Hallmark can trace its roots back to the postcard craze of 1903. After seeing one, Joyce Clyde Hallmark decided to make their own and add them to their store in 1910. Convinced that greeting cards would be more profitable than postcards, Hallmark added them to his lineup when he moved his store from Nebraska to Kansas City, Missouri.
Today, Hallmark is the leading manufacturer of greeting cards in the US. The company has branched out into other areas as well, including collectibles, Christmas figurines, ornaments, party goods, and collectibles, wrapping paper, as well as eCards. Hallmark also owns their own cable and television stations, making original movies. A premium subscription channel, called Feeln, is the main source of streaming Hallmark Hall of Fames movies.
In 2016, the company had annual revenue of $4 billion. This international company is still owned and operated by the Hallmark family and has headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri.
HallmarkHallmark can trace its roots back to the postcard craze of 1903. After seeing one, Joyce Clyde Hallmark decided to make their own and add them to their store in 1910. Convinced that greeting cards would be more profitable than postcards, Hallmark added them to his lineup when he moved his store from Nebraska to Kansas City, Missouri.
Today, Hallmark is the leading manufacturer of greeting cards in the US. The company has branched out into other areas as well, including collectibles, Christmas figurines, ornaments, party goods, and collectibles, wrapping paper, as well as eCards. Hallmark also owns their own cable and television stations, making original movies. A premium subscription channel, called Feeln, is the main source of streaming Hallmark Hall of Fames movies.
In 2016, the company had annual revenue of $4 billion. This international company is still owned and operated by the Hallmark family and has headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri.
Whatever happened to the nice movies on the hallmark channel. Lately there isn’t a decent movie to watch. they are dull and boring. I hope you find a way to get the good actors back from wherever they went;otherwise I’m going to stop watching your channel. The biggest mistake that was made was when they cancelled ” Home and family” Like I said I hope they bring them back
I am doubly impressed. First to withhold Republican donations after January 6th. I hope you got your money back and hopw you will donate to the Democracy Party.
The other is your kind movies I like to watch!
Keep it up!
Why in Gods name would you have a deceiving commercial for Medicare on your Channel how sad and disappointing it’s a scam why would you have it on there???
You have lost a faithful viewer. Television has become full of sex and violence except sometimes Disney. Hallmark was the only channel that I could count on to have clean morals and language. Why did you cave to the loud few instead of standing with all your watchers. These people probably do not watch Hallmark shows anyways.
I am also a faithful viewer and agree with the comments posted. I really have a problem with the ad showing the airline pilot sitting on the toilet. The product is for a poop spray. Granted using the toilet is natural but the number of times the ad is run during a two hour movie is totally ridiculous and disgusting!!
I agree with Laura completely. It’s a shame you fell into the hole of “being woke”. My family could always be together to watch a good family movie, but not any longer. Once you folded to the gay crowd you have made a gay couple included into most of your movies. Bill Abbott disagreed enough to leave the company and has now started GAC FAMILY. Now you are losing many stars, who want to make family movies again,to GAC. I hope you lose all of your contracts and everyone moves to GAC. As for me Hallmark is a station and card company in my past.
sad that you spoke for traditional family values and then turned chicken, no more watching hallmark
Because of your decision to continue ads that support the LBGTQ community, I will no longer watch the Hallmark station. I will no longer shop at a Hallmark store or buy your cards.
I would like to know why there’s not as many Christmas movies of African American people on Hallmarks screens , I like the show’s but would like to see Just as many of people of color
As with other channels we can quit watching hallmark at any moment! Homosexuals & lesbians are like 2% of America & we are sick of networks giving them and their abnormal view of sex air time! The commercial of the two women will not be tolerated by us! Keep your network free from these controversial elements of our community out of your movies! I have been a Pastor for 50 years & you will suffer if you continue to move in a perverted direction!
Where did you get your “facts”? Most scienctific studies show a population of 10-12% across the globe regarding the LGBTQ community. I find joy in knowing I can marry the person I love before your passing.
I have learned that persons who are homosexual were born that way – and that accepting them for who they are and acknowledging their rights has been a move forward for our culture. (at one time scientist and social leaders consider Blacks and women too intellectually inferior to be fully participating citizens- are we not fortunate they have been proven wrong) When Pope Francis was asked about the place of homosexuals in the church, he stated – “if they love God, whom am I to judge.” – I feel comfortable with that conclusion.
God can speak for Himself, and has called homosexuality wicked—- “……..and none of these shall enter into the kingdom of heaven.” Check out God’s word in the Bible, which is written on a sixth grade reading level. Don’t depend on any “man’s (pope is just a man in wolf’s clothing) words to take His place—not even me!
Dear Donald J. Hall Jr CEO,STAFF
My Hallmark (Kitty,s Hallmark ) at Sandhills in Columbia SC. IS CLOSING soon .
a lot of good people are going to be out of a job,customers who come to Kitty,s Hallmark because of great service, you have two lady,s name Katie can take you straight to the ornament,s you want, makes sure it is not broken before you leave you get coupons in the mail and can not really use them because the one and only one you want to buy comes out in Oct the Majestic Cardinal you see i am on a very strict budget and saving my money to buy him and with $10.00 off it would have been $24.99 not $34.99 now plus tax, s&h because i can not drive to the other side of columbia. I HAVE a facebook game bet i hope your team can help the HALLMARK PALOMINO ROCKING HORSE INSPIRED BY 1981 ORNAMENT HOLIDAY LAPEL PIN-MOC . I TOLD MY FRIEND THE LAPEL PIN CAME OUT IN 1981 SHE SAID NO IT CAME OUT IN 2000 WHO IS RIGHT.
Anita J.Hicks
You can get too much of a good thing, and that is how I feel about Lacy Chabert. She does a professional job but it seems lately every fourth episode now being shown features Lacy. Unless she is married to someone of importance in your organization I can”t see why she is featured so often when you have a whole stable of fine actresses.
Also, you can’t help but notice your attempt to create diversity. That is a good thing but every white person in this country does not have a friend with a different origin. Please give everybody a fair showing but not necessarily a lot more than their population representation. Thank you..
Want to know the year/years when the following card was printed: Connections from Hallmark To my husband
Father’s day is not a time for catching up on chores; It’s not a time for fixing leaks or finishing the floors. ( it has some bear-like cartoonlike characters on the front with water dripping into a pot.) 715-701-XXXX
Hallmark is kind of a fraud. You have actors who are anything BUT the nice good guy people they pretend but instead are just greedy and over paid. You have zero accountability in terms of diversity. This is the all Christian network and thus your card division for us is no more. Until you respect the diversity of this nation and stop acting like the most rigid of the wrong wing we are really turned off.
Yes, Lori Laughlin made a huge mistake. Haven’t we all made mistakes in our lifetime. I believe everyone deserves a consequence for breaking the law, doing under handed activities and bribery. I also believe as long as the person has not committed murder, sexually abused someone or abused another in any manner, then they should be given a chance to redeem their self. “When Calls the Heart” will not be the same without Lori being a part of it. Garage Sale Mysteries will not be the same either. Is it possible Hallmark acted way too fast and “jumped without thinking”, when you dropped her as an actress in your movies. I for one, will not be watching these two programs anymore because I don’t want to see anyone else replace her. Please reconsider how your reactions are effecting your viewers and her life. Bring Lori back, please.
Mr. Donald J. Hall Jr. and Staff,
As CEO of Hallmark Corporation, you and your staff have made a gravies error in airing the commercial of two lesbians kissing. Your corporation has folded for the small and sinful minority. The LGBTQ is not what your company stood for.
I enjoyed watching your programs with my family and grandkids knowing they would be family oriented. We as a family ( 4 households) have made the decision to cancel our three different Hallmark television channels. As for my household we will not buy your products any more.
My prayer is that the corporation will reverse their decision. I wish you no harm but I will openly speak to people about your unwise decisions.
May our LORD touch your soul. You and your staff have a Blessed and Merry Christmas.
Totally agree. This is a family show and I don’t want my grand children watching your commercials with gays kissing or pilots sitting on the toilet. That is not what a family show is about. We also will stop watching the Hallmark channel I am sad as this is my favorite channels but if you bow down to this type of commercials. We are bowing out
Love the garage sale mysteries, hope they replace Lori Laughlin with Lacy Chabert really like her, think she would do a great job.
After hearing about the College Scandal and finding Lori Loughlin is involved, the first thing I thought was this is so sad, not only for Hallmark but for all of us who have followed her appearances on Garage Sale Mysteries and When calls the heart series. What will Hallmark do? Will you find another actress to continue in her roles? I hate to see those shows cancelled because of a scandal. Please put out a statement to let us know what will happen.
So many of us watch Hallmark because of it’s values and wholesomeness and we don’t want
to be deprived of that.
Hello. I would like to speak to someone about a new category of greeting cards. Thank you.
While browsing today at Annes Hallmark in Elizabethtown, Ky., my husband & I saw a display for Twisted Wares tea towels. We stopped to take a look for a possible future gift. The display had a cover sheet that had to be lifted in order to see the towels. We were extremely dismayed to see that each towel had a vulgar or profane saying on them. You can see them on their website. Using the F word on merchandise for sale in a Hallmark store is completely opposite of the family image that Hallmark portrays. I mentioned to the manager that we were surprised that she had that type of goods in this store. She just smiled & shrugged it off. We will not be shopping in that store again even though we have been a customer for years. Please tell me that not all of the Hallmark stores will be carrying that line. If that’s your policy, we will be forced to buy a different type of greeting cards and holiday ornaments. We really don’t want to do that because Hallmark has always produced quality items. Thank you for your time.
Response By Email (Shakeena) (06/15/2018 11:32 AM)
Thank you for contacting Hallmark.
We apologize for any inconvenience. However, these products are not distributed by Hallmark, are not sold in any corporately owned Hallmark Gold crown stores, and are not suggested as part of a Hallmark stores gift offering.
Independent Hallmark Gold Crown store owners make store operation and purchasing decisions for their businesses. We have verified that that this is a Gold Crown retailer, so National Marketing comes directly from Hallmark Corporate. However, the store may use other marketing companies and we do not have visibility to that information. Were sorry if this has caused any ill feelings.
We appreciate your thinking of Hallmark.
Hallmark Customer Care
I received this answer from your Customer Care Dept. As an individual who is very familiar with product branding and marketing, as a corporation, aren’t you at all concerned that your name is on a building that sells this type of merchandise? Regardless of what marketing company decided to purchase this low quality of product, Hallmark will be marked as the seller of these items. It seems that this type of conflict in the standards would be detrimental to the overall image that Hallmark maintains. We love the Hallmark brand because we know that we are buying quality products. Please don’t allow someone else’s poor marketing judgment besmirch your good name and reputation. Thank you for your time.
I agree totally with all of the above. I was looking up the corporate offices to write the same letter. The owner of the Paper Stores have to be aware of what’s coming into their store. To have this kind of profanity on just everyday products, like a potholder for a kitchen that your children and/or grandchildren will see while your cooking, is disgraceful. If I continue to see these items pop up in all of the Paper Store, you can BE SURE, I will not be shopping there anymore. I made a lot of purchases there, in the Reading, MA store, this Christmas, but I will unsubscribe as a member and will just shop somewhere else, which is a shame, because I thought this was a nice place to shop.
To lower yourself to these levels is disgraceful. There is no need of it. This kind of filth doesn’t help our younger generation at all. As it is, they think nothing of swearing, and now THIS. Help us Jesus! Please drop this item form your stores. Not just for my/your customers sake but your own self worth.
Thank You.
Dear Mr. Hall & Associates,
Last year our last area Hallmark store closed in Brandon, Florida; Greg’s Hallmark was our neighborhood haunt with the best people representing your fabulous merchandise. We actually cried when they said good bye. Now, to make this short and sweet. There is not another store for 20 plus miles! So. Mr. Hall & Associates, I am a Keepsake customer w/card and a Crown Rewards customer…..
Where is my incentive when you have Premiere Ornament Event, “free Gift” if you walk into a Hallmark store? I should be able to receive that free item because all our stores have closed!!! I just phoned two stores in Tampa and they too are out of business.
In just this area Valrico, Plant and Brandon we have at least 170,000 people, no Hallmark? Really?
Anyway, won’t you consider waiving the ‘only in store’ ???
Thank you for considering this heartfelt request,
Diane Atkinson