FamilySearch was founded in 1894 by the Genealogical Society of Utah, operated and funded by the Church of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons).
FamilySearch is a non-profit organization and website that offers genealogical records. It is closely related to the Mormon Family History Department.

FamilySearch is the largest genealogy organization in the world. Although it does require registration, it offers all services for free.
The main service of the FamilySearch website is to offer access to digital images and indexes of genealogical records. These images can be searched along with a number of databases.

The website is available in 31 languages and FamilySearch allows users to input same-sex marriages or other unions.
FamilySearch also offers free lessons to help individuals learn how to access, find ancestors, and add to their family tree.
FamilySearch has two mobile apps: FamilySearch Tree and FamilySearch Memories.

FamilySearch stores copies of their records in a dry, environment-controlled facility built into Granite Mountain in Little Cottonwood Canyon, near Salt Lake City, Utah. The storage facility is known as the Granite Mountain Records Vault. The vault stores over 2.4 million rolls of microfilm and 1 million microfiches.

FamilySearch operates over 5,100 Family History Centers in 140 countries around the world. The centers are branches of the Family History Library, often located within LDS Church buildings. Their purpose is to help people with their genealogy and provide access to and help with genealogical materials and software provided by FamilySearch.
FamilySearch maintains a corporate office in Salt Lake City, Utah.

FamilySearch was founded in 1894 by the Genealogical Society of Utah, operated and funded by the Church of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons).
FamilySearch is a non-profit organization and website that offers genealogical records. It is closely related to the Mormon Family History Department.
FamilySearch is the largest genealogy organization in the world. Although it does require registration, it offers all services for free.
The main service of the FamilySearch website is to offer access to digital images and indexes of genealogical records. These images can be searched along with a number of databases.
The website is available in 31 languages and FamilySearch allows users to input same-sex marriages or other unions.
FamilySearch also offers free lessons to help individuals learn how to access, find ancestors, and add to their family tree.
FamilySearch has two mobile apps: FamilySearch Tree and FamilySearch Memories.
FamilySearch stores copies of their records in a dry, environment-controlled facility built into Granite Mountain in Little Cottonwood Canyon, near Salt Lake City, Utah. The storage facility is known as the Granite Mountain Records Vault. The vault stores over 2.4 million rolls of microfilm and 1 million microfiches.
FamilySearch operates over 5,100 Family History Centers in 140 countries around the world. The centers are branches of the Family History Library, often located within LDS Church buildings. Their purpose is to help people with their genealogy and provide access to and help with genealogical materials and software provided by FamilySearch.
FamilySearch maintains a corporate office in Salt Lake City, Utah.
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