel my Knights of Columbus Annuity for financial reasons ?
My Annuity pays 3.5% less than my banks Eight month Certificate Deposit.
It seems many inquiries do not get a response.
Sir William Haas
Council 1244
I would like to find out the value of my annuity. What phone number can I use to find out?
Call the corporate office number in our listing
I move that every council in the world give full support for every member of there council who promotes the Holy Rosary with a pamphlet of our lady of Fatima. Full support with Rosary’s and Pamphlets.
Dear Knights – This query concerns the amount of money that the Knights paid to bail out CRUX in 2016. The Knights’ 990 IRS 2016 report does not reference any money going out to pay for CRUX and the 2017 IRS 990 form has not yet been posted on Guidestar.
My two questions are – how much money did the Supreme Knight, Carl Anderson, lay out up front to purchase CRUX News Service, founded by the anti-Catholic Boston Globe and what good has been visited upon the long-suffering rank and file members as a result of that purchase which I presume must have been in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Thank you, Randy Engel
I am in possession of an old regalia of Chapeau, 2 Capes (white and red), Baldric, sword and Balearic. I am old and not going to get a new outfit. Is there a place I can send my regalia to benefit another Knight either in this country or another country. I do not want it to end up at Good Will or other organization. I checked with my Grand Knight and Faithful Navigator who were of no help. PLEASE ADVISE.
I need to fix a broken knights rosary. But I can’t locate a source for parts. Who can I write to to buy extra rosary parts?
Thank you
I have been trying to transfer my 4th degree council from Eugene Oregon to Salem Oregon for 5 years now and no one knows how to do it. I am in Council9263 Salem Oregon . My dues for 4th degree expired in June 2018 from Council 898. I guess no one wants my dues.
I need one of KofC forms to change my beneficiary. Can I download the form, or do you mail them out. Tried to contact an agent in the Phoenix area, but not too sure if he is still with KofC?
Thank you in advance for your assistance,
Gary C. Wright
My husband was a 4th Degree Knight and passed away Jan. 2nd of this year. The home association that he belonged to has a statue of the blessed mother outside (for which my son built the Pagoda which surrounds the statue and we supplied the tools) The home association is selling bricks for a path that leads up to the statue in memory of deceased members and family or supporters. These bricks cost $100. I requested a brick in memory of my husband on Jan. 15th and gave them a check. I have asked why the stone is not in place on several occasions and always get a response of “I’ll check into it”. No one ever does and the stone is still not in place. Doesn’t anyone oversee the home associations that bares your name?